Recently, in the markets you can find unusual fruits of bright orange color with "suckers" inside which are sweet red berries. Sellers advertise them in every way. It's called exotic plant momordica or indian pomegranate. It is considered to be native to Southeast Asia. Every year, all new opportunities come off that this city hides in itself. unusual fruit. All parts of the Indian pomegranate are considered medicinal and edible: the berries that are inside the fruit, the fruit itself, the stems and even the roots. The fruits of the plant can be pickled, salted, poured with syrup, boiled jam, mixed with honey or.

The content of the article:

The leaves contain many useful elements, such as calcium, sodium, iron and phosphorus. Fruits and shoots of momordica are a source of potassium, silicon, selenium, zinc, vitamins A, B, E, F C, pantothenic, nicotinic and folic acids.

In some countries, the leaves are used in cooking national dishes. Snacks, soups and salads are seasoned with young shoots of the plant. The fruits are eaten both ripe and almost ripe - they are equally useful and pleasant to the taste, the difference is only in astringency and pungency.

Scientists have shown that this plant increases the total amount of beta enzymes in the pancreas and has a beneficial effect on the body's function to produce insulin, which means that the substances contained in Indian pomegranate help regulate blood sugar levels.

Another useful property of momordica, which was revealed relatively recently, was the ability to inhibit cancer cells and tumors. Studies have been conducted in which it turned out that drugs that include plant extract help stop the spread of prostate tumors. Numerous studies have demonstrated the anti-leukemic and anti-cancerous activity of the components contained in the plant against sarcoma, melanoma, liver cancer and leukemia.

Momordica, is natural medicine, which helps to remove toxins and other foreign pathogens from the body, is involved in stimulating immune systems s, making it an almost indispensable product.

With momordica can be found as medicinal recipes, and ordinary, culinary.

Culinary recipes with momordica

Salad: 1 momordica, beet greens, 1 onion, 1-2 large tomatoes, and balsamic dressing, or just 1 tablespoon olive oil and 1 teaspoon balsamic

Peel and soak the momordica in salt water for 2 hours to remove bitterness. Then rinse and cut into small sticks. Chop the rest of the vegetables, put together with the momordica in a salad bowl, mix and season with balsamic vinegar.

Pickled momordica for appetizers and salads: 1-2 momordica fruits, red onion, sushi rice vinegar, 1 cayenne pepper or a little (optional), tablespoon.

Before pickling, peel the fruits and soak in salted water. Cut into strips or grate on a long grater for Korean carrots. Heat the oil in a regular frying pan, add spices and heat a little more. Turn off the fire, cool down room temperature, add vinegar, mix, place the momordica in enamelware or a salad bowl, and pour the marinade. Add onion rings. Mix everything together and leave in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Momordica Chips: A couple of momordica fruits soaked in salt water for 2-3 hours. Spices for stir-fry or chips, or any seasoning mix you like.

Cut the fruit into very thin petals using sharp knife. Preheat the oven to 120 degrees, pour the pieces in a very thin layer, sprinkle with oil and add spices. Dry with the door ajar for about 4-5 hours, collect in paper bags.

Medical recipes with momordica

From pressure, diuretic: pour 1 tablespoon of momordica seeds with half a liter of water, and boil for 20 minutes in a water bath. Leave to cool, take a quarter cup 3 times a day. This decoction sometimes appears in sources according to folk medicine as a remedy for hemorrhoids. Then it is used for making cold lotions.

From colds, psoriasis, rheumatism: momordica fruit in fresh cut into cubes, placed in glass jar and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Momordica should be insisted for 2 weeks. After that, the tincture is taken before meals in a teaspoon.

General tonic: the fruit, along with the bones, is turned through a meat grinder, and poured with 1 glass of honey, plus a glass is added. Insist 12 hours, eat 1 teaspoon before main meals. The product is quite bitter, so you can drink it with water.

However, no matter how useful the plant has, do not overdo it with its consumption. If you have a desire to experience the miraculous effect of its fruits, you do not need to try to eat as many of them as possible at a time, you will not cure the disease, and it is quite possible to earn an allergy.

In addition, there is a very strict contraindication to the use of momordica, this is pregnancy, when using the extract and fruits of this plant, the risk of spontaneous abortion increases.

Individual intolerance to the product is also one of the contraindications. Therefore, before trying this or that unfamiliar fruit or vegetable, you should learn as much as possible about it, even from the useful plant have their own advantages and disadvantages to be considered.

Calorie momordica 19 kcal

The energy value of stevia (the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates):

Proteins: 0.1 g (0 kcal)
Fat: 0.1 g (1 kcal)
Carbohydrates: 0.1 g (0 kcal)

Energy Ratio (BJU): 2%/5%/2%

Video about the benefits of momordica + cooking recipes with it

Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

Useful properties of momordica, cooking recipes

At present, it is increasingly possible to find a peculiar fruit of bright orange color on the market, on the surface of which small suckers are visible, and inside it contains red and tasty fruits. The once exotic plant now grows in our region, and this plant is called momordica.

The homeland of momordica is considered to be the South- East Asia. The fruits have an interesting taste, it is also called Indian pomegranate. Among other things, momordica has a number of healing and medicinal properties Therefore, it is widely used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine. In this article, we will look at useful and medicinal properties momordiki, cooking recipes and medicinal recipes.

Cultivation of momordica and care

The process of growing a plant is very similar to growing cucumbers. So, momordica can be safely planted in a greenhouse or greenhouse, even at home on the windowsill. As a rule, plant seeds are planted, but propagation by cuttings is also found.

Someone is planting momordica as ornamental plant and someone as a vegetable garden culture. Momordica seeds are planted in the ground, to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. At the same time, the seeds are immersed in the ground with an edge. Immediately after planting, the place needs to be watered, after which you can not water for 2-3 days. The first shoots will appear in 10-15 days, and then grow the plant like cucumbers.

The benefits and composition of momordica

Surprisingly, not only the fruits of the plant are useful in momordica, but also the rest of its parts - leaves, stems and even roots. So, for example, in the leaves of momordica there is a huge number of useful elements. Here you can find calcium and phosphorus, as well as sodium, iron, etc. The fruits and shoots of momordica contain abundant amounts of potassium and silicon, selenium, zinc and, of course, vitamins:

- group of vitamins "B";

- vitamins "A" and "E";

- vitamin " F" and "C".

Polyunsaturated acids are present in the fruits, in particular, pantothenic and nicotinic acid, as well as a small amount of folic acid. The leaves of the plant can be used to prepare various dishes - soups, snacks, salads and other goodies. The fruits of momordica are consumed ripe or slightly green. In principle, there is no difference in benefits between ripe and slightly unripe fruits - they both taste good, and differ only in astringency and spiciness.

The calorie content of momordica is as much as 19 kcal, which is not enough for a garden crop. The fruits of the plant contain 0.1 g of protein and the same amount of fat, as well as 0.12 g of carbohydrates.

Momordica promotes an increase in the number of enzymes in the body, especially in the pancreas. This has a positive effect on many functions of the body, the production of insulin, which helps to control normal blood sugar levels.

Among the beneficial properties of momordica, scientists were able to identify its ability to inhibit cancer cells. Momordica extract is part of medical preparations intended for the prevention of prostate tumors. The components of the plant are also effective against sarcoma and melanoma, in the fight against liver cancer or leukemia.

Momordica is able to remove from the body harmful substances, toxins and pathogens that affect the immune system. Therefore, for the most part, it remains an indispensable useful product.

Contraindications and harm of momordica

The use of momordica is absolutely safe, however, there are some restrictions and contraindications regarding medicinal use. Momordica is not advised to use during lactation and pregnant girls. Thyroid diseases also limit the use of momordica. It is not advised to use the fruits of the plant for ailments of the adrenal glands and stomach.

Plant-based medicines can provoke an exacerbation of chronic and peptic ulcer diseases of the stomach, contribute to the occurrence of heartburn and increased salivation. Among side effects there is also an allergic reaction, very few cases of poisoning. Actually, individual intolerance is another reason to refuse to use this vegetable.

Culinary and medicinal recipes for momordica

It has already been said earlier that there are recipes for making culinary momordica and as medicinal product. Therefore, we will consider in turn the recipes for preparing this wonderful vegetable.

Cooking recipes

Snack from momordica. For cooking you will need following components: green momordica fruit, water, salt, flour, turmeric (optional), vegetable oil (for frying).

We choose a solid fruit to the touch and only green, as in the photo. If there is already a slightly pinkish seed inside, it does not matter (but it tastes better when it is white and green). Orange fruits are inedible. Cut into rings and pour water with salt, put a lot of salt. While the rings are floating in the brine, heat the oil in a frying pan. Rolled momordica in flour. Fried on both sides. They removed it from the pan and put it on a couple of napkins to collect the oil, and also covered it with a napkin on top.

Momordica salad. 1 momordica, beet greens, 1 onion, carrot, 1-2 large tomatoes, and balsamic dressing, or just 1 tablespoon olive oil.

Peel and soak the momordica in salt water for 2 hours to remove bitterness. Then rinse and cut into small sticks. Chop the rest of the vegetables, put together with the momordica in a salad bowl, mix and season with balsamic vinegar.

Healing recipes

Momordica fruit tincture. Cut the fruits of momordica without seeds into small pieces. Densely fill them with a three-liter jar. Pour vodka (0.5 l) into a jar, close the lid. Keep for two weeks in a dark cool place.

Tincture of momordica fruits is drunk for three days on an empty stomach (30 minutes before meals), 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Momordica fruit tincture is effective for colds (cough, runny nose, fever), psoriasis and rheumatism. And also it is used as a means to strengthen the body's immunity.

Decoction of momordica seeds. About 15-20 crushed seeds of momordica are poured with 1 cup of boiling water, kept on low heat for 10 minutes. Then insist for an hour and filter.

Momordica seed tincture is drunk 50 mg, 3-4 times a day, for hemorrhoids and as a diuretic, for febrile diseases.

More about useful products:


Indian pomegranate, Chinese bitter melon, balsamic pear, yellow cucumber - all this is momordica, exotic herbaceous plant created by nature for beauty and benefit.

Useful representatives of the flora, preferring a tropical climate, originally from Southeast Asia, grow in the Philippines, India, South America, China, Indonesia. Some types of Indian pomegranate are found in the Crimea. Momordica from the pumpkin family - close relative cucumbers and zucchini. An amazing liana up to 4-6 m high looks spectacular throughout the entire growing season. Beautiful carved leaves have the ability to cause a slight burning sensation when touched - they "bite".

Hence the name momordica, which in Latin means "biting". Blooms throughout the summer with bright yellow flowers delicate aroma attracting insects.

Medicinal fruits with tuberous growths are shaped like an oblong pumpkin or cucumber. As they mature, they change color from light yellow to deep orange. Ripening ends with the fruit cracking into three parts, exposing the ruby ​​pericarp. The seeds are not deprived of beauty Brown with natural ornaments in Indian motifs, ripening in mid-June. Their taste in raw form is similar to persimmon with hints of fragrant melon.

Useful substances contain all parts of the Indian pomegranate: leaves, fruit pulp and seeds. Healing qualities are due to a complex of substances necessary for the body:

  • proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • amino acids;
  • alkaloids;
  • vitamins C, A, E, F and group B;
  • mineral salts with a predominance of calcium and phosphorus;
  • phenols, oils, resins, saponins;
  • nicotinic and folic acids;
  • Charantin is a natural compound that lowers blood sugar.

Application in cooking

Tender shoots and leaves are added to salads. They make nutritious and therapeutic first courses. Fruits are valued in an unripe form, when they do not yet have the bitterness characteristic of a mature plant. They go to the preparation of vegetable side dishes, as well as caviar. Ideal for stewing, boiling, pickling, canning. They make delicious liqueurs, wines, liqueurs and even jams.

The rich have a special taste essential oils seeds that successfully combine oiliness hazelnuts with pineapple flavor. They are ideal for dusting confectionery and pastries.

As part of the Indian curry seasoning among spice plants Momordica is also sure to be present.

Healing properties

V traditional medicine known drug "Momordica Compositum" ( Momordica Compositum), which is obtained from the ripe fruits of the plant. It is used intravenously, subcutaneously, intramuscularly or orally to treat acute and chronic pancreatitis. Refers to homeopathic remedies, not contraindicated in childhood starting at 2 years of age.

In China, attention has long been paid to the antimicrobial and antiviral properties of grass. It is used for the treatment infectious diseases stomach and intestines, upper respiratory tract with colds.

Momordica justifiably added to the list medicinal plants that increase immunity and oppose acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

In South America, the herb is used to treat hepatitis, measles, and scabies. Its properties are in demand for bites harmful insects and snakes, to remove helminths. Positive effect noted in arthritis, asthma, leukemia and cancer.

Fruits and seeds lower cholesterol levels in the blood, cleanse blood vessels, and prevent heart attacks and strokes. Healing properties momordica helps in restoring vision, treating psoriasis, liver and kidney diseases, increase potency and help to say goodbye to such bad habits like smoking and alcoholism.

The main advantage of the herb is associated with the presence of a rare substance charantin in the composition. The natural component restores the beta cells of the pancreas responsible for the production of insulin. These unique medicinal qualities used in endocrinology to normalize blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Healing tinctures

For tincture, the fruit of the Indian pomegranate is used.

Release the pulp from the berries, finely chop, tightly fill the jar (3 l) to the top and pour 0.5 l of vodka. Close the lid and store in a cool and dark place for 14 days to insist.

Take a drink half an hour before meals, a teaspoon three times a day as a remedy for colds, rheumatism and increase the body's immune forces.

Seed decoction

To prepare a decoction, 15-20 seeds are required, which, in crushed form, are poured with a glass of boiling water. Cook over low heat for no more than 10 minutes. After an hour of infusion, strain and take as diuretics and anti-febrile drugs, a quarter cup up to 4 times a day.

In cosmetology, the herb is used in the form of tinctures. It has a rejuvenating and toning effect, tightens pores and gives the skin blooming view and velvety. rich in vitamins the plant improves the condition of hair and nails, gives health to the teeth.

Nutritionists use the plant's properties to increase metabolism and remove excess fat, combined with low calorie content (only 19 kcal per 100 g). Thanks to Chinese bitter melon, you can easily part with extra pounds.

Harm and contraindications

Exotic momordica, when eaten excessively, can cause excessive salivation and signs of poisoning. Features of its composition limit the use medicinal plant in cases:

  • pregnancy due to the threat of termination;
  • breastfeeding;
  • diseases of the stomach due to the risk of exacerbation;
  • individual intolerance to plant components.

Indian pomegranate is a member of the gourd family. The species includes more than 200 annual and perennials, but on garden plots most often you can find only one of them.

Indian pomegranate has various titles: crocodile cucumber, mad melon, balsamic pear, yellow cucumber, Chinese pomegranate

Officially, this plant is called momordica and its homeland is India or the countries of East Asia. It is also called crocodile cucumber, wild melon, balsamic pear, yellow cucumber, Chinese pomegranate.

plant description

  1. An annual climbing herbaceous liana with long and thin stems up to 2-3 m in length.
  2. small light green leaves. They have a five-fingered shape with strongly pronounced notches.
  3. bright yellow flowers elongated shape. The smell during flowering resembles the smell of jasmine.
  4. Shoots and leaves during the growing season tend to burn the mucous membranes and skin. The place of contact turns red and covered with small dropsy, as after a nettle. As soon as the first ripe fruits appear on the vine, it no longer causes a burning sensation.
  5. Fruit cylindrical shape with tapered ends. During the growth period they are light green, and after maturation they acquire a yellow color.
  6. The entire surface of the fruits of momordica is covered with convex rough spikes that resemble warts. Sizes can vary from 7 to 20 cm.
  7. After ripening, the fruit cracks, forming three wings. Inside are large seeds covered with a red juicy shell.
  8. The red pericarp tastes like a persimmon, and the flesh itself looks like a ripe pumpkin. The shell of the fruit has a slight bitterness.

Beneficial features

In India, both parts of the pomegranate are eaten. Both the seeds and the fleshy shell have useful properties. Young shoots are rich in vitamin E and are also eaten. They are added as greens in fresh salads. You can cook green borscht and vegetable soups from them.

Indian pomegranate has unique medicinal properties that can fight against:

  • the development of both benign and malignant tumors;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcer;
  • deposits of cholesterol in blood vessels;
  • psoriasis;
  • headaches;
  • manifestations of arthritis.

Indian pomegranate is able to fight the manifestations of arthritis

Eating fresh Indian pomegranate fruits accelerates fat burning and improves immunity. It is recommended to eat momordica and people with eye diseases, as well as those suffering from urolithiasis.

Planting seeds

Grow a culture seedling way. Landing takes place in late March or early April.

Before planting, it is recommended to soak the seeds for several hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Do not wait for germination, because the sprouts can rot in the water. planting material placed in separate pots for several pieces. The depth of embedding should not exceed 3-5 cm.

The soil should be moderately loose. To do this, you can use the following mixture:

  • peat;
  • leafy humus;
  • fertile soil layer;
  • sand.

The soil is well moistened and the pot is placed in warm place. After 10-14 days, the first shoots will appear.

Landing in open ground

At the end of May, seedlings that have reached 20–25 cm in height are planted on open beds. By this time, the threat of return frosts has passed and nothing threatens the plant. When transplanting, you need to remove the seedling from the pot so as not to disturb the earthen ball, because this affects its further development.

Pomegranate Indian should be watered as the topsoil dries.

Watering is stopped during the flowering of the crop, and resumed after the flowers wither. The water should not be very cold, so as not to damage the delicate roots of the plant.

In addition to watering, momordica needs:

  1. Weed removal. Use weeding or mulching. It is recommended to deal with weeds before the formation of seeds on them.
  2. Fertilizer, which is applied a few weeks after planting and during the formation of ovaries. Use of chemical mixtures herbal infusions or humus.
  3. Support for long lashes. Most often, the role of support is played by vertical trellis. This is how natural ventilation works, it also penetrates easier sunlight to ripening fruits.
  4. Pollination, so it is preferable to plant momordica in open ground where pollinating insects can reach the plant.

Indian pomegranate dishes

Most often, momordica is eaten fresh or added to soups or salads. It can also be preserved. To taste, this preparation resembles pickled cucumbers. Unripe vegetables are harvested and soaked in salted water for 3-4 hours to remove bitterness. After the fruits are placed in jars and preserved, like cucumbers.

Momordica is especially good when fried. To do this, the seeds are removed from the fruit and cut into pieces. Roast vegetables for vegetable oil, having previously rolled it in breadcrumbs or dipped in batter. This dish is served as a side dish for poultry and fish.

Small ripe fruits are stuffed with minced meat, rice and vegetables. After they are baked in the oven or stewed with tomato juice on slow fire.

Momordica, or as it is also called Indian pomegranate, bitter gourd, mad or Indian cucumber, Chinese melon, is grassy liana gourd family. This plant is native to India and China. There are annual and perennial types of plants. In total, there are almost 20 types of momordica.

Momordica is a rather exotic plant in our area, but practice has shown that it can quite successfully grow and bear fruit on personal plot or cottage. The fruits, seeds, leaves and even shoots of this creeper are edible. The shoots of the creeper are thin and strong, about 2-4 meters long, the leaves are carved, bright green in color. Momordica flowers are heterosexual - male flower yellow, large, located on a long pedicel, female flower has a smaller size and a short pedicel.

The fruits are 10-25 cm long, about 6 cm in diameter, the color changes from green to orange depending on the degree of maturity. The pulp of the fruit is red, juicy, has pleasant palatability. seeds dark shades covered with a dense shell, similar to pomegranate seeds. One fruit of momordica gives about 30 seeds.

Important! You can get rid of staphylococci and streptococci by using momordica extract.

The chemical composition and calorie content of momordica

The calorie content of momordica is only 15 kcal per 100 g of the product, while the fat content is 0.1 g, carbohydrates - 3 g, proteins - 0.8 g, water - 90 g.

The composition of the momordica fruit includes many useful substances: vitamins A, B, E, F, C, PP, as well as organic acids, flavonoids, amino acids and alkaloids. Oil and momordicin, an alkaloid, were found in the seeds. Liana root contains triterpene saponin.

All ground and underground parts of momordica have a healing effect, which we will discuss later.

Medicinal properties of momordica

Scientists have recently begun a deep study of momordica and have already identified some of its medicinal properties, but clinical trials are ongoing, perhaps new information about the medicinal plant will soon appear.

Momordica seeds have the ability to relieve swelling, and also have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-febrile properties. These berries-seeds are able to improve eyesight and general state eye.

Did you know? From Latin, the name momordica literally translates as "bite", because young plant"stings" the skin like a nettle.

plant fruits unique, they inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Momordica extracts have a positive effect on the treatment of sarcomas, leukemia and melanomas. Momordica is able to heal from hepatitis, liver cancer, advanced cases of infectious diseases, improves the activity of the pancreas, removes toxins from the body and increases its immunity, and also helps maintain the health of diabetics by regulating chemical composition blood.

Preparations cells are restored from this vine, in case of diseases gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system have a beneficial effect.

Procurement and storage of medicinal raw materials from momordica

Use beneficial features momordiki for treatment all year round, for this it is necessary to stock up on time with the medicinal raw materials of this healing liana. Leaves it is better to harvest at the end of spring, then the concentration of nutrients in them will be maximum, fruits and seeds- after the final ripening in the summer, and roots- in autumn.

The fruit and root are preliminarily cut into small pieces, and the seeds, shoots and leaves are first dried and already dried are crushed. Dry raw materials in a darkened room with good ventilation. Dried fruits of momordica retain their medicinal properties for 3-4 years, roots - 2-3 years, and leaves and flowers - for 1-2 years. Store dry raw materials in airtight glass containers or in cloth bags.

Important! The substances that make up momordica are able to speed up the metabolism, so its fruits are used for weight loss.

Recipes for the use of momordica in folk medicine

An exotic plant can help a person cure many diseases, the main thing is not to exceed the therapeutic dose.

Momordica is able to cure colds and flu, for this they prepare tincture of vodka: a glass container is filled with fruit pulp cut into small cubes, filled with vodka to the top and infused for 10-15 days in a dark place. Take tincture of 1 tsp. 30 minutes before meals for 3-4 days.

Decoction of momordica seeds treat hemorrhoids, prostatitis, sclerosis, fever, and it is also used to obtain a diuretic effect . Pieces of 20 seeds are crushed, poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. Insist for several hours, filter and consume 50 ml 3-4 times a day.

Chewing 3-4 seeds of momordica before meals for 10 days will relieve diseases of the intestines and stomach.

Using momordica root for bronchitis, you can alleviate the course of the disease, since it has expectorant properties. ARI will pass faster if carried out inhalation with leaves and shoots of momordica. Decoctions stems and leaves will relieve the pain of arthritis. fresh pulp fruit will relieve itching and swelling after an insect bite.

The use of momordica in cosmetology

Asian women have long used momordica in cosmetic purposes. Various decoctions, infusions and creams, which contain this marvelous plant, improve the condition of the skin, nourish it with vitamins and oils, and smooth out wrinkles, as a result, the face will look younger and fresher.

Decoctions leaves get rid of prickly heat and various skin rashes. momordica is used for skin diseases,for this, the bandage is soaked with juice and applied to the affected area several times a day. Decoction leaves and shoots will speed up the healing of the burn and reduce the likelihood of a scar. With regular use fresh leaves the general condition of the skin will improve, it will become more velvety to the touch.

Did you know? Momordica fruits in the Middle Ages were eaten only by members of the imperial families Ancient China.

Use in cooking

Unripe momordica seeds are poisonous and can be eaten when they are fully ripe when they become sweet. Momordica fruits are harvested in an unripe form. The pulp of the fruit is watery, tastes like a cucumber, it is eaten in an unripe state. When ripe, the fruit becomes soft and changes color to orange, while it becomes bitter in taste. You can remove bitterness from a ripened fruit by soaking it in salt water for 3-4 hours, after which it is ready for boiling or stewing.