Drywall has been the most popular sheet finishing material in our country for over 10 years.

Plasterboard sheets (GKL) and gypsum fiber sheets(GVL) are ideal for quickly leveling walls and ceilings in a house or apartment with your own hands. But most novice masters do not fully understand the difference between them. I will talk about the pros and cons of each material so that you can understand the topic in detail and choose the best solution for your home.

Gypsum-fiber sheets differ from gypsum boards not only in appearance, but also in characteristics.

Material characteristics

To understand how GVL differs from drywall, we will first consider each material separately, and then compare their performance. So you can clearly see what is the difference between each of the options, and you can decide what is best suited for a particular room.


The material consists of gypsum, and the outer surfaces are covered with special cardboard, which provides additional strength to the sheets and makes the surface smooth. This simplifies the subsequent finishing.

Cardboard trimmed the entire sheet except for the top and bottom end

Advantages of drywall:

Illustration Description
Environmental friendliness. The composition of the material includes natural gypsum and cardboard. This allows you to use it in rooms of any purpose. In the process of work, it is not necessary to use protective equipment.
Convenient options. The width of the sheets is most often 1200 mm, for complex structures 600 mm options are available. Height - 2500 or 3000 mm, but there may be other options.

For walls, elements with a thickness of 12.5 mm are used, for ceilings and arches - 9.5 mm. The weight of the wall sheet is about 30 kg, and the ceiling sheet is about 23 kg.

On the front side there is always an edge along the longitudinal end, so that it is easier to close and strengthen the joints.

Ease of processing. Instructions for cutting the material and fixing it are very simple and do not require any application. special equipment and tool.

Drywall is easily cut with a construction knife, and fastening is done using self-tapping screws.

Flexibility. If you cut the inner layer of cardboard and moisten the material, then it can be bent. After drying, drywall again acquires strength. The photo shows how much you can bend the elements if necessary.
Different variants products for different purposes. The material can be of three types:
  • Standard. GKL is marked and used for general purpose premises;
  • Moisture resistant. It has green color, marked with GKLV and used in wet rooms;
  • Fire resistant. It has a pink color and is designated GKLO. This type is flame resistant.

Among the disadvantages of this option, low resistance to constant humidity and brittleness under shock loads can be noted.

When choosing the size of the sheets, consider the height of the ceilings. It is desirable that the entire wall be covered with one element, this increases the strength of drywall walls.

Gypsum fiber sheets

This option is made on the basis of gypsum and cellulose fiber filler, the surface is reinforced with two layers of fiberglass. This structure gives the sheets special strength and durability.

The gypsum fiber sheet is very durable due to the external reinforcement with fiberglass

The main advantages of this option:

  • Environmental friendliness. Both GVL and drywall do not contain components harmful to human health. The material can be used in any premises;
  • High strength. The material is well tolerated by all types of loads, including impacts. This allows you to use it both on walls and ceilings, and on the floor;

GVL sheets can also be used to level the floor

  • Convenient sizes. The width of the elements is 1200 mm, there are small format options for 1000 mm and floor elements for 500 and 600 mm. The height is from 2500 to 3000 mm, the floor slabs are smaller - 1200-1500 mm;

GVL floor elements have small size for ease of installation

  • Excellent performance characteristics. The material initially has a higher moisture resistance than drywall, so it is better suited for the bathroom and other wet areas. In addition, it has high heat and sound insulation performance.

The thickness can be 10 or 12 mm, the first option is used for ceilings, the second for walls

Among the shortcomings, it is worth highlighting the following aspects:

  • Big weight. With the same dimensions of GKL and GVL, the second option will weigh one and a half times more;
  • Rigidity. Important GVL difference from GKL - the material does not bend. Therefore, it can only be used on flat surfaces.

GVL can only be cut circular saw or other similar tool

When cutting GVL, a lot of dust is generated, so you need to work with goggles and a respirator.

Comparison of options by main aspects

To fully understand how GVL differs from GKL, we will present the basic information on these materials in the form of a table. It clearly shows the difference between the options under consideration.

Indicator GKL GVL
Price The price is from 70 rubles per square meter. Varies from 180 to 300 rubles per square
Strength Low, brittle material, cracks on impact High, sheets withstand high loads and impacts without problems.
Ease of installation Very easy to cut and attach. Moreover, there are no differences in processing for elements of different thicknesses, all options are easy to cut. The elements are difficult to cut and install due to the heavy weight and hardness of the material. This difference from drywall greatly reduces the popularity of GVL.
Insulating characteristics Medium. Decrease with increasing humidity High. Cellulose fibers perfectly dampen sound vibrations and have heat-retaining properties

Both drywall and GVL are most often attached to the frame. It can be wood or metal. Due to the large mass of gypsum fiber boards, the requirements for the supporting structure are higher for them, the craftsmen recommend taking a profile with a thickness of at least 0.5 mm. Any elements are suitable for drywall.

The frame for GVL should be much stronger than for drywall


After reading the review, you must decide whether GVL or GKL will be used for finishing. Weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of each option and only then make a decision. The video in this article will help you understand the topic even better, and if you have any questions, ask in the comments.

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Gypsum fiber and drywall: what is the difference

Currently, the so-called dry construction methods are very popular. What explains such popularity? The answer to this question is easy to find. Indeed, with the help of this method, it is possible to reduce construction time and reduce the number of technical operations. From here it follows that the most popular material is gypsum fiber sheet and drywall. Therefore, today, together with the Beton-Area.com portal, we will find out how gypsum fiber differs from drywall.

What are these materials

So, first we need to say that drywall sheet It has natural gypsum as a basis, which is pasted over on both sides with thin cardboard.

Gypsum fiber has the same gypsum as its basis. However, there are some differences here. The "core" of such a material consists of gypsum, to which paper fractions or cellulose fibers were added during production. Thanks to these components, GVL is a material that has additional reinforcement. The gypsum fiber sheet does not have a cardboard shell.

Features of these finishing materials

Gypsum fiber and drywall are two different finishing materials. So now we will find out what the difference is.

First you need to understand what features the GKL has.

  • So, drywall sheet is deprived of good strength. Therefore, during installation, a rigid profile crate is used. Before sticking a rigid crate on the wall surface, it is well leveled. Do this in order to avoid damage to the GCR.
  • Drywall under the influence of moisture easily changes its shape. Therefore, such material is used to mount any curly structures.
  • Attach the sheets to the wall with glue or self-tapping screws. Nails are not used in this case. Indeed, in this way, it is possible to damage the sheet of material.
  • The material is easy to process. And to cut a sheet of drywall you need to use a sharp blade.

Now it is worth bringing all the features of GVL.

Gypsum fiber has the following technical characteristics:

  • So, GVL is a strong and rigid material.
  • Gypsum fiber has high density and considerable weight. It follows that such a material perfectly tolerates various thermal effects.
  • Gypsum fiber does not have good flexibility. This quality makes cutting material complex process. It follows that GVL is not suitable for creating arches and other complex structures.
  • GVL exhibits good resistance to low temperatures. Here, this figure is much higher than that of a drywall sheet.
  • Nails can be hammered into gypsum-fiber sheets, which will hold in this material no worse than in wood.
  • Gypsum fiber is not able to absorb moisture. GCR here exhibits completely different characteristics. It follows that GVL is suitable for finishing the bathroom.
  • GVL is also characterized by a good indicator of sound insulation. Indeed, this material has a much better sound insulation index than drywall.

Scope of GVL

Now you have learned how gypsum fiber differs from drywall. Now I need to say about the scope of the gypsum sheet. So, such material for interior decoration is produced in the form of rectangular sheets, which may have different sizes. However, the most popular material is considered to be a gypsum-fiber sheet with dimensions: 10-12 mm in thickness, 2500 mm in length and 1200 mm in width.

Gypsum fiber is used for finishing and construction of residential buildings and utility rooms. Also, with the help of such material, you can arrange a high-quality flooring. In this case, GVL is used here as a basis.

Pay attention to the article: Gypsum tiles under the stone for interior decoration: photo and technical characteristics of the material

Moreover, gypsum fiber sheet can be used to build partitions between walls in residential areas. It has already been said above that such material can be an excellent finishing material for rooms with high humidity. Therefore, gypsum fiber is used for the base and for subsequent wall decoration with other materials in the bathroom and utility rooms with a high degree humidity.

GVL has been widely used in industry. For example, gypsum-fiber sheets are used to equip rooms that have high fire safety requirements.


Scope of GKL

Before talking about where this material is used, it must be said that drywall has several varieties. So, there is moisture-resistant drywall, drywall for wall cladding and ceiling drywall. With regard to the size of drywall, then basically consumers are buying up standard drywall sheets. Such sheets have the following dimensions: 1.2x2.5m.

GKL is used in various works. In particular, ceiling drywall is used to create modern multi-level ceiling structures. This type of material is used during the creation of decorative elements in the room.

Drywall for walls is used for leveling walls and for sheathing perfectly different surfaces. A variety of this drywall is characterized by high weight and good thickness.

Moisture-resistant drywall combines the characteristics of the two varieties described above.


As you can see, two modern materials for interior decoration have their own special technical characteristics that differ from each other. Therefore, when choosing a particular material, you need to take into account their qualities and know the scope of their application.


Gypsum fiber and drywall - what's the difference? Consider all features

Such products are quite often used in the field of construction and repair - for leveling surfaces, changing their configuration (relief), and partitioning. It doesn't make sense to list everything. The presence of the word "gypsum" in their names indicates that these materials are practically the same and are nothing more than analogues.

This often introduces some confusion, and for a person who is inexperienced in special terminology, it complicates the choice the best option for a specific situation.

What are these types of products?

Drywall (GKL) - a sheet, the basis of which is pure gypsum (pressed), glued on both sides with thin cardboard. Hence the name.

Gypsum fiber (GVL) - the basis is the same, but there is a difference. The "core" consists of gypsum, to which small paper fractions (cellulose fibers) are added. Therefore, GVL is a material with additional reinforcement (reinforcement). And there is no “shell” made of cardboard.

It is this difference in production technology that caused differences in some properties of materials and determined the specifics of their application.

Product Features


  • Drywall is characterized by insufficient mechanical strength (even brittleness), therefore, for its installation, a rigid profile crate is required. Before sticking to a solid base, it must be perfectly aligned, since even with slight mechanical stress, the sheet breaks easily.
  • GKL is quite pliable if moistened with water. It is this feature of it that is used in cases where it is necessary to mount a figured structure, for example, of an arched type. Or round the corner of the room.
  • Sheets are fixed either with glue or with self-tapping screws. But the nail will not stay in the GKL - it will only pierce it.
  • Cutting is not difficult - a sharp blade is often enough.


  • Gypsum fiber sheets are stronger, tougher than GKL.
  • The density (and, consequently, the weight of GVL) is also higher. Hence, greater than that of drywall, resistance to thermal effects.
  • Reinforcing fibers reduce the flexibility and pliability of the material. This complicates its cutting, and it is definitely not suitable for the manufacture of arches.
  • Resistance to sub-zero temperatures is higher than that of GKL, about 3.5 times.
  • Some "viscosity" of the structure leads to the fact that a nail hammered into a sheet holds in it no worse than in wood.
  • Gypsum fiber does not absorb moisture as intensively as GCR. Therefore, these sheets can be used to decorate rooms such as toilets and bathrooms. But we must not forget that, nevertheless, GVL also has a certain limit of resistance to liquids.
  • The sound insulation index exceeds the similar characteristic of drywall by 1.5 times.

Perhaps this is what fundamental difference between gypsum fiber and drywall. All their other parameters are almost identical - the temperature range of operation, hygiene, and so on.

On a note! Each type of product is produced in various "modifications", which have differences in certain characteristics. Before purchasing a product based on gypsum, all the features of a particular sample must be clarified additionally.


Sheets of both materials are produced in various sizes, thicknesses, and varieties. Therefore, if we summarize all the data, it turns out that, on average, GVL is about 1.8 - 2.2 times more expensive than similar GKL. Perhaps this is partly due to the fact that the latter have found wider application in everyday life.


Gypsum-fiber sheets against GKL - how are they different and which is better?

oGipse.ru → Materials

The building material that will be discussed is known to many. Gypsum fiber sheet is a mixture of pressed gypsum and cellulose fibers. It is made by a dry method without the use of moisture. Has two layers, one of which is primed.


Very durable building material. Has a large mass. Its structure excludes deformation and stretching. There is no possibility to bend. Does not contain formaldehyde and resins. Environmentally friendly. Sheets special purpose resistant to fire and moisture. It has high heat capacity and sound insulation. The price per square meter reaches 300 - 400 rubles.

Application area

Gypsum fiber sheet is widely used in the improvement of premises for various purposes. It is used as for suspended ceilings, and for supporting surfaces, and various enclosing structures. Physical properties make it possible to use it in rooms with high humidity, insufficient heating, in rooms requiring improved sound insulation. It can be used both in wall cladding, construction of partitions, installation of ceilings, and floor insulation.

When insulating the floor of a room using a gypsum-fiber sheet, it should be borne in mind that the basis on which it will be laid may be different. For example, either a wooden, or concrete, or expanded clay pillow. Gypsum fiber is laid on this basis. The next layer will be a “finishing” floor: tiles, parquet, laminate, linoleum. The role of the gypsum-fiber sheet in this design is to create a strong, fire-resistant, warm base.

The choice of this building material is so wide that it requires careful, individual approach taking into account the assessment of the room in which it will be applied. For example, there are sheets that can absorb and also retain a certain amount of moisture, which gives grounds for guaranteed use in rooms with high humidity.

Features of GKL and differences with GVL

There is a building material that does not require advertising. Everyone who at least once undertook to do repairs with their own hands or turned to specialists is familiar with him. This material is called drywall. In terms of structure, it is a dense gypsum layer on which two cardboard layers are glued. In terms of composition, it is filled with 93% gypsum (inner layer), 6% cardboard (outer layer), 1% organic matter.

Distinctive characteristics

Environmentally friendly. The content of threatening substances is zero. Endowed with impeccable sound-absorbing characteristics. Fire resistant (GKLO). It has sufficient moisture capacity, allowing it to absorb moisture when it is in excess in the room and return it when it is lacking. The price for one square meter reaches 100 rubles.

Practical use

Drywall is used for the construction of partition walls, cladding and leveling walls, ceilings. This finishing material is easy to install. Its use allows you to create cosmetic cleanliness in the room, hiding the communications available in the room under it.

Drywall makes it possible to implement various building and finishing fantasies, for example, niches, arches, columns, built-in lighting. If there are flaws in the design of the room, irregularities, curved walls, corners, drywall construction makes it easy to eliminate these errors.

Its surface is very practical, which allows you to simply prepare for pasting it with wallpaper, painting, or replacing some part of the structure. Possible errors formed during the installation of drywall (chips, seams, holes) are easily repaired with a related material - gypsum putty.

Acquisition of gypsum fiber and plasterboard sheets

Experts advise to purchase gypsum fiber and drywall from well-known international Knauf dealers. In this case, the quality of products is practically guaranteed. After all, this international company is based, without exaggeration, on the best business principles and has managed to maintain them even in our time, with the fiercest competition and the current global scale of activity. The company has earned undoubted success with its responsibility and hard work.

Benchmarking in Applications


Gypsum fiber sheet (GVL), in which gypsum is reinforced with cellulose fiber, is a fairly strong building material, which cannot be said about gypsum board (GCR). The compressive strength of the former is much higher, it is harder to process, but it is weak in bending and is not so suitable for the installation of curved structures. Drywall is fragile. It can be pricked during transportation, loading, subject to moisture. Its use is not recommended in wet areas, except for a specially designed moisture resistant look. This is one of the most important differences between GVL and GKL.

Environmental friendliness

GVL is more environmentally friendly compared to GKL. Its rigid structure eliminates the destruction of the sheet mass, while the gypsum board loses its declared strength over time due to gypsum turning into dust, and therefore, respiratory problems may occur.

moisture resistance

Gypsum fiber can be used without restrictions in rooms with high humidity, while drywall is undesirable to use in such rooms. But this material also has sheets containing special additives, the so-called moisture-resistant plasterboard (GKLV). They can be successfully used in wet areas.

fire resistance

The physical properties of GVL exclude its ignition, while conventional drywall requires coating with a special compound to achieve the same performance, which prevents the cardboard from burning. It has a special marking - fire-resistant gypsum plasterboard (GKLO).


GVL is massive, durable and heat-intensive. It can be used for floor insulation as its basis. GKL does not possess such properties, it has, first of all, a sham and decorative purpose. It cannot be used for flooring. At the same time, the lack of plasticity in the first deprives him of the opportunity to transform the room.

Price component

Gypsum fiber sheet is much more expensive. The difference for 1 m² in price can be up to 200 - 300 rubles. But this is the price for quality.

Conclusion: what is better GVL or GKL? As we, of course, were able to verify from the comparative analysis carried out above, it is clearly worth giving preference to the second option. Drywall has been replaced by a new building material - gypsum fiber, which has significant construction advantages.

It remains to add that the construction market, developing, offers more and more new Construction Materials. For example, a glass-magnesite sheet (SML), which has a number of advantages:

How to install a drywall partition

Basically drywall is versatile material, used in various areas of construction and decoration, is very popular among both ordinary citizens and large developers apartment buildings. It is used for wall cladding, creating partitions, ceilings, and is also used as a good soundproofing material. As with any type of material, drywall is divided into two main types: GKL stands for gypsum board, and GVL stands for gypsum fiber sheet.

To understand the difference and differences between a drywall sheet and a gypsum-fiber sheet, you need to consider what material they are made of, what properties they have, and in order not to miscalculate the budget, consider the prices for and GVL.

This list lists the main characteristics of the GKL sheet:

  • It is made from a mixture of construction paper and hardened gypsum;
  • Acquires the desired shape when wetted with water;
  • Does not require pre-treatment before use;
  • It is recommended to cut only across, for the integrity of the reinforcing cardboard;
  • Eliminates excess moisture;
  • Lighter in weight;
  • Sound absorber (preferably with thermal insulation);
  • fire retardant;

Excellent competitive characteristics that bring the material to the forefront.

Note: GKL sheets have a larger assortment and choice on the building materials market than GVL. Due to the low cost of production, such a material will be much cheaper than gypsum fiber.

But let's not forget about the presence of moisture-resistant sheets, based on the characteristics, you can notice the difference between GKL and GVL. They also have their own set of benefits. Let's consider in detail.

Characteristics of GVL sheet:

  • Instead of cardboard, cellulose waste paper is used;
  • Increased fire resistance and sound absorption;
  • Possibly cutting in any direction;
  • Not plastic (unlike GKL);
  • Homogeneous composition;
  • Heavier than GKL;
  • More expensive than drywall.
  • Increased strength

It is very difficult to say unequivocally which drywall or gypsum fiber to choose.

How to choose the thickness of drywall sheets, depending on the room, you will learn in the following article:

What is better GVL or GKL

Having considered the main characteristics of GKL and GVL, we will make a small verdict. First, you need to decide on the purpose of buying a particular sheet. And to know exactly what types of GKL and GVL are.

Varieties of GKL and GVL:

  1. GKLA - acoustic gypsum plasterboard, used as the final lining of soundproof sandwich panels. The unique development, which has an increased density of the sheet, has hanging acoustic properties;
  2. GKLO - fireproof gypsum plasterboard. In its manufacture, dense, flexible multilayer paper is used, as well as a gypsum refractory base;
  3. GKLV - moisture resistant plasterboard sheet.
  4. GVLV is a moisture-resistant gypsum-fiber sheet with excellent moisture protection due to the treatment of both sides with a water repellent and antiseptic agents.

If you focus more on quality and at the same time the budget allows you to realize your idea, then it is better to purchase gypsum-fiber sheets (GVL), since their density is much higher and equal to 1250 kg / m³, therefore, the strength of walls and partitions increase. Another advantage of GVL is that it is uniform in structure and any cutting tool can be used when cutting it without damaging the edges of the sheet, while cutting drywall damages the structure and forms uneven edges.

The increased strength of GVL is achieved by using additional adhesive additives with loose cellulose waste paper, which gives the material reinforcing properties.

If your choice fell in the direction of the cheapness and simplicity of your ideas, then you can safely take ordinary drywall sheets (GKL). Despite the low cost, such sheets have their advantages, and it is easier to work with it, since it is lighter in weight, the sheet can be given different shape(having previously moistened), and in general it is better to use them in not the most important projects, but to use GVL.

If, when decorating walls or arranging partitions, GKL is used together with heat-insulating boards, then good sound insulation can be achieved.

Each of the types of drywall is unique in itself, but if you take a broader look at the building materials market, you can find varieties of both drywall and fibrous sheets. Gypsum board can be made with additional additives that give it increased sound insulation and fire protection.

What is the difference between GKL and GVL

Gypsum plasterboard (GCR), in which gypsum is not compacted with pressed cellulose, is less durable than GVL. The rigidity is much higher in the fibrous base than the gypsum board bends better and acquires the necessary shape, and the gypsum board is not intended for curved structures. Let us conclude in favor of fibrous sheets. Based on years of research, drywall is less durable and susceptible to moisture.

It is worth considering that often when transporting or unloading drywall, it often breaks and crumbles at high vibrations.

In terms of environmental friendliness and health impact, GVL is more environmentally friendly than GKL, since over time, gypsum loses its original structure and turns into a loose substance, which negatively affects human breathing.

Tip: when buying, it is advisable to check the degree of environmental friendliness of drywall, which is indicated in the product data sheet.

If we take into account the practicality of using GVL and GKL, then the first one will be more versatile in use, it is suitable even for floor insulation, having thermal characteristics and serve as its foundation. As for ordinary gypsum board, it has no thermal insulation properties, except for its use with thermal insulation.

Manufacturers and hardware stores offer buyers discounts when buying drywall in bulk, which should be taken into account when buying a large number of sheets.

Comparing the prices for one or another type of gypsum boards, then definitely GVL sheets will be one and a half, or even twice as expensive. Today, the average market price for GCR is from 100 to 350 rubles per piece, depending on the size and thickness of the sheet, and the price for GVL ranges from 200 to 550 rubles per sheet. It is also worth considering that the dimensions of drywall sheets may vary.

If you have never encountered such material before, then read the basic recommendations when working with drywall. There are not so many of them, but they will allow you to avoid typical and common mistakes.

Among them are:

  1. Cutting GKL with anything is not worth it, for this there is a special thickness gauge cutter, which, when cut, does not damage the working edges of the sheet;
  2. For processing holes in drywall, it is recommended to use a peeling rasp;
  3. For chamfering, it is better to use an edge planer with two cutting blades on drywall;
  4. It is better to fasten sheets with self-tapping screws for metal, in increments of 20 to 35 centimeters, and so that the fasteners do not protrude, we fasten them to screws with a countersunk head;
  5. When creating internal and outside corners from drywall, it is better to use metal corners with perforation with their further plastering and finishing;
  6. After mounting the sheet non-standard shape, it is recommended to dry the wetting surface with a building hair dryer.

Nevertheless, which type of drywall to choose is up to you. If the work requires responsibility, quality and strength of the structure of the object and, moreover, the budget allows, then the choice will be in favor of a gypsum-fiber sheet. Well, if you decide to equip your country house, estate and even a bathhouse, then it would be advisable to use ordinary plasterboard sheets. This will save money, and the result will be almost identical.

The use of GKL sheets (video)

And in conclusion: drywall is often used in kindergartens and schools, namely its variety GKLO (fireproof), which is safer than usual. In general, drywall can be used for various purposes, but its main use is decorative finishing and creating unique designs.

Traditionally, drywall is used to create frame systems. Its use provides many advantages, among which a special place is occupied by the possibility of forming and obtaining perfectly flat surfaces. High practicality has made it almost indispensable. However, progress does not stand still and not so long ago another material appeared on the market, which in its properties is not inferior to drywall, and in some aspects even surpasses it.

In this regard, many people have a question, what is better gypsum fiber or drywall. It is not so easy to answer it, since both materials have both positive and negative sides.

Drywall appeared on our market about 20 years ago and literally immediately gained high popularity among builders, and a little later it began to be used everywhere. To date, the popularity of drywall is almost limitless, and its scope is not limited. It consists of only two components - gypsum and cardboard, which forms a dense shell and prevents the material from falling apart.

This is what drywall sheets look like

(GKL) is 2500 * 1200 with a thickness of 9.5 mm. Similar geometric parameters are optimal for, because they allow you to cover huge areas in a short period of time. In addition, the advantages of drywall include:

  1. Not toxicity.
  2. Environmental friendliness.
  3. Lightweight coverage.
  4. Ease of installation.
  5. Good sound reflection.
  6. Low thermal conductivity.
  7. Plasticity and possibility.

Such qualities have made drywall one of the best materials for interior decoration. It is light and easy to cut, which makes it possible to create objects of various complexity from it.

In addition, it bends easily and keeps its shape well. It is produced in three variations - ordinary (GKL), and. However, this material also has several disadvantages, which are as follows:

  • low ability to withstand lateral loads;
  • change in structure under the influence of moisture;
  • low bearing qualities.

Read also

The choice of glue for attaching drywall to the wall

By its structure, the material is not particularly brittle, but due to the large area of ​​the sheet, it often breaks. In addition, under the influence of moisture, the cardboard soaks, and the material loses its shape.

The scheme of the device sheets of drywall

At the same time, no furniture can be fixed to the finished surface without additional reinforcement.

Gypsum fiber: the structure of the material and its positive aspects

The disadvantages of drywall served as the starting point for the development of a more durable, but at the same time no less practical material. They became gypsum fiber, which absorbed all the advantages of GKL and made it possible to eliminate most of the shortcomings. The structure of such a material differs significantly from its parent and consists of the following components:

  • gypsum;
  • cellulose fibers;
  • perlite;
  • double fiberglass sheets.

The main difference from drywall is the lack of a paper base that maintains the integrity of the material.

Mounting process gypsum fiber sheets

In gypsum-fiber sheets, its role is played by a fiberglass mesh, which is superimposed on a gypsum-cellulose base and keeps it from disintegrating. To improve strength finished material, a small layer of gypsum is applied over the mesh, providing its reinforcement on both sides. At the same time, the standard sheet thickness is only 10 mm with a size of 2500 * 1200 mm.

Scheme of the gypsum fiber sheet device
Existing sizes of gypsum fiber sheets

From positive qualities material can be noted:

  1. High strength.
  2. Good bearing capacity.
  3. Fire resistance.
  4. Low thermal conductivity.
  5. High sound reflection.
  6. Ease of installation.
  7. Plastic.
  8. Environmental friendliness.

The finished material has a porous structure and is not smooth. Based on this, its only drawback is the need for a complete one. Today, gypsum fiber is produced in two main variations - ordinary (GLV) and moisture resistant (GVLV).

Gypsum fiber and drywall: the main differences and comparison of materials

It is possible to compare gypsum fiber and drywall for a long time, since each material has certain advantages that determine the scope of their application. At the same time, we must not forget that they have a similar structure with slight differences. Therefore, to say exactly drywall is better or gypsum fiber is not possible. The first of them can be used in places that cannot be finished with the second and vice versa.

Gypsum fiber has high plasticity and bends much better. Thanks to this property, small roundings can be formed from it and transitions between walls can be closed.

Specifications gypsum fiber sheets
Table of differences between drywall and gypsum fiber

At the same time, drywall is less plastic when dry, but if it gets wet, it can be given any shape. The main thing is to monitor the integrity of the paper layer and or it will not be difficult.

A large number of different buildings have a very unstable microclimate, for example, constant fluctuations temperatures or high humidity, which suggests that for their decoration it is necessary to select special materials that will withstand adverse conditions. Such material is moisture-resistant drywall - this is a more modern analogue of the standard plasterboard, which has a low cost, excellent quality, it is very popular among professional craftsmen. Its distinguishing characteristic is that it can be used to decorate absolutely any room.

Modern moisture-resistant drywall is installed not only in living rooms, in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom, in the bath or on the balcony, which can significantly reduce repair time and cost.

What is the difference between moisture resistant sheets and ordinary ones?

Waterproof drywall has several distinctive characteristics by which it can be distinguished from standard samples:

  1. The color of the product - as for the color, everything is simple here: GKLV has a noticeable greenish tint, from which the cardboard layer is made, and a simple plasterboard sheet is distinguished by gray shades of the cardboard layer.
  2. Product weight - due to the fact that the moisture-resistant version has additional elements (designed to create a water-repellent surface), which significantly increase the weight of the entire structure, they weigh about 2 kg heavier than ordinary sheets, which is their bright distinguishing feature.
  3. Deciphering the marking - here you need to know that a simple drywall is marked as GKL, and its moisture-resistant version, as GKLV.
  4. Dimensions of moisture-resistant drywall - at this point it is necessary to note its length, thickness and width. As for the length of the plate, it ranges from 2500 to 4800 mm, and the width can reach from 1200 to 1300 mm. If the repair requires products with other sizes, they can be made to order. All standard samples are created in the size of 9x12.5 mm - this thickness is the norm.
  5. The degree of processing of drywall - the difference between a moisture-resistant product and a regular one is that it is covered with special compounds that protect the surface of the sheet from excess moisture, fungi and mold.
  6. The price of the product - as for the price, the GKLV is more expensive due to the additional elements in the composition. All the rest of him technical features fully consistent with ordinary drywall.

Moisture Proof Sheet Certification

GKLV is great for finishing walls in rooms with a poor, unstable microclimate, because it has a gypsum layer impregnated with a special compound that helps repel moisture, which allows it to be used in work related to wet rooms. At the same time, the material bends well, so experienced craftsmen use it to create curly elements.

A certificate is an official document that confirms the quality of the products sold, it distinguishes the manufacturer from the mass of competitors whose quality has not been confirmed.

The certificate must have a note that the material is fire resistant (fire certification is required) and completely safe for humans and the environment, it will also not be superfluous to note the features of storage, basement-type rooms are perfect for this.

Moisture resistant drywall - what are the properties and benefits?

The properties of GKLV include the following:

  • high-quality sheets are green, less often pink;
  • the marking should be highlighted in blue on the back of the product;
  • since the material can be used as the main and as a finishing (decorative) here you need to decide on its thickness. So, you can choose either thin sheets(from 6.5 mm) or vice versa - thick (up to 24 mm);
  • an individual order of the product with the required dimensions is possible (if non-standard sheets are needed);
  • in order for the material to retain all its useful properties as long as possible, it must be treated (in the process of creation) with special substances that rid the surface of mold, various fungi and excess moisture;
  • GCR sheets may refer to different classes, for example, class "A" indicates that the products are moisture resistant, and class "B" is more suitable for less priority work.

Also, moisture-resistant drywall has several advantages, which attracts experienced craftsmen and specialists:

  • high water repellency and fire resistance;
  • good flexibility and ductility, which allows you to create designs of various shapes;
  • democratic prices;
  • non-toxicity and safety;
  • multifunctionality and versatility;
  • creates, provides and maintains the necessary microclimate of the room;
  • the material is very convenient, and easy to install and assemble, which allows you to work alone, without involving strangers in the work;
  • moisture resistant drywall has excellent soundproofing properties;
  • for this material any component or paint for trim or decoration will work well.

The use of moisture resistant boards

Moisture resistant drywall is designed for residential as well as non-residential premises whether they are heated or not. However, they may have high humidity. Such buildings include the following objects: bathrooms and toilet rooms, bathrooms, baths and saunas, changing rooms that are combined with showers, balconies and kitchens, attics and attics, this also includes swimming pools (with tiled trim), barns and garages, as well as apartment rooms that are located with north side where the sun's rays rarely reach.

In addition to residential heated premises, it is appropriate to use plates in unheated garages, barns or unglazed balconies. To achieve the maximum effect, you can stick a tile, the whole procedure is quite simple, so anyone can easily handle it.

In order for the sheets to serve for a long time, when installing them, you must pay attention to the following tips:

  1. Before finishing the GKLV room, it is imperative to inspect the room for ventilation (in its absence, plates cannot be used), it is worth noting that bathrooms should have one more ventilation in addition to natural ventilation. This will create the necessary air circulation, which will prevent all surfaces from condensation.
  2. For creating additional protection, all moisture-resistant sheets on the front side are subject to special treatment with hydrophobic impregnations and antifungal sprays.
  3. If the room is exposed to strong moisture, then experts recommend using an additional layer of plates, they will protect the surface and extend the service life.
  4. To create an original decor, you can use mosaics, tiles, various paints and wallpapers, with their help you can bring any design solution to life.
  5. To fill the voids in frame system it is recommended to use a hydrophobic insulator, it will provide protection from water, excessive noise and sounds, as well as large and rapid heat losses.

How to choose waterproof drywall?

To make the right choice quality materials that will last a long time, you should follow a few tips:

source: //izgipsokartona.com/o-materiale/vlagostojkij-gipsokarton.html

Gypsum plasterboard (GKL) is a multi-purpose material designed to solve construction and finishing tasks. It is used in the installation of functional and decorative partitions, leveling and wall cladding, manufacturing suspended ceilings, decorating interior elements. However conventional drywall one significant minus - the structure collapses over time in conditions of high humidity. To solve this problem, a waterproof drywall is used, which differs from the usual one in composition and technological characteristics.

Internal structure

Made from plaster test the core is lined with cardboard on both sides with glue, leaving only the end parts of the product open. The strength of the GCR is provided by the binding components added to the gypsum, and the function of the reinforcing frame is taken over by the cardboard, which serves as the basis for finishing materials- plasters, paints, wallpapers, facing tiles.

Bathroom cladding with GKLV

Unlike the usual moisture resistant drywall undergoes special processing during production, which increases the resistance of the product to moisture. In its manufacture, impregnated cardboard is used, and antifungal and hydrophobic additives are introduced into the composition of the gypsum core. As a result of such processing, moisture-resistant GKL gains no more than 10% moisture in a conventional period of time compared to standard drywall. It does not swell, does not increase in volume, drops can fall on the surface. It is washed if necessary. It is convenient to work with it when creating concave or convex structures.

A more expensive alternative to drywall is gypsum fiber sheet (GVL). This is a homogeneous finishing material without a cardboard shell and with an increased density, which, compared to conventional plasterboard, does not crumble when cut. Masters use it when leveling walls, making "dry" screeds, as well as when creating structures that are subjected to shock or other mechanical loads.

Marking - how to decipher the designations

When buying drywall products, carefully study the markings. It is applied from the back and begins with abbreviations indicating the type of GKL and its edges. Next come the size, release date (not on all products), information about compliance with the standard.

Three types of drywall sheets:

  • GKL is a standard plasterboard material used for facing rooms with normal or low humidity.
  • GKLV- moisture-resistant drywall, designed for rooms with normal or high humidity.
  • GKLO - fire-resistant drywall, which is recommended for use in rooms with increased requirements on fire safety.

The photo below shows the marking of a moisture-resistant gypsum board, where:

  • GKLV means moisture resistant gypsum plasterboard;
  • UK - refined edge (another name is "boat");
  • 12.5×1200×2500 - sheet dimensions;
  • GOST 6266-97 - interstate product standard.

An example of marking a drywall sheet

Also, these products, in accordance with the accepted standard, are divided into two categories - A and B, depending on the number of permissible defects for a certain size. A class A product is considered to be of higher quality, on the surface of which there are fewer flaws, which provides better putty.

The three main types of drywall are distinguished by the color of the cardboard. Although manufacturers do not have rigidly accepted standards, ordinary drywall boards are gray or pale beige, moisture-resistant ones are produced in green (or pale blue), and fire-resistant ones are in pink.

Color designations of the main types of GKL

Dimensions, thickness, weight

The dimensions of moisture-resistant GKL sheets on the market range from 600 to 1200 mm in width and from 2000 to 4000 mm in length. The dimensions of the common standard are 1200 × 2500 mm. At the same time, manufacturers meet the needs of customers and are ready to accept orders for the production of gypsum boards of non-standard sizes.

When calculating the cultivated area, they are guided by the fact that during installation building structures it is better to cut off the excess length than to add missing pieces of material to a shorter sheet. This reduces the number of butt welds and additional profiles. When purchasing drywall slabs, craftsmen recommend purchasing several pieces (depending on the amount of planned work) in reserve.

The thickness of the product is determined by its intended purpose. The thinnest drywall is arched. Its thickness is 6.5 mm, ceiling - 9.5 mm, wall - 12.5 mm. The thickness of a standard moisture-resistant material ranges from 9.5 to 12.5 mm. In reinforced slabs of moisture-resistant, fire-retardant, high-strength drywall, this parameter is in the range from 15 to 24 millimeters.

The weight of a drywall board directly depends on the size and thickness of the product. Weight at standard size 1200 × 2500 mm with an area of ​​3 sq.m and a thickness of 9.5 mm is 24-25 kg., And a product measuring 1200 × 2500 mm with a thickness of 12.5 mm weighs about 30 kg. Moisture-resistant drywall due to the additives contained in it of greater weight compared to the standard with the same sheet dimensions.

Bathroom design made using GKLV

Edge types

Another characteristic is the type of end edge, on which the strength depends, as well as the method of processing sheet joints.

Five types of edges:

  • The PC marking means a straight edge with a 90° angle. Sheets with such an edge are used for installation that does not require sealing joints. So, when sheathing in several layers, internal plates are used with this type of edge.
  • For a rounded edge (ZK), or a semicircular on the front side (PLC), only putty is enough.
  • When working with a thinned edge (UK), semicircular and thinned on the front side (PLUK), additional gluing of the joints with reinforcing tape is required, followed by puttying.

Craftsmen prefer slabs with beveled edges UK and PLUK, which provide the best strength seam and the absence of unwanted protrusions on the surface.

Types of gypsum board edges

Advantages and disadvantages

The indisputable advantages of moisture-resistant GKL include its safety for health. It does not contain toxic substances, and the acidity index is similar to that of human skin, absolutely harmless from an environmental point of view. This material easily absorbs and releases moisture, maintaining a stable level in the room.

The following video demonstrates the process of installing plasterboard in the bathroom according to the author's design:

At the same time, moisture-resistant drywall is not susceptible to the formation of fungi on its surface, which ensures a long service life while maintaining its original appearance.

Like other types of GCR, it is lightweight, easy to use, affordable and does not require any special care. Besides sound and thermal insulation properties boasts simplicity when working with various finishing materials.

But it is worth considering some disadvantages. This material is not very durable, it is not suitable for attaching heavy cabinets and shelves to it. In case of mechanical damage, dents or holes are formed. If the waterproofing layer is damaged, it loses its performance. In addition, any drywall takes up part of the usable area.

Of all types of drywall, it is moisture resistant that does an excellent job with the most wide range construction tasks and is popular with the consumer.

source: //gipsohouse.ru/typesof/moistureresistant/5065-gkl-vlagostojkij.html

Plaster for exterior and interior works

Plastering is the application of a special protective and finishing mixture to the ceiling and walls.

Currently, various types of plaster are sold in hardware stores for interior as well as exterior finishing works.

We will tell you in more detail about the varieties of this material, how to use it.

Types of plaster

Choice of plaster

In stores, you can find dozens of different types of such finishes. How to choose the right material, and how to save on its purchase?

If you have any difficulties in choosing, you can always consult the sellers in the store, they will help you with the choice.

Depending on its purpose, it is customary to distinguish ordinary, special and decorative plaster. Based on the purpose of the material, a specific type of finish should be selected.

Ordinary plaster is designed to protect the surface from moisture, as well as to level the walls. Subsequently, after applying the leveling compound, its further finishing is expected, which can be performed decorative brick, stone slabs and other durable materials.

This will ensure maximum durability of the surface of the walls and facade of the building.

Special plaster, depending on its purpose, can be heat-saving, moisture-proof, X-ray protective, soundproof, and so on.

It must be said that these varieties are difficult to work with and require compliance with all technological processes, standards for layer thickness and chemical composition material.

Decorative plaster appeared on the market relatively recently and today is actively used in repair work.

The use of this material, the use of various application techniques with subsequent processing allows you to create attractive and original repairs premises.

Depending on the scope of use, plaster can be divided into material for outdoor and indoor use.

So, for example, gypsum mixtures that are popular today are designed for indoor use with a natural level of humidity. Whereas cement-sand-based mortars are versatile and can be used with equal success for outdoor and indoor work.

Finishing material for interior work

lime mortars

Lime, gypsum mixtures, as well as magnesia plasters are widely used when performing interior finishing work.

Each of these varieties has certain advantages and disadvantages. Lime mortars are environmentally friendly, fast application, have an affordable cost.

The disadvantages of such plaster include its direct indicators of strength. Such a finish is prepared immediately before use and can be painted in different color. Through the use textured rollers you can give the walls the relief you need.

Gypsum plaster

Gypsum plaster is versatile, easy to use.

The possibility of staining, as well as obtaining a textured surface, makes this option popular when performing design repairs.

Their shortcomings can be distinguished by its not too high strength and low moisture resistance. The latter does not allow the use of this material for wall decoration in the kitchen, in bathrooms.

Magnesia plasters are made from environmentally friendly clean materials, differ in durability, excellent indicators of durability. This material is not afraid of moisture, as well as high temperatures. The disadvantage of finishing is its high cost, which significantly increases the cost of the homeowner.

Plaster for outdoor work

Cement-sand plaster

Cement-sand mixtures are distinguished by excellent resistance to moisture, which allows them to be used for outdoor finishing work.

Such plaster is durable, resistant to ultraviolet radiation. The excellent strength of this material allows it to be used for finishing the plinth.

Plastering is carried out for the basement with the addition of hydrophobic additives, which allow the material to withstand prolonged exposure to high humidity. It must be said that with all its advantages, such cement-sand plaster has one significant drawback.

Working with this material is notable for its complexity, which makes it necessary to turn to professional specialists when performing finishing work.

The use of plaster for interior decoration

In construction stores, you can find both ready-made plaster diluted in water, and dry mixes that require preparation before using them.

The preparation of the solution is not difficult, while the existing difference in cost, especially with large volumes of work, will allow you to save significantly. The leveling plaster is applied to the prepared surface.

The walls must be cleaned of the old finish, covered with concrete contact or primer. Only after that you can start applying the material with its subsequent alignment.

When applying decorative plaster, it is necessary to perform finishing using rollers and other tools.

Plastering of the facade and basement of the building

House facade plaster

Plastering the facade of the building allows you to give the building a neat, attractive appearance.

With the right choice of finishing material, compliance with all technology, such a finish will be durable and strong.

The application of the material is carried out on a pre-aligned, primed wall.

Surface leveling can be done long rule and corners. We can recommend that you use sprayers when plastering the facade of a building, which can significantly speed up the finishing work.

You can easily rent such equipment and finish the facade of your private house as soon as possible.

Basement plaster is performed using hydrophobic additives and is different increased strength. Finishing is recommended by hand, and minimum thickness the applied layer is 15 millimeters.

In the future, it is recommended to carry out additional finishing of the basement of the building with durable stone materials or bricks. This will ensure maximum protection of the structure from moisture, and the base itself will be reliably protected from mechanical damage.


Plaster is by far one of the most popular finishing materials. With the right choice of type of material, you can easily use it for indoor as well as outdoor work.

Plastered walls have an attractive appearance, are durable and durable. The ease of performing finishing work allows you to carry out work on your own, without resorting to the services of professional builders. All this will allow you to save money by reducing the cost of repairs in the house.

All over the world, "dry" construction has been actively used for decades. This term came to our country in the 90s. Hearing this phrase, a person not associated with construction or repair work, not immediately be able to understand what is at stake. This term is used for works in which the use of solutions and mixtures to level the geometry of the room is minimized. Components for "dry" repair and construction - drywall, gypsum fiber and accessories.

Walls created using dry construction technologies

Why has this type of construction become more popular than standard, proven over the years types of surface leveling and masonry? Because dry construction brought whole line pluses, compared with "wet" counterparts:

  • work productivity is several times higher than in "wet" construction;
  • all materials are environmentally friendly and easy to use;
  • this is a great way to hide pipes and electrical wiring;
  • the difference in the load on the floor differs by 3-4 times;
  • minimum level of dust;
  • a massive concrete mixer is not required, which is difficult to place in a multi-storey building;
  • floor screed "dry" method does not harm the walls.

A big plus of the "dry" type of construction is that all components are universal, easily adjusted to the parameters of the room. And to make repairs with your own hands using drywall or gypsum fiber is not difficult even for inexperienced builders.

Differences between GKL and GVL

The construction market offers an extensive selection of each of the presented materials. Gypsum boards are sheets measuring 1200 x 2500 mm (standard), which consist of gypsum with components and are lined with cardboard on both sides. The scope of GKL is wide, they are used to create partitions, arches, multi-level ceilings, leveling walls. There are four types of drywall that are on the building materials market:

  • conventional GKL;
  • moisture-resistant sheets treated with special components, cardboard on such a green sheet, which makes it possible to distinguish GKLV from GKL;
  • GKLO - refractory sheets that are able to resist direct fire for at least twenty minutes, GKLO is red;
  • GKLVO - universal sheets that are used in industrial premises. They have moisture resistant qualities and at the same time are quite fireproof.

Standard, Moisture-resistant and fire-resistant type of GKL

GKL was invented back in 1894 in the USA, when O. Sackett received a patent for a material consisting of a dozen layers of paper glued gypsum mortar. Fifteen years later, the design was improved by S. Kelly.

GVL or gypsum-fiber sheets are similar to GKL, but gypsum contains cellulose reinforcement and special additives. Gypsum fiber does not have a cardboard shell, its structure is homogeneous. And the strength of GVL is 3-4 times higher than that of drywall sheets. Standard 1200x2500 mm and 1200x1500 mm. There are two types of sheet edges - straight and folded. The scope of the sheets does not imply the installation of arched or figured structures, since the gypsum fiber is poorly bendable. Two types of GVL are produced - standard and moisture resistant, which is designated by the manufacturer as GVLV.

A homogeneous sheet of gypsum fiber does not have cardboard layers

Why GVL is ideal for floors and bathrooms, and GKL is great for creating designer renovations

As mentioned above, gypsum fiber is stronger than plasterboard. This allows it to be used for dry floor screed. Such a screed is made in at least two layers and allows you to create a smooth, dry and durable floor. Laying such a floor is quite simple, it is easy to cope with this task even without experience in laying floors, if you follow the technology. Any floor covering is placed on gypsum fiber - laminate, tile, linoleum, board. GVL also has good level heat capacity, it insulates the floor well, it is used to create a warm floor with underfloor heating. Drywall has lower strength indicators, and susceptibility to crumbling and excessive softness make it impossible to use it on the floor. Therefore, when working with a GVL floor, it is an obvious choice.

Dry screed

Builders use gypsum fiber to create wall partitions and suspended ceilings. Due to its strength, it is easier for him to bear the weight of doors, shelves, wall cabinets and other interior items. The websites of GVL manufacturers strongly recommend the use of GVL along the evacuation route from buildings and in rooms with an increased risk of ignition. You can also use fire-resistant GKL, which is treated with special components (GKLO), but its fire resistance is still lower than that of gypsum fiber.

If we talk about creating multi-level ceilings with decorative lamps, then drywall is unrivaled here. GKL with a thickness of 6 and 9 mm bends perfectly, and to give the material increased elasticity, there are special needle rollers on sale. In modern construction, arches and figured multi-level ceilings, boxes and niches in rooms and even entire walls with a large number of curly elements. Therefore, drywall is so loved by interior designers.

Figured arches and plasterboard partitions

What material is preferable in the bathroom and kitchen?

If we talk about rooms with high humidity, then it is necessary to take into account the pros and cons of each material. Standard drywall easily affected by moisture. In rooms with high humidity, GKLV is required. It is desirable to cover such walls with tiles, it will help repel moisture from drywall. But in such rooms you still have to deal with high humidity.

A bathroom in which drywall is used must be equipped with an electric fan for pulling humid air from the premises. Otherwise, it may happen that over time the walls lose their shape and become unusable.

beautiful interior with drywall

Gypsum fiber is also produced with treatment with antifungal and moisture-resistant components. Such sheets are called GVLV, they are also successfully used in bathrooms. If the budget allows you to purchase gypsum sheets instead, then it’s better to do just that. You can create boxes for hiding plumbing pipes and communications using GKLV.

Drywall and plasterboard. What's better?

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. There is no consensus among professionals - there are supporters of each of the materials. Those who prefer fiber gypsum will say that it is stronger and more reliable. And those who use GKL will definitely point out its versatility and more favorable price compared to gypsum fiber. Note that these two materials will perfectly help with dry construction and create reliable structures on long years. The difference in price, by the way, is no more than 200 rubles per square.

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