In most cases, finishing front door from the inside with their own hands is made without any problems. However, in order to achieve a positive result, it is necessary to have the right information. Next, we will consider all the nuances of this procedure.

First of all, consider how you can sheathe the front door. Interior design involves fewer requirements (in terms of technical characteristics) than the external one, so there is a greater variety of choices. The most popular options are:

  • Plastic panels. PVC is inexpensive material, which has many advantages: environmental friendliness, a variety of shades, long service life, ease of use, etc. The disadvantage is the weak physical stamina.
  • Wood. Unusual and very luxury option. You can decorate the front door very beautifully. The only negative is low moisture resistance.
  • Dye. The canvas will not receive additional qualities (heat and moisture resistance), but the work can be done in the shortest possible time.
  • Can also be trimmed iron door skin. This option is elegant. Various materials are also actively used, for example, velor.
  • Adhesive tape. The simplest and affordable option. However, the service life of such material is very low.
  • Another simple option is to upholster the door with a door upholstery kit.

The above are just the most popular options. In fact, there may be many more.

What can be done with wood

You can decorate the front door from the inside in different ways. First, consider the option of painting with varnish. The work is done in the following sequence:

  • It is not necessary to remove the canvas from the hinges, but it is necessary to lay something on the floor so as not to get dirty.
  • We completely dismantle all fittings (locks, handles, peephole, decorative elements etc.). In most cases, a screwdriver is sufficient for this. If you can not remove some element, it can be sealed with tape. This should be done as evenly as possible if you do not want to wipe off the remains of the varnish with a solvent.
  • Evaluate the original surface. If it is not too smooth, we process it grinder or manually (fine emery).
  • We cover the wood with a protective impregnation. This is necessary to improve its moisture resistance.
  • After it is completely dry, apply varnish (or paint). Do it better with a roller. We apply several layers, while each next one is applied only after the previous one has completely dried.

As you can see, finishing the front door inside the apartment with varnish is very simple.

Now let's figure out how to make veneer veneer. To do this, we need an iron and a sheet of paper (clean). The work is done like this:

  • We put strips of veneer on the canvas (removed from the hinges and freed from fittings) and do a fitting. You need to match the pattern. We make trimming if necessary. At the end, it is desirable to number them - in this case, you will not get confused.
  • Peel off the ends of the canvas (if possible).
  • We put the prepared strips on the door in the correct sequence.
  • Take turns shooting protective film and glue.
  • To remove wrinkles or bubbles, iron with a hot iron through the paper.
  • If gaps appear in the joints, they should be removed immediately. To remove the strip, it must be reheated with an iron and tucked with a knife (or spatula).

Such facing of the front door with your own hands is carried out without difficulty in most cases. The main thing is to maintain perfect accuracy. This method (like the previous one) can also be used for metal.

Iron sheet finishing

  • We remove the canvas, remove the accessories.
  • We fix special wooden slats around the entire perimeter - they will be clamps. We glue them on liquid nails.
  • We take measurements and cut the laminate. Maintain perfect accuracy.
  • We assemble the shield from the panels, as tightly as possible. We make a fitting, if there are errors, we correct them.
  • We apply glue to the canvas and, if indicated in the instructions, wait a while.
  • We transfer the manufactured shield to it and press it with a load. Only the duration is very important, but also the force of pressing.
  • We collect everything back.

The technology of sticking plastic panels looks exactly the same. The only difference is that instead of rails there are special PVC profiles.

In the end, consider how to finish the front door with leatherette or leather. This work is a little more difficult than the previous ones.

  • Let's take a look at the design in its entirety.
  • The first step is to stick a sheet of foam rubber on the surface. First we cut off the required amount of material and only then we apply glue.

Tip: if you do not have enough skill, you can divide a piece of foam rubber into two parts and stick them in parts. So you will definitely have time before grasping.

  • With the help of a clerical knife, we cut off the excess that has appeared.
  • We cut off our matter.
  • Now apply glue along the top end.
  • We put leather on it. It is necessary to achieve perfect accuracy, since in the future it will be impossible to correct errors.
  • Having achieved accuracy, we glue the matter along the remaining ends (top to bottom). At the same time, you need to constantly smooth the skin so that wrinkles do not appear - in the future it will be impossible to correct them.
  • We make cuts for the installation of accessories, preferably with a shoe knife.
  • We remove all surpluses (if any).
  • We put the hardware in place.
  • We process the material protective compounds(optional).

This technique improves specifications canvases (especially noise and heat insulation). Therefore, it is popular to this day.

Sections of the article:

In progress repair work in an apartment or a private house, it often becomes necessary to replace many coatings and systems. This includes windows and doors. After the installation of the front door is completed, an inaccurate opening remains with potholes in the partitions and a damaged coating. The finishing of these surfaces is carried out precisely in order to hide such working imperfections at the installation site of the front door. For such lining from the inside, a wide variety of materials are used, which you can see in the photo in this article. Moreover, today the market building materials each consumer can choose for himself exactly what is needed and suitable for the interior of the hallway.

Finishing materials

Well-executed finishing of the front door will add aesthetics, accuracy and completeness to the room. Today, many people are concerned about how to finish the front door with the highest quality. Which material, texture or color to choose?

The main task is to achieve such a result that would allow the front door from the side of the dwelling to fit as harmoniously and naturally as possible into the implemented design idea hallway.

Before proceeding with the choice of material for finishing near the front door space, it is necessary to take into account a number of general requirements or wishes. For example, in a situation where the doors from the rooms lead to the hallway, it makes sense to make the front door a little different from the rest. After all, the front door is the main one.

If the hallway is not too spacious, or even cramped, you can consider the option of mirroring the front door. This option will not only create the illusion of increasing space, but also from an aesthetic point of view it will look very impressive. True, such a solution is not recommended to be implemented if there are small children in the home.

Also an important point when choosing the type of finishing of the front door is the need to carry out the insulation of the structure. Insulation is best laid with inside, because otherwise the material will not last too long. First of all, this rule applies to common staircases and private houses.

Most often, wood, genuine leather or its substitutes are used as a material for finishing the inside of the front door, plastic panels, MDF. In addition, you can use self-adhesive film or paint.

In addition, we must not forget about the decoration of the doorway. Given the fact that residential premises are usually characterized by stability and constancy of internal temperatures, the front door can be lined with siding, plaster, decorative stone or clapboard.

Insulation and finishing of the door leaf

The first step is to prepare a heater, for example, foam. Usually, inner part metal door is equipped with stiffeners, forming a kind of cell. According to the size of these sections, it is necessary to cut out pieces of foam, the thickness of which will be about 30-40 mm.

The next step is to use a foam gun. It is necessary to apply a contour along the perimeter of each section, and two additional strips of the composition inside the recess. After that, the prepared piece of foam is glued. Identical operations should be performed with all cells in the door. It is important not to forget and leave a place for installing a door lock.

After you need to prepare a place for finishing inner surface doors. For this purpose, a mounting plate is used. A sheet of plywood and self-tapping screws are installed in her pocket, with the help of which fastening to the door will take place. The bar needs to be fixed with three sides, except for the top. This is where the outer upholstery will begin.

It should be emphasized that the plywood used must have moisture resistant properties. In addition, as it is installed, it is recommended to cover it with glossy paint in advance. Now you should take a sheet of plywood together and carefully, so as not to damage the foam, push it inside the installed mounting plate.

After that, it is necessary to smear the top of the plywood with prepared glue and install another part of the mounting plate on it. There is no need to fix it with screws.

On the resulting surface, you can stuff a layer of leatherette or another finish option.

Finishing the door portal

To minimize heat loss through doorway should be as responsible as possible to approach its sealing. The main role in achieving this result is played by the finishing of the slopes of the front door, which are to be faced after the completion of the main installation work.

There are several basic options for finishing the front door jambs. Among the main ones, plastering, the use of MDF panels, the installation of gypsum boards with subsequent painting, and the installation of laminate should be singled out. The first step is to level the slopes. plaster mortar or using drywall sheets. The first option is more laborious. For plastering slopes, it will be necessary to prepare cement-sand mixture, and also use special paint corners for better alignment.

The space between the corners must be filled with mortar and gently smooth the surface with a spatula. After the plaster has dried, you can continue finishing the slopes with any material. In addition to the described method, it is possible to use slabs for cladding GKL. They must be pre-cut into pieces of the required size. To fix the GKL plates, a frame or frameless method is used. In the second case, apply adhesive mixture. Let's take a closer look at some finishes.

Making the opening with plastic panels

Finishing the front door from the inside with plastic panels is especially popular among consumers. This is due to the affordable price and ease of installation of these structures. As a result of the implementation of such a technical solution, homeowners receive an impeccably even and outstanding coating that will add aesthetics to any interior.
The main advantages of plastic are simplicity and ease of installation, ease of maintenance, moisture resistance, resistance to impact. different temperatures. In addition, plastic panels for door trim do not fade in the sun. Also, an important advantage of this solution is the absence of the need for preliminary preparatory work before installing panels. The surface on which the panel will be laid does not need to be leveled.

Arrangement of the opening with a stone

The use of stone as finishing material will not only add aesthetics to the hallway, but can make its appearance simply chic. Often, with this type of lining, artificial plates of small thickness are used. It is best to give preference to a stone no more than 4 mm thick.

For fixing stone slabs special compound. The use of a self-adhesive base will protect the material from kinks and cracking. The most popular solution for such a finish is to use a solid piece of stone. Such a cladding will look aesthetically pleasing, elegant, visually resembling a monolithic piece of stone. Such a door finish will look really beautiful with the corresponding decoration of the door portal.

Other options

It should be noted that not all consumers can afford finishing the space near the front door. decorative stone. This is a rather expensive material, so MDF panels or laminate can be used as an alternative. They are not worse than monolithic stone slabs, but they have a number of specific differences. The advantage of these materials is their availability and ease of use.

Laminate is more practical option regarding MDF panels. This material is relatively inexpensive, beautiful and outwardly neat. Both laminate and MDF have a long service life, are moisture resistant, and are also resistant to cleaning and disinfectants. To slightly improve the aesthetic characteristics of the inside of the front door, you can make a coating of natural veneer. This will add prestige and elegance to the appearance of the entire structure.

In the hallway of a small size of an ordinary-sized apartment, the front door looks great, in the decoration of the space near which elements of natural wood. And if the cladding pattern is combined with the ornament of the furniture installed in the hallway, then the interior of the room will become as harmonious as possible. A more expensive option is wood veneer.

Recently, a combination is increasingly used for decoration. different materials. With this combination, it is important to pay attention to their compatibility, quality and reliable installation. To carry out the work, you will need certain tools and materials. First of all, it is polystyrene foam (polyurethane foam), mounting foam, a plywood sheet about 9 mm thick, a foam cutting knife, waterproof construction glue and a special mounting plate with self-tapping screws and a press washer.

- the first thing a guest sees when he comes to an apartment or house. She is the real “face” of the building, because the first impression often depends on her appearance. It is not surprising that the owners strive to decorate the door, to make it unusual and stylish.

What is used for decoration?

The front door can be metal, wooden, metal-plastic, double or single. As for the decor, it is selected based on their own preferences, financial opportunities, building decoration style.

The design of the front door is carried out using:

  • accessories and decorative elements;
  • paints;
  • artificial leather;
  • lining;
  • PVC, MDF, fiberboard, veneer or plastic panels;
  • glass inserts, gratings, elements of carving, forging, metallography.

Let's talk more about these methods.

Importance of fittings

First of all, take care of the accessories. It is a decorative element, the presence of which transforms the appearance of the door and the whole house.

The following accessories and decor elements are sold in stores:

  1. Doorknobs. Without them it is impossible to imagine input structure. It is easy to get standard models, in the form of palms, animals, pistols, cartoon characters - whatever your heart desires. If they seem too extravagant, take a closer look at the handles in classical style comfortable streamlined shape or rigorous models modern.
  2. . It's not only locking mechanism, but also an accessory that can create a memorable style. When choosing a lock, it is important to consider the degree of protection and reliability, but do not forget about appearance. Stores offer original models made from a variety of materials.
  3. Peephole. They are equipped on, but if the peephole is present, it should be beautifully decorated. Stickers and painting look good.
  4. Hammer. On such a popular element, and it does not fit every door. But classic design looks great with him. It is worth paying attention to the hammer if you like antiquity, vintage, especially since models of absolutely any shape and color are sold. The hammer is also a useful detail: guests can easily reach you.
  5. Call to the front door. An alternative to a hammer is a bell, a convenient and useful accessory. A bell that glows in the dark, in the form of a bell, a carved leaflet, a computer keyboard - there is a wide choice!
  6. Visor. Forged models made in the form of graceful curls, flowers or twigs are gaining popularity. Glass visors are also offered - they will fit a fashionable plastic door.
  7. Lighting elements. Effective if it's dark on the porch. Be sure to take care of sufficient lighting, hang one ceiling, two lamps on both sides of the door or make a full-fledged illumination.

The front door looks great if fittings made in the same style are installed.

Buying a kit that includes door knob, lock and hammer, it is easy to create a single interesting ensemble.

In addition to the elements installed on long time, there are others that are relevant in holidays. Yes, on New Year the porch is decorated with garlands and tinsel, and for Christmas a wreath of pine needles is placed on the door. Similar wreaths with attached mock-ups of krashenok are appropriate for Easter. In this way, it is easy to create a holiday mood and make the decor of the front door really original.

Door leaf decoration

Important and finishing door leaf. You will need materials:

  • Acrylic paint is a common option. The surface covered with it withstands temperature changes, becomes resistant to excessive moisture, ultraviolet radiation. Exists great amount shades, which makes it possible to choose any design options for metal or wooden door. A liter of such paint will cost 500-2000 rubles. depending on the brand and additional features. Water-dispersion acrylic paints, not fading in the sun, non-toxic and frost-resistant, cost from 200 to 2500 rubles. per litre. Some of them create effects: “rough canvas”, “wrinkled silk”, “cork” and others.
  • Alkyd paint is ideal for, as it repels water well. But such a coating does not differ in durability. The price is in the range of 400-1000 rubles. per litre.
  • Hammer coating is useful if you plan to design metal doors. It is non-toxic, decorative, increases the strength and durability of armored structures. The price of a liter is about 1000 rubles.
  • and save: the price of 1 liter is about 200 rubles. It is applied with a spray gun on a primed surface, protects the metal from corrosion and shines beautifully after drying.
  • Powder paints are safe, aesthetic, reliable, but expensive: processing one standard metal door will cost 1700-2000 rubles. In addition, it will not be possible to paint on your own: the surface is sprayed in special chambers, and then varnished.
  1. Clapboard. This material is made from various tree species in different color variations. Decorating the entrance with lining is easy: in stores you can find material that is suitable for the price and fits into the design. Depending on the type of wood and thickness square meter costs 150-600 r. If issued steel door, previously a frame of planks is attached to it, to which the lining is already nailed.
  2. Artificial leather. In construction stores it is easy to pick up leatherette desired shade and invoices. Price running meter- 180-450 r. You will also need wallpaper nails and insulation (foam rubber or polyethylene).
  3. PVC panels. This inexpensive (square meter costs up to 200 rubles.) decorative material characterized by functionality, aesthetics, resistance to damage. That is why it is great for front doors.
  4. Fiberboard panels. There are thin (up to 4 mm thick) and thick (up to 20 mm) models. The first option does not differ in durability and strength, but is cheaper. MDF cladding looks advantageous, but is inexpensive: the price ranges from 150-250 rubles. per square meter. Fiberboard panels are also beautiful, hygienic, with good soundproofing properties and moisture resistance. The price is low: the material is sold even for 50 rubles. per square meter.
  5. Plastic panels. Also available in two versions: thin and thick. The price of finishing with plastic is 80-400 rubles.
  6. Veneer panels. The material is made from valuable breeds wood, including exotic ones, but it costs more: you will have to pay up to 5,000 rubles per square meter.

Old Door: Rescue Operation

The options listed are suitable for decorating old door. Worn by time, cracked, out of fashion or boring surface will acquire the new kind, stylish and original.

The main thing when choosing materials for decorating the front door is not to forget about it. practical purpose. You should immediately think about soundproofing and insulation, treat the surface with anti-corrosion compounds or antiseptics, eliminate flaws and close up the gaps that have formed.

A well-worn door can be painted. And it is not necessary to use only one shade. Popular methods are:

  • Monochromatic coloring. Do not forget to clean the surface and primer before applying the paint, removing the old finish beforehand.
  • Coloring in several shades. Colors should be combined with taste, ensuring that the front doors in the interior look harmonious. If there are moldings - embossed contours - they are highlighted with paint in a contrasting color.
  • Drawings. They are created with a brush or stencils - depending on what the skill is enough for. Try using painter's tape: it's stuck on to form a pattern. After that, the surface is painted.

Not less than interesting option decor is the use of photo wallpaper. With their help, the door will turn into almost anything! It can even be placed own photo. Wall murals are glued to a surface that has been cleaned of old paint, dirt and well treated with sandpaper, and varnished on top.

As you can see, decorating the front door is a simple task: you only need to turn on your imagination and carefully choose the material.

How to arrange a doorway? Indeed, such a question is no less important than the development of a general interior design. If you do the job correctly and efficiently, you will get a reliable and beautiful coverage, which will be the highlight of the room. Another important aspect is that there are many various materials perfect for this event.

Finishing the front door opening is a process that has some rules. They must be followed in order to get the desired result. Pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. Safety. For work, materials that will not be dangerous to humans should be used. This also applies to installation methods. That is, all parts are installed with the utmost reliability and in accordance with the technology.
  2. Harmony. It is advisable to use such options that will be more consistent with door structure. Of course, the situation is considered ideal when the material of the door and the opening are completely the same, but this is not always possible.
  3. Sound and heat insulation. This required parameters which deserve due attention.

For finishing the doorway, high-quality and safe materials should be used.

To perform the work of the highest quality, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances. If you ignore them, you get a coating that can be quite beautiful, but have many hidden defects.

On a note! It is erroneously considered that the finishing of the doorway consists only in facing the slopes. In fact, it is required to provide for the decoration of the outer perimeter. Many masters advise limiting themselves to installing platbands. This perfect solution, but rather trivial. Much better to show imagination and individuality.

The use of various materials and their features

Finishing the doorway of the front door can be done using different materials. Each of them has its own characteristics, they must be taken into account in order to choose suitable option for a specific situation.

  • Plaster. This is the most accessible and simple method of opening an opening. The technology requires applying the prepared composition to the surface. After drying, you need to additional decoration. Often this option is the starting point for laying another material.

Stucco doorway - the most affordable and cheap option finishes
  • Drywall. This method is similar to the previous one, but the work is carried out much faster. This is due to the fact that the GCR boards are cut into the desired strips, which are laid on the trimmed areas. It should be borne in mind that this option allows you to get a flat surface, but needs further finishing.

Plasterboard sheathing - the most fast way front door trim
  • PVC, MDF, wood or veneer panels. This method can be considered the most popular. The fact is that such products do not need further processing. They can be performed in different colors and invoices. It should be understood that many of the products perform more decorative functions, so it is necessary to provide additional heat and sound insulation in advance.

Doorway trim MDF panels allows you to create a spectacular decorative coating
  • The stone is natural or artificial. Great option, which allows you to get a very unusual surface. But there are some nuances that lie in the rules of laying.

Making a doorway with artificial stone

So, how to finish the doorway? To obtain a more harmonious coverage, many factors must be taken into account. Often good decision is considered a technology that allows you to combine different types materials.

The specifics of working with different materials

It must be borne in mind that each finishing option is performed according to certain rules. They must be fully observed in order to achieve the desired quality.


This classic version. Plastering is used because of its undeniable advantages:

  1. Durability. The service life of the coating is calculated in tens of years.
  2. Strength. If use quality mixtures and do everything according to the rules, then the surface will be resistant to various influences.
  3. Maintainability. This is an important factor, which lies in the fact that, if necessary, the damaged area is subject to restoration.
  4. Low cost. The material is much cheaper than other options.

Plaster is a very strong, durable and cheap material.

But in order to do the job well, you need to be careful.

The general application technology is as follows:

  • It all starts with preparation. It consists in the fact that the surface is cleaned of all defects, dust and dirt. Cracks and crevices are well covered.
  • Two coats of primer are applied. The first will penetrate well into the pores, and the second will fix the result.
  • Beacons are installed on the sites, they are fixed on a small amount of solution. If required, then on the outer perimeter fit wooden lath. It will serve as a guide and determine the thickness of the layer.

  • For greater reliability, use reinforced mesh, it is fixed with dowels.
  • Areas that will not participate in the decoration are covered with cardboard and masking tape.
  • The mixture is prepared in the right amount. It is applied with a spatula, spreading around the entire perimeter. Evenness is checked by level.

    On a note! When it is supposed to apply a layer with a thickness of more than 10 mm, the work is carried out in several stages. In this case, the reinforcing mesh is laid after the first or second layer.

  • After drying, beacons and slats are removed. These places are smeared with the remnants of the solution, perforated corners are smeared in the corners.

GKL boards

Drywall is an option that is most successfully used when general wall cladding is performed with this product. Of course, you can also use it on your own. But it is important to consider that the material is quite fragile, so installation must be done with care.

Finishing the entrance opening is done like this:

  • Produced preliminary preparation. It does not have to be as thorough as when using plaster, but it is necessary to correct all defects.
  • Next, the dimensions are taken. They are transferred to separate sheet. This allows you to create detail. It is important to make repeated measurements, which will exclude the possibility of error.
  • In accordance with the data obtained, the cutting of the plates is done. This is easily done with a sharp utility knife.

Drywall is a rather fragile material, so the cutting of gypsum boards is done very carefully, using a sharp knife for this
  • Parts are fixed on mounting foam or putty. The first option is considered the fastest, but has one drawback - improper distribution of the foam substance will lead to defects.
  • Foam is applied in zigzags on the wrong side of the elements. They are pressed to the surface, but immediately torn off. After ten minutes, you can carry out the final fixing.
  • After installing all the parts, joints and edge cracks are formed. All this is processed with sealants, plastic corners are installed.

As already mentioned, plasterboard finishing needs subsequent decoration. Paint can be used as a material.

Panel products

How to finish the front door opening with panels? This method is quite simple. According to its technology, it repeats the installation of drywall. But another option can be used. It lies in the fact that a preliminary crate is performed. It is necessary in order to carry out additional insulation.

The following actions are performed:

  • Installed around the perimeter wooden beam. It is fixed vertically. Dowels are used as fasteners.

    On a note! The slats must first be treated with antiseptics. This will help prevent mold or mildew.

  • Panels are cut to right size. A heater is laid on the surface, it must occupy the existing voids.
  • Details are attached to the rails with glue or self-tapping screws. The last fastener must be used very carefully. Screws are screwed around the edges to close these places with corners.

It is believed that MDF or thick plastic panels will be the most preferable. cheap Wall panels made of PVC look very unrespectable.

Artificial and natural stone

This option looks very original. It allows you to get beautiful surface, which is unique. Of course, certain conditions must be met in order to achieve the desired result.

On a note! The material must be in a small amount, especially if the hallway has small size. The largest number elements should be located at the bottom, decreasing upwards.

Finishing the opening with a decorative stone looks very impressive, but the main thing is not to overdo it.

How to trim the doorway of the front door with stone:

  • Preliminary marking of the surface is carried out. A scheme is being drawn up. For greater effect - the material is laid out on the floor. This will allow you to create the desired pattern.
  • The surface is well prepared. Small distortions are acceptable, but any defects are immediately eliminated.
  • The stone is fixed with glue. Laying starts from the bottom. Two technologies can be used: one is that the seams of the required thickness are formed, the other assumes their absence.
  • Particular attention is paid to the corners. They are formed by cutting and grinding.

Making a doorway with stone is a way that requires a combination with the overall interior design. The result can be a great visual effect.