Lining has long been used to cover various surfaces indoors and outdoors. This is a fairly simple and reliable method for doors, ceilings, and verandas. Wood is one of the environmentally friendly building materials that creates a warm and comfortable microclimate, a feeling of closeness to nature.

But over time, wood loses its aesthetic appearance due to absorbed dust, temperature changes and humidity fluctuations, and therefore needs protection measures.

Proper painting of the lining will save the wood from drying out, dust and damage by insects. Also, painting will make it possible to carry out wet cleaning, protect against the penetration of dirt into the wood sheet.

Is it worth painting the lining?

The answer to this question depends on the room itself, which will be finished with clapboard. Wood without staining darkens very quickly and becomes unattractive.

Photo: unpainted lining in the interior

Of course, it can be bleached with special compounds for wood. But why do it? In addition, the wooden coating is not protected from excess or lack of moisture, and this will eventually lead to drying or swelling of the material. If you want to preserve the original beauty of the wood, use transparent paints and varnishes.

Photo: lining varnished in the interior

How to paint the lining inside the house?

All means for painting lining can be divided into two groups:

  • protective;
  • decorative.

The group of protective agents includes primers and impregnations that protect wood from drying out, rotting, insects and fungus. Protective agents completely penetrate deep into the canvas and become invisible after drying.

Photo: lining treatment with protective equipment

The group of decorative means includes:

  • oil paint;
  • acrylate paint;
  • decorative glaze;
  • acrylic scuba shoes;
  • alkyd varnishes;
  • stains;
  • opaque enamels.

This list can be continued, because the range of paint and varnish products includes quite a lot of different products. All of them differ from each other in price, country of production, service life, environmental friendliness and special decorative properties. For example, someone prefers a hypoallergenic varnish, while someone else is interested in its decorative qualities - dullness or gloss. Let's take a look at the features of the listed paint and varnish products.

Oil paints

They last a long time, repel moisture and dry quickly. But they also have a strong persistent smell. Therefore, the lining should be painted on warm days so that it is possible to ventilate the room. After about 5 years, the painted surface will begin to lose its luster and brightness and will need to be renewed.

Acrylic paint

Very expensive compared to oil. But its advantage is that it does not have a strong smell. The paint dries well at low temperatures, which allows you to work with it at any time of the year. Fast drying at various temperatures and the absence of a persistent odor fully compensate for the high price.

Decorative glaze

Perfectly emphasizes the texture of wood due to its transparency. To give the glaze a certain tone, you can add various colors to its composition.

Acrylic scuba diving

They also retain the texture of wood due to their transparency. Can be used with the addition of color. But not suitable for painting floors.

Alkyd varnishes

Perfectly emphasize the woody pattern. But they should be applied only on a completely dry surface, otherwise they will crack when dried.


The composition of the stain does not paint over the wood, it only changes its basic tone. Under the treatment with stain, you need to choose a perfectly even lining, without any flaws in the wood.

Opaque enamels

This enamel completely stains the wood canvas. Usually it is applied in three layers in turn.

What varnishes are there?

A huge selection of paint and varnish products is confusing. To date, varnishes for lining the lining are:

  • acrylic water;
  • alkyd;
  • water-based;
  • acrylic polyurethane;
  • polyurethane.

Acrylic water is chosen for interior work, according to its structure, they are divided into matte and glossy. Alkyd are suitable for all types of work: internal and external. Water-based are good for interior decoration. Acrylic polyurethane is practically not subject to fading, and is suitable for sunny rooms. Polyurethane varnishes protect wood from yellowing and UV rays.

Color selection

To make the space look harmonious, it is important to consider the right combination of colors.

What color is better to paint the lining? You decide!

  • To visually expand the space, choose sand, light beige or white shades.
  • Dark tones visually narrow the space.
  • The color of the walls, floor and ceiling should not be contrasting.
  • Strict seasoned tones are suitable for cabinet decor.
  • For the bedroom, the most successful choice would be the natural color of the wood.
  • When choosing a light shade, remember that it tends to get dirty.

Painting the lining inside the house is an optional, but quite effective measure in the operation of this material. The level of this efficiency determines how and with what the wood processing will be carried out. It is the choice of means and materials that will determine the success of the entire event.

Painting lining inside the house: the purpose and necessity of this event

Lining is a thin board that is used for covering various surfaces: walls, ceilings, doors, both inside and outside the premises. This is a wooden panel, which is the main advantage, since wood is a valuable and environmentally friendly building material. Also lining is an excellent decorative element that can give comfort and a special atmosphere to the house.

Much can be said about the advantages of lining as a finishing material. This is the ability to heat and sound insulation, and the ability to visually smooth out surface defects, durability and ease of installation. In general, it preserves all the properties of the tree. And the tree, as you know, burns well, rots, is attacked by fungus and insects. But this can be easily avoided with proper care and maintenance.

Painting lining inside the house and outside is one of the elements of competent tree care. The protective layer of the paint and varnish composition protects the tree from environmental influences: moisture, insects, dust. Also, the purpose of painting can be a change in color, if natural for some reason does not suit you. Or vice versa - varnishing for a more intense highlight of the natural wood structure. After any of these treatments, you can safely carry out wet cleaning of surfaces.

The website site masters have prepared a special calculator for you. You can easily calculate the required amount of lining.

Lining is a durable material, but over time it loses its color under the influence of sunlight. And it makes no sense to finish the house with a tree with a margin for the next 20-30 years, if the decorative properties are lost in the first decade. In this case, painting will also help. A layer of varnish or paint will protect the boards from the sun and “preserve” the original color for many years.

How to choose a protective agent and how to paint the lining inside the house?

Today, the construction market offers a wide range of wood processing products. Focusing on quality, cost and purpose, you can choose the optimal, for each specific case, composition. Specific cases can be considered, for example, cost restrictions, the level of humidity in the room, the type of wood from which the lining is made, etc.

The main task of all processing tools is to protect the tree from:

  • moisture;
  • sun rays;
  • insects;
  • fungi.

Two groups of means are called upon to deal with these misfortunes:

  1. means that have only protective functions;
  2. protective equipment with decorative properties.

The first group includes impregnations and primers designed to protect wood from decay, fungus and insects. Such processing is mandatory when working with wood and lining in particular. These compositions are not visible after drying, which distinguishes them from the second group. Means of the second group are represented by paints and varnishes. They perform the same protective function, but with a change in the original color of the lining.

Decorative protection is usually chosen more meticulously, as it will be visible. There are a lot of options for how to paint the lining inside the house:

  • Oil paint. This paint dries quickly, lasts a long time and does not let moisture through. It has a very specific smell, which makes painting inside the house possible only in the warm season, when you can ventilate the room. After 7-8 years, this paint loses its brightness and luster, which will require a color update.
  • Acrylic paint. Harmless paint that dries quickly even at low temperatures. It does not have a strong unpleasant odor, which allows you to work with it indoors. During the painting process does not spread over the surface. It has a fairly high cost, which is its disadvantage.
  • Decorative glaze. It has a good protective function and perfectly emphasizes the structure of the treated wood surface. Via tinting paints can be given any color and shade.
  • Acrylic scuba. Strong and durable compounds that keep the structure of the tree visible. They can also be tinted, allowing them to be used as a decorative glaze. Acrylic scuba shoes cannot be used for flooring.
  • Alkyd varnishes. Requires a completely dry base. If you cover them with a damp tree, then in the future the varnish will crack and begin to peel off.
  • Wood stains. Stains can only be used if the surface of the lining is even and free of defects, since this composition does not paint over the wood, but only changes its shade.
  • Opaque enamels. Completely paint over the structure of the tree. Usually enamel is applied to a well-dried lining in three layers. This requires the use of a larger volume of this coating compared to varnish or paint.

This list of possible options, of course, is not exhausted. The range is really big as paints, and varnishes. Here it is necessary to be based on personal capabilities and wishes. When choosing a coating, you can create selection criteria for yourself by categories, for example: price, country of manufacture, service life, decorative properties, consumer reviews, environmental friendliness, etc.

So, for example, if it is decided to use varnish for lining inside the house, then acrylic is hypoallergenic, which is very important for some and can be a decisive moment in choosing a coating. Polyurethane varnishes dry very quickly and are matte and glossy, which in turn will solve the problem of choice for someone.

Step-by-step diagram of how to paint the lining inside the house

A good choice of paint or varnish for lining processing is only half the battle. The next step will be the wood processing itself. Regardless of what the lining will be covered with, the process has four successive stages:

How to paint lining inside the house - a step by step diagram

Step 1: Cleaning the lining surface

The first step is cleaning and bleaching the lining. The surface of the boards must be cleaned of dirt, this can be done with a steel or hair brush. Also, the boards need to be sanded with a fine sandpaper to remove all the roughness. In order to remove deep dirt, such as stains from the fungus, you need to resort to the help of special bleaching agents. The end result should be a clean, smooth and dry board.

Step 2: Wood primer

The primer must completely fill the pores of the surface and not sag further when dried. It is selected depending on the type of wood from which the lining is made. The primer can be applied with a paint roller or spray.

Step 3: Impregnation of the lining surface

Before painting the lining inside the house, it should be treated with a special impregnation. Wood impregnations have an antiseptic effect and prevent the appearance of mold, fungi and insects. It is necessary to impregnate the board on both sides, and then let it dry well (at least two days). High-quality products do not change the color of the lining and do not emit an unpleasant odor during operation.

The primer for indoor use should be water-based and free of a sharp unpleasant odor.

Step 4: Painting the lining

After the lining is cleaned, processed and well dried, you can proceed to the direct application of paint. For painting, you can use an airbrush, roller or brush. The most uniform painting will be obtained using an automatic spray gun, but hand tools can also be used. It is better to use a small brush (5 cm in diameter), and a paint roller is useful with a short nap.

A layer of paint is applied in a continuous motion along the board. You can not drive with a brush or roller repeatedly in one place. The paint layer should be thin and even. There can be two or three such layers, it will depend on the desired end result: color saturation, color uniformity, etc. Each subsequent layer can be applied only after the absolute drying of the previous one.

Two thin coats of paint hold better and last longer than one thicker coat.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Despite the inexorable development of technology and the spread of synthetic substitutes in construction, natural materials for home decoration continue to be in steady demand. In our article we will tell you how to paint the lining inside the house?

Lining - a thin wooden panel that has many positive properties: thermal and sound insulation, ease of installation, pleasant appearance. But, like any tree, it is affected by moisture, the sun, insects or fungi. To combat these negative effects, painting is used.

How can I paint the lining inside the house

The choice of one or another paint depends entirely on your preferences and requirements. Someone needs a hypoallergenic coating, for others, the speed of its drying is important. There are many paints and varnishes that can be used to paint the lining inside the house in white, beige, yellow or any other color:

  • Acrylate paint is harmless and dries very quickly. Its main disadvantage is the high price;
  • oil paint - dries for a long time and has a persistent odor, therefore it is suitable for painting only in the warm season;
  • decorative glaze - in addition to changing color, it perfectly emphasizes the wood structure;
  • alkyd varnishes;
  • stains are well suited for processing wood without flaws. After all, they do not paint over it, but only change the shade;
  • opaque enamels - are applied in three layers and completely paint over the original structure of the tree.

After reviewing the photo of painting the lining that is presented on our website, you can more clearly imagine the whole variety of existing paints for processing floors and walls inside the house.

Stages of painting lining

  • Before you start painting the lining inside the house in the country, it must be thoroughly cleaned and treated with fine sandpaper to eliminate possible roughness. If the board cannot be cleaned with a simple brush, special cleaners should be used. The result of this stage is a clean, white and smooth lining.
  • The primer is selected depending on the type of wood being processed. Apply by roller or sprayer. For indoor use, the primer must be water-based and free of a persistent and unpleasant odor.
  • Impregnation of the wood surface with special means is necessary for additional protection of the lining from moisture, fungi and insects. High-quality impregnation should not emit pungent odors. After completing this stage of work, you need to let the lining dry for at least two days.
  • Painting stage. The best result is achieved with a spray gun, but a roller or brush is fine too. The paint should be applied in a thin layer, so you should not repeatedly drive the brush over the same place. Usually the paint is applied in several layers. It all depends on the desired color and uniformity of the final coating.

In the video at the end of the article, you can take a closer look at the entire process of directly painting the lining inside the house.

Little paint tricks

Thanks to the feedback from our readers, here are some tricks that will come in handy when painting the lining inside the house:

  • the paint on the hands can be easily washed with vegetable oil. Apply it on your hand, hold for 5 minutes and wash off with soap;
  • To clean glass from paint, use a paste that consists of chalk and concentrated soda. Apply the paste to the paint, let it stand for a while and boldly remove it;
  • old oil paint can be easily removed with foil and an iron. Iron the painted section of the wall with a hot iron through the foil. Then the paint can be easily removed with a spatula.

Any wood product needs additional protective care, not so much to give an attractive appearance (it can be flawless without it), but to extend its service life. Everyone knows that untreated wood changes its color over time - it darkens, and from the effects of temperature and humidity changes it can quickly age and deform. Many are concerned about the question: “How to paint the lining inside the house in the country?” There are many ways and technologies for processing wooden lining inside the house. This article lists some of them.

The most popular method of processing inside a country house is varnishing the lining. The advantage of this type of decorative coating lies in the fact that the result is a surface with a natural color and natural wood structure. Among the mass of varieties of varnishes, two categories can be distinguished:

  1. Absolutely transparent varnishes.

This option is suitable for those who are looking for the best to cover the lining of expensive wood with an ideal surface. Since this type of varnish maintains the integrity of the structure. If a low-grade lining was used in the design of the interior of the dacha, then it is better not to use transparent varnish, since it will only emphasize the flaws on its surface. Alternatively, you can pre-treat the entire surface with a stain, the choice of which is simply huge, which will allow you to give the tree a uniform color and mask flaws on the surface.

  1. Tinting or structural varnishes.
    The peculiarity of these varnishes is that there is no need to pre-treat the wood surface with stain. With these varnishes, you can give any shade to the surface without changing the structure of the tree. Due to such good quality, these varnishes are also called structural. For most people who do not know how to paint the lining inside the house, this option may be optimal. The color range of tinted varnishes is very large, everyone can choose the right shade for their home or cottage. One and only drawback of varnishes is a pungent smell that disappears after a certain time.

Having settled on the idea of ​​varnishing the lining in the country from the inside, you need to pay attention to what type of base of the varnish used. In modern construction, the varnishes used are resin-based or water-soluble. Water-soluble varnishes are odorless, but they are afraid of prolonged contact with water, so when washing the surface, you must follow the instructions and be careful.

Painting lining in the country: types of paints and their features

Painting the lining inside the house will hide all the defects on the surface of the wood. Painted places from fallen knots, potholes or cracks, previously puttied, will not be noticeable. Thanks to properly executed lining painting indoors, it is possible to protect the wood surface structure from destruction for a long time. To implement your ideas and plans for painting walls and ceilings from a lining in a country house, you need to decide on the type of paint and the method of applying it.
According to their characteristics, paints are of the following types:

1. Opaque enamels.

This type of paint has a pungent and sometimes toxic odor, so the room must be well ventilated during painting work. Alkyd enamels are able to completely hide the structure of the tree and all the flaws on its surface. They are used in cases where it is necessary to hide puttied places after repair work on a wooden surface.

Painting wooden lining with this type of paint is different in that the structure of the wood is completely preserved. The use of decorative glaze allows you to make the surface more attractive. The color range of the glaze is quite extensive, but this does not prevent the structure of the processed wooden surface from remaining visible. When working with this type of dyes, one should be aware of their pungent odor and toxicity, and take care of good ventilation in the room.

3. Acrylic paint.

This paint for lining inside the house can be the best option, because it is odorless, water-based and absolutely harmless to humans. Paints of this type are glossy and matte, the color gamut is so large that other types of paints are much inferior to them. The advantages of acrylic paints are that they are easy to tint yourself by adding a certain amount of coloring pigment. In the case when it is necessary to prepare a large amount of paint, it will be difficult to manually perform this task. To automate this process, there are many options for modern equipment. The main thing is that all portions have the same color.

Determining how to cover the lining inside the house, it is necessary to comprehensively approach the solution of this issue. Take into account the outgoing state of coverage. For a new lining, you can consider the option between varnishing, decorating with glaze or acrylic paint. But to cover old layers or defects on the surface of the lining, the best option would be colored paint compositions.

How to paint the lining with your own hands, see this video clip

Lining coloring technology

The principle of painting wooden lining inside the room is slightly different from similar work outside the country house. First you need to decide on the requirements for the decorative style of the surface. If the lining is dry, then there is no need for impregnation with a protective compound, or the choice of paint / varnishes / wax with appropriate additives. You can apply paint only from the front side, and do not process the back side.

In unheated or high-humidity rooms: on balconies, on a closed veranda, the lining used must be treated twice with impregnation on all sides. Decoration with paints and varnishes should be carried out only after the impregnation has completely dried.

An important point: in the process of mounting the lining on the walls or ceiling, the structural elements are cut into certain pieces. Therefore, in rooms with high humidity, it must be ensured that all cut points are processed in the proper way.

Many amateur decorators lose sight of the fact that in order to obtain a uniform color of the lining at a professional level, a separate processing of each plank is necessary: ​​grinding, painting, drying. And only then is the surface assembled from the finished lining elements. This technology provides for the installation of wall and ceiling surfaces from pre-processed boards, which ensures the creation of the same color lining inside the house in the country.

When trying to paint the surface of the walls assembled from the lining, there may be unpainted places in the recesses of the grooves. Larger areas are more difficult to sand. It will not be possible to get a perfectly flat surface without experience in this field. It is easier to paint the finished lining surface when it is necessary to refresh the old paint. The frequency of this type of work depends on the operating conditions and the condition of the paint layer.

How to paint a lining while preserving the texture of wood

To achieve the effect of the structure of the tree when painting, azure, pigmented oils or wax are used. These compounds are applied with a brush or roller, they lay down tightly, completely painting over the texture.

According to the technology, it is necessary to apply in small fragments along the length of the lining. Then, using a roller or brush, blend along the surface. After 5-10 minutes, after the paintwork has been absorbed, it is necessary to remove excess oil with a soft, lint-free cloth. The result is a vibrant pattern of wood texture. In places where there were grooves, more paint and varnish remains, and where there were protrusions, almost none remains. This technology is called brushing or texturing lining. It is often used in decorating walls and ceilings.

The method of painting lining under bleached oak

In some cases, it is necessary to paint the lining in white so that the texture of the wood is preserved - the effect of bleached oak. Several methods are known:

  • Toning is carried out using the appropriate stain. Any manufacturer has stains of this tone under the names: “hoarfrost”, bleached oak”, etc. The main condition: to adhere to the technology of applying paint so that the texture of the wood remains visible, the layers of paint must be very thin, the second layer is applied after the first has completely dried. If you miss and apply more paint, then peeling of the paintwork will begin in this place over time.
  • Oil with wax or similar name. Application can be performed in one or two layers, it all depends on the desire.
  • Polyurethane pigment primer. To obtain a translucent coating, the composition is diluted with a thinner. This type of coating turns yellow after a certain time.
  • Pigmented acrylic primer is more expensive than polyurethane, but it remains white for a long time.
    In order to determine which paint to choose, it is necessary to compare the finished samples. The effect depends on the wood. Results and reviews vary, as not everyone adheres to the correct application technology. In each individual case, it is necessary to creatively and rationally approach the choice of paints and varnishes.

Secrets of decorative coloring of lining

The owners of country houses want to create optimal conditions for preserving the natural color of wood. And those who are tired of the everyday look of walls and ceilings want to repaint the lining inside the premises in new, unusual colors. The existing paint and varnish materials on the market make it possible to realize any bold dreams of changing the design inside the home.

The method of brushing lining in two colors can be an excellent solution in transforming the interior of a country house. The trick of this method is that first a layer of a dark color is applied, and then a second one with a brighter and lighter color.

On the video you can see the technology for creating a copper tree:

  1. protective equipment
  2. What varnish to choose for a new wooden lining
  3. Painting of the old coating

For interior and exterior finishing work, such wonderful material as wooden lining is often used. The wood option has a number of useful qualities. So, first of all, good quality wood paneling, correctly assembled and treated with appropriate protective agents, is a good heat and sound insulating material. In addition, the tree is known for its excellent decorative qualities, therefore, decorating the interior of the house, you can visually expand the room, create an atmosphere of comfort, and also bring a rustic touch to the decoration of the room.

Especially good wood paneling in the country. In addition, this finishing material is simply irreplaceable in the bath. Lining can be used to decorate balconies, loggias, rooms and many other rooms and structures. As for outdoor work, as a rule, wood paneling is used to decorate the walls of houses.

Features of work and operation

It should be noted that the material has all the qualities inherent in wood. In other words, this is a material that needs to be treated with protective compounds that protect the tree from the effects of the following factors:

  • excessive moisture, sunlight;
  • fire, chemicals;
  • mechanical factors (friction, etc.);
  • pollution of various kinds.

For example, if a loggia or a balcony, an attic in a country house is finished from the inside, then the wood material is usually exposed to ultraviolet radiation, seasonal humidity, mold fungi, etc. In the bath, the skin experiences temperature fluctuations, exposure to moisture and other negative factors. If the entrance hall is decorated with wood, then the material may lose its appearance due to mechanical friction, pollution, etc.

protective equipment

To protect the wooden surface from the effects of various physical and chemical factors, special agents are used, and some of these agents are applied even before the lining is installed.

In particular, this applies to antiseptics. It is antiseptic compounds that protect wood from pests and mold. By the way, some European manufacturers sell wooden sheathing material that has already been treated with an antiseptic, as evidenced by the corresponding marking.

As for fire retardants, they increase the fire resistance of the material. But for protection from the sun, moisture, friction and chemicals, you can use varnishes and paints. It should be noted that before painting the lining inside the house, it must be treated with a primer, then with an antiseptic, and then with paints and varnishes. It is this sequence of processing that guarantees the durability and aesthetic appearance of the finishing material throughout the entire period of operation. In the event that a bathhouse in the country is finished with clapboard, then in addition to the antiseptic, one cannot do without a fire retardant.

How to paint the lining inside the house? The painting of the lining, which is used to decorate the interior walls of the premises, is carried out with paints and varnishes that are intended for woodworking and interior work. The advantage of lining at this stage is that the surface of this material is polished and does not require additional alignment before painting. Of course, this applies to the new lining, but in order to update the old painted surface, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation - cleaning the surface.

Which varnish to choose

As noted earlier, before installation, the entire surface of the new lining must be treated with a primer, antiseptic and dried for at least 2 days. After that, the boards are mounted and varnished or covered with paint. Since the lining has a beautiful appearance, it is better not to radically change the color of the finishing material. You can simply varnish the wood - and it will shine, creating an atmosphere of warmth and lightness.

It should be noted that the painting of the lining inside the house is carried out using the following types of varnish:

  • acrylate;
  • water based;
  • polyurethane.

With the help of varnishes, you can get a glossy or silky surface without shine. In addition, varnishes may contain coloring pigments. Varnishes are diluted with appropriate solvents (water, white spirit, xylene, ether, alcohol, etc.).

Alkyd varnishes and varnishes based on polyurethane are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, as they have good protective properties.

Acrylic varnishes are used for interior work. They preserve the natural color of the wood and protect from the effects of sunlight. Alkyd varnishes are moisture resistant. They make the wood resistant to chips and cracks. The main disadvantage of alkyd varnishes is a strong smell and a long drying time.

When applying polyurethane varnishes, a coating is created that is resistant to moisture, ultraviolet rays, and chemicals. A significant drawback is the high price.

Painting a new wooden lining

On what basis is it best to choose varnishes for lining? For painting lining, water-based varnishes are best suited. Such materials are environmentally friendly, odorless and dry quickly. However, water-based varnishes are best used only for interior work. Their main advantage is ease of use, harmlessness and reasonable cost.

To varnish a new lining inside the house, after applying a primer, an antiseptic composition, drying and installation, paint the lining with the selected varnish using a sprayer or brush in 3-4 layers. Correctly apply the next layer of varnish should be only after the previous one has completely dried..

In addition to varnishes, for painting lining indoors, you can use the following types of paints for woodwork:

  • water-based;
  • pentaphthalic enamels;
  • enamels on chlorosulfonated polyethylene;
  • urethane-alkyd enamels.

Water-based lining paint (water-based) can create matte and semi-matte finishes. Such paints are used for interior work and are not washed off with water. However, they should not be used in rooms with high humidity. For a room with high humidity, it is better to treat the lining with organosilicate materials that create a shiny smooth surface.

As for various kinds of enamels, they usually contain coloring pigments, change the natural color of the wood and are suitable for repainting lining. Enamel paint for lining is resistant to water and detergents.

In addition to traditional varnishes and paints, it is also possible to color wood with natural dyes - stains, stains, and wax-based paints.

What kind of varnish or paint to choose for coloring? The choice depends on the operating conditions of the material and the requirements for the paintwork. Properly selected paint material is a guarantee of durability and aesthetic appearance of wooden sheathing.

Painting of the old coating

If the previously painted surface has a coating with defects and contamination, then in this case, it is better to degrease the surface with a solvent. Then you can paint the material in two layers.