Many childcare manuals talk about crying. It accompanies life so naturally baby that it is simply impossible to forget about him. However, there is little mention of what a mother feels when her baby bursts into tears. We will figure out why a newborn often cries, whether it is necessary to take a crying child in his arms, how to survive and respond to crying in older children.

Everywhere you can read that "gradually, the mother learns to distinguish the sounds made by her child." With experience, you really begin to see the difference between the cry of a hungry wolf and the whimper of a sick baby. But no one mentions that any kind of crying is ultimately very exhausting.

Of course, the mother has enough intelligence and empathy to understand that the baby has no other ways of expressing itself. He screams not at all to annoy his mother, but only to ask her for help.

Of course, you all know this. However, for a fraction of a second you have the urge to shout: “Shut up someday, you little monster!”.

Depending on the age of the child, crying is perceived differently, and several stages in perception can be distinguished. baby crying parents.

  • : parents do not understand very well the reason for his crying, they feel powerless, frantically trying to find at least some solution, asking themselves if they are good parents (guilt - 5 points on a five-point scale).
  • A few weeks later: parents know why their baby is crying, and without hesitation find a solution (which they came to through sleepless nights and hundreds of dirty diapers).
  • After a few months: the infant has perfectly mastered how to get his parents to react, and begins to use all his power of persuasion. Parents are already hardened enough and know how to bypass the traps set by the little trickster.

Favorite time and place of a screaming baby

  • Middle of the night at the hotel.
  • In the supermarket under the vicious glances of aunts in curlers.
  • On the plane (especially during a long flight).
  • When mom is on the phone and she needs to write down important information about an upcoming meeting.
  • In the car when you are trying to find your meeting place.
  • During some ceremony, meeting, to which you were forced to take it.

A newborn baby does not cry the most, but it is he who is the most difficult to understand. You should always proceed from the fact that he will not throw tantrums just like that, and you should establish the reason with a little investigation. Don't worry, you will become a real Sherlock Holmes very quickly: it has been scientifically proven that already ten days after the birth of a child, a mother recognizes from 3 to 6 types of his crying.

Reasons for baby anxiety signs
I want to eat/drink. These are very loud cries of rage that do not stop when you pick him up. Often he puts his fist in his mouth. The only thing that matters to him right now is food.
I'm wet. These cries are not as loud, rather plaintive, but much more annoying.
I'm tired. The child whimpers, sobs, it is clear that he is uncomfortable. He wants you to hug him and comfort him.
I'm in pain. Sharp, piercing, alarmed cries that do not stop when you take the baby in your arms. Up to three months, we are usually talking about colic associated with the immaturity of the nervous and digestive systems.
I need to unload. These cries allow you to get rid of the stress accumulated during the day, and are accompanied by increased arousal.
I'm completely naked.
I'm wet.
I'm being squeezed.
What is this noise?
Whimpering or loud crying, depending on the degree of discomfort.

Should I pick him up right away?

How do you choose between the instinctive desire to comfort your child and what the remnants of neurons that survived in the mother's brain suggest (“no, no, no, you need to wait a bit”)?

Answering the call of the child, you let him know that you are here and ready to console him and help. If the baby understands that there is someone nearby who can be trusted, he will grow up calm and self-confident.

Nevertheless, the baby will greatly advance in his development if he learns to comfort himself by finding the strength to calm down. A discreet and sympathetic presence - that's the right attitude of the ideal mother, isn't it?

When nothing helps

He is crying. As a rule, this happens in the late afternoon. You tried to solve this problem: dressed the baby, fed him. You rock him, caress him. Nothing helps. These are classic colic, arising from the child's need to get rid of the stress accumulated during the day, from the stress experienced (excitement, fatigue, joy, etc.). Haven't you ever wanted to discharge yourself from an excess of emotions?

In such situations, the stress and discomfort of the child become contagious: the mother feels powerless, begins to get nervous, tension builds up. Give the baby time to calm down by leaving him in his room, only occasionally come in to check if he is all right. If he continues to cry, you can walk with him from room to room, provided that you yourself remain calm while doing so ...

It will also be necessary to come to terms with these passing crises, they are inevitable, and try to experience them with dignity, without exacerbating the situation.

Crying older baby

A growing baby may develop new types of crying. As a person develops, his anxieties become more sophisticated. Having done away with primitive problems (hunger, thirst, sleep, wet diapers), the child goes into wonderful world metaphysical worries: I want to get your attention, I need love...

"Hey, I'm bored!" As soon as the child stops sleeping for days on end, he is seized by a thirst for discovery. Do not leave him in the crib, take advantage of the fact that he is still motionless and take a deck chair with him. He will be happy to watch how his mother washes dishes, cooks food, and cleans up.

Inexpensive and very entertaining toys

  • Small plastic bottle with a few paper clips, pebbles or dry beans (attention: the lid must be screwed on very tightly).
  • Foil cardboard tube.
  • Well sealed box with cotton swabs.
  • Plastic bracelets.
  • A variety of boxes that can be opened and closed.
  • Food cartons (usually decorated with bright, beautiful pictures).

“You don’t let me touch what I want - I’ll give you such a tantrum now!” Frustration is perhaps one of the most painful feelings that children experience. Parents set boundaries and forbid them from touching sockets, light bulbs, fragile trinkets, etc. The baby needs to learn to deal with this feeling.

"No, mom, don't leave me!" Pretty quickly, the baby will learn the feeling of sadness, seeing how you leave. It is generally accepted that by 8 months he discovers "breakup anxiety", in other words, the fear that you will not return. Of course, each child is different: someone cries as soon as the mother goes into the next room, and someone does not remember her even after two days. In both cases, there is no cause for alarm, all this will pass.

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Yes, indeed. subconsciously understand what each scream, whimper, etc. means)

Our poor peanuts((

03/16/2016 18:50:01, Inna Poleva

I could never understand colic, wants to eat or just bored. I'll take note!!!

Thanks for the article, very useful information.

Helpful information. I remember when the firstborn appeared in our family, we all could not understand why he was crying. Turned out to be colic. Go and guess if you don't know anything about children that worries them.

Comment on the article "Why a newborn often cries: 6 reasons"

Moment 3 Why does a child, having fallen asleep sweetly with his mother, then suddenly wakes up and starts crying if his mother left him in bed alone or transferred him to his own bed / cradle / stroller? What's the matter here? Now we take the option when the child is really well-fed, dry, healthy. So, THE CHILD IS VERY COMFORTABLE TO SLEEP AND TO FEEL MOTHER'S SMELLS! “I hear my mother’s smells, which means that my mother is nearby and I will immediately get everything I need as soon as I want!” - approximately such a train of thought, if ...

Many childcare manuals talk about crying. It accompanies the life of the baby so naturally that it is simply impossible to forget about it. However, there is little mention of what a mother feels when her baby bursts into tears. We will figure out why a newborn often cries, whether it is necessary to take a crying child in his arms, how to survive colic and respond to crying in older children. Crying of a child: what adults feel Everywhere you can read that “gradually, mother learns to distinguish sounds ...

All children cry. And if u big kids find out the reasons for crying special work does not, then it is very difficult to understand what exactly worries a newborn baby. After all, the usual ways of communication for us are still inaccessible to the crumbs, and he is also unable to cope with his own, even minor troubles on his own. Therefore, at first, he needs your care and care. In the first months of life, the main reasons for the crying of a newborn baby are associated with the most important needs for him and ...

In February 2016, in one of the districts of Moscow, according to a neighbor, a 5-year-old boy was removed from the family. It turned out that the denunciation was written by neighbors living in another entrance. At the same time, these neighbors were not even sure on which floor the family lives. The story of the withdrawal from a prosperous family is here [link-1]. As a result of the arrival of the police, the child was seized as neglected for "unsanitary conditions" and failure to fulfill parental duties. The mothers say that a criminal case is being opened against her. Article...


How to professionally make an extreme neighbor. Found the culprit. She did everything right. And it’s better to keep silent and not climb, right? And then everyone is amazed - how the neighbors were silent when the children were killed, beaten, put on chains, etc. All claims to the work of guardianship and law enforcement agencies.

Do you check the information before sketching?

Sleep norms are great importance in the full development of children. This article will introduce you to the recommended sleep rates for children at different ages. Every living being must sleep. This is the foundation early development brain. Circadian rhythms, or sleep-wake cycles, are regulated by light and dark, and these rhythms take time to form, resulting in irregular sleep patterns in newborns. Rhythms begin to develop at about six weeks, and three to six...

The hero of this book - the dragon Gosha - is not at all like his peers: strong, stocky and very pugnacious. At school, he studies with difficulty, he is bad at dragon wisdom - Gosha does not like to spit fire and burn notebooks. Drakosha composes poetry and dreams of finding friends. Classmates laugh at him, which makes Gaucher's life very sad. Will the dragon be able to gain self-confidence and reveal his talents? Will he be able to overcome shyness and fear and justify the hopes of dad and mom? Stories about...

All children cry. This fact is well known. But nevertheless, when their own newborn baby cries, and even more so the first-born, many young mothers become confused. What does he want? There is? Drink? Sleep? Or maybe even follow the advice of a friend and let him “shout out”? It must be understood that there is no universal answer to these questions. Each mother will eventually learn to understand her baby, tune in with him "on the same wavelength." Then most of the questions will disappear by itself. But still, some...

♦ Talk to your baby constantly. Remember that in infancy, a child develops auditory perception, he reacts to the voices of adults talking to him. ♦ Try to pick up your baby more often. Stroking him, kissing him, showing your love to him. Remember that the basis of a child's development at this age is constant contact with the mother and other close family members. ♦ Do not leave your child alone with even the most wonderful toys. Remember he...

My Shaurakai is 8 years old, studying in the 2nd grade. She has been crying all the time lately. Any question, a slight reproach addressed to her ends in tears. I'm so worried...


I was that age. And she herself was embarrassed, but the tears themselves flowed.
I think it's worth contacting an endocrinologist. If everything is fine there, then go to a neurologist, if everything is normal there, go to a psychologist.

How long ago did it start? How does she explain herself? Overtired?

I decided to write these tips as a result of a discussion that unfolded in the comments of the previously published entry "Don't scream and stay calm" [link-1] Of course, every parent has his own point of view in raising their children, how acceptable it is to scream at a child and what kind this makes sense. But for some reason, after all the comments, I remembered Grigory Oster's poems "Bad Advice", and I decided to make my own list of bad advice for parents. Bad advice for parents...

In the first months of a child's life, intestinal colic is the main reason for parents to visit a doctor. Approximately 20 to 40% of children cry at night by 6 weeks of age, suffering from intestinal colic, which is manifested by restlessness and crying, twitching of the legs, tension and bloating, which decreases after the passage of stool and gases. Usually intestinal colic begins in the evening and is more common in boys. To describe intestinal colic in infants, the so-called ...

Pain If crying turns into a scream accompanied by an unusual facial expression, then most likely the baby is tormented by pain in the abdomen. Crying with pain in the abdomen is characterized by a piercing cry of the child. If you notice that the baby has a slightly swollen belly, then this indicates a problem associated with intestinal colic, which occurs in the first three months of life. This phenomenon is caused by a reflex increase in bowel movements (in medicine it is referred to as peristalsis) due to the ingestion of a large ...

All 9 months, a baby is growing under your heart, which is surrounded not only by your love and affection, but also reliable protection from amniotic membranes and amniotic fluid. The fetal bladder forms a sealed reservoir with a sterile environment, thanks to which the child is protected from infection. Normally, the rupture of the membranes and the outflow of amniotic fluid occurs before childbirth (when the cervix is ​​​​fully open) or directly during childbirth. If the integrity of the bladder has been compromised before, it's...


11. When examining a doctor, can a doctor always make a diagnosis of premature rupture of water with certainty?
With a massive rupture, it is not difficult to make a diagnosis. But, unfortunately, in almost half of the cases, doctors even at leading clinics doubt the diagnosis if they rely only on examination data and old research methods.

12. Is it possible to make a diagnosis of premature rupture of water using ultrasound?
An ultrasound examination makes it possible to tell whether a woman has oligohydramnios or not. But the cause of oligohydramnios can be not only a rupture of the membranes, but also a violation of the function of the kidneys of the fetus and other conditions. On the other hand, there are cases when a small rupture of the membranes occurs against the background of polyhydramnios, for example, in the pathology of the kidneys of a pregnant woman. Ultrasound is important method observation of the condition of a woman who has had a premature rupture of the membranes, but does not answer the question of whether the membranes are intact.

13. Is it possible to determine the leakage of water using litmus paper?
Indeed, there is such a method for determining amniotic fluid, based on determining the acidity of the vaginal environment. It is called the nitrazine test or amniotest. Normally, the vaginal environment is acidic, and the amniotic fluid is neutral. Therefore, the entry of amniotic fluid into the vagina leads to the fact that the acidity of the vaginal environment decreases. But, unfortunately, the acidity of the vaginal environment also decreases in other conditions, such as infection, urine, sperm. Therefore, unfortunately, a test based on determining the acidity of the vagina gives a lot of both false positive and false negative results.

14. In many antenatal clinics, a swab is taken for water, how accurate is this method for diagnosing premature outflow of water?
Vaginal discharge containing fetal water, when applied to a glass slide and dried, forms a pattern resembling fern leaves (fern phenomenon). Unfortunately, the test also gives a lot of inaccurate results. In addition, in many medical institutions, laboratories work only during the day and on weekdays.
15. What are the modern methods for diagnosing premature rupture of membranes?
Modern methods The diagnosis of premature rupture of the membranes is based on the determination of specific proteins, which are abundant in the amniotic fluid and are not normally found in the vaginal discharge and other body fluids. To detect these substances, an antibody system is developed, which is applied to the test strip. The principle of operation of such tests is similar to a pregnancy test. The most accurate test is a test based on the detection of a protein called placental alpha microglobulin. The commercial name is Amnishur (AmniSure®).

16. How accurate is the Amnishur test?
The accuracy of the Amnishur test is 98.7%.

17. Can a woman perform the Amnishur test on her own?
Yes, unlike all other research methods, the Amnishur test does not require examination in the mirrors and a woman can put it at home. Everything you need to set up the test is included in the kit. This is a tampon that is inserted into the vagina to a depth of 5-7 cm and held there for 1 minute, a test tube with a solvent, in which the tampon is washed for 1 minute and then a test strip is thrown out, which is inserted into the test tube. The result is read after 10 minutes. In the case of a positive result, as with a pregnancy test, 2 strips appear. With a negative result - one strip.

18. What if the test result is positive?
If the test is positive, call ambulance or contact the maternity hospital if the pregnancy is more than 28 weeks and the gynecological department of the hospital if the pregnancy is less than 28 weeks. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of avoiding complications.

19. What if the test is negative?
If the test is negative, you can stay at home, but at the next visit to the doctor, you need to talk about the disturbing symptoms.

20. If more than 12 hours have passed since the alleged rupture of the membranes, is it possible to test?
No, if more than 12 hours have passed since the alleged rupture and the signs of outflow of water have stopped, then the test may show an incorrect result.

Questions and answers about premature amniotic fluid leakage

1. How common is premature rupture of membranes?
True premature rupture of membranes occurs in about one in ten pregnant women. However, almost every fourth woman experiences some kind of symptoms that can be confused with premature rupture of the membranes. This is a physiological increase in vaginal secretion, and slight urinary incontinence for more later dates pregnancy and heavy discharge during genital tract infections.

2. How does premature rupture of membranes manifest itself?
If a massive rupture of the membranes has occurred, then it cannot be confused with anything: it immediately stands out a large number of clear liquid, odorless and colorless. However, if the gap is small, which doctors also call a subclinical or high lateral gap, then it can be very difficult to make a diagnosis.

3. What is the danger of premature rupture of membranes?
There are 3 types of complications that can lead to premature rupture of the membranes. The most frequent and severe complication is the development of an ascending infection, up to sepsis of the newborn. In preterm pregnancy, premature rupture of the membranes can lead to premature birth with all the consequences of having a premature baby. With a massive outflow of water, mechanical injury to the fetus, prolapse of the umbilical cord, placental abruption is possible.

4. Who is more likely to rupture the membranes?
Risk factors for premature rupture of the membranes are infection of the genital organs, overstretching of the membranes due to polyhydramnios or multiple pregnancies, abdominal trauma, incomplete closure of the uterine os. An important factor risk is premature rupture of membranes during a previous pregnancy. However, in almost every 3rd woman, rupture of the membranes occurs in the absence of any significant risk factors.

5. How quickly does labor occur in case of premature rupture of the membranes?
This is largely determined by the duration of pregnancy. At full-term pregnancy, half of the women spontaneous labor occurs within 12 hours and more than 90% within 48 hours. With a premature pregnancy, it is possible to keep the pregnancy for a week or longer if the infection does not join.

6. Can it normally stand out a small amount of amniotic fluid?
Normally, the fetal membranes are airtight and no, even the smallest penetration of amniotic fluid into the vagina occurs. Women often mistake increased vaginal secretion or slight urinary incontinence for leakage of amniotic fluid.

7. Is it true that in case of premature rupture of water, pregnancy is terminated regardless of the term?
Premature rupture of the membranes is indeed a very dangerous complication of pregnancy, but with timely diagnosis, hospitalization and timely treatment, premature pregnancy can often be prolonged if no infection occurs. With a full-term pregnancy and close to full-term, as a rule, they stimulate the onset of labor. Modern methods of diagnostics and treatment in this case allow you to smoothly prepare a woman for childbirth.
8. If there was a premature rupture of the membranes, but the mucous plug did not come off, does it protect against infection?
The mucous plug does protect against infection, but if the membranes rupture, the protection of the mucous plug alone is not enough. If treatment is not started within 24 hours of the rupture, serious infectious complications may occur.

9. Is it true that the waters are divided into anterior and posterior, and the outpouring of the anterior waters is not dangerous, is it often normal?
The fetal waters are indeed divided into anterior and posterior, but no matter where the rupture occurs, it is a gateway for infection.

10. What precedes a breakup?
By itself, the rupture of the membranes occurs painlessly and without any precursors.

Does it affect the children that in the morning they have to be woken up early in order to take them to the nursery or Kindergarten. Children cry, get nervous, parents get annoyed, sometimes yell at them. How does all this affect nervous system child? If a child has to wake up in the morning and he cries when he wakes up, of course, this injures him. Why doesn't he wake up at his usual time? Maybe the child had a different daily routine and he got up later? On those days when the baby goes to a nursery or kindergarten, he needs ...


I try to take as much as possible with me everywhere. I never leave secretly. Even if the youngest is crying, I take her in my arms and sit with her, talking. If the categorical time comes to leave, I say, I love you very much, but I have to leave. And then I leave decisively. But in fact, most often it’s enough just to hug, sit with them, promise to come as soon as possible (if I leave for a long time, I say that it may seem to you that I left for a long time, but I will definitely return) They believe me. Because I don't sneak out. Switching to cartoons is also not bad, just switch to something, tell what they will do with the nanny without me ... By the way, it is very important who stays with them, maybe she doesn’t like that? We go to grandma only if we want to. And we stay as long as we want. But I tell how his relatives miss him, how they are waiting for him, how sorry and insulting they are that he is not going = at the same time I do not press. As a result, he decides (the youngest does not drive yet). But if you NEED to go, I say that it is necessary. Also think about what you say to her. Maybe you say something that he is afraid that you will leave her? Maybe give negative assessments of her behavior, or something like "I'm tired of you", "how I wish I had a rest", etc. I saw that children do not let their parents go when, for example, mom and dad have a bad relationship, they are afraid that their parents will part and dad or mom will leave forever because they hear them discuss the possibility of a break. Maybe she has someone already gone forever? Too important question. There can be many reasons. It is important to find them and discuss with her. And then everything can change. Good luck.

Laris, how long ago did it start? Maya had such a period, though not very long, but just when it was not at the cash desk at all :) I went to study at a driving school and then my child, who had previously stayed with the nanny without any problems, began to throw tantrums . Moreover, she was always very reasonable and it was possible to persuade her, but there was no way. She literally tore a sobbing child away from herself and ran away. The nanny said that after my departure she more or less calmed down, but not quite, i.e. the mood is still bad, she remembered her mother all the time, periodically whimpered, but did not sob, and that's okay. This disgrace continued for about 2-3 weeks, I don’t remember right now, then the nanny went on vacation, my classes ended, and for about three weeks we didn’t part with my daughter at all, tk. there was no one left. When the nanny returned, the problem was gone, again the child happily stayed with her. What it was, I really did not understand. The only reasonable explanation that comes to my mind is that before that we visited relatives for a couple of weeks and there Maya didn’t remember me at all, the whole day with her aunt, then with her uncle, then with her sister. Apparently, upon arrival home, she finally decided to talk with her mother, and then her mother quits :) And, by the way, then similar behavior was repeated again after her grandmother came to visit. Also, Maya did not get off her grandmother, mother on the side. And after my grandmother's departure, she suddenly began to sob in the garden, although from the first day she always flew there like a bullet. This went on for a couple of weeks, then it went away. All these stories took place in her 2.5 years, then it didn’t seem to be like that.
Regarding Zhenya, it seems to me that after all, she now has an increased need for her mother due to the birth of her brother. Our addition is only expected, and Maya is waiting for her sister with great impatience, but I see that she has already begun to demand more attention. What I would try to do, if possible: to push to all courses-fitness-kindergartens, and best of all, throw off my brother more often to my grandmother and try to talk with my daughter alone to the point of stupefaction :) So that she is already tired of her mother and she herself is somewhere to thread kicked out :)
It's all about the babysitter and the contact between her and the child.

Babysitting 3 days a week

Consider a new nanny. Some may distract the attention of the child, and some may not. I noticed this when I was looking for the first nanny (the child was just 1.5), then - when they tried to study with a speech therapist at 2 years old. It was like this with a speech therapist: she gives him a task - he does not do it. The nanny asks the same thing - does it. He doesn’t sit with a speech therapist without me, he sits with a nanny without me. The second nanny also immediately switched the attention of the child to herself and the mother is not really needed.

Why does a newborn cry often: 6 reasons. But no one mentions that any kind of crying is ultimately very exhausting. Of course, mom has enough intelligence and sympathy to understand ...


You know, when my daughter went to kindergarten, our morning partings were like hell .. :) Very often she began to get sick, adenoids ..
Now we don’t go to the garden - where did the sores go???? Not a snot!! From this I concluded that parting with my mother is like a tragedy .. especially if I don’t like it in that place without my mother. This is really the real stress, the result of which is most likely the sores. I think the health and happiness of the child is more important ..
You need less stress. And the output to the light in this case be more careful. It also seems to me that there are children like yours and mine, they may need society differently than those children who happily run to kindergarten or developmental rooms. This cannot be ignored. Is your developer really necessary? Is our kindergarten really necessary?

We had this for about 3 years. Before I went to work, she also did not let me go anywhere, but when I went to work, she took it quite calmly. For several evenings I persuaded her not to go to work, but nothing more.
After I went out with my daughter, my grandmother began to sit and at the same time began to lead in a circle. There, all the children have been walking since autumn and quietly sitting alone. And they started taking Lizka in April - she sits in these classes and does not let her grandmother go anywhere. He does not even look at the teacher - he makes sure that the grandmother does not go anywhere. By May, she began to get a little distracted, but without her grandmother she still roared.

Let's look at the reasons for this behavior.

First reason. Perhaps your child is sick. Touch your forehead. Take your temperature. In infants, a temperature of up to thirty-seven or up to thirty-seven and four is considered normal. But at the same time, the condition of the baby must also be taken into account. Whether he is calm or not. Also try to touch the base of the ears - the baby may have inflammation. In the latter case, it is necessary to consult a specialist doctor or call an ambulance at home.

The second reason. It is likely that the newborn baby has a clogged nose. While eating, it is difficult for the baby to breathe and he cannot calmly get enough. When a child is born and in the following months, it is difficult for him to breathe, because the mucous membranes are not sufficiently adapted. And this happens because in the womb of the mother the child was in a humid space, and respiratory tract there was no way to get used to the air. Therefore, try to humidify the air in the room where the baby is. Or take two or three drops breast milk into each nostril.

Third reason. The most common. Your baby has colic. Watch your baby's behavior. If he screams all the time, his face turns red, he bends his legs, then this is colic. They happen to all babies and last three to four months from their birth. Try a massage if this is the case. Perform circular movements on the baby's tummy. After that, take him in your arms, scold him, caress him, and then try to feed him again, placing him in a comfortable position. Next time you can try to make a dill solution and give the baby a drink. Since allergies are possible, try giving one or two teaspoons of dill water first. For the solution, you need to take two grams of dill and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for about an hour. Then it is recommended to strain.

Fourth reason. Your newborn baby has stomatitis or thrush. Look into the baby's mouth. If you find a white cheesy coating on the tongue and inner sides cheeks, then it is necessary to take up the elimination of this cause. The best thing is to see a doctor. You can try to cure stomatitis and thrush at home. To do this, it is recommended in a universal glass of boiled water room temperature dissolve one teaspoon of baking soda. Take the gauze and wrap it around your finger. Then you should moisten your finger in the resulting solution. And start processing the mouth. If the baby is stubborn and does not give, try to lure him with an interesting toy or press his chin. The baby will reflexively open his mouth.

Fifth reason. Teeth are cut. Look at your baby's gums. If they look reddened and swollen, then teeth will appear soon! This phenomenon will bring discomfort to the baby, and therefore, to speed up the process, it is necessary to buy a baby teether.

Sixth reason. Changes in the composition of breast milk. Due to unpleasant and unusual taste sensations, the baby may also begin to eat poorly. Eliminate acidic, spicy and salty foods from your diet. Sweet foods should also be kept to a minimum. In addition, the condition of the mother can affect the taste of milk. If you are upset, angry, very worried, breast milk becomes tasteless. Try to give your baby peace, joy, a sense of reliability along with milk. Oddly enough, the taste of milk is affected by your next pregnancy. The taste becomes bitter and the baby will not take breast food.

Seventh reason. Your small child's appetite is influenced by the atmosphere in the house and the change of scenery. In such a situation, you need to take great care of the newborn. It is better to walk more.

Eighth reason. Do you smoke? Do you use alcoholic drinks? Here is the answer to the question why your baby is not eating well. All harmful components are absorbed into the body and are part of breast milk. And the taste to match. In this case, you can understand the baby. Drop yours immediately bad habits. Do not spoil the health of yourself or your newborn miracle. After all, he or she is powerless and not to blame for this.

Ninth reason. You may have naturally flat or inverted nipples. It is inconvenient for the baby to grab and take milk. In this case, you need to use a special technique with which the nipples will be pulled out. Or it may be that the baby does not eat well due to the fact that there are cracks in the nipple area. In this case, it is recommended to treat the chest for the disappearance of cracks.

You see, there are many things that cause a newborn to eat poorly or refuse to eat at all ... If they are not eliminated, this will not lead to good things. There will be problems. Well, if you have not found any of the above reasons, then you should pay attention to the following factors:
baby's physical development
weather outside the window
child's temperament
uncomfortable posture when feeding
noisy surroundings

The list of possible factors does not end here. Sometimes it is necessary to intuitively select and eradicate the reason why things are not going the way you want or not the way you would like.

Finally, it is advisable to leave a list of tips on breastfeeding your baby or toddler.

Council the first. It is necessary to apply the newborn to the breast more often. It is best to do this at night.

Tip two. It will be wonderful for you and especially for your child if you follow the right diet.

Tip three. It is strongly recommended to walk with the baby as often as possible in the fresh air. Do not forget about the air, the sun. And try so that your baby does not catch a cold and does not get sick. So that later it would not be necessary to identify and eliminate the first reason why your child does not eat well.

Council the fourth. Be attentive, show care, give tenderness and affection to your little one. Try to be as close to you as possible. And strive to ensure healthy sleep for your beloved newborn.

If you cannot identify the reason why the baby is not eating well, then it is recommended to urgently contact a specialist doctor. The pediatrician will be able to detect and help restore the correct and hourly feeding of the baby with professional ease. Be healthy and don't get sick!

How to understand why a recently born baby is crying?

Should I call a doctor immediately or will I be able to cope on my own?

These questions are often asked by young mothers on forums and social networks.

The reason is ignorance of the rules of conduct. The baby is learning to live in a new space. Parents have no experience with strangers. Learn how to understand the baby, what to do to alleviate his suffering. Learn to adapt to each other.

Why can a week-old baby cry? Reasons and recommendations

Newborn children tend to attract the attention of others with a cry: they do not know how to express their needs in a different way. The crying of a baby is a manifestation of the body's reaction to pain, hunger or fear.

It is more difficult to determine the cause of a cry in a baby up to one month old. This is a period of active adaptation of the body to a new environment for a newborn child. The older the fool, the easier it is to identify the source of anxiety. After saturation, a one-month-old baby falls asleep for 1.5-2 hours. It is not uncommon for a fed infant to have other reasons for crying (such as colic).

Depending on the character and temperament, each baby shows discontent in its own way. There are temperamental children who react to minor discomfort with tens of decibels of screaming. Quiet is another matter. Patient crumbs are focused on themselves and do not seek to capture the attention of those around them. A common reaction of introverts is grunting and whimpering.

Additional help is reading the "language" of the infant's body:

  • flexion and extension of the legs;
  • hand waving;
  • facial muscle movements.

Crying child: what to do to overcome hysteria?

Many mothers are concerned about the question: “Should I take the kids in my arms?”. The answer depends on the adaptability of the infant and the cause of the discomfort. If the source of discomfort is not eliminated, it is useless to calm the child.

A time-tested technique is to take the baby in your arms, and sing a lullaby while rocking. As an option, put music in the style of “relaxation”, melodic classics. The baby will fall asleep quickly. The reverse side of the problem is that the baby learns to manipulate adults.

A prerequisite for stopping the cry is an even mood. Parents are strictly prohibited from shouting, threatening and waving their arms. In this case natural reaction crumbs - increased crying, increased intracranial pressure and temperature.

An incomplete list of motives for screaming:

  1. hunger;
  2. weather dependence;
  3. overflowing with impressions or insufficiency;
  4. unsuitable conditions for sleep and wakefulness;
  5. neglect of parental responsibilities;
  6. inattention, fatigue and insecurity of young parents;
  7. sensations of the crumbs caused by painful manifestations:
  • underdevelopment of some organs: gastrointestinal tract (GIT), foreskin;
  • allergic reactions on the skin, cuts, dislocations, wounds;
  • postpartum complications;
  • heredity.

How to understand the cause by the sounds of a crying baby under one month old?

There are several techniques that study the crying of newborns. Experts observed the behavior of babies at home. The cries were examined for persistence, duration, irritability, and frequency of sounds. An interesting observation: in newborn boys and girls characteristic differences not found.

Types of baby cry

  • whimpering: intermittent, monotonous; it is immediately evident that the child is pushing to produce sounds;
  • invocative: by the nature of the tones it is similar to a whimpering one, but the baby is crying without visible effort;
  • plaintive: quiet, continuous, hysterical, grunting sound;
  • intense: powerful, loud, often starts with a low timbre, gradually moves to high sounds, often with choking.

The nature of the cry depends on the cause.

  1. Crying from hunger begins with the whimpering of a child. If there is no response, the volume increases and the frequency decreases. At the last stage, the scream turns into a continuous roar.
  2. Crying from pain - plaintive, if the malaise is mild - whimpering. In sudden onset pain, the timbre and volume are intense. Sometimes crying goes into a hysterical phase. An immediate reaction is required from parents if crying suddenly stops - this is an alarm signal that requires a parental response. Better to call an ambulance.
  3. Crying from fear begins with the sounds of the upper register: loud, often immediately with choking.
  4. Crying from discomfort not related to pain - whimpering.

What to do when a newborn baby cries often?

In fashion - recommendations to adhere to a strict regimen: get up by the hour, feed, walk, bathe. This is taught in schools to young mothers, advised when discharged from the hospital, written in books and the media. Many guides explaining the reasons for the behavior of the baby. In practice, young parents are faced with the ineffectiveness of recommendations.

Human organism - a complex system each person has their own characteristics. The recommendations of pediatricians are based on statistics. The behavior of a particular child differs from the actions of peers. Parents should take into account the achievements of pediatricians, but draw final conclusions - taking into account the individuality of the baby.

How do most babies report hunger, inappropriate conditions, diaper rash, colic?

Signs of hunger in a newborn baby

A common cause of undernourishment of the crumbs is the lack of experience of the parents. The body of a temperamental child with good heredity requires a lot of energy. In a sickly and quiet baby, motor activity is lower, the need for mother's milk is less pronounced.

The causes of malnutrition include the scarcity of milk production. It is important for mothers to identify the cause of crying in time by adding artificial mixtures to the diet. Another source of crying is profuse regurgitation of milk during or after feeding.

The baby shows hunger by behavior:

  • makes sounds resembling grumbling;
  • starts to act up;
  • turns into loud and almost continuous crying.

Characteristic signs of crying: a newborn baby opens its mouth and smacks its lips slightly.

There are two verification methods.

  1. Attach a bent little finger to the lips of a child lying in a stroller. If the baby is hungry, this will be reported by his restless behavior, turning his head in different sides, pulling the body after the finger.
  2. When the mother takes the baby in her arms, the baby is restlessly looking for the breast.

Climatic conditions

In adults skin covering is a barrier that prevents overheating or hypothermia. In infants, the function of heat transfer is in the formative stage. Infants react sharply to any change in temperature.

Some babies tolerate heat well, but are sensitive to coolness, while others are the other way around. One of the “barometers” for determining temperature parameters is the wrist of a newborn baby.

The characteristic signs of hypothermia include: first - plaintive crying, then - the occurrence of hiccups. The hiccups periodically turn into a sobbing cry.

The appearance of the skin is pale. When applying the palm - a noticeable cooling of the skin of the child.

A newborn baby who is overheated has purple skin. Instinctively, a newborn baby kicks its legs and waves its arms. If the baby is swaddled, it will begin to bend. Manifestations of overheating - loud choking crying.

Some infants are weather dependent from birth. They react sharply to the phenomena to which the baby, due to the small life experience, did not adapt:

  • thaw to frost;
  • heat to cold.

Important indicators: wind force, pressure, air humidity.

Diaper rash in a newborn baby

A common cause of crying is wet diapers. The emptying of the stomach (or bladder) is reported by a newborn child with grunting, which gradually turns into an intense cry. If the parents do not react quickly enough, irritations occur in the perineum, buttocks and leg creases. To relieve itching, the baby pulls to the priest and combs the genitals.

A sign of wet diapers: the child twists, fidgets on the bed, trying to move to another place. If the hands are free, the fold or edge of the diaper is enough.

  • instead of reusable diapers, use gauze, cotton diapers, old sheets;
  • after each emptying of the bladder (or stomach) - lubricate wounds and diaper rash with a special cream or medicinal preparation.

If skin irritations are noticeable, but no wounds appear, use special diapers (with biological products) intended for night rest.

Crying from colic

Colic is pain in the form of spasms, to which a newborn baby reacts by crying. Typical for children from birth to 3-4 months. When feeding, the baby swallows air. The baby eats a lot: enzymes do not have time to digest all the food entering the stomach. Gases are formed. As the body adapts, the quantity and quality of enzymes begins to correspond to the mass of food.

Every child has characteristics and the period of colic. For some children, it is early in the morning, for others in the afternoon, and for others in the evening. With colic, most babies drop their breasts and start screaming.

External manifestations of anxiety from colic: redness of the skin, a loud choking cry. Released from the diaper, the baby swings his legs and arms with great energy.

The method of calming is in finding a position that brings relief to a newborn child. One child calms down in a classic position: lying in a horizontal position in his mother's arms. Others prefer the “column” position (when the baby’s head rests on the parent’s shoulder or rests on the chin).

A good result: put something warm on the newborn's stomach, such as an ironed diaper or a warm heating pad. Alternatively, tie a woolen scarf around the body.

This is the most probable causes explaining the constant crying of children under the age of 1-3 months. Parents need:

  • to study the achievements of specialists;
  • monitor the condition of the newborn child;
  • check with your pediatrician regularly.

Good blanket - required condition for healthy, restful and comfortable sleep. Each buyer always has ideas about the convenience of bedding. When thinking about how to choose a blanket, it would be useful to listen to the advice of experts. With their help, it is easier to understand the variety of assortment and choose a really high-quality product that meets individual requirements and wishes.

Which duvet to choose

Bedding is not at all the things that you can choose from photos in online stores. Before buying, you need to think in advance about all the main qualities of the product: size, sewing technology, material, filler, warming properties. With the first characteristic, everything is more or less clear: the size can be single, one and a half or double. When choosing it, you need to take into account only personal preferences and the possibility of selecting the right one. bed linen.

Woven materials are used for covering - coarse calico, satin, polyester. As for the sewing technology, according to this parameter, all products are divided into quilted, caro-step and cassette. Quilt blanket It is made with a special quilting that secures the filler. In caro-step products, the filler is held by stitching. Cassette models have separate sections with filler inside each. They are considered the most wear-resistant and easy to care for, as they hold the filler best of all, preventing it from rolling into lumps.

For newborns

Standard size products for newborns - 120x120 cm. Experts recommend choosing lightweight models with a practical cotton coating, avoiding synthetics. It is better if the thing is completely natural and environmentally friendly. However, among synthetic models, you can also find a blanket suitable for a newborn's crib, the main thing is to check for quality certificates.

When choosing, it is important to consider the season. In summer, a child can be covered with a light flannelette, fleece, silk or thin woolen blanket, under which he will not sweat. Winter will require more warm option- downy, synthetic winterizer or cotton product. It is advisable to choose a blanket that is planned to be used during walks among models with removable covers.

For the winter

The warmest for the winter and other cold periods of the year should be chosen among models with quality filler with sufficient heat retention capacity. The degree of heat transfer of the product is indicated on the product label in the form of dots. They can be from one to five. The more dots, the warmer the model. Keep in mind that the optimal materials include:

  • natural and artificial down;
  • camel and sheep wool;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • holofiber;
  • thick wadded blankets warm well in the cold season.

For summer

What is the best duvet for hot weather? For warm summer nights, it is recommended to choose silk products, half-woolen blankets, light bedspreads with bamboo or other vegetable fillers. It is very inconvenient to use models with synthetic winterizer, wool and down in summer - it is too hot to sleep or rest under them. An exception may be thin woolen products.

For all seasons

by the most practical option all-weather blanket is considered a two-sided product. One side is sheathed with ordinary fabric, and the other with wool or fur. There are also double models. In cold weather, two canvases are fastened together with ties, buttons or buttons, and in warm weather, the lighter one is unfastened and used separately. Products with fillers such as holofiber or silicone fiber are suitable for any season. They provide comfortable sleep both winter and summer.

How to choose a blanket by filler

Many believe that the ability of a blanket to retain heat depends only on the base material of manufacture. However, models different manufacturers with the same filler can differ greatly in the degree of warmth. It is influenced by the type of cover fabric, the thickness of the product, the quality of the material used. What filler for a blanket is better and how to correctly evaluate the quality of one or another option that provides the warming properties of products?

from bamboo

The bamboo product is soft and light, retains its shape for a long time, is unable to cause allergies, is simply washed, and dries quickly. It is not warm enough for winter, and in summer, spring or early autumn sleeping under it is very comfortable. However, before choosing a bamboo blanket as your go-to option for the warm season, it's worth considering the humidity conditions of the climate you live in. bamboo fiber very well absorbs moisture, so when high humidity it will be difficult to dry.


wool blankets - a good option for the most fastidious couch potatoes. They perfectly absorb moisture, while remaining dry, retain heat, and have healing properties. How to choose blanket? Among them there are both light models and thicker and warmer ones, so when buying, you need to focus on the main purpose of the product. For winter, it is better to choose a quilted woolen blanket with sheep, camel, goat or llama hair. Knitted wool blankets are good for the warm season. The disadvantages of this filler include the risk of damage by moths and allergenicity.


These products are known for their useful properties, due to which they are recommended to choose people with sore joints. A blanket made of merino wool - an elite breed of sheep - has especially valuable healing effects. This type of woolen products is considered hypoallergenic. Good for young children and people with sensitive skin. Blanket from sheep wool valued for:

  • warmth;
  • light weight;
  • good ability to absorb moisture.


camel blanket warmer than sheep, but also more expensive. In terms of warming properties, the material is only slightly inferior to swan down. Camel wool is hollow inside, so it is about 2 times lighter than sheep. The only negative of this filler is associated with moths, which can ruin the thing. Camel wool blankets are characterized by:

  • high wear resistance;
  • excellent ability to absorb and evaporate moisture.


Previously, cotton-filled blankets were in great demand due to their excellent warming properties. However, now they are losing popularity, because they have several significant drawbacks at once. They are hard to wash and take a long time to dry. Cotton wool has the ability to absorb unpleasant odors, roll and stray into lumps, due to which the thing quickly loses original view. Their advantages:

  • very warm;
  • durable.

Holofiber blanket

This artificial filler lightweight, good warming qualities, and also provides excellent air exchange. Among blankets with holofiber, it is easy to find both summer and winter models. The material does not cause allergies. The disadvantage of this filler is the worse ability to transmit moisture than natural materials. The advantages of these options:

  • they provide a comfortable sleep;
  • products are unpretentious in care.

From swan down

Blankets with swan down are deservedly considered the warmest and at the same time light. They provide very good circulation air and have excellent absorbent properties, but require regular cleaning. When choosing natural product it is important to make sure that the filling used is really swan, and not harder goose down or feather. Another disadvantage of this filler is high allergenicity. For those who suffer from allergic reactions, you should pay attention to the artificial swan down.

From synthetic winterizer

The synthetic winterizer blanket is warm, light, but does not pass moisture well enough. It is recommended to wash it infrequently, because this way the product can quickly lose its shape. How to choose nice blanket with sintepon? When buying, you need to make sure that the filler of the product is elastic and moderately voluminous. Too loose, lush material is the so-called glued synthetic winterizer. Like other species, it is a specially processed polyester fiber, but in its production they use a toxic glue that releases harmful substances.

cashmere blanket

Cashmere products are expensive, but they are very warm, light, durable. Unlike other woolen products, cashmere blankets are suitable for allergy sufferers. At proper care they are able to keep their valuable properties and good appearance on the long years. It is believed that cashmere is a capricious material that requires constant recourse to dry cleaning services. However, quality items can be machine washed. To ensure that your cashmere product lasts as long as possible, you need to use the gentle wash cycle.

Video: how to choose the right blanket

The proposed video materials will allow you to get information about the intricacies of choosing bedding for a healthy sleep. Experts tell you how to choose the right products depending on the purpose, season and desired characteristics. The video will help you avoid common mistakes that buyers make when purchasing bedding.