The city apartments of the old building did not differ in large area, but they had a room, which the owners, with a certain note of pride in their voice, called the hall. Usually this room was larger than others. Now the hall is usually called a more appropriate word - the living room. But the essence is not in the name, but in the approach to the improvement of this room. The decor of the living room should be special, conducive to relaxation and pleasant conversations over a cup of coffee while relaxing. Therefore, we are faced with a responsible task - how, adhering to the general design, to make the interior of a living room in a city apartment so that it meets the intended purpose and pleases the eye.

Furniture in the interior of the living room

Obviously, the design of the living room and what furniture will be installed there depends not only on the chosen style, but also on the dimensions of the room.

The design of the furnishings of a small living room must be approached taking into account the fact that each square centimeter The available space must be used rationally. For example, in a room, in addition to frame furniture, there can also be frameless furniture, which can be easily moved to the side when the need arises. A folding table can serve as a convenient addition.

If cabinet furniture is installed in the living room, then its appearance should contribute to creating a feeling of lightness. It is clear that the wardrobe will not only not add charm, but on the contrary, it will make the atmosphere oppressive. It is better if it is a modern, not too large wall, the shelves of which are not littered with various items or souvenirs.

When there are no restrictions, it will be more convenient to use stationary furniture in a large living room.

Often, redevelopment is carried out in apartments, as a result of which the living room becomes even larger. In this case, you do not have to cut out every centimeter, but still, living room furniture should not create a depressing atmosphere in the room. Everything should speak of the good taste of the owners.

curtain design

Properly and tastefully selected curtains for the living room can significantly transform the room, emphasizing created design. By choosing the wrong shape, color (or shade), you can get a result that was not expected at all. Because nice curtains are expensive, and there will be no possibility of selection on the spot, you need to make a choice in advance.

We will not impose our opinion, but in the vast majority of cases, the curtains are in harmony with upholstered furniture or some other part of the room. Here it is not bad to apply a purely feminine approach to the choice. How to do it? It is best to ask for help from your soulmate. If this does not work out, then you have to use your imagination. Imagine that a woman is choosing a handbag. It’s hard to follow the train of thought, but we can definitely say that she imagines how this handbag will look with her new dress, what shoes she will have to wear, is there such a color lipstick, and, probably, you will need to buy nail polish of the same color ...

When choosing curtains, imagine them in the design of the room, how they will look with furniture, walls, or something will have to be redone under them in the living room.

What wallpaper to choose

Choosing the right wallpaper for the living room is not as difficult as it might seem. The principle of selection is the same as in the case of curtains - combination, harmony and support for the intended style.

It is important to consider that very dark shades of any color will look spectacular only in a room that receives a lot of sunlight. If this is not the case, then even during the day you will have to use artificial lighting.

Light velor wallpaper more versatile and goes well with other colors.

In the living room you can also combine various wallpapers. Most often, wallpapers of the same color, but different shades are used. Sometimes you can see a contrasting combination of stripes alternating on the wall. different color this roll material.

Tastefully selected photo wallpapers can emphasize the design of the living room, combining objects and furniture of different, disparate colors. The use of photo wallpapers does not always lead to the desired result, but sometimes you simply cannot do without them.

Living room interior with fireplace

You can’t make a real fireplace in the conditions of an apartment, but it’s quite possible to install a dummy. It should be borne in mind that fireplaces in the interior of the living room will be appropriate only if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room allows you to add this element. Of course, you can install a fireplace in a small room, but will it look there, and will it be possible to achieve your goal? Will the living room look like a steam room? Experts do not recommend introducing this design element in rooms with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bless than 20 m 2.

Here is an example of a small living room with a fireplace. Perhaps, while the room was unfurnished, the fireplace played a key role, but now it is almost invisible.

This living room is also not too big, but the right approach made a fireplace for its decoration important element the design of this space.

Many apartment owners are primarily concerned about the appearance of the manufactured element. As you can see, the fireplace turned out to be beautiful and solid, and firewood was used as decoration.

With the help of a built-in electric fireplace, you can achieve the effect that a real flame is burning in the hearth.

Design of living rooms of different sizes

Each person has their own preferences and favorite colors, so the design of two absolutely identical rooms located on different floors of the same house will differ significantly. However, there are some factors to take into account.

Little living room

How a small room will be decorated depends on its perception. Of course, each person wants the room to resemble not a pantry, but a spacious living room. There are several design tricks for this:

  • In the design you need to use only light colors.
  • Give preference to wallpapers with small prints. If the ceiling is low, then wallpaper with a vertical pattern will do. You can “lengthen” the room with photo wallpaper with a landscape image.
  • Furniture should not be bulky or very voluminous.
  • Finishing a low ceiling can be done with mirrors.
  • Lamps can be located not on the ceiling, but on the walls.
  • Accessories should not be colorful or very large.

Large living room

There is a lot of space in a large living room, so it should not give the impression of being empty or oversaturated with furniture or decor. If you like classic style, then in this case it is best suited.

Video: designer shares secrets

Living room 12 sq. meters (small)

Living room 16 sq. meters

Living room 18 sq. meters

Living room 20 sq. meters

Design of a living room combined with a kitchen

Combining the living room and kitchen, the owner of the apartment has some advantages, but we must not forget about the disadvantages that must be taken into account when creating the intended interior.

  1. Smells. The kitchen often prepares food, so it should be installed powerful hood, which in its dimensions may not fit into the planned environment.
  2. Zoning. Since 2 rooms are combined, each of which had its own purpose, now they need to be divided into zones. Most often this is done not with the help of light partitions, but due to design techniques. Therefore, you need to think about how the part of the room that was once the kitchen and the living room will be decorated. They should be slightly different, but in harmony. For example, fireplaces in the living room interior can highlight this room.

Video: design of a combined living room and kitchen

Living rooms in apartments photo

Pay attention to a number of photographs that show the interior of a modern living room in an apartment.

With help chic interior you can emphasize the presence of taste and style in the owner of the house, which is very much appreciated in the society of the 21st century. Living rooms are rooms in which residents of a house and apartment spend a huge amount of their time, meet guests, gather with their families for tea and more. It is this room that is considered the so-called face of the house, and therefore it should be attractive, comfortable and unusually impressionable. If you choose the right color scheme, correctly decorate the interior and choose only the necessary accessories for the room, then it will play in a new way, and you simply won’t recognize it.

Designers of the 21st century use certain rules according to which the project and the interior of the room are created. It depends on him exactly how certain elements, original pictures and a fireplace with a stove will be located.

Rules are needed in order not to disturb the harmony in the arrangement of the room and when filling it with furniture.

It is important to note that on this moment space zoning has become popular, thanks to which even in the smallest living room you can find a place for several people with different ideas about relaxation and leisure activities.

In addition to zoning, you can carry out harmonious combination different zones rooms, and so that they literally merge together. Even at the design stage, designers can show a real view of the future interior, since the creation of sketches is carried out through computer technology to be able to correct inaccuracies and remove ridiculous details.

It is possible to change interior view premises, through redevelopment, removing openings irregular shape or leveling the floor. Some owners apartments will do raising part of the floor due to the podium, since they have high ceilings, while others, on the contrary, need a visual increase in space.

Types of living rooms can be very different in shape, size, height, as well as in purpose. Small compact rooms in city apartments are much more difficult to equip, since there is practically nowhere to turn around, but it is possible.

Among the basic rules of the interior of the living room is the exclusion of violations in harmony, since an absurd view will not only spoil the impression, but will also indicate a lack of taste in the owner of the house.

Basic makings: how to create an interior living room

If you want to see how the living room will look like after the repair, then you should initially create a sketch and a three-dimensional project. This applies to both apartments and houses.

It is worth noting that at the moment they have become popular:

  • columns;
  • moldings;
  • Fountains;
  • Balusters;
  • Such contrasting color like fuchsia;
  • Creamy glam shade;
  • Various little things that give light room and casual look;
  • Family photos hung in frames on the walls and in the lobby.

There must be fresh flowers in the living room, but due to the fact that they are short-lived, designers prefer to use analogues artificial bouquets, made so similar to real flowers that it is simply not realistic to distinguish them.

If you place bronze plates, porcelain figurines and collections of glass figurines in the sideboard self made, then the room will acquire not only an attractive, but also a comfortable look.

For rooms with high ceilings, products such as pilasters are perfect. They visually resemble part of a column and look like a ledge on the walls. It is worth noting that they do not take up much space and at the same time look great in the room.

For small dimensions, you can create a modern and austere interior with the help of besto, or in other words, modular structures that are compactly placed around the room and do not require much space. They are intended for small accessories, dishes, books and things.

The interior of the living room in the apartment

At the moment, thousands of ideas have been created and there are hundreds of examples of how to make a living room creative and modern. The design of the space can be carried out according to the preference of the client, or maybe with the help of a designer, which is much more profitable and practical.

By connecting the imagination, you can create such an interior in the living room that the developer himself will be delighted.

The room may contain elegant moldings, a podium, designer interior items or reproductions, rare and exotic items. In other words, there are a lot of options, you just have to make sure that harmony is not disturbed.

When arranging the interior, you should not forget about such moments as practicality and functionality, because if there is a minimalist style in the room, then you need to match it completely. In such a room, a built-in wardrobe is perfect.

If the room allows, then you can even place a huge three-dimensional drawing on the wall, hang decorative beams, install a chest that will store a photo gallery of the family and more. There can be a huge number of ideas, choose among which suitable option not so easy.

Interior design of the living room in the house

Specialists in the field of design activity believe that the interior of the living room in the house must fully comply with the entire cottage. The difference in interiors looks extremely unattractive and uncomfortable.

It is important that the bedrooms may have differences in interior and decoration, as this is a kind of personal space for each resident, but the living room is a place that unites the whole family.

In some houses, the living room is connected to the kitchen and is its continuation, which is not only convenient, but also stylish.

Interior items for the living room

Previously, people came to the hall to watch movies and new events on TV, but now this is a place not only for this, but also for a wide variety of activities. As for the interior, it differs significantly from the standards of past years. Namely, a couple of decades ago, the design of the halls was almost identical.

The room must have included:

  • Upholstered furniture;
  • TV set;
  • Table for magazines;
  • Floor lamp;
  • Large wardrobe.

Such sets can only be found in the home of the elderly, and then extremely rarely. Modern people strive to decorate living rooms according to the latest fashion trends.

They use original and exclusive interior items that do not take up much space or leave them at a minimum.

It is extremely important to choose the right colors, because even with a competent setting and incorrectly combined shades, the room can be too pretentious and repulsive, which is naturally not required by the owners of the room. Best Choice there will be a purchase of furniture in natural natural shades of wood, light colors textiles and contrasting wallpaper.

In the future development of design art lies the renewal of interiors beyond recognition. For example, already now you can find such innovations as spots, the description of which is very simple, because these are indoor lanterns with a stable, non-moving base.

Living room interior examples

Since the living room is a kind of front room, it should be impressionable, attractive, original and chic. Bringing guests or business partners to such a room, you can unconditionally count on success.

Examples color design there can be a huge number of living rooms, and each type is selected according to:

  • customer preference;
  • room dimensions;
  • The level of illumination;
  • ceiling height;
  • The shape of the room.

If you need a visually stable room, then you should choose a light finish on the top of the walls and ceiling covering, as well as the dark lower level.

Complete wall decoration dark tone can lead to a visual reduction of space, and therefore ideal option there will be a choice of the combined option.

Light colors add volume, give lightness and tenderness, which is extremely important for living rooms. small size. You should not use the monotonous decoration of the room, as it will get bored in just a few weeks. It is much better to paint the walls in several tones, but not contradictory. Giving your living room into the hands of real professionals, you can get perfect renovation according to the European or Russian standard and in the best quality.

Moldings in the interior of the living room

It is not uncommon to find products such as moldings in modern living rooms. Sometimes those who carry out repairs and decorations on their own have no idea how to apply moldings, but in fact there is nothing unusual and super complicated.

Moldings are used square and rectangular type. If you attach them to wall surfaces, then you can put paintings, reproductions, handicrafts, still life drawings or original landscapes there. Mirrors of graceful shape look incredibly beautiful.

The modern style of the living room is a flight of fancy. You can combine wallpaper with floral prints and plain canvases.

Moldings can be used to create smooth transitions between canvases. There are many tricks to create a stylish and organic interior, and even for those who cannot imagine their life without the classics, you can use several tricks for installing ceiling moldings and stretch ceilings.

Moldings perfectly mask the gaps between the ceiling and wall panels. They go well with any style and can only complement it with luxury and elegance. Art connoisseurs prefer to use such strips for decorating stucco and patterns applied directly to the walls. It is not difficult to imagine such combinations, but you can bring them to life with the help of masters of the highest class. Moldings are a great invention of the 21st century, thanks to which the possibilities of interior design have become even more limitless.

The choice of materials for the living room

There is literally no place in the 21st century artificial materials, which can not only worsen the appearance of rooms, but also harm human health. Now the emphasis is on environmental friendliness and fire safety. That is why it is possible to design a stylish living room according to all the rules of design art.

How beautifully decorate the living room (video)

In conclusion, we note that modern living rooms should be luxurious, chic and unusually beautiful. Ideal materials for curtains and sofa capes are satin or velvet. With regards to the material for furniture, it is especially in demand natural veneer, oak and ash. Such wood options offered by designers can be in furniture, and can be used for finishing walls and ceilings. Today, clapboard trim has gradually faded into the background.

Living room design options (photo)

The modern living room is a place of attraction for all family members, the embodiment hearth. Here you spend your leisure time, celebrate holidays, receive guests. The design of the space tells about the tastes and hobbies, about the friendliness and hospitality of the owners. Therefore, creating the interior of a common room is a responsible and very interesting task.

Working on the design on your own or together with a professional, you will learn a lot about styles in the interior, you will be able to realize your creative ideas.

The article talks about how to make the main room in the house cozy and beautiful. To illustrate the proposed ideas, we have selected many examples - a photo of the living room in the apartment.

Size and shape

According to design standards, the minimum area of ​​​​a common room is 16 square meters. In fact, its size depends on the size of the apartment. The larger the total area, the more spacious the living room.

We are used to a rectangular plan configuration. Good aspect ratio 1:1, 1:1.25, 1:1.5. Such proportions are perceived harmoniously. Ratios of 1:1.75 and 1:2 are acceptable, while you need to more carefully approach the zoning of an overly elongated room.

Additional features interesting organization spaces arise if there is a bay window or a non-standard polygonal shape of the plan.

The most comfortable living room in a city apartment has an area of ​​​​24-30 square meters. meters, and its proportions tend to a square.

Functional zoning

The interior of the living room in the apartment is formed by the needs of the residents, therefore, several functional zones are distinguished in the common room. Usually this is a seating area with upholstered furniture, opposite which a TV monitor is placed. For family celebrations and receiving guests, a dining area is organized, where the dining table is located. In the studio apartment, it is logical to arrange a niche next to the kitchen.

We will complement the decor with a transforming sofa in case your guest decides to spend the night. In the absence of a separate office, a folding workplace will help out. We will demonstrate the hobbies and activities of family members in the interior. A showcase with a collection of souvenirs brought from travels, an aquarium with fish, a gallery of paintings will take their place of honor.

It is important to functional areas did not intersect. For example, if you got up from the table and went to the kitchen, then it is desirable that the path of movement does not cross the trajectory of the gaze when watching television.

Living room with kitchen area

Many people find it convenient when the common room is combined with the kitchen. Indeed, family members spend more time with each other, the contemplation of cooking enhances the impression of a home, and joint cooking strengthens relationships.

You can select a cooking place in different ways:

  • Arrangement of furniture. Place an island of working equipment or a bar counter along the common border of the kitchen and dining room.
  • Structural element. Divide the space with narrow partitions or a drywall portal.
  • The difference in the heights of the horizontal planes. Raise the floor two steps and the home chef will feel like a star on stage. Or, on the contrary, lower the height of the ceiling, giving intimacy to the kitchen niche.
  • Various finishing materials. Lay parquet or laminate on the floor, ceramic tiles near the kitchen equipment. Do the same with the ceiling. For example, in the center you can make a stretch fabric, and above kitchen space- drywall. Play with the color and texture of the coatings.
  • Lighting. Built-in lights visually separate the kitchen niche with a directed stream of light. At the same time, the physical and stylistic unity of the room is preserved.

The kitchen-living room in the apartment involves increased requirements to aesthetic properties kitchen set. Prefer ready-made design solutions high class or order individual design. Choose your hood carefully so that cooking aromas do not become a source of discomfort.

The living room in a one-room apartment at the same time serves as a living room. It is extremely important to rationally organize the space.

Use transformable furniture: sliding sofas and chairs, reclining tables, folding workstation.

Divide the room into zones for sleeping and receiving guests using a translucent partition screen.

Do this by arranging furniture. For example, put "back to back" a small sofa and a bed. You will turn away the views of visitors from the bed, and the company will be able to communicate freely. Use narrow open shelving to divide the space.

To isolate the sleeping area, arrange differences in floor levels.

If you want to increase the perceived volume, and the designs allow it, combine the kitchen and living room to a common living room with a cooking area.

Design Choice

The style of the living room in the apartment is determined by the overall artistic concept of your home. The most representative room should be given a little more respectability than the rest.

Use tricks classic design space, placing the main elements of the interior on the axes of symmetry. Pay attention to the perspective viewpoint from your hallway. When a guest arrives, he will immediately receive pleasant impression, noticing a beautiful corner of the living room in the doorway out of the corner of her eye.

The interior will look good in classic and neoclassical, art deco. For sophisticated natures, shabby chic is suitable. Provence style will help you forget the bustle of the city.

For one-room apartment and for the studio, a minimalistic solution in Scandinavian or Japanese style. Hi-tech sterility, industrialism and roughness of the loft are good for them.

Follow your views on comfort and aesthetic preferences in shaping the design.

Material selection

Choice finishing materials depends on stylistic decision. Usage different colors and contrasting textures helps to visually highlight the functional areas, gives expressiveness to the design of the living room in the apartment.

The materials used should maintain stylistic unity and at the same time emphasize the main elements of the interior. Pay attention to the hygienic and environmental properties of the finish, to its fire safety.

Most often for flooring use laminate, parquet or massive board. If there is a kitchen area - ceramic tiles. In a corner with upholstered furniture, it is appropriate to put a nice carpet under your feet. For wall decoration, choose wallpaper that suits the style, artistic plaster, photo frescoes, fantasy panels.

Good for decorating ceilings stretch fabrics, decorative ceiling tiles. Drywall is used to design differences in the height of the room.

For a holistic perception of design, window decoration is important. Whether it will be light translucent curtains or heavy curtains with lambrequins, the chosen style determines. Minimalism loves straight lines, classics love complexity. For the Provence style, floral motifs are suitable, the loft style accepts blinds.


Living room design ideas can be diversified with different lighting scenarios.

  • The central chandelier sets a bright festive mood throughout the room.
  • Use local light sources for individual functional areas.
  • By lowering the lights low over the dining table, you will focus on beautiful serving and appetizing meals.
  • To read books, place sconces or floor lamps next to the sofa.
  • The kitchen area can be separated by directional beams spotlights. Above working surface it is advisable to arrange local lighting.
  • Linear and dotted LED lamp, located in special niches, will help to emphasize level differences false ceiling. When the general lighting is turned off, they will give the interior a more intimate character.
  • Decorative niches with artifacts, a collection of paintings on the wall can be made active elements of the interior with the help of local lighting.

The design of light sources is subject to the general concept of the chosen style.

As you can see, the beauty of your living room depends only on the flight of fancy. The embodiment of ideas is possible under any financial circumstances thanks to wide choice materials and design items.

Photo of the living room in the apartment

Unlike other rooms in your apartment, the living room is a universal room. Therefore, the interior design of the living room should be selected taking into account how the room will be used. The design of the living room also depends on the owner of the apartment and his preferences, outlook on the world.

The most important thing is to understand what you want to get from the living room in the end. Either you will receive crowned persons here for a social event, or it will be cozy room for a gathering of the whole family or friendly gatherings.

Therefore, before running to the stores for wallpaper and carpet, you should clearly develop a design project for the living room.

So, pick up a pencil and think over the description. How should the living room of your dreams look like, what should be in it, what will you do there, how to create an atmosphere in it that will be to the taste of all family members. Zoning will be a convenient way out - the room can be safely divided into zones where everyone will find something to their liking: sit down to drink a cup of tea, read a book or play the Moonlight Sonata on your grandmother's favorite piano.

However, remember that the zones must be in harmony with each other so as not to cause clouding of mind among residents and random guests.

Today, on the Internet, you can easily find examples of living room design and all sorts of tips. But do not forget that all this should be commensurate with your financial possibilities and, which is also important, with the possibilities of your apartment.

The design and arrangement of the living room, for example, in Stalin and Brezhnev will differ significantly, at least due to the dimensions of the room itself.

How to choose the right style for your living room?

The design has small nuances and tricks that can be used to create coziness. For example, if the room does not face sunny side, then it is better to arrange in light colors, unless, of course, you create a secluded ladies' boudoir to exchange gossip with socialites. Dark colors, heavy curtains, small coffee table and soft sofa.

How to make a small room visually larger, and a huge area more comfortable?

In interior design, as well as in the selection of clothes, the well-known rule works - light makes you fat, black makes you slim. If you want to visually reduce the size of the room, choose dark colors, and vice versa.

Built-in or just compact and few furniture will create a feeling of freedom and space, artsy and bulky - will add old-fashioned and a little pathos, and significantly reduce the size of the room.

One of the most atmospheric elements of comfort can be considered a fireplace. A real fireplace, of course, in ordinary apartment folding is quite problematic, and a fire hazard. But, fortunately, today electric fireplaces are widely used in the world. Some, moreover, bring to the house not only aesthetic pleasure, but also heating.

In winter, you can very comfortably take a nap by the fireside with a cup of aromatic coffee and interesting book. And in the summer, such a fireplace will please the soul, and, perhaps, will make you want to sing a couple of camping songs from Vysotsky's repertoire to the guitar.

Photo 1 - The electric fireplace will become a warm symbol of the hearth

For lovers of the water element, small indoor fountains in European or Oriental style are suitable. As they say, you can always look at three things: fire, water and ... (and there your imagination will tell you whether it will be running clouds or the work of lifeguards on Malibu beach).

Along with aquarium fish, electric fireplaces and fountains will have a calming effect on nervous system after a hard day at work.

Photo 2 - indoor fountains give a sense of calm

Photo 3 - Indoor fountains will give a feeling of calm

How to arrange a living room with a niche?

Depending on the depth and width of the niche, we can use the niche space in different ways. Based on the available parameters, it is possible to equip a small library, home theater, sports section or music zone ( comfortable spot for piano).

If the living room is also a child's room, you can equip a separate niche in a niche. sleeping place or play area.

The bookcase can be replaced with shelves, which today huge variety, or open bookcases. So the book space will become more accessible and less cumbersome.

Photo 4 - Cozy bedroom and living room - 2 in 1

Photo 5 - Bookshelves today - an element of room decoration

How to choose the right textiles?

For a high-tech or oriental-style living room, heavy curtains or light curtains that would look appropriate in a classic living room are definitely not suitable. In the first case ideal solution will become fashionable today bamboo or roller blinds, which collect less dust and take up less space.

The same applies to carpets. By the way, carpets on the wall are already considered bad manners. If there are small children or animals in the family, it is more convenient to choose carpets with a short pile or from the same bamboo - they are easier to clean and more hygienic. Although, let's not argue, the bear's skin goes very well to the fireplace ...

For a room in the east or indian style With low furniture all kinds of pillows that can be easily used for sitting are suitable.

Photo 6 - Bamboo curtains

Photo 7 - Roller blinds

stucco work

Of course, the outline of the Atlanteans holding your ceiling will arouse genuine interest among the guests, but it must be combined with common style rooms. Excessively artsy stucco will completely remove from the room home comfort and give it solemnity. Strict lines are neutral in nature and will suit almost any interior.

However, today modern materials(polyurethane instead of gypsum) will allow you to create all kinds of shapes in apartments of any size. Note that large stucco will be appropriate in large rooms, and in small rooms, small and few details look more harmonious.

Photo 8 - Stucco molding in the interior of the living room

At correct use, the stone will naturally and beautifully fit into the interior. Moreover, it is not necessary to use a real stone. Today, an almost identical structure can be "sculpted" from modern materials.

Given the variety of textures and colors of the stone "canvas", a suitable sample can be found for the vast majority of styles.

The stone in the interior of the living room will give a certain piquancy and originality. Moreover, decorative rock easy to install, which makes its use even more attractive. Suitable for finishing corners fake diamond a single texture, and a stone mosaic will look interesting on the wall. Such decor will always attract attention.

If desired, a stylized stone pattern can now be found on the floor covering - modern laminate strikes the imagination with an abundance of textures and colors. Note, by the way, that the dark floor looks advantageous with almost any color of furniture and wallpaper.

Photo 9 - Stone walls

Photo 10 - Stone walls

Chandeliers in the living room interior: room-scale sun

Of course, no room is complete without lighting, unless, of course, it is a pantry. So, how to choose the right light sources for the living room.

Let us remind you right away that it is better for owners of low ceilings to stop thinking about low-hanging chandeliers with candelabra, and for owners of high ceilings - about small and flat ones. room lamps. Everything should be in place. In the living room, it is better to avoid direct bright light. Diffused light would be more appropriate here, and a separate sconce or table lamp is suitable for reading.

For the living room, sometimes when designing houses, they use a “second light”. This is a design in which interfloor overlap missing. In the living room with a second light, the lighting is as close to real as possible. However, it must be borne in mind that in such rooms it will be much cooler, and therefore the issue of thermal insulation and heating should be approached more carefully.

Photo 11 - Chandelier in the interior of the living room

Photo 12 - Chandelier in the interior of the living room

Photo 13 - "Second Light"

Typical living room interior: make a hat out of nothing

The interior of a typical living room (aka the interior of a standard living room). For the most part, the living room of typical apartments is 18 sq.m. Typically, typical living rooms are decorated in a typical way, especially if repairs have not been done there for a couple of decades: a sofa, a large closet, perhaps a wall with various regiments and offices, armchairs.

Often, standard apartments there are 2 rooms, and therefore the living room performs not only the function of a rest room, but also the function of someone's bedroom. Therefore, the room should be decorated, taking into account its functions.

The finished design option is zoning, dividing the room into a sleeping area and a relaxation area. An excellent separator will be closed or through bookcase, closet or partition.

Photo 14 - Living room zoning

Photo 15 - Living room zoning

Plasterboard living room design - new fashion trends

Drywall has long ceased to be something unusual in the repair of apartments. Today, ceilings and walls are underestimated and leveled with plasterboard, doorways are sewn up. They also build new walls and partitions, and invent all kinds of designs.

Plasterboard living room design wide opportunities for creativity and the comparative cheapness of the material. With the help of drywall, niches, arches, shelves, columns and other elements are created in the rooms.

Photo 16 - Drywall living room

Frescoes in the interior of the living room - a room or an art gallery?

A new hit in the design of apartments - frescoes. In fact, everything new is a well-forgotten old. And the frescoes in the interior of the living room and other rooms are not so much a new trend as a revival of interest in old customs in decorating houses.

Thanks to the development of technology, today frescoes are not only applied to wet plaster. Techniques such as the transfer of digital images to plaster with their further processing by the artist, frescoes on canvas, interlining, etc., have been developed.

For the living room, designers are advised to choose urban landscapes, rural scenes and images of nature. By its nature, the fresco will fit into any style of interior, the main thing is to choose the right image and design of the fresco itself.

Photo 17 - Fresco for cinema lovers

Mirrors in the interior of the living room. My light, mirror, tell me...

Mirrors, fortunately, have long ceased to be a luxury item, and the abundance of shapes, sizes and decorations of mirrors will satisfy the most refined taste.

Mirrors in the interior of the living room will be an excellent addition not only in terms of functionality, but also aesthetics. When arranging mirrors, you should remember about their capabilities. A mirror can visually enlarge a small room, make the room brighter.

Today one of the peeps designer fashion can be called mirror pseudo-stained glass, although this phenomenon has not yet received mass distribution. Massive mirrors can simply be attached to the wall. Small printed mirrors are a good alternative to paintings. To give the room a French charm, you should order a fake window - a mirror in an interlaced frame, reminiscent of a window.

Thus, we can conclude that today mirrors in interior design have become not only a convenience, but also an element of decoration.

Photo 18 - Mirror pseudo-stained glass

Photo 19 - Fake window

Photo - 57 Photo wallpapers in the guest room

The living room belongs to multifunctional premises. Here they gather in the evenings with their families, relax alone or invite a group of friends. Being the face of an apartment or house, the hall must correspond to the notions of comfort combined with functionality. Classic tricks and fresh ideas will help to successfully cope with the task of how to equip the living room.

Surface decoration

It is possible to transform the interior of the living room in two ways: take drastic measures in the form overhaul or harmoniously implement ideas with individual furnishings. Consider sequentially all the stages of decorating a room.

Choice colors The interior is largely determined by the area of ​​​​the living room. This is especially true when decorating walls. There are many ideas to suit budgets different levels. small space does not accept dark colors, so the walls are decorated with light pastel and sweet tones:

  • beige;
  • cream;
  • sand;
  • blue
  • light green;
  • pale yellow, etc.

The same rule is followed if the living room windows face north. Flaw sun rays and natural warmth is offset by the idea of ​​a warm interior atmosphere. Regarding the colors on the walls of a small room, designers offer the following ideas:

  • leave the surface plain;
  • use small drawing;
  • make one accent wall in the interior;
  • avoid large images.

Advice! visually raise low ceilings capable walls with a vertical pattern.

It is much easier to equip a spacious living room. The color palette for interior design practically knows no boundaries. dark colors look organically in combination with light segments or as complete finishing walls. The idea of ​​dark surfaces is optimal for a hall whose windows face south.

Ceilings are usually painted in two tones. lighter than the walls. Idea multi-level ceiling organic in the interior of a high living room. It is preferable to arrange a low hall stretch ceiling with glossy surface.

Regardless of the area of ​​​​the room, the idea of ​​​​dark floors in the interior is rejected by designers. A light surface, on the contrary, does not need any combination with the rest of the situation. Harmonious ideas for the living room are shown in the photo:

The majority of the population cannot boast of luxurious apartments and are content with a hall of 18-20 m 2. Properly selected furniture will help soften the perception of a limited interior. The days of bulky walls have sunk into oblivion. Replaced by lightweight appearance designs. An indicative set for a compact hall consists of the following pieces of furniture:

  • a couple of chairs;
  • coffee table;
  • cabinet for TV panel;
  • sofa.

Moreover, large objects are recommended to be placed near the window. Help save space corner sofa. great idea for modest square meters of the living room is transformer furniture. Go to option folding sofas and tables have long been accustomed to. But there are a lot of new products that can not clutter up the interior, but, if necessary, perform their functions. Racks and modules will organically complement any space. The following photos will not leave indifferent the owners of Khrushchev.

Attention! The idea of ​​a living room furnished around the perimeter is unacceptable. Interior big room will look deserted, and small hall visually even more reduced.

red thread in modern design the idea of ​​​​an accent area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe interior passes. It can be a large panel or a bright wall. A functional sofa often acts as an accent as furniture. great idea for a modern interior are armchairs without a frame or ottomans. They successfully give the interior an atmosphere of home comfort.

The question of how to furnish a living room sounds especially acute in small areas. A small space creates restrictions on the choice of style, and the preference is given to the direction of minimalism. The spacious living room allows you to embody a lot of original ideas. Here are some different styles:

  • traditional classic;
  • comfortable modern;
  • non-standard loft;
  • popular eco-style and much more.

The following selection of the photo hall will demonstrate the variety of living room interiors.

Organization of lighting

Regardless of the area of ​​​​the living room, when organizing artificial lighting abandon the idea of ​​​​installing one central chandelier. It can be present in the interior, but always with an addition in the form of sconces, floor lamps, ceiling spotlights and other interesting tricks.

In addition to artificial light fluxes, it is important to take care of natural light. Of course, the most impressive in the interior of the living room look large panoramic windows. But not everyone has the opportunity to arrange such window openings, so they are content with little. Correctly selected textiles will help to correct the situation. The main ideas of the designers are as follows:

  • It is preferable that the windows of a small living room are not covered with heavy and dark draperies. Light tulle will be enough.
  • If there is a need to hide the interior from prying eyes in the evening, use the ideas of concise curtain models. Roman, Japanese or roller blinds, all kinds of blinds - best option for a small living room.
  • The window openings of the spacious living room are decorated in accordance with the prevailing style in the interior.
  • Textiles on the window should not merge with the walls, the color scheme is chosen according to the principle of contrast.

Admire the organic design of the living room windows in the following photos:

Decor and accessories

Talking about ideas for decorating a living room with accessories is endless. Let's start with large objects, gradually moving to small forms.

A fireplace is able to emphasize the homely atmosphere of comfort. Naturally, the presence of a real hearth in the interior of the living room is problematic. Owners of their own houses can afford such a luxury, and it is desirable to design at the foundation construction stage. There is much less difficulty with the idea of ​​an electric fireplace that can be installed in the living room of a city apartment.

The second significant element of decor is the carpet. Leave associations with the same type of products of the Soviet past. Compact or large, plain or colorful, rectangular or oval, they will be able to play with the various interiors of the living room in an interesting way. A selection of photos will help to successfully introduce the idea into your own living room:

Return to the interiors and indoor flowers. Look especially impressive big plants in original boxes. The addition of eco-style with living flora will be most welcome. Create harmony in the design of the living room will help sofa cushions. Idea recent years- selection of covers of various colors and textures.

Vases, photographs, paintings and souvenirs will add individuality to the atmosphere. Experiment, fantasize, embody own ideas, and your room will become a favorite vacation spot for family and friends.