26.05.2017 Read in 10 min.

In the photo: White kitchen after renovation in an apartment on Kuusinen Street

The white kitchen, which can be reminiscent of cozy houses in Provence surrounded by lavender fields, borrowing features from ancient architecture with its strict symmetry and striving for the triumph of harmony, has become an interior classic. Most properties, especially city apartments, have small kitchen areas. And this means that for such rooms you will have to look for funds for visual magnification space. And, of course, the first solution that designers appeal to in this case is the use of light colors.

White kitchens are great for studio spaces. A laconic light kitchen set easily fits into any interior of a studio apartment, whether it be classic, art deco or minimalism. Another advantage of white kitchens lies in their aesthetic and representative appearance. We all remember that in order for an ordinary tea party to turn into a festive one, it is enough to cover the table with a light tablecloth. We associate white with solemnity, and therefore a bright kitchen always looks elegant, turning everyday life into a holiday.

White kitchen. Photos of interiors after repair

So that you can make sure that white kitchens are good not only in 3D visualizations of interior projects, but also in reality, below we present a selection of photos after the repair carried out by the specialists of Fundament Group of Companies, the leader in the Moscow repair and construction services market. This group companies has its own kitchen furniture showroom and has an extensive portfolio of apartment renovations. In the selection you will see real photographs of renovated and equipped with all necessary kitchen interiors from the portfolio of Fundament Group of Companies.

1. White kitchen with black mosaic tiles

In the photo: Black and white monochrome in a modern kitchen design project

This modern minimal kitchen with black mosaic tiles was inspired by both vintage photos and strict geometrics. chessboard, and conceptual American-European interiors, where restraint and functionality now dominate. Here you will not find anything superfluous: all Appliances and the furniture is built in, there is no finish on the cabinets, not even the usual handles. In such a space, any fruits and flowers become coloristic accents.

2. Cascading lamps in the decor of the kitchen

In the photo: White neoclassical kitchen-dining room in a four-room apartment on Novocheremushkinskaya

And this beige kitchen is designed in the spirit of neoclassicism, as evidenced by the pilasters in the furniture and the abundance of stucco elements. The headset solution helps to give the space more organization and rhythm. Against the background of such a neoclassical composition, the group stands out ceiling lights in the Art Deco style, which fill the room with cascades of crystal "sprays".

3. Countertop instead of a window sill

In the photo: Built-in cabinet with storage boxes instead of a window sill

Want to save space in your kitchen? no more effective way solution to this problem than the right furniture. Instead of a window sill in the kitchen area, you can place a built-in cabinet with drawers. So you will succeed additional tabletop for decor, in which, if desired, you can mount the hob.

4. Kitchen with black glossy textures

In the photo: Black gloss in the decor of a white kitchen in an apartment on the street. Pudovkina

And the interior of this kitchen is concise and minimalistic almost to the point of asceticism. decorative effect here it is created due to the contrasting combination of patinated white finish and black glossy textures. Such an interior composition is quite consistent with the spirit of the times with its dynamism.

5. Kitchen-dining room in a classic style

In the photo: Classic kitchen-dining room furniture

In the photo: Turquoise accents in a modern white kitchen in an apartment on Malomoskovskaya

And this white kitchen U-shaped layout and a through niche that unites the room with the dining room, turned out to be original due to mosaic tiles with alternating turquoise and coffee-chocolate segments. Turquoise tones are repeated in the ceiling decoration, the floor is tiled with brown tiles. As a result, we get a coloristic scheme filled with contrasts. The pure white set looks voluminous and expressive against the background of a bright blue ceiling and a dark floor.

7. Kitchen with built-in appliances

In the photo: Laconic kitchen with built-in household appliances

Don't forget that modern tendencies in the design of the kitchen, and simply aesthetic considerations prescribe to build in all household appliances. And this rule applies not only to minimalism, but also to interiors in art deco and classic styles. Ovens, freezers, refrigerators and coffee makers - all this equipment should be built into the headset. And the hob itself can be equipped both on the work surface and in the multifunctional island. The stove is most conveniently placed next to the sink.

In the white kitchen-dining room, where the modern base is diluted with Art Deco elements, multifunctional island which can also be used as a bar counter. Such an element of furniture zones the space and turns the cooking process into a real pleasure.

8. Decor shelves instead of cabinets

In the photo: Shelves for decor, unlike massive ones wall cabinets do not clutter up space

Instead of the usual wall cabinets in a small kitchen, you can organize shelves for decor. This technique allows you to make the interior composition easier. And you can place dishes and products in the lower drawers. As practice shows, there is often no need for wall cabinets. Moreover, now the trend is minimalism, not hoarding. For more effective use space of a small kitchen, we recommend installing a round dining table, which is quite enough for small family.

9. Kitchen-dining room with sconces in the form of candlesticks

In the photo: Light kitchen in a classic style with sconces stylized as candlesticks

The decoration of a classic kitchen can be in no way inferior to the design of the living room. Stucco and pilasters are also often present here. As the main element of lighting in the kitchen space, designed in the spirit of the classics, is usually used carob chandelier with crystal pendants. To make the space even more comfortable, sconces stylized as candlesticks will help. In the presented project, wall lamps the wall with a flower still life is decorated.

Stylistic solutions for the interior of a white and beige kitchen

White and beige colors universal. They are suitable for all styles without exception. In minimalism, white creates the illusion of total emptiness and freedom. In Art Deco, light shades, as a rule, are cast with gloss and mother-of-pearl, the brilliance of which is enhanced by properly selected lighting, an abundance of mirrors, glass and crystal accessories. In the design of kitchens in the Provence style, preference is given to warm beige tones: ecru, creamy, light yellow, dark cream. The white kitchen may resemble winter Garden or a room in the Snow Queen's palace. When choosing warm shades of beige, the kitchen area will allow you to plunge into memories of traveling to the warm shores of the Caribbean and mediterranean seas.

10. White modern kitchen

In the photo: Minimalist white kitchen in a modern style

Such white kitchen you can equip even in a typical city apartment. Corner set, the cabinets of which are opened by pressing, will accommodate all household appliances, utensils and products. In such a minimalistic space, it is easy enough to keep organized, because there are very capacious storage systems, so you can always keep everything superfluous out of sight. Dining group coffee-chocolate shade is located near the wall next to the door. This location of the dining area will not interfere with free movement.

11. Provence style

In the photo: Provence style elements in the design of light kitchen space

And the interior of this fairly compact kitchen-dining room is designed in the Provence style, which was formed in villas and houses warmed by the hot rays of the sun on the Cote d'Azur. This style direction, by the way, is often chosen for kitchen spaces. The fact is that the kitchen has always been considered a kind of center of the whole house, a place of attraction, a space that unites the whole family at a single table. Therefore, it is extremely important that you feel comfortable here. And it is Provence with its muted colors faded from the midday sun, charming bunches of dried herbs, floral curtains and miniature French furniture that guarantees this warmest homely atmosphere.

12. Minimalism in the interior of a white kitchen

In the photo: White kitchen in the style of minimalism in the interior of a house in the Moscow region

The design of a minimalist kitchen has both the serenity of sandy beaches and the dynamism of modern megacities. Such a kitchen space, especially with a large footage, gives a feeling of freedom. In an era of information overload, when even thinking begins to adapt to new realities, a white minimalist kitchen becomes a breath of life-giving air. Here, nothing distracts from the most important thing, allowing you to focus on current issues.

13. Art Deco

In the photo: Bright kitchen in an Art Deco house

Art Deco white kitchens are both elegant and mysterious, often reminiscent of a stranger at a masquerade. There are as many shiny elements to decorate such spaces as to embroider a ball gown. The interior of the white Art Deco kitchen in the photo is woven from mother-of-pearl shades that shimmer like the thinnest web in the sun. The glass top of the island emphasizes the weightlessness of the composition. Newton's pendulum pendant light and sky turquoise backsplash tiles add extra sparkle to the space.

14. Loft style kitchen

In the photo: An example of a loft-style kitchen space on the ground floor of a house

In the photo: White kitchen design project with bright color accents

Blue "carriage" coupler and chairs lilac shade help define the dining area. Thanks to such accents, the white space becomes colorful and filled with new meanings, inspired by the starry sky and fragrant lavender fields.

16. Black and white monochrome

In the photo: Black and white monochrome in a modern kitchen

Without exaggeration, we can say that black and white monochrome is a classic color solution. Behind the seeming simplicity of such a palette lies a deep philosophy and aestheticism. It is no coincidence that many representatives of the art world prefer this uncomplicated combination. Black-and-white monochrome - these are photographs of the times of Charlie Chaplin and Greta Garbo, and minimalism in the works of Pierre Pellegrini with his expressive misty-snowy landscapes.

17. Lime accents

In the photo: Bright lime accents in the design of a minimalist kitchen with a living room

And in this modern kitchen, the black and white palette is diluted with neon lime shades. Such colors add juiciness and freshness to the space of legendary Cuban cocktails like mojitos.

18. Shades of coffee with milk

In the photo: Kitchen in bright colors with hints of coffee with milk

In the shades of coffee with milk, there is both the romance of the morning in a Parisian coffee house, and the special comfort that Sunday awakening cannot do without. Add some creamy tones to this range, and you will get the same interior composition filled with charm, as in the photo above.

19. Cream and chocolate

In the photo: Shades of milk chocolate in the interior of a house in the Moscow region

Interior designers love to combine light shades with chocolate tones. This classic color solution is attractive because it always remains in trend. The creamy chocolate palette often evokes favorite desserts like tiramisu, semifreddo or zuccotto. And such allusions always increase appetite.

20. Gray and white

In the photo: Light kitchen interior with gray and white cabinet furniture

Grey colour- Another constant companion of the white. You can use the union of light colors and pewter or steel tones in your solution. kitchen set. At the same time, in an interior with gray shades, you can do without bright accents. It all depends on what mood you want to create in the room.

21. Coral accents in a bright kitchen

In the photo: Kitchen interior in bright colors with coral accents

In the photo: The interior of the kitchen in beige colors from corner sofa

Typical layout, which is ideal for kitchens of a standard configuration, involves arranging a headset along one or two (in the case of corner model) walls. Opposite cabinet furniture is equipped dinner Zone, which can be equipped with both chairs and armchairs or a sofa.

23. Studio space with a fireplace

In the photo: Fireplace in the kitchen combined with the living room

And in this photo we can observe the kitchen combined with the living room. In the center of the kitchen space there was a place for a round table and chairs with a "carriage" coupler. The conditional boundary between the functional areas here is carried out by a fireplace in a white portal.

24. Linear layout

In the photo: Modern kitchen with a linear layout and a breakfast bar as a means of zoning

linear layout often used for elongated rooms. With this approach, all zones line up along one wall. As a means of zoning and alternative dining table you can use the bar counter, as in the photo above.

25. Bar counter as a means of zoning

On the picture: Interior solution for an elongated kitchen in a house in the CP "Europe"

In the photo: A dining room was organized on the loggia attached to the kitchen space

Usable footage This white kitchen in the Provence style was enlarged by adding a loggia, on which a cozy dining room with gray-gray shades was organized. For the convenience of the hostess, an island is installed in the center of the room, which will serve as working surface and if necessary, can replace the table.

27. Through niche in the partition

In the photo: Interior and layout of a beige kitchen in an apartment in Sverchkov lane

And the view of this kitchen-dining room opens from the hallway. This became possible thanks to a through niche, equipped immediately behind hob. It can be said about this apartment that here the kitchen is the center of the whole house in the literal sense.

A white kitchen is by no means a colorless space. If you show a little imagination. adding a drop of bright accents to the interior or diluting the light range with shades of the same chocolate, then a very expressive composition will appear before us. The white kitchen has a lot of advantages, the main of which is the ability to turn a small and cramped room into a roomy space filled with light and air. What other wonders is a bright kitchen space capable of? But the designers will be happy to tell you about it

  • The use of white furniture is a pledge successful registration kitchen space. Such an interior will look great, the room will visually increase and become more illuminated.

White glossy ones are popular, which are offered in company stores in a wide variety.

Selection of optimal materials

The use of furniture and other structures, in whatever color they are chosen, depends largely on how correctly and successfully the material is selected. If this is a surface to be painted earlier, then it will be necessary to determine in advance which materials will be relevant for cleaning and maintenance.

plastic kitchens

They are inexpensive and are resistant to drops. temperature regime, however, if small scratches form, this will significantly damage the surface and ruin its appearance, so you will have to change it. One thing pleases: the replacement price is low, which is due to the affordability of the cost of plastic.

Wooden kitchens

If you want beautiful and, walls, suitable, offered by manufacturers in a wide range. will keep an immaculate look for a long time.

The subtleties of caring for glossy surfaces

According to many housewives, the main disadvantage of the solutions under consideration is the whimsicalness of the kitchens and the complexity of care. You will have to face numerous nuances, but knowing the intricacies of care, it will be possible to operate the kitchen without any problems, while maintaining its attractiveness.

Today, the household chemicals market offers huge variety cleaners for all surfaces. To care for glossy designs, it is worth giving preference to products with a more gentle composition.

Regular maintenance of the kitchen involves the timely cleaning of the premises from dirt and grease stains, and there are always a lot of them in the kitchen. It is advisable to polish these surfaces on a regular basis and add special composition. Thus, it will be able to maintain shine and gloss.

So, if you decide to buy white glossy kitchens, you will not regret it, because you will receive products made in an impeccable style and retaining their shine for a long time.

Styles of white kitchens and their compatibility

Among various photos you can choose options that show in detail the subtleties of the design of the kitchen, performed in white. If you pay attention to the features of the room and stick to different styles, you can use a rich color palette designed to create a wonderful atmosphere. White color will be appropriate in many styles -, neoclassical, , etc.

Advice! Remember that when deciding to use a lot of white tones in the kitchen, you should take care of the “warmth” of the shades: the kitchen should not be too cold and uncomfortable.

White glossy color in an ultra-modern style

Modern concise styles as a basis they have exactly white color, which is suitable for the design and implementation of any creative ideas. Ultra-modern style in such a kitchen does not involve the use of accessories in large quantities.

If you choose what color to decorate your kitchen in, then do not forget about white. This color is considered easily soiled and impractical, but it also has many advantages. White color never goes out of fashion, your kitchen will always be relevant and fashionable. Any magazine devoted to the interior necessarily contains several options for kitchens in white. Designers are very fond of using just such a color scheme, as it gives lightness to the interior. And this is not all the advantages white color. What are the benefits white kitchen design?

Space Expansion

The ability of white color to visually enlarge the space is known to all. So the owners small kitchens it is worth taking a closer look at the white color. If you make not only the floor, ceiling and walls white, but also the kitchen furniture, you will achieve the effect of blurring the boundaries and expanding the space. Thus, even the most will seem much larger. However, the owners of spacious kitchens should not give up on white, it will help to give lightness and weightlessness.

Additional lighting

White color can make your kitchen not only bigger, but also brighter. The fact is that this color is able to reflect light, which means that the illumination of the room will increase significantly. white color will act as additional source Sveta. If you want to make the most of this effect, then choose furniture with a glossy surface. Such a solution for the kitchen will especially delight you in winter and autumn, when the sun appears infrequently. Your white kitchen will always be light and comfortable.

The practicality of white in kitchen design

In most cases, choosing the color of the kitchen, people refuse white because of its soiledness. Everyone knows that white clothes gets dirty much faster than a dark one, and all the flaws are usually more striking on light ones than on dark colors. But the kitchen is not at all like clothes!

We have to admit that the kitchen, which is constantly cooking, gets dirty. Ideally clean kitchen after cooking dinner - such pictures can only be found in the movies. Experienced Hostess perfectly understands that you need to regularly clean the kitchen, no matter what color it is. But in a white kitchen, you will immediately notice all smudges, drops, dirt, and you can easily and quickly eliminate them.

It is also worth noting that on a glossy surface dark colors fingerprints are much more noticeable than on white gloss. So it turns out that kitchen furniture dark color is less practical? That's right, many owners of white kitchens note that they do not see much difference between white and everyone else in terms of care. Moreover, for many housewives it is much more convenient to clean the white kitchen.

The only remark about the white color, which is often found on the forums of housewives, concerns the countertop. The owners of white kitchens do not recommend choosing a countertop of the same color, since it is much more difficult to keep it in perfect condition. Everything, of course, depends on the quality of the countertop. But also note that many designers, when creating a kitchen interior in white, do not use exactly the same color scheme for the countertop. This is due to practical considerations, or aesthetic, we do not undertake to judge, we only draw your attention to this.

The versatility of white

One more indisputable dignity white color - its versatility. It suits absolutely any style. Are you planning a kitchen? No problem. Do you like minimalism or country? White will fit perfectly into these styles. And for or white is a necessary basis. White color, with all its advantages, is also completely universal, which will allow you, if necessary, to even change the style of the kitchen without any special additional costs.


White can look casual, stylish and expensive at the same time. But at the same time, you can save a lot by choosing a kitchen design in white. You will be surprised when you find out that all colored interior elements are much more expensive than white ones. For example, to pick suitable shade wall paints, you will need to buy white paint and color, which will be more expensive than the purchase of white paint alone. The fact is that white is the base color, therefore, doors, plumbing, furniture - everything necessary elements white colors will cost you less than colored ones.

Special attention deserves kitchen appliances, which in most cases are made in white. Not in every kitchen a white microwave will look as beautiful and organic as on a white one. Pay attention to the prices of standard white refrigerators and compare them with the prices of non-ferrous appliances, the difference can be up to 40%.

Ideal Foundation

It's hard to deny the fact that white is just the perfect backdrop. By using white as the base color in your kitchen, you can achieve some truly amazing results. Against the background of this color, all objects stand out, attract attention. Other colors will look more bright, clear, contrast. You can easily place the right accents without resorting to the help of a designer. A white kitchen always looks sophisticated and stylish.

Also, natural wood goes well with white. It's up to you how you introduce this combination into your kitchen: wooden floor, wood-look countertop, wooden utensils on the shelves, a real small tree - there are many options, pick the one that you like best.

Don't like perfect white? You can always choose one of the shades: pearl, cream, ivory or barley. These shades have all the advantages of white, and also give tenderness and softness to the interior.

Choosing white color in the design of the kitchen design, you obviously will not regret your choice.

White kitchens are the latest trend among design solutions. At first glance, they seem unusual, impractical and monotonous. But such a choice for the design of the important place the house is fraught with a lot of practical advantages, and photo examples demonstrate originality. This is a very promising solution in terms of increasing space and at the same time a whole room for embodying your ideas about the ideal kitchen. Easily fit a white kitchen into a variety of interior styles, giving a perfect look with minimal effort.

Advantages: overt and covert

Designers are constantly trying to give the snow-white interiors for the kitchen a touch of originality. They succeed because new ones are released. Construction Materials, easier ways to decorate. Only LED lighting can change the look of a white kitchen beyond recognition.

What are the advantages of such an interior:

  • Stylish. Fashion is changeable and kitchen interiors not an exception. White is timeless.
  • An increase in space, especially due to gloss. It is difficult to argue with this, but it must be borne in mind that for a miniature kitchen it is better to make the upper tier with the addition of frosted, transparent glass and open shelves.
  • Lighting. Surfaces refract light in a peculiar way, they look different in daylight and evening light, but they are undoubtedly devoid of gloom, they add air and space.
  • Individuality. This is an untouched field of activity, an ideal backdrop for the manifestation of fantasy.
  • Psychological aspect. Scientists have established positive influence white when restoring lost strength.
  • Feng Shui for many owners is not an empty phrase, favors white for the kitchen - the color of prosperity, harmony.
  • Financial question. Can be found at a much lower cost simple materials for individual components without losing style. Some manufacturers even have headsets in basic colors cheaper.

Disadvantages: controversial and eliminated

Some factors are nothing more than ordinary stereotypes, but may cast doubt on the correctness of such a "snow-white" decision. Usually stops:

The door merges with the corridor and is almost invisible
  • The complexity of care. Materials are selected that have proven themselves in practice, for example, stone for countertops.
  • A glossy white kitchen is a risk of untidy surfaces, but prints are visible on any shiny surface, and it takes a few minutes to give a gloss.
  • All sorts of excesses of decor, open shelves, carving will complicate cleaning in any color. Appreciating the time only the smoothness of modern styles, a minimum of wood.
  • Children and white are incompatible things, but by choosing paint or washable wallpaper for the walls, it is easy to renovate if necessary, and furniture made of high-quality plastic is simply “indestructible”.
  • Monotone. Even dishes, chairs, kitchen gadgets become decor.

The protruding edge of the countertop, even a few centimeters, will save the floor and drawers of the lower tier from pollution, especially if the kitchen is actively used.

But on the other hand, with a little more effort in care, no interior is able to convey such a feeling of cleanliness, freshness, exemplary order.

Style: different and expressive

White color is appropriate in almost any style. With it, you can create a modern kitchen - modern, technological - hi-tech and slightly brutal - loft, or gentle - Provence, calm - minimalism, vintage, which is demonstrated by various photos:

  • Provence. Romance and charm. Painted wood is complemented by expressive ornaments, floral patterns, ceramic gizmos, living plants for comfort.
  • Country. Comfort in simplicity, clay decor, whitewashed wooden detailshome view and appeasement.
  • Scandinavian. Matt finish, many natural wood- it turns out calm interior, at the same time prestigious.
  • High tech. Created for those who attach special importance to household appliances. It does not need to be hidden - the latest innovative models become a decoration, and even, smooth facades will significantly save time on cleaning and maintaining order.
  • Minimalism. There is a fantastic "maximalism" in functionality, ergonomics.

Even "old" styles do not exclude the presence of a TV zone. White models don't kitchen item smooth out the effect of presence.

Colour: calm and bright

White is a very convenient color, it does not just combine with all the others, but embellishes them, makes them expressive. general form. With him, you can not be afraid to make a mistake when combining, but you definitely should not leave him alone. Especially in combination with chrome elements of household appliances, a mixer and other kitchen filling in modern style. That's when you definitely can not avoid the standard comparison with the operating room.

To eliminate some excessive sterility, despondency, you can only add an alternative color. Designers advise: first you need to decide what effect you want in the final and be sure to pay attention to the stylistic direction.

One hundred percent hit is provided by the addition of:

  • Black. Recently, black and white interiors have taken a leading position, and the kitchen is no exception. Any proportions are acceptable here, the main thing is the originality of the overall picture. Alternative: graphite, dark grey.
  • Bright. Maximum emphasis on details, dynamics, energy is provided. You can use several of your favorite colors, but it is important to evenly distribute. Bold combinations are spectacular: purple, orange, turquoise, light green, amber, yellow, red.
  • Shades of green, from blue to blue, are one of the most fashionable, at the same time comfortable to the eye. Natural, marine motifs and tones plus pure white: the kitchen is radically transformed, receiving a thematic coloring, creating associations with pleasant moments.
  • Beige-gray gamma, natural and calm. To reduce the sharpness of white, get an eco-style, authentic rustic. Classics also can not do without dairy, cream companions, as well as brown and wood.

Texture: special and multifaceted

In addition to variable color, you can add subtle unique colors and textures. natural materials(successful imitations). Nothing can change the mood of a white kitchen like this: a more elegant, understated look. wooden surfaces or luxurious, adding "price" to the interior marble. The play of textures is most pronounced with the use of bricks, volumetric tiles, mosaics and glossy facades.

lovers stone countertops it is worth taking a closer look at the artificial analogue of marble - it is lighter and cheaper, but wear resistance is at the proper level. Moreover, even natural marble, with active use, may require renovation in the form of professional polishing.

Special effects will add special originality, authenticity to "retro styles", ranging from classics to new, but fashionable shabby chic:

  • Gilding - an excellent combination with white, softer, more refined;
  • Patina - a special effect of aging;
  • Accessories - can be the finishing touch (handles with enamel).

For all styles, there are many variations from expensive to budget for a kitchen set - wood, acrylic, plastic, framed MDF. Since furniture occupies a significant part of the space, it can be easier to decide on it first, and then select materials for the rest of the decoration.

Wardrobe on the opposite side of the headset

Surface finishes: white and alternative

The kitchen is a place where different flooring solutions can be afforded. You can do this on the contrast of textures or choose a single performance. Allow not just a dark floor, but also a self-leveling, even bright colored one: harmonious option with an apron working area. A special chic can be given to a white kitchen with floor tiles laid out in a checkerboard pattern. Depending on the style, stretch, beam structures, classic whitewashed ceilings.

Bar designer stools

The accent wall is a current micro-trend for almost all design projects. For the kitchen, this may be the corner where the dining area is located. You can add special elegance with additional decor - expressive stickers, decorative plates.

An abundance of gloss modern solutions can cause fatigue. Use a calm side background if the facades are shiny.

Table for 4 persons

The walls can be neutral, even just painted, but the apron must be noticeable. Lighting can be especially effective. Along with the replacement of decorative elements and accessories, the color, mood, and white modern kitchen allows you to create new design always.

Reduce the degree of whiteness: alternative methods

There are three main design methods:

  • Fully light execution;
  • White headset + alternative background;
  • Combined headset + monochrome background.

Doubters will easily find a compromise, while getting amazing originality, expressiveness of the interior, it is enough to apply the following techniques:

  • Coloring inner surface glazed boxes of the top row in rich, bright colors. Beautiful finish facades will complement the surroundings.
  • Thin tinting - another primary color is gradually added to white - trendy turquoise, juicy orange, delicate pink. Many creative options, built not just on a duet, but on a gradient, a transition. It turns out very gently, airy.
  • A wall with a headset can become an accent. The latest innovations in interior solutions demonstrate the almost complete absence of the upper tiers of the kitchen wall. free space remains more than classic models, and chances to create exclusive design white kitchen too.
  • With combined facades even in the kitchen big size preferably the darker part of the headset at the bottom.

"Your Grace": aesthetics and color perception

For a perfect perception of a radically light kitchen, you should follow some design tips:

  • Only one or two defiantly dark color spots (oven door, microwave oven door) are able to visually stand out from the delicate white environment, as can be seen in some photo examples. A little introduction of black elements won't hurt.
  • Numerous representatives of kitchen appliances in retro style will allow you not to hide them behind kitchen facades- Convenient and affordable.
  • White has shades, they are all divided into warm and cold. It is better to choose in one key. The perception under artificial lighting depends on this.
  • Numerous bright decorative items able to give the impression of chaos, if overdone with diversity.
  • A bright strip is spectacular, but you should not use it for all decor items: curtains, napkins, tablecloths, lampshades.

original windows

Having studied all the latest innovations in design thought, amplifying this information practical advice, it turns out the whitest and most perfect kitchen in the world. The more time invested in initial stage, thinking through every little thing, the more impressive, unique result awaits in the end.

And today I want to continue talking about my beloved snow-white interiors and talk about white kitchen design.

White kitchens are at the top of popularity among designers around the world. They are stylish and lively, do not irritate the eye and are the perfect backdrop for original decor And modern technology, look great in the interior of any style.


I have already talked about the role of white in the design of small apartments, so if you are the owner of a small kitchen, pay attention Special attention to shades of white when choosing facades, and your kitchen will look much more spacious. Tips for choosing furniture and decor for small kitchens can be found at.


Many people who want to buy a white kitchen ask logical questions:

– wouldn’t such a kitchen look boring and sterile?

– won’t I spend all weekend with a rag in my hands in order to maintain a decent look in my new white kitchen?

Bright accents in the design of a white kitchen

If you want to avoid the effect of sterility in your snow-white kitchen, they will come to your aid. bright accents. This classic effective reception Works great in any white room.

Even if you have chosen white facades, an apron, countertops and walls, add bright dishes, a tablecloth, napkins - and your kitchen will come to life!



An alternative option is bright household appliances. For example, the cheerful Smeg refrigerator, so beloved by many designers.


Add gold or silver decor and your kitchen will become refined and elegant.


Perfectly complements snow-white interior tree. Shelves, countertops, cabinets with wood texture will perfectly dilute the white color.



At first glance, two absolutely sterile kitchens: snow-white furniture and floors, steel worktops and appliances. However, how wooden legs of chairs, a tray, dishes enliven the interior:


Lesley Unruh / unruhphoto.com

Don't be afraid of bright colors! After all, it is in the kitchen that we meet a new day, drinking a cup of coffee before leaving the house. In many ways, the whole working day will depend on what mood you can recharge in the morning. Create positive attitude- add yellow, orange, fuchsia to the interior of your kitchen.


Just a couple of yellow accents - and how positive the interior of a classic white kitchen becomes:


Looks great white with shades of green (olive, light green, grass or avocado) - fresh harmonious combination suggested by nature itself:

If you still don’t like snow white, pay attention to warmer shades. Milk, cream, pearl, champagne or ivory.

Experiment with decor. Add a classic crystal chandelier, chairs, elements to the interior of a modern white kitchen. The interior of the kitchen in style will not seem boring to anyone:



How to care for a white kitchen?

Many refuse white when choosing a kitchen, explaining that pollution is clearly visible on white, and much more time will have to be spent on cleaning. However, in practice it turns out that a white kitchen does not require special care, it is only necessary to remove stains immediately after they appear. Over time, dirt eats into the surface of the facades, and it will not be easy to restore the original appearance.

Clean the white kitchen with a soft microfiber cloth using liquid cleaners. For glossy facades, special rags and window cleaners are perfect - they do not leave streaks.

It would be a big mistake to refuse a snow-white kitchen due to its impracticality in favor of a dark-colored kitchen (especially glossy). Judge for yourself which kitchen will require more maintenance? This:


The most practical are smooth matte facades without panels.

Paneled kitchens, of course, will require more careful maintenance - the facades must be regularly wiped of dust in order to preserve original view. But how elegant are such kitchens! Such beauty is worth the time spent =)

I wrote in detail about the practicality of a white interior.

I hope the article turned out to be useful to you, and the design of a white kitchen will not be difficult for you. Stay with us - subscribe to updates!