It combines several functions at once: it repels pests in the garden and decorates the garden. Marigolds can be sown directly into the ground or grown through seedlings - so the seeds will germinate with a guarantee, and flowering will come much earlier. Marigolds need minimal care: timely weeding, watering, loosening and top dressing. At the same time, they will delight with their bright flowers until late autumn in almost any climate.

How to plant marigolds

How to plant marigolds for seedlings

When growing marigold seedlings in an apartment, the soil is pre-watered with Fitosporin. Planted seeds are covered with a layer of soil, containers with earth are placed in a bag and placed in a warm place. Shoots appear in about a week. If possible, hatched plants are placed under lamps, but marigolds are such an unpretentious plant that they will also grow on the windowsill.

Sown a month before planting in the ground, the plants do not need picking. If sowing was done earlier, then the plants must be planted a month after sowing.

How to plant marigolds in the ground

In the Moscow region, marigolds do not need to be sown for seedlings in an apartment, except that tall varieties can be sown for seedlings in early April. Marigolds sown in the ground in early May will bloom in mid-July.

For sowing marigolds, I take several rows from the edge of the bed intended for sowing radishes, or I sow in a greenhouse. Seeds are placed horizontally on the surface of the earth, sprinkled with a layer of earth of 2 cm. Marigold seeds quickly lose their germination. It is advisable to sow fresh seeds, they should not be stored for more than 3 years.

How to plant marigolds

Seedlings of marigolds are planted in the ground when the threat of frost has passed. At the same time, plants are also planted from the greenhouse or from the garden. In the presence of compost or humus, they are added a pinch to each well when marigolds are planted.

Planting marigolds along the edge of garden beds, especially among cabbages, is considered effective. I sow low-growing varieties in the conditions of the Moscow region along the edge of the beds immediately after planting cabbage seedlings, in terms of time - this is approximately the beginning of June, and by July low-growing varieties with simple flowers are already gaining buds, protecting the garden from pests.

How to care for marigolds

Marigolds are undemanding to the composition of the earth and top dressing. They are resistant to subzero temperatures - plants withstand frosts down to -2 ºC without shelter and are not afraid of early snow. Marigolds have a rather peculiar aroma that pests do not like, so plants are of little interest to them. In addition, even marigold petals collected after flowering and dried will help get rid of annoying midges in autumn or spring when sowing seeds for seedlings. In autumn, you can collect your seeds from the varieties you like, with the exception of varieties with white flowers - they will not repeat the color.

Diseases and pests of marigolds

In especially rainy years, marigold leaves can be damaged by slugs. Also, in wet summers or with frequent planting in the shade, plants can suffer from rot, but such cases are quite rare, so we can say with confidence that marigolds are real helpers for a gardener in the garden, they are resistant and unpretentious plants.

How to feed marigolds

Two weeks after planting, seedlings can be fed with herbal infusion in a ratio of 8/10. The soil is pre-watered so as not to burn the roots. One dressing for marigolds is enough.

Varieties of marigolds

Modern selection strikes the imagination with a variety of varieties. Among the marigolds there are varieties with terry lemon and bright orange flowers, there are inflorescences similar to chamomile, flowers with outer petals in the form of a “skirt” and with a spherical center are interesting.

white marigolds

A real breakthrough in the selection of marigolds are the varieties "Vanilla", "Kilimanjaro", "Alaska" with almost white double flowers. Such plants will look exquisite not only in the garden, but will also become a worthy decoration of flower beds. The only minus of the variety is its extremely low germination in seeds, out of 10 pieces, at best, 2-3 plants are obtained, so it is more profitable to purchase ready-made seedlings.

Yellow and red marigolds

An interesting variety is "Harlequin", "Fireball" with maroon solid flowers, the variety "Lulu" with simple yellow flowers and reddish spots in the form of a blush on the petals.

Undersized marigolds

When purchasing seeds, you need to pay attention to the height of the plant. In marigolds, the same varieties can be both undersized (up to 30 cm) and tall (up to one and a half meters).

In my garden, I prefer undersized marigolds, they look beautiful both as a border and when framing the beds, and they bloom 1.5 months after sowing. Tall varieties require a lot of space and support. They are quite sprawling and need a seedling method of growing; when sown in the ground, they bloom only by mid-August.

Ecology of agriculture: Is it worth it to "suffer" with seedlings or plant seeds immediately in the ground? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these methods? Are there any special care

Marigolds, Chornobrivtsy, Tagetes are the most famous names of a flower that was brought to us from across the ocean in the 16th century and became perhaps the most beloved and unpretentious inhabitant of the garden. Its homeland is Central and South America. Today, according to various sources, there are from 30 to 50 types of marigolds. They belong to the Asteraceae family, or Asteraceae. In addition to decorative bright flowers (simple and terry) and pinnately dissected leaves, Chornobrivtsy also have a specific smell, indicating a high content of phytoncides - substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body and are able to repel pests from both the flower itself and the plants surrounding it. . Tagetes is widely used as a spice in Caucasian cuisine, where it is called Imereti saffron, and also has a number of healing properties.

But how to grow this unique flower? So, marigolds: growing from seeds.

The timing of sowing seedlings of marigolds is determined based on two main factors:

the climatic conditions of the region, namely the time when the temperature regime is established, favorable for the cultivation of these heat-loving flowers, and there is no threat of return frosts;

the desired start time of flowering, while it should be borne in mind that from sowing to the appearance of the first flowers, depending on the characteristics of the variety and growing conditions, it takes 1.5-2.5 months.

The period when it is best to sow marigolds for seedlings is the second half of March - the first decade of April. If there is additional illumination and a favorable temperature, marigolds can be planted with seeds as early as January-February, but then flowering will begin in April-May, when it is too early to plant seedlings in open ground. This option is more suitable for those who are going to grow flowers in a container on a glazed balcony or loggia.

Since tagetes does not require specific conditions for growing seedlings, it is also successfully sown in open ground. Often this is done in May, when the earth warms up enough and a stable air temperature is established, which at night does not fall below +5 degrees. In the southern regions, it is possible to sow marigolds in the ground at an earlier date.

In addition, when planning when to plant marigolds for seedlings, one should also take into account the characteristics of the species. So, in order to get a friendly flowering already in June, erect marigolds are sown in the middle of March, and small-leaved and undersized - a little later, in early April.

Selection and preparation of seed

Often, marigold seeds are purchased only once, choosing the most attractive variety. In subsequent years, gardeners prefer to independently collect seeds from the plant.

If you are interested in how to collect marigold seeds, then I must say that it is not difficult. They mature in about 40 days. To collect the seeds, it is enough to let a few inflorescences dry just on the bush. The main thing is that during this period there should be no rain, so that the seeds do not succumb to excessive moisture and do not rot. After the flower dries, the ripened seeds are easily removed from the calyx. They need to be dried a little more in a dark and warm place, and then stored in paper bags until spring.

Both when choosing seeds in a store, and when using personally collected seeds, it is important to remember that fresh seeds have a high degree of germination, the limitation period of which does not exceed 2 years. Although there is an opinion that seed no older than 4 years can also be used. Today, most of the varieties grown in culture are hybrids, therefore, when using seeds collected by oneself, it is likely that each subsequent generation will retain the properties of the mother to a lesser extent.

For more massive seedlings, marigold seeds are sometimes germinated before sowing. In this case, they are placed on a damp natural fabric, laid out on a saucer. The saucer itself is placed in a bag and sent to a dark and warm place. After three days, the seeds will hatch and it will be possible to choose the most successful ones for planting.

Soil features for growing marigolds

Despite the fact that marigolds are considered an undemanding plant, in order to get strong seedlings, it is important to choose the optimal soil composition for planting. The soil should be nutritious and loose, consisting of equal parts of peat, humus or compost, soddy soil and half of the sand. Ordinary garden soil mixed with sand and peat, or ready-made soil mixture for indoor and garden plants with a neutral level of acidity, is also suitable for sowing. At the bottom of the tank, you should definitely lay a 3-centimeter drainage layer of expanded clay, sand or gravel. To prevent the "black leg" when growing marigolds from seeds, the soil is pre-spilled with a fungicide solution or steamed.

When sowing Chernobrivtsy immediately in a flower bed, it is worth choosing places with fertile, neutral or slightly acidic loamy soil.

Marigold sowing technology

When the time has come to sow marigolds for seedlings, it remains to fill plastic containers, cassettes or cups with prepared soil and proceed directly to planting. So, how to plant marigold seeds.

The soil must be slightly compacted and moistened. At a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other, grooves 1-2 cm deep are made. Distribute the seeds evenly at a distance of about 1.5 cm from each other. The grooves are sprinkled with a centimeter layer of soil, consisting of equal parts of garden soil and sand. It is important that the seeds are deep enough so that they do not wash out when watering. In addition, with shallow planting, the sprouts are worse off shedding the seed coat, which remains on the cotyledon leaves and interferes with the active development of the plant. At the same time, with excessive deepening, the seeds germinate longer or may not sprout at all.

Marigold crops for seedlings are carefully watered and germinated in a bright place at a temperature of 22-25 degrees. Additional cover to keep the container moist is not required, although it is sometimes used to shorten germination. After 3-7 days shoots appear. Further, the seedlings are kept at a temperature of 15-18 degrees.

When planting marigolds in open ground, seeds are sown in grooves about 5 cm deep, which are pre-watered. Crops are covered with a layer of soil, and shoots appear after two weeks. If the shoots get too thick, they will need to be planted. The distance between rows and individual plants is determined based on the characteristics of the plant species.

Marigold seedling care

When the seedlings have risen, the question arises of how to grow marigold seedlings. The main aspect of caring for it is timely watering, which is done as the soil dries out. It is important to ensure that the water in the container and the pan does not stagnate, as this can lead to the appearance of a "black leg". At the slightest appearance of the disease, it is necessary to remove the damaged shoots and treat the seedlings with a fungicide.

Despite the undemanding nature of marigolds, at the seedling stage, additional feeding with fertilizers for seedlings once every two weeks will not harm them. In addition, it should be remembered that fertilizers can only be applied two weeks after sowing, picking or transplanting plants, when the supply of nutrients in the soil is exhausted.

When planning when to plant marigolds for seedlings, you should not forget about picking. It is produced when 2-3 true carved leaves appear on the seedlings. Individual plants are transplanted into cups, cassettes or planted in trays according to the 7 × 7 scheme. Seedlings can be deepened to the cotyledons, but so that the latter do not touch the soil. This contributes to the formation of a more powerful root system, since additional roots develop on the deepened stem. Picking activates the growth of seedlings, due to an increase in the volume of soil occupied by a single plant, and after 2-3 weeks it has a developed fibrous root system and is ready for planting in a permanent place. Marigolds tolerate transplanting well even during the flowering period. The strongest seedlings are obtained when growing seedlings in greenhouses and greenhouses.

Marigolds, growing from seeds of which is a simple procedure even for beginners, will be an excellent decoration of the garden. Their flowers will not only please the eye with bright colors for the whole summer, but they will also be an excellent addition to a home first-aid kit.

Marigolds are bright sunny flowers that adorn many gardens and orchards in abundance. Unpretentious and diverse, with a whole arsenal of useful and even healing properties, they are traditionally perhaps the most popular garden flowers throughout our country. And at the same time, many novice gardeners are wondering: how to grow marigolds in order to get lush bushes with a lot of elegant inflorescences.

Planting marigolds in open ground

1. Landing dates.
As you know, marigolds can be grown from seedlings and from seeds in open ground. At the same time, the timing of planting marigolds in a permanent place in both cases is approximately the same. When is the best time to plant marigolds?

Planting seedlings of Chornobrivtsy, as well as sowing them with seeds in open ground, is carried out in late May - early June, when a stable air temperature is established and there are no longer night frosts. In the southern regions, as well as with the possibility of creating a protective shelter from a film or agrofibre, marigolds can also be planted in April.

2. Site selection and soil preparation.
Before planting marigolds, it is important to choose a suitable place for them and prepare it for planting. It is worth noting that despite their unpretentiousness, they grow best on loamy soils with a neutral level of acidity. The main thing is that the soil is loose and breathable. The most abundant flowering is obtained in areas with good lighting, although Chernobrivtsy also feel good in partial shade, only they bloom less.

A week or two before the time comes when the time comes to plant marigolds in a permanent place in the garden, they need to be gradually accustomed to fresh air, daily increasing the period the containers with seedlings stay on the street or on an open balcony.

The landing site should be dug up on a shovel bayonet. For better development of marigolds, you can enrich the soil with mineral fertilizers (nitroammophoska, for example), evenly distributing them over the flower bed at the rate of 30 g per 1 sq. m. and embedded in the ground by re-digging. But it is undesirable to apply organic and nitrogen fertilizers, since they stimulate the growth of green mass at the expense of flowering.

3. How to plant marigolds.
Perennial marigolds, planting and caring for which, despite the characteristics of individual varieties, are not very difficult, are planted in prepared holes. The seedling planting pattern depends on the characteristics of the variety and is usually indicated on the seed packaging. For undersized marigolds, the optimal scheme is 20 × 20 cm, medium-sized (for example, some varieties of thin-leaved marigolds) - 30 × 30 cm, high - 40 × 40 cm. The depth of planting marigolds in the ground is 1-2 cm more than they were deepened to transplantation. The space around the roots is carefully filled with soil. The soil is lightly compacted and watered. It is worth recalling that marigolds are not afraid of watering from above over the leaves and rain.

Features of caring for Chernobrivtsy

Having figured out how to plant marigolds, one should not forget about further care for them throughout the season. Although marigolds do not require special growing conditions, elementary care for them will be more than rewarded in the form of bright and large flowers.

The main components of caring for Chernobrivtsy are watering, loosening the soil and removing weeds, top dressing and pest control.

During the growth period, marigolds require regular watering. But with the onset of flowering, the number of waterings is reduced to two per week in order to avoid stagnant water and the appearance of rot. In hot, dry weather, evening watering will significantly prolong the process of flowering and vegetation of marigolds. Although the flowers are considered drought-resistant, under the influence of high temperatures and a lack of moisture, they are more susceptible to damage by spider mites, and they simply fade and wither faster. In the case of growing Chernobrivtsy in containers, watering in hot weather is carried out twice a day.

The question "how to grow marigolds and do they need mandatory regular feeding?" often worries beginner gardeners. In fact, tagetes develop well and bloom even without additional stimulation with fertilizers, especially if you fill the soil with minerals even before planting. But nutrient deficiencies in poor soils reduce flowering time and flower size.

Top dressing of marigolds is usually carried out 2-3 times per season: when the plants reach a height of 10 cm, during the appearance of the first buds and at the very beginning of flowering. Potassium and phosphorus fertilizers are used for top dressing. It is important to avoid excess nitrogen in the soil as this will encourage leaf and stem development but will reduce flowering. Marigolds, which are grown in conditions of limited soil, need to be fertilized every 10-14 days.

In addition to watering and fertilizing, marigold flowers after planting require regular loosening of the soil and removal of weeds, since oxygen access to the roots is necessary for the full development of the plant. It also does not hurt to remove faded inflorescences. This will encourage the plant to continue flowering.

Growing marigolds and, in particular, caring for them is usually not difficult, also because the plant practically does not suffer from pests and diseases. The reason for this is the phytoncides contained in plants and manifested due to a specific smell. It is this smell, as well as substances secreted from the roots, that often repel pests not only from marigolds, but also protect neighboring plants.

However, under unfavorable conditions, Chernobrivtsy can be affected by gray mold, black leg and bacterial diseases. Often the factors associated with the disease are excessive thickening and high soil moisture. If rot occurs, the affected parts of the plant, or even the entire bush, should be removed.

The most common pests for marigolds are snails and slugs that settle in wet places, and spider mites. Slugs are advised to fight with bleach, placing jars of it between the bushes. The best prevention of spider mites is to maintain an optimal level of humidity, but if such a problem has already arisen, then it can be eliminated with the help of yarrow infusion, onion and red hot pepper. When growing marigolds, it is worth remembering that they do not like chemical treatments.

At the end of flowering, when the seeds have already been collected, and the bushes dry out, the plants are removed from the site. Often they are sent to the compost pit, so that pests do not breed there either.

It is also important in the agricultural technology of marigolds to take into account the characteristics of a particular variety. So, for example, Antigua marigolds are grown on nutrient soils to form borders and in containers, but they are not suitable for decorating reservoirs. At the same time, the Taishan marigold variety is less whimsical, it is used to fill the gaps between other plants.

So, marigolds are perennial: planting and care is a matter of concern to many flower growers who are fans of these sunny flowers. Today, the most popular ornamental varieties of marigolds are grown from seeds in an annual crop, but there are also perennial plant species used in medicine and cooking. Marigolds in the garden are not only a decoration and protection of less resistant plants from fungi and pests, but also a real find in terms of traditional medicine, since they have a wide range of healing properties. That is why many seek to collect and dry bright inflorescences, and after flowering they collect marigold seeds in order to fill the garden and garden with them again next year.published

All marigolds are heat-loving, shade-tolerant, drought-resistant and unpretentious plants. Frost is not tolerated. Bloom profusely from June until frost.

Reproduction of marigolds

Marigolds are propagated by seeds. Seeds are sown for seedlings in greenhouses. You can propagate marigolds by sowing seeds in open ground after frost.

Site selection

Marigolds are very plastic. They grow well in shady places as well as in full sun. True, if there is a choice where to settle them, preference should still be given to a sunny area - there the marigolds will not be slow to show their best qualities. Thin-leaved marigolds are especially fond of the sun.

The soil

They prefer loamy, neutral, fertile soils without freshly applied organic fertilizers, well moistened in the first half of summer.


Marigold seeds of low and medium varieties can be sown in open ground in May. You can immediately sow in a permanent place, but provide shelter for crops in case of frost. Seeds (preferably germinated) are laid out in grooves and covered with a layer of earth 1-2 cm. So that the seedlings do not die from drying out, they monitor soil moisture. Sprouts appear 5-10 days after sowing. They are cared for in the same way as seedlings. When the difference between the plants becomes clear, they are thinned out, leaving the strongest at the right distance. If necessary, excess plants are used as seedlings.

Planting marigold seedlings

Seedlings of marigolds, sometimes already blooming, are planted in open ground after the threat of frost has passed, since the plants die at temperatures below zero.

By the time of planting, seedlings should have 2-3 pairs of leaves and a developed root system.

Nitrogen fertilizers should not be applied during planting, as this will inevitably lead to excessive development of the vegetative mass at the expense of flowering.

For seedlings, holes are prepared with a depth of 6-7 centimeters. The distance between the holes depends on the size of the future plant and is 40 cm for tall varieties and hybrids, 30 cm for medium and 20 cm for low ones. The wells are well shed with water and plants are planted in them with a clod of earth, 1-2 cm deeper than they grew in the greenhouse.

Marigolds tolerate transplantation easily at any age, even in a flowering state, take root very quickly and bloom until cold weather.


Care includes watering during dry times, fertilizing, weeding, loosening the soil after watering and rain.


Marigolds are drought-resistant plants, but during the period of intensive growth, that is, in the first half of summer, they need moisture. At the beginning of the growing season, in the absence of rain, watering should be regular, otherwise growth is delayed, the inflorescences are small and ugly.

Watering is also necessary in dry weather. They can be quite rare, but should be abundant, with soil wetting to a depth of 20 centimeters.

Prolonged rains, excessive moisture are harmful to marigolds. Upright marigolds especially suffer from excessive moisture. In conditions of prolonged rains, plants are prone to decay, inflorescences lose their decorative effect. Oversaturation of the soil with water leads to fungal diseases of marigolds.

top dressing

Feed during flowering every two weeks with a complex mineral fertilizer (20-40 g per 10 liters of water). At the beginning of growth, top dressing is undesirable, as it delays flowering.

Diseases and pests

Marigolds are very resistant to pests and diseases, moreover, they can be used to control some plant diseases and as an agent for killing aphids. Planted next to phlox, marigolds scare away nematodes from them. But under stressful conditions, they lose their properties to some extent and can also be affected by diseases and pests.

Marigold roots can be affected by various rots with excessive soil moisture. In this case, they are sprayed with fungicides.

In hot weather, marigolds can be affected by spider mites. For prevention, it is useful to spray plants with cold water, as well as 2-3 times spraying with infusions of onion peel, yarrow, and red pepper.

autumn frosts

At air temperatures below 10°C, the growth of marigolds stops, and at temperatures below -1°C, the plants die. At the first light frosts, it is worth taking care of sheltering the plants, since in early September daytime temperatures are quite comfortable for plants, and their flowering can continue until severe cold weather. The role of a shelter can be performed by an old film, non-woven covering material, etc.

Asperula blue, otherwise called woodruff, is a branched, openwork plant, with thin stems and narrow leaves, with small flowers that look like thin tubes. It is valued by gardeners for the lovely amethyst-blue color of the flowers, and even more so for its delicate and delicate aroma.

Annual and perennial herbaceous plants of the Astrov family came to Europe from South America. Marigolds or tagetes (lat. Tagetes) are common plants, in nature there are more than 30 species of them. Strong stems form compact or branched bushes. Flowering is long, ending with the first frost. In September, the fruit ripens - a flattened achene. In 1 g - 250-750 seeds, which will sprout in 3-4 years. Marigolds rejected - the most common type. It ranks first in popularity among gardeners.

Tagetes rejected: description of the species

Marigolds rejected (Tagetes Patula) or French are cultivated all over the world. An annual plant growing up to 15-60 cm is used in ornamental gardening, cooking, cosmetics, and medicine. The plant has erect branched stems. Marigolds rejected, what does it mean? The flower owes its name to the rejected side shoots. The leaves are green, pinnately dissected. The edges of the plate are serrated. There is an alternate and opposite arrangement.

Marigolds rejected

On the bushes of tagetes, basket inflorescences with a diameter of 4-6 cm appear in large numbers. Flowers are formed from tubular and reed petals. Depending on their number, inflorescences are divided into three types:

  • simple - consist only of reed petals;
  • semi-double - both types of petals are present in equal amounts;
  • terry - tubular petals predominate.

Reed flowers are orange, red, lemon, white, red-brown or two-tone. The range of tubular is limited to yellow and orange. Marigolds are distinguished by a long flowering period, it captures all the summer months and the beginning of autumn until the first frost. The photo shows that growing, the bushes of marigolds deviated form a colorful border along the path.

Marigolds along the paths

Popular varieties of rejected marigolds

Many varieties of French marigolds have been bred. All diversity can be divided into three main groups:

  • tall - 50-60 cm;
  • medium height up to 50 cm;
  • undersized - 25-30 cm;
  • dwarf - 15-20 cm.

The most common varieties include:

  • 'Eye of the Tiger' is a compact ornamental variety with a tart aroma. Gustomahrovye inflorescences consist of orange tubular flowers and burgundy reed petals of the lower row. Used for all types of flower beds and garden boxes.

    Tiger's Eye

  • "Queen Sofia" - an annual up to 30-40 cm high, semi-double inflorescences, two-color. The main color of the petals is red, along the edge there is a golden-orange border. In the sun, the color fades and changes to bronze. The flowers are large, 6-7 cm in diameter. The stem is thick, strongly branched, the leaves are bright green.

    Queen Sofia

  • "Golden head" or "Gold Kopchen" - a short culture of 20-25 cm, a reddish coating is noticeable on strong green shoots. Inflorescences are chrysanthemum-shaped, tubular flowers of golden yellow color. Dark red reed petals are located below in one row. They are slightly wavy, bent down. Early variety, blooms in early June.

    golden head

  • "Carmen" - rejected terry marigolds, bush height up to 30 cm. Spreading shoots, green, ribbed. The leaves are pinnately dissected, green, with a serrated edge. The diameter of the inflorescences is up to 6 cm. The reed flowers are reddish-brown, arranged in two rows. The middle is made up of tubular yellow petals. Grown in containers, flowerpots, flower beds.


  • "Bonanza Bolero" is an annual plant 30 cm high and with a flower diameter of up to 7 cm. An unpretentious plant forms a compact bush. It has a peculiar spicy smell containing phytoncides. The inflorescences are large terry with a spectacular color - red strokes on a gold base. A versatile variety suitable for flowerbeds, rabatok, growing on a terrace or balcony.

    Bonanza Bolero

  • "Playful Marietta" - thanks to the unusual bright color, the variety won the love of gardeners. Plant height 40 cm, flowers are flat, not double, consist only of reed petals. The color is two-tone - a yellow base and a red spot in the middle of the petal. Blooms profusely from July to September.

    Naughty Marietta

Comparison of erect and deviated marigolds

Each type of tagetes has its own characteristics, what is the difference between upright and deviated marigolds? Both species are popular among gardeners due to their beauty and unpretentiousness. One of the main differences is the structure of the stem. In upright, it is not divided, woody at the base. One large flower grows on the stem. Representatives of the species are giants among their family. Their height reaches 120 cm, and the diameter of the flowers is 15 cm. The rejected tagetes cannot boast of such parameters, but it is ahead in terms of color variety. Upright varieties are mostly monophonic, two-color specimens are extremely rare.

upright marigolds
Rejected marigolds

Inflorescences of rejected varieties can be of any kind, among them it is easy to pick up a plant for lovers of simple flowers resembling chamomile. There are hybrids that are not inferior in pomp to chrysanthemums. In upright marigolds, all inflorescences are terry. Ball-shaped flowers on tall stems look great in the cut. From two types of tagetes, you can create a stunning multi-tiered flower bed.

Caring for French marigolds

Rejected marigolds are hardy plants that require minimal care. In order for the bushes to have dense foliage and lush long flowering, they will need watering, top dressing and weeding.

Place to land

Plants need loose fertile soil with a neutral pH. To improve its structure allows the introduction of peat and sand. The addition of mineral fertilizers enriches the soil with essential trace elements. The landing site depends on the height of the bush. French Tagetes includes medium and undersized varieties. It is planted in the center of flower beds, along borders, in garden boxes, large pots.

Marigolds come from warm, sunny countries, so they can't stand the cold and love good lighting. The best place for them is a sunny site, although they do well in a little shade. With insufficient lighting, flowering is delayed, the inflorescences become smaller in diameter.

Advice. If you feed tagetes with mineral fertilizer before flowering, then the inflorescences will be larger and brightly colored.


Young seedlings need regular watering; a sufficient amount of moisture is needed to gain green mass and lay large buds. Since July, watering is reduced, plants tolerate drought better than excessive moisture.

Attention. In the absence of drainage, heavy rains and stagnant water can cause fungal diseases of the root system.

Growing rejected tagetes

Planting rejected marigolds is performed in two ways:

  • sowing in open ground;
  • growing seedlings with subsequent transplantation.

Both methods allow you to decorate your site with bright colors, but in the first case, they will have to wait until mid-summer.

Attention. The optimum temperature for young seedlings is 20-22°. At 10 ° the development of flowers stops, negative temperatures destroy the tagetes.

Landing in open ground

Marigolds rejected terry varieties can be planted in open ground no earlier than May. By this time, frosts dangerous for sprouts are leaving. Seeds are evenly laid out along grooves up to 5 cm deep, watered abundantly. Shoots will appear in 7-10 days.

Information. For the first planting, the material is bought in a specialized store. Then you can collect seeds from your flowers.

Reproduction of flowers by seeds

Tagetes seedlings are grown in March or April. French marigolds bloom early, 40 days after sprouts appear. The substrate for seedlings consists of several components:

  • peat;
  • humus;
  • sand;
  • turf.

It turns out loose and light soil in which seeds germinate quickly. The container must have holes to drain excess water. At the bottom of the tank, a drainage layer of fine gravel or expanded clay is necessarily poured. For disinfection, the soil is spilled with a solution of fungicide or potassium permanganate. At a distance of 2 cm from each other, several grooves are made up to 1.5 cm deep. The seed material is distributed along the groove and covered with soil. Watering is done carefully so as not to wash out the crops. From above the container is covered with a film.

Seedlings ready for planting in a month

Advice. Under the seeds of tegetes, it is not necessary to make furrows, it is enough to spread them on the surface and sprinkle with soil.

The optimum temperature for germination is 22-25°. In such conditions shoots are shown in 3-4 days. After 14 days, the seedlings dive. In early June, they are planted in a permanent place. Depending on the height of the plants, a distance of 15-25 cm is left between the seedlings. Watering is required. Periodically loosen the soil, weed weeds. Timely removal of wilted inflorescences will help prolong flowering and maintain a decorative appearance.


Due to the beauty and long flowering of rejected marigolds, they are often chosen for decorative decoration of parks, gardens, terraces and balconies. The unusual smell of flowers helps protect vegetables in the garden from a large number of pests. The roots of the plant secrete a chemical that repels nematodes. Leaves and inflorescences contain an essential oil that has antiseptic and antimicrobial effects.

Marigold flowers are unpretentious plants, there are perennials and annuals. Growing from seeds in open ground is easy, transplanting can be done even during flowering. Flowering in marigolds begins from the first month of summer and continues until the first frost.

Marigolds have medicinal and beneficial properties. The individuality of marigolds is a rare individual fragrance. Under natural conditions, marigolds have about 35 varieties and a large number of species.

Marigold varieties and types

upright marigolds represent a straight bush with large terry inflorescences with a uniform shade, the diameter of the flower is 12 cm. Dense and stable shoots sometimes reach one meter in height. This species is popular among flower growers.

They represent flowering of a rich yellow or orange hue, the inflorescence is about 10 cm in diameter, and the height of the bush is only 20 cm.

They represent a low bush in height from 35 to 50 cm. Inflorescences are about 5 cm in diameter, flowering occurs from July until the first frost. The inflorescences sometimes have a two-tone shade. This variety is used for planting on borders.

They represent a lush compact bush, reaching a height of up to 40 cm. The leaves of this species are greenish, the shape is slightly dissected. And the inflorescences resemble baskets about 3 cm in diameter. This species loves good lighting, rather thermophilic. Used in cooking as a condiment.

They represent a good lush bush with numerous flowering, about a hundred inflorescences on one plant, each inflorescence is 4 cm in diameter. The height of the bush is from 20 to 40 cm. Among them there are dwarf plants up to 20 cm in height. colors.

Probably the most popular species, because they have neat bushes, and they serve as an excellent decoration for flower beds, borders, flower beds.

This is a rejected, undersized variety. Differs in a dense cover of leaves, height 30 cm. Inflorescence about 5 cm in diameter, terry with corrugated petals. The color is fiery brown, and at the base it is yellow-orange.

This is an annual plant about 25 cm high. The inflorescences are about 6 cm in diameter. The name is associated with a rich orange color, the inflorescences are terry, spectacular. Unpretentious marigolds neither to moisture nor to the soil in which they grow. Flowering is plentiful and until the very first frost.

Also, there are varieties of white marigolds from erect varieties: kilimanjaro , a fairly rare variety. Plant height up to 70 cm, inflorescences are terry, spherical in diameter up to 12 cm, white and beige.

They have a neat bush, similar to pinnate leaves. Height is about 35 cm. Inflorescences are about 6 cm in diameter. The shade of the inflorescence is similar to vanilla.

Height is about 70 cm, cream and whitish inflorescences are about 13 cm in diameter.

Marigold planting and care in the open field

There are few ways to plant marigolds in the open field: seeds, seedlings and mature bushes.

Any of these methods gives a successful result when performed correctly.

Planting marigolds in open ground with seeds

Planting marigold seeds can be done immediately in open ground. They are sown in the second half of May, when the soil has already warmed up a little. Sowing is done at a depth of about 5 cm.

To do this, a groove is dug to a depth of about 5 cm, watered, seeds are sown there and sprinkled with earth. Seedlings thin out if densely planted.

Before planting marigolds with seeds, they can be moistened and placed in a piece of damp cloth, wrapped in cellophane, after a few days the seeds will sprout. Such seedlings germinate faster in open ground.

Marigold seedlings

If you want to achieve earlier flowering, then it is better to plant marigolds for seedlings. To do this, it is better to sow the seeds in early spring in a container. In marigolds, growing seedlings is not a difficult process. When sowing, it is necessary to take into account the different sowing dates.

In the first half of March, erect ones are planted, and in April - undersized ones. Planting seeds is not difficult, it is only necessary to provide marigolds with care after sowing.

The composition of the soil should include peat, sand, humus and sod, all in a one-to-one ratio. Before sowing, the soil is disinfected with a solution of manganese. Do not forget to lay drainage at the bottom of the tank.

When sowing seeds in a container, try to maintain a distance of about 2 cm, moderate constant watering and a temperature of about 23 degrees.

Watering is carried out from a sprayer. After the first shoots, and this is about the fourth day, if the seeds are fresh, and if the seeds are stale, then shoots will appear somewhere on the seventh day. We rearrange the container in a cool, but bright place.

  • Marigolds do not tolerate temperatures below 10 degrees , they slow down growth and may stop flowering.
  • If the seedlings of marigolds stretched out what to do - in this case, it is necessary to plant a little deeper into the ground.
  • Should I pinch the plant? - in no case should this be done, since the plant will be late in flowering for a considerable time.

When to dive marigolds after germination

After the first three leaves appear on the seedlings, they can be seated. You can dive young plants by fixing the rhizome a little, planting the shoots in separate boxes, deepening into the ground to the cotyledon.

It should be noted that after a dive, marigolds will rapidly begin to grow due to an increase in the amount of soil.

Seedlings of marigolds are planted in open ground two to three weeks after picking. After the seedlings are well rooted, and for this they need abundant watering and sufficient lighting.

The best period for planting seedlings in open ground is when the air temperature at night is not lower than 6 degrees. Marigolds are not whimsical to the ground, but prefer loamy soil. Considering all varieties and varieties, marigolds must be planted at a distance of about 15 cm from each other. If you plant adult bushes, then the distance is at least 40 cm.

Watering marigolds

After planting seedlings, moderate watering is necessary for their rooting. In hot weather, it is better to water in the evening.

Also, abundant watering is required during active growth, water stagnation is not allowed, this can lead to rotting of the root system.

How to fertilize marigolds for abundant flowering

Marigolds tolerate all top dressings well, except for humus, but it is better to choose a complex fertilizer. It should be fed 3 times per season, during the active growth of seedlings, during the appearance of buds, and during flowering.

But do not overdo it with fertilizer, otherwise your plants will stop flowering. Flowering begins in June and continues until frost.

Marigold diseases and pests

Diseases of marigold seedlings - can occur due to abundant watering or prolonged rains, seedlings can also be threatened by snails and slugs. You can destroy or drive them away with the help of chlorine liquid, which must be placed in the area with marigolds.

In dry times, flowers can infect spider mites, fight them with the help of yarrow or onion infusion, spraying from a spray bottle. And to avoid their appearance, it is necessary to spray the flower bed more often.

Also, marigold seedlings are affected by gray rot and fungus. The cause of the fungus could be high humidity and lack of sufficient lighting. In this case, the plant should be transplanted into the light. If, gray rot appeared on the leaves in the form of brown spots, then the plant will have to be removed.

Marigold medicinal properties and contraindications

  • Marigold oil is used in the treatment of burns and skin diseases. To do this, you need to infuse marigold flowers with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10.
  • Only plucked marigold flowers should be eaten in salads, they help restore vision and prevent eye diseases, this applies to programmers and those who spend a lot of time near the monitor.
  • Decoction of marigolds treat diseases of arthrosis of the joints. For one glass of boiled water, about 25 gr. dry flowers, insist and take orally. Up to two liters can be taken per day.
  • In cosmetology, it is used as a lip balm. To prepare it, you need to take about 15g of almond oil. 25 dried marigold inflorescences and about 45 gr. almond oil, mix and infuse for about two weeks, and everything is ready for use.
  • In cooking, marigolds are used as a seasoning, an additive to soups, added to salads, where it gives a certain spice and individual taste, and when preserving cucumbers, they add it to brine.

Contraindications - essential oils are not recommended for use by pregnant women and people with individual intolerance, as they can cause allergic manifestations. And so in total, there are no contraindications for use.