Dracaena is evergreen shrub or a tree belonging to the family Dracaena (Agave). Sometimes this plant is called palm or false palm.
Now more than a hundred are known to science. Most of them grow in the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, as well as on the islands. South-East Asia. About forty are successfully grown in greenhouses, and about ten at home. This plant has a decorative value - it decorates the interior of any home with its bright rich green leaves. And besides, it is quite unpretentious in the care.

External features of this beautiful tropical plant

Particularly popular in indoor breeding Dracaena deremensis varieties are used. You can recognize the plant by a lignified non-branching trunk, usually densely leafy. dark green leaves of this species reach 50 cm in length. Once a decade, Dracaena deremskaya blooms with dark red outside and white flowers inside, and then forms berry-like orange fruits. In this article, we will tell you all about the features home growing dracaena. And most importantly, let's talk about diseases and pests that affect this beautiful tropical plant. Especially often, the owners of a false palm tree have a question about why the dracaena turns yellow. We will discuss this next. We hope our tips will help you in breeding this bright and interesting flower.

Beauty dracaena: why do the tips of the leaves turn yellow?

To grow healthy and strong plant, you should follow the agrotechnical rules for growing dracaena. At bad care it often changes the color of its leaves from emerald green to yellow and even brown or black. The tips of the leaves of this evergreen shrub turn brown and dry for various reasons, including due to unsuitable climatic conditions. Sometimes this also happens as a result of natural processes, including aging of the hardwood mass. It is known that dracaena leaves live an average of one and a half to two years, and then they begin to turn yellow, dry out and fall off. As a rule, this process of foliage death begins at the top of the plant. The lower leaves dry out more slowly.

In the case of natural yellowing, only ugly tips are removed, leaving healthy tissue. Thanks to timely pruning, the plant will not lose its attractive appearance.

Favorable and lighting

In an evergreen shrub called "dracaena", the tips of the leaves turn yellow, often due to a lack of light or due to an excess of moisture. So pick the right one temperature regime and good lighting very important. This plant prefers soft diffused light, with some varieties enduring a lack of sunlight in winter and autumn, while others react to a lack of a change in the color of the deciduous mass. If you notice dracaena leaves turning yellow (young and healthy), make sure it gets enough light.

In the cold season, you can highlight the palm tree with special lamps. At the same time, direct sunlight can adversely affect the plant. If you notice dry light spots on the leaves, move the flower to another place and protect it from the scorching sun.

As for the temperature regime, the dracaena does not like either heat or cold. The optimal range for its cultivation is 18-25 ° C. At temperatures below 15 ° C and above 28 ° C, the plant can become sick and die. The first sign of freezing is the curled soft brown edges of the leaves. The palm tree does not tolerate strong temperature changes, so do not put a pot with it on the windowsill, near an open window in winter time of the year. Frozen leaves can be saved - move the flower to a more warm place and spray it regularly warm water.

Setting and maintaining indoor air humidity

This tropical plant loves dry air. Therefore, it is undesirable to place a flower pot next to heating appliances and batteries. For normal palm growth, it is necessary to maintain sufficient humidity - above 60%, and also spray it daily from a warm spray bottle. clean water. If the leaves of the dracaena turn yellow or their edges turn brown, then you are violating the spraying regime and do not maintain optimal climatic conditions in room.

Remember: dry hot air is detrimental to tropical plant. But warm shower on the contrary, it is extremely useful. It allows you to perfectly moisten the leaves and wash off dust from them.

Dracaena Moisture Mode

Watering the plant should be regular and moderate. In no case should the flower be flooded. Between watering, the earthen room in which the dracaena grows should have time to dry out by at least 2 cm. The water is used clean, separated and not cold. Moreover, experienced growers recommend monthly loosening of the topsoil to improve aeration.

Extremely badly tolerates excessive moisture dracaena. The leaves turn yellow and fall off, the plant withers and may die due to root rot. Therefore, it is extremely important to establish the correct irrigation regime, moistening the earthen ball in summer period once a week, and in winter - once every two weeks. But you should not allow excessive drying of the substrate, especially if the air in the apartment is not too humid.

Feeding and transplanting dracaena

This plant responds well to periodic top dressing. It especially needs nitrogen. Most often, the lack of this element, as well as insufficient humidity air does not affect in the best way on a plant such as dracaena. The tips of the leaves turn yellow, wither and die. To prevent this, it is strongly recommended to feed the palm tree with special complex fertilizers. This must be done during active growth plants, from April to the end of August.

In order for your flower to grow well and have an abundant leafy mass, it is advisable to occasionally transplant it into a new substrate. If the dracaena leaves turn yellow, dry out, and new ones grow extremely slowly and turn black, then it's time to change the pot and soil mixture. Usually a flower that has been in the same substrate for more than three years is sick and does not grow well. The fact is that in the old soil accumulates great amount salts that impede the intake nutrients into a plant.

To make the dracaena feel good, transship every two years, in the spring. Land can be used special for palm trees. A little charcoal and sand can be added to it to improve the friability of the substrate. In addition to transshipment, it is necessary to replace the most upper layer potted soil new.

Reproduction of a beautiful tropical plant dracaena

This palm reproduces either by the apical part or parts of the stem. Moreover, the seedlings take root quite easily. The top of the plant is cut off (its length should be at least 10 cm) and placed in a container with water and pieces of activated carbon. After some time, the fragment should give roots, after which it can be rooted in the soil mixture.

Fine and stalk. It is cut into small pieces about 6 cm long and placed in moistened sand to a depth of 2 cm. For rooting seedlings support greenhouse conditions with the most comfortable temperature of 23-24 °C.

Pests: how to deal with them? Shchitovka and aphids

Besides wrong conditions cultivation, the plant may feel bad due to pests and fungal diseases. If the dracaena turns yellow, what to do in this case? To begin with, to establish which particular pest attacked the plant. Most often, the dracaena is damaged by the scale insect. It looks like brownish-brown plaques that form on the stems and surface of the leaves. Because of this pest, which sucks out cell sap, the dracaena feels bad - the leaves turn yellow. What to do to overcome the scale insect and protect the plant from drying out and falling off the deciduous mass?

To begin with, be sure to clean the leaves of pests by wiping them with a soapy sponge. In addition, the plant must be sprayed with a solution of the Actellik preparation (1 ml per 1 liter of water). The same insecticide is also used if the flower infects aphids. Such drugs as "Decis", "Inta-vir" and "Fitoverm" do an excellent job with it. If it is affected by this pest, then the dracaena looks bad - the leaves turn yellow and fall off or wrinkle, curl and discolor.

Thrips and how to recognize and fight?

Often dracaena is also affected by thrips, which are small insect pests that form colonies on the lower part of the leaf. If you notice that the leaves of the dracaena have acquired a characteristic grayish-brown hue, it's time to take action. To exterminate thrips, the plant should be sprayed with any of the following preparations: Decis, Inta-vir or Actellik. You also need to reconsider the growing conditions of the plant - reduce the temperature in the room to the optimum 24 ° C and make the air more humid. Why does dracaena turn yellow, covered with small white spots?

Sometimes the pest is to blame - spider mite, which is an insect of a yellowish-green color, no larger than 0.5 mm in size. He chooses a place for himself on the underside of the sheet and strikes the site, entangling it with a thin cobweb. To combat this insect, dracaena is treated with hot soapy water and sprayed with Acaricide.

Fungal diseases of dracaena

In addition to pests, fungal diseases can also harm your plant. infectious diseases, such as, for example, alternariosis (light brown spotting). On the dracaena, dry brown spots of a rounded shape may appear, inside of which there are concentric rings. As the disease progresses, the leaves turn black and die. To combat the fungus, fungicides such as Topaz or Oxyhom are used.

Dracaena also turns yellow due to heterosporosis. This fungus attacks the leaves of the plant and appears first as yellow and then brown spots with a dark border. Dracaena affected by this infection are sprayed with fungicides.

There is another disease that sometimes affects the palm tree, called "phyllosticosis" or otherwise "brown spot". On the leaves of adult dracaena appear large rounded light brown spots with a yellowish-green edging. As the disease progresses, the spots become covered with black spores. Fungicides are also used for treatment.

Serious bacterial infection

In the event that dracaena is affected by bacteriosis, the tips of the leaves turn yellow, soften and rot. Sometimes oily yellowish stripes appear on them, and medium-sized ulcers appear on the stems of the plant. It develops bacterial disease due too high temperature indoors, excessive humid air and lack of nutrients in the substrate. Unfortunately, bacteriosis is not treated, and the affected plant must be destroyed.

Now you know why the leaves of the dracaena turn yellow, and therefore they dry and fall off. In fact, there are many reasons for a plant: from violation of the rules of care to fungal diseases. We hope our article will help you in this difficult task - growing a healthy and beautiful decorative flower- dracaena.

Dracaena - one of the most popular large-sized indoor plants. The advantages of this false palm tree are its unpretentiousness and high decorative qualities. It is easy to care for her, and if you create for a plant optimal conditions, then it can do without transplantation and fertilizers for a long time. However, dracaena also has problems: sometimes the tips of its leaves dry, and the plant loses its attractiveness from this. And there are times when the leaves of dracaena turn yellow completely. Why the tips of the leaves dry on the dracaena and why the leaves turn yellow on the dracaena - we will try to give detailed answers to these questions in our article, and also tell you how these troubles can be prevented.

Dracaena turns yellow and dries. What to do?

natural causes

With such a phenomenon as dry leaves, almost all owners of dracaena face. There may be several reasons for this, and it is important to understand what can cause the drying of the leaves. If on the dracaena once every one and a half to two years they completely dry out lower leaves, then there is nothing to worry about: the plant thus gets rid of the old foliage in order to grow a new one. This is a natural biological process.

Low air humidity

The tips of the dracaena leaves dry most often due to low humidity in the room. You may not feel this disadvantage, but a plant originating from the humid tropics reacts painfully to dry air: it needs humidity in the range of 70-80%. This is especially important in winter when on full power air-drying heaters are in operation.

So that the foliage of the dracaena does not lose its decorative qualities in winter, you need to spray it daily with warm water. Additionally, you can use a household humidifier. Or you can, if it is not contrary to safety regulations, put a container of water on the radiator or put a wet towel. Evaporating, the water will saturate the air in the room with moist steam. In summer, dracaena if necessary sprayed several times a day and shower once a week.

Make sure that after the shower procedure, water does not remain in the axils of the dracaena leaves, as this can lead to their decay.

Violation of the irrigation regime

As for moistening the substrate in a pot, it’s just better not to be zealous here: dracaena is drought-resistant and not particularly moisture-loving. Of course, she needs to drink, but it will be enough to moisten the soil 4 times a month, after the substrate has dried to a depth of 3-4 cm. Focus on spraying the leaves, and not on watering. However, neither in summer nor in winter, do not allow the soil in the pot to dry out completely. As soon as the water has passed through the substrate, pour out the spilled excess and wipe the pan dry.

Dracaena reacts to excessive watering by yellowing and falling leaves, and if waterlogging becomes constant, then the dracaena trunk becomes soft and the plant dies.

Wrong location

Dracaena leaves become stained, dry and turn yellow if they are most the days are falling straight Sun rays. When grown on south side keep the plant not on the windowsill, but next to the window. Some species can develop normally even near the northern windows. Variegated forms need more Sveta, but they also cannot stand the direct sun: the dracaena needs bright but diffused light. Sudden changes in temperature, too low temperatures and drafts can also provoke yellowing of the leaves.

Nutritional imbalance

Dracaena health problems can also arise as a result of an excess or lack of nutrients in the substrate, especially against the background of other factors that complicate the life of the plant - dry air or excessive soil moisture. Moreover, the plant tolerates a glut of soil with fertilizers more difficult, than macro- and micronutrient deficiencies. Dracaena should receive a solution of mineral fertilizer for indoor plants with a predominance of nitrogen once every 2 weeks from March to September, and from autumn to the end of winter, the plant does not need to be fed.

Pests and diseases

If all the conditions for normal growth and development are created, watering and fertilizing are balanced, and the dracaena turns yellow or the tips of the leaves dry, then the point is viral infection or pests. If the dracaena is infected with a virus, you can try to save her

Dracaena ( false palm) is a fairly common plant that is often grown at home. the birthplace of this magnificent plant is Africa. This plant is quite unpretentious to the conditions of detention. But sometimes flower growers complain that dracaena sheds leaves. Why is this happening and what to do in this case, we will try to explain to you.

Causes of yellowing of leaves in dracaena

Why does dracaena turn yellow? In most cases, dracaena leaves turn yellow, dry out, and subsequently fall off when the plant is not cared for properly. The tips of the leaves can acquire not only a yellow tint, but even brown or black. Sometimes the leaves dry and fall off due to natural processes. It is known that the leaves of dracaena can live for about 2 years, and then begin to dry and crumble. Usually this happens from the top of the flower, the lower leaves do not dry out so quickly.

When the leaves turn yellow natural process, under such circumstances, it is enough to remove only nondescript tips, while maintaining healthy tissue.

Lighting and temperature

Why do dracaena leaves turn yellow? If the care is organized illiterately, then the dracaena grows poorly and its leaves dry, which fall off as a result. This often happens due to not enough light and excessive moisture. What to do in this case? This specimen responds well to diffused light, which means that the plant pot must be placed in a well-lit place, but it is not desirable that the sun's rays fall on the flower. In winter, when daylight is short enough, it is recommended to use additional lighting.

Dracaena grows normally at a temperature of 19-25 ° C. If the temperature is less than 15 ° C and above 29 ° C, there is a possibility that the flower will get sick and die. The tips of the leaves turn brown due to the freezing of the dracaena. The palm tree tolerates strong temperature changes very negatively, therefore, you should not place the container with the plant on the windowsill if the window often opens in winter period. Frozen leaves can be saved - you need to transfer the dracaena to warm room and constantly spray it with warm water.

Air humidity

The flower is quite whimsical to dry air. Therefore, a reservoir with a palm tree should not be placed next to batteries and radiators. The palm tree feels great when the air humidity is above 60%. It should also be sprayed every day with warm water from a spray bottle. When the care is correct, then you will face the problem of yellowing leaves. It is necessary to constantly engage in moistening the foliage and maintain temperate climate in the room.

Do not forget that dry air has a very negative effect on the plant. Professionals advise regularly giving a warm shower to a palm tree, this is extremely useful.


For room palm you need to create competent care. Dracaena should be watered moderately and regularly. Just don't water the plant. Before you start watering, you need to make sure that the top layer of the earth is dry. For this, only settled water is used. In addition, it is recommended to loosen the top layer every month, thanks to this there will be excellent breathability.

Excessive moisture for dracaena is detrimental. The leaves turn yellow, dry and then fall off, due to rotting of the root system. Why is it extremely important to correctly create an irrigation regime. For this it is necessary in hot weather moisten the soil once a week, and during the cold season - once every half a month. However, it is not necessary to allow the soil to be very dry.

Fertilizers and transplant

In order for the dracaena to have full growth, then it needs impeccable care. Dracaena needs periodic top dressing. It especially needs nitrogen. Often, when a plant lacks this element, the tips of the leaves turn yellow and fall off.

How to deal with it? To avoid such problems, you need to use complex top dressing and fertilize your beauty. It is worth doing this during a period of intensive growth, which falls from mid-spring to the end of summer. If you want your flower to grow normally and have a beautiful appearance, it is necessary from time to time to transplant the plant into fresh soil. When the leaves of the dracaena turn yellow, dry, and new ones practically do not grow, therefore, this is a sign that it is worth transplanting the dracaena. In general, a plant that has been in the same mixture for more than 3-4 years does not grow well enough. This is due to the fact that in the old soil there is an accumulation of salts, which in turn prevent useful components enter the flower.

For good growth, you need to do a transplant every 2 years, in the spring. It is best to do this by transshipment. soil mixture use for palm trees. It is also allowed to add to the substrate charcoal and sand. Moreover, it is necessary to annually change the upper layer of the earth in the tank to a fresh one.


Often the plant is affected by pests such as:

When a mealybug starts up, you can notice small cotton balls on the flower. To prevent it, you need to use a soapy sponge and wipe the leaves with it. In addition, it is recommended that the dracaena be completely treated with an insecticide.

It is permissible to notice a spider mite by small cobwebs and plaques on the foliage.

Control methods: in addition to a soapy sponge and special means, you need to bathe the palm tree. But before a light shower, you need to cover the pot with a palm tree with polyethylene, this is done so that pests with water do not end up in the soil.


Often, dracaena is affected by diseases. Basically, diseases can be fungal and bacterial.

With a fungal disease, brown spots of a rounded shape form on the palm. If the fungus is started, the leaves turn black and fall off. To overcome such diseases, it is necessary to apply fungicides.

Bacterial infections can be detected by yellow leaves that twist and fall. Such diseases occur for the following reasons:

  1. Temperature too high.
  2. Highly humidified air.
  3. Lack of nutrients in the substrate.

Among indoor plants, dracaena, which is sometimes called the "false palm", is very popular with flower growers.

Attracts deep, saturated color its leaves, the splendor of the crown.

However, if the plant begins to “fall leaves”, then everything is for real, without “false modesty” - one bare stem can remain from its former beauty in a matter of days.

To prevent this from happening (although the reasons can sometimes be objective, and they cannot be avoided), you must carefully monitor the condition of the green pet and, if you feel something is wrong, take action.

Problems with dracaena

The main problems with dracaena, like most cultures whose homeland is the tropics, are associated with acclimatization. In an ordinary city apartment the plant often lacks heat and humidity. Both that and the other dracaena need to be given additionally, and to do it correctly, without going to extremes.

If you find that the dracaena soft barrel and leaves fall, the bark has become wrinkled, which means you overdid it with watering.

If the leaves begin to curl or turn into a tube (this may mean that the plant has died) - it means that you could not provide a green pet comfortable temperature, did not save him from abrupt transitions from one microclimate to another.

Diseases and pests also create problems for the flower, which must be learned to recognize in a timely manner.

Leaves are falling

Of all varieties, the threat of “baldness” most often occurs in Marginata, in other varieties this problem is less pronounced. The main reasons why dracaena leaves fall may be the following:

  • natural aging (the leaves of this culture live from 2 to 3 years);
  • water scarcity;
  • cold air, drafts.

To help the plant, it is important to figure out which of the reasons is ruining your flower.

If it's about aging, then this process is objective and unregulated. Fortunately, nature provided that at the same time all the leaves of the dracaena will not leave - those of them whose deadline has come will begin to turn yellow, then curl, turn black and fall off. After some time, new, healthy leaves will appear in the vacated places.

In the event of a lack of water, mass leaf fall also does not occur.

The difference is that the aged leaves dry out completely, and those that have fallen due to the scarcity of watering still partially retain their vitality.

If the florist overdid it with watering, the plant begins lose green leaves- this is due to the fact that the roots rotted in the waterlogged soil and the plant dies.

Temperature discomfort (especially cold, draft) is expressed in the loss of green foliage by the plant.

Leaves turn yellow

If yellowness appears on the leaves, like gray hair in a person, natural causes, it may not capture the whole sheet, but its tips. In this case, experts recommend pruning, removing only the yellowed part and leaving a healthy. This will preserve the decorative culture.

Often the problem occurs due to the fact that the plant does not have enough sun. Most varieties have enough soft, diffused light, and even a short winter day does not affect them. negative impact. However, in some cases, dracaena cannot do without illumination and informs the owner of this by the yellowness of its leaves.

A similar reaction occurs due to excessive watering. And if the dracaena leaves have drooped and turned yellow, this may be due to a lack of nutrients in the soil. It is especially dangerous to keep a flower on a starvation diet during its active growth - from April to the end of August.

CAREFULLY: if water regularly remains in the axils of the leaves after watering and spraying, this can cause a color change from green to yellow.

Tips dry

This trouble can happen even with young foliage if the flower grows in the same pot, without changing the soil, for 3-4 years.

Salts accumulate in it, due to which the plant is not able to fully absorb nutrients, even if the owner regularly feeds his pet.

From salinity, the suction roots die - the main conductor of nutrients into the flower's body.

Due to malnutrition, the tips of old leaves also dry out. In addition, the problem may lie in the structure of the soil - if it is clayey, heavy, poorly permeable to water.

ATTENTION: the tips of the leaves sometimes begin to dry due to oversaturation of the soil with fluorine. This element is part of fertilizers for tropical crops, which should be used exactly according to the instructions so as not to harm the flower.

Yellow, brown, black spots on dracaena

Never reassure yourself with the phrase that “there are spots in the sun”: spots on dracaena leaves pose a threat to flower health and most often appear due to insufficient care for the plant, and their color helps to determine the essence of the problem. Here's what they're talking about:

Correction of mistakes in care

If the trunk of the dracaena wrinkled, the leaves began to fall off, there is a high probability of mistakes that the owner made, most likely due to inexperience. The main thing is to have time to correct them in time.

Among the most common mistakes:

  • incorrect, too generous watering (in fact, the soil in the pot should dry out between waterings, control its condition by sticking a thin wooden stick into the ground);
  • high dryness of the air (remove the flower away from heaters);
  • insufficient illumination (the plant must be provided with additional illumination);
  • exposure to cold air (frozen leaves will be helped by “washing” with warm water);
  • lack of nutrients (buy a fertilizer in the form of a stick in a flower shop and stick it in the soil - your pet will regularly receive top dressing in the amount it needs).

ATTENTION: if the leaves turn yellow after an unsuccessful transplant, help the flower recover by spraying the soil with Epin.

Dracaena diseases, symptoms, treatment

Experts (in order to prevent various diseases) recommend add potassium and phosphorus to fertilizers. Unfortunately, this is not enough to avoid diseases completely.

Pests that infect dracaena can be in the soil or get on it from neighboring, already infected, plants. Signs of ill health are cobwebs, specks, sticky plaque. Among the pests:

The reasons why the dracaena withers, its leaves turn yellow, dry and fall off, can be very different. It's viral and fungal diseases. But most often the dracaena dries for a reason improper care. What to do in such cases? What treatment does the flower need? Professional flower growers share their experience. So, why do dracaena turn yellow and leaves fall, what should I do?

Dracaena - leaves turn yellow and fall off. Causes, treatment

The first reason why dracaena loses its decorative effect, its leaves turn yellow, is natural process flower aging. So, the plant can dry out and fall off 3-5 lower leaves per year. In this case, the flower remains completely healthy. However, if the number of fallen and dried leaves exceeds the allowable limit, you should worry about the health of the flower and take a closer look at the conditions for its cultivation.

The leaves turn yellow and dry if the dracaena is frostbitten. For a flower, even a short-term effect is detrimental low temperatures. It is unacceptable to transport a flower from a store home in frost without appropriate protection. An open window in winter, under which there is a flower, can also harm the leaves. What to do if the dracaena is frostbitten? Move it to a warm room, but do not place it close to heating appliances. It is not recommended to feed the flower, watering is significantly reduced, as the mode of evaporation of the moisture of the flower is violated. You can place it under the greenhouse and perform frequent spraying. Epin is added to the spray solution.

Dracaena was transplanted. Its leaves are turning yellow. What to do? If the leaves turn yellow and fall off, then the dracaena suffered stress during transplantation. Its root system was broken. All palm trees need to be transplanted carefully by transferring them to a pot. bigger size without violating the integrity of the earthen coma. Otherwise, thin roots may be damaged. And they play a major role in nutrition and water absorption. In this case, watering the plants is reduced at times, frequent spraying is carried out. Can be added to water for irrigation Kornevin. It is also recommended to place the plant under a greenhouse, but do not overmoisten the potted soil. Humidity is maintained inside the greenhouse by frequent spraying.

The second case of incorrect transplantation - too large a pot was chosen, incommensurable with the size of the root system of the flower. In this case, the dracaena is sick, its leaves turn yellow and fall off. Why is this happening? There is an excess of soil in the pot, the volume of which the root system of the flower cannot occupy. As a result, excess moisture accumulates in the soil. Dracaena does not have time to drink it. In humid environment roots begin to rot. This is displayed on the leaves. So, the dracaena is transplanted, the leaves dry and fall. In this case, proceed as follows: take the plant out of the pot, inspect root system. If it is healthy (light brown or milky roots), the plant is transferred to a smaller pot. Sick horses must be removed. Places of cuts are sprinkled activated carbon. Next, the irrigation regime is normalized, frequent spraying of the flower is performed.

Why do dracaena leaves fall? It may be a natural aging process. In other cases, the flower simply does not have enough light or is waterlogged. You need to water the flower after the soil in the pot has completely dried.

Dracaena practically does not grow, and if it kicks out new leaves, they are light green in color, although I have enough for the plant sunlight and in winter they organize additional illumination. Reason: Dracaena has chlorosis, that is, it lacks nutrients. The plant is starving and therefore its leaves are discolored. How to treat a flower? Chlorosis in dracaena occurs when the soil contains little nitrogen, magnesium, and iron. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to regularly introduce liquid complex fertilizers into the soil. mineral fertilizers, plus microelements (potassium magnesia, iron chelate) are added separately. Top dressing is carried out from March to October every week, the solution is applied in a small concentration, according to the recommendations on the packaging with fertilizer. From October to March, you need to feed once a month.