In a summer cottage or garden plot, in a garden or a country house, swings have become not just a whim or luxury, but a necessary element of improvement. In addition, garden (country) swings are one of the simplest and most inexpensive ways to make outdoor recreation as comfortable as possible. In a country house or on a terrace, in a gazebo or under a canopy, on a plot or just near your favorite big tree - swings have become an important part of organizing outdoor recreation and leisure. If there is a demand, then the offer will not be long in coming. Manufacturers offer us a wide range of garden swings of various modifications. Different material of execution, dimensions, method of fastening, design and level of comfort dictate a wide range of prices for such a popular subject for arranging a summer cottage or the adjacent territory of a country house. Country swings have become not only a part of landscape design, but also its decoration.

A variety of models of country swings

Garden swings have many variations of execution, they may differ according to the following criteria:

  • frame and seat material (metal, wood, plastic, wicker or rattan);
  • mounting method (suspended or free-standing swings, hammocks and rocking chairs);
  • color performance;
  • level of comfort (the presence of a soft seat, related accessories - armrests, soft back);
  • performance style (modern, country, beach, traditional);
  • dimensions of the product and the maximum allowable weight (not only the dimensions, but also the type of construction, the material of the frame, fasteners and the seat itself affect the weight tolerance limit);
  • the possibility of year-round use or installation exclusively indoors (only the material of execution of the structural elements has an effect).

Free standing garden swing

This section includes all self-sufficient models that do not need additional supports and suspensions. Such a swing can be installed in any convenient place and transferred if necessary. It is mobility that is most often the key criterion when choosing a garden swing model for many owners of summer cottages and country houses. Swings that do not require supports for suspension can be installed in an open area for the summer, and hidden under a canopy or in a garage (shed) the rest of the time.

If you transfer a portable swing to a glazed veranda or covered terrace for the winter, you can please yourself and your family with a slight swing in a comfortable environment even in the cold season. Most often, to increase the comfort of such a swing, the owners use soft removable mattresses and pillows. The covers for such soft swing elements are most often removable and easy to wash in a washing machine. Soft parts often come with a swing, but can also be purchased separately if the model does not provide for their presence.

Modern models of free-standing swings most often have a visor, a small tent, or any other option for a roof over the seat. This design allows you to protect those sitting on the swing from the hot summer sun or light rain. Many models are improved with various accessories and additions - comfortable armrests with holes for installing a glass or a cup of tea, a mosquito net that comes with the kit allows you to be on the swing in the evening, when the presence of insects in the summer cottage is especially noticeable and unpleasant (such models are purchased by homeowners with small children ).

Wooden garden swings that do not require additional supports have been very popular lately. The natural material of the construction most organically fits into the surrounding picture of a garden or summer cottage, landscape design of a private courtyard.

Wooden swings look luxurious, but they also require more effort to care for than usual (compared to metal or rubber counterparts). As a rule, manufacturers, before sending wooden models for sale, impregnate the products with special antiseptics and varnish them to prevent rotting of the material and the formation of fungus. But during operation, you will need to “refresh” the impregnation and coating. The frequency of use of antiseptics will depend on the type of wood. Usually, the instructions for the product contain all the necessary information on care, but more often than once every 1.5-2 years you will not need to take any action to care for the product.

Nevertheless, wooden products are recommended to be cleaned for the winter in a dry and well-ventilated room. This approach will help not only preserve the original appearance of the swing for many years, but also significantly reduce the frequency of using antiseptic sprays and varnishes for coating wooden surfaces.

The original wooden swing, the frame or all the elements of which are made of logs, is perfect for the ensemble of a country house or summer cottage, made in country style.

Suspended structures

The most simple and memorable for many of us, from our childhood impressions of relaxing in a country house or in a private courtyard, is a version of a swing - a suspended structure that was attached to a tree branch or any crossbar. Modern landscape design is multifaceted, you can hang the most ordinary swing, consisting only of a seat, to an arch or pergola, if you already have them in your backyard.

A more advanced version of the hanging swing has a back, often equipped with armrests, soft removable mattresses for the seat. On such a swing, you can stay in a comfortable and comfortable position for a long time, read books, have conversations or just enjoy the surrounding view, the purity of the country air.

Such models can be hung on strong ropes or metal chains. Both options are quite reliable and the choice of one or another mount will largely depend on your personal preferences. Both variations require the installation of special hooks in the ceiling of the canopy or terrace roof, and ropes or chains will be attached to them.

Chains for garden swings are made of stainless metals that do not require painting. But to ensure that the moving parts of the structure are lubricated while using the swing, it is necessary for the owners of the site or country house. Also, before using a hanging swing, before the start of a new warm season, it is necessary to check the fasteners not only on the roof, but also on the seat.

Hanging swings on ropes are not recommended for use without a canopy or roof over them. Although the ropes are impregnated with a special compound that helps the material resist decay, its action is not endless. Suspended structures on ropes are great for location on terraces, arbors with a solid roof or under canopies.

Seats and backs in hanging models can be made of wood, metal, plastic, or a wicker element made of wicker or rattan. Each material option has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, a plastic seat significantly reduces the cost of the entire product, it is not affected by moisture and other weather phenomena, and it is incredibly easy to care for it. But plastic products are not distinguished by high strength and durability, they are subject to all types of mechanical influences, and at low temperatures they can simply crack.

Wicker seats, more like comfortable sofas, look very colorful, especially if your terrace, in addition to swings, is equipped with garden furniture made of a similar material and in a similar design. Most often, such models are made of artificial rattan, because natural material is quite expensive, and an analogue made of wicker is not durable.

Popular oval-shaped hanging swings, made of natural or artificial rattan, began to be used to arrange a recreation area not only in the premises of country houses, but also outside the premises. Hang similar models on verandas, terraces and under patio awnings.

Swing alternative

Alternative options for installing a swing include hanging a hammock or installing rocking chairs. Of course, it is not possible to fully compensate for the lack of a swing for a hammock, designed more for relaxing in a prone position, but for many owners of country houses and summer cottages, this way of relaxing is a priority. A hammock is inexpensive, it is easy to hang it between two trees, poles or any other stable and durable supports. You can wash the hammock in the washing machine and put it away for the period of rains and frosts, keeping the original "marketable" appearance for a long time. And yet, a hammock is a resting place for one person, while a swing (depending on size) can accommodate several people.

Rocking chairs installed on an open terrace, under a canopy or in a gazebo are an excellent opportunity not only to organize a place of rest and relaxation in the fresh air, but also to create the most comfortable environment in a summer cottage or garden plot.

Choosing a place for installing a garden swing

Where to install or hang a swing in a garden or garden plot? It is necessary to answer this question before buying the product itself. After all, the choice of installation or hanging garden swing depends on the capabilities of your site, the presence or absence of buildings, additional elements of landscape design and the presence of large trees with a spreading crown.

Free-standing swings that do not require additional supports can theoretically be installed in any place convenient for the owners of the site. But such an approach is possible only in theory, but in practice it will be necessary to decide who and for what purpose will use the swing. If children will mainly swing on the country swing, then installing the product on an asphalted or paved with stone (brick) platform is not the best option in terms of safety in case of possible falls. If adults sit on the swing (and most often not alone), i.e. the weight of the structure with users "on board" will be significantly greater, it is better to resort to installation on a hard surface. Settling of the swing legs into the ground cannot be avoided, so a patio area paved with one or another material (from stone to wood) will be the best option.

Hanging swings on ropes or metal chains can be hung on a tree branch. But it is important to understand that the tree must be strong, with thick and strong branches. And even in this case, the maximum allowable weight of those sitting on the swing will not be high. This version of the swing is more suitable for use by children and adolescents or adults with a small weight.

If your country house is located near a reservoir, then most likely it stands on stilts. In some cases, the floors of the house are located high enough above ground level and this distance is enough to hang a small swing.

The location of a spacious hanging swing under a canopy or on a terrace is a great opportunity to organize a place of rest with the most comfortable conditions. Under the roof of the terrace you will be in the shade and under protection from the sun's rays, rain and light wind are not terrible here. Under a canopy or on a terrace, you can use mattresses and pillows with covers made of fabrics that are prone to fading in the sun or luxurious textiles that you would simply feel sorry for exposing to the effects of all possible natural phenomena.

Most often, when choosing a color palette for a swing that will be hung on the terrace, they are guided by the elementary principles of combinatorics. Depending on the color schemes of the facade of the building and the design of the terrace, the swing can either become an accent spot or organically fit into the overall picture. Most often, the swing is matched in color to the rest of the garden furniture located on the terrace - armchairs or a sofa, a coffee table.

Another option for choosing a color for a swing is a combination of a bright or contrasting shade with some element of the terrace against the background of a neutral or light image of the entire building. For example, a bright swing can match the color of the shutters or the front door, the decoration of the porch or the railing on the platform (terrace).

You can also hang a garden swing indoors on a glazed terrace or veranda. If it often rains in your area, or even in summer there are rarely warm days, then this option may be the only one available in terms of practicality and comfort.

https://www..jpg 658 1004 Dix https://www.pngDix 2016-09-27 09:26:43 2018-11-30 11:16:31 Country swing: choose a practical and beautiful option

A dacha is a place of rest from the bustle of the city and pressing problems, and a swing will be a great addition to it. The swing will appeal to both adults and children. Country swings can be a place to play with children, a center for gatherings with friends and a place of relaxation for the whole family. This article will talk about the varieties of swings, how to choose them correctly and how to make them yourself.

Classification of a swing for a summer residence

Swings for summer cottages can be divided into two types: garden and hanging. Garden swings consist of support posts, a seat and a canopy to protect from the sun and rain. Suspended swings have only a seat and suspension, and require the equipment of a special place for their installation.

Garden swings can be installed anywhere in the garden or on the veranda. They are portable and stationary. A portable swing can be moved around the garden and put away for the winter. Stationary garden swing is a capital structure that is installed once for the entire service life. Garden swings have a small swing amplitude and are intended mainly for relaxing.


The material for the manufacture of garden swings can be metal or wood. Metal swings are more compact and lighter in weight. This type of swing is usually portable. Wooden swings are rarely made portable due to their heavy weight. However, a wooden swing will fit better into the design of any dacha. In addition, they are easier to make with your own hands, since welding is not required.

Garden swings for summer cottages can be multi-seat and single.

Multi-seat swings are designed for 2-4 people. They are often equipped with a canopy to protect them from rain and sun. Such a swing will be a great place to relax for the whole family.


Single garden swing is mainly designed for children and used for entertainment.

Suspended swings are mounted on a stationary fixed support or a tree branch. They have a large swing amplitude. This type of swing is designed for outdoor activities with children.


In the class of garden hanging swings, there are models for a relaxing holiday, these are sofa swings and hammock swings. Hanging swing sofas are mainly installed on the veranda and attached to the floor beams. Hammock swings are lighter and can be used both on the veranda and outdoors, but in this case, you must first make a support for the swing.


How to choose a swing for a summer residence

The main thing is to understand which swing is right for you and for what purposes they will be used. For a family holiday, a multi-seat garden swing will be an excellent solution. Hanging hammock swings are well suited for individual relaxation.

When choosing a multi-seat garden swing, it is important to correctly assess how many people will use them, how often there are guests, etc. It is possible that for a large company one swing may not be enough.

Garden swings can be equipped with a canopy to protect from rain and sun. If the swing is installed on the veranda, then a canopy is hardly necessary. On the contrary, if the swing will be installed in a garden or in an open area, for example, in front of a pool, then a swing with a canopy will be a priority.

The swing can be made of wood or metal. Wooden swings will fit perfectly into the design of any garden, but they are heavy and difficult to carry. Wooden swings are usually installed once for the entire service life. Metal swings are lighter and more compact and can be easily moved around the garden.


When choosing a metal summer swing, it is important to pay attention to the diameter of the pipes from which they are made; the thicker the pipe, the stronger, more reliable and stable the swing will be. For the manufacture of swings, a pipe with a diameter of 30 to 60 mm is used. Such a swing can withstand weight up to 300 kg, while their own weight does not exceed 100 kg. These characteristics must be clarified with the seller. The more massive the swing, the more stable and comfortable it is, but the more difficult it is to carry it.

When choosing a swing, it will not be superfluous to think about the installation location. If the swing has a straight shape of the bearing support, then for these swings you need a flat base. Curvilinear supports can be stably located both on a flat area and on the grass in the back of the garden.

When choosing a swing, do not forget to ask your friends, most likely someone has already purchased a swing and can tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of specific models and give practical advice.

Swing for outdoor activities with children

For outdoor activities with children, hanging swings are the best choice. They will bring a lot of bright emotions to both children and adults.

Children's hanging swings are inexpensive, and the choice is huge. If you want to create an individual style of a suburban area, then hanging swings are easy to do with your own hands from improvised materials.


When purchasing a hanging swing, you should remember about the safety of their use, especially by young children. Swings should be provided with seat belts for the smallest and restraints for middle-aged children. When choosing a swing, you need to pay attention to the allowable weight. It should be no less than the weight of the child.

The supports for installing the swing must be stable and easily support the weight of the swing with the child.

Do-it-yourself hanging swing

The easiest hanging swing to make is a board swing. This type of swing is perfect for middle and older children and adults.

A board swing consists of a seat and suspension. A board 40-50 cm long, 15 cm wide and 3-4 cm thick is well suited for a seat. All burrs must be removed from the board and the edges smoothed. Holes are drilled in the corners of the board to secure the suspension.


A thick rope or rope is perfect as a suspension. The easiest and most reliable way to attach the seat to the suspension is to thread the rope through the hole in the board and fix it with a knot.

If the swing is intended for adults, then a metal cable or chain can be used as a suspension. In this case, it is convenient to use an eyebolt to attach the suspension to the seat.


Another popular hanging swing option is the tire swing. To make a swing, you need an old car tire. The tire is fixed to the suspension at 3-4 points with the help of an eye bolt or a bracket. A rope or chain can be used as a suspension.


You can use not a whole tire, but cut out a semblance of a seat from it. The simplest option is a basket seat. But in fact, there are many options and they are limited only by the imagination.


An equally simple and interesting option for a hanging swing is a swing made from old chairs. To make a swing, you need a chair. The legs of the chair are sawn off and fixed to the suspensions.


When making a swing from a chair / armchair, it is important to make sure that the seat is securely attached to the hangers. Sometimes additional elements may be required to strengthen the structure.


An interesting swing can be made from an old skateboard. It will be a boat-type swing. You can swing on them while standing.


Hanging swings for summer cottages can be made from almost any material that can be found in the country. Don't be afraid to experiment. It is only important that the swing is safe and easy to use.

Swing support

For hanging swings, almost any support can be used. The main thing is that it be reliable, durable and withstand the weight of the swing. As a support, a tree branch, a special portable support, stationary wooden or metal, floor beams can be used if the swing is installed on a covered veranda.

For young children, it is most rational to use a mobile metal support. It can be purchased together with the swing. Its cost is not high, and there will be no problems during installation and operation.


Swings for middle-aged children and adults require a stronger support. For a swing of this type, in the absence of a strong and large tree nearby, you will need to make a stationary support. The simplest is the U-shaped support. It consists of two pillars rigidly fixed to the ground and a crossbar to which a suspended swing is attached. The support can be made of wooden beams or a metal pipe.


For reliable fastening of the support in the ground, two holes are made 1 m deep; for this purpose, it is convenient to use a garden drill. A layer of crushed stone 20 cm thick is poured at the bottom of the pit. The space between the walls of the pit and the support is filled with a cement-sand mortar, made in a ratio of 1:3. After a week, the solution will harden and the support will be ready for use.

Suspended swing to the support must be fixed with eyebolts. This is the simplest and most reliable method that will provide a high swing amplitude. It is suitable for both wooden supports and metal ones.


If the swing is installed on the veranda, then they can easily be fixed to the floor beam or roof rafters using eyebolts.


Relaxation swing

Relaxation Swing is a sofa style garden swing for families and hanging hammock swing for secluded relaxation.

Garden swings are perfect for gatherings with friends, and for relaxing with the whole family. Garden swing-sofa can be placed anywhere in the garden or in an open area, but in this case they must be equipped with a canopy to protect from the sun and rain.

Hanging hammock swing will become a favorite place for those who love privacy. They can be installed on the veranda or in the garden, in which case they will have to purchase or make a support for suspension.

Do-it-yourself garden swing made of wood

Garden swings are the most popular. They are the most versatile and suitable for both family gatherings and secluded recreation. Garden swings consist of a support, a sofa and a canopy. All swing elements are made of wood.


To make a wooden swing for a summer residence, you will need a drill, a saw for wood, wood glue (moisture-resistant PVA glue), a planer, a set of wood drills.

It is desirable to make garden swings from well-dried wood. So a dry tree does not shrink and does not lose its shape. It is very easy to dry lumber. In the summer, it is enough to put them outdoors for two weeks. It is advisable to dry the wood in the shade under shelter from the rain.

In the manufacture of garden swings, it is important not to forget to treat the wood with an antiseptic and cover it with a protective varnish or paint, while the varnish must be resistant to moisture and sunlight. Yacht lacquer is perfect.

Making a support for a swing

A stationary support for a country swing is the simplest and most economical to manufacture. It consists of two pillars fixed in the ground to a depth of 1 m. For support, you will need two beams with a cross section of 100x100 mm and a length of 3 m.


To install a support for a swing, two holes are dug in the ground with a depth of 1.2-1.5 m and a diameter of 30-40 cm. For this purpose, it is convenient to use a garden drill. A layer of crushed stone 20–50 cm thick is poured at the bottom of the pit and rammed. A section of a wooden beam 1 m long on the side that will be underground is coated with bituminous mastic and wrapped in roofing material to protect it from decay. After that, the supports are installed in the pit and poured with cement mortar. Cement mortar is made in a ratio of 1:3 (cement: sand). After a week, the solution will gain strength and you can hang the swing.

The disadvantage of a stationary support for a swing is the inability to move the swing around the site and remove it for the winter. For this reason, a portable type of swing is often preferred.

The most popular portable support structure for country swings is two pairs of bars with a section of 80x80 mm or more, installed at an angle and connected to each other. In this case, the swing is not fixed to the ground.


The bars are connected to each other in half a tree at an angle of 40-45 degrees. To increase the rigidity of the swing, a side bar is installed. Between themselves, the supports are connected by the upper horizontal crossbar (crossbar) and the lower one from the back of the swing. A swing seat is attached to the crossbar.

When assembling supports for a swing, it is advisable to use not self-tapping screws, but an adhesive joint tightened with bolts. This connection method is more durable and reliable, and the swing will last a very long time.

Another version of the support for a portable swing is the support of four vertical bars. In this case, it turns out something like a gazebo in which a swing is suspended. This design will be heavier than the previous one and it will be very difficult to move it around the site.


An interesting solution for swing supports is shown in the photo below. Thanks to this form of supports, the side posts do not block the view and the swing looks more open.


Making a canopy for a swing

It is advisable to equip garden swings installed in the open air with a canopy that will protect you from the scorching heat and rain.

The canopy consists of a frame and flooring. The frame is made of wood. As a flooring, any roofing materials, polybicarbonate or fabric can be used.

The frame is usually made single-slope and gable. A shed frame is often used in conjunction with fabric flooring. It turns out a light, elegant design that perfectly protects from the sun and somewhat worse from rain. The fabric canopy must be removed for the winter. The gable roof of a garden swing is used on swings that are not removed for the winter. Bitumen shingles are used as flooring.

A shed canopy is the easiest to manufacture. The frame is assembled from bars with a section of 20x30 or 30x40 mm, and fixed to the swing supports at an angle of 10-20 degrees. A fabric is stretched over the frame.


A gable canopy is made by analogy with a gable roof. The angle of inclination of a gable canopy is usually chosen in the range of 10-20 degrees. On the supports and the crossbar (the beam to which the swing is suspended) of the swing, a rafter system of bars or boards is installed. A crate is fixed to the rafters if sheet flooring is planned or plywood if flexible tiles are planned.


For flooring, you should not use profiled sheet and sheet iron, it gets very hot in the sun and it will not be comfortable to relax on a garden swing.

Making a swing seat

The garden swing seat is made in the form of a bench, only without legs. For the manufacture of the seat, dry planed lumber is used. You will need a bar with a section of 30x50 mm for the frame and bars or boards 20 mm thick for the seat itself.

First, a frame is made. To do this, connect the bars at an angle of approximately 100-110 degrees. The best option is to fasten the beams into half a tree using wood glue and bolts. After the glue dries, bars are attached to the frame, which will act as a seat, they can be fixed with self-tapping screws.


The finished garden swing seat must be hung on the frame. A rope or chain can be used for suspension. Preference should be given to the chain as it is more durable and will not fray during operation.

To suspend the seat on the crossbar, it is necessary to install two eyebolts or brackets. The swing seat must also be secured with two eyebolts on each side of the seat. One eye bolt is fixed to the seat, and the second in the middle of the back. This arrangement of fasteners does not allow the seat to tip over during rocking.


Chains are attached to the fixed eyebolts by means of carabiners. The length of the chains is selected based on the required seat height and inclination. It is convenient to use chains slightly longer than required. By attaching the carabiner to different links, you can change the height and angle of the swing seat.

An ergonomic version of the garden swing seat can be made from plywood. Plywood is used with a thickness of 20 - 30 mm for the manufacture of the frame. Seat bars are fixed to the frame.


One of the easiest ways to make a swing seat is to use old garden or home furniture. An old light sofa or chair, rattan furniture, a light garden bench are well suited for a garden swing seat.


The seat for garden swings can be made from pallets left after the construction of the house. To do this, you need to saw the pallet into two parts and connect them together at a slight angle.


When making a swing seat, it is important not to forget about safety. It is advisable to glue all joints of the seat parts with carpentry glue or PVA moisture-resistant glue. Before the final installation of the seat, it must be protected from moisture with varnish, paint or antiseptic. You can increase the comfort of the swing with the help of foam mattresses and pillows.

Do-it-yourself garden swing made of metal

Garden swings made of metal can be made of the most diverse types due to the strength of the material and the ability to give it almost any shape. However, without special bending and welding equipment, it is impossible to make unusual garden swings. However, if you own a welding machine, then you can easily make a simple but very reliable swing.


Metal swings can be hanging and garden, portable and stationary. Due to the strength of the metal, the swing can be made quite light and at the same time strong - this is their main advantage.

Support manufacturing

With your own hands, it’s enough just to make two options for a support for a swing, stationary and portable. Both options are suitable for hanging and garden swings.

It is convenient to make a stationary support for a swing from a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm or more. Two pipes are fixed in the ground with a cement-sand mortar. A crossbar from a pipe of the same diameter is welded to the pipes from above. Two brackets are welded to the crossbar for hanging the swing.


It is convenient to make a portable metal swing from a square or rectangular pipe. The design of such a swing consists of two triangular posts interconnected by a crossbar and a cross member located at the lower rear of the swing. Staples for hanging the swing are welded to the crossbar.


The framework of a canopy is made of a pipe of square section of 20х20 mm. Colored polybicarbonate is used as a roofing material for metal swings. This gives the swing an interesting look.

seat manufacturing

A seat for a metal swing can be made in the same way as a seat for a wooden swing, or it can have a metal frame.

For a metal frame, a square pipe 20x20 mm is used. The frame is made of two pipe sections welded at an angle of 100-110 degrees. Ears are welded to the frame, to which the chain will be attached. One ear is welded to the seat, the second to the back.

Wooden bars are fixed to the metal frame, which serve as the basis of the seat and back.


When making a metal swing, it is important not to forget to protect the metal from corrosion. To do this, you must first remove all possible foci of corrosion that are present on the metal, then degrease the surface with a solvent and apply a primer on the metal. The final stage is the coloring of the swing.

The wooden elements of the swing must be covered with a wood preservative.

Regardless of whether you plan to purchase or make a swing with your own hands, for children or for recreation, you are on the right track. A swing in a summer cottage is really an irreplaceable thing. Hanging swings are sure to please children. Garden swings are more suitable for the older generation. The swing in the country will definitely become an entertainment center and a gathering place for the whole family.

For many people, a dacha is a place where they are busy working in the garden, caring for the garden and ennobling the site. And this is partly true. Yet the dacha is not only shock work, but also a place where you can relax and get rid of the worries and noise of city life. One of the indispensable attributes in creating relaxation in the country are swings. Before heading to the store, you need to find out which swing is suitable for your site, where to place it and what material it will be made of. There are many types of such garden furniture: stationary, folding, folding, small and large. But, the main thing is to choose such a swing that would be reliable and comfortable. Among the many options, you need to choose the one that suits you. So, let's look at how to choose a swing for a summer residence.

A garden swing is a purchase that is necessary for owners of summer cottages. Thanks to their convenience, their functionality and practicality, they will provide you with comfort and decorate any corner of your cottage. Such furniture will not take up much space. Unlike a regular sofa, the swing can be installed both on the ground and on the sand. Moreover, the swing is equipped with a special cover that will protect you from rain or scorching heat.

New country swings are made according to modern technologies, thanks to which they are comfortable and ergonomic. The temperature difference is not terrible for them, they can be left overnight, covered with an awning. Garden swings can be installed at the beginning of spring and kept until the end of autumn, they are suitable for various climates and weather conditions.

If you want to relax, enjoying clean air, admiring flowers and green spaces - such a swing is for you. Especially they are necessary for those who have children. They will be happy with such a “swinging sofa”, and you will be calm, since the height of the swing is very small. A swing is also suitable for the elderly, the sick or those who are recovering from a serious illness, because relaxing in the garden, where beauty and fresh air, has a positive effect on people. And how pleasant it is to have a tea party in the garden with friends in the evening. To do this, simply set up a small table.

If we talk about the types of swings, then there are more than enough of them. Basically, the structures are made of metal or wood. Such swings are suspended and portable.

Portable swings are very popular, because thanks to their design they can be easily moved from one place to another.

Suspended swings are attached only in one place. But if you have children, they are most often installed on the playground. They can also be hung in the best place in the garden or on the veranda. Unlike portable swings, swing swings are much larger. But if you want to achieve complete relaxation - portable, with a smaller amplitude, just for you.

Here are a few more types that you can find on the market:

  1. Multi-seat swing (from 2 to 4 seats).
  2. Whole and folding.
  3. With two-position and adjustable backrest.
  4. Forged.
  5. Baby.
  6. Ready made or standard.
  7. Swing sofas.

All these types are divided into 3 classes:

  • economy;
  • comfort;
  • lux.

Naturally, you need to build on how much money you are willing to spend on buying a swing.

Among all the manufacturers of swings, the main one can be called the swing of the Belarusian company "Olsa". They are practical, withstand loads from 210 to 280 kg. Not surprising, because the diameter of the pipes is 32 mm and 51 mm. All of them are made according to European standards, but at the same time they are quite inexpensive. The price category is average, and the quality of the product remains on top. The metal frame, together with a polymer coating, will protect the product from corrosion. And the pillows are made of acrylic or cotton, inside of which there is a thick layer of foam rubber (10 cm). The back of the swing is adjustable, thanks to which they can be laid out in any desired position. You can sit on them in an upright position and lie down, lowering your back horizontally.

The set includes a special polyester awning, which serves to protect the piece of furniture in rainy or hot weather. Often these swings are made for 4 people.

Russian-made swings are very popular on the market. Their strength is not the same as that of Belarusian ones, but still they can withstand a load of 170 to 230 kg, which makes them quite durable. Pipe diameter - 32, 43, 51 or 60 mm, respectively. Often such products are designed for three people. There is a strong awning which does not pass water and well closes them from a rain.

Their main difference is their low price. Swings "Pilot" or "Cosmos" are equipped with a galvanized rectangular mesh seat and back, so they do not corrode. Some swings, such as the Virage, have an arcuate frame design, increasing the strength of the product. It is impossible not to mention the models "Britain" and "Hyde Park". The material from which they are made is oak, which can withstand a load of up to 300 kg.

It should be noted that another country of the manufacturer of swings for summer cottages is Italy. The most famous is Dond landia. The difference between a swing from Italy is an improved design, style, as well as high quality materials and assembly. In our market, they are available in the middle price category and the luxury category. The load that they can withstand is up to 240 kg. They have a galvanized frame, with a pipe diameter of 40 or 50 mm. Such swings as "Big Rimini", "Big Milan", "Big Genoa" and others will perfectly fit into your summer cottage landscape and bring some piece of charm from Italy to your garden.

Having considered the advantages, types and manufacturers of swings, we came to the main question: how to choose the best ones? First you need to understand which products are suitable for your dacha - hanging or portable. Then you need to decide on the material. Wooden swings fit perfectly into the landscape of the dacha, evoking nostalgia for Russian noble estates. Naturalness has always been and will be in fashion.

When buying wood products, look at how the swing parts are fastened together. It is important that such fasteners are made of wooden dowels. They tend to swell in the open air, absorbing moisture. Therefore, over time, such swings become stronger and stronger.

Metal structures are distinguished by their lightness and practicality. They are comfortable and can be easily moved from one place in the garden to another. The color of such a swing allows them to fit perfectly into the design of the garden, because it is made in natural colors - green or brown. They are in harmony with any accessories for giving. If you have benches, a table, a fountain or something like that, the swing will not stand out.

Another point: when buying a swing, pay attention to the number of members of your family that will live in the country. How often do you have guests? All this must be taken into account, as there are different sizes of swings. For a family of two, a double swing is suitable. And if you have children and you often receive guests, triple and quadruple swings will be just right for you. Doubles are lighter and easier to carry, but the other two types will fit more people.

The next factor is price. There are absolutely inexpensive swings that are very practical. If you have friends who have already made a choice and bought a swing, you can consult with them. Sometimes the price / quality ratio does not always correspond to reality. Products of medium quality are optimal, combining both practicality and beauty. And more expensive types have improved design and quality. When choosing which ones are right for you, remember: they must be practical, reliable, comfortable and beautiful. Most swings are equipped with an awning that serves as protection from rain and sun. But if you want to protect them not only from above, but also from all sides, you need to purchase a case. In this case, you can leave the swing in any weather without worrying that it will deteriorate.

Do not forget about safety. To avoid injury, check the swing for tipping over and the strength of the structure itself. Pay attention to the shape of the supporting support, because if the legs are straight, then they need a flat, stable place. And if they are arc-shaped, they can be installed on any surface. If the swing has a pillow and a mattress, foam rubber is the best material for them.

The fashion for garden swings is growing more and more, so the choice of those in the store and in the markets is very large. Finding a suitable swing for you will not be difficult, and perhaps even interesting.


If you decide to save on a swing, then we offer you the option of building a swing with your own hands, with the manufacturing technology of which you can find in the video:


Who hasn't dreamed of sitting on a swing in their own garden, dreamily swaying and looking at the cloudless sky or at the stars. But it's so easy to arrange, you just need to want. Beautiful and modern, located in the garden or on the lawn, in addition to convenience, they also diversify the landscape. In this article we will talk about how to make a children's swing in the country with our own hands from metal, wood, and also show drawings, photos and video materials.

Swings for every taste

Of course, today's market offers many options for finished products. However, if desired, the swing can be made any, for example, for children, designed for light weight, including for infants. They can be the width of a sofa, any shape, for the rest of the whole family. They can be built from metal, wood, or, in general, any utility material.

Before building a swing, you need to determine for yourself their type, they will be used only by children or designed for the whole family. The design of their support and the type of seat will depend on this.

Swings for children should not only be comfortable, but also have particularly strong and reliable fastenings.

If they are intended for a relaxing holiday, then they should meet maximum comfort, but at the same time, withstand a fairly large weight. And, choosing the right material, you can focus solely on your taste, since both metal and wood are equally strong. Various combinations of these materials are quite suitable, and plastic or plastic parts, twisted ropes, cables and metal chains are also used. These elements are designed to facilitate the design and make it more elegant.

The most unpretentious swing, familiar to everyone since childhood, is well-polished boards that are attached to a rack on ropes or cables (sometimes just to a thick tree branch). Of course, fastening to racks is more reliable and lasts much longer. To install such a metal rack, it is best to take three pipes with a diameter of 100-120 millimeters. Two pipes will play the role of racks, and the third can be used as a crossbar on which the swing is hung. You can make this design from wooden bars with a thickness of 100 × 100 mm. However, such a simple design is only suitable for swinging children, given their small weight.

If the swing is intended for kids, then they are made with a back and a fixing bar is made in front.

To build the simplest garden swing for a summer residence, which is suitable for the whole family, you need to make a more stable support. Usually, four support pillars are used for this. They are dug into the ground to a depth of about one meter (at least 80 cm) and concreted. When using metal structures, all cut edges must be carefully sanded with a grinder, otherwise you can get hurt on the edges. The joints of the racks with the crossbar are connected by welding (so a welding machine is needed).

In the case of using wooden poles for racks, before burying them in the ground, it is necessary to treat the poles with antiseptic agents.

And to connect the racks with a wooden crossbar, bolts with nuts or self-tapping screws are used. At the top of the resulting structure (from any material), a horizontal beam is attached.

First of all, in order to get a seat, you need to make two frames. One frame will be the actual seat, and the second is for the back. And plywood is attached to one and the other frames. Connect the back and seat corners (usually at an angle of 120 degrees). It is not recommended to connect at a right angle: it is less comfortable for sitting, especially for relaxing. To make armrests (optional), you need to set the bars at right angles.

After the racks are installed, the seat is made, you can start hanging it from the top crossbar. To do this, you need to attach strong hooks or special reliable brackets to it. A cable, ropes or chains are pulled through the hole formed. In this case, you need to choose the correct seat height. For this, preliminary measurements are carried out - the legs of a seated person should touch the ground with their socks.

Of course, if you build a swing in the country in this way, then they will be tough, and it is unlikely that we can talk about a good rest. In order to get comfortable in the seat, you can purchase or sew special pads yourself. For longer service life, they can be dressed in waterproof covers made of polyethylene. And if you put a garden awning on the same racks, you can enjoy relaxing in the garden in any weather.

The seat made of two small logs looks very original (diameter is about 85 millimeters, length is 700 millimeters, the distance between the ropes with which they are attached is 500 millimeters). Ropes are stretched between the logs, they are wrapped around each of them, let out again and tightened into three strong knots. This type of swing is suitable for any mounting, but it is designed for only one person.

A flexible seat looks unusual in its own way. In order to make it, it is necessary to fasten one special carabiner on each side of the belt of such a seat. These carabiners are also tied to ropes with strong triple knots. This makes the seat easy to remove.

Swing-bench made of wood

We suggest considering the manufacture of a swing that several children can sit on at the same time. If necessary, you can reduce or increase its size. Birch, spruce or pine is perfect for making. To work with this material, you will need the following set of building materials:

  • 15 boards 2.5 m long and with a section of 100 × 25 mm.
  • 1 board 2 m, section 150 × 50 mm.
  • About 40 self-tapping screws 80 × 4.5.
  • 250 self-tapping screws 52 × 3.5.
  • Welded chain 5 mm, length equal to the height of the swing.
  • Carbine - 6 pcs.
  • Galvanized screw 4 pcs., 2 pcs - 12×100 mm and 2 - 12×80 mm.

As for the tools, you will need:

  • square;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • plane;
  • a circular saw;
  • drill and a set of drills.

When buying screws, pay attention to their color. It is better that they have a contrasting shade or wood color. If you purchase contrasting screws, this will give the swing a spectacular look.

So, when you have everything ready, you can get to work. To begin with, it would be nice to prepare a drawing of the future design. By following a plan, it will be easier to get the job done accurately.

If you have not yet decided on the type of swing, then at the end of this article there are many diagrams and drawings that will help you bring your ideas to life. At the same time, the designs for both children and adults are different.

Following the instructions below, you will be able to complete all the work without the involvement of specialists:

  1. First of all, cut the blanks of 1.5 m each. In this case, the cut should be made at an angle of 90 °. For the seat, you can use a board with a thickness of 20 mm, and for the back, 12-13 mm is enough. To make a seat according to our sample, you will need 17 planks 50 cm long and 15 planks 45 cm wide.
  2. It is not recommended to tighten the screws without first drilling a hole. This is especially true for pine wood. She may crack.
  3. To make the back more comfortable, make the details of the base curly. To do this, use the thickest board 150 × 50 mm. 6 such blanks should come out, and with a pencil or marker, draw a contour of the desired shape of the blank.
  4. The next step is to decide on the angle of attachment of the back. Then fasten the planks with equal pitch. In order for them to be screwed evenly, you need to fasten the ends on both sides, and then the part is fixed in the middle.
  5. It is also worth taking care of the manufacture of armrests. To do this, you can use a beam of any width. Attach one end of the bar to the back frame, and the other to the seat.
  6. At this stage, you can fasten the chain to the wooden frame. Optimal for this place is the lower part of the armrest, where it is connected to the seat, as well as the upper part of the frame base on the back.
  7. The chain is fastened using a nut and washer. If a washer is not used, the nut may enter the wood and compromise the integrity of the structure. As a result, a special element, where there will be a ring on one side and a thread on the other, is fixed to the seat frame and to the crossbar on which the entire structure will rest.
  8. In conclusion, you just have to connect the rings with a chain, and your swing is ready.

It is best to fix the assembled swing-bench on the A-shaped rack. Strong logs should be used as a support.

Rack manufacturing

Now consider an example of making a rack that resembles the shape of the letter "A". Such a rack is quite reliable, and using strong logs, you can hang a seat of any shape, size and material. For work, you will need the same set of construction tools as for making the seat. The work process consists of the following steps:

  1. You will need to make two identical racks, with the same size, in the shape of the letter "A". As a result, they will be installed at a suitable distance, and connected from above by a crossbar.
  2. It is very important to accurately calculate the angle of connection of parts standing vertically. At the top, poles or beams should be fastened with powerful bolts. So that after a while these parts do not diverge, install the crossbars at 1/3 of the height.
  3. To do this, you can use screws and metal corners. Well, if on two racks, the crossbars will be installed at the same height.
  4. In most cases, one crossbar is enough at the top of the rack, but you can add another one for more strength.

The structure itself is installed directly into the ground. It is enough to dig a hole up to 80 cm deep. At the bottom, make a pillow of 20 cm crushed stone, insert racks and fill them with concrete. To prevent wood studs from rotting in concrete, they can be insulated or treated with an anti-rot agent.

If children will mainly use the swing, then take care of their maximum safety. Eliminate all sharp corners, and grind all wooden elements with high quality. Although this rule is important for swings for any purpose, which are made of wood.

metal swing

Unlike a wooden structure, a metal swing is more difficult to manufacture. After all, there is no way to do without a welding machine. So, you will need a tool like this:

  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • pipes.

We will consider one of the simple types of metal swings, the manufacture of which does not require great skills from you. First, prepare 4 pieces of pipe, 4 m long each. In pairs, cut each end of the pipes at an angle of 28–35°. When comparing, both angles between the pipes must be equal. As for further work, there are 2 directions:

  1. Drive pipes into the ground, at an angle that is necessary. Next, weld the tops together. The result is 2 triangles with a vertex looking at the sky. This method is considered the simplest.
  2. This option is more complicated, so it is rarely used by anyone. You should first weld the triangle by adding a crossbar at the base. Further, in the right places, a hole is drilled 1 m deep. As a result of such actions, you will have to lower the triangle into the trench. Although the construction of such a structure will require a lot of effort and time, from the technical side it will be much stronger.

As practice shows, an additional load is unlikely to cause the pipe to burst. The structure will quickly crawl out of the ground. Therefore, consider whether it is worth spending time on a complex support beam with a reinforced bar.

To make a beam, you will need the following set of tools and materials:

  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • steel strip;
  • pipe;
  • reinforcing rod;
  • steel rings.

To fix the beam, it will be necessary to make holes in the upper seam of the triangular structure for a smaller pipe diameter. Use a grinder for this work. It is very important to make sure that the seam is not damaged after making the hole. If you find microcracks, then make marks with chalk and scald the seam again when installing the beam.

As a beam, a pipe of a smaller diameter is used, in contrast to the racks. A reinforcing rod of the appropriate diameter is threaded inside. Even under high loads, such a design will not burst in any way, but the maximum will bend.

Next, weld 2 metal rings onto the beam. They are necessary in order to limit the movement of the chain horizontally. Between these rings, a free-wheeling circle made of light sheet steel is mounted. The upper part of the rings in relation to the level of the beam should be 2.5–3 cm higher. Weld another partition on top. The result is a kind of tunnel. The final touch will be the installation of the finished beam in the holes made, after which the workpiece is securely welded.

One of the last stages in the construction of a metal swing is the manufacture of a cradle. This will require the following set of tools and materials:

  • channel or corner;
  • nuts and bolts;
  • primer;
  • brush / roller;
  • chain;
  • drill;
  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine.

The size of the cradle can be different single or double. There may also be several cradles on the beam, but in this case you will need to make several tunnels for greater strength on the beam itself. As for the swing for giving, in most cases a sofa or a single cradle is suspended on a beam. The frame should be made entirely of metal. To do this, you can use a corner or channel.

With a corner it is much easier, because if you use a channel, you will have to select bars / boards in size.

It is desirable that the supporting structure be square or triangular, this will not allow the workpiece to bend. Using bolts with nuts to the base, you need to fix the wooden bars. To do this, pre-make appropriate holes in the corner. Thus, the seat will be ready.

The next step is to install the chain. It should be attached to each corner of the cradle. Next, in the designated places, weld steel rings. If they are not there, then you can get by with reinforcement or another bar. There is not much difference, the main thing is to use a solid and reliable material. When the rings are ready, pass the chain through the tunnels.

If there is a need to remove the swing, carabiners can be used. Their presence will also allow you to change the chain without any problems.

Although some weld the chain to the cradle itself tightly. There are no rules here, it all depends on your vision of the situation.

Upon completion of all work, the entire resulting structure should be primed and painted in the desired color (the first coat of primer should be water-repellent). Pre-treat all welding seams with a grinder. This will avoid snagging and injury. So, a metal swing for a summer residence is made.


Probably, in every private area somewhere, but an old tire was lying around. And in the garden grows a thick and strong tree. If such a tire is hung horizontally on 3-4 metal chains, then several people can swing on such a swing at the same time. And if the tire is tied with one rope to a tree trunk (it hangs vertically), then one person may well swing.

Since people with original thinking can make a swing in the country, an unusual and interesting option is very suitable. This is a product with a ring made of durable metal. The metal ring is fixed horizontally to the support using four chains. In a special hoop, a so-called nest is arranged from a large number of chains. These chains must be attached with one end around the circumference of this hoop, and the free ends intertwine each other, and thus are fastened. So that the chains do not scratch a person, they are wrapped with a dense and soft cloth, and a special pillow is placed in the nest itself.


We bring to your attention a video dedicated to a homemade swing for a summer residence.

If you decide to buy a swing for a summer residence, then first of all you should look at garden furniture online stores, since the prices in them are often lower than in regular stores. Also, if you are looking for something cheaper, we recommend that you follow the sales in specialized markets.


And now, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the schemes of swings of different shapes:

Do-it-yourself garden swing in the country can be made from improvised materials using Photo or diagrams from the internet. Construction will require time and skills from the master, but the result will delight children, family and guests. In addition, ready-made factory swings will cost three times more. When starting to choose a model for a future design, listen to the wishes of the household and involve them in the creation process.

Where to start?

Builders are advised to start the construction of the structure from the choice of its location. In the country, it is installed in a place of rest, so that it does not interfere and has enough space for swinging. In the case when there is not enough space for installation in the summer cottage, the improvement of the street area is considered. If you plan to install a stationary structure, then you will need a concrete foundation for installation. If the rocking chair is portable, then reliable fasteners will be needed. Use pins that drive into the ground and attach legs to them. Mobile swings can be on hanging hooks, in which case they can be easily carried from home to garden, fixing them on a suitable support.

How to determine size?

The size of the building depends on the category for which it is intended. Depending on your preferences and family conditions, the swing can be for adults. They are made in the form of a comfortable bench or rocking sofa, equipped with a canopy, decorated with soft pillows. Guests of the older generation, swaying slightly in a comfortable sofa, will be happy to have a conversation over a cup of tea.

Children's swings are made small, strengthened with straps, providing for a large swing amplitude. In this case, the main thing is safety. Therefore, during construction, sharp corners are removed, the surface is made as smooth as possible. For a children's model, an important element is the color scheme and the comfort of sitting. It is painted in different colors, attracting a child to this activity.

The building for the whole family is large in size. It is designed for mom, baby and dad to ride at the same time. Its weight is calculated at 250 kg and above. The supports are made solid, dug into the ground and poured with concrete. The structure is intended for year-round use, so it is painted, equipped with a roof and not decorated with textile elements. Small pads or a blanket are laid immediately before use.

On a note. The canopy protects not only those who ride from rain or the scorching sun, but also protects the structure from fading and corrosion.

Common types of country swings

You can adapt for skiing materials that have already been in use, but still quite durable. For example, a car tire, construction pallets, canvas, an old skateboard, or a wooden box. For them, they buy chains and fasteners, carabiners or hooks and hang them in the garden on a strong branch. Using building and improvised materials, these types of swings are made:

Singles consist of a seat and suspensions that are mounted on a support. Their weight and size is designed for children.

Hammocks are portable. They are a convenient hammock, which is suspended by one or two suspensions to any crossbar. He is in the spirit of those who like to read in the fresh air. For manufacturing, strong fabrics and strong ropes, as well as carbines are selected. A durable hammock can withstand the weight of an adult male.

Sun loungers- these are frame models, shaped like a sunbed floating in the air. A metal frame is used as supports. In execution, such a model is complex, it is easier to buy it in a store and assemble it on the spot.

Suspended There are different modifications, widths and lengths. A common feature is a seat with chains attached to the side.

Advice. For a homemade country swing, it is not necessary to build strong supports. More often they are hung on a suitable branch of a garden tree. But it is safer to install poles with a fixed crossbar.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a suspended wooden model

To make a swing for a large company, use the design scheme in the form of a hanging bench with a back. The main material is high-quality inexpensive wood. To create a model, they buy boards and bars in a hardware store, they also take bolts, hooks and chains for attaching a bench to a support. The master selects the dimensions at his discretion, choosing a comfortable back height, seat width, bench length.

Required Tools

For work, a standard set of tools for wood processing is useful:

  • jigsaw and circular saw for sawing boards;
  • drill for preparing holes at the joints of parts;
  • screwdriver for tightening fasteners;
  • planer and grinder to remove irregularities on the surface of the tree;
  • marker (a slate pencil will do);
  • building corner or long ruler;
  • building level for even installation of supports.

Basic materials

The main building material is soft but durable wood. For example, spruce or pine. Birch lumber has excellent quality characteristics, it is durable and inexpensive. For construction, you will need 15 bars 2.5 m long (25 mm by 100 mm), 1 crossbar 2.5 m long (50 mm by 150 mm), glued slats 1.5 - 2 m long.

Additional materials:

  • Galvanized screws (with rings for fastenings) 2 pairs;
  • Self-tapping screws for wood No. 3.5 and No. 5 - 200 pcs;
  • Chain from 5 m (length is selected according to the dimensions of the structure)
  • Fastening carabiners - 6 pcs;
  • Lacquer, wax, stain for applying a protective layer 3 l;
  • Flat brushes for coloring - 2 pcs.


First, make a bench for sitting. Having determined its length (from one and a half meters), they prepare boards of the desired size and drill holes for fasteners in them. According to the scheme, the frame is assembled and the slats are attached to it, equipping the back and seat. If you have sufficient carpentry skills, make a seat with a figured back by cutting out the details according to the template. Armrests are attached to the finished seat (one side to the back, the other to the seat). All details are cut out clearly in size, give them a curly shape and grind. The finished rocking chair is varnished in several layers, allowing each to dry. After that, screws with rings are attached to the underside of the armrest on the left and right and chains with carabiners at the ends are inserted into them. A cozy bench for friends is ready. It is hung from a strong tree century and rolled around.

Instructions for creating a metal model

The metal construction is strong and reliable. To create it, you will need special skills in working with welding, cutting metal, kneading concrete. The metal model has a long service life, meets safety requirements and can withstand weight up to 250 kg. In order to assemble it, you will need the following materials:

  • metal hollow pipe with a diameter of 50 m with a total length of 12.5 m;
  • rod reinforcement with a diameter of 18 mm and a length of 8 m;
  • pine board 5 m (50 mm by 20 mm);
  • metal screws, bolts, nuts,
  • concrete (water, cement, sand and gravel);
  • paint enamel 3 l and flat brushes.

To cut, weld and strengthen pipes, you will need the following tools:

  • Bulgarian;
  • file and sandpaper;
  • welding machine;
  • bath for mixing concrete;
  • spade shovel and bayonet.


Metal swings are made stationary. Therefore, a place is carefully selected for them. Having cut the pipes for the support according to the selected drawing (for example, side posts and a crossbar of 2 m each and pipes for the base of a suitable size), they are welded and the joints are ground.

The finished structure is dug into the ground by at least 70 cm. To do this, 4 holes are dug, the legs of the swing are placed there and poured with concrete. For its manufacture, cement and sand are mixed one to two, adding one part of crushed stone. Having stirred the composition well, water is poured into it and the mixture of sour cream density is kneaded. After pouring a homogeneous mixture into the pits, it is allowed to harden for 7 days. When the support becomes stable, hooks are welded to the crossbar for which the seat will be attached. It is assembled from rebar. A frame is welded for a base of convenient sizes, attaching two handrails to it. Their ends are bent in the form of rings and hung on the hooks of the upper beam. For sitting, prepare boards according to the size of the base and attach them with self-tapping screws.

On a note: the edges of the boards should be free of knots and torn edges. They are sanded and covered with a protective layer of varnish or paint.


Installing a swing at their summer cottage, they select a convenient and safe place for them. Nearby there should be no debris, broken glass, wire sticking out of the ground. The structure itself and the area under it are made comfortable for skiing, and the possibility of falling is taken into account. That is, if the child jumps inaccurately, he will rest his feet on the green lawn or sand, and not on the concrete screed. The safety of the child is in the first place, and the decorative appearance of the structure and its sports and play direction are in the second place. If you have free space in your summer cottage for the location of gaming or sports equipment, it is installed next to the swing. It is also made by hand and painted in a bright color.

Swings for adults are equipped with an approach path and an equipped playground. Often, a brazier is placed next to them for a pleasant pastime with friends. In this case, consider lighting the site in the evening.

48 photos of garden swing ideas: