Publication date: 22-10-2015

Wooden floors can give any room a touch of elegance and luxury. But such a floor needs not only proper installation. It is very important to properly care for it, and most importantly - to choose the coating that will ensure the durability of the floor. In our article, we will tell you how to cover a wooden floor and what features of a particular protection method can influence the choice.

What is wood flooring for?

Wooden floor

Before choosing a flooring method, you must first understand why wood needs protection at all.

Wooden floors have many advantages:

  • they are strong and reliable, they are durable;
  • the thermal insulation characteristics of wood are quite high;
  • wood is a natural material, it is easily accessible, if necessary, you can choose any type of flooring, from a simple massive board to a type-setting parquet;
  • the tree is antistatic and anti-allergic, during operation it does not emit absolutely no harmful substances;
  • if individual floor elements are damaged, they can be easily replaced with your own hands.

But, like any natural material, wood also has disadvantages that must be eliminated when installing a wooden floor:

  • low sound insulation;
  • hygroscopicity;
  • susceptibility to abrasion, mechanical damage, scratches. The tree easily deteriorates in the presence of traces of rot, insects, rodents;
  • the possibility of deformation during temperature changes, humidity levels.

It is in order to eliminate these shortcomings that it is recommended to supplement natural wooden floors with protective coatings, such as varnishes, waxes, oils.

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Wood floor oils

Oils for coating wood have been used for many centuries. They give the floor a luxurious and rich look. Such a coating perfectly protects the wooden floor from adverse effects.

Modern floor oil compositions contain natural soy, linseed, sunflower oils, hard wax, polyurethane synthetic polymers and other substances that can significantly increase the strength of wood. The treated surface becomes very resistant to moisture, does not swell or dry out. However, it is no longer possible to varnish such a floor.

The oil gives the floor a rich, natural colour, ranging from off-white to bright yellowish red, brown, cognac and black. Such compounds deeply impregnate the wood, filling the pores and forming a thin protective film on top. As a result, the floor becomes durable, moisture resistant and very beautiful.

The depth of penetration of the oil depends on the concentration of the composition and the oil fraction. There are restrictions on the use of oil formulations. They can not be used when installing underfloor heating systems and with frequent temperature changes in the room.

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Lacquer compositions

Coating a wooden floor with varnish has many advantages:

  • The varnish is a reliable protection against fungus, mold, insects.
  • The floor can acquire a glossy and elegant shine or a noble matte shade.
  • Varnishes enhance the natural appeal of wood by highlighting its structure.

Such compositions are applied very simply: first you need to prepare the floor surface, and then apply the selected varnish in several layers. In addition, each subsequent layer must dry completely before application.

Varnishes should not be used when treating wood with oil-containing and drying compounds, as well as in rooms with high humidity and in areas not protected from precipitation: on terraces, balconies, verandas.

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Waxing wooden floors

Wood preservatives

Waxing, that is, waxing a wooden floor, is one of the best ways to protect the surface from moisture, various contaminants, scratches (but not from strong mechanical stress), cracking. Floor wax is a mixture of natural linseed oil, beeswax, a small number of different additives, it all depends on the specific composition.

Waxed floors acquire a pleasant shade, golden in the light, and a noble, silky matte shimmer, inherent only to wood. This method is the best protection against moisture, but the surface cannot be protected from strong abrasive effects and mechanical stress in this way.

There is nothing difficult in applying wax to the floor. After laying, the surface is cleaned and dried, after which, using a special machine or a wide and soft roller, the wax composition is applied to the floor and polished. This protective coating should be renewed twice a year.

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Scandinavian way

Some people prefer to leave the wood flooring in its original state, that is, not varnish or other compounds.

This method is called Scandinavian, it provides for additional processing of the floor surface.

  • The wooden floor after laying is carefully treated with a grinder and cleaned of small chips and dust.
  • Then it is thoroughly washed with plain water and laundry soap.

This completes the flooring. During operation, the floor boards are regularly washed with soapy water, the wood is quickly impregnated, and dirt from its surface is easily removed.

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Preparatory work before varnishing

Let us consider in more detail the process of covering a wooden floor with various varnish compositions. First you need to carefully prepare the base, this can be done in several ways, depending on the condition of the floor.

A wooden floor is an excellent solution for a private house, country cottage or apartment. It is very functional, practical and attractive. With proper installation and timely care, a wooden floor can last for decades. In addition, wood flooring is warm and pleasant to the touch. They reflect the natural beauty of wood, have a stylish texture and are highly environmentally friendly.

In order for wooden floors to retain the natural beauty of natural wood, they are pre-sanded, impregnated with primer mixtures and coated with protective compounds. So, most often varnish, wax and oil are used to treat wood floors. Consider the advantages and features of protective agents for wooden surfaces in more detail.

Protective coatings for wooden floors

Wax has been one of the most popular wood floor finishes since ancient times. To apply it, you need patience and endurance. In this case, the base surface must be pre-treated and polished. After applying the wax, the wooden floor acquires a characteristic shine, and also becomes more resistant to the negative effects of moisture and slight mechanical stress.

However, a protective wax or oil finish is more suitable for low traffic areas. Oil formulations are more rational to use in cases where it is necessary to obtain a matte finish. After a few years, such a coating wears out, and the floor requires re-treatment. Varnishing a wooden floor is a more practical and durable option. The varnish well protects a parquet from moisture and allows frequent damp cleaning. In addition, the varnish coating is well suited for offices, educational institutions and high-traffic areas. Lacquered wooden floors have a pleasant glossy sheen and are more durable.

Before varnishing, the floor surface is sanded and thoroughly impregnated with a primer mixture. The application of a primer allows you to increase the wear resistance of the tree and improve its adhesion. As a result, the wooden floor gets a uniform shade and a smooth, even surface. The varnish must be applied in several layers, allowing the previous one to dry well.

Depending on the composition, varnishes for wooden floors are divided into several groups. The former consist of alkyd resins and organic solvents. Such varnishes are strong enough and almost do not change the color of the wood. They dry for quite a long time, especially in comparison with alkyd-urethane varnishes. Solvent varnishes are well suited for processing maple, beech, ash and cherry wood. They are able to deeply soak and even out the color of the tree. It is necessary to apply such varnishes in thin layers. In this case, the room should be well ventilated so that the varnish dries quickly and evenly.

Reactive varnishes, in turn, are resistant to abrasion and chemical attack. Acrylic varnishes or water-based varnishes are elastic, look good and outperform the previous ones due to their high environmental friendliness. Polyurethane varnishes are the most wear-resistant. They are widely used for processing valuable wood species in order to maintain the performance and aesthetics of parquet for many years.

When choosing a varnish for a wooden floor, you should also consider the degree of its gloss. So, with the help of a varnish composition, you can get a surface from matte to mirror glossy. In general, with proper and timely care, wooden floors are quite wear-resistant and practical. They look good and do not lose their relevance for many years. You can use wooden floors in any interiors. They are well suited for rooms decorated in a classic style, as well as for rooms in a modern or high-tech style.

No matter how rapidly the technologies of modern construction develop, the tree still does not lose its popularity. A significant number of advantages of wood materials is the reason for this - reliability, environmental friendliness, long service life and a huge selection of various options.

The only significant drawback of a wooden floor can be considered the need for proper care for it. It is to protect the floor from external factors, preserve its natural appearance and extend its service life that various processing options are used - varnishes, oils, or wax polishing.

When preparing a new floor for coating with protective compounds, you need to carefully examine the places where the boards are attached to the logs - whether the screws or nails are well recessed. If their caps are not pressed into the surface, they must first be driven in or screwed in so that the caps are 2 mm below the level of the boards. Then you will need to putty these places or cover them with sealant to level the surface. Now you need to cover the floor with a starting varnish and wait until it dries.

wax the coating protects the wood from moisture, damage and excess dirt.

If you treat the floor with wax, it will acquire a beautiful golden hue.

It is quite easy to do this kind of work. Using a wide roller, it is necessary to apply the wax composition to the wooden surface, and then carefully polish it. It is recommended to repeat this procedure at least once a year.

Video on how to varnish a wooden floor

The wooden floor makes the home interior more cozy and family friendly. In addition, natural wood always looks very stylish and expensive. The overall style of the room is not important here - wooden floors look very rich in both modern and more classic styles. Even with the abundance of numerous innovative flooring in the construction market, wood does not lose its popularity. More and more people choose wooden floors for their appearance and environmental friendliness. In addition, natural wood flooring is characterized by good thermoregulation - it is very warm in cold winters, and cool enough on hot and sultry days. You can even walk barefoot on this floor without fear. Also, wood is highly durable with the proper level of care. Let's find out how to cover a wooden floor in order to get the longest possible use and avoid problems with it.

So, how to process such a floor in an apartment or a private house? Where to start and how to process? First of all, you should choose the right material. Previously, conventional oil paint was considered the most popular coating. And only recently, coatings have appeared on the market that do not hide the pattern of wood and give the floor a rich color and shine. Often, these compounds not only perform a decorative function, but also protect the coating from various environmental influences. How to cover a wooden floor? There are a lot of funds - these are varnishes, and mastics, and all kinds of oils, wax and much more.

Preparatory work

Before you begin to cover the wooden surface with any protective compounds, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. Jobs differ for new and old floors.

If the floor is new

The first step is to check how deep the nails or self-tapping screws sit. The caps of the fasteners must be inside the surface of the floorboard by 1-2 mm. Further, these very hats should be covered with sealant or putty.

The color of this putty should roughly match the color of the board. Then, the surface is covered with a starting varnish and dried. How much time to give for drying depends on the degree of drying of the boards. If they are wet enough, then the process can take a considerable time - 3-4 months. In this case, this preparatory stage is best done in the fall, and then leave the surface to dry until the onset of spring. If a dry board was already used during the laying process, 3 weeks will be enough for the varnish to dry.

It often happens that the owners of old apartments or houses, where the wood of the floor was covered with paint, want to give a second life to the floor and, having cleaned the paint, see that the wood is in excellent condition. Only a couple of layers of paint will be enough here, and then the floor will delight the owners with an ideal texture. And you will no longer need to think about how to cover the floor in the apartment.

How to remove paint? This process is simple, but requires a significant investment of labor. However, with the help of a scraping machine, everything will turn out much easier. For a one-time event, buying a car does not make any sense, but renting one is a good solution.

If you need to remove the paint manually, then you should prepare:

  • Old iron;
  • A huge amount of paper;
  • Composition for washing off paint;
  • Spatulas and a sharp knife;
  • Electric planer;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Sandpaper with grit from 150 to 180.

The first step is to remove everything that covers the floors in the apartments. This is done with paper and a hot iron. All the ink will stick to the paper, and the residue can be conveniently removed with either a knife or spatula. In those places where the paint is very deep, a wash will help.

After completely removing the paint with an electric planer, you should go over the top layer of wood and remove it. Then you need to take a grinder and a sanding nozzle for wood and sand the floorboard to perfect condition. Dust after grinding is collected, but not thrown away.

Then putty all the joints and flaws on the floor. For these purposes, factory putty or the dust left after grinding with PVA glue is suitable. She will give the right shade.

Then, when everything is dry, the surface is covered with a starting varnish and left to dry. And only then, you can start thinking about how to cover the floor in a house or apartment.

Types of varnish: gloss and gloss

If a varnish is chosen as a finishing coating, then it should be remembered that only highly specialized varnishes for parquet are suitable for these purposes. Only they are able to give the surface the necessary shine, and can also fill small gaps.

It should also be borne in mind that not every varnish is suitable for a particular floorboard. For example, for pine floors, only those products that are designed for softwoods are suitable.

Water soluble varnishes

A water-based cleaner has many benefits. The varnish is odorless, dries quickly and perfectly, has good adhesion characteristics. There are one-component or two-component compositions. The difference between them is in the service life - the composition on one component will lose its qualities after 2 years, while the two-component one can be used up to 10 years.

To get excellent results, you must comply with the conditions. It is best to purchase only the highest quality rollers, and during application, constant humidity should be maintained in the room. When working in winter, a humidifier is needed. This is a good choice, especially considering how the floors are covered in old apartments.

Alkyd varnish

This tool can perfectly emphasize the unique structure of wood, but it dries for a very long time. These varnishes are relevant on movable bases, that is, where boards move due to loads.

When working with these varnishes, it is very important to use them no more than the norm calculated by the manufacturer. Otherwise, the coating will wrinkle. Also, at the time of drying, the sun's rays should not fall on the surface.

Waterless polyurethane varnishes

Such coatings are distinguished by excellent wear resistance. They can be used even in those rooms where they walk in boots, shoes, boots. These funds are relevant for restaurants, theaters, cafes. If you think that this is the only way to cover the floor in an apartment, then the possibilities of polyurethane varnishes are too redundant for an ordinary city apartment, so they should not be used for your own home.

Oil: beauty and strength

Coating wooden floors with oils has been used for a very, very long time by architects and parquet specialists. They knew how to cover the floor so that it survived to this day.

Modern wood flooring products are based on natural oils, synthetic polymers, hard waxes. All these substances have excellent conservation properties for wood and significantly increase wear resistance. Wood treated with oil compounds perfectly withstands the effects of the environment. Such a floor will not swell or dry out, however, after such a treatment, varnishing is already unacceptable.

Oil coatings will help preserve the natural color of the wood or slightly change its shade. Unlike varnishes, the product impregnates the tree much deeper. The composition passes into the pores of the wood, and creates a thin film on the surface. Such a floor, which is treated with oil, has high wear resistance and acquires a natural appearance.

Any modern oil composition, which is intended for application to a wooden floor, will contain polyurethane, as well as wax, which already immediately have all the necessary strength characteristics. In addition, the tool can create both gloss, and mat, and silky mat. If you are wondering how to cover the floor, oil is a great choice. Durability and natural color of wood - what else is needed for a home?

Wax-based protective coating

Compositions on this basis are applied as a protective layer. A similar product consists of beeswax, linseed or any other natural oil, as well as other additives. All these ingredients are in different proportions depending on the manufacturer.

Waxed floors have a noble matte shade, a distinct woody texture, and a golden color. They have a high resistance to moisture. However, the product does not allow protecting the wooden surface from mechanical stress. In addition, such a coating requires professional maintenance. In residential areas, such compositions are practically not used. But there is nothing better than waxing wooden floors in public buildings.

Scandinavian flooring

This option is suitable for those who appreciate and love the original characteristics and advantages of natural wood. Also using this method, the wood will not be subjected to any treatments.

In the Scandinavian countries, carefully sanded wood floors are not covered with any protective or decorative compounds. It is simply regularly cleaned with soapy solutions, using ordinary laundry soap. Over time, the solution will be absorbed deep into the wood pores and any contaminants will be easily removed from the surface.

It does not matter at all how to cover the floor made of natural wood. The main enemy of a tree is moisture. Even a carefully processed and maximally protected wooden surface should not be moistened without a serious need.

If you constantly remember this, then such a floor covering can be used for a very, very long time. And yet, there is no other finishing floor covering that would give as much warmth, coziness and maximum comfort. And only a tree can generate aesthetic pleasure.

To give a wooden floor an aesthetic appeal, while maintaining a unique wood pattern, as well as to protect it from negative mechanical and other influences, you can use a multi-layer varnish coating. However, the choice of materials and the implementation of this procedure is associated with a lot of nuances, ignorance of which will lead to poor-quality coverage and wasted time, because you will have to remove the entire thickness of the varnish and start the whole process again.

Before you purchase a varnish for a wooden floor, you need to pay increased attention to the following criteria:

  • type of wood. It is desirable to process a wooden floor constructed from oak, beech with the use of varnishes with an elastic composition;
  • operating conditions. Most varnishes have a predominance of a certain property over other indicators, so you should choose a varnish either with increased moisture resistance, or with a high degree of wear resistance, etc .;

  • compatibility of the varnish with the surface to be treated. Species of exotic trees quite often slow down the hardening process, so you should initially take care of surface treatment with an additional cut-off primer;

  • the possibility of subsequent renewal of the coating with a different composition. Some types of varnishes, when layered on top of each other, can significantly spoil the appearance of the coating by the appearance of cracks, bubbles and other troubles. To prevent this from happening, you need to know exactly what composition the surface was previously treated with or to carefully scrape the floor;

  • room type. For bathrooms and kitchens, varnishes based on polyurethane or urethane-alkyd, which have a high rate of moisture resistance and wear resistance, are ideal. For a nursery, it is worth stopping the choice on a lacquer coating, which is based on water. For the corridor, the living room, you need to look for varnishes that provide high abrasion resistance.

Thus, it is worth taking care in advance to be fully informed on these issues, even if you have to call the seller of the purchased house to clarify some issues.

Types of varnish, their characteristics

The variety of varnishes intended for coating wooden surfaces differ in many ways, therefore, when faced with the need to choose, a quite reasonable question arises, which varnish to cover the wooden floor with.

Based on the composition, suitable for processing wooden surfaces:

1. Polyurethane varnishes, the basis of which is polyurethane, are characterized by high moisture resistance, as well as increased strength, which allows them to be used in rooms with a very high level of humidity. Under the influence of moderate deformations, the elasticity of the varnish prevents the appearance of cracks on parts of a complex configuration.


  • resistance to most of both organic and inorganic acids;
  • the possibility of introducing additional dyes that allow you to change the original shade of the varnish;
  • high degree of adhesion with any materials;
  • no deformation under the influence of ultraviolet rays;
  • resistance to abrasion, mechanical damage;
  • the ability to withstand from extremely low to very high temperatures (from -50 to +100 ° C);
  • drying speed;
  • ease of application;
  • coating durability.


  • slight release of toxic substances during the application and curing of the varnish;
  • quite high cost.

2. Acrylic varnishes are produced on a water basis, which indicates an environmentally friendly material. However, a low moisture resistance index prevents flooring in rooms that require frequent wet cleaning. In the process of working with acrylic varnish, it is necessary to ensure the humidity of the room within 50% for uniform curing of the coating. At the same time, the addition of a hardener helps to increase the strength to mechanical stress and shorten the drying period of the applied layer of varnish, although the environmental friendliness of the varnish will noticeably decrease.


  • quite acceptable strength and elasticity;
  • when applying and curing, the shade and texture of the flooring do not change;
  • absolute incombustibility;
  • high adhesion to wood;
  • good spreadability on the surface;
  • relatively high cost.


  • the service life depends on the intensity of movement on the varnished surface and the microclimate of the room;
  • dries for a long time.

3. Polyurethane-acrylic varnishes are far behind in all characteristics from polyurethane, due to the inclusion of acrylic elements. However, polyurethane-acrylic varnishes are quite suitable for flooring in a room with a low level of traffic at an affordable price.

4. Alkyd varnishes are a mixture of alkyd resins with solvents of organic origin, as a result of which such varnishes are considered to be a completely environmentally friendly composition. However, most varnishes are used with the addition of hardeners, which reduce the drying time of the coating from 3 to 1 day, which causes a stronger smell, requiring the use of a respirator during application to the surface.


  • good moisture resistance, wear resistance;
  • resistance to some acids, most detergents;
  • resistance to ultraviolet;
  • quickly harden;
  • short service life.


  • reduction of the varnish layer in the process of evaporation of solvents;
  • essential oils released during application and before hardening form an unpleasant odor in the room;
  • the need for constant ventilation until completely dry.

5. Urethane varnishes are produced both on a water basis and on the basis of resins of synthetic origin, which significantly affects the environmental friendliness of the material and the need to use a respirator in the process of applying the composition to the surface.


  • resistance to fading;
  • moisture resistance;
  • high elasticity;
  • incombustibility;
  • relatively high resistance to abrasion;
  • chemical resistance;
  • fast curing (about 12 hours);
  • affordable cost.


  • excretion of toxins before curing.

6. Urethane-alkyd varnishes have absorbed all the advantages of the alkyd and urethane groups, forming an improved composition in terms of performance.

Compared to alkyd varnishes, urethane-alkyd varnishes have:

  • greater resistance to mechanical damage;
  • increased moisture resistance;
  • increased wear resistance.


  • a price that is an order of magnitude higher than the cost of both urethane and alkyd varnishes.

7. Nitro-varnishes based on a combination of nitrocellulose, volatile solvents, plasticizers and resins are a rather toxic composition. At the same time, the properties of nitro-varnishes depend on the resin introduced into the composition, which affects certain indicators. Most often, the varnish is used as a primer before the main varnish, as it perfectly clogs the pores of wooden surfaces, giving it excellent water-repellent characteristics.


  • high strength;
  • fast setting and drying;
  • low cost.


  • low weather resistance;
  • varnishing a wooden floor requires increased efficiency;
  • high fire hazard;
  • the need for frequent renewal of the coating due to peeling of the varnish after a short period of operation.

8. Oil varnishes containing oils and resins of vegetable origin, organic solvents, are divided into lean, fatty and medium. All types of oil varnishes differ in their performance and scope. As a varnish for a wooden floor, the price of which is not very high, medium oil compositions are ideal.


  • high elasticity of the coating;
  • good electrical insulating qualities;
  • moisture resistance;
  • relative hardness;
  • well amenable to grinding;
  • acceptable cost.


  • during the hardening process, it is necessary to observe the constancy of the microclimate;
  • drying time;
  • when applying varnish, the natural texture of the wood is partially hidden.

9. Epoxy varnishes are the combination of epoxy resins with organic solvents, hardeners and other additives, forming a toxic composition. At the same time, the release of harmful substances into the atmosphere occurs even after the coating has hardened for 3-4 days.


  • high protection against moisture;
  • resistance to mechanical damage, chemical attack;
  • curing speed;
  • low cost.


  • low weather resistance;
  • when using varnish, a respirator is required;
  • being indoors during the release of toxins poses a serious health hazard.

10. Alcohol varnishes are represented by the combination of various kinds of resins with ethyl alcohol, forming a rather liquid composition. As a rule, the first 2 layers act as a primer, penetrating deep into the structure, while the application of each layer of varnish is preceded by a thorough grinding of the already applied layer. Thus, the surface of the wooden floor is brought to an almost perfectly flat surface.


  • not toxicity;
  • ease of application;
  • drying speed;
  • low cost.


  • low level of moisture resistance;
  • relative wear resistance.

Based on the foregoing, the modern market is full of a variety of varnishes suitable for coating wooden surfaces, so choosing the right varnish, both in terms of the financial side of the issue and in terms of the set of necessary performance characteristics, will not be difficult.

How to paint a wooden floor with varnish

High-quality varnishing of a wooden floor is carried out in several stages, incomplete non-observance of which can result in an irreparable mistake.

Surface preparation

  1. Clear the room of all furniture standing on the floor.
  2. Hammer nails strongly protruding from the floor, remove loose chips.
  3. Damaged boards must be immediately replaced with new ones.
  4. Fill up even minor cracks with putty.
  5. Mask nail or self-tapping holes with a mixture of sawdust combined with wood glue and leave to dry completely.
  6. If necessary, remove the resin with any solvent.
  7. Sand the floor to a smooth surface, using sandpaper alternately from coarse to fine grit.
  8. Vacuum the floor thoroughly.
  9. If there are defects, repeat the sanding process and vacuum again.
  10. Rinse the floor with a small addition of non-aggressive detergents and leave to dry.

Floor primer

It is better to prime the entire floor before directly varnishing the surface, using, for example, nitro-lacquer, in order to avoid darkening of the floor surface during varnishing or poor hardening due to the possible content of inhibitors in the wood. In addition, the primer is necessary for better adhesion of the varnish to the wood and to increase the water-repellent quality.

After the primer layer has dried, you can proceed to the direct application of varnish.

Varnishing a wooden floor

Floor lacquering is carried out:

  • at a temperature of 20-25 ° C;
  • a brush with artificial bristles that prevent shedding;
  • bare feet, leaving the fewest traces;
  • using a microfiber cloth to remove footprints from the surface before applying the varnish directly;
  • from the far corner to the exit.

Work order:

  • apply a layer of varnish, following the location of the fibers, carefully spreading the composition over the surface;
  • wait for hardening and sand the coating with coarse sandpaper using circular motions;
  • vacuum, wipe the floor with a damp cloth and let dry;
  • apply a second layer of varnish;
  • after 2 weeks, to obtain a perfect coating, the surface can be polished.
  1. You can save a brush or roller during the drying period of the next layer of varnish with a cloth soaked in a solvent, then remove the brush wrapped in a cloth in a plastic bag and tie it well so that the solvent does not evaporate.
  2. The appearance of whitish streaks on the lacquer indicates the accumulation of moisture. To fix the problem, the area must be treated with a solvent and varnished again.
  3. You can get rid of the bubbles on the surface of the applied varnish layer by running the sharp end of the brush over the board.
  4. The swelling of the varnish layer during hardening is removed by grinding, followed by varnishing.
  5. If the varnish coating does not cure within the period indicated on the label, then it is possible:
  • the varnish is incorrectly selected relative to the surface to be coated, which means that it is necessary to increase the air temperature in the room;
  • a smaller amount of hardener is added to the composition than indicated on the package, so the applied layer must be sanded and a new varnish coating applied;
  • with high humidity - it is necessary to strengthen the ventilation.

Thus, the question of how to varnish a wooden floor can be answered that this is a rather complicated process that requires a lot of time and effort, but the final result is worth such diligence.