If you are planning to build a 6x6 house with your own hands, then you should know that this process is quite simple on the one hand, and rather complicated on the other. Today we will try to talk about the sequence of actions that will be needed for someone who has decided on such a process, or is just thinking about this matter. We will also tell you what you need to consider when developing an estimate for a 6x6 frame house built by yourself. It should include all materials on the walls, foundation, interfloor stairs and roof.

In the material you will get acquainted with photos and videos on the topic of building a 6x6 frame house with your own hands. An approximate estimate will allow you to independently develop an individual project, while focusing on the parameters of all the necessary elements and the expected area.

We build a house (6 x 6) with our own hands

Process sequence

To build a 6 x 6 house with your own hands, you must follow a certain sequence of actions:

  1. Before direct construction, you must first prepare the site by marking it on it, which will indicate the boundaries of the future foundation.
  2. For the construction of a frame structure, a shallow strip foundation is best suited. For its construction, you need to dig a trench around the perimeter, and pour sand mixed with gravel on its bottom. After that, reinforcement is performed and the tape is poured.
  3. Now we have to move on to the construction of the floor frame of the 1st floor, which is made of edged boards. It is sheathed and insulated with mineral wool.
  4. Frame walls can be erected in two ways:
  • you can assemble the wall in a horizontal surface according to the template, then lift and install;
  • you can install the wall directly on site.

This process should begin with mounting racks, then - strapping and sewing.

  1. Now they are moving on to installing the floor of the second floor, the ceiling frame is performed in the same way.
  2. Door and window openings are filled immediately, in parallel with the construction of the frame. They also come with insulation, sheathing and laying engineering networks. After the work is completed, it will be very difficult to conduct an electrician or heating.
  3. Next, install the truss system, the crate and carry out the insulation of the roof.
  4. Lay roofing material.

Necessary materials for frame construction

If you have made a serious decision to build a 6x6 frame house with your own hands, you should very carefully calculate all the materials necessary for this process.

We want to offer you an approximate estimate of materials for the construction of a not very large two-story house:

  1. Foundation

For the construction of this simple structure, you will need a strip foundation, built using a reinforced belt made of metal rods, as well as knitting wire. A frame is installed on top of the foundation, then - floor sheathing. In the manufacture of the foundation, the following materials will be needed: geotextile, gravel, sand, edged board, waterproofing, reinforcement, film, knitting wire. The cost of all listed materials is 46,978.20 rubles. In addition, it is worth adding the cost of waterproofing the foundation (upper part) - 734 rubles. You will also need the material necessary for the floor frame of the 1st floor (here you should take into account the floor beams, waterproofing, finishing and rough floor, insulation). In general, the listed materials will cost 29,488.20 rubles.

  1. Construction of the 1st floor

For this design, you will need a separate assembly of each individual wall, which includes the installation of doors and windows, insulation, exterior and interior decoration.

2.1. Wall 1

Racks, braces, strapping beams, insulation, inner lining (drywall), outer lining (OSB), vapor barrier - 40,717.20 rubles.

2.2. Wall 2

Strapping beams, posts, window 120x120, braces, insulation, vapor barrier, internal and external cladding - 18810.00 rubles.

2.3 Wall 3

Strapping beams, racks, braces, insulation, window 120x120, vapor barrier, external and internal insulation - 14,598.00 rubles.

2.4. Wall 4

Beams, pillars, window 75x50, braces, sheathing, insulation, metal door, vapor barrier - 16,996.00 rubles.

2.5. Inner wall 5(racks, braces, beams, sheathing, insulation) - 2,550.00 rubles.

2.6. Inner wall 6(beams, pillars, insulation, braces, sheathing, beech door leaf 900 * 2000) - 7,649.50 rubles.

2.7. Inner wall 6(pillars, braces, beams, sheathing, insulation, beech door leaf 700 * 2000) - 3,882.00 rubles.

2.8. Ceiling for the first floor (plasterboard)— 2,820.00 rubles.

  1. Second floor:

3.1. Floor frame(cranial bars, floor beams, insulation, vapor barrier, subfloor, finishing floor) - 22,434.00 rubles.

3.2. Wall 1(beams, racks, sheathing, vapor barrier, insulation) - 7,358.50 rubles.

3.3. Wall 2 pediment(insulation, racks, window 90x120, beams, vapor barrier, sheathing) - 20,104.00 rubles.

3.4. Wall 3(beams, racks, vapor barrier, sheathing, insulation) - 7,358.50 rubles.

3.5. Wall 4 gable(insulation, sheathing, racks, beams, vapor barrier, window 90x120) - 16,492.00 rubles.

3.6. Wall 5(insulation, sheathing, beams, racks) - 3,822.50 rubles.

3.7. Wall 6(pillars, door leaf 900x2000 made of beech, beams, sheathing, insulation) - 4,420.96 rubles.

3.8. Ceiling for the second floor(edged board, drywall) - 2,964.00 rubles.

  1. stairs, roof, plumbing

In order to correctly calculate the cost of a 6x6 frame house that you want to build with your own hands, you need to correctly calculate the materials needed for the roof and other elements. So, for the construction of the roof of a two-story house with an ondulin roof, it will cost 38,694.00 rubles. These calculations include the cost of the rafter system, lathing, insulation, inner lining, overhangs, wind and hydro protection, ondulin and vapor barrier.

In addition, do not forget about the stairs, in a two-story house, of course, it is necessary. For the construction of a simple wooden staircase, you will need an edged board on the steps and a frame, railings, balusters, self-tapping screws, and a bowstring. These materials will cost 3,982.00 rubles.

The construction of a frame house involves, during the construction of walls, the laying of engineering networks.

For electrical wiring you will need:

  • wires (4.51mm) automatic 32A,
  • anchor hangers,
  • switch box,
  • counter,
  • electrical cables,
  • switches,
  • sockets,
  • energy saving light bulbs,
  • ceiling cartridges.

The cost of materials is 11,547.96 rubles.

In addition, for a frame house, plumbing systems will also need to be installed.

You will need:

  • hoses and clamps for connection,
  • pump,
  • pipes,
  • sewer pipes,
  • doubles,
  • mixers,
  • thermal insulation,
  • toilet,
  • wash basin,
  • bath,
  • sink,
  • shower cabin.

These materials will cost 24,337.40 rubles.

In addition, you should definitely take into account the consumables necessary for any type of construction, these are:

  • bolts,
  • nails,
  • metal corners,
  • self-tapping screws,
  • metal plates,
  • anchor,
  • sealant,
  • antiseptic,
  • putty,
  • construction tape, etc.

The total cost of these materials is 9,880 rubles.

It turns out that the construction of a 6x6 frame house will require 350 thousand rubles. This amount includes the cost of all necessary engineering networks. Additional funds will be needed if you want to build a balcony, porch, veranda. Also, funds will be needed for finishing the house. In any case, it should be understood that the prices for building materials in different regions are different.

If we compare the cost of a frame with other types of construction of houses, it is clear that such construction will cost much less with a high quality of the structure. It is these factors that have made this method of housing construction so popular today.

The construction of a 6x6 frame house with a terrace in two hands is quite feasible. Especially if before that you study the experience of your predecessors in order to borrow valuable information regarding the materials, technologies and techniques used. To this end, let's turn to the experience of the GrauRu forum member, who almost single-handedly built such a house. Due to the lack of labor costs, the cost of such a house is less than a million rubles.

  • prefabricated;
  • low cost;
  • ease of construction;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • good "warm-up" and the ability to retain heat;
  • design flexibility.

Based on the size of the building material (pine boards), the dimensions of the building were determined: it should be a 6x6 frame house with a terrace. The layout of the first floor included three rooms. Instead of the second floor - attic.

After determining the snow load (240 kg / m2) and the weight of the roof (40 kg / m2), a quality board 50x200 was chosen for the rafters. Since the ridge was not provided, the legs were knocked together in pairs into a triangle and connected with a nail plate on one side, and on the other with a plywood triangle. The width of the reference cut was determined by a measuring board, the length of which was equal to the width of the overlap. To add rigidity, each pair of rafters was additionally fixed with a coupler at a level of 2.5 m from the floor and a special jumper at an angle of 30 degrees. From the inside, the rafters received additional insurance in the form of a metal tape attached to the logs and stretched diagonally in a cross. To facilitate the lifting of the structure, a cord was used.

Under the excessive roof overhangs, a “ladder” had to be hammered together, since the removal of the beams was not thought out. The pediment with a step of 40 cm corresponded to the location of the pillars on the roof.

The large roof created significant windage, so for insurance it was necessary to skip the metal tape from the rafters along the racks to the strapping before installing the OSB boards. This was not done, the rafters had to be attached to the racks from the inside. I did the same with the lags, which I fixed with a harness. It is better to use metal perforated tape.

The canopy for the veranda and the roof of the house formed a single whole. Pillars and beams are made of timber 100x150. The step between the pillars is 2 m, the beam had a protrusion of 60 cm to form the roof overhang. To prevent the structure from walking, window corners 37x37 were used to stiffen it.

The time spent on the installation of rafters is 10 man-days.

wall cladding

Sheathing of the 6x6 frame house was carried out with OSB slabs 2.8 m manufactured by Egger, and fastening was carried out with 60 mm screw nails, which were driven in at 15 cm increments along the perimeter and 30 cm along the middle post. The position of the rack on the sheet was noted before the moment of installation. The binding was closed with a sheet using a 25 cm guide board.

The joints of the plates should be nailed apart, and the nails should be directed at a slight angle.

Labor costs - 3 man-days.

Roof covering and platform decking

Before laying the roof, a layer of vapor barrier was laid on the rafters - a Tyvek membrane film, and on top of it - a crate. As a material, they chose puretan metal tiles with a slightly thicker galvanization and a durable coating compared to others. During the laying of the tiles, ventilation ducts were made for the bathroom and the room, as well as a stove outlet.

25mm OSB with 4-sided tongue and groove was chosen as the decking. Installation took 1 day.


Insulation was chosen based on the optimal price-quality ratio. Most of all, Rockwool Light Butts Scandic (60x80 cm), Scandic XL (60x120 cm) for interiors and Technolight for exterior insulation met this criterion. The thickness of the slabs was chosen to be 100 and 50 mm in order to close all the openings in the walls and ceilings as much as possible. The most suitable step between the frame elements for laying Rockwool is 57-58 cm. Plywood sheets were used to keep the insulation in the ceiling opening. The crate for external insulation was made with a step of 59 cm. After laying Technolight, a Tyvek membrane was stretched over it. Styrofoam was used to insulate the windows.

The construction of low-rise small and compact houses is becoming an increasingly popular trend around the world. Such housing is much cheaper than building huge cottages with many rooms. For those who are looking for a combination of convenience, comfort and low construction costs, a 6x6 frame house is the best option. Its advantages over large suburban housing are obvious. It combines optimal space and money saving. For these reasons, many dwell on this option when choosing houses.

Our company "Kudesnik" offers customers to take advantage of our offer to create several projects at once. Before starting construction, our specialists talk with the customer. They study his needs and fix how the future owner of the house would like to see his home. It is very important to conduct a mutual dialogue between the company and customers during the construction of housing. After all, there is only one chance to build a good vacation spot. If you miss it and build a house incorrectly, then this can lead to serious financial losses. Therefore, the specialists of our company are always trying to find out what kind of housing our customer wants. So that after its construction, he was completely satisfied.

Why choose frame houses 6 by 6 meters

This housing has a huge number of advantages, which you can not guess the first time. Let's name the most important ones:

  • Minimum financial costs;
  • Fast erection;
  • Compactness;
  • Comfort;
  • Convenience.

If you choose suburban housing in a combination of price / quality / convenience, then the undoubted leader will be houses that are built using frame technology. The fact is that it allows you to quickly put the house literally on bare ground. The dwelling does not need large amounts of preparatory work, which are necessary during the construction of other houses. This speeds up the construction process at times. If you have a need to have time to build a house by the summer, then today is the time to order frame housing so that our specialists can do all the necessary work.

Large selection from the construction company "Magician"

"Magician" offers to see on its website a large selection of the most diverse houses. In the presented online catalog you can find the cheapest options. There are also more expensive ones, which include the extension of various types of terraces. You can find projects of frame houses with an attic of 6 by 6 meters. Attics perfectly complement the house and create additional space for recreation, entertainment, and in some cases work.

If you do not know which house to choose - call us! The specialists of our company will tell you the features of the construction of each type. They will explain what is the difference between housing in terms of footage, with balconies, a terrace, a veranda, and also answer all your questions. Give us a call and you won't notice how soon an excellent and beautiful house will stand on your suburban area!

Frame-panel structures have been used everywhere for a long time in the construction of private houses. The main advantage that attracts developers so much is the very short construction time. Projects of country cottages with dimensions of 6 x 6 meters are considered very popular due to the optimal ratio of usable area / construction price.

Project of a frame house 6×6 with an attic and a veranda

Consider a 6 x 6 frame house in more detail, and also evaluate the complexity of building such houses with your own hands.

In order to understand what makes them so popular among developers, it is necessary to analyze some of their features:

  • The small weight that it possesses, even if it is or with an attic. It's no secret that when building private houses, the lion's share of the cost of the construction estimate is the foundation. According to experts in the field of pricing and builders, the cost of a foundation for a house can reach thirty percent of the cost of the entire construction. But such costs await only those who are going to build capital buildings, for example,. But as for frame cottages, things are more encouraging here.

    The project of a frame-panel house with layouts and visualization

    Projects and drawings of frame houses with an attic, as a rule, involve the construction of lightweight types of foundations. This will accordingly contribute to the fact that the price of construction will decrease. Usually, pile foundations are laid in projects. In addition, the light weight of frame houses contributes to the fact that the load on the ground will be minimal. Consequently, a two-story frame house or can be built on sites with any type of soil. Despite this, if there are unfavorable conditions on the site, it is necessary to order a drawing and a project in order for the specialists to assess all possible risks. The price of construction will, of course, increase because of this, however, it will not be possible to worry about problems in the future;

  • Ease of installation work. The construction of frame houses is carried out using a very simple technology that excludes any wet processes, so the installation price will be low.
    Installation consists in constructing a frame, on which the skin is subsequently attached. These works can be done free of charge with your own hands, and it is not at all necessary to hire professional builders for this. Step-by-step construction instructions can be easily found on the Internet. It is possible to assemble such houses in a limited area, which is very attractive for builders involved in the sale of frame houses. This technology of building houses allows you to fulfill any desires of the developer, and the building can be of almost any shape;
  • A country two-story house or a one-story house with an attic does not shrink. Shrinkage occurs due to the presence of moisture in wooden building materials, which is a serious disadvantage. Because of this, finishing work can only begin after some time has passed, which in certain cases can reach up to one year.

    Ready-made project of a frame two-story cottage 6 × 6

    As for frame houses, here finishing work can begin almost immediately;

  • Excellent performance and long service life. Frame houses hold heat very well, which helps to save thermal energy. It is possible to heat frame houses in an economical mode, that is, most of the time it is only to maintain heat. The walls of frame houses "breathe", so the microclimate in the home will be very comfortable for the household. Due to this, the coolant may not heat up much, and the operating time of air conditioners in hot weather can also be reduced. Wall decoration can be carried out with any finishing material. The frame structure does not imply deformation during the movement of the soil or during subsidence under its own weight. If redevelopment is carried out in a frame house, you can not be afraid for the uneven distribution of the load on the foundation;

  • Low installation cost. As noted above, for a pile foundation, it is not necessary to carefully study the properties of the soil, which increases the cost of construction. In addition, the labor costs of building a frame house are much less compared, for example, with brick buildings. It is also worth noting the low cost of building materials from which the foundation and frame of the building are assembled. Frame buildings can be easily repaired. For example, if it is necessary to add an additional pile to the foundation structure, this procedure can be performed at minimal cost, which cannot be said about the repair of strip foundations, where the repair price significantly hits the pocket. As for the repair of walls, here things are also much simpler than in the case of repairs or brick houses.

Such structures have long been used in different countries in low-rise construction. Their main advantage is that they are built in record time. This article will characterize 6x6 frame houses and consider the main stages of their installation.


Light weight design

  • When building a house, a significant part of the costs falls on the arrangement of the base of the building - the foundation. In some cases, the costs can reach 35 - 40%. For 6x6 frame houses, it is enough to mount a lightweight base, which leads to great savings in building materials, and first of all, cement. As a rule, during the construction of such buildings, the foundation is made of piles, and not tape.
  • The light weight of the frame house does not have a noticeable load on the soil, so it can be built on almost any soil without a set of additional measures that also cost money.

Simplicity and high speed of frame assembly

  • In construction, there is such a thing as a “wet” process. When building frame houses, such techniques are not used. All work consists in installing a supporting structure (“skeleton”) on which the skin is mounted. This greatly simplifies the installation of the structure and does not require the involvement of specialists who also need to be paid.
  • Construction can be carried out even in a limited space, which is especially convenient when building a country house from a turnkey frame.
  • The use of this technology makes it possible to choose any architectural solution.

No shrinkage

It is this factor that is a big disadvantage of wooden houses so popular among the population. In any building material made of wood (log, timber, board) there is always a certain percentage of moisture. Therefore, after the completion of construction, it is impossible to immediately begin finishing work. Sometimes the time required for shrinkage reaches 12 months. Frame houses do not have such a disadvantage.

High performance and long service life

  • Hold heat well. This allows you to quickly warm up the frame houses and maintain a comfortable temperature with a "gentle" mode of operation of the heating equipment.
  • The high vapor permeability of the walls allows you to maintain a microclimate favorable for the owners inside the building. This makes it possible, for example, to limit the temperature of the coolant in the heating system or the time of use of air conditioners in the heat.
  • Both external and internal finishing of any surfaces (walls, ceilings) with any material can be carried out.
  • The construction technology and the lightness of the structure prevent the deformation of the building elements under the influence of external factors: soil movements, subsidence of the house under its own weight.
  • The possibility of redevelopment without fear of introducing an imbalance in the uniform distribution of the load on the base.

Relatively low cost of construction and operation

Firstly, there is no need to carry out expensive survey work to study the characteristics of the soil, the depth of underground water layers, and the like. For the pile foundation of a frame house, this is not so important.

Secondly, the cost of the construction itself is much lower than when building, for example, a stone structure. Screw piles are cheap, and the frame for the house can be mounted either from metal or wood, which also does not require large expenses.

Thirdly, high maintainability of the building. Light weight allows you to raise the frame one-story house 6x6 with a large jack and screw in an additional pile. Repair of the strip foundation is a very costly process. In addition, it is much easier to repair a damaged area, such as walls, which cannot be said about masonry or log cabins.

The high thermal insulation characteristics of the structure described above can significantly reduce energy consumption associated with space heating.


Construction costs are calculated individually based on the project. The main influence on the price is exerted by such features as the type of foundation, architecture, number of storeys, wall material. It is clear that the cost of a 6x6 frame house with an attic will be higher than a simple one-story country house with a small porch.

Plus, you need to take into account additional investments (insulation, laying engineering communications, etc.). Much depends on the configuration, if a turnkey building is purchased.

On average, a 6x6 frame house will cost from 328,000 to 376,000 rubles. You can also focus on such data: 1 m 2 costs about 10,000 - 12,000 rubles. For example: the price of a frame-panel house with an attic six by six meters is from 348,000 rubles.

The main stages of construction on their own

1. Foundation equipment. If, nevertheless, it is decided to make a tape-type base, then it must be taken into account that it is enough to equip it with dimensions: depth and elevation above the ground - 40 cm each, width - 30 cm. It is necessary to take care of cut-off waterproofing. To do this, the upper part of the tape is covered with a layer of roofing material.

2. Laying the mortgage crown. For a 6x6 frame house, it is advisable to use a 6-meter beam (150x100). Previously, it must be thoroughly impregnated with antiseptics and fire retardants. The best tree species for him is larch.

3. Installation of lags for floors. You can use timber or fifty-fifty boards, which must also be processed. A sufficient distance between them is 0.5 m. For more convenient work on the construction of the frame of the house, you can immediately lay out the subfloor.

4. Preparation for the installation of walls, for which vertical bars (150x50) are attached to the mortgage crown, which are connected by slopes. After that, the upper strapping is made.

5. Installation of the roof. The technology depends on what type of technology is chosen. The most common is the double sided option.

6. Sheathing of the frame with the arrangement of all protective layers (steam, hydro and thermal insulation).

7. External finishing of walls and roofs.

  • When choosing a project for a 6x6 prefabricated house, it is better to give preference to the frame option. Such designs have many advantages over shield ones. The ability to build without the use of equipment (crane), ease of further redevelopment (if necessary).
  • If a decision is made to use SIP panels, then one must take into account their disadvantage - the impossibility of replacing the insulation layer during operation. Therefore, for frame houses, the quality of the arrangement of natural ventilation of the walls is of great importance.
  • Even to reduce construction time, it is undesirable to carry out work in rainy weather. The wood used will get wet, and when it dries, it will “lead”. In any case, after installing the frame, first of all, you need to take care of the roof structure - to make at least a temporary overlap.