Wood stain not only performs protective functions, but also gives the tree an aesthetic appearance. With the help of such solutions, you can refresh the old wood flooring or give desired shade new product without changing its natural structure. One of the types of these mixtures is stain on water based, which has its distinctive features. The advantages and disadvantages of this solution will be considered in more detail in this article.


Unlike paints, which create only a dense top color layer, stains fill the very structure of the material with color without disturbing its texture. Water-based compositions paint products in natural wood shades, which allows you to renew old ones. wood coatings, without creating the appearance of surface treatment with any coloring mixture.

Water-based stains, unlike other types, are best able to emphasize the natural structure of wood. However, you need to be careful when applying a mixture to it, which has a different density in some areas of the surface.

When processing such material, stains may appear on the surface.

Water formulations do not have an unpleasant odor and do not contain harmful substances. In addition, this type of stain can change the shade - make it lighter or more saturated. To do this, it is enough to dilute the solution a little with water. To make the shade darker and more saturated, the tinting mixture can be applied to the surface in several layers.

Water-based formulations are available as a ready-made solution or dry mix. Powdered materials must be diluted in water before application. Water-based stain is quite popular due to its low cost and ease of application. Before starting work, it is worth remembering that such a mixture dries for a rather long time.

Pros and cons

Due to its composition, water-soluble stain has a number of advantages over other types of tinting mixtures.

Let's highlight the main advantages:

  • small price;
  • lack of smell;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of application.

It also lays evenly on the base, penetrates deep into the structure of the material, creates on the surface of the wood protective layer, which prevents the spread of microorganisms, reduces the porosity of the material, strengthens upper layer wood.

Water-soluble mixtures are not the most functional type of stains.

  • They differ in long drying (fifteen hours).
  • After processing and drying, fluff may rise on the surface of the material. In this case, the wood must be sanded.
  • Water stain applied in in large numbers on the product, after drying, it can provoke the appearance of cracks on the surface.

Modern manufacturers building materials also produce universal tinting mixtures, which can be attributed to a variety of water stain. as a diluent for universal formulations You can use water, alcohol or acetone. The advantage of making an alcohol or acetone solution from universal mixture that it will dry faster.

What is the difference and which one is better?

On the modern market building materials, there are many types of stains, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Varieties of tinting solutions primarily differ in composition.

Non-aqueous mixtures are made from polymers, colorants and organic solvents. Such a solution forms on the surface waterproof film. Unlike water-based this species does not provoke swelling of the wood structure. It is not necessary to varnish the surface after applying non-aqueous stain to it.

The non-aqueous solution has its drawbacks:

  • Cutting bad smell. Despite the fact that it quickly disappears, the room must be well ventilated during work.
  • If dust gets on the solution or the dry treated surface, it will be quite problematic to remove it.
  • Defects that may appear on the surface due to inaccurate application of the solution (streaks, stains) are difficult to remove.
  • The mixture takes a long time to dry. Drying time averages twelve hours.

Alcohol mixtures are a solution of dyes and alcohol. During finishing work, the coloring components penetrate the structure of the tree, and the alcohol evaporates. This solution has high speed drying, which is from fifteen to thirty minutes. Apply this composition quickly to avoid uneven coverage and the appearance of spots.

The alcohol-based stain is resistant to moisture and UV rays. The disadvantages of this solution include a bad smell.

Nitromordants are made on the basis of solvents. They dry quickly and also require quick application to the material.

Oil mixtures are most often made on the basis of flax seed oil. This composition forms a coating that is resistant to sunbeams. The surface will not fade for a long time and will have a pristine appearance.

Stain on oil based easily and evenly lays down on a surface, without lifting at the same time fibers of wood. The drying time of the solution can be from two to four hours.

Acrylic compositions are environmentally friendly and odorless. In addition, such mixtures are fireproof. Acrylic stain fits well on all types of trees and dries quickly. Acrylic solutions are most often used to treat wooden floors. When applying several layers, special care must be taken, as the likelihood of stains is high.

Wax solutions can be used to treat previously painted surfaces. After drying, this mixture forms a protective waterproof layer on the product. wax coating gives wood brightness, but does not penetrate into the structure of the material. It should be remembered that it is impossible to treat the surface with a wax solution before applying a two-component varnish.

Wood stains with a bleaching effect are made on the basis of acids. Such a solution can make the surface several shades lighter. This composition is intended for preparation of wood before further processing by paints and varnishes.

Water mixtures may be inferior in certain characteristics to other types of stains. However, water-soluble formulations are low cost and safe for health. This solution is perfect for internal works because it does not have an unpleasant smell.

Each type of stain has its own advantages and disadvantages. Knowing the main characteristics of the mixtures, you can easily choose the right solution for any specific work.


Since water stains are designed to emphasize the texture of the wood, and not hide it, manufacturers produce mixtures in colors that match the existing natural shades of wood species. Non-standard palette of shades (non-wood bright colours, as well as white and black tone) is inherent only in acrylic, wax and oil solutions that are used to paint the surface.

The water-based mixture is available in a wide range of colors, from light shades to rich dark ones. The shade closest to black is tone. ebony. It should be taken into account that different manufacturers the same shade can have different names.

Colored water-based stains usually have the following shades:

  • citric;
  • larch;
  • maple;

  • mocha;
  • rosewood;
  • walnut;
  • mahogany;
  • Red tree;
  • burgundy;
  • plum;
  • ebony

When choosing one or another shade, it is worth remembering that the color sample on the tester may differ from the final result that you get after processing the wood. On different tree species, the solution can give a variety of shades. For this reason, it is necessary to apply before staining the product. a small amount of mix to a small hidden area.

Application rules

The final result of wood stain treatment is affected not only by the quality of the solution, but also by the correctness of its application.

There are a number of rules that must be followed when staining with water compositions:

  • the solution is applied to the surface along the fibers;
  • large areas can be covered with the mixture by spraying;
  • in small areas, the liquid is applied using soft paint brushes or a sponge made of foam rubber;
  • to prepare a solution from dry aqueous mixtures, the powder must be diluted only in soft or purified water;

  • before processing wood with a tinting solution, the surface must be well cleaned from dirt, grease and resins;
  • before wood processing water composition it is recommended to moisten the surface with water to avoid the formation of pile;
  • if the solution is slightly warmed up before starting work, the stain will better penetrate into the structure of the material.

Water-based formulations can be combined with other types of stains or with primers and varnishes. As a result, you can achieve interesting effects and shades.

Wood stain is very popular and is designed to give various wood products aesthetics and decorativeness, change their tone and texture, and most importantly - to increase their service life. To achieve this, the antiseptic properties of stains allow. There are also stains for wood that can protect the treated surface from insect pests, mold and fungus.

This article discusses in detail not only what stain is, but also its main types, properties, advantages, and why it is needed.

Depending on the purpose and composition, wood stain has the following advantages over a number of other paints and varnishes:

  • The possibility of combining shades (for example, dark colors, walnut or pine, light colors, black, etc.).
  • Coating with stains strengthens the structure of the material.
  • Increase the service life of products.
  • Partial imparting moisture resistance to lumber.
  • Gives the opportunity to give the tree noble shade, and get a different color scheme (there are the most various colors stains).
  • Preservation of wood structure.

The main advantage of this tinting composition is deep penetration inside the wood. This allows you to save the texture of the tree. Therefore, the answers to the questions about what is better - stains or varnishes, and why stain is needed, become obvious.

Color palette

There are different wood stain colors and it is very difficult to answer the question of how to choose the most suitable one. This material allows you to give almost any shade to wood products. For example, black stain is very popular, which allows you to give the surface the appearance of a black mirror. Before applying it, it is recommended to polish the base.

Gray stain makes it possible to avoid highlighting the finished product from the general interior. It is worth painting with it only if the walls and textiles in the interior are bright. Gray can cause depression, besides, products in this color will look too faded and gray.

Psychologists advise choosing a green stain (colored stain), as this shade causes positive emotions. Green color suitable for surface treatment of various interior items. Blue stain allows you to get a very expressive look of the processed product. Choose it to combine with yellow and white tones.

There are more natural wood stain colors on the market. But there is a colorless impregnation that allows you to keep the surface in its natural color.

Main types

Impregnation for wood is different, depending on the composition. Consider the most common types of stains:

  • Water-based stains. Water stain is powdered (water-soluble) and in the form of ready-made formulations. Is environmentally friendly pure product(regardless external factors there are no harmful fumes and smells), and it also has a rich range of colors. If necessary, the product can be easily washed off with water, so it is recommended to apply an additional protective layer (for example, varnish). The main disadvantage is the rise of wood fibers, as a result of which the product becomes more vulnerable to moisture (non-aqueous impregnation is used to eliminate the disadvantage). Water stains for wood are the most widespread.

  • Alcohol compositions. Are issued ready to use or in dry form (powder is required to be diluted). Are intended for protection of a tree from dampness and an ultraviolet. This impregnation dries quickly enough, which avoids raising the pile and swelling of the wood.

  • Oil formulations. The composition of the stain includes dyes soluble in drying oil and oils. It is possible to apply impregnations of this group by any method and tool. They don't fill the wood extra moisture and do not lift fibers. A variety of colors of stains for wood of this group, if desired, allows you to achieve any shade by simply adding dyes.

  • acrylic blends. Acrylic-based impregnations are an environmentally friendly, child-safe and fire-fighting product. Acrylic stain is great for all types of wood and dries very quickly.

  • Wax stains. Allow to process the painted surfaces. Wax-based impregnations reliably protect the treated surface from moisture. It is important to know that wax stain should not be applied before wood is coated with two-component varnishes.

On the video: stain selection rules.

Application methods

There are four main ways to apply stain:

  1. Rubbing painting. The composition is applied to the surface, after which it is rubbed over the entire area. It is recommended to apply when processing porous breeds of trees.
  2. Spraying. When staining wood by spraying, a manual or automatic spray gun is used as a tool for applying the stain.
  3. Treatment foam roller . The method avoids the formation of streaks and helps to evenly distribute the mixture over the entire surface.
  4. Processing wood with a paint brush. The method allows you to get a deeper and saturated color wood, but not suitable for all types of impregnation.

  • Before painting the surface with a stain, it is necessary to remove old coatings from it, and then degrease it better.
  • surface of conifers(for example, pine) must be deresined.
  • It is necessary to paint the wood with stain and remove excess only in the direction of the wood structure.
  • It is recommended to cover the surface with 2-3 layers, while for the first layer a small volume of the mixture should be used.
  • After the first layer dries, the surface must be sanded and the raised pile removed, and then, if necessary, apply the next layers (each next layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried).

The approximate drying time for oil-based impregnations is about three days, and for water-based impregnations and solvents - 2-3 hours (depending on how many layers were applied). It is recommended to divide large areas of the treated surface into small areas and paint them in stages. To avoid the possibility of the formation of defects on the surface, the composition must be diluted. For this, a solvent is used.

For aqueous impregnations, water is used, for oil impregnations, solvents for paints are used. Also, before starting work, the surface can be coated with Latek L 601 putty.

Wood stains for plywood perform an exclusively decorative function. Therefore, if there is any doubt what to choose - stain or varnish, it is recommended to use them in combination. Before covering the surface of the plywood, it must be moistened, and the mixture itself is recommended to be heated.

After covering the wood with stain, varnishing follows (layers must be very thin to avoid the possibility of smudges). As a tool, you can use a brush, roller or sponge. Wood varnish will enhance the protective properties of the impregnation. By following these recommendations, you can easily stain wood at home.

Defects and their elimination

Carry out staining wooden furniture it is necessary to be extremely careful, otherwise there is a great possibility of the formation of defects, which are quite difficult to eliminate. But if you know how to get rid of them correctly, then problems should not arise.

The main defect is the formation of streaks. They arise as a result of applying a large amount of the mixture and its subsequent rapid drying. In this case, it is necessary to remove the impregnation layer applied to the wood, then apply a new layer on it, which will soften it, and then remove the excess impregnation with a rag.

After the wood stain has completely dried, it can be removed with paint thinners. Before this, the top layer is removed with emery or a planer, since the solvent is not able to remove all the pigment.

You can pick up a special wash that will remove an extra layer of coating impregnation from the tree. You can use a hair dryer in combination with a scraper and brush - sometimes it's better than washing.

The most difficult defect is the spotting of the product. To remove it, the painted area is treated with a planer (this defect is not washed off with a solvent). In plywood, all face veneer must be removed. To avoid spotting, it is better to use a gel stain or first apply a test coat on an unnecessary piece of wood to see how the coating behaves on desired surface. It is worth remembering that it is necessary to store the impregnation in a place closed from children.

Using in home interior wood, you wonder how long it will last. The answer depends on whether you know how to choose stains and varnishes for interior woodwork. It is worth considering further use: for furniture, choose non-toxic compounds, for the floor - resistant to abrasion.

We select the mixture according to the type of surface and its further application

Each surface has its own characteristics and risks of damage. To protect the tree and preserve its beauty, you need to carefully choose the composition of the mixture covering it.

The coating may have the following properties:

  • toxicity - the safest ones are made on the basis of water, wax and oils. Nitro-varnishes and polyurethane are applied in a respirator;
  • drying speed - alcohol-based formulations dry the fastest (almost instantly). Slightly inferior to them are varnishes and stains on the water and nitro-varnishes (about three hours). Oil solutions dry the longest (at least a day);
  • the ability to prime small irregularities and porous wood - they are conditionally divided into ready-made self-priming compounds, nitro-varnishes with a large dry residue and varnishes with the addition of a filler;
  • wear resistance - the most durable to any damage polyurethane varnish, but with inaccurate use tightly glues the planks. The most unstable nitrocellulose;
  • resistance to fire - ready-made fire-resistant varnishes. Fire resistance directly depends on the thickness of the layer;
  • lack of smell - there is no fuse in acrylic varnishes and water-based stains. The smell of epoxy oil formulations weathered up to three days.

They differ in the type of application:

  • brush - viscous compositions based on oil, resins and wax are applied;
  • spray gun - a mixture based on alcohol and water.

We select stain for interior work with wood

The first thing that interests any person is what visual effect the stain will give, and they are repelled from it, choosing the composition.

Choice by visual effect

Wood staining with wood stain is used not only as decorative coating, sometimes toning hides the mistakes of previous experiments or helps to achieve a uniform color for a porous wood product. For tinting, powder stains are used, mixing them with a solution in which the pigment is added.

If you are a follower vintage technology, use organic dyes, they retain color for centuries. Their color scheme is more meager, but if you have a recipe, you can create the same shade after decades.

Using herbal ingredients, you can achieve the following shades:

  • red - a decoction of larch bark or onion peel;
  • brown - powder nutshell with the addition of soda. If you need a rich color, mix willow and oak bark, alder earrings and walnut shells, cook a tincture with soda on this composition;
  • gray - after applying stain with nut decoction, soak the surface with vinegar;
  • black - with the addition of a decoction of oak or alder bark;
  • yellow - mix a decoction of barberry root with alum and boil;
  • scarlet - juice composition wolf berries and Glauber's salt;
  • blue - juice of wolfberries with the addition of soda;
  • green - potash with wolfberry juice.

Powder stain is diluted with a decoction and applied as when diluted with water.

Colorless stain to enhance the natural beauty of wood

This category includes all types of stains, without additives. True, they shade the color of the boards a little. This is due to the type of wood - on dense wood it will remain natural color, and for a porous structure, it will become several tones darker.

Rustic stain for vintage look

There are two ways to get this effect. Purchase finished composition with increased seepage into deep layers or the application of a conventional stain on a sanded surface, followed by its removal in convex areas. To enhance the contrast, you need to walk along the wood fibers with a metal brush, then the softer areas will become deeper and darker.

Compositions for multi-colored application

Used to obtain the color "Arctic oak", " bleached oak» and other bleaching options. For work, they acquire a water-based stain with white pigment, oil stain and wax. The first layer is applied for bleaching, and the second with a stain mixture with the addition of melted wax. The excess is removed with a rag. The oil soaks into the veins, emphasizing the wood structure.

Not all solvents are universal, some are not suitable for a nursery, but they are indispensable when processing parquet. Before purchasing the composition, decide where it will be used.

Which breeding ground is right for you:

  • alcohol - resistant to ultraviolet, does not require additional protection varnish;
  • oil - perfect option beginners without special tool, environmentally friendly and resistant to abrasion;
  • wax - not suitable for further coating with polyurethane and two-component acid curing varnish;
  • nitro - applied with a spray gun due to capriciousness and frequent stains;
  • water - requires grinding after application due to the lifting of the fibers.

It is better to purchase several types than to spoil the product in pursuit of savings.

Protecting wood with varnish

The stain is not able to protect the wood from contact with other objects, therefore, after it has completely dried, it is recommended to varnish the product.

Desired end result:

  • glossy - looks good in rooms with poor lighting, giving the surface depth. indoors with bright light creates a mirror shine that hides the beauty of the tree;
  • matte - retains a natural look;
  • mother-of-pearl - during the play of light, internal flicker appears;
  • tinted - with the addition of pigment to change the shade.

When applying mother-of-pearl and tinted varnish, do not forget that the color saturation depends on the number of layers.

Varnish types

Like stain, varnishes have different bases, some of them stand out toxic substances during operation and require long ventilation.

They are divided into the following types:

  • alcohol - most often used for small items by restorers or when processing musical instruments;
  • water-soluble - odorless and not afraid detergents, suitable for children's furniture;
  • oil - used to cover the floor, shade wood yellow;
  • alkyd - glyphthalic and pentaphthalic synthetic resin is used as a base;
  • polyester - suitable for items with frequent use, form a protective film. Withstand not only washing, but also the ingress of reagents;
  • epoxy - the same resistant as polyester, but with a faster drying rate;
  • polyurethane - one of the most resistant, most often cover parquet in in public places and yachts;
  • acrylic - used for processing children's toys and furniture, the safest for health.

When mixing, pay attention to the fact that the stain and varnish components do not conflict, but it is better to apply them separately. The varnish prevents the wood stain from penetrating into the wood, so such experiments end up with ugly dark stains and spots on the surface.

To give greater decorativeness and aesthetics to wood products, they are treated with wood stain. The solution changes the tone and emphasizes the texture of the wood. Modern stains have antiseptic properties and can significantly extend the life of the product.

Consider what types of stains are, how you can make a composition with your own hands, and what are the basic rules for applying stain to wood.

The purpose of wood stain

Stain - a tinting composition that is applied to treated wood to change natural color wood, plywood, furniture, chipboard, fiberboard and MDF. Morilka has a second name Beyts.

A special composition penetrates deep into the wood, so that the texture of the wood is preserved. Such an effect from enamel or paint cannot be achieved.

Some use wood stain to hide the true type of wood, such as painting inexpensive pine noble breeds trees. Others use the stain to update the interior of the room or emphasize beautiful texture natural material.

With the skillful use of stain and a combination of several shades at the same time, you can turn an ordinary wood product into an artistic value.

In addition to decorative functions, some types of stains also have protective properties. Wood-protective compositions include stains on an oil-alkyd basis or solvents. Such stains are able to protect the tree from insect pests, the appearance of mold and fungi.

Types of stains for wood processing

The main criterion by which all stains are classified is the basis for making the solution. The most common stains are water, alcohol, oil, acrylic and wax based. Consider the features of each type.

Water-based stains available in two forms: dry stains in powder form for self-breeding in water and ready to use. Water stains take a long time to dry, so it will take a long time to get a uniform tone.

The main inconvenience of using stain is that during processing, the composition raises the wood fiber. On the one hand, this emphasizes the structure of the tree, and on the other hand, it makes the product more vulnerable to moisture. Therefore, before applying the stain, the wood should be wetted superficially, left to soak for a while and carefully sanded.

Alcohol stain is a solution of organic dyes with pigments in ethyl alcohol. Alcohol compositions are used for antiseptic and decorative coloring wooden products. Such stains reduce pile uplift and do not cause swelling of the wood.

When using alcohol stain, it is difficult to achieve uniform staining, as the composition dries quickly, and stains can form. For toning small items, such stains can be suitable, but it will be very problematic to paint the parquet.

Alcohol stains are applied only with a spray gun (spray gun), and when stained with a brush, the result can be unpredictable

Oil based stain have many tones and shades. Oil stain contains dyes soluble in drying oil and oils. White spirit is used as a solvent.

Oil stain - the most convenient to use: it can be applied different ways, does not lift the fibers and is distributed evenly over the entire surface. Products treated with oil-based stains can be easily repainted and restored.

Wax and acrylic stains- the latest generation of tinting materials. Stains based on acrylic resins and wax form a thin colored film on the surface of the wood, which additionally protects the material from excessive moisture. These types of stains evenly "lay" on the surface and are well suited for processing wooden floors.

Acrylic stains have a wide range of tones that you can mix and get more subtle shades. The composition has no unpleasant odor, does not ignite and is suitable for all types of wood. Acrylic stains do not emit harmful fumes, and dry quickly after application.

When working with acrylic stain, it is important not to overdo it with the layer thickness. good effect can be obtained when applying no more than 2 layers, if more, then stains may form

Wax stains are very soft wax. They can be used directly on wood or pre-painted surfaces. Wax stains are applied with a cloth and spread over the wood with a rubbing motion.

Wax stains look most effective in combination with polishing. This technique is often used when finishing turning products, profiles and threads.

Important! Wax-based stains must not be used before wood treatment with two-component acid-curing varnishes or polyurethane.

Making a stain with your own hands: recipes for craftsmen

Plant stains

You can give wood a different shade with the help of plant components.

Wood stains based on coffee, tea and vinegar

Do-it-yourself wood stain can be made from improvised means: coffee, tea and vinegar.

You can give the tree a cherry, brown and dark brown hue with a solution of potassium permanganate: 50 g must be diluted in 1 liter warm water, apply to the wood, and after 5 minutes wipe the surface with a soft cloth. In order to get more bright shade treatment with potassium permanganate must be repeated.

After treating the wood with potassium permanganate stain, the surface must be covered protective composition, otherwise potassium permanganate will fade

Stains with chemical components

If you want to get a lasting color, you can experiment and create a stain from chemicals.

Whitening stains

Bleaching wood allows you to prepare the product for painting and achieve expressive tone. Some species of trees acquire unexpected color shades when bleached. For example, a walnut, which has a monochromatic texture with purple tint, after treatment with a bleaching stain, it becomes pale pink or alo-pink. Apple tree bleaching makes wood noble color Ivory.

Whitening stain: photo

For bleaching, you can use different solutions. Some act very quickly, others more slowly.

  1. Solution from oxalic acid. Dissolve 1.5-6 g of oxalic acid in 100 g of boiled water. This composition is suitable for bleaching light woods: linden, white poplar, light walnut, birch and maple. Dirty tones or gray spots may appear on other types of wood. Veneer sheets after bleaching should be washed with a solution (composition: hot water- 100 g, soda ash - 3 g, bleach - 15). This treatment deresin the surface and raises the pile of wood.
  2. Bleaching with 25% hydrogen peroxide is suitable for most tree species except lemon tree, oak and rosewood. Products, after treatment with peroxide, do not need to be washed. Peroxide solution bleaches only finely porous tree species. Wood containing tannins is very difficult to lighten with such a stain. To improve the bleaching process, tannins must first be treated with a 10% solution of ammonia.

Whitening results different breeds trees:

  • birch after bleaching in a solution of oxalic acid gets a greenish tint;
  • ash and oak veneer becomes noticeably lighter after treatment with oxalic acid;
  • Anatolian nut, when bleached in hydrogen peroxide (peroxide concentration not lower than 15%), acquires a golden hue, and walnut - pink.

Methods for applying stain

Wood stain processing can be done in one of four ways:

  1. Spraying. The stain is applied to the surface of the wood with an airbrush. Spraying allows you to achieve an even distribution of the stain and obtain an even texture.
  2. Trituration. The stain is applied to the wood and evenly rubbed over the entire area of ​​the product. The coating is transformed, the texture becomes pronounced. This method is optimal for porous wood species, and the stain should not be used to dry quickly.
  3. Application with a roller or swab. This method is used in the processing of products small area, it helps to avoid streaks and ensures even distribution of the stain over the surface.
  4. Brush application. In the absence of a spray gun or swab, you can use a brush, but this method is not suitable for all types of stain. Experts note that when applied with a brush, the wood gives a deeper, richer color than with other methods.

The main principles of wood stain processing

In order to get a beautiful product from natural material, you must adhere to the basic rules of wood processing.

Applying stain: video

Possible defects and their elimination

It is necessary to apply the stain very carefully, since it will be quite difficult to remove the resulting defects.

The formation of streaks. This happens if the stain is applied in large quantities and dries very quickly. In this case, you should try to remove the stain layer as much as possible. Another layer of stain should be applied to the hardening layer, which will soften the drying one, and then remove excess solution with a rag.

If the stain is completely dry, then a paint thinner must be used to remove it. However, the entire pigment cannot be removed. The top painted layer can be removed with a planer or sandpaper.

Product spotting. If the treated wood has an uneven density or wavy, then the absorption of the stain may occur unevenly - the color will be richer in some places, and lighter in others.

Spotting on mahogany or walnut looks attractive, but on the wood of cherry, birch, pine, spruce and poplar - it does not look natural

Spotting is very difficult to remove. You can remove the layer of stained wood with a planer, in plywood you will need to remove all the front veneer.

It is better to prevent the appearance of spotting in advance:

  • test the wood - apply stain to an unnecessary piece of the workpiece;
  • use stain gel.

Stain-gel - a thick, pasty stain that does not spread and does not penetrate deep into the wood. In addition, helium stains have a low absorption rate.

Wood staining is a great way to bring out the structure and beauty of wood while giving the elements a unique touch. Wood stain, the color range of which is diverse, does not create an opaque film on the surface, unlike paints and varnishes.

It impregnates the wood and gives it a noble shade. In addition, impregnation protects the plane from the growth of microbes, moisture and fungus.

In contact with

The purpose of the stain

The main task of this material is to emphasize the beauty of the tree. Stain shades, obtained by the interaction of wood with a substance, are so diverse that any old thing play with new colors.

There are several types of wood stains with different bases, which determine the individual properties of the material.

Types of compositions

Stain is a material that can be divided into 2 types: for interior and exterior use. In the second case, manufacturers introduce special pigments into the material that do not allow it to fade in the sun.

The material is gel-like, powder or in the form of a ready-made solution. The composition of the impregnation is:

  • water,
  • acrylic,
  • oil,
  • alcohol,
  • wax,
  • chemical.

Each of these types has advantages and disadvantages that should be considered in detail.

Water based

This impregnation is the most popular and widespread material with a large colors. Water stains for wood are commercially available in the form of a ready-made composition or powder, which must be diluted with water.


  • non-toxicity;
  • a variety of colors (shades from light to deep dark);
  • ease of application and low consumption of material;
  • low cost.

But there is one significant disadvantage - it is impossible to protect the wood from moisture, as the material will lift the fibers. This drawback can be combated: after impregnation, the swollen fibers are treated with sandpaper, after which they are re-treated. If there is a desire to preserve the structure of wood, then after the first application of the stain, you can cover the surface with a colorless varnish.

Note! The long drying of the plane after applying the stain can be considered a minor drawback.

Based on acrylic resins

Modern innovative material- impregnations made on the basis of acrylic resins. These formulations are represented by an emulsion, which has several advantages:

  • ease of application,
  • good protection of wood from external influences and moisture,
  • large range of colors
  • fade resistance,
  • little material consumption.

There is only one drawback of acrylic stain - the high cost.

Oil based

In the manufacture of these products, the pigment is dissolved in oil, while the shade of the material can be any. positive sides there is a lot of material:

Among the shortcomings can be identified long time desiccation and slight toxicity.

It should be noted that these impregnations are applied in a very thin layer.

alcohol based

The dye is aniline, it is dissolved in denatured alcohol. You can buy alcohol stain for wood in the form of a powder or solution.

The advantage of this material is its rapid drying. This is important for outdoor use, when the weather can change at any time.

In addition, the impregnation protects the wood from moisture and exposure to sunlight.

Cons of the material:

  • Specific pungent odour. When working indoors, good ventilation must be ensured.
  • Fast absorption into wood. This will complicate the work, and stains may appear on the surface.
  • Application by spray gun, brush or roller. It is impossible to obtain a uniformly painted surface.

Wax based

Wax stain for wood was created recently, but many consumers have already appreciated its advantages. It is easy to apply, effectively protects against moisture and at the same time is an environmentally friendly product.

Based on the above, you can decide which stain better fit for wood, based on their requirements and preferences.

How to choose colors

How to choose stain color? by the most the best option is the application of the composition to small plot wood. It is worth noting that on different surface the color of the impregnation will look different. If a colorless wood stain is used, then the structure and color of the wood is preserved when receiving a protective layer.

If it is not possible to apply the material to a small area, then it is worth considering the following nuances:

  • The name of the tone. Typically, manufacturers write the color of the stain based on international classification however, the saturation and depth will be different on different woods.
  • Type of wood. Having absorbed the composition, the tree can become a completely unusual shade.
  • Mortar quality. It is worth remembering that the result of staining with materials from different manufacturers will not be the same. Give preference only to trusted manufacturers, well known in the market.
  • The density of the composition. If the material is liquid, then you will not get a rich and deep color during processing, since the impregnation will be strongly absorbed into the wood.

If you want to cover a large area with stain, then you should buy material from one manufacturer, otherwise you may not get the desired color. Wood stain treatment is the easiest way to update wood products. It depends on which manufacturer produces the composition, what stain colors are in the tint range.

Material application technology

Applying wood stain to the surface of wood usually does not cause difficulties, but the work requires accuracy and a competent approach. In order for the material to lay evenly and the consumption to be small, it is important to know the nuances of application.

Stain application options

There are several ways to apply stain:

  • Spraying. This is the most effective method. The material lays down evenly, while obtaining a deep saturated color over the entire surface. Using a spray gun will help avoid smudges and unpainted areas.
  • Trituration. The composition is rubbed over porous wood with a rag. Thanks to this method of application, ordinary wood products acquire a noble oak shade. The composition must be rubbed very carefully, so the use of quick-drying stains should be excluded.
  • Application with a sponge or roller. The method is suitable for processing small surfaces. By covering the cut of wood with a sponge, you can get a great color and a protective screen.
  • Brush application. This is a common method, since the tool is easy to use, and the impregnation lies evenly. The master can highlight the natural wood ornament and show the pattern in a more advantageous way.

The method of applying stain depends on the type of material and the professional skills of the master. Often you can read about the method of application in the instructions for the material written on the label.

Application rules

It doesn't matter how many times the surface is covered. The main thing is to adhere to a certain technique and take into account the nuances:

  • Do not apply stain several times in one place, otherwise dark spots will be visible on the surface.
  • The raised wood fibers must be cleaned off with a coarse mesh (you should move along the fibers).

The drying time for alcohol solutions is a maximum of 3 hours, for oil solutions - 3 days.

Important! The rules for applying stain for oak are the same for both exterior and interior work. When using alcohol formulations, it is worth remembering safety measures, since the solution is very toxic.

Surface tinting - step by step instructions

Surface tinting is carried out in the following order:

  1. The wood is cleaned of the old coating, all uneven areas cleaned with sandpaper.
  2. The stain prepared according to the instructions is poured into the bath.
  3. A small amount of the composition is drawn onto the tool and evenly distributed over the surface.
  4. The material is not applied immediately in a thick layer, since the stain consumption will be high, and the coating will be of poor quality.

Coating flaws and their elimination

Were there any defects when applying the impregnation? There are several tricks to eliminate them without repainting the surface.

Sagging on wood is easy to fix if you find it before the surface is completely dry. Apply a little impregnation and clean the area with a rag. If the impregnation has already dried, the streak can be removed with a planer or sandpaper.

No matter how evenly you apply the material, stains can form - the whole reason is in the wood, which absorbs the composition unevenly. In this case, the surface must be treated with a planer and coated with a gel impregnation that does not absorb into the wood and lays down evenly.

Useful video: how to choose wood stain

Now you know what wood stain is and what it is for. And using our recommendations, you will be able to process any wooden surface on one's own.