This is especially true for families with children growing up. The intellectual development of the baby has great value, but it should not interfere with physical development. Full-fledged physical training is, first of all, health, which ensures normal brain activity.

Beautiful Swedish wall for kids

Both parties must fulfill their obligations! Countdown timer. For a preschooler, the sentence: “In five minutes the end of the bath” means nothing. The kitchen timer will help him understand the passage of time. Note. Do not say for the tenth time: "Clean!" Write a letter and read it to your child if he does not know: Dear Zosya, we want to return to our homes. your dolls.

Instead of persuading: "Hurry, because we will be late for Kindergarten”, say “Who will be the first to reach the tree?”. Not paying attention. When a child behaves badly, ignore him to get attention. Of course, you cannot ignore everything.

Creating a mini-gym in the children's room will help introduce the child to sports

Sports complex for home

The simple fact is that when a child is naughty, we usually focus on what we want, and not on his wrong behavior. observation. Some don't always know why or don't do things. Watch carefully when he's not listening. Was he tired of the constant admonition? Once you understand what's going on, it will be easier to fix the problem. Talk to someone else. For example, a toddler doesn't want to go to kindergarten, and every morning he organizes wild fights for this reason, a conversation with the teacher will probably explain a lot.

Replacing roles. You are a child and this is you. She wants you to have breakfast, you don't. During this fun you can see how Small child perceives us and the whole situation. By playing the role of a parent, he betrays his own intentions. Visiting a psychologist Sometimes in one meeting you can understand what is going on and how to help your child.

In other words, without physical development impossible to achieve correct operation brain and all other organs and systems of the body. Many parents try to send their children to sports clubs and clubs. This is very the right decision, but your own sports corner at home is perfect option for the constant physical improvement of the young organism.

It also happens that it is not the child who needs help, but the parents. "They brought him two pins instead of his hands." The pigs ate his hands when he had hands, he learned to write with a pen in his lips, the rest "crawled", as we said we didn't have their legs, they didn't send their carts, so they crawled all day around the house, and time from time to time others came and took their strangers, and then they heard nothing from them.

This is how the former manager of a compartment for children with physical disabilities from the village of Jukuy, county of Cluj-Napoca, began his story. In the 80s, the fates of dozens of generations of children moved between the walls of what they were "home" for. There they learned the battered, high-eyed tadpoles that they only had one. There they were taught the boots by the power in their souls by the families who threw them into the cradle without looking back. There they became accustomed to the heavy chlorine smell of washed clothes and stretched out in the attic, ignoring their lives rotting in the light of the onion.

Organizing a space for sports in is quite difficult, but still real. This contributes wide range of modern designs and trainers available for sale. All these devices are different in:

As they got bigger, shabby, high-eyed trombones were drawn into the yard of life. Some returned to the families that left them in the cradle, others did their job. But most people don't know what happened. The bassinet was unique in Romania, so they were brought in by children from all over the country. Most were brought from Moldova, recalls Maria Tala, former head center of Juku. We had to compare the table of each child in the amount of 18 lei.

Do-it-yourself children's sports corners

He paid for each of them. Our swing care had to provide at least 300 grams of bread. Luckily, the garden cradle was excellent and we always grew beans, peppers, tomatoes there. We produced 800 liters of broth, raised pigs, so the co-parents did not get hungry. Even with heat, we didn't do better.

  1. dimensions;
  2. functionality;
  3. placement method;
  4. cost.

The main types of home sports corners

If the owner of the apartment plans to design a sports corner (see photo below), he must first familiarize himself with the types of such structures and study the range offered by different manufacturers.

Play equipment for a playground in the country - what do you need?

Sometimes it was so cold that it would freeze the water you washed on foot. We had to fit into the quota that they introduced from the center. We almost don't fit in. When it was very cold, we folded the blankets, giving them three extra blankets. The quotas were also for pig feed.

The woman remembers that detergent, nor disinfectant it wasn't enough. The Juku children did not celebrate their birthdays. All those who were born a month later got together and celebrated on the same day, with a cake, lovers. “From Bucharest, only on December 3rd, we were given the necessary to make their cakes and celebrate them, because it was the day of the disabled,” Maria Shala adds.

The choice of a sports complex depends on:

  • the size of the apartment;
  • geometric features of the room;
  • the amount that the owner of the apartment is willing to donate for the purchase of sports equipment.

"The pigs ate the hands." Gheorghe Bucur worked as a gardener in a horticultural garden for a salary of 800 lei. Although the children were blessed to me as one who had cigarette butts, and parts of them ate the hands of their fathers fathers or crawled without chicks that separated from some of them stood up for college, Nea Bucur says with pride in her eyes, even bank director in Sebes, most of which are repeated three times a year until they have passed the class.

We provide you with some great ideas for creating a children's sports space at home.

The center also had a vocational school where children could learn tailoring or crafts. Many of them were so good at making and repairing boots that often players preferred not to go to a city repaired by boots, but to resort to the children in the center. There was one, Florin, he did not have a hand on his elbow, but he was very thin. The center also offered children's and music classes, recovery hours, piano, television, and a choir. Cramped portraits Children who had no legs moved on the floor orphanage because the state did not give them strollers.

Home Gym Design Ideas

Unfortunately, most modern apartments disadvantaged in square meters, and, as a rule, has dimensions of no more than 10 m 2. But this should not be a reason for refusing to install sports equipment. Even in a very small room, you can build a miniature sports corner.

The luckiest of them, who still had one leg or did not have such a severe disability, received crutches. Or wooden prostheses that, as they grew, were still changing. When he was off the table, the porters dragged them back. At work as a keeper writing and the child must crawl back, says Ma Lalla region. The center rooms were austere, with six beds per room and two wardrobes. The beds were made of iron, like hospitals. In the 1980s, they already had several decades of wear on the rear.

Before the revolution, when the number of children reached 400, a room with 16 beds was also arranged. two in bed. "They walked, they received and never heard from them again." Nobody liked the children from Yuku's cradle. When it became known that every child is beautiful, what to do with a disabled person? Nobody wanted this. Only strangers accepted them.

  • Option one. The Swedish wall is installed, in ceiling rings are mounted, a basketball hoop is attached to the wall. Additionally, you can hang a punching bag. Such a composition will take no more than 1 m 2, which will in no way affect the rest of the nursery area.

  • The second option is more advanced and consists in using transforming furniture, which can simultaneously be a sports element and perform the function , , . Such furniture saves space well, and modern performance contributes to the fact that it fits perfectly into any interior.

Making a small sports ground at the head of the bed in a small room

It is much easier for owners of an apartment with a large children's room to design a sports corner with their own hands. The lack of restrictions in square meters provides great opportunities, including the equipment of the whole sports complex. In addition to the main attributes, horizontal ladders, horizontal bars, an obstacle course, various simulators are placed here ( Treadmill, bike, etc.).

Of course, such a sports corner will require significant financial investments, but the reward for the labors of parents will be the health and cheerful laughter of their children.

Advice. By connecting your own imagination or inviting home professional designer, you can arrange a children's sports corner in a specific theme, for example, the jungle or a pirate ship.

Home gym for adults

Adults love sports just as much as children. Moreover, exercising on sports equipment is necessary to maintain good physical shape, strengthen the muscles and bones of the skeleton. With insufficient motor activity, the muscles atrophy, and the person feels powerless. Hence all age-related diseases and poor health.

For those people who spend a lot of time at home, having their own gym is not a luxury, but a vital necessity.

Standard sports corners, which can be seen on sale, occupy an area from 1 m 2 to 3.5 m 2, and their height is in the range of 2.5-3 m. Therefore, there is always a place for such a design.

Even a fit adult has a significant weight, so sports equipment for an adult should be as durable and stable as possible. Better buy a corner load-bearing elements(racks, crossbars) which are made of.

The advantage of the metal complex is that it is much easier to assemble than a wooden sports corner. And there will never be splinters on the hands.

Interior and decor features

The sports room in the house, like any other, requires an appropriate interior and decorations. When designing this zone, designers recommend and try to use as much as possible. Since everything here symbolizes health, the presence of synthetic finishing materials would be inappropriate.

The walls of the gym should be finished cork panels, and make the floor out natural wood or lay down. In order not to suffer from the impressive weight of the simulators and constant dynamic loads, sports equipment should be installed on special podiums. In addition to practicality, it is also an additional decorative factor.

Bright spacious gym room

A distance of 30 cm must be observed between walls and sports equipment (except for the Swedish wall). If we are talking about a large sports corner, it is rational to put a locker for clothes and towels, floor scales here.

A mini-gym in the apartment will help you get in shape without leaving your home.

Gymnastic exercises and exercises on simulators are best done in the presence of musical accompaniment. Therefore, you should take care of purchasing a player. But a portable player with headphones may well replace it. Those who do not consider themselves music lovers may want to listen to literary works or study foreign language take some training.

What should be in a home gym? There should be enough light, but at the same time it should not irritate the eyes. Too bright lamps will act on the body tiring.

You can equip a sports corner not only in the apartment, for this it is suitable:

  1. ;
  2. basement;
  3. .

It is best if an area of ​​​​8-10 m 2 is allocated for the placement of sports equipment.

Panoramic top floor can be freely equipped as a home gym

The comprehensive development of the child at every stage of his life is the main task for each of the parents. And physical education in this case is not in last place. Sports sections and dance lessons become an integral part of the life of almost every kid. But what about those parents who do not have enough free time and the necessary "arsenal" of grandparents, aunts and nannies. There is an exit. Can be equipped with a small sports section directly in the apartment!

Home gym: pros and cons

A simple design on a minimal area will greatly help in the development of the child.

Offering your child their own sports corner in the apartment, you provide him with the opportunity to actively move, regardless of weather conditions outside the window. Be sure: you should give the fidget room for movement, something, and he will have enough fantasy for fun and useful games. Think for yourself, you occupy only 2-3 sq.m. baby's room, and the benefits of this for the rest of your life.

Significant factors in favor of creating a sports corner in the house are:

  • The possibility of active movement of the child at any time convenient for him (in between preparing lessons, in the morning instead of charging).
  • A great option for a fun pastime and work on physical form with friends or relatives.
  • Excellent preparation of the body for future loads at school in physical education (for a preschooler) or additional classes for a student.
  • Confident coordination of movements and well-developed vestibular apparatus and cardiovascular system.

Perhaps the only argument against installing such a house design is a possible injury due to a fall. But such a problem is solved by equipping the site with a high-quality mat. Plus, dad's support during classes with a very small athlete.

Note that today you can buy a children's sports ground for the home already in finished form and in any configuration. But if you have the material at hand and the desire to tinker with the tool, then it's time to save family money and please the child with a homemade Swedish wall.

Design requirements

Almost all models essential elements unchanged

It is not difficult to equip a gym with your own hands at home. The main thing is to choose the right place in the child’s room for its location. Please note that you will need at least 2 sq m for the structure itself and at least 1 sq m around the sports ground. This is necessary for the free movement of the child.

The main elements included in the set of a sports corner are:

  • Swedish wall;
  • Small horizontal bar / bars;
  • Gymnastic rings;
  • Rope ladder or swing (optional)
  • Soft sports flooring.

It is this set of sports equipment that will allow your baby to fully realize the potential of his motor activity at any time convenient for him.

Swedish wall

One of the main elements of the home gym

To make a Swedish wall (or simply a sports ladder) you will need:

  • Bars-sidewalls made of wood. The height of the material can be arbitrary (depending on the height of the ceilings in the children's room), but, as a rule, the height finished stairs is 2.5 m. In our case, the finished structure will be installed on spacers, and therefore accurately measure the distance between the floor and the ceiling minus 10 cm. This indicator will be optimal for your stairs. The width of the beams should be from 10 to 15 cm, and their thickness - 2 cm or more.

When choosing wooden bars, you should not save money - get the highest quality wood

  • Wooden round slats (diameter - 2.5 cm; length - 40 cm; we calculate the number based on the height of the sidewalls divided by 30. In this case, the number 30 is the length of the steps of the stairs).
  • Sandpaper.
  • Joiner's glue.
  • Drill driver for drilling holes in the sidewalls.
  • Construction or simple pencil.
  • Self-tapping screws (optional for fixing the steps of the stairs in the sidewalls).
  • Roulette.
  • Lacquer for wood surface treatment.

Stages of manufacturing stairs

Horizontal bar

While the finished staircase dries up, it's time to start preparing the horizontal bar. It will be part of the Swedish wall design.

We will need:

  • Wooden boards measuring 60x25x5 cm (if desired, the parameters can be changed in a direction convenient for you) - 2 pcs. They will play the role of side rails for attaching the horizontal bar.
  • The crossbar itself, the length of which should be 60 cm and a diameter of 3-4 cm (for children's hands - the most convenient option). We calculate the length of the crossbar in this way: the width of the finished staircase = 50 cm + 10 cm (which fall on the two side bars of the horizontal bar).
  • Joiner's glue.
  • Bolts, nuts and washers - 12 pcs.
  • Drill driver.
  • Wrench for fixing bolts and nuts.

Stages of work on the manufacture of the horizontal bar

  1. We carefully grind the wooden sidewalls of the horizontal bar. If desired, at the sawmill, you can give the details a rounded shape on one side.
  2. Putting markings on inner part sidewalls and a drill we form holes for the horizontal bar.
  3. We coat the crossbar with wood glue on both sides and reliably drive it into the formed grooves.
  4. Now it is necessary to mark the sidewalls of the stairs and the sidewalls of the horizontal bar in such a way as to form symmetrical holes for the fasteners. Try to place six bolts on each side and at the same time evenly distribute the load of the sidewalls of the horizontal bar on the staircase structure by rationally arranging the hardware. Let's say, let there be three of them along each edge of the sidewall of the stairs. Total - six bolts on each side of the ladder for secure fixation walls of the horizontal bar.
  5. With a drill we make holes for the bolts and securely connect the ladder to the horizontal bar in the upper part of the Swedish wall.
  6. After drying finished construction cover the horizontal bar with varnish and leave it aside for now.

Ideally, we should end up like this:

After the work is completed, the horizontal bar should look like this


In order for the Swedish wall for the child to be as complete and functional as possible, it remains to equip it with rings and a rope ladder. Step by step creating sports complex for the baby, while we move on to making rings.

For this we need:

  • Plywood sheet 75x75 cm - 2 pcs.
  • Construction circle.
  • Joiner's glue.
  • Press or bolts.
  • Jigsaw.
  • Milling machine.
  • Rafter.
  • Drill driver.

Step by step manufacturing

Video: how to make wooden gymnastic rings


The last step is a rope ladder and wooden beams. Such a projectile perfectly develops coordination, strengthens the spine and shoulder girdle. So you can't do without it.

You will need:

  • Wooden slats round section. Perfect for mop handles.
  • Rope - at least 6 m (or depending on the height of your ladder).
  • Drill driver.
  • Brass or duralumin rings (optional) for fixing on the ends of the steps-rails.

In fact, to create a rope ladder, you only need wooden sticks and strong rope

Stages of work