Wonderful artistic textures with images of colorful streaks on canvas are very convenient to use in design as a background. The result is always noticeable, and the site acquires a touch of light grunge and man-made. Wide strokes of paint, the very texture of oil paint drawn by the artist's hand, the interlacing of threads in the canvas - all this is very decorative and interesting in terms of design. In general, download and experiment.

In order to download your favorite texture, click on the appropriate picture. A page will open in a new window with several sizes available for download. To do this, click on the Actions button, then select View all sizes from the drop-down menu, select the desired texture size and save the image to your computer.

1. Texture of paint stains

2. Texture of paint streaks

3. Texture of paint streaks

4. Texture of paint streaks

5. Texture of paint stains

6. Texture of paint stains

7. Texture of paint stains

8. Texture of paint streaks

9. Texture of paint streaks

10. Texture of paint stains

11. Texture of paint stains

12. Texture of paint stains

13. Texture of paint stains

And here it does not play the role of capital or cosmetic appearance.

Surface finishing is necessary not only for beauty, but also to improve performance.

Every owner wants the walls to be practical. Therefore, often before starting repairs, the question arises of choosing a material for finishing.

It is even more difficult to pick it up when the walls are not smooth. After all, there is not always time, money, and just the desire to level the walls. Moreover, this requires skills.

Now there is an inexpensive and interesting material that is suitable for absolutely anyone. It was developed relatively recently, but has already managed to establish itself in the construction market. Textured wall paint will visually smoothen and add beauty to any wall. In addition, it is easy to apply, so the help of a specialist is not needed here.

Texture paint is used not individually for interior decoration, but also to give relief to the facades of buildings. This allows you to create a good protective layer against mechanical and natural influences.

It overlaps well, but if the surface is compatible with the one used. Texture paint has many technical qualities:

  • water is used as a solvent
  • paint contains acrylic latex
  • density is 1.7g/mg
  • the required amount of material is 1.5 kilograms per square meter
  • dries for about two hours, at a room temperature of 23 degrees
  • stored closed, at an air temperature of not more than five degrees

The paint has an ideal viscosity, which allows you to apply the material and create a variety of decorations. This can be done with a special roller or a regular spatula. Texture paint can be of various colors, which helps to bring any into reality. It is also convenient to use because tinting is done at home. This will require a construction mixer and color pigment.

After applying the material, a protective film is formed on the surface, which protects against:

  • gusts of wind
  • raindrop
  • heavy snow
  • high temperature

Of course, this protection is not endless, but within five years you won’t have to think about finishing.

Texture paints have many advantages due to the composition:

  • practicality and resistance to various influences
  • maintains optimum humidity
  • prevents the appearance
  • moisture resistance, which allows the material to be used in the bathroom and in the kitchen
  • long service life in the initial form
  • environmentally friendly material without harmful substances
  • resistance to chemicals
  • leveling walls and filling voids
  • easy to apply, does not require special skills
  • the possibility of obtaining any color scheme and texture
  • acceptable cost
  • material is easy to clean

You the above benefits are the main indicator that texture paint is widely used in our time.

Main types of invoices

Now every person is trying to equip his house according to an individual personally created design. You can reproduce an interesting decor using texture paint for.

Each person can choose the methods of application independently. Using this paint, they make not only the necessary relief, but also the necessary color scheme. The surfaces that can be obtained using this material are divided into some varieties:

  • "Atacama" has a reflective velvet structure. To get the desired result, metal filings and quartz sand are placed in the material before use.
  • If a mixture of quartz chips is added to the material, and sawdust, the “Relief” surface is obtained. The degree of relief will depend on the number of added components. Therefore, the proportions are determined by each person individually for himself.
  • When the paint is diluted with modified starch and a surface is obtained, which is conventionally called "Mizuri".
  • Using texture paint, you can also imitate bark, cork or stone. The resulting surface is called "Marseilles wax". After the wall is completely dry, decorative wax is applied over the material. It gives the surface a striking effect of luxury.
  • If you add pigment dyes to the texture paint, you can get a pearlescent shade. At the time of dyeing, random stains are made on the surface, which imitate wet silk.

There are many more ways to use texture . A person can choose absolutely any texture and color for his room. At the same time, special skills are not required for this. You can do it on your own, without involving specialists.

Step by step process of working with the material

The whole process of working with this type of material can be divided into two stages:

  • preparation
  • application

At the first stage:

  • It is important to determine the possibility of surface deformation, as this may be the cause of shedding of the material. Therefore, vibration resistance is determined. If they are present, it is recommended to eliminate them immediately. Otherwise, all the work will go nowhere.
  • After that, the old material is removed and the plane is cleaned. It is recommended to cover all cracks with plaster. It is also taken into account that the differences cannot exceed two millimeters. It is this amount of error that the material is able to hide.
  • Also, for better adhesion, it is recommended to cover the surface with acrylic.
  • Important! The primer should be matched to the base material. The layer must be applied evenly, without gaps.
  • The primer dries for three, sometimes five hours.
  • When it is completely dry, you can proceed to the direct painting of the walls.

Second phase:

  • Before use, texture paint is heated to room temperature and stirred well. To facilitate the task, it is recommended to add water in the amount of two or three percent of the total volume of the mixture.
  • Next, fillers are added. As already indicated above, it can be sawdust, sand and the like. It all depends on the imagination of the person carrying out the repair.
  • Texture paint is applied in the amount of one, maximum two layers. It is recommended to do this in small areas of two meters square. This is due to the fact that it sets quickly, so it is necessary to work with it.
  • It should be borne in mind that the initial hardening of the material occurs after fifteen minutes, and complete drying takes at least a day.
  • It is better to apply the paint with a roller, then the layer will be more uniform.

And the final stage is the application of decorative patterns, if necessary. To do this, use special rollers or something else. It all depends on the imagination of the owner.

When applying texture paint, it is better to pay attention to the following important points:

  • If there is a goal to create chaotic stains, you can purchase a soft brush. Any pattern can be drawn on the material that has not yet hardened. The main thing is that the tool is of high quality and does not leave hairs. It will be difficult to eliminate them with paint.
  • When winding ropes on a roller in different directions, you can get bamboo stalks on the wall. This also requires a non-hardened surface to be carried out in such a way. The texture is quite interesting. A thick rope will create a more embossed pattern.
  • Pneumatic spray guns can be used to create different color schemes. But, it should be noted that the pressure level in them should not be lower than 5 atmospheres.
  • When there is a desire to reproduce individual drawings, it is not necessary to use special building materials. To create a relief, an ordinary piece of damp cloth, or a crumpled piece of paper wrapped in a bag, is suitable. It is enough to draw on a non-hardened painted wall and a three-dimensional pattern is obtained. Moreover, asymmetric patterns are now considered a trend, that is, which, in principle, are not repeated. But a decorative roller will help recreate the same pattern throughout. By the way, such a tool can be created independently from the means at hand.

Popular brands

Now the construction market is overflowing with various textured wall paints. Their price depends on the manufacturer and volume. Popular types of this material are:

  • TEX Universal. It is used for finishing mineral planes. These include brick and concrete. This type of material is used for exterior and interior wall decoration. The paint has a good covering quality and is quite resistant to various influences.
  • Another popular type of material is Optimist. It is made from acrylic. Used for all types. With the help of this variety, individual textures are created and minor wall defects are hidden.

Of course, the market is overflowing with different types of texture paints. But, they are not always of good quality. Therefore, it is best to use brands that have already proven themselves on the good side in finishing.

Texture paint: types and methods of application - on the video:

Texture paint will help create a stylish and original interior. Such a lining will not only make the surface more even, but also give it the desired texture.

A feature of texture wall paint is an unusual texture and patterns that create a stylish and non-standard cladding. Numerous options for such finishes will make the interior of the room original and cozy.

When choosing wallpaper for the kitchen, pay attention to texture paint. The stylish lining pattern is obtained thanks to the individual particles of the filler contained in the composition of the material. Textured wall paint is a type of water-based paint. The viscosity of this solution is greater than that of other similar materials, which allows you to achieve unique patterns.

What is texture paint?

Texture paints are known for getting rid of cracks, bumps and small chips without the use of additional materials. Such paint contains fillers with particles ranging in size from 50 microns. They give the composition the desired viscosity.

By consistency, the solution is a dispersed mixture of white color, in which acrylic polymers are present.

By adding various fillers, you can get any textured imitation for walls: textiles, natural stone or tree bark.

To get a rough relief base, sawdust is added to the mixture. If a glossy texture is required, the solution is diluted with water to the desired state. To create a solution with sharp edges, quartz sand is added to the composition.

The paint is applied to any prepared surface - concrete, brick or wood.

Pros of texture paint

Before choosing a specific wall decoration option, it is recommended to consider the main advantages of textural compositions. It is more economically feasible to paint a room with a texture solution than to engage in expensive leveling of the wall surface.

It is worth highlighting the following advantages of the composition:

  1. The low cost of the material allows you to create an affordable price.
  2. High-quality wall decoration without the involvement of expensive materials.
  3. Huge selection of color palette. In this case, the shades are adjusted over time.
  4. Ease of application.
  5. The possibility of finishing surfaces from different materials.
  6. High level of resistance to moisture and temperature.
  7. Resistant to mold growth on surfaces and UV resistance.

Walls covered with texture paint can be washed with water and not be afraid to spoil the surface. The mixture fits well in one layer and does not require additional processing.

In the production of texture paint for walls, safe components are used that do not provoke the occurrence of allergic reactions. By adding a certain color in the required proportions, the solution can be given any shade.

The main types of texture paint

The classification of paint depends on the initial composition and filler. The following types are distinguished:

  1. Solution for interior work.
  2. Composition for outdoor work.
  3. Fine-grained and coarse textured mixture.

By combining various fillers, the following surfaces can be obtained:

  • The surface "relief" is obtained by creating the effect of an uneven structure. The paint is mixed together with sawdust and quartz chips. In this case, the relief depends on the size of the added particles.

  • "Mizuri" is obtained by mixing the mixture with water and modified starch. After drying, the treated wall acquires shine and gloss.
  • "Marseille wax" is used to enhance the appearance of imitations such as tree bark, cork or natural stone. After high-quality drying of the paint, a special wax is applied to the wall, adding depth and beauty to the walls.

  • "Atacama" allows you to create the appearance of a velvet surface. Quartz sand and metal filings are mixed with an acrylic base.

The original solution is pearl paint, which has a pearly sheen. In this case, certain pigment additives are added to the solution. Application on the wall is carried out with random stains, which allows you to create an imitation of wet silk.

Features of working with texture paint

All types of texture paints are versatile. With their help, you can decorate wooden, plaster or cement surfaces.

To carry out the work, you will need a relief roller, a spatula, a sprayer, a sponge, a brush and a construction mixer.

Wall preparation

Before painting, preparatory work is carried out:

  1. Dismantled the old finish.
  2. The wall is cleaned and plastered.
  3. Cracks are closed. The height difference should not be more than 2 mm.
  4. The wall is treated with an acrylic primer, which ensures reliable adhesion of the decorative coating to the wall.

The shade of the primer should match the tone of the selected paint. Primed surfaces must dry for at least five hours.

Paint application

The easiest way is to apply paint with a special roller. In this case, the pattern is symmetrical and uniform. The viscosity of the solution is adjusted by adding water.

  1. Before work, the paint is heated to room temperature and mixed with a construction mixer. The mixture is diluted with water no more than 11% of the composition of the total mass.
  2. Depending on the desired texture, a filler is added to the paint.
  3. The paint is applied in one layer in small areas of 1-1.5 meters.
  4. A pattern is formed with a roller or embossed spatula.
  5. Pearlescent paint is applied with a special roller. In this case, chaotic divorces are performed.
  6. Texture paint with sparkles is applied in two stages. First paint, and after hardening, additional sparkles.
  7. The composition applied to the wall dries completely in a day. The initial hardening occurs in 15-20 minutes.

Secrets from experts

Using imagination, you can create original and beautiful ornaments on the wall. Useful recommendations will help you make non-standard patterns yourself:

  1. Interesting pictures are applied with a soft brush on an unhardened surface. In the same way, artistic stains are depicted on the wall.
  2. If you wind a rope around the roller in different directions and run it over a still wet surface, you can get patterns in the form of bamboo stems.
  3. A unique decor is obtained by using a wet rag or a piece of crumpled paper. This is not a decorative "brick" finish, but beautiful.
  4. Original ornaments can be created using a pneumatic spray gun. In this case, the spray gun must be held perpendicular to the surface.
  5. After the texture paint has dried, the wall is optionally treated with acrylic mortar or decorative wax.

Two-color patterns look beautiful. To do this, horizontal lines are drawn on a wet texture solution with a sharp object. While the coating has not dried out, paint of a different shade is applied using a stencil. As a result, a beautiful pattern is obtained on a relief surface.

On the wall, you can make an ornament of a geometric shape. For this, adhesive tape is used. It is glued in the form of a geometric ornament, after which paint of a different color is distributed onto the base. When the layer dries a little, the tape is removed.

Unusual patterns are made using a comb with large teeth. It is carried out along the wall in different directions. In this case, the paint layer should not have time to dry.

If you can’t apply a beautiful pattern, then you should take a large brush and distribute the paint in wide strokes. To make the surface uniform, first horizontal lines are made, and then vertical ones.

To apply the solution with a roller, tools of different widths will be required. The main layer is distributed with a large roller. In this case, vertical movements are made, and then inaccuracies and irregularities in difficult places are polished with a second smaller roller.

Using textured wall paint, you can create the most unusual and unique surfaces and bring to life an interesting room design. Proper application of the solution will help to make beautiful and stylish ornaments.

An integral stage of any repair, whether it is a major or a superficial “cosmetic” one, is surface finishing, which is necessary not only to give them attractive decorative properties, but also to improve their performance. In this regard, almost every one of them is faced with the choice of materials for wall decoration, which is often not as easy as it seems at first glance. The choice of materials and finishing methods is even more complicated if the surface of the walls leaves much to be desired and needs preliminary leveling, which requires the use of special skills. What to do if you do not have the time to align structures and special skills to perform this task with high quality? The most optimal solution to this problem will be the use of modern texture wall paint, which will not only visually level any surface, but also give it the desired texture.

Wall decoration with texture paint: a worthy alternative to traditional methods

A few years ago, experienced developers and apartment owners used traditional methods as the main surface finishing methods, such as cladding with plastic or wood panels, as well as banal wallpapering after preliminary plastering. Today, the list of materials for decorative wall decoration is constantly updated, and traditional matte and glossy paints and varnishes are gradually giving way to the leading position of a universal textured paint, posing as textured patterns and fancy patterns.

Contrary to popular belief, texture wall paint is not just a specific paint material with some specific characteristics, but a whole group of materials that have found their application as materials for textured surface finishes. Texture paint is one of the varieties of water-dispersion paints, the structural composition of which implies the presence of specialized fillers with particles about 50 microns in size. They give the paint an increased viscosity, due to which the paintwork material acquires the ability to create a relief coating.

texture paint photo

The main characteristics and varieties of texture paint

Textured paint, also called textured paint, is a family of paints designed to create a unique surface structure and textured pattern. The consistency of texture paint resembles a thick creamy mass of white color, in the basis of which the main place is given to acrylic polymers. Textured paint is characterized by a huge variety of colors and shades, which can be achieved by adding one or another pigment base to the paint structure, while the use of pigment dyes in various proportions allows you to further diversify the color palette of textured paint. In addition, after a preliminary consultation with specialists, you can purchase various fillers for textured paint, adding which you can create a high-quality textured imitation of a variety of surfaces, be it natural stone, textiles or wood. For example, if you want to recreate a rough relief wall surface, it is recommended to add sawdust to the initial mixture, while to obtain a smooth “gloss” you need to achieve the desired paint consistency by simply diluting it with water. Also, using texture paint, you can create a surface with sharp edges, for which quartz sand must be added to the initial mixture.

Varieties of texture paint

Depending on the filler and the initial composition, texture paints are divided into several main varieties:

  • Texture paint for interior work;
  • Texture paint for facade works;
  • As well as coarse and fine-grained textured paint.

The versatility of this paint and varnish material is due to the acrylic binder included in its structure, due to which the paint acquires increased resistance to atmospheric precipitation and temperature changes.

Advantages of texture paint: differences from traditional paints and varnishes

Before making a choice in favor of any particular option, it is necessary to consider the main advantages of textural compositions and their differences from traditional paints and varnishes.

  • Moisture resistance is one of the main qualities, due to which the use of texture paint is relevant when finishing the kitchen and bathroom;
  • The surface treated with texture paint is resistant to mold damage;
  • The resistance to ultraviolet radiation determines the possibility of using the paint as a finishing material for outdoor work. High resistance to aggressive climatic factors only confirms the correctness of the choice;
  • Long service life of the coating, during which the surface is not prone to change in its physical and decorative characteristics. Preservation of the original color of the coating is especially important in those conditions where all paints used are prone to fading and fading;
  • Due to the fact that only environmentally friendly components are used for the production of texture paint, the harmlessness of which is confirmed by the relevant certificates, their use is completely harmless in terms of the occurrence of possible allergic reactions;
  • The ability to keep the surface finished with textured paint permanently clean. This is due to the formation of a protective layer that is resistant to both chemical and alkaline influences;
  • Due to the ability of texture paint to hide cracks and voids, hiding irregularities, the surface does not need preliminary leveling and additional preparation before its application;
  • By adding a special color in the required proportions, you get the opportunity to give the paint any color and shade. If you need to change the color or make the paint more saturated, you can quickly correct its color scheme;
  • A distinctive feature of the surface treated with texture paint is ease of maintenance, and therefore, you can carry out wet cleaning of the walls without fear of spoiling the texture coating;
  • The textured paint applied in one layer does not need additional fixing and re-applying the material.

Important! The listed advantages of texture paint are due to the acrylic polymers included in its composition, which not only have high decorative characteristics, but also have great practical value. This includes filling microcracks on the treated surface, and masking all existing irregularities, and creating an optimal level of humidity in the room, the walls of which are treated with textured paint.

Given the feedback from numerous consumers, texture paint, which can be bought at any specialized store of paints and varnishes, is an economical material, the consumption of which depends on the complexity and variety of the pattern, as well as the similar condition of the treated walls. As for the price of textured paint, it is very democratic, thanks to which textured paint becomes affordable for a wide range of customers.

If we talk about the shortcomings, then they become almost invisible against the background of a large number of advantages of the material. The main disadvantage of texture paint is the ability of the material to visually reduce the room, which is due to the need to apply a thick layer of paint to the surface, as well as the volumetric texture of the patterns. However, this drawback can be easily corrected, which can only be done by choosing the right color scheme for the material.

The main types of surfaces created when applying texture paint

Proper selection of texture paint and its rational combination with various additives is the determining factor in the process of creating a unique decor that fits seamlessly into the overall stylistic concept of the room. The surfaces obtained as a result of applying texture paint, to which various fillers are added in certain proportions and combinations, can be conditionally divided into several fundamental types:

"Relief"- a surface with a relief effect, formed after applying texture paint, to which a mixture of sawdust and quartz chips is added. You can achieve the required degree of surface relief by adjusting the size of the particles used as an additive;

"Mizuri"- no less popular type of surface, characterized by a glossy sheen after final drying. To get it, texture paint must be diluted with the required amount of water and modified starch;

"Atacama"- a surface with a reflective structure that creates a unique optical effect of a coating with a velvet structure. To obtain it, the acrylic base is combined with quartz sand and metal filings in certain proportions;

"Marseille wax"- one of the types of coating, during the creation of which each beginner and professional designer will be able to show their creativity by creating a surface with a decorative coating that imitates cork, bark and various types of natural stone. After drying the paint, decorative wax is applied to the surface, giving it the effect of depth and luxury.

Important! Particularly in demand is textured paint with a pearly tint and a characteristic pearl sheen, which is obtained by adding pigment fillers to the acrylic base in certain proportions. In the process of applying paint with a roller or a wide brush on the wall, they try to create random patterns that mimic the texture of wet silk.

Methods for applying texture paint: choosing the best option

There are several basic ways to apply texture paint, the choice of which depends on many factors.

brush painting- a method that is relevant if texture paint needs to be applied to hard-to-reach or small areas. At the same time, it is important to note that the brush, the paint container, as well as the surface must be perfectly clean, which will ensure the best degree of adhesion of the material to the surface. Before starting work, the paint is mixed until it reaches a uniform consistency. First, the first layer of paint is applied in a vertical direction, and then the second - by performing horizontal strokes that allow you to even out the brush marks left after applying the first layer. The final stage is the application of vertical strokes that make up the third layer.

Applying paint with a roller allows you to create not only a reliable, but also a durable coating. When painting the surface with a roller, in most cases, latex-based acrylic paint is used, the main difference of which is the minimum tendency to subsequent shedding. After mixing the paint to a homogeneous consistency, it is also applied in two layers: the first - from the bottom up, and the second - from the top down.

Using a Sprayer is considered one of the least time-consuming methods of applying texture paint. Having prepared a clean spray gun and holding it perpendicular to the surface to be painted, paint is sprayed onto the previously cleaned and dry wall in two layers, the first of which is applied from left to right, and the second from right to left. Complete drying of the surface painted with texture paint is carried out within 24 hours.

Applying texture paint: materials and tools

Depending on the desired result, in addition to one or another brand of texture paint, the following tools will be required for painting work:

  • Sponge made of natural materials;
  • Paint brush;
  • A set of combs or spatula;
  • Embossed roller;
  • Construction mixer and pneumatic sprayer.

Technology for the gradual application of texture paint to the surface

Conventionally, the entire process of applying texture paint to a wall can be divided into two stages: surface preparation and the actual application of texture paint.

Preparatory activities

Considering that deformations can have a detrimental effect on the integrity of the applied texture paint layer and further cause its shedding, it is necessary to determine the resistance of the treated surface to vibration and deformations of this kind;

Next, it is necessary to carry out appropriate surface preparation, which consists in removing the previous coating, cleaning the surface, plastering it and covering up all existing cracks and potholes. It is important to consider that the height difference on the surface should not exceed 2 mm;

To increase the degree of adhesion of the decorative layer to the surface, regardless of the material from which it is made. It is recommended to cover it with an acrylic primer.

Important! When choosing a primer, pay attention to its color - it must match the color of the main paintwork material you have chosen. The applied primer layer must be uniform.

After applying the primer, leave it until the final drying, which, depending on the microclimatic parameters of the environment, varies from 3 to 5 hours. After the primer has dried, proceed to the final stage of finishing - applying texture paint.

Applying textured paint: fundamental points

Before starting work, the texture paint is heated in a prepared container to room temperature, after which it is thoroughly mixed using a construction mixer. To make their task easier, experts recommend adding water to the initial composition, the total amount of which should not exceed 11% and on average ranges from 2 to 3%.

Next, you need to decide on the desired texture of the finished surface and, in accordance with your preferences, add the appropriate fillers to the working composition in the required proportions, and then bring the composition to the required consistency.

Textured paint should be applied in one, maximum two layers, which should be enough to obtain the desired texture. The mixture is applied in stages, in sections of no more than 2 square meters. meters. Despite the fact that the initial hardening of the composition is carried out within 10-15 minutes, its final drying takes at least a day, depending on the microclimatic conditions in the room.

Important! The key to uniform application of paint to the surface is the use of a roller. Using it, you can not worry about the accuracy and symmetry of the pattern.

  • If you want to draw chaotic stains on the wall, use a soft brush with which you can apply any pattern in the desired style to the unhardened surface;
  • If you wind a thick rope around the roller in different directions and run it several times over the unhardened surface, you can create an imitation of bamboo stalks on the wall;

  • To create wall decor in the most incredible color schemes, you can use pneumatic sprayers, the pressure level in which must be at least five atmospheres;
  • If you want to create the most incredible patterns on the wall, it is not necessary to use professional construction tools. If you have enough imagination, you can use an ordinary wet rag or a crumpled piece of paper wrapped in cellophane to create an incredible decor, which is enough to run over the unhardened surface and get a unique designer decor.

Texture paint: popular brands

Despite the fact that texture paint occupies a vast niche in the paint and varnish market, the most popular are several brands that have won particular consumer confidence. These include:

Texture paint TEX Wagon designed for the treatment of mineral surfaces, which include cement, brick and concrete surfaces. This brand can be used for both outdoor and indoor work, including the decoration of rooms characterized by high humidity. It has a high covering ability and is applied in one layer, while being highly resistant to temperature and humidity changes;

Textural paint Optimist, is an acrylic-based water-dispersion paint, the main purpose of which is exterior and interior finishing work. With the help of Optimist texture paint, you can create spectacular textures, as well as hide minor defects in the treated surface.

Texture paint video

When interior decoration of the premises in the house, you can create not just smooth painted walls, but a beautiful relief surface using textured paint. This view will greatly transform the interior, add original details to it. Next, the varieties of textured paint for walls, the features of its choice and application will be considered.

What it is?

Textured paint is a thick viscous mass of high density based on acrylic and polymer components. Substances are often added to the composition, which, when applied, seem to scratch the layer and form a beautiful relief surface. It can be quartz sand, granite or marble chips of the finest grain size, crushed gas silicate, polymer fibers. To give greater density, modified starch is added to the textured paint.

Various types of textured paint are used for exterior and interior work, for facade cladding, finishing walls and ceilings. In fact, this finishing material combines two functions at once - paint and decorative putty. Therefore, repairs are reduced by at least half. Most brands have ingredients that allow a thick coat to dry quickly 1-2 hours after application, so you won't have to wait long.

In addition, high-quality types of textured paint have the following advantages:

  • do not contain acetone and other solvents, so during the work there is no persistent pungent odor;
  • created on the basis of harmless components, safe, do not corrode the skin if it gets on hands;
  • sufficiently resistant to damage and durable;
  • when applied, fill small cracks and crevices, leveling the surface;
  • resistant to moisture, temperature extremes, the effects of fungus and bacteria;
  • vapor-permeable, so air circulation will occur in the room after repair;
  • these materials are fireproof.

Before deciding to finish the walls in the room with textured paint, it is worth remembering some of its shortcomings:

  • thick layers require a large consumption of material;
  • if you want to repaint a section of the wall, then the old layer must be removed.

Despite these disadvantages, this paint is very practical and very popular in modern repairs. Its main advantage for beginners is the ease of application. The process is clear and easy, not requiring complex construction tools. Many are satisfied with the advantage that the walls do not need to be putty before painting.

What is the difference?

By its consistency, textured paint is much thicker than the usual types used for exterior and interior decoration: enamel, oil, acrylic. Therefore, when working with it, you will have to use slightly different tools and methods of application. The structural component is also different: if the main task of traditional types of paints is to make the wall even, then with the help of textured, on the contrary, they achieve a relief surface.

The composition of textured paints, unlike other types, may include fine-grained insoluble elements, which, when applied, give waves, roughness or other volumetric effect. The components of these brands are extremely diverse - from natural sand to complex polymers.

Unlike other types of coloring materials, textured paint does not require leveling the surface with base and finishing putty before application. Ideally smooth, zero-drawn walls are not needed, and this also simplifies the work.

To apply different types of textured paint, not only a roller or brush is required, other tools may be needed.

Types and characteristics

For interior wall decoration, several dozen types of textured paint are used. They differ in ingredients, purpose, shades and types of textures.

First, consider the most common textures of these materials:

  • "Mizuri"- is made on the basis of modified starch and acrylic fillers. With it, you can create smooth or textured surfaces with smooth curved waves. Thanks to the pigments, various shades can be obtained; when dried, the surface has a characteristic glossy sheen. A distinctive feature of this paint is that it is applied mainly by hand.

  • "Marseille wax"- paint based on artificial wax fillers. After drying, it looks like an aged stone with dark and light areas, the surface becomes shiny. This variety is a good protection against moisture and fumes. It is used for various rooms, the stone effect can add sophistication and nobility to the interior.
  • decorative paint "wet silk" contains cellulose or cotton fibers and coloring polymer pigments, giving different shades. The painted surface will not have such a three-dimensional relief as the Mizuri, but its appearance will be very impressive. Various brands of "wet silk" with the effect of velvet or velor will bring a chic atmosphere to the interior, under the influence of light the patterns will shimmer like silk threads, changing their shade from different angles.

  • Textured paint type "Atacama" contains quartz sand in its composition, which gives the effect of a rough surface. Special fillers give a cold metallic sheen, it seems that the wall is covered with an old mirror or steel sheet, the look is very original and spectacular.
  • Texture "shagreen" imitates the unevenness of the coating on concrete, metal or plaster. It looks like orange peel or sandpaper. Depending on the components, the "craters" on the surface can be from hundredths to several millimeters wide.

  • Type of textures "relief" with solid particles can have a variety of effects: cracking, smudges, waves, bark beetle and others. To create the desired texture for paint, use certain application methods. "Relief" can be monophonic or have several shades.
  • Silk plaster or liquid wallpaper- This is an interior decoration material. The composition contains cellulose fibers and polymers, giving a special velvet effect on the wall. Mostly light shades are used.

Paints with a texture can also be used for outdoor work: for the facade of a building and small architectural forms. They must be waterproof and frost resistant. To do this, you should look at the packaging in advance, water-dispersion and facade brands are suitable. In addition, there are universal types suitable for both outdoor and indoor use.

Depending on the basis, textured paints can be as follows:

  • acrylic types have high plasticity, are made on a water basis without solvents. Their advantage is harmlessness, lack of odors, the ability to use both at home and on the street. The disadvantages include poor protection from sunlight.
  • vinyl paints, having protection from external influences, are widely used for facade work. Due to their high plasticity, it is difficult to obtain a three-dimensional texture from them. Adheres well to any surface.

  • silicate species contain liquid glass, due to which, when dried, they form a protective film. Therefore, they are widely used in outdoor decoration. Of the shortcomings, it is worth noting the high consumption.
  • silicone paints used for outdoor and indoor work. Very plastic and resistant.
  • Mineral textured paints based on cement, moisture resistant and vapor permeable, but sensitive to temperature changes. Therefore, they are not recommended for outdoor use.

Any type of the described varieties for interior or exterior decoration has many texture options and a varied palette, the choice depends only on the tastes of the owner.

Color palette

Relief types and "Mizuri" have a large set of basic shades - from white to maroon. "Marseilles wax" can be beige, brown, wood-like. The texture of the surface treated with Atacama paint may have a noble metallic sheen of gold or silver. Textures "shagreen" are silvery black or light. Wet silk paint has a rich palette of colors: green, burgundy, dark blue, brown and others.

Manufacturers Overview

Manufacturer amourcolor produces textured paints of high quality, resistant to wear. Customers are provided with 3 product options: Tactite with a suede or mosaic surface, Perlata with a pearl sheen and Escenta with a variety of halftones. All paints are water-based and environmentally friendly.

domestic manufacturer "Lacra" offers paints with various textures: embossed, Mizuri, wet silk and others. All products of high quality can be purchased at a bargain price.

Russian company VGT produces paint and varnish products since 1992. It is possible to purchase various types of textured paints: facade and interior, water-based, crack-resistant.

The products are ideal for our climate. It has a lot of positive reviews. In the video below you can watch a master class from the manufacturer "VGT" on applying textured paint with the "Travertine" effect.

Manufacturer from France blancolor supplies many types of resistant materials for decorative wall decoration. Among them are Essuyables translucent paint, Tradimurs silk based on cellulose fibers, Effets Platre Cires with the effect of waxed plaster and many other types.

Paints with texture from the manufacturer Clavel have a variety of colors, perfectly imitate silk, brocade, velvet on the walls. There are different types of design - from antique to modern. The composition uses environmentally friendly components.

What to consider when choosing?

In the bedroom, living room or hall, it will be good to choose a textured paint for velvet or silk, the choice depends on the rest of the interior details and the preferences of the owners. For the ceiling of a living room in an apartment, it is worth using not too embossed views, preferably light colors.

In rooms with high humidity, it is worth choosing a waterproof or water-dispersion paint for the bathroom. In the kitchen, where the likelihood of contamination is high, a washable variety of such coatings will be relevant.

For facade work, you need to buy the appropriate brands with resistance to adverse weather conditions. Acrylic that fades in the sun should not be used, but it is better to choose vinyl varieties.

Subtleties of application

Doing it right with your own hands with the help of this material will not be difficult. This work can be done even by beginners in the construction business. A wall that needs to be covered with textured paint does not need an ideal finishing putty, but large irregularities and cracks will have to be eliminated. To do this, you can use a cement mortar or epoxy putty. After that, the surface is cleaned of dust and primed with a deep penetration acrylic primer.

It is best to work in rubber or rubberized gloves. Despite the fact that most textured paints do not have a harmful effect on the skin, it will not be superfluous to protect your hands. Before painting, it is necessary to protect floors and furniture from contamination, for example, cover them with plastic wrap.

Interior paint for interiors is applied to walls in several ways.

A thick pile terry roller is the most common tool for ordinary paints, it is also convenient for applying textured, not too thick compositions.

For ease of use, in order not to build a ladder, you can put it on a long fishing rod, which is sold in hardware stores. It is quite enough for the height of a standard city apartment.