Water mist fire extinguishing (WMA) is a modern, rapidly gaining popularity, highly effective fire extinguishing technology. As a fire extinguishing agent, water is used, supplied under high pressure through special spray nozzles, due to which a fine mist is created from droplets no larger than 100-150 microns, which quickly fills the protected room. At the same time, high efficiency of extinguishing fires is achieved with a minimum amount of water consumed, which makes it possible to use the TRV technology in modular fire extinguishing systems.

The effectiveness of fire extinguishing modules with water mist is achieved due to the combined action of the following factors:

  • Firstly, the water fine mist has a high heat capacity and a large total surface area of ​​the droplets, which leads to a rapid decrease in the temperature in the seat of the fire and the cessation of the combustion chemical reaction process (temperature reduction effect).
  • Secondly, when water evaporates in the fire zone, a large amount of water vapor is formed, which, being a gaseous substance, has the properties of volumetric fire extinguishing agents and penetrates into any cracks and porous surfaces, preventing the gas exchange of combustible materials with oxygen by reducing its concentration in the combustion zone. (oxygen displacement effect).
  • Thirdly, finely dispersed drops of water and water vapor, depositing on the surface of materials not yet covered by the combustion process, creates a thin water film on their surface, preventing the spread of fire to the zones of the protected premises adjacent to the source of ignition (fire localization effect). In the fire extinguishing modules with water mist produced by MPPA "Epotos", a foaming additive (potassium acetate) is used to enhance this effect. The potassium acetate solution also prevents water from freezing and allows the use of TRV modules at low temperatures (up to minus 40 degrees Celsius)

Summarizing all of the above:
water mist fire extinguishing technology, in addition to cooling, implements two more extinguishing mechanisms - isolation of the source and reduction of oxygen concentration.

There is another indisputable advantage of TRV fire extinguishing modules over other fire protection means - absolute environmental friendliness and safety for humans. This allows the use of this technology in residential premises, trade pavilions, industrial workshops and other premises with the presence of people. The rapid spraying of water mist and its instant cooling effect allows the evacuation of people in the room even during the active phase of the fire (when the fire extinguishing system is triggered).
In addition, water mist has a unique ability to deposit smoke. Application practice shows that immediately after the activation of the fire extinguishing modules of the expansion valve, there is no need to turn on the ventilation system to remove smoke.

The principle of operation of fire extinguishing modules with water mist.

The principle of operation of the TRV modules is as follows:
1. The sensors of the automatic fire extinguishing system detect a fire, after which the system issues an electrical signal to start the fire extinguishing modules.
2. From the incoming electrical impulse, the gas generator of the fire extinguishing module is triggered, which ejects an inert gas into the internal cavity of the module, which leads to a rapid increase in pressure inside the module case.
3. When the critical pressure in the housing is reached (the process takes place in a fraction of a second), the safety membrane of the expansion valve module is destroyed and water is ejected through a fine sprayer into the protected room.

It should be noted that in the passive state (before actuation) there is no pressure inside the module case, which significantly reduces the possibility of loss of its operability as a result of slight depressurization and gradual release of pressure. This favorably distinguishes modules with a gas generating principle of operation from other systems that are constantly under pressure.

Scope of application of TRV technology. Restrictions.

Along with the requirements of regulatory documents on fire safety, it is necessary to take into account the features of various objects of protection and calculate the economic efficiency of the selected fire extinguishing technology, to know all its features and disadvantages.

In residential and industrial premises, modular expansion valve systems are unrivaled due to environmental safety and harmlessness to humans

In warehouses intended for the storage of materials based on cellulose (paper, wood products), food, pharmaceutical products, complex and expensive electronic equipment, water mist is also the most acceptable solution. As you can see, the scope is very wide, but there are limitations.

TRV modules are not intended for fire extinguishing in rooms with electrical equipment under very high voltage (over 1000 V).
In addition, water mist is not applicable for extinguishing class D fires, as well as some chemically active substances with respect to water, including:
- organoaluminum compounds, alkali and alkaline earth metals (extremely explosive in contact with water and even in the presence of water vapor);
- organic lithium compounds, lead azide, zinc, magnesium, aluminum hydrides (they actively decompose in the presence of water releasing combustible gases);
- thermite, titanium chloride, sulfuric acid, (actively interact with water with high heat release);

It is important!
A feature of the Buran-TRV modules produced at the enterprises of MPPA "EPOTOS" is the absence of standard surfactant foam concentrates in the used aqueous solution, the service life of which is limited: 3 years of operation without recharging the modules. (see Explanatory letter of VNIIPO "On the service life of aqueous solutions of surfactants")
Buran-TRV modules use exclusively an aqueous solution of potassium acetate, which increases its frost resistance (up to minus 40°C) and allows the modules to be used for 10 years without recharging!

Testing modules Buran-15 TRV "SPBEK-Mining"-2017

At present, modular water mist fire extinguishing systems and various installations (MUPTV) based on this technology are increasingly being used as a universal fire extinguishing agent at protected facilities not only in Russia, but also abroad. The availability of water, its environmental friendliness, safety and high efficiency of extinguishing in a fine mist state are the main reasons for the ever-increasing popularity of this modern technology using water as a fire extinguishing agent. "Epotos" specialists are constantly improving the expansion valve modules, making changes to the design and technology of their production, conducting numerous tests in order to eliminate the shortcomings of expansion valve products and expand their scope.

Water mist fire extinguishing module. It is used to fight fires (fires) of categories: A (solid materials), B (flammable liquids) and E (electric installations under voltage up to 1000V). Mass of OTV - 14.5 l

Fire extinguishing systems based on the principle of water spraying are designed to suppress fires (fires) of category "A" (solid substances) and category "B" (flammable liquids). Due to its environmental friendliness, water fire extinguishing systems are safe for human health and the environment. For this reason, this type of fire extinguishers (modules, systems) has proven itself well in domestic, heated conditions. This is due to the fact that at a negative ambient temperature, the fire extinguishing composition (OTV - water), located in cylinders or special tanks of fire extinguishing systems, freezes. Knowing this disadvantage of water fire extinguishing systems, some manufacturers add special additives to the water, which make the fire extinguishing composition frost-resistant, allowing the fire extinguishing system to be used even at low ambient temperatures.

Technical characteristics of MPTV "TRV-Garant" -14.5-01 (85):

MPTV "TRV-Garant" -14.5-01 (85)
Mass of fire extinguishing agent (OTV)
Module body capacity 16 l
Mass of the module with OTV 25 kg
Categories of fires A, B, E
Operating pressure 2.0 MPa
The duration of the submission of OTV 5 s
Protected area when extinguishing a class A model fire 32 m²
Protected area when extinguishing a class B model fire 12 m²
Maximum class B outbreak rank -
Placement Height up to 4 m
Safe current for checking the electric start circuits of the module / Starting current 20 mA / 100 mA
Operating temperature +5°C...+50°C
Starter electrical resistance 8-16 ohm
Response temperature -
Recertification / Service life at least once every 5 years / 10 years
Dimensions (diameter/height) 400/430 mm
Explosion protection marking / Degree of protection against external influences

Water mist systems are used:

When igniting solid substances (class A)
In case of fire of combustive-lubricating liquids, fuel (class B)
In the event of an electric fire live installations (class E)

Water mist systems DO NOT APPLY:

When igniting alkali metals
When igniting materials that do not require air to burn
When igniting gases


Module housing with mounting platform
- Nozzle-sprayer (opr. from 3 types when ordering)
- Surfactant capacity
- Package
- Passport and instruction manual

Please note that before using this model of the MPTV "TRV-Garant" -14.5-01 (85) mist fire extinguishing module, you should check its characteristics for compliance. Our company is not responsible for the misuse of modular water mist fire extinguishing systems.

Buy and order delivery of a modular mist water fire extinguishing system (UPTV) in the regions of the Russian Federation (sending by transport companies) and zones of the Customs Union.

Fire extinguishing module with water mist MPTV "TRV-Garant" -14.5-01 (85), as well as other MPTV models (or their analogues), you can order and buy through our online store of fire extinguishing modules with water mist, or simply order delivery in Moscow from the ABars company.

Free shipping is only available on orders over R60,000. Delivery of fire extinguishing modules with water mist in Moscow - 500 rubles, Moscow region - 1200 rubles. Or you can personally pick up the goods you ordered (metro station Belorusskaya).

If you have any questions about the water mist fire extinguishing modules (MPTV), we will promptly answer them by phone.

There are AUPT installations where powder or gas is used as an (OTV), which in some cases has advantages over water. Nevertheless, the most common stationary fire extinguishing systems are still water.

The explanation for this lies on the surface, or rather, flows from every water tap - availability, low cost even at huge costs, volumes for localization / liquidation, a practically unlimited or quite sufficient supply for these purposes in external networks, fire reservoirs (reservoirs).

It's easy:

  • After triggering, thermal, flame detectors, and in some cases in production premises with a high category for explosion and fire hazard, explosion-proof fire detectors, the APS device sends a control signal to turn on the locking mechanism of the starting cylinder of the AUP-TRV extinguishing module.
  • It is also possible to start the operation of the spray water extinguishing system with the help of, acting as a starting device for the installation (module) / AUP-TRV system.
  • The displacing gas enters the tank with OTV (purified water, often with special additives).
  • The resulting fire-extinguishing mixture enters under pressure into the distributing (supplying) and then into the distribution pipelines mounted under the ceiling of the protected premises, to the sprinklers, which eject the mixture in the form of finely sprayed water, often called water mist, which effectively suppresses the fire.
  • Control/monitoring of the release of OTV is carried out automatically, remotely according to the readings of the mixture pressure indicator installed on the supply pipeline of the installation module. When the control value of pressure in the tank with OTV is exceeded, the safety valve (membrane) is triggered.


According to paragraphs. 3.45, 3.47 SP 5.13130, a module is a single device in which the functions of storing / supplying fire extinguishing agents after a trigger signal are implemented, and a modular extinguishing installation - several modules with a common system for detecting a fire source and monitoring / managing their launch.

In addition to the basic version - with a displacing gas cylinder, modular AUP-TRV, as well as TRV fire extinguishing modules, are of the injection type; when the fire extinguishing agent in the product is immediately under pressure and ready for use, which reduces the response time of an individual device and the AUPT system as a whole.

It is convenient to protect small rooms and buildings with such equipment - modules, as modular installations / fire extinguishing systems for expansion valves.


Designed for surface local extinguishing of class A, B fires, as well as electrical equipment with voltage up to 1 thousand V.

AUP-TRV, according to both domestic and foreign experts, is effective for protecting the following objects, individual important premises in them:

  • Residential houses, apartments.
  • Kindergartens, nurseries.
  • Nursing homes, boarding schools.
  • educational institutions.
  • Hospitals, hospitals.
  • Hotels, hotels, sanatoriums, hostels.
  • Industrial kitchen equipment.
  • Cabins, engine rooms, ship/ship corridors.

As can be seen from the list, these are mainly residential premises of a small area and height with a low fire load. The priority of using mist water instead of sprinkler / deluge installations, and even more so powder, gas, is quite understandable - this is to ensure the safety of people.

Although manufacturers advocate the widespread use of AUP-TRV for extinguishing shopping and office centers, underground parking lots, industrial / storage facilities, cable tunnels, archives, museums and book depositories, even oil and gas industry facilities (!), Experts consider this nothing more than an advertising message owners of buildings / structures, management of enterprises of organizations.

In most cases, traditional water installations do a good job of extinguishing such objects, and powder and gas fire extinguishing systems have been developed to extinguish specific critical premises; and the use of AUP-TRV there, which is confirmed by calculations, is inefficient. To understand when and for whom systems are needed, AUP-TRV modules should be compared with the pros and cons of their acquisition and use.

Advantages and disadvantages

First of all about the benefits:

  • Modules, installations AUP-TRV is a ready-made, complete equipment that can be quickly installed at the facility, compared with the installation, for example, of a sprinkler fire extinguishing system.
  • Due to the fact that the water mist sprayed by the sprinklers of the modules / installations is not dangerous for people's breathing, it is possible to evacuate from the protected premises during the operation of the AUP-TRV.
  • Minimal damage to the contents of the premises, compared with deluge / sprinkler and powder fire extinguishing systems.
  • Modular AFS-TRV equipment requires minimal control/maintenance, similar to the maintenance of portable/mobile fire extinguishers, and scheduled maintenance is not much different from recharging fire extinguishers.

As usual, it was not without drawbacks:

  • In contrast to the usual deluge, sprinkler water AUPT, the supply of FTV displacing gas, therefore, the operating time of the TEV extinguishing module / installation is limited. It may not be enough to eliminate the source of the fire, at best it will be enough to localize it. Although there are installations with a compressor method for supplying a displacing agent, the complexity of the system will significantly affect the price of products, and will also require expensive water treatment so that the small holes of the sprinklers are not clogged with mechanical impurities and mineral deposits.
  • The high cost of a set of equipment, which is the sin of most domestic manufacturers, not to mention foreign companies.
  • The need to install APS in protected areas, which is not necessary when choosing a sprinkler water system.

Conclusions: the choice of modules, fire extinguishing installations for TRV by the owner, the head of the protected facility should be made based on design decisions or the conclusion of experts in the field of safety, and not on advertising booklets from manufacturers who called such fire extinguishing systems universal.

MUPTV is designed to extinguish fires of classes A, B according to GOST 27331, electrical installations under voltage up to 1000 V and is used in automatic modular fire extinguishing installations with mist water for surface and locally on the surface of fire extinguishing in industrial, warehouse, administrative, archival premises, storages of museum values, exhibitions and other similar facilities.

MUPTV are not designed to extinguish substances that react with water (alkali and alkaline earth metals), as well as substances whose combustion occurs without air access.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the video recording of the webinar on the topic "Possibilities of MUPTV "TRV-Garant-160" and MPP "Garant-100" for fire protection of objects for various purposes" dated November 21, 2017.

Spray height: 2.32 - 4.32 m. Pipeline length - up to 75 m. Due to its design and technical features, TRV-Garant-160 has a number of advantages:

  1. Protection in 4 directions, when using the control panel "UURS-TsP (BP)". The total protection area is up to 400 sq.m.
  2. Nozzle types: HC-390, HC-145 (nozzle types can be combined regardless of extinguishing zones)
  3. Possibility of feeding OTV at any angle
  4. Application at low temperatures (up to -30 C, modules of the target design)
  5. Pipeline length - up to 75 m.


Name of technical characteristics Execution code "TRV-Garant-160"
"TRV-Garant-160"-10 TRV-Garant-160"-40
Protected area for fires of class "A" and "B", m2 100 100,200,300,400
Height of placement of spray nozzles, m 2,32...4,32
Number of fire extinguishing directions 1 1,2,3,4
Duration of action, s 8...12
Quantity of OTV, l 160±0.6 l of water, including 1 l of foaming agent PO-6TS
160±0.6 l of water, including 10 l of foaming agent PO-6TF
The volume of the balloon for storage of propellant gas, l 10 40
Pipeline length (DN 50) to the junction of the supply pipeline with the distribution pipeline, no more than, m 25 75
Pipeline type metal - dry pipe, non-metallic - water-filled
Starting current of the module, A not less than 0.5
Safe current of check of a chain of start, mA no more than 0.02
Module height, mm 1840
Module diameter, mm 410
Module weight (without OTV), kg 141±5 193±5
Temperature conditions of operation, °C +5...+50
-30...+50 when using special OTV
Operation resource, times at least 10
Service life, years at least 20


Name Short description
MUPTV "TRV-Garant-160" -10 In one direction. Height of placement of sprayers: 2.32-4.32 m. Pipeline length - up to 25 m. I srab - 0.5 A. Protected area - 100 m2. – 30 * to +50 °С * when using special OTV. Spray nozzles type "NS-390-S" - 4 pcs.
MUPTV "TRV-Garant-160" -40-1 In one direction. Height of placement of sprayers: 2.32-4.32 m. Pipeline length - up to 75 m. I srab - 0.5 A. Protected area - 100 m2. – 30 * to +50 °С * when using special OTV. Spray nozzles type "NS-390-S" - 4 pcs.
MUPTV "TRV-Garant-160" -40-2 In two directions. Height of placement of sprayers: 2.32-4.32 m. Pipeline length - up to 25 m. I srab - 0.5 A. Protected area - 200 m2. – 30 * to +50 °С * when using special OTV. Spray nozzles type "NS-390-S" - 8 pcs.
MUPTV "TRV-Garant-160" -40-3 In three directions. Height of placement of sprayers: 2.32-4.32 m. Pipeline length - up to 75 m. I srab - 0.5 A. Protected area - 300 m2. – 30 * to +50 °С * when using special OTV. Spray nozzles type "NS-390-S" - 12 pcs.
MUPTV "TRV-Garant-160" -40-4 In four directions. Height of placement of sprayers: 2.32-4.32 m. Pipeline length - up to 75 m. I srab - 0.5 A. Protected area - 400 m2. – 30 * to +50 °С * when using special OTV. Spray nozzles type "NS-390-S" - 16 pcs.
MUPTV "TRV-Garant-160" -10 (10) In one direction. Height of placement of sprayers: 2.32-4.32 m. Pipeline length - up to 25 m. I srab - 0.5 A. Protected area - 100 m2. – 30 * to +50 °С * when using special OTV. Spray nozzles type "NS-145" - 10 pcs.
MUPTV "TRV-Garant-160" -40-1 (10) In one direction. Height of placement of sprayers: 2.32-4.32 m. Pipeline length - up to 75 m. I srab - 0.5 A. Protected area - 100 m2. – 30 * to +50 °С * when using special OTV. Spray nozzles type "NS-145" - 10 pcs.
MUPTV "TRV-Garant-160" -40-2 (10) In two directions. Height of placement of sprayers: 2.32-4.32 m. Pipeline length - up to 25 m. I srab - 0.5 A. Protected area - 200 m2. – 30 * to +50 °С * when using special OTV. Spray nozzles type "NS-145" - 20 pcs.
MUPTV "TRV-Garant-160" -40-3 (10) In three directions. Height of placement of sprayers: 2.32-4.32 m. Pipeline length - up to 75 m. I srab - 0.5 A. Protected area - 300 m2. – 30 * to +50 °С * when using special OTV. Spray nozzles type "NS-145" - 30 pcs.
MUPTV "TRV-Garant-160" -40-4 (10) In four directions. Height of placement of sprayers: 2.32-4.32 m. Pipeline length - up to 75 m. I srab - 0.5 A. Protected area - 400 m2. – 30 * to +50 °С * when using special OTV. Spray nozzles type "NS-145" - 40 pcs.

Fire extinguishing installations are technical means of the fire protection system (SPS) and are designed to contain fire in cases where the fire is capable of intensive development already at the initial stage. Today, the industry produces automatic fire extinguishing installations (AFS), which are able to start when an acceptable temperature, smoke, and other configured thresholds are reached in the controlled area.

The fire extinguishing system has two functions:

  • Preservation of life and health of people
  • Preservation of property.

It should be noted that fire extinguishing modules perform the listed functions with different effectiveness. Today, the market is represented by various fire extinguishing technologies, which can be divided by the type of fire extinguishing compositions used, by the method of their application, etc. Let's consider one of them.

Method of extinguishing a fire with finely dispersed water. TRV modules

Fine water jet (FWJ) fire extinguishing is an advanced technology with high efficiency and growing popularity. The extinguishing agent is water, which is supplied under high pressure through specialized spray nozzles. This method forms a finely dispersed state of the mixture in the form of a mist of droplets with a size of 100-150 microns, with a rapid filling of the protected object. This technology provides a quick effect of eliminating ignition zones with a small amount of water, which makes it possible to use the TEV method in modular fire extinguishing installations.

Our company has long been engaged in the development and testing of expansion valve fire extinguishing modules. We are engaged in the installation and maintenance of such systems in St. Moscow And Moscow region. It should be noted that we still have representative offices in Krasnodar– capital Krasnodar Territory and in other regions of the country. We have already tried and tested AFSs, which operate on the basis of the TRV methodology.

Factors affecting the effectiveness of expansion valve devices

  • Water mist from fine droplets has a huge heat capacity and a large total coverage of the droplet surface, due to which a rapid temperature decrease in the ignition zone is carried out and the ignition process, called (the effect of temperature decrease), is stopped.
  • In the ignition source, during the evaporation of water droplets, a huge volume of water vapor is formed, which in the gaseous state permeates all cracks and porous materials, cutting off burning materials from oxygen, lowering its saturation in the ignition zone, using (oxygen cut-off effect).
  • Dust-like water drops and water vapor, covering the outlines of objects that have not yet caught fire, form a thin film of water on their outlines, preventing ignition of objects located near the burning zone of the objects of the protected building (fire damping effect). In some expansion valve modules, a foaming agent (potassium acetate) is used to increase this efficiency. The resulting mixture does not allow freezing of water, when the environment freezes and ensures the operability of the TRV module up to 40 degrees below zero.

Thus, the TIE method, in addition to cooling, provides for the implementation of two more quenching designs: zone localization and oxygen saturation reduction.

It is possible to cite an additional advantage of fire extinguishing installations of TRV in comparison with other fire protection devices - this is complete environmental cleanliness and harmlessness to people. Due to this, it is possible to use the proposed technique in residential buildings, retail outlets, factory floors and other buildings where people are present. The instantaneous formation of a water spray and its rapid cooling efficiency makes it possible to remove people from a dangerous building even during the active stage of combustion (when the fire extinguishing module is turned on). Plus, atomized water droplets provide smoke residue. The practice of using AUP TRV proves that after its launch, even ventilation to ventilate the area from smoke can not be turned on.

Features of the functioning of AUP TRV

The principle of operation of the TRV modules is based on the following:

1 . AFS control devices detect ignition, followed by the issuance of an electrical impulse to the control panel and to the start-up of fire extinguishing installations.

2. From the received electric shock, the gas generator of the fire extinguishing installation is turned on, loading an inert gas into the inside of the extinguishing installation, due to which the pressure in the module core instantly increases. When the pressure rises to an explosive level in the module (it rises in a fraction of a second), the protective film of the expansion valve module breaks, and the water jet is directed through a fine nozzle to the object of ignition.

In the standard position (before switching on), the pressure inside the unit body is zero. This enhances the level of its performance even with a slight depressurization, with a gradual leakage of pressure. Such devices have an advantage over AFS, which are under a stable pressure.

Scope of application of the RCT technique

When choosing a method of extinguishing a fire, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of the standards and rules for the application of fire extinguishing, take into account the characteristics of the protected areas and calculate the economic feasibility of the chosen method of extinguishing a fire, as well as understand all the pros and cons of the chosen method.

  • In houses and industrial buildings, AUP TRV are reputed to be unrivaled, as they are environmentally friendly and not dangerous to human health.
  • In warehouses used for storing material assets from cellulose (paper products, wood processing products), food products, pharmacological products, complex and expensive electrical equipment, sprayed water droplets are also among the most acceptable extinguishing methods.

Thus, we can conclude that the scope of AUP TRV is quite extensive. However, there are limitations to the use of this technique.

Disadvantages of the TRV Method

1. AUP TRV cannot be used to extinguish a fire in buildings with electrical equipment at a high voltage of more than 1000 V.

2. Also, TRV cannot be used to destroy class D fire, as well as substances aggressive to water, including:

  • Aluminum and organic alloys, alkaline materials and alkaline earth alloys, which are highly explosive when in contact with a water jet
  • Organic lithium alloys, lead azide, aluminum, magnesium, zinc hydrides - substances are capable of decomposing when water enters, forming flammable mixtures.
  • Sulfuric acid, termites, titanium chlorides - these materials, when in contact with an aqueous solution, release a huge amount of heat.


Today, modular fire extinguishing solutions for expansion valves and equipment based on the proposed methodology are becoming more and more popular. The unlimited availability of water, its environmental friendliness, harmlessness and high efficiency of extinguishing fire in atomized form - this is the main reason for the growth of the reputation of this technology. The specialists of our company also have experience in the design and installation of such fire extinguishing technologies. You can contact our staff at Moscow or in Krasnodar. TEV modules are constantly being improved, providing frequent testing to reduce deficiencies and expand their scope.