The most common way to decorate a ceiling is to whitewash or paint it. And the most used paint for this is water-based. Painting the ceiling with water-based paint at first glance seems to be a simple matter, but there are many subtleties, ignorance of which leads to the appearance of spots or stripes. How to avoid the appearance of such a nuisance, we will tell further.

Preparing for painting

In order for the independent painting of the ceiling with water-based paint to be of high quality and uniform, preliminary preparation of the ceiling is necessary. It is possible to achieve uniform coloring only on a flat, puttied surface. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to clean the ceiling from any previous coating (with the exception of a water-based emulsion, which holds very well).

How to remove whitewash

If you have whitewash on the ceiling - chalk or lime - you need to moisten the ceiling with water, and remove the coating with a spatula. Clean everything down to concrete. Even the smallest fragments must be removed. Sometimes it is very inconvenient to scrape small areas with a spatula, it is easier to do it with a wet rag.

In any case, after removing the whitewash, the ceiling should be washed with water and detergent. After complete drying, prime and putty with gypsum or cement (preferably white) putty to an even state, which is also called “under the egg”.

How to remove old water emulsion

If the ceiling has already been painted with a water-based emulsion, simply removing it will not work. The procedure depends on how the paint holds on the ceiling. If it just changed color and you need to update the ceiling, there are no swellings, cracks and other similar problems, you can get by with a little bloodshed. First - remove dust (with a cloth with water), dry, then primed. After the primer dries, you can paint. But once again we pay attention - this procedure is used only if the water emulsion is holding well and there are no defects.

Cleaning waterproof water-based emulsion from the ceiling is still a pleasure

If there are cracks, swellings on the surface of the water-based emulsion, it must be cleaned off. There are two ways - dry and wet. Dry is to clean with sandpaper (manually or using an angle grinder), wet is to wash off. This method has to be used for paint that is not afraid of water. But it is very difficult to clean off such paint. If the water-based paint holds well, no tricks help, but there are surface defects and putty is necessary, take coarse-grained sandpaper and make the surface rough. After that, you can putty. Further - according to technology: primer and then paint.

The ceiling painted with a water-based emulsion is washed off twice abundantly wetting with hot water. The water should be almost boiling water - about 70°C. After wetting part of the ceiling, wait 10 minutes, then again moisten the same area with hot water. After about five minutes, you can remove the paint with a spatula.

Removing old paint is a lengthy process

You can repeat this procedure several times, gradually removing lagging paint from the ceiling. Small residues can be cleaned with sandpaper, and then rinsed the ceiling, dried and primed. On the primer, it is already possible to putty, sand, leveling the imperfections.

Types of water-based paint

Water-based paint is a water-based emulsion that contains polymer particles undissolved in water. The composition also includes pigments and various additives that change the characteristics of the final product. After applying the paint, active evaporation of water occurs and a thin polymer film remains on the surface.

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint begins with the choice of composition. They use four types of polymers:

  • Acrylic. Aqueous emulsion based on acrylic resins allows you to get a smooth surface, has good hiding power, hides small surface defects, up to cracks up to 1 mm wide. Its disadvantage is the high price, but it is easier to work with it. In its pure form, acrylic compounds are hygroscopic and can only be used for dry rooms, but they do not interfere with the passage of steam. To create a waterproof film, latex is added to the acrylic emulsion. The same additive increases the elasticity of the dried film. Such compositions can be used in wet rooms.

    Acrylic-based water emulsion - a smart choice

  • silicates. This type of water-based paint is based on liquid glass. The coating is resistant to atmospheric precipitation and at the same time does not prevent the removal of vapors, has a long service life (10 years or more), and can be used for outdoor work.

    Silicate paints are vapor-tight

  • Minerals - lime or cement. Mineral water-based emulsions have good adhesion to any surface, but are quickly washed off. As a result, they are gradually losing popularity.

  • Silicone. Silicone-based aqueous emulsions are the latest in industry. These compositions are good because they "tighten" cracks up to 2 mm thick. As a result, the surface painted by them, even without excellent preparation, is even and smooth. The film is dense, but vapor-permeable. Silicone water emulsion can be used to paint the ceiling in bathrooms and other wet areas. The disadvantage of this type of paint is the high price.

Latex may be added to any of the formulations. Latex water-based paint is water-repellent. It is not afraid of moisture, can be used in wet areas.

Based on the main characteristics of these compositions, you can choose the best type of water-based paint for yourself. Each case requires its own properties and the “best water emulsion” is different each time.

What primer to use

The primer is necessary for better adhesion (adhesion) of the paint to the surface to be painted. It allows you to avoid the appearance of cracks and swelling after the paint dries. If there is no primer, this can happen. Everything will have to be cleaned and re-puttyed. Because in order for the painting of the ceiling with water-based paint to be of high quality, it is necessary to prime the surface well.

The base of the primer must match the base paint. Under acrylic paint, a water-based emulsion requires the same primer, under silicone - based on silicones, etc. Moreover, it is advisable not to save: the quality of this composition depends on how smoothly the water emulsion will lie on the ceiling.

There is an economical way of priming: the main paint is diluted with water (1 to 2) and the surface is painted over with this composition a couple of times. It's certainly better than nothing, but the primer gives a more secure grip.

How to paint the ceiling with a water-based emulsion with your own hands

Each of the water-based paints on the bank has instructions for use. It describes how it works. Some formulations just need to be stirred well before work: undissolved polymers can settle at the bottom of the jar. Some formulations require dilution. The amount of water added is also prescribed in the instructions and depends on the method of application. Under spray guns, they are bred more strongly; when using a roller, thicker compositions are required.

When diluting the water emulsion with water, it must be added in small portions. After mixing thoroughly, test on a surface area. If the paint lays down evenly, almost completely paints over the base, you can paint.

It is more convenient to pour the paint into a special container with a tray and a ribbed platform. You can use an ordinary bowl and a clean piece of oilcloth spread nearby. It's not as convenient, but it's less expensive.

Which roller to choose

A roller for painting the ceiling with a water-based emulsion is needed with a dense short pile. You need to examine it carefully. The pile should “sit” firmly and in no case should it “climb out”, even if you pull on it. Then look at how the seam is made. In no case should it stand out. It must be hard to find. It is best if it is made obliquely.

Devote maximum attention to choosing a roller: the quality of painting - the absence of stripes on the ceiling - largely depends on how good you have chosen the tool. It is more convenient to whitewash the ceiling with a water-based emulsion not from a ladder, but from the floor. To do this, the roller is planted on a long handle and well fixed.

How to paint without streaks

To avoid streaks on the ceiling, painting the ceiling with water-based paint should be completed no later than 20 minutes. Immediately after application, water begins to actively absorb / evaporate, and stripes appear at the junction of the dried and “fresh” color. Therefore, it is desirable to prepare the room. It is necessary to turn off (wrap) the radiators, to prevent the appearance of a draft. It is also advisable to wash the floor immediately before whitewashing, even if you work during the day, turn on the lights, this will allow you to better control the quality of the painting. After that, you can get to work.

Ready-to-use water-based paint is poured into a container, a roller is dipped into it, then it is well rolled over the site, achieving uniform distribution over the entire surface. When the roller has a solid color, they begin to paint.

The corners are painted over with the first brush. After applying a little paint, take a small roller and roll it well. Then they begin to paint the main surface. The first layer is applied parallel to the window, the second - perpendicularly.

It is necessary to stand so as to look at the painted place at an angle. This will give you a good view of how evenly the paint has spread, as well as where you have already painted and where you haven't. Move systematically, without jumping from one piece to another.

The width of the strip to be painted at a time is slightly larger than the width of the roller. After wetting the roller, place it approximately in the middle of the strip. Roll the paint quickly in both directions from one wall to the other. Don't waste too much time, you don't have much. On average, the water emulsion dries up in 10-20 seconds. We didn’t have time to put a strip next to it before - the border will be clearly visible, from which you will not get rid of. Having distributed the paint more or less evenly over the strip, dip the roller into the paint, and again roll it from the middle of the ceiling. At the same time, go into the already painted strip by about 10 cm. All this at a good pace without stops and smoke breaks. The edges of the dyed strip should not dry out. In general, these are all the rules.

After applying the first coat of paint, some places may be less well painted over. It is necessary to wait for complete drying, and paint a second time. This should already be enough to get a flat surface. If even after the third layer of water-based paint you have stripes and stains on the ceiling, you will have to redo it again. It is necessary to level the surface with sandpaper, prime again and paint again.

What color

The easiest way to achieve perfect evenness of color is when using "snow white" paint. All pigments clearly highlight even small irregularities, so the process should be given maximum attention or use an acrylic or silicone-based water-based emulsion.

In order to know how to properly use water-based paint for walls, you should familiarize yourself not only with the application technology, but also with the procedure for preparing decorated surfaces - all this in this article.

Or water-dispersion paint is a water-based finishing coating with the addition of polymers that form the properties of the material. Differences from other paints in the form of easy and fast application, a variety of shades, various degrees of stability make it universal for interior and exterior work.

Water-based paint for walls: characteristic

Technical characteristics of the paint: composition, consumption, viscosity, drying time - vary depending on the intended use.

By correctly comparing the desired parameters of hiding power, finishing gloss or haze, coating strength, you can choose a paint that is suitable for all points.

Water emulsion has a number of advantages that distinguish it from other paints:

  • drying time from 2 hours;
  • no specific odor;
  • environmental friendliness (safety for humans and the environment);
  • the ability to choose the desired shades;
  • easy cleaning of instruments and skin swabs

Painting with a water-based emulsion should only be carried out at temperatures above 5 °.


are distinguished by the main polymer in the composition:

  1. Acrylic. Acrylic resins make the paint durable and suitable even for exterior finishing work. It is used for wooden, glass, brick, concrete, plastered and even primed metal surfaces. Acrylic water-dispersion compositions often contain an additional component - latex, which increases the water-repellent properties of the painted surface. A double layer is able to tighten microcracks on the wall (1 mm).
  2. Silicone. Silicone resins are a reliable base for wet room paints. Silicone is an elastic material. Able to paint cracks of greater width. The antiseptic present in the composition fights the formation of fungus and mold. The composition is suitable for bathrooms, kitchens, including for painting ceilings with protection against moisture, steam, temperature extremes.
  3. silicate. Paint based on liquid glass is more often used for facade decoration due to increased resistance to atmospheric phenomena. The durability of the silicate coating reaches 20 years. The peculiarity of the coating is transparency, so it is rarely used in the interior due to low hiding power and a small range of shades. The presence in the composition of mica, talc, silicon makes it impossible to tint, so the choice of color is limited.
  4. Mineral. Suitable for painting concrete, brick, cement surfaces. The paint is designed to perform the function of water and ultraviolet protection, it requires regular updating of the layer. The fragility of the coating makes mineral water emulsion a rarely chosen, but cheap option not for cosmetic repairs.

TOP-5 rating of popular water-based paints: which one is better

The country-


pros Minuses
Tikkurila Finland · Optimum combination of the price and quality.

· Modern production technologies.

· Constant expansion of the assortment with novelties for different surfaces.

Unpretentiousness in everyday life (vapor permeability, dirt-repellent properties, etc.).


The need for professional tinting.

The need to combine with other finishing materials of the same brand.

Ceresit Russia · High adhesion (adhesion to the surface).

· Resistant to direct sunlight.

Uniformity of painting and tinting.

· High cost with double application required on any surface.
Dulux Great Britain · Environmentally friendly, making the paint an ideal option for bedrooms and children's rooms.

· Constant modernization of technologies, confirmed by international exhibitions and competitions.

The durability of the coating.

· High price.

Many nuances of application, which requires the involvement of a professional in painting.

Caparol Germany · A network of factories around the world.

· Affordable price.

· High resistance to washing, attrition.

· High covering power (one layer is enough).

Complete drying takes several days.
Dufa Germany Extensive range of shades and textures.

· High quality compositions.

· Weak covering power and durability of a covering.

The absence of a snow-white shade in the palette (often chosen for the ceiling).


Occurs in three layers: the first is a primer, the next two are paintwork.

Painting is carried out in strips overlapping each other at the junction in the style of writing the letter “W”.

It is better to start work in the light of day in the direction from the window in the opposite direction.

How to prepare a wall for painting

The preliminary stage includes plastering the irregularities of the wall, then applying a layer of putty. After the materials have dried, the walls are washed with soapy water and a primer layer is applied.

Popular technologies

There are three main technologies for painting walls:

  • brush;
  • roller;
  • spray gun.

Painting with a brush is an energy-intensive process with a less than ideal result. The brush applies paint unevenly and leaves streaks. However, you cannot do without a brush when processing areas in the corners, at the joints with the ceiling, around window frames. To do this, you need to choose a brush with a width of 10-15 cm, immerse it in a liquid for a third of the bristles, use a mesh to get rid of excess on the brush.

Roller painting is a quick method that requires care in distributing the paint first on the roller itself, then on the wall to avoid streaks and splashes. To do this, use a special tray with a container for water emulsion and a place for rolling.

Gives a high-quality layer without streaks, gaps, smudges, color differences. The device is characterized by a large simultaneous coverage of the wall area, which speeds up the painting process.

How to paint over old paint

It is possible to update the interior without bothering to wash off the old coating only if the old paint does not peel off. For a new water-based coating, it is necessary to clean the wall with sandpaper, apply a primer coat, then proceed to painting.

If the old paint is covered with cracks, chips, exfoliating places, then for better adhesion of the new coating it must be removed. The water-dispersion coating can be washed off with a special solvent, or mechanically using a spatula, chisel, grinder, building hair dryer, etc.

How to apply on different surfaces

You can paint with a water-dispersion emulsion wallpaper, textured plaster, plasterboard structures, old oil paint finishes. Each of these cases requires an individual solution.

You can paint wallpapers specially marked “for painting”!

Others may behave unpredictably under the coloring composition - get wet, change the degree of smoothness of the surface, peel off the wall, absorb paint unevenly, creating stains.

Drywall walls are becoming more popular due to the variety of shapes created and the smooth surface.

This simplifies the process of pasting wallpaper, however, for painting it is necessary to carry out a series of manipulations.

It is possible when applied to a layer of finishing putty. The putty layer here can be minimal, as it is designed not to level, but to create a uniform surface without seams and putty at the joints to obtain a uniform color already in one layer of paint.

Do not apply a water-based emulsion on whitewashed surfaces - it is better to wash off the whitewash beforehand. Chalk or lime compounds will begin to crack and flake under the paint, forcing the walls to be repainted once a year.

How to choose colors

The selection of a color scheme for a room often relies on the warmth / coldness of the room. When the windows face south, the room is visually cooled by shades of blue, purple, green. If the room is located on the north side, then warm shades of yellow, red, brown are better suited.

Wall surface type

A water-based coating is used for wooden, concrete, brick surfaces. Apply to walls, ceiling, plaster and plasterboard finishes. Regardless of the type of surface, an important factor in achieving a perfect result is thorough mixing of the emulsion. In addition, you should pay attention to the recommendations in the instructions for the paint: for example, if a water-based emulsion requires dilution with water, then it is better not to neglect this manipulation for even coverage.

Number of colors

The standard layout for the room comes out of three shades. A variety of modern colors allows you to choose the range of colors of the desired brightness or pastel, as well as visually modify the feeling of space in the room. So, light colors expand the space, dark colors narrow it. This technique can be used in combination to visually raise the height of the room when choosing dark walls and a light ceiling.

Degree of processing

The degree of pre-treatment determines the subsequent adhesion of the paint and the wall. With insufficient processing, the water emulsion keeps worse.

If the absorbency of the wall surface is not calculated correctly, painting may require more materials.

How to paint without streaks

It is better to paint the wall in 2 or 3 thin coats than in 1 thick, streak-forming coat. In addition, a new layer of paint is best applied on top of the completely dried previous one.

Applying the emulsion in thin layers helps to avoid streaks!

White water emulsion

White water-dispersion paint is usually mixed with a special thinner-conditioner. This additive gives additional drying time so that the joints of the painted areas can be covered without overlap marks.

Colored wall paint

A tinted primer helps to avoid streaks on the color coating and make it saturated - in the color of the paint or a suitable shade. Also, a colored primer allows you to achieve the desired color with fewer layers.

The first step on the way to a smooth paint surface is the choice of tools (rollers, brushes, sheet pans, paint nets to remove excess paint). It is not difficult to distribute the composition over a roller or brush, the main thing is to act smoothly, slowly: roll the roller several times on a flat surface, pick up only the required amount of paint on the brush.

An important point when applying the final layer of paint is taking into account the direction of the light rays. The coincidence of the planes of incidence of light and painting of the finishing layer allows you to hide the heterogeneity of both the structure of the wall and the painted surface.

Thus, the paint has a number of advantages in the form of environmental friendliness, ease of application, a wide color palette and a large selection of types of paints for different surfaces.

Useful video

Ever since the introduction of water-based paint, wall painting has gone from a tedious and unpleasant task to an easy and economical way of finishing. A huge selection of manufacturers, affordable prices, the ability to choose the right color yourself, as well as the presence of textured rollers, will allow you to paint your home even for a person who has never held a brush in his hand. Moreover, after applying the water-based emulsion, the walls and ceiling acquire an attractive aesthetic appearance, which makes your apartment or house unique and zest.

Since the original water-based paint is white, if necessary, you can order coloring services at any hardware store absolutely free. The employee will select the desired shade on the computer, and you will only have to buy paint and a bottle of color. It is quite easy to dilute paint at home. You need to choose a small enameled container (most often a regular bowl is used for this purpose), pour a little paint there, add color (you will get about 100 ml of solution), and then gradually add to the main container with water emulsion, continuously mixing the paint with a mixer until getting the right shade.

Before you start painting directly, you need to properly prepare the walls.

You need to thoroughly remove the old coating. If paint has already been applied to the wall before, try to remove it with a sharp spatula, or at least make sure that it is firmly seated. A thick, deep-penetrating primer is then applied to the wall, allowing it to dry completely. This process will take you about 6 hours.

After priming, to even out rough differences and defects, a starting putty is applied to the wall. To properly prepare it, you must follow the manufacturer's instructions, but usually a loose solution is slowly diluted with water until a mixture is obtained that resembles paste or sour cream in consistency. After the starting putty has dried (about a day), a finishing putty is applied to the wall. At the same time, try not to make strong streaks and not exceed the thickness of the putty layer by 1-2 mm.

After 24 hours, which is exactly how long it takes for the putty to dry, all small irregularities and stains must be removed with sandpaper.

At the end, a layer of soil mixture is again applied to the treated wall, and after it dries (5-6 hours), it is ready for painting.

wall painting

For painting, you will need a coloring tool - a roller, brush or sponge. A roller is used when painting large flat areas, joints or places adjacent to various objects (plinth, battery, etc.) are usually painted with a brush, and a sponge is used to give a decorative texture. Most often they are painted with a roller with an average pile length. You will also need a tray in which it is convenient to wet the roller and remove excess paint. Also, do not forget to pre-glue the skirting boards, doors, windows and ceiling joints (in case you are not going to paint the ceiling) with masking tape, since the water-based emulsion is quite difficult to remove after drying.

The paint itself is diluted with water to a milky consistency. Be sure to wait for the disappearance of the foam that forms when stirring with a mixer. After that, you need to pour a small amount of paint into the bath and drag out the roller in it so that its pile is completely saturated with it and does not leave streaks. You can roll the roller on a piece of old unnecessary wallpaper or on a wooden sheet. Another important tip: before painting - if you paint only a putty wall, you need to apply up to 3 layers of paint, but if the wall is with wallpaper, then you can get by with two layers. Just be careful when painting the wallpaper, try not to fall on direct rays of the sun and protect yourself from drafts.

It is preferable to start painting from the least noticeable angle. First, paint over the corner itself and 3 cm from it with a brush, as the roller may not completely capture this surface.

Then start with wide strips up to 60-70 cm, directed towards the floor, to paint the walls with a roller. Try to ensure that the joints of all subsequent strips do not touch, but slightly overlap each other. Usually the first and third layers are applied vertically, and the second horizontally. Every time you lower the roller into the paint container, do not forget to remove the excess. So you will protect yourself from accidental splashes and ugly streaks on the wall.

At one time, try to paint at least 1 sq.m. surfaces. In general, it is best not to stop until at least one coat of paint has been applied. Otherwise, the painted part will begin to dry out, and changes in shade will be noticeable.

To facilitate the work, it is advisable to purchase a stepladder, because inaccurate painting of the joints with the ceiling can nullify all your efforts, but this is not a mandatory attribute. Also make sure that the surface to be painted is well and evenly lit. In the evening, you can use a portable cartridge with an electric lamp, which does not heat up much and is convenient to use.

Take your time - it will take you about 4 hours to completely dry the first layer, and almost 5-6 hours for the rest. Never use heating devices to speed up the drying process - the paint structure deteriorates sharply and it begins to warp and fall off!

Several ways to paint walls

If the walls of your home are covered with decorative plaster or other textured materials, you need to choose a roller with hard bristles with a medium or long pile to paint over various recesses. After applying the paint, all protruding surfaces are painted very carefully with a sponge. This method gives visual volume and an incredibly beautiful effect is achieved.

The texture can also be given with the paint itself, because no matter how hard you try, after painting, small pimples always remain on the wall. By experimenting with the density of paint, you can achieve a blurry pattern and its texture. Now even on sale there are special rollers, with a ready-made pattern or skin patches.

It is only necessary to immediately foresee that with the textured painting of the walls, the consumption of the coloring material increases several times.

Painting the walls of the kitchen with water-based paint also has a number of features that you should pay attention to. It is better not to try to paint over the working surface, since not a single paint can withstand exposure to high temperature and steam. The rest of the surface, after applying the water-based emulsion, it is desirable to open with a special varnish, also water-based. Then your kitchen will remain in its original form for a long time, and the walls will be easy to clean with a regular damp cloth.

If you want to paint the walls in the bathroom with paint, you must immediately clarify the state of your forced ventilation, since in its absence, the water-based emulsion will begin to fall off after a certain period of time. When painting, the bathtub must be reliably protected from the slightest draft, as well as from moisture and steam.

Of course, it’s better to see how a specialist does it once, so the video guide below will help you avoid gross mistakes, as well as compare your result with the work of professional painters.

We can say that the technology of using water-based paints as wall decoration has become the most popular. Today, acrylic-based paint can be used to paint walls even in areas such as the kitchen or bathroom. That is why it is important to understand how to paint with water-based paint efficiently and professionally.

The composition of modern water-based coatings is fundamentally different from oil paints, the use of which can still be seen here and there. Professional designers recommend the use of improved new-generation paintwork, as they:

  • non-toxic and do not cause allergies;
  • easy to use;
  • have unlimited decorative possibilities.

It is the composition of these paints that determines all the advantages that distinguish them from everything that is on the market today. However, these products must also be used correctly.

The most common type of its application is whitewashing. The surface acquires a layer that is perfectly even in color and texture. Everyone likes this whitewash without exception. Since there are almost never streaks when drying, provided that the technology is followed.

What are water based paints

From the name it is clear that these are paints that can be diluted with water. The composition includes polymeric dyes in the form of an emulsion. The technology also provides for various additives that increase the elasticity, strength of the paint coating and other properties.

There are several types of paint products, among which acrylic-based paints are considered the highest quality. With their help, you can paint any surface from almost any material. If the wall is painted with an acrylic coating, it will not lose its attractive appearance for a long time, withstand a large number of wet cleanings, and even whitewashing the ceiling will please you with the absence of yellowness and streaks.

For whitewashing, you can use and, to which cement and quicklime are added. There are also silicate products, which are liquid glass in the form of an emulsion. In general, the characteristics of these products are positive, but whitewashing in a humid room is unacceptable. Silicone resins enrich water-based paints, which are called silicone. Painting any surfaces creates a film that protects against moisture penetration.

Despite good performance, all these compounds do not create serious competition for acrylic paint. Interior design always looks nobler when using it.

painting tool

Before starting work, you need to prepare tools. The technology for painting walls is simple, but you will need several tools:

  • brushes of different sizes;
  • rollers;
  • paint tray;
  • level and ruler;
  • masking tape.

The set of tools may be larger, especially if the wall covering is textured. Then a sponge, spatula, spray gun will come in handy. The right tool will ensure you get the job done quickly.

To work with acrylic paint, it is better to use rollers with removable coats. It may be the most ordinary roller with an almost smooth surface. Of course, if the design of the walls involves the creation of textures, then special textured rollers can be used. But you need to know how to use them. If you do the staining with your own hands, the result can be disappointing.

The least hassle is whitewashing the ceilings. Especially if you just want to paint evenly and without streaks. For such work, you can use not only rollers, but also brushes of different sizes.

Wall preparation

Before starting work on finishing the walls, they must be prepared. This includes processes such as:

  • removal of the old coating;
  • surface leveling;
  • primer.

The list of works may include additional putty, elimination of defects. If we are talking about walls in an old house, then leveling the heights will be required.

The next step is to apply a special composition, which is called a primer. This step is often considered redundant. But you should not neglect them, since this composition allows the coloring matter to be evenly distributed over the entire surface and, at the same time, enamel is saved. Even if simple whitewashing is required, then the surface primer will still not be superfluous.

Often, having bought water-based paint for the first time, people get scared. It is thick and it becomes unclear how to use it. But it is enough to add a little water to its composition and mix. The enamel is ready to use. It is important to consider that it is necessary to dilute the paint exclusively with cold water.

wall painting

Usually painting walls with water-based paint does not cause difficulties even for beginners. The technology is simple, you need to dip a brush or roller into a tray with a tinted mass and then apply it to the wall, distributing it evenly.

If everything is done correctly, then when drying, the joints of various sections will not be visible, no other defects will appear.

You can paint the walls with your own hands. There are no special requirements. But there are some recommendations:

  • surfaces are painted in two, and preferably in three layers;
  • you need to start work from above to eliminate the appearance of drops and smudges;
  • surfaces not to be painted must be sealed with adhesive tape;
  • corners and narrow places are painted over with a brush;
  • large surfaces are painted with a roller.

Despite the composition of water-based enamel, wall painting must be done completely. The second layer is applied only after the first layer has dried.

Decorative properties of paint coatings

The performance technique will be considered improved if all the recommendations of experts are taken into account. And they say that during the work it is necessary to completely exclude drafts and not dilute the enamel too much, since this is not saving. Strong walls can be painted, but it will lose its qualities.

Modern design has a whole arsenal of expressive means that can give the interior a unique image. Of course, it all depends on the selected finishing materials, texture, color and other factors.

If you do the interior with your own hands, then you need to take into account the fact that water-based paints are produced in white. They can be given a color shade using special colors. You need to choose a color before starting work. The amount of tinted mass should be calculated immediately for the entire volume. If it is not enough, then it is difficult to choose the right color and shade. Often, even the machine does not cope with this.

Additional colors change the composition of the paint, but slightly, the performance remains the same. You don't have to worry about products with an improved formula at all.

Quality checking

Before you paint the walls with water-based paint, you should check its quality. You can do this at home. The composition is applied to a small sample. After drying, the color is clearly visible. It is important to bear in mind that often even improved paint, after drying, does not have such a bright shade as it was at the beginning.

But the test doesn't end there. After the coating has dried, the sample can be placed under running water. Did the layer begin to bubble or wash off altogether? This means that this product is of poor quality or it is simply not recommended to use it in rooms with high humidity. It is better to find out before starting work.

The use of acrylic or any other high-quality water-based enamel in the interior has several advantages:

  • everything can be done by hand;
  • upon completion of work, you can stay in the room, as there is no sharp unpleasant odor;
  • state-of-the-art advanced technology delivers amazing results.

Creating an apartment design with your own hands leads to the emergence of unique styles and images. The advent of water-based paints greatly expanded the creative horizons. Simplified and improved technology allows you to do repairs and creativity even with your child, since most of these paints and varnishes are not only harmless, but also hypoallergenic.

The procedure for painting walls is not that complicated, but it requires careful surface preparation. You can do the work yourself, but the work will take a lot of time and effort. How to properly paint the walls with water-based paint, we will analyze in the article.

  • Dries quickly;
  • Safe;
  • You can choose any shade;
  • She is easy to work with.

Water emulsion dries much faster than other types. Some dry instantly.

Unlike other paints, water-based paints do not contain toxic substances and are absolutely safe, which means that there will be no smell during operation and in the future. After completion of work, the room does not need to be locked. You can safely move around the room, without weathering.
The paint is sold in white form with the subsequent addition of color. With it, you can achieve exactly the color and shade that you need. But first check the resulting color on a small section of the wall: on the surface it may differ from what is in the jar. If you can’t achieve the desired effect, then sellers can stir in hardware stores.
Working with paint is easy and simple.

You won't need a respirator or gloves. The composition is easy to wash. The water emulsion will create a durable coating and will serve you for 15 years without deformation if the operating standards are properly observed.
Among the shortcomings, one is singled out: it can only be applied at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees. Work should be carried out in summer or spring, and in winter only in heated rooms.

Types of paints

Water-based paints are made on the basis of several substances. It is according to their composition that they are distinguished:

  • acrylic;
  • Silicone;
  • silicate;
  • Mineral.

The characteristics of paints also depend on the composition: water resistance, wear resistance, strength and others. Let's analyze each type in more detail.


The main substance in the composition is acrylic resins. This paint is safe and has higher performance compared to other types. It can be used when painting a children's room, there will be no smell. But it also costs a lot, therefore, experts recommend working with it. It is easy to apply, does not absorb into the coating. Not afraid of the sun: after a few years the color will remain the same as before, it does not fade.
It is used for both indoor and outdoor work. She is not afraid of water, it can be used in the kitchen or in the bath. The paint will not rub off when wet cleaning. Paints containing latex can close small cracks.


Suitable for use in rooms with high humidity. Silicone is much more elastic than latex, which means that the paint can hide small wall imperfections. Dirt will not collect on the painted surface, the paint does not accumulate, but repels it.

Such a coating has vapor permeability, which means that the walls will breathe, which reduces the risk of mold and mildew.


This type is not used for repairs in residential premises. It is designed for outdoor work or for unheated rooms. Resistant to many atmospheric phenomena, will serve you for many years. Its service life exceeds 15 years.
Mineral paint is made from cement or slaked lime. It is very rarely used in cosmetic repairs - it will not last long.

How to choose paint

Before buying, you should pay attention to some characteristics of the paint:

  • Compound;
  • Consumption;
  • Drying time;
  • Best before date.

Never use expired formulations.

It's not in vain listed on the packaging. Over time, the paint simply loses its positive qualities and by applying it to the wall you will waste time.
During self-repair, I want it to move faster. Therefore, pay attention to the drying time, so you save time. Remember that the paint is applied in two layers. Drying time also depends on the temperature and humidity of the room.
On the packaging, manufacturers always indicate the consumption of material. However, this indicator will vary depending on the condition of your walls: smoothness, evenness, cracks, etc. The absorbency of your surface also plays a role. Concrete absorbs very well, so you may even have to apply three layers. To avoid this, cover the walls with a preliminary layer of primer. You can save consumption with the help of tools: the brush takes paint much more, the roller is smaller and the spray gun will save your strength and material.
When choosing, look at the price. Of course, you don’t want to spend a lot, but very cheap samples most likely do not differ in quality.

You can store the paint only in warm rooms, and therefore you should not buy it in the market in winter, it may lose its qualities due to the cold.

Pay attention to weight. The density of the material is about one and a half kilograms per 1 liter of paint. Among the many manufacturers there are those who have already established themselves. Such paints include Dulux and Tikkurila.

Preparatory work

The calculation of the material depends on many criteria. So the consumption rate is indicated on the package, but it is designed for application to a perfectly flat surface, so you should know right away that you will need more paint than indicated.
The type of surface also affects: it can absorb water well, which will increase consumption.
Calculate the area of ​​your room by measuring the length and width of the walls. These parameters are multiplied together and you get the number of square meters. Divide them by the indicated consumption and get the required amount of material.
If your walls are not perfectly even, you can slightly increase the consumption by 1 sq.m. when calculating.

Required Tools

When working, you do not need special equipment. All that is needed:

  • roller;
  • Paint bath;
  • Brush;
  • Dye.

The roller significantly saves material consumption, but it cannot penetrate into hard-to-reach places, in which case use a brush.

For preliminary work, you may need:

  • Putty knife;
  • soap solution;
  • Sander;
  • Primer roller;
  • putty;
  • Plaster.

Wall preparation

Preparation is carried out in several stages:

  • Preparing the premises;
  • Removing the old coating;
  • Wall cleaning;
  • putty;
  • Primer;
  • Plastering and sanding.

Cover all furniture in the room in case of paint spills. De-energize the room and cover sockets and wires with masking tape. Also close the joints between the floor and ceiling with adhesive tape.
Remove old coating. Whitewash can be removed with a spatula and warm soapy water. Moisten the wall with a solution and after the coating is slightly soaked, remove the whitewash with a spatula. If your layer is very thick, then a paste or grinder will help.

Wallpaper is removed with the same solution. To begin with, you moisten them, and then tear them off with a spatula or knife. If you have waterproof wallpaper, then first make small cuts so that water can penetrate the glue. The paint is removed only with a special solution, which is purchased at a specialized store. Some beat it off with a hammer and spatula, but this can damage the wall itself.
After removal, you need to clean the coating. Wash the walls with water and detergent. Remove grease stains or mold. Seal all holes and cracks. Then apply a coat of primer. The primer is applied in 2-3 layers. If the surface absorbs well, then 3 layers are needed. If not, then 2. Finishing stage - puttying the walls and leveling them, and then grouting.

The technology of painting walls with water-based paint

Before applying the paint, it must be diluted with color. Try to dilute all the paint at once, because then it will be difficult to achieve the same color in all buckets. For the sample, use any measuring container, pour paint into it and add color with a syringe.

Keep adding it until you get the color you want. Remember how much color and paint you needed in the same proportions, dilute in a large container. Before applying the paint to the entire surface, test it on a small area. Color may vary depending on your coverage.

The paint is applied in several layers, depending on how well your surface absorbs. The primer significantly increases adhesion and will not allow the paint to soak in. Pour paint into the tub. Dip the roller in the tray and roll out onto a ribbed surface to remove excess. You need to paint from top to bottom in order to smooth out the resulting smudges. Use the brush in hard to reach places.

After applying the first layer, wait for it to dry completely. Manufacturers indicate an approximate time on the packaging, but still, before applying a layer, you should run your hand over the surface to make sure. Close all windows during drying. There should be no drafts. In a humid room, the paint takes longer to dry, but do not make any independent attempts to speed up the process.

So it can only crack. If you want to apply a drawing, then any hardware store sells special stencils. To create a textured surface, a special roller is used. You can use a sponge or a plastic bag.