Today, plasterboard construction on the ceiling does not surprise anyone. But you can try to hit it with complexity. The best solution is a drywall circle on the ceiling. Semicircular or oval designs are also common.

Moreover, even with minimal knowledge of working with drywall, but at the same time following the necessary instructions, you can quickly and easily make a circle, oval or semicircle on your ceiling.

To make correctly such ceiling structures as a circle, an oval or a semicircle of plasterboard, you need to carry out the necessary calculations and draw a diagram. To do this, do the following:

  • put on a sheet of paper the perimeter of the ceiling;
  • mark the centers of all figures;
  • draw circles. An oval is drawn by drawing two circles on the ceiling, which, when intersected, will give the desired shape. Erase extra lines;
  • mark the transition points of the circles into straight lines or into another figure.

Construction scheme

Preparatory work

In this situation, it is important to properly prepare the work area. For this you need:

  • remove from the ceiling all irregularities that may prevent the installation of a metal frame;
  • prime the surface;
  • draw the necessary geometric shapes on the ceiling.

Ceiling markings

Note! All lines should be applied only using a level.

Required Tools

The following tools will help you make an oval, circle or semicircle on the ceiling:

  • drill with a set of drills;
  • perforator;
  • level;
  • pencil and tape measure;
  • metal scissors;
  • drywall knife;
  • spatula.

You will also need the following materials:

Necessary tools

  • drywall sheets;
  • profile;
  • dowels and screws;
  • special attachments-crabs;
  • putty;
  • primer;
  • sickle.

Experts advise using materials from one construction company.

Installation work

When the first level of the plasterboard ceiling frame has been mounted according to the standard scheme, you can proceed to attach the oval or circle.
First of all, you need to make a metal frame of the necessary shape:

  • first you need to draw the attachment points;
  • then we install suspensions, on which in the future we will mount all the supporting structures;
  • then we take the profile guides and give them the necessary shape. To do this, use scissors for metal. We make equal segments on one side of the profile and bend it in the right direction. At the same time, we do not touch the second side;
  • we fasten them to pre-drawn lines with dowels and screws;

Note! If during the installation process you have sections of the profile that stand out from the figure, then they can be removed with a grinder.

  • we cut the profiles into pieces of the desired size and install the longitudinal ribs. For them, the fastening step is about 50-60 cm;
  • after that we can proceed to attaching the transverse ribs. We fix them with crabs. The distance between them is one meter;

Assembled frame

Note! The entire ceiling structure must be rigid and strong.
In addition to this method of assembly and installation, there is another one. According to it, the entire structure can be mounted on the floor, and only then screwed to the ceiling. However, this method is only suitable for small elements, since it is extremely inconvenient to install powerful frames in this way.
A slightly different scheme is the installation of a semicircular structure. To make a semicircle on the ceiling, you need to do the following operations:

  • we install the first level of the ceiling completely;
  • we cut the profile and give them a semicircular configuration in the corners of the room;
  • the profile here is also attached to dowels with screws.

Frame for a semicircle

  • cut drywall into pieces of the desired size;
  • attach them to the frame. If necessary, we adjust their size to fit the figure;
  • fasten drywall with self-tapping screws.

Finished construction

If a circle or the oval will be placed in close proximity to the window, then the drywall sheets should be fixed in such a way that they run along the window. So the lines of their joints will be less noticeable.
The situation is somewhat more complicated with the sheathing of a semicircular structure. Here, drywall can be fixed in two different ways:

wet method

  • wet way. We cut out a vertical element with a knife, which should be bent. We pass through it with a roller with spikes and wet it well with water. When softening the inside of the sheet, we begin to attach it to the frame, bending as needed. It is best done when the frame has not yet been attached to the ceiling;
  • method using propyls. Along the entire length of the piece to be bent, we make vertical cuts. They go at regular intervals.

Cuts on the sheet

Note! You need to saw through only that part of the sheet that will be the front. No need to cut through. At the moment of attachment to the frame, we bend the piece along the cuts made. This method on the final finish will require more putty consumption.

Finishing work

When the semicircle, circle or oval has been completely sheathed with drywall, you can proceed to the final finish. This stage involves the following procedures:

  • processing the joints of sheets with a special tape (serpyanka);
  • puttying all joints with putty and the place where self-tapping screws are screwed. Ideally, you should get a flat surface. If there are irregularities, just sand the surface;
  • prime the entire structure with a deep penetration primer.

It remains only to paint the ceiling - and the repair is over.

Final finishing

Creating rounded structures on a plasterboard ceiling is quite simple. You just need to follow the given instructions and you will definitely succeed!

Video: Making a circle of drywall on the ceiling

How to make a semicircle from drywall? In the process of choosing a room design, many people ask this question if they make repairs with their own hands. Despite their appearance, drywall sheets can be bent to almost any degree without damaging the integrity of the building material. The main thing is to follow some recommendations of experts. In addition, now there is a special arched drywall, which was originally designed for the fact that it will be subjected to deformation, and therefore it bends easily.

To create a drywall arch, you need to know how to bend it correctly.

Required Tools

To work on bending drywall sheets, you will need tools such as:

  • stationery knife;
  • needle roller;
  • regular roller or brush;
  • water;
  • self-tapping screws.

It is worth noting that, regardless of the chosen bending method, the sheet should be bent along the length, and not across.

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Methods for bending drywall

If a decision is made to make an arch or column in your apartment, then drywall will be the best material for its manufacture. For its installation does not require special tools and skills. The best type of plasterboard that the construction market offers is arched drywall with a thickness of 6.5 mm. But, due to its high cost, its use is not always appropriate. It's not worth getting upset. Ordinary sheets of drywall can also be bent, the main thing is to do it right.

There are several ways to bend the GKL:

  • dry method without cuts;
  • dry method with incisions;
  • wet.

If a small bending radius is needed, then the easiest way is to use the dry method without notching the sheet web. Drywall cut to size is applied to a pre-prepared frame of a column, arch or other. It is fixed from one edge with self-tapping screws and slowly begin to bend in the shape of the profile frame. The sheet without destruction will gradually begin to succumb to deformation. When the radius of the bending angle coincides with the frame, the GKL is fixed.

To avoid breaking the sheet, it is worth knowing: the smaller the bending radius, the thinner the drywall used should be.

Dry bending with notches is used if the surface being modeled has a "steep" bend.

In order to make a semicircle of drywall, you must use a clerical knife with a thin blade. With the help of it, deep cuts are made at the place of bending of the web, along the entire length of the sheet. The step width between the cuts can vary from 1 to 5 cm. The step depends on how much the sheet needs to be bent. The greater the bend, the smaller the distance between cuts. They are made on the side of the sheet that will be convex. If it is an arch, then the wrong side is cut, if the convex wall (column) is the front side. It is necessary to almost completely cut the canvas, leaving 2-3 mm to the cardboard base. The recesses from the cuts, which are formed during bending, are sealed with gypsum putty.

The wet bending method will allow you to bend the gypsum board smoothly. In addition, the surface of the sheet will not be deformed by cuts, which eliminates one of the stages of work - closing cuts.

Before making a semicircle, it is necessary to perforate the side of the drywall that will be convex. To do this, use a special roller with metal needles. They treat the entire surface of the sheet, and then, using a conventional roller or brush, moisten with warm water. Through the puncture sites, water will penetrate to the gypsum core and soften it. The process of soaking occurs within 15-20 minutes. It should be borne in mind that only one layer of cardboard and plaster should get wet, the reverse side should be dry. As soon as the drywall becomes plastic, it must be given the desired shape and secured with self-tapping screws. The process of complete drying occurs in a day, after which the GKL returns all its original properties.

Modern building technologies using drywall make it possible not only to make a ceiling, but to create an entire ceiling system (). Moreover, you can independently carry out all the work, without limiting your imagination. Today we will tell you what is needed in order to make a curly plasterboard ceiling that will suit any interior.


Now designers, developers and homeowners do not want to think the same way and standard. We want to surround ourselves with an unusual interior, and multi-level ceilings in the form of geometric shapes help a lot with this. And if the first such drywall constructions look boring and angular, now there are technologies to make the ceiling sophisticated and elegant.

Figured ceilings are classified as stretch and suspended ceiling systems. Their main feature is the ability to create unique figures based on a two- or three-level design. A system of several levels and a selected figure is created on a frame of the desired shape by means of plasterboard sheathing.

A system of several levels and a selected figure is created on a frame of the desired shape by means of plasterboard sheathing

The originality of such a ceiling is one of its main advantages. But besides this, there are other advantages.


  1. Drywall is a very easy-to-use and inexpensive material. It is easy to maintain, practical, which means that such a ceiling will not cause you any inconvenience in the future.
  2. A multi-level plasterboard ceiling allows you to easily and quickly integrate lighting. You can choose from several types of lighting fixtures, even in different styles.
  3. The device of a figured multi-level ceiling allows you to visually increase the space of the room and its height. In addition, you can easily divide the room into functional areas.
  4. Plasterboard slabs will save you from having to do serious surface repairs. You do not need to carefully level and putty the ceiling, repairing cracks and irregularities - drywall will hide all the flaws. In addition, it can be given any color by pasting it with wallpaper or covering it with paint.
  5. Under a multi-level drywall construction, you can easily hide various communications - electrical wiring and ventilation pipes, for example. Due to the ease of working with the material, it will not be difficult even for a beginner.

Please note: if your house or apartment has low ceilings, installation of a multi-level curly structure is undesirable. Drywall itself has a large thickness, and given the difference in levels, such a ceiling can lead to significant loss of height.


  1. Final mass. Drywall is a fairly heavy material, and one square meter of such a finished ceiling can weigh up to 20 kg. Therefore, during installation, special attention must be paid to the correct fastening.
  2. Drywall is very resistant to flooding. The material absorbs moisture, from which it is strongly deformed. If this happens, the figured ceiling is subject to complete repair.
  3. After the final repair, the ceiling structure made of drywall must not be dismantled in any case. Therefore, it is necessary in advance, before starting work, to accurately determine the installation of all electrical communications and the installation locations of lighting fixtures.

Necessary tools and materials for work

Before proceeding to the preparatory stage, we will provide ourselves with everything necessary for work. The list will turn out to be voluminous, but it is better to let the surplus remain than at the crucial moment an important detail will not be at hand. So, you need to purchase:

  • drywall with a thickness of 6 to 12.5 mm, depending on the desired result;
  • metal ceiling profiles CD;
  • guide profiles UD;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • profile extensions;
  • putty;
  • connectors;
  • anchor wedges;
  • suspensions;
  • dowel-nails;
  • reinforcing paper;
  • photos of finished figured plasterboard ceilings.

To work, you will need a number of necessary tools

For installation work you will need tools:

  • rule;
  • level;
  • perforator;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • cutter;
  • plane;
  • spatulas;
  • square;
  • construction knife;
  • grinding fixture.

In order to accurately calculate the amount of materials needed, you need to decide on the design of the future ceiling. The easiest way is to get acquainted with photographs of figured plasterboard ceilings on the Internet or specialized magazines. You can turn to professional designers or try to develop a design yourself. In the latter case, you will need skills in working with special computer programs.

Once you have decided on the design, you can begin designing and marking the ceiling. First of all, you need to create a sketch of the structure on paper, and then transfer it to the work surface.

Design Options

Sky Flowers Wave Flowers

Surface preparation

Although drywall will help you hide the flaws in the main ceiling, you still have to do some preparatory work.

  1. Clean the ceiling surface from the old finish. Remove wallpaper, ceiling panels, or tiles.
  2. If your ceiling has been whitewashed and the finish is in good condition, you don't need to wash it off. But if noticeable cracks or delaminations appear on the surface of the whitewash, you will have to remove it, otherwise over time it will all crumble and lie on the inside of the ceiling, adding weight to it.
  3. Dismantle the chandelier and fixtures that were installed on the main ceiling. You may want to install special built-in lamps on the suspended structure, or the lighting fixtures will be arranged in a different order.

Note! It is at this stage of work that the ceiling should be treated with an antifungal composition. This is especially important if the installation of a figured plasterboard ceiling is carried out in a room with high humidity.

ceiling plan

After cleaning the ceiling, proceed to the markup. First of all, you need to determine the levels of the future ceiling vertically.

Ceiling markings and installation basics

Measure the height of the room at all corners and choose the smallest value. Count from the top point of the lowest angle 50-100 mm down - this will become the height of the first level of the ceiling. Focusing on this point, draw a horizontal line around the perimeter of the room. Do not forget that about 10 cm of room height “sneaks” at each level, so consider the dimensions of the room.

From the baseline, drop down again by about 100 mm. This distance depends on the size of the lighting fixtures that you will later build into the structure. This line will become the border of the bottom edge of the second level.

Markup process

Now you need to make a horizontal markup. For the first level, draw lines on the ceiling along which the suspensions will be attached. The marking of the second level is done depending on what configuration was planned: either on the first level after it has already been sheathed, or directly on the ceiling.

To mark curves, use a profile bar with holes drilled at the end. Insert a nail into one, which will serve as a compass needle, into the other - a pencil or marker.

Mounting process

After you have applied the markup to the ceiling and made sure that it is correct, proceed with the installation. First, install the frame of the first level. You need to start with the starting profile - it will serve as the basis. Then fix the suspensions according to the markup. Fix the main profile on them with self-tapping screws, and insert its ends into the starting one. Now sheathe the first level with drywall. Depending on the design of the second level, sheathing can be done around the entire perimeter or partially.

When installing such a design, you do not have to sheathe the first level of the ceiling with drywall completely

The next step can be difficult and will require your special attention. If you plan to make a ceiling with bends and curves, prepare the base profile first. Make cuts in it every half a meter, bend and add segments of the main profile to it at a distance of about 200-300 mm. Check the level and remove the protruding parts. Repeat the procedure depending on how complex the drawing is.

Features of creating curly elements

The previous tips will give you basic knowledge about marking and installation work. Now we will talk in detail about how to make a curly plasterboard ceiling using various elements. Mounting a square or rectangular structure is easy enough, but in order to use options with drywall rounding, you will have to try.

Classic version: multi-level ceiling with a circle

First of all, you need to draw a circle on the ceiling. To do this, screw in the screw in the center of the area where this element is planned, tie a strong thread or wire to it, and fasten a pencil at the other end. Draw the line in a circle as if using a compass.

For installation, you will need a UD profile 25 mm wide or UW profiles 50, 75 and 100 mm wide. For example, let's take the widest profile of 100 mm, so that the depth of the second level, including putty and the thickness of drywall, is about 120 mm.

The side walls of the profile are cut at the same distance (5 or 7 cm). Screw the profile through the GKL to the upper frame strictly relative to the line with self-tapping screws.

It looks like a profile screwed along the marked circular mark

Screw the UD profile to the wall at the level of the circle profile and insert the CD profiles into them. In places where the CD will be longer than 50 cm, reinforce the profile with a hanger.

Close the second level with drywall. Cut the sheets in a circle after they are screwed. To cover the vertical plane, cut a strip of the desired width and after 5-7 cm cut the paper on it from the convex side of the bend.

Video - how to make a ceiling in the shape of a circle

The video shows the process in more detail:

How to make a ceiling with an oval element

In general, creating a multi-level ceiling with an oval is not much more difficult than mounting a circle. But, of course, there are some peculiarities.

Please note: for a design with an oval element, high rooms are preferred. If your ceiling is lower than 2.5 m, you should not install a structure of this shape: it will significantly reduce the space visually.

Oval element layout

Let's consider this scheme in more detail.

  1. You need to build a coordinate system with a primary target point. In this case, the parties must be equal. You can set aside the same segments in a straight line on 4 sides. These will be the centers of the oval we need at points a, b, c and d.
  2. Points a and c are opposite. Let's measure the distance between them. This will be the diameter of the circles. For example, 50 cm. Divide by 2, we get a radius of 25 centimeters. Similarly at point b.
  3. We get 2 equal circles separated by a segment.
  4. We form an oval through the points b and c that we have left. We connect two circles with an arc on both sides.

Now arm yourself with a thread, a pencil and a few self-tapping screws. Mark the foci of the oval on the ceiling so that the points coincide with the centers, a and c.

Fasten the screws, pull a thread with a pencil over them, and holding it strictly vertically, draw an oval. Correct the line if necessary.

Take the profile and cut it into sections equal in size to each other. Attach to the ceiling and screw drywall.

Creating an elliptical ceiling (video)

Watch a video that shows the process in more detail:

Shape with semicircle element

First of all, you need to mark the surface. Mark the centers of the semicircles, draw circles, mark the places where they turn into a straight line. Mark the frame attachment points.

Transverse ribs can be separated by 1 m from each other, it is better to make longitudinal ribs at a distance of 0.5-0.6 m.

Ceiling diagram with element

In order to make a frame, you will need:

  • ceiling guide profile 28/27, which is attached to the wall;
  • ceiling profile PP 60/27;
  • connectors of PP-profiles of the “crab” type;
  • U-shaped connectors (direct suspensions), if the distance from the main ceiling to the hinged one is not more than 0.11 m;
  • string suspension with a distance from the ceiling to the hinged suspension of more than 0.11 m.

Mark the level of the upper part of the structure on the walls and attach the PNP profile. In the places marked on the ceiling, mount the hangers with dowels.

Attach the main supporting frames to the suspensions and profiles, keeping the distance between them 04,-0.6 m strictly parallel to the wall. Cut off the ends of the profiles that remain outside the stencil with a grinder.

Cut the PP profile into pieces equal to the distance between the supporting frame. Secure with a crab. Observe the distance between the transverse up to 1 m.

Decorate the enveloping edge of the future ceiling. To do this, on one side of the profile, make cuts at an equal distance. The smaller the radius of curvature, the more often you need to make cuts.

The last thing to do inside the frame is to distribute the wiring. After that, you can install drywall on the horizontal surface of the hinged structure. Saw the sheets according to the stencil and carefully attach to the finished frame. Place the GKL along the window so that the joints are less noticeable. Don't forget to embed the self-tapping screws.

Mount the vertical part of the ceiling by bending the drywall sheet into a semicircle.

Making a semicircle on the ceiling (video)

Watch the video on how to do it yourself.

wave design

If you understand how to make a circle and an oval, then the wave will not be difficult for you. Marking can be applied using a compass, which is easily replaced with a screw, wire and pencil (as in previous versions), or in other ways:

  • freehand - put dots on the ceiling and draw a curve along them;
  • according to a pre-prepared template applied to the ceiling and drywall sheet;
  • by eye - the method is not the most reliable, but allows you to create an exclusive; use only if you are confident in your abilities.

In general, the process is no different from the previous options.

In this diagram, you can see how easy it is to create the desired pattern using the compass principle.

Video - how to make a wave on the ceiling

In the video you will see the whole process in detail:

After all the work is completed, you just have to putty the ceiling, paint it and mount the lighting fixtures.

Ways to create a bend

If this is your first time working with drywall, then the question may arise before you: is it possible to bend such a rigid sheet, giving it smooth shapes, and not break it? Yes, it's easy to do. We will give you a couple of tips. In order to smoothly bend drywall, there are two ways: using water and using cuts.

Making a drywall sheet bend is quite simple.

In the first case, you will need a finished frame. Use a jigsaw to cut a strip of drywall that you will mount on the vertical ceiling element. With a roller with nails or needles, roll the wrong side of the sheet so as to pierce the top cardboard layer. Then dampen that side with water.

When the inner layer is wet, attach the strip to the metal blank, bending as you need.

This method has a drawback: if the inside gets a little wet, instead of a smooth surface, you will get creases on the sheet, which will be very difficult to plaster. If you mounted the frame on the ceiling, it is better to bend the sheet on another surface using a stencil.

When using the second method, vertical cuts are made in the drywall strip at equal distances. Do not saw through: one outer layer should remain intact. Then fasten the strip to the frame, carefully creating a bend along the cuts.

In many drywall constructions, circles and semicircles are used in the design approach. For such a solution, drywall is most suitable.

Arches, beautiful ceilings, partitions and decorations on the walls are made of drywall in a semicircle.

To create a semicircle of drywall with your own hands, you should know that not every sheet is suitable for such purposes. has the meaning. With a large radius (the sheet is not strongly curved), you can take - 12 mm, but if the radius decreases - 9 mm.

GKL types for a semicircle:

  1. Drywall for ceiling.
  2. GKL for leveling walls, as well as for creating partitions.
  3. Sheets intended for the production of arches. These sheets are slightly different in composition as there is fiberglass inside.
  4. Moisture resistant green drywall.

See in the video: varieties of drywall.

Drywall has become famous for its advantages. It is environmentally friendly and contains no toxins. It doesn't burn.

How to make a semicircle from GKL?

Ways to create a semicircle

If a semicircle with a radius of about 1 meter, then it is simply cut out to the frame. If the radius is smaller then there are other methods to create a curved structure.

How to cut drywall? There is nothing easier, it is worth taking a knife and making an incision along a straight line, after which, lightly tapping on the edge of the incision, break the drywall. On the other hand, you should carefully cut off the cardboard on which there will be two GKL helmets.

When working with this material, it is important to remember that this is a fragile material. He might burst. Therefore, it should be handled very carefully. When bending, you need to control your strength.

Read also

Installation of internal and external corners from profiles

Dry method for creating a semicircle

First, there must be a template for this design with dimensions.

Secondly, you should have self-tapping screws for GKL.

One end of the drywall sheet is fixed on the template. After that, bend the sheet according to the template itself and fix the second end with self-tapping screws.

Wet way to create a semicircle

For this method you will need water, a sponge, a special roller. Basically, a sheet is prepared in this way to create an arch or a built-in niche. Often a semicircle is prepared for a multi-level ceiling.

  • first you need to make a frame with the desired bend radius;
  • a special needle roller should be walked along one side of the sheet;
  • wet the GKL with a sponge;
  • allow 10 minutes for soaking. Drywall should not get wet through;
  • wet drywall should be bent and fixed to the template with adhesive tape;
  • the wetted structure should be left overnight to dry.

After drying, drywall will take the form of a template.

notch method

The third method is to make a semicircle of drywall. For him, you will need a knife, ruler, pencil.

  1. On one side of the drywall sheet, you need to draw lines (across) every 5 cm.
  2. Make cuts on one side of the fold.
  3. Notches should be done from the convex side.
  4. The depth of the serif should be slightly more than the middle of the sheet.
  5. The serif side is cracking down.
  6. To fix the structure, the serifs are filled with putty.

A semicircle of plasterboard on the ceiling looks great and fashionable. If you add a backlight, it becomes individual and conducive to comfort.

Plasterboard wall in a semicircle

To create such a wall with your own hands, you should make a little effort and have a little knowledge.

To make a straight line of a semicircle, you need to use a thread and a pencil (a kind of compass).

  • for the durability of the drywall construction, a galvanized profile is required;
  • to bend the GKL to the desired radius, you need a template;
  • with a small bend radius, water will be required for the wet method;
  • the height of the wall to the ceiling will be easier for the installation of the structure.

Read also

The nuances of fastening guide profiles

To create a semicircular wall, you need to assemble a set of tools and materials:

  1. Drywall. It is desirable that it be 9 mm thick (ceiling plasterboard).
  2. Galvanized profiles.
  3. Fasteners - self-tapping screws, dowels.
  4. "Finish" - putty.
  5. Primer for interior work.
  6. Electric drill.
  7. Scissors for cutting metal.
  8. A set of spatulas.
  9. Roller and brush.

Drywall tool
  • The hammer is normal.
  • Plumb and level.
  • Screwdriver Set.
  • Meter, pencil.
  • Thread, marker.

Installation work

To create a semicircular wall, follow the step-by-step algorithm:

  • After that, wires are hidden in the wall, if necessary, soundproofing material is laid and the other side of the wall is sheathed.
  • The design is sheathed from the center to the edges. First, whole sheets are fixed, then segments.
  • The ends of the drywall construction are sealed with reinforced corners.
  • Serpyanka tape is glued to the joints. A thin layer of putty is applied to all joints after the sickle. After drying, the surface is sanded and puttied. The final step will be grouting the surface with sandpaper or a special mesh.
  • The entire semi-circular drywall surface should be primed for further decoration (wallpaper, paint, tiles).

When making a semicircle of drywall with your own hands, you should act carefully, strictly following the installation instructions.

A drywall semicircle is a rather tempting design proposal for those who strive for originality in the interior.

In order to create semicircular structures using drywall, you need to carefully read the rules for bending drywall.

In addition, it can be done to mask the cornice or some other structure on the ceiling. If you have experience with drywall sheets, you can easily verify their ability to bend to almost any radius, although at first glance they seem inelastic.

Before creating semicircular structures, it is necessary to mark the ceiling.

  1. First you need to make markings on the ceiling. You can use a rope with a length equal to the radius of the circumference of the structure being made. Then we tie a pencil to it and outline a semicircle, holding the other end of the rope in the corner of the wall with an angular structure or at one of the points on the opposite side of the circle when “installing” in the center of the ceiling. Next, you need to make the outline of 2 semicircles, one of which is larger in diameter, the other is smaller.
  2. Pieces of GKL profiles, cut to the desired size, are fixed strictly along the lines of the outlined circles on the ceiling (required tools: a clerical knife with a thin blade, tape measure, screwdriver, self-tapping screws).
  3. The next step is to “shoot” the vertical guides to the upper profile, which provide structural rigidity, using a riveter. On each side, you need to mount a bent plasterboard 27x28 mm of the desired diameter.
  4. Then, using a drill, hem a pre-cut semicircular drywall strip corresponding to the width of the box with self-tapping screws (the following tools will be required: a drill, self-tapping screws, a stationery knife with a thin blade, a level, a tape measure).
  5. Then we move on to the GKL putty. A separate problem is the correct technique for bending sheets. Consider the available methods.

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Dry bending drywall

There are wet and dry methods for bending drywall.

It is applicable in those cases in which it is required to make a structure of a large radius and is not suitable for thick gypsum. For example, for drywall 9.5 mm, the bending radius will be 0.5 m, and with a thickness of 12.5 mm already - 1 m. First, we assemble the arch frame using metal profiles with a section of 60x27 mm. Bending of the guides is required, but for this it is necessary to cut the sides with metal scissors and subsequently give the desired bend. We fasten each of the profiles to each other with self-tapping screws. After that, we apply the GKL to the frame on the ceiling and slowly, fixing it with self-tapping screws, bend the sheets along the length along the structure. Great care and caution is required, as damage to the drywall is possible. So, you will need tools: self-tapping screws 8 mm long, metal shears, drill, level, tape measure.

When bending sheets of gypsum along a small radius, you can resort to other methods. We make parallel cuts on one side of the GKL. At the same time, the distance between them is from 1 to 5 cm. A smaller gap makes it possible to bend the sheets to a larger radius. With a knife or cutter, you need to cut so that about 2-3 mm remains to the opposite surface of the sheet. We fasten the resulting sheets to the frame on the ceiling, taking into account the fact that the cuts should be on the convex side. Then, using gypsum putty, we fill the slots.