It would seem that washing the floor in the apartment is the simplest procedure that even Small child. However, even here there are nuances.

To make cleaning the house a pleasure and nice results it is necessary to choose the right detergent for the floor, as well as to carry out preparatory measures.


Wooden floors are warm and bring some comfort to the room. However, cleaning such a coating is difficult to carry out. Since the tree needs proper care so that it does not swell and the floor does not deform.

Water should be used sparingly, you can not water such a coating too much, use the minimum amount of liquid.

How to wash the floor? For plank flooring, you can use baking soda, ammonia, dish detergent, vinegar, lime and sand.

How to quickly wash the floors at home:

  1. Cleaning begins with clearing the area of ​​any furniture that can be easily moved. Then the flooring is cleaned of debris and dirt, you can take a broom or walk around the room with a vacuum cleaner. After pre-training floor cleaning begins with the selected product.
  2. Baking soda removes black stains left by the soles of shoes. It is poured onto a contaminated place and lightly rubbed with a dish sponge. It remains only to remove the powder and wipe the treated area with ammonia.
  3. If you find a sticky place, ammonia should be used to wash the floor. First you need to remove the stickiness with an aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide. Soak a cotton pad in this floor cleaner and wipe the stained area. After that, they take a spatula, they need to gently wipe off the remnants of the sticky substance. Then wash with soap solution.
  4. Wood quickly absorbs various liquids. And if on it, the smell appears quickly and it is not the most pleasant. Such contamination should be removed immediately, do not wait until the stain dries. First, remove the urine with a napkin, then rinse this place with dish gel and finally treat with ammonia.
  5. To completely wash the boardwalk, use 50 g of lime and 150 g of sand. How to wash the floor: the components are diluted in 4 liters of water, and this solution is passed over the entire surface. Lime and sand will not only remove dirt from the flooring, they will also disinfect it.
  6. You can also use only baking soda for disinfection. It is diluted in warm water, a microfiber cloth is taken and the flooring is washed.

Caring for a plank floor will not be a hassle if everything is done correctly. For him to have attractive appearance and created comfort immediately remove any pollution.


Hardwood flooring is durable and proper care delight for decades. Most modern hardwood floors are coated with a heavy, wear-resistant sealant that protects the wood.

Urethane, polyurethane, and polyacrylic are common sealants because they are stain resistant and waterproof. That is, washing floors can be done with water.

However, be careful when using too a large number liquids. There are cracks between the floorboards and it is undesirable for water to penetrate there.

Parquet cleaning will be easier if done regularly. Vacuuming and sweeping once a day or a week can prevent excess dirt and dust from accumulating.

How often should the floor be washed? In fact, cleaning should be carried out as it gets dirty, that is, every day.

Apply a dust mop. You will have to refuse sweeping with a broom, you can scratch it. Do not use a vacuum cleaner with a hard attachment, as this may also damage the surface.

How to wash the floor - homemade recipes:

  1. You can prepare homemade parquet care products. For example, mix 1 part vinegar with 10 parts warm water and add a few drops of liquid castile soap.
  2. The tannic acid in tea creates a beautiful sheen. Cleaning with such a tool will make it shining, you will see how clean the room is. It is necessary to brew steep tea, pour into a bucket and add the right amount of water. Cleaning will not take much time, and dry cleaning is not required.
  3. If the stains remain and you can't clean the floor to a shine, you should consider buying a special chemical product for parquet. The better to clean floors: Bona or Murphy's Oil Soap is recommended. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Regardless of which method the landlord chooses, the cleaning process for hardwood and plank floors is almost the same.

How to wash parquet floor:

  1. Soak a cloth in the prepared solution. What rag to use? It is better to take a microfiber cloth, it will not scratch the coating. A mop should not be used, it will leave streaks.
  2. Pull it completely out of the liquid and wring it out. Water must not drip from the fabric.
  3. Rinse the flooring with a cleaning agent, being careful not to pour too much liquid on the flooring
  4. Wipe off any excess moisture with a clean, dry towel, as standing water will damage the flooring.

Knowing how to clean your hardwood floor is important, but knowing how to care for your floor is just as important.

After washing, open all the windows in the house so that the flooring dries faster. If there are fans, place them nearby to remove excess moisture.

Do not use regular wax to polish such flooring immediately after cleaning and the house is clean, unless you want to turn the apartment into an ice skating rink.


Laminate floors require special maintenance. Shiny flooring will look attractive if the floor is cleaned properly.

The laminate manufacturer does not recommend the use of pine-scented cleaners. They leave soapy residue.Also, do not add vinegar to the water. This acid is not the best remedy for laminate, although many housewives use it to add shine and remove greasy stains. Vinegar used in abundance can remove the protective coating.

Laminate flooring should be cleaned daily. Use a brush with soft bristles for this, do not use a broom.

Universal detergent for a floor - gel for ware. You can also buy special means or hire a cleaning lady if you are afraid of damaging the flooring.

How to clean the floor:

  1. If washing with dish detergent and water, try to squeeze the water well. Do not use a lot of soap, a few drops per 5 liters of water are enough.
  2. To clean floors that have not been cleaned for a long time, use a steam mop. This method deeply cleanses.
  3. Laminate flooring can be cleaned with window cleaner added to water. The result is a floor without streaks, the house is clean and comfortable.

Do not use ammonia to clean laminate flooring. Over time, the protective sealant will wear off.

To make the floors shine, it is advised to wipe them dry after.

Marble and granite

Marble and granite flooring is durable, but it is important to know how and with what to wash the floor at home. Such surfaces quickly stain, so cleaning should be done immediately after spilling orange juice or vinegar.

How to wash floors:

  1. The best result can be achieved if you wash marble or granite liquid soap for washing dishes Vim. When using a new floor cleaner, always test it on an inconspicuous area.
  2. Since marble and granite are natural materials, they demand special attention. The cleaning problem is that these surfaces do not have exactly the same properties as ceramic tile, and can be damaged by common cleaning agents. What can be washed? In order to clean the house, it is necessary to clean it with the help of LEM-3 (BELLINZONI, Italy, neutral in relation to pH). The concentrated product is poured into cold water. How to wash floors with a mop: it should have a 100% microfiber nozzle, movements should be short, overlapping. After the procedure, it is necessary to drain dirty water, rinse the mop and walk on the deck clean water. Then you need to open windows and doors and allow the marble or granite to dry with natural ventilation.

Since granite and marble are natural materials, there are also some items that should not be used due to the risk of damage and scratches.

Do not wash the floor with salt. This is an abrasive product that can damage such flooring. Porcelain cleaners, vinegar, or other alkaline products should also not be purchased to clean marble surfaces. Hydrochloric acid should not be used either.

If it is necessary to remove dirt and dust, use the vacuum cleaner carefully, wheels and hoses may scratch the material.


Cork flooring has become popular as homeowners look for environmentally friendly and sustainable materials. This is a durable coating hardwood and laminate, but it requires periodic cleaning and sealing.

To keep the house clean, you need to regularly mop the floor.

Clean or vacuum the flooring daily. Dirt and debris can scratch the floor. Clean up spilled sauces and drinks immediately as cork is porous and absorbs liquids quickly, staining the surface.

Once a week, prepare this solution: 5 drops of liquid dish detergent and one liter of warm water. Do not use more strong remedy, as this can lead to the formation of soap streaks.

Avoid ammonia-based products or abrasive cleaners.

Use a soft mop, not hard bristled brushes or scrubbers.

Do not use a steam cleaner as it can pour too much water onto the floor and ruin the finish.

How to mop cork floors? As with ordinary ceramics, the main thing is to squeeze the liquid well.

After the procedure, open the windows so that the coating dries faster.


The tile is the easiest to clean. Washing will not take much time, since such material is unpretentious in care.

How to wash the floor? The tile will be washed with plain water if juice or sauce is accidentally spilled on it. Can be used as cleaners water solution ammonium hydroxide, dish detergent, shampoos.

Formic acid can be used to clean the most stubborn stains such as rust. This is a powerful, toxic material that should be used with extreme caution.

The tiles can be washed with salt water. After such a procedure, dirt will not stick to it for a long time.

After that, as we wash the tile, it is wiped with a dry cloth, because on a wet surface you can easily slip and fall.

Every housewife in her arsenal has a lot of little tricks that help her better manage housework. There are secrets even in such a seemingly simple matter how to wash the floor properly.

In this article:

General rules that must not be neglected while mopping

  • To quickly wash the floor, first clear the area for cleaning activities - remove scattered things, raise chairs.
  • Collect large debris - candy wrappers, crumpled pieces of paper, fragments of broken toys. All this can be gently swept away with a damp broom and discarded.
  • Start washing from the farthest corner of the room relative to the door. The less you trample on the washed floor, the cleaner it will be after cleaning.
  • The movement of the floor cloth should be directed from the walls to the middle of the room.
  • Wash in parts. Immediately wipe the washed area with a clean semi-dry cloth.
  • Change the wash water in the bucket as often as possible. Remember that after 2-3 rinses, water becomes a real breeding ground for bacteria. Do not move them from one place to another.

How to mop floors

When buying, choose the right mop height. Her handle should reach up to your armpit. With such a length, you will not strain your back once again during cleaning, you can easily and quickly wash even the most secluded corners of your apartment. Make the right movements with a mop, as if drawing a figure eight on the floor. Thanks to such movements, the debris will quickly gather in circles, and will not be smeared on the sides. Rinse the mop often and thoroughly to get rid of dirt. Carefully unscrew the cloth. Excess moisture harms the flooring, no matter what material it is made of.

Cleaning floor coverings of various types


It is considered the most difficult to care for. The parquet is washed only twice a year. And you will have to wipe it with a barely damp cloth very often! This will require a soft cloth and cold water. And to make the parquet shine, add a little glycerin to the water - just a tablespoon per glass of water. Or use a special parquet cleaner.

After wet cleaning, when the parquet is dry, be sure to rub it with mastic. If during cleaning you find a greasy stain, rub it with sandpaper. Wipe the old stain with turpentine. If that doesn't help, sprinkle with talcum powder and iron through the paper with a non-hot iron. Stains from parquet are best removed fresh!

Laminate floor

Such a coating must be washed very carefully. It consists of several layers. Most upper layer laminate is covered with a special film that protects other layers, more delicate, from damage and moisture. How to properly clean laminate flooring? Wet cleaning can be done no more than three times a week. On all other days, just vacuum it. A washing vacuum cleaner is not welcome, because it leaves a lot of moisture behind. There are many special cleaners on the market. They are good for washing various contaminants from the surface of the laminate - grease, glue, traces of felt-tip pens.

And for weekly housekeeping use lovely universal recipe our grandmothers - vinegar solution. It is also suitable for laminate. Add a tablespoon of vinegar to 5 liters of warm water. Wipe the surface with a well wrung out cloth so as not to leave streaks behind. You can't imagine a better material for a rag than microfiber! You can use a mop to clean the laminate with various nozzles.

Painted wood floor

The most proven detergent for it is warm water with vinegar or ammonia. Add 1 tablespoon of one or the other per liter of water. To make the surface shine, after drying, cover with a thin layer of linseed oil. If in some places the paint has worn off, instead of painting, use parquet mastic, just choose the right shade. grease stain wet with soapy water and leave to soak for a day, then rinse hot water.

unpainted floor

He loves lye and soap. Wet the entire floor with this solution, and then scrub it well with a stiff brush. You can add some turpentine to the water.
Linoleum. Wash it once a week warm water with ordinary laundry soap. How to wash the floor from linoleum if it is very dirty? In no case do not clean it with ammonia, gasoline or ordinary alcohol! It is better to wipe with a soft cloth dipped in warm milk. And every three months it is advisable to rub it with drying oil and polish it with a soft cloth.

Washing floors after repair

You need to try very hard to wash all the dirt accumulated during the repair from the floor and do without painting it. It will be easier for you to cope with it if you listen to our advice.

You will have to wash the floors after repair at least three times. The first time with a soapy solution, you need to wash off all the dirt. Wet the surface well to acidify the dirt, then carefully remove it with a rag. The second time use a solution with special detergents. Wash it clean for the third time with warm water without any detergents.

When cleaning, always keep the rag and water clean. Try to change them constantly as they get dirty.

To quickly wash off the dirt that has stuck in after the repair, use the experience of our grandmothers - add a little kerosene to warm water. He does great with various pollution but leaves a strong odor behind. To remove it, add 200 ml of vinegar to a bucket of clean water, wipe the floor with it.

How to wash the floors from whitewash or plaster remaining after the repair? Warm water with ordinary salt will help to quickly wash them. First, sweep with a dry broom all the remnants of whitewash that has not eaten during the repair. Wash for the first time with hot water and a tablespoon of concentrated dishwashing detergent. Then dilute half a glass of salt in a bucket of water and wipe the coating.

Are there any traces of whitewash left? You can add 100 ml of table vinegar to the solution with salt. Rinse a third time with clean water. Well eats away stains from whitewash and potassium permanganate, which quickly reacts with lime. Instead of a salt solution, use potassium permanganate diluted in water to a bright pink color.

After painting, first wipe the floor with hot water and vinegar. And for the next 10 days, wipe it every day with a clean, damp cloth.

Even in such simple matter like mopping, it takes a little skill and knowledge!

Housework is a tedious and mundane process. Often, housewives do it almost unconsciously, but such actions can adversely affect the health of residents. Let's take a closer look at how to wash floors properly. Even if in educational institution there are home economics lessons, they don’t teach them how to properly clean the house. Often, girls who have recently married do not cope with this work, because their parents did not teach them.

Here are some tips on how to properly clean your apartment:

  • Refresh water, counting a bucket of 10 square meters. m room;
  • Use only warm water;
  • Move chairs, mats, carpets so that nothing interferes with the normal process;
  • Before wet processing, sweep or vacuum the room;
  • Wring out the rag intensively, removing excess water;
  • Carry out the floor treatment from the corners to the center and to the door.

The first recommendation should be taken most carefully: in order for the floor to be called clean, you need to update the water often. As a result, washing the floors of each room should be done with fresh water. Otherwise, germs and dirt move from one room to another. There are certain hygiene standards, according to which doctors recommend using one bucket for processing 10 square meters. m.

Such cleaning will not be quick and easy, but the hostess does not risk the health and well-being of loved ones. When processing a very contaminated surface, it will be necessary to change the water several times in one room. The water temperature should be approximately 40 degrees. If it is higher, there is a risk of damaging the floor and skin, lower - it is worse to clean the coating from germs and dirt.

Wet cleaning schedule for different floor coverings

Consider how to clean a house or apartment using step-by-step instructions:

  1. To prepare for washing, it is necessary to remove objects and furniture that impede the process. The mat or carpet will need to be vacuumed and carefully transferred to adjoining room. If this is not possible, you can roll the carpet into a roll and put it in a corner, after removing the dust. It is better to put chairs away so that they do not interfere with cleaning.
  2. Then you should walk on the floor with a dampened broom, brush or vacuum cleaner. Dust must be removed from hard-to-reach areas (under the bed, sofa, wardrobe). Otherwise, the essence of processing is lost. Dust and dirt in these areas is a source of germs. If you do not get rid of it in a timely manner, but when touched with a damp cloth, dirty stains will remain on a clean surface.
  3. Floor processing begins from the far corners of the room, the baseboards are thoroughly washed. After you need to move to the center and remove dirt and dust in the area before leaving.

Important: Do not allow the cloth to be too wet. On many surfaces excess water affects negatively, in addition there are divorces.

Choice of method

Advantages of manual processing:

  • Benefits for the figure (you can burn more calories);
  • No need to spend money on a mop and nozzles for it;
  • Ease of processing corners and skirting boards;
  • With proper washing, the result will be more effective;
  • Difficult stains can only be dealt with by hand.

It is worth noting that washing floors with your hands increases the load on the back and knees.


  • It takes a lot of time;
  • Difficult to clean areas under wardrobe and bed;
  • The inconvenience of working with gloves, without them, you can damage the skin;

Benefits of mopping:

  • The process is faster;
  • If you properly wash the floors with a mop, there is no negative effect on the limbs, back;
  • It will be possible to easily wash the areas under the furniture;
  • If the mop has an automatic spin, there is no effect of cleaning agents on the skin;
  • hygiene;
  • Easier to clean floors without streaks.

When buying a mop, you should also get replaceable covers for it and change them before cleaning different rooms.


  • The cost of a good mop;
  • Additional manual processing of complex dirt, corners and baseboards;
  • If you want to clean the floor quickly and superficially, it is more difficult to clean between furniture and carpets.

When buying a mop, you should consider that the handle is located at armpit level. This size will reduce the load on the back. With the help of such a mop, you can easily reach hard-to-reach areas.

The choice of rags should also be approached carefully. The following types are common:

  • Viscose. The fabric perfectly absorbs liquid, but loses its strength in contact with water. Strong twisting during the spin also reduces the life of the rag;
  • Rag with cellulose. This option is highly reliable. The fabric has good absorbent properties;
  • Synthetics. One of the best materials for mopping. The fabric dries quickly long time remains in excellent condition;
  • Microfiber. Its fibers get into hard-to-reach areas and small cracks. They attract dirt, leaving the floor in perfect order.

It is better to use a sponge to remove dirt and apply foam, microfiber perfectly cleans the floor from dust and stains, and flannel mops will help to rub the floor to a shine and remove excess moisture.

Features of washing different types of floors

V modern apartment not always just one kind of floor. Often in the bedroom one material, in the bathroom - another, in the kitchen - the third. There are funds household chemicals and folk ways for any type.

Unpainted plank flooring is considered an environmental option. Often the floor is made of wood, which is usually waxed, oiled or varnished. These are colorless paints, thanks to which the boards look natural. Consider how to quickly wash the floors and remove stubborn stains from this surface:

  1. Mix grated soap (2 tablespoons) and warm water (6 liters);
  2. Walk on the floor using a hard brush;
  3. Pour vinegar (2 tablespoons) into cool water (6 liters);
  4. Treat the floor with soft tissue;
  5. Wipe dry.

Soap is replaced with a solution with whiteness. Means will need 3-4 spoons. Then the contaminated areas are allowed not to rub intensively. To avoid negative impact water on such a floor, you need to process it twice a year with rags dipped in turpentine.

Wood floor cleaners

Plank painted coating is not afraid of moisture. With good paint, the floor will not peel off even due to strong detergents. From this surface, dirt can be easily removed. To make the floor shine, ammonia is used. Processing takes place according to the following technique:

  1. Mix ammonia (2 tablespoons) in cool water (6 liters);
  2. Walk on the surface;
  3. The solution does not require removal.

Note: Areas where the paint has peeled off a little are wiped with parquet mastic of a similar color. With this little trick you can postpone the repair, while maintaining the attractive appearance of the floor.

Laminate and parquet are the most capricious types of flooring. Do not use abrasives, steam cleaners for their processing. If water gets inside, the floor may swell. To wash the floor from the laminate buy store funds, such as "Pronto" or "Denkmit". The latter has a wax that provides careful care behind the surface, protection from UV rays and early wear.

How to properly care for laminate floors

If the hostess does not use special care products, it is important to know that you should not allow large amounts of water to get on the parquet or laminate. It is better to vacuum thoroughly, walk with a damp cloth and clean excess liquid, rubbing with a flannel cloth until the surface is shiny. Persistent pollution is removed by means such as "Silit" or washing powder:

  1. Mix into powder (1 tablespoon) with a small amount of water until a mushy state;
  2. Apply to pollution, wait all night;
  3. Wash off with warm water in the morning.

Shine parquet flooring give glycerin. 4 tbsp is taken per liter of water. l. facilities. Laminate is treated with water and vinegar. It is important not to leave excess water and wring out the cloth thoroughly.

Ceramic, porcelain stoneware or tile- the most unpretentious option. It doesn't make cleaning difficult. The following method will do:

  1. Mix ammonia (4-5 drops) and a bucket of water;
  2. You can pour 1 tbsp. l. dishwasher brightener;
  3. Wash the floor, wipe dry.

Care products for ceramic floor tiles

If the tile has a rough finish, use a brush and washcloth with a soap solution or store products such as Cif, Glorix, Mr. Proper, Cinderella, Oranit, Sanfor, Sodasan, Sano Poliwix, PassionGold, HG, Passiflora, Attitude, Orchid 5in1. For heavy pollution Pemolux is used.

Linoleum does not tolerate ammonia, soda, brushes with hard bristles, chlorine, hot water, alcohol, liquid soap. In order not to spoil the pattern and the material itself, it is important to act carefully:

  1. Mix soap shavings (2 tablespoons) with water (6 liters);
  2. Walk on the surface;
  3. Rinse immediately with clean, cool water until the soap dries;
  4. With smooth linoleum, dip a soft cloth into linseed oil and walk over the surface.

Dark dirt on linoleum is removed with a mixture of water and grated chalk. removed with nail polish remover or laundry soap foam. For the formation of shine, you can lower the rags into water combined with milk. Once a season, it is worth rubbing the floor with drying oil, then walking with soft silk.

Zelenka is best removed before the stain is still dry.

Carpet does not tolerate wet treatment. It is better to use a special dry foam, then a vacuum cleaner to remove it. There are special products for carpets, for example, "Sano carpet shampoo spray". A steam cleaner or washing vacuum cleaner is successfully used. If the carpet is removed, you can wash it in the snow in winter. For removing persistent pollution would need:

  1. Combine vinegar (1 tablespoon) and alcohol (3 tablespoons);
  2. Treat contamination, wait 30 minutes;
  3. Remove excess liquid with a sponge.

Cork is considered hygroscopic. It does not tolerate high humidity. Therefore, it is necessary to squeeze the rag strongly. Special detergents are not required. Uses standard soap solution. Abrasives are not allowed.

Carpet cleaners

Universal methods for all types of surfaces, depending on the type of stains:

  • Dirt. It will be possible to wash the floor from dirt with washing powder or dishwashing gel, such as Fairy;
  • Fat. To cope with greasy plaque, you need to combine vegetable oil with soda. Mix until creamy. Treat the floor, wait a quarter of an hour. Remove the remaining soda with a broom, rinse with cool water;
  • Wine stains can be removed with a meat-based soap or a solution of baking soda and linseed oil;
  • Diesel fuel or diesel oil can be removed using professional tools;
  • Mold. Chlorine will be able to cope with it. It is necessary to strictly observe the proportions, apply protective equipment and ventilate the room. Mix bleach (10 g) with water (5 l). Open windows and start the procedure. It should be noted that the apartment should not have children and pets.

Used to shine floors table vinegar. For 10 liters of water, 2 tbsp. l. A pleasant smell will add essential oil (1-2 drops).

Varieties of funds

There are a lot of flooring supplies. They are combined according to such characteristics as the method of preparation and composition; types of surfaces for which the product is intended; impact on health, etc. There are folk, antibacterial, disinfectant, antistatic, natural compounds.

The choice of means is carried out taking into account the floor covering. Consider what types of floor treatment products are:

  • Antibacterial "Domestos", "Nordland2". They are good for cleaning the floor, but there is a risk of harm to health. Particles of substances in the composition are in the air, on skin and mucous. It is better to wear gauze and rubber gloves when handling;
  • Antistatic agents "Cantron", "Multipower Neutral". Usually used for the problem of static electricity, which can be flammable. Often they are washed in hospitals, in production, where special requirements present for the quality of floors;
  • Disinfectants "Help", "L.O.C.". Disinfectants are effective in combating infectious agents such as influenza viruses, as well as fungi and bacteria. They should be purchased to care for the apartment, especially if small children live in it. You need to give preference to the most harmless option. Some choose a product with chlorine in the composition if pets live in the apartment. But for small houses this option is not suitable, as you will have to inhale chlorine until it disappears from the room, and this is dangerous.

Mr. Proper is available in a wide range of finishes

When buying a product, you need to carefully study the composition. Don't choose:

  • Disinfectants containing sodium hypochlorite. The surface will lose its luster over time;
  • Detergents similar to appearance on a standard powder and with an optical brightener in the composition. This will make the cleaning process difficult.

Important: The composition should contain less than 5% non-ionic surfactants, fragrances and preservatives. This amount is enough to ensure the cleanliness of the floor.

There are housewives who prefer household chemicals organic products to clean the floor. They do not contain chemical components, they are environmentally friendly. Cleaning is safe and the floor is sparkling clean. It's water mixed with alcohol essential oil, vinegar. Can be added mustard powder, citrus.

In folk remedies, they often add laundry soap, ammonia. These methods have been tested by time, but for modern coatings, like laminate, they are not always suitable.

Floor cleaning after renovation

Footprints repair work the most difficult to remove from coatings. Paint, glue, whitewash, putty often remain on them. Before processing the floors, you need to get rid of dirt:

  • Glue and paint. They are removed with white spirit or acetone. Wallpaper glue can also be removed with plain warm water if washed several times. Oil paint eliminated with Cif cream. You can get rid of pollution on linoleum with sunflower oil. fresh footprints water-based paint Easily cleaned with a mixture of water and soap. For old stains, a soap solution is used, leaving it for a quarter of an hour. The method is only suitable if the floor tolerates moisture. Isopropyl alcohol and formic acid cope with the paint without difficulty and risk to the coating;
  • Lime and hardened putty. First you need to carefully remove the plaque with a spatula, then remove the excess with hot water mixed with sunflower oil. 5 liters of water will require 100 ml of oil. A mixture of water and salt too effective method wash whitewash. For 5 liters of liquid, 100 g of the product is taken.

Important: Solvents can damage the flooring, so it is recommended to test their effect on a small, inconspicuous area first.

After removing dirt, you need to process the floors standard method depending on the type of surface.

construction dust often cannot be removed the first time, so wet cleaning have to do it several times

After the removal of the dead

Consider how to wash the floor after taking out the dead. Careful processing of the floor where the deceased lived is an ancient ritual. With death, negative energy always penetrates into housing, regardless of the nature of the deceased person. If the energy remains in the room, residents may start to get sick.

Cleaning the house is always a "holiday". In a figurative sense, of course. This procedure takes a whole day, and after a few days it becomes dirty again. In a word, the work is thankless, but necessary. Well, the most dirty and difficult to clean surface is the floor. Therefore, many housewives often face the question of how to wash the floor so that there are no stains on it, so that it sparkles and does not get dirty. The latter, of course, is difficult to fulfill: people only need to fly. But on the first two points, some recommendations can be given.

General rules

Before you decide to wash the surfaces you walk on, you need to familiarize yourself with general rules for this manipulation. These rules apply to all floor types. Regardless of how you are going to wash the floor, with your hands or with a mop, you must first remove all objects that you can from the surface. Thus, the territory will be free, and cleaning will become much easier.

It is very important to clean the floors with a broom before cleaning. thin twigs help pull dust out of the far corners and crevices. It is only necessary to work with a slightly wet broom: in a bucket of water, moisten the ends of the rods a little, then shake off excess droplets with light taps on the edge of the bucket.

Now you can start mopping the floors. This is done from the most distant corner of the room, moving gradually towards the exit. This general recommendations, and now we will figure out how to use a mop, which detergents are suitable for which types of surface and how to make surfaces clean without using a mop.

Type of floor and how to clean it

Modern floor coverings can be made of laminate, they can be parquet, they are also covered with linoleum and tiles, unpainted and painted wood. Each type of floor needs a special cleaning agent and has its own processing specifics.

Laminate flooring is allowed to be washed only once a year. The rest of the time it is only wiped with a damp cloth dipped in soapy water.

The parquet floor is cleaned in the same way as the laminate, only after a wet wipe it should be rubbed with mastic.

You can completely wash the floor with soap only if it is covered with linoleum. The water must be warm, and cleaning is allowed regularly.

Every day you can wash wooden ones. It is especially important to do this in the hallway and in the kitchen, where they get dirty the most. Such coatings are not afraid of moisture. Stains can be removed with ammonia.

If you have a wooden floor in your house, but not painted, then it is allowed to wash it only once a week. To do this, use hot water and soap. Then it is necessary to rinse the coating well and wipe it with a dry cloth.

Tiled floors are the easiest to maintain. They can even be wiped daily with a damp cloth.

Choosing a detergent

Choosing the right floor cleaner is incredibly important. Present on the market today great amount various means for washing floor surfaces, but there is a product for each type of coating. So, for parquet it is necessary to choose a delicate composition that will not damage the floor.

Cleaners containing alcohol are not suitable for linoleum. Powdered cleaners are also not recommended. Such concentrates will darken the coating or leave whitish streaks.

Floor tiles must not be cleaned with liquid soap. It is better to rub a little laundry soap into the water or find a detergent with an acid content. Such a product will remove dirt and destroy microbes.

For laminate flooring, try to buy a detergent with a neutral pH level. Abrasive substances must not be used for cleaning floor coverings made of this type of material.

Washing with a mop

How to wash the floors at home, with a mop or with your hands, each housewife decides for herself. If you need to do everything quickly, then the mop, of course, is better. But if at the same time as cleaning you also want to do exercises, then you should work with your hands. But if you decide to use exclusively a mop, then you should first familiarize yourself with modern views this tool. In stores you can find the following mops:

  • rope;
  • butterfly mops;
  • with microfiber:
  • with a sponge;
  • steam;
  • flat.

Which product to choose is also up to the user. The only important thing here is that the mop is as comfortable as possible for you.

Now consider how to properly handle this simple tool. The mop should be thoroughly moistened with water and wring out a little for the first time. They wash the floors, as mentioned above, from the far corner of the room to its exit. From time to time, the mop needs to be re-moistened with water. In heavily soiled areas, rub the mop more carefully, pressing it lightly.

When washing rough tiles or other textured flooring, the mop should be moved in such a way as if you were drawing a figure eight. Thanks to this, you will perfectly wash the dirt from the floor.

When everything is done, you need to rinse in clean water mop, wring it out and put it upside down to dry.

We wash the floors with our hands

Many housewives are interested in the answer to the question of how to wash the floor with your hands. Everything is very simple here: choose the right rag and cleaning agent. Add washing liquid to a bucket of water and dip a rag into it. Soak it well and squeeze it out. Now, in the same way as in the case of a mop, it is necessary to wash the coating from the far corner to the middle of the room. Rinse the rag, wring it out and wash the second half of the room. If necessary, wipe the washed surface with a dry cloth.

Which rag is best?

We have already figured out which floor cleaner to choose. Now we have to figure out which rag is best for washing flooring with your hands. Previously, old T-shirts and T-shirts were used for this purpose. Today, there are entire departments in stores that feature all kinds of rags. Consider their most popular types.

Viscose fabric. This material perfectly absorbs and retains moisture. But when wet, it loses its strength. In addition, he is contraindicated in twisting and hot water. Therefore, it is better to purchase not natural viscose, but a viscose rag with the addition of synthetic fibers. A viscose cloth combined with polyester perfectly absorbs moisture from the floor and wipes it dry. For washing coatings by hand, this is an excellent solution.

A rag, which contains cellulose, is distinguished by increased absorbent qualities.

Synthetics (polyester) cope with pollution better than any natural materials. These rags dry quickly and are durable.

Microfiber is considered a new generation material for mopping. It consists of microscopic fibers polyester, cotton and others. Such miniature fibers can penetrate into the smallest and farthest cracks and wash out dust and dirt from there.

Steam cleaner for washing floor surfaces

Modern housewives are increasingly wondering if it is possible to wash floors with a steam cleaner. If you have linoleum floors in your house, then, of course, you can use this unit to clean it. For any other surfaces, its use is prohibited.

The steam regulator must be set to "Two" or "Three": this way the steam temperature will be lower and will not damage the coating. After such cleaning, no traces will remain on the floor.

Folk remedies

Readers will also be interested in learning about how to clean the floor with folk remedies. If there are children in the house, then it is possible that flooring can be painted with felt-tip pens. To wipe it off, you need to moisten a small rag in gasoline and lightly rub the “image”. Then this place should be wiped with a damp clean cloth and wipe it dry. In the same way, traces of sneakers are removed.

To make the floor covering shine, it is recommended to wash it with a solution of milk and water. Liquids must be mixed in proportions one to one. A freshly washed floor can be greased linseed oil, which forms protective film and thus protects the surface from damage.


Remember: the dirtiest place in any room is the flooring. Sometimes you can wash the floors every day, or even several times a day. No matter how cleanly you wash the surface, after a day or two, dust, pet hair and other debris will still begin to accumulate in the corners. Whatever way you decide to clean the floors, you need to do it with joy, perhaps even love, and then the coating will not just be clean, but sparkling. Your family will appreciate it, and you will be pleased to enjoy the results of your work.

We usually clean our windows a couple of times a year. With the advent of spring comes the time for major cleaning, and it is important to know how to clean windows without streaks so that they look perfectly transparent. What means and methods to use for this, especially on plastic windows. Today we will tell you a few secrets of the perfect wash.

What Mistakes Should You Avoid?

First of all, let's take a look at the list of mistakes that are most common when caring for PVC windows. They usually include the following.

  1. Use of aggressive cleaners. The cleaning agent for washing and windows should not contain abrasives, that is, you should not use powders - they will leave scratches on the glass and plastic profile.
  2. Cleaners such as alcohol, benzine, or acidic thinners will cause windows to yellow over time.
  3. Avoid hard sponges with an abrasive surface, which also leave small scratches on the surface.
  4. When removing dirt from windows and windowsills, do not use sharp objects- screwdrivers, chisels, knives. This can lead not only to scratches, but also to chips.

Everything you need to clean windows, you will surely find in your home. First of all, these are soft rags, preferably cotton, linen or suede - they absorb water best of all. If you choose to use a sponge, make sure it is soft. The hard side is only suitable for removing heavy dirt.

Purchase a windshield wiper at the hardware store. This tool will make your job much easier. If the screed is on a long handle, then you do not have to once again stand on the windowsill or on a chair. Give preference to a model that has a sponge on one side and a trim on the other.

Detergents - they can be purchased at the store or prepared independently, according to folk recipes.

Be careful when washing windows from the outside

Remember to take precautions when cleaning plastic windows. You don't have to lean or protrude too much outer part window sill, and if possible, ask someone close to hold you. The surface that serves as your approach to the window must be flat and stable.

There are several effective and sufficient simple ways wash the plastic windows so that there are no streaks left on them.

First, prepare for work. Remove all foreign objects from the windowsill and lay out the right tools so that they are at hand. Pour water into a basin or bucket into small quantities so that it doesn't spill.

To wash windows from the outside, take a separate sponge or cloth: the outer surface is much dirtier than the inside.

Please note: it is better to wash windows in calm cloudy weather. Glass dries quickly under intense sunbeams and it will leave streaks.

Be sure to wear gloves when cleaning windows.

The first thing to clean up is the frame. Only after it can you start cleaning the glass. Sweep away all dust and thoroughly rinse all surfaces.

After that, soak a cloth in the detergent solution and apply it to the glass surface. Clean the window by carefully sweeping the dirt down. Do not forget that most of dirt is located in the joints of the frame and glass. outer surface plastic window wash with a brush on a long handle.

The final step is a clean wash. Here you will need a screed. Swipe it across the glass from the very top at an angle of 20-30 degrees, moving strictly horizontally. At the same time, each time block the washed area by a couple of centimeters. Wipe the wiper blade dry after each run to avoid streaks.

Washing plastic windows has some features.

  1. Don't be afraid to wash the plastic window with a special coating. Spray applied with inside glass, you won't damage it.
  2. Metal fittings, rubber seals and drainage holes require maintenance. After the window has dried, lubricate the fittings engine oil, a rubber compressor coat with silicone grease.
  3. Keep drainage systems clean, use special care products for plastic windows. Otherwise, in winter, the windows will fog up and freeze.

We use special sprays and detergents

This method is ideal if your windows small size and not very polluted. At any hardware store or home improvement department, purchase window cleaner in a container with a spray nozzle. You will also need:

  • soft cloth;
  • paper (newspaper);
  • basin or bucket for water;
  • household gloves.

Use only very soft sponges that do not leave scratches.

  1. All work must be carried out with gloves, since detergents have a harmful effect on the skin of the hands. Type in a bucket warm water and soak a cloth in it. Squeeze so that it remains wet.
  2. Wipe dirt and dust from the frame and window sill. Spread the detergent in a zigzag motion all over the window. Plastic windows need to be washed first outside, and then inside the room.
  3. Clean the window with a clean cotton cloth, wiping it in a circular motion. After the wash is finished, wipe the window with crumpled paper, polishing it thoroughly to make it shine.
  4. This method is also suitable when you have big windows, or they are located quite high. This is where a long-handled screed comes in handy.
  5. Use a steam cleaner to clean windows. This is not at all dangerous for frames and glasses, because manufacturers supply their devices with special nozzles in which the nozzles are located across. Bring the nozzle to the surface gradually, starting from a distance of 30 cm. Steam residues and stains are easily removed with a rubber scraper.

Window cleaner can be replaced with any other, for example, for dishes. Usually 7 drops per 2 liters of water are enough to wash the window. And you can make such a tool yourself.

A cleaning solution that will clean a plastic window to a shine can be prepared from almost anything you have on hand. Here are some simple recipes:

  • 1 tablespoon of starch per 1 liter of water;
  • 50 g of bleach per 1 liter of water;
  • 1 glass of vinegar per 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of ammonia per 2 liters of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of ammonia per 1 liter of water.

There is another way, which, although quite laborious, does an excellent job of removing dirt on the glass. Pour the chalk and dissolve it in water in a ratio of 2-3 tablespoons to 1 glass, respectively. Wipe the glass with this solution and leave it to dry, and then rub it with newspaper or paper.

Use a steam cleaner with special nozzles when washing plastic windows

Our grandmothers also used soapy water to wash windows, diluting grated laundry soap in water. It can also be used for plastic glasses, especially since it is the most affordable and economical way. But compared to previous recipes, and even more so with modern detergents, it will be more difficult to wash off stains and streaks from soapy water from glass.

Here are some more tips on how to use folk remedies to keep windows clean.

  1. After the windows are washed, wipe them down with a vinegar solution. Its scent repels flies and keeps windows clean.
  2. In order to prevent windows from freezing in winter, apply a solution to the glass table salt- 2 tbsp. for 1 glass of water.
  3. If small cracks appear on the glass, cover them with a colorless varnish on the outside.
  4. To keep the window clean longer, wipe it with a mixture of 70 g of glycerin, 30 g of water and a little ammonia. After drying, a protective film will remain on the glass.
  5. For a particularly bright shine, the glass of a plastic window can be given a greenish or blue tint. To do this, rub them with a solution of copper sulfate (1 tsp per 1 liter of water), or use dry ultramarine.