To date, the shade has gained immense popularity. And this is not at all surprising, because the wenge bedroom in the interior can impress any person.

Experts note that the color is distinguished by beauty and practicality, contributes to more quick relief, recuperation.

From this it follows that wenge has positive influence on the human body.

That is why the bedroom in wenge color is optimal solution for people who want to get away from the hustle and bustle, relax, unwind.

It is actively used for various designs, because it has the ability to harmoniously fit into absolutely any style. For different solutions use wenge-colored furniture, wallpaper or textiles.

Even in modern bedrooms the shade looks very good and is used quite often.

Any bedroom with wenge furniture acquires a completely new, sophisticated design, so such a trendy style as high-tech also allows the use of wenge.

However, only plastic and hardware, which are stylized as wenge.

Selection of furniture set and decor

Experts recommend a responsible and thorough approach to the issue related directly to the choice of furniture. Since it is with its help that you place accents, and if the choice is made incorrectly, you will not be able to correctly emphasize the elegance of style.

Please note that in wenge bedrooms it is permissible to use a variety of wicker furniture (sofas, armchairs, tables).

But if you prefer more modern furniture, then wardrobes equipped with a door with a mirror, as well as small, neat bedside tables, will suit you.

The color of the furniture should be selected based on the shade in which the walls of the room are painted. If the walls in the room are painted in dark shades, then several light objects should be preferred.

It is worth noting that you are free to choose the color that you like, because on this moment there are no specific rules. And yet, remember that the abundance of dark colors can adversely affect the design of the wenge bedroom, because of its gloom.

You can decorate the room in the style that is closest to you. You can use a simple country style, or chic neoclassicism.

You can decorate the room with curtains or tulle, a variety of paintings and panels. The decor and figurines with intricate drawings, floor vases are well emphasized. You can put artificial or real flowers in them, which will add color.

Pay attention to the photo of the wenge bedroom, which is presented below. On it, you can see how versatile the color is. It is combined with almost everything, so its popularity is absolutely justified.

Bedroom Design Ideas

For people who like calm tones, it is better to decorate the room using combinations light walls with darker furniture.

Using this combination, you will turn your bedroom into a stronghold of comfort, which will be more like a cup of hot and fragrant coffee with milk.

Of course, a bedroom with wenge-colored furniture, very suitable for a relaxing holiday after a hard day.

But if you really don't like it dark furniture, then you'd better use a shade of wenge in the design of the walls. Combined with light furniture the effect will be amazing, besides, the contrast will lose its aggressiveness.

If you are the proud owner of a spacious bedroom, then you can afford to add more dark items to the wenge-colored bedroom interior.

Everyone knows that dark objects visually "eat up" the space of the room, so such experiments are unacceptable in small rooms.

But, if your room has enough free space, you can use more dark curtains, floor, paintings framed in black frames. This will add coziness to the room, it will no longer be perceived too formally, as soft shades will bring a touch of comfort.

To decorate the walls, you can use wallpaper with various ornaments. The main requirement is gamma exposure.

Thus, the design of the walls should be done either in brown tones or in dark green. Many masters tend to believe that the design of the wenge-colored bedroom goes very well with lighting fixtures with soft, almost subdued light.

Therefore, it is not recommended to use too bright light sources. You can complete the look of the room by installing a fairly large mirror.

Its frame can be made of both natural wood and metal. In the interior of a wenge-colored bedroom, both frames will look equally good. However, it must be remembered that not a single detail should stand out from the overall composition.

Photo of a wenge-colored bedroom

Wenge-colored kitchens have been very popular recently, and this is natural. This shade is an imitation of dark brown African wood, which looks very respectable, stylish, luxurious and solid.

Such material is devoid of unnecessary pretentiousness and its presence in the interior of the dwelling indicates good taste his owners. Wenge is aristocracy, classic, exotic and modern at the same time. This wood is distinguished by an incomparable, special shade, which has such qualities as strength, durability and texture.

Its synthetic counterpart, which is significantly inferior in cost, practically does not differ from a real tree. You can use this color when decorating the floor, walls, furniture and even household appliances. It is ideal for arranging all rooms in the house, including the kitchen.

Which elements of the kitchen should be decorated with wenge color

One of the advantages of wenge color is its versatility. You can use the shade when decorating any elements of the kitchen, in a variety of combinations.

Kitchen set- perhaps the most popular way to apply this warm African shade. A set made in this color should be concise, strict and even ascetic.

Such decorative elements, like gilding, bronze, carving, etc. The only accessories that will look harmonious with such furniture are metal fittings of strict lines.

Wenge - pretty dark color, the abundance of which in the interior can act depressingly on a person. Designers advise to combine it with lighter and warmer shades: milky, creamy, caramel, ivory, eggshell and baked milk.

A good combination of wenge with burgundy, lilac, ashy, powdery, raspberry and pale pink. If all the facades of the headset are made in wenge color, then light shades should be selected for decorating walls and floors.

Another option is to arrange only the upper or lower facades in a wenge shade. It is also very important that it goes well with such a headset. Appliances. It is available in metallic, black or white.

Wenge kitchen apron- looks good in the interior of the kitchen against the background of light work surfaces and warm shades of the headset. To equip such an apron, you can use ceramic tiles, mosaics, porcelain stoneware, wooden panels(their artificial counterparts), as well as synthetic or a natural stone. The floor in such a kitchen should also be arranged in the color of African wood.

table top - a good choice for arranging styles such as rustic, country and classic. The kitchen apron in this case should be light. The best materials for such a countertop - artificial or natural stone, wood.

Table and chairsperfect solution for the kitchen, the interior of which is made in classical style. Can be used as a material natural array wood, and inexpensive MDF and chipboard. A dining table and chairs complete with a set of the same shade will look great. So that the kitchen does not look too dark and gloomy, the floor, ceiling and walls in it should be light in color.

Wallpaper- this option can only be used if the kitchen is spacious enough and has good lighting. In wenge color, you can equip only one wall by painting the other three in warm light colors (baked milk, ivory, cream).

Wallpaper must be washable. Another good option is a combination of smooth light wallpaper with textured decorative plaster of the same or darker shade. The floor can be arranged in wenge color, choosing one of its darkest options.

Curtains- such an element of the interior can be used if the kitchen is well lit, has the average size and more. When arranging a classic style, designers recommend choosing thick fabric curtains that fall to the floor.

They can be tied with a light or black satin ribbon. If the kitchen is small or made in the style of minimalism or hi-tech, instead of ordinary curtains, you need to use Roman blinds or wenge-colored blinds.

Advice! A wenge-colored kitchen does not have to be classic and traditional. This shade is in perfect harmony with the African ethnic style, in a restrained and concise version of it.

What are the shades

The classic shades of wenge include the following options:

  • light wenge - the color of coffee with milk, with gray or beige shades;
  • dark wenge - the most common option, which can have a shade of bitter chocolate, the color of natural coffee, as well as a rich purple with a deep shade of dark chocolate;
  • milky wenge - a warm and light version, which is a mixture of beige and cream, this shade blends perfectly with both light and dark wenge options.

Professionals recommend choosing the most unusual combinations wenge with other shades. If the owner of the home is afraid to experiment, you should turn to the help of designers. However, the advantage of wenge color is that it harmonizes perfectly with almost all natural deep colors (except acidic and overly bright).

Arrange the necessary bright color accents in the kitchen, you can use muted orange, burgundy, dark green tones. They may be present in the interior in the form of porcelain, floor vases, textiles.

In a kitchen made in wenge color, an apron made from materials more than bright colors. The only thing to avoid is the presence of ornaments and patterns in such an interior, as well as too ornate decorative elements.

What shades are best to combine the color of wenge in the interior of the kitchen

Wenge color and white shade - in this combination, the color of wenge should be dark. This combination of tones is the most common in the design of kitchens and other rooms. It is important to White color acted as the main and served as a background for interior elements made in a shade of wenge.

Examples: white walls and ceiling, white countertops, wenge-colored suite and the same dining table with chairs. Curtains can be either light or dark, depending on the size of the room, interior style and lighting.

Beige shade- very good combination. Suitable for decorating a classic style kitchen. A set with wenge-colored lower facades and beige upper facades will look very interesting. The floor in such a kitchen can be laid out from ceramic tiles the same tones chessboard. The walls should be painted in beige color, choose curtains of a warm chocolate shade. Foundations dining table and chairs can be dark, with beige countertop and seats.

Color wenge and gray- to make such a combination look harmonious and interesting, it is best to choose wenge with purple tint. The dark facades of the headset should be supplemented with purple kitchen apron, the same curtains and other textiles. Gray walls are recommended to be made of decorative plaster. In gray (or metallic), all household appliances should be selected.

Wenge color and green- a very interesting and fresh combination that is perfect for arranging a Provence, rustic and shabby chic kitchen. It is important that the wenge in this case be as light as possible. Green can be an apron, decorative elements, a chandelier, curtains.

Wenge color and orange- to make such a combination look interesting and harmonious, Orange color should be muted. You can also choose a terracotta shade. Both tones will look good against a dark wenge background. Orange can be the upper facades of a headset, a chandelier, blinds or curtains. The floor and walls should have a sufficiently warm light shade.

Wenge color and black- it is recommended to choose this option only if the kitchen is spacious enough and well lit. The color of wenge in this case should be light. It acts as the main and is the background for black interior elements. Black in this case can be a self-leveling floor, facade elements and fittings.

Wenge color and bleached oak This option can also be considered classic combinations, which are great for arranging an elegant and simple kitchen. The shade of wenge can be both light and dark. To have a kitchen in such color combination looked really luxurious, it is recommended to give preference only to expensive natural materials(solid wood, stone).

Arrangement of a small kitchen in wenge color

To have a modest-sized kitchen attractive appearance, was comfortable and cozy, for arranging its interior it is necessary to choose the lightest shades of wenge. Dark tones can and should also be present, but only as decorative elements that set off the main light background.

The floor can be dark in such a room, the lower facades of the sets can also be made in a shade of wenge (its warm chocolate version). The upper facades of the headset, like the walls, are best picked up in enough light colors.

If the style of the kitchen is rustic or country, windows can be decorated with light short curtains beige colour. For a kitchen in a classic style, long light curtains of a cream or milky shade are more suitable.

If there is very little space, you can install indoors corner table, or use a special folding tabletop attached to a wide window sill. Both the table and chairs should be as light as possible. To fill the kitchen with light and air, it is recommended to use glass and glossy surfaces.

Kitchen in wenge color - perfect choice for people who value simplicity and luxury, tradition and innovation. This shade is ideal for arranging small urban kitchens, spacious studio kitchens, as well as kitchens in country houses. It is chosen by people who have impeccable taste who prefer comfort and know a lot about true luxury. A wenge-colored kitchen will never go out of fashion and will be relevant at all times.

Fashion trends in interior art focus the consumer's attention on the color of the Wenge tree, grown under the hot sun of Africa. All shades of noble wood are actively involved in the design of kitchens, bedrooms, and living rooms. Wenge has many faces and is organic in any interior, if you enter it correctly, according to the classical laws of design. We will talk about where and how to use this color.

Wenge color: a variety of shades

The palette of expensive wenge wood is various dark shades of brown. Royal maroon, deep Violet, respectable dark brown, romantic chocolate and natural black coffee represent a variety of colors exotic tree. But, only the presence of a pronounced wood structure allows us to call these shades "wenge". This is the main advantage and value for the interior. trendy color. What gives the use of wenge in the design of the living room, bedroom and other rooms?

Wenge in the interior

Increased attention to wenge is due to its unique adaptability to any style. If you look at modern interiors, in each of them you can find details of brown color. But wenge is capable of both emphasizing sublime aristocracy and becoming calling card asceticism. It is loyal to many directions and is applied in various premises, in furniture and as a finishing material.

Let's try to figure out what to combine wenge with in the interior in order to correctly support the unique wood pattern and its rich palette.

  • Bright, contrasting accessories are useful for wenge. It can be decorative vases, wall panels, zebra skin and rich textiles in light colors.
  • V small room it is worth limiting yourself to small details from wenge. Headboard, picture or photograph frames, coffee table or only the floor, inscribed in, again, a light pattern of the interior.
  • In order not to slip into imbalance, furniture and Decoration Materials from wenge should not be performed in one tone. For sofa enough sidewalls from wenge, and sleeping place let it be in light upholstery. Available with glass top and wood base.
  • Of course, if you want to enhance the richness of the interior, combine wenge with golden, creamy yellow decor or trim details.

Living room

The central room of the house requires a special approach to interior design. It concentrates the taste preferences and life achievements of the owner. Elite wood is able to emphasize the high status of the owner, eloquently tell about his refined taste and create an atmosphere of respectable luxury.

The only thing that should not be allowed is the dominance of brown. If furniture is made in wenge, then the walls are finished in light colors, and vice versa. Support expensive wood and bright details of decor made of the same expensive materials help to shade its beauty.


Bedroom wenge tends to minimalism atmosphere and restraint of colors. It is better for romantic natures to refuse such a design, but lovers of Asian motifs will like the chic pattern of African wood. It's impossible in it lush decor, but the decoration of the walls with paintings or mirrors in beautiful frames looks surprisingly organic.


Brown color in the kitchen is sophistication, prestige and practicality. natural wenge is different increased strength and resistance to various damages. It is noticed that kitchens in the house in the style of wenge oblige the hostess to be collected. There is nothing superfluous, accidentally forgotten or acquired just like that. dear tree extremely demanding on the surroundings, which leads to the creation of exclusive, well-being shining interiors.

The dark color and solidity inherent in wenge are not suitable for decorating a nursery, which, a priori, should be light and airy. It is better to refuse such a dubious experiment.

Wenge furniture

Following in the footsteps of interior designers, developers furniture sets actively use the color of wenge in their products. In this design, and cabinets, and tables, and beds carry nobility and aristocracy. Wenge does not tolerate polishing, all the beauty of wood is in its natural dullness, softly covering the amazing structure of wood. Even in imitation of wenge, manufacturers try to preserve its natural virtues.

The answer to the question of what color wenge furniture is will pleasantly surprise you. atmosphere for comfortable rest help create hazelnut, dark olive, light olive, needles and mint. For dreamy natures, indulging in philosophical reflection, furniture in shades of amethyst, night blue, purple and corn. Milk chocolate is able to maintain the warmth and comfort of the interior, withered rose, ocher, cocoa and carmine red.

Floor, doors, windows

Using wenge in interior elements such as doors and floor, designers strive to emphasize the elite of the situation. The same wenge-colored laminate gives the floor the status of an expensive and reliable coating. Given the variety of shades of wenge, you can choose the one that best suits the floor. general drawing interior. Please note that the wenge floor must be complemented by the same doors, only in this combination will you get peace and harmony in the interior design.

Dark floors and dark furniture elements are always beautiful and harmonious. The color of wenge will perfectly play an excellent role in creating such harmony.

Wenge is an African tree from which today furniture, parquet, doors and other interior elements are made, which are considered elite. The beautiful rich color of wood has attracted the attention of many designers, so today it is increasingly used in the interior. The ambiguity of the shade makes it mysterious and very effective.

On the one hand, wenge is very reminiscent of the color of dark chocolate, on the other hand, dusty black. Shades are very different: red, golden, dark. This color looks rich and elegant.

Psychologists and designers classify wenge as a "male" color. The interior decorated with this color looks restrained, aristocratic, inspires a sense of constancy and stability. Wenge is suitable self-confident people, careerists.

This color can be used in different ways. For example, in the interior of a living room, wenge can be found everywhere, only on the floor or walls, on doors, furniture or in decorations. In the bedroom, dark color is best used in furniture frames, skirting boards, frames or textiles. Wenge can also be used in the nursery. For example, add a pouf, carpet or shelving of this shade to the room.

In addition to wenge, you can use only one additional wood trim. A rich dark color looks best in contrast. Ash or bleached oak is suitable here. If you are planning to make an interior in ethnic style, combine wenge with zebrano.

Color combinations with wenge

Wenge is very loyal to complementary colors. Almost any shades, correctly combined with each other, will do. The only rule to follow: in the interior are required light colors.

Choose the color scheme depending on the purpose of the room. If you want to create an interior for rest and complete relaxation, combine wenge with a green palette. Mint, grassy, ​​dark olive, coniferous shades are ideal.

When combining colors, pay attention to their compatibility not only with wenge, but also with each other. Sometimes it is better to use several shades of the same gamut, abandoning complex contrasting combinations.

A romantic and fantasy atmosphere will be created by sapphire, lilac, pastel pink, pale yellow added to wenge. You can also introduce light lilac or purple into this room. If you plan to decorate a nursery in this style, use the most faded tones of the listed colors.

At the same time, a warm and passionate interior will turn out if you combine wenge with bright colors. For example, a palette of dark red with cocoa, chocolate and ocher looks great. Substitutions are possible depending on your preference. If you want more passion, use classic or orange instead of dark red. A more subdued interior will turn out in combination with a hint of burgundy.

In pursuit of fashion trends, most designers seek to diversify modern interiors. huge amount popular colors. More and more professionals and ordinary people when decorating the premises, preference is given to the color of wenge wood. Luxurious shades in its palette allow you to create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth even in the most faceless room.

Wenge color - main characteristics

This color appeared in the vastness of our country relatively recently and from the first days won the recognition of the majority of the population. It received this name from a species of tree growing in South Africa. Wenge color accurately copies the shade and structure of a given wood species, having a rich Brown color with black veins.

This type of wood is considered quite rare, which makes the material elite and expensive to process.

Skilled manufacturers eventually learned to get this shade on almost any wood, which allows anyone who wants to buy wenge-colored furniture for relatively little money.

Color features

The palette of expensive wenge wood is dominated by various dark and deep shades brown:

  • Dark burgundy shade
  • purple tint
  • Dark brown
  • chocolate color
  • natural coffee color
  • Dark gray shade

Most residents of our country use the most popular shade of wenge for interior design: dark brown. It is more familiar and recognizable.

In the first case, the color itself gives any interior a certain amount of elegance, as it has an attractive and expensive look. In another case, wenge is a concise, not flashy and simple shade that does not unnecessarily burden the design of the premises.

Compared to other colors wenge is the golden mean. It is included in the line of warm colors, which undoubtedly attracts most residents of northern cities.

Find out also what famous designers advise,.

Through the mouths of psychologists

The opinions of psychologists on the issue of the predominance of wenge color in the interior converge to several conclusions:

  • Most often, this palette is chosen by people who value comfort and safety;
  • The vast majority of admirers of wenge color love the classics in all its directions;
  • Lovers of this color are characterized by such qualities of character as unshakable will, endurance and strictness of outlook on life;
  • Often the main advantage in the character of the owner of the interior in wenge color is stability and reliability.

How to get WENGE color

Wenge color code #645452

Wenge color RGB percentage

  • Red - about 39.30%
  • Green - about 33%
  • Blue - about 33.20%

HSL color space

  • Hue - approximately 7 degrees
  • Saturation - approximately 10%
  • Lightness - approximately 35.70%

The wavelength of this color is approximately 616nm

Combinations of wenge with other colors and varieties of tree species

When designing a room, the most relevant question is color matching wenge with other color palettes. Studying this issue, we can confidently state that this color is almost universal and successfully harmonizes with other colors.

the most successful options for the design of modern interiors are:

Red color

  • The dark brown palette of the tree advantageously sets off the energetic red color. Rich shades of scarlet color perfectly dilute the heavy brown tone bringing lightness and dynamism to the atmosphere;
  • The design of any room made in this color palette can't be called boring. To add softness to the tones of the room, you can use a third color - milky white or vanilla. Also, various shades of gray can be used as a third color, they will soften sharp transitions without losing contrast balance.


  • Combination yellow color and wenge, is a rather extraordinary solution. When choosing such a neighborhood, it is worth giving preference to soft tones of yellow in order to avoid harshness and artsy contrast;
  • Combinations are considered successful shade of gold and wenge. This set of colors will add solemnity and an atmosphere of prosperity and nobility to the room. An advantageous neighborhood is to decorate the hallway or living room.
  • For a rest room it is worth choosing a neighborhood soft (creamy) shade, yellow or muted tangerine. This combination will fill the bedroom with comfort and refined style;
  • Using this neighborhood, it becomes possible to easily connect multi-tiered premises into a single whole.

Green and its shades

Blue color

  • In such unusual variant A good addition to the active color of wenge will be light, airy, light shades of blue, from pale blue to turquoise.
  • Based on deep colors blue and dark brown, you need to take care of the presence of brightening accents in the interior. The main condition for this combination is the increased illumination of the room.
  • Contrasting borders should be diluted neutral light colors. A winning option for the execution of this color combination the design of the room in the loft style, characterized by spacious rooms and high ceilings, will serve.

White color palette

  • The combination of these colors is basic and is often found in interiors. modern premises. In this combination, it is possible to decorate any room from the kitchen to the bedroom.
  • The universal neighborhood allows you to show imagination when decorating and decorating the room. It is worth adding a little bright accents, and the room will gain individuality;
  • Perfectly complement the neighborhood of white and wenge grey colour. It will fill the interior with style and restraint. These combinations can be found in such stylistic design directions as minimalism or hi-tech;
  • One of the most popular is the combination basic colors with coral shades. This color scheme will give the room an unusual visualization.

The basic rule when combining wenge colors. Is adding to the decoration no more than one type tree species. If the third structure of the tree appears in the room, then it becomes ridiculous and distorts the overall picture. The most suitable tree neighbors are:

  • Ash
  • Zebrano

Unsuccessful combinations

Despite its versatility, wenge does not match with most ultra bright colors, such as:

  • hot pink
  • Acid - light green
  • Most unnatural colors, provocative tones.

Add to your interior amazing design ceilings: go to to find out more.

The use of wenge color in interior design

Wenge color is basic and serves as an excellent solution for decorating most rooms.


This type of room plays an important role, with the general impression of design decoration the whole house. , combining wenge with other colors, is quite popular stylistic decision. This choice is determined by the practicality and conciseness of the interior, both for a small and spacious hallway.

Living room

The most popular are the interiors of the living room, decorated with the active addition of wenge color. Various interior items and interior decoration in this color, it creates the impression of nobility and prosperity of the owners.

Look at additional options decoration of living rooms in wenge color:

Bedroom with wenge color

This choice brings elegance, sophistication and wide choose stylistic trends from modern to classic. Combination wenge with warm tones creates an atmosphere of relaxation and tranquility.


Noble shades of wenge color encourage compliance order and cleanliness v this room. Combinations of wenge with ceramic coatings, with hints of metal and glass on .


The use of this color carries notes of minimalism and restraint. Bathroom interiors, where the wenge color is the base or secondary color, perfectly relaxes and relieves stress after a hard day at work.

Furniture and decor

Increasingly, you can see furniture in wenge color in the design of unusual and classic modern interiors. In the production of wenge is used both independently and in combination with other colors.

Most designers, choosing furniture in this color solution, are guided not only by the versatility of the color of wenge, but also by its noble appearance.

Wenge color can be easily combined not only with other colors, but also with various wood textures and finishing materials.

Possessing wide opportunities color transfer, with wenge you can arrange both a huge space and small room. wenge gives unlimited possibilities for a flight of fancy in the design of not only a stylish, but also a practical interior.

Learn more about the color of wenge in the interior from the video: