Almost all owners of this product encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as the smell from the refrigerator. household appliances. Of course, it would be wise to immediately wash the freezer, as well as all the drawers, doors and shelves. However, this does not guarantee that the amber will disappear. Often it only becomes less strong. What to do then? Resort to the use of folk remedies for odor in the refrigerator. But first we must identify why technical device it started to smell bad. So let's get started.

Causes of unpleasant odor

An unpleasant smell from the refrigerator does not appear on its own. It may indicate the expiration date of some products, the presence of “particularly smelling objects” inside and problems with drainage (yes, this household appliance has it too). To get rid of amber, you should use the instructions to find and clean the hole, throw away all spoiled food, and pack the remaining food in airtight containers or wrap it in plastic wrap.

Please note: if the refrigerator is new, it may also not have the most pleasant smell. In this case, it is recommended to wash it with soda, cleaning agent or detergent. Then you should wipe all surfaces dry and let them dry for 2-3 hours. Read on to find out what products you can use to eliminate odors in your refrigerator and how best to do it.

Baking soda is your best helper

Baking soda- exactly this accessible remedy from the smell in the refrigerator. It prevents and quickly eliminates stench, perfectly disinfects space, destroys bacteria that have accumulated on shelves, walls and rubber seals household appliances. To eliminate the odor, just make a solution of alkali and water and use it to wash all the shelves, doors and freezer. Or you can also pour baking soda into a shallow container and place it on a shelf to absorb the smell. In the latter case, the product must be changed once every 2-3 months.

Another great method for eliminating unpleasant odors is this: mix ½ of a pack (or 250 grams) of baking soda with 3-4 drops of your favorite essential oil in a bowl. First, wash the disconnected refrigerator, then “scatter” the product over its surfaces and leave for 30-40 minutes. Thoroughly rinse the “insides” of household appliances with a napkin and clean water.

Also, in the fight against a bad aroma, you can resort to creating a homemade sachet: put baking soda mixed with essential oil in a bag with drawstrings or the middle of a handkerchief, and tie it. Place in the vegetable compartment. Store for a month, then change.

Ammonia is like heavy artillery

Regular ammonia can also help in getting rid of unpleasant odors. A tablespoon of this product should be poured into a glass and diluted with 3 spoons warm water. Then moisten the cotton wool and place it on the door, or take a cotton cloth, dip it in the solution and wipe all compartments of the household appliances. As a result, even the most persistent odors will be removed, including those from rotten meat, garlic or fish. However, it is better to use ammonia only in exceptional cases; the solution itself also does not smell very good, many people do not like its aroma.

Activated carbon is another protector against amber

Activated carbon is one of the best remedies for unpleasant odors in the refrigerator. For this purpose, you need to crush 2-3 tablets, put them on a saucer or put them in a jar, and leave them on the shelf. There is no need to cover with a lid or cloth. It is recommended to change 1-2 times a day.

Another way to remove the odor is with a plastic Kinder Surprise egg. You need to make several small holes in it. Pour crushed powder into the middle Activated carbon, heated in the microwave. Close the “egg” with a cap and put it on a shelf in the refrigerator, in the fruit or vegetable compartment. This procedure should be repeated at least once a month. If necessary, activated carbon can be replaced with charcoal, if available.

Brown bread in the fight for a good smell

Rye bread can also be used as a remedy for refrigeration. To do this, you need to cut it into thin slices and transfer it to saucers covered with napkins. Place the dishes on several shelves at once. This method will help remove the unpleasant odor very quickly, but you should resort to it only after all spoiled food has been thrown away and the refrigerator has been cleaned. Otherwise there will be no point.

Rice is an excellent absorbent

Slightly boiled rice grains are able to actively absorb bad odors, so they can be used as a remedy for odor in the refrigerator, poured onto a plate and placed inside household appliances. To improve the effect, you can place potatoes or apples cut into slices around. Just remember to change this composition more often, as it may begin to deteriorate.

Herbs and spices in the fight for aroma

Dill, mint, cloves, thyme or tarragon can all help remove odor in the refrigerator. It is enough to put the products inside household appliances so that the unpleasant odor stops emanating from there. But remember that herbs and spices can transfer their smell to other products. Therefore, you need to try to choose those whose aroma is liked by all family members.

Orange and lemon will help fight odor

Citrus fruits can be used as the best means from the smell in the refrigerator, even very persistent ones (from fish and other products). To avoid the smell, you can follow three experimental paths:

  • place the dried crusts or slices on a shelf, storage time - 2-3 days;
  • wipe all compartments with a cloth soaked in a mixture of lemon, sugar and salt;
  • squeeze a spoonful of juice from a lemon, dilute it with 10 tablespoons of pure vodka, take soft material, moisten it and wipe all doors, shelves and walls.

Instead of fruit, you can use 1-2 grams citric acid. It should be diluted in 5 tbsp. l. water. This remedy is also very effective.

Onion or garlic as a lifesaver

To combat unpleasant odors, you can cut cloves of garlic or an onion in half and place them on shelves. Change as soon as they dry out. It is also worth rubbing the walls of household appliances with the juice of these vegetables. After completing the procedure, do not close the doors for 12-14 hours, the amber should go away.

Coffee or tea are ideal odor absorbers

To remove the smell, you should brew coffee or tea and place a cup of them inside the switched off refrigerator. This needs to be done several times. You can also pour lightly roasted coffee into a bowl, a jar baby food or a tube of cream and put them on the shelf of household appliances.

Vinegar guards pleasant aromas

Vinegar is a unique remedy. Despite the fact that it itself does not smell very good, it quickly absorbs foreign unpleasant odors. Particularly effective against mold. To eliminate amber in the refrigerator, you need to take a glass of water, pour 2-3 large spoons of 70% vinegar into it, and stir. Moisten a cleaning cloth in the resulting solution and wipe the “insides” of the household appliance.

The refrigerator must be thoroughly washed before performing this procedure. It is advisable to avoid processing metal parts, since the unit may fail due to this. If the plastic molds that are located in it begin to smell, you can leave a napkin soaked in a vinegar solution in them for 8-9 hours, or better yet, overnight.

Essential oils are good fresheners

Essential oils also turn out to be very useful in everyday life. In the kitchen you should put an aroma lamp with rosemary or peppermint extract, the space will be filled with fragrance. To get rid of an unpleasant odor in the refrigerator, you can do the following:

  1. Moisten a porous stone made of baked clay, or, in the absence of one, ordinary gauze in a mixture of essential oils lemon and lavender (take 1 drop each), put on the refrigerator door for 1-2 days, repeat the procedure.
  2. 30 drops lemon oil (lavender or tea tree) add 1 liter of 9% vinegar and mix well. Wipe the desired surfaces with the resulting mixture.
  3. Take a plastic “egg” from a Kinder Surprise and use a hot awl to make several holes in it. Place a cotton ball soaked in lavender, mint, basil or lemon oil inside and put it in the refrigerator. Repeat all steps after 2-3 days.

It is worth noting that these compositions not only eliminate odor, but also perfectly disinfect the surrounding space.

Preventive measures

It is always easier to prevent any problem than to solve it. In order not to have to look for the answer to the question of how to remove the smell in the refrigerator using folk remedies, you should try to prevent its occurrence. To keep your refrigerator smelling good, follow these tips:

  • the unit must be defrosted and washed at least once a month;
  • any products, especially publishing strong odors, must be kept tightly closed;
  • It is recommended to wipe up spilled liquids immediately;
  • The freshness of products and prepared food should be checked 1-3 times a week.

For preventive purposes, you can also place a holed or half-opened package of soda in the refrigerator; this will also help prevent the development of odors. If the stench is due to rotten chicken eggs, you can try cleaning all the shelves in the refrigerator with potassium permanganate. It is more effective than many other products in helping to cope with such a smell. It is also recommended to check the freshness of eggs before placing them on the door of household appliances. To do this, just put each one in a glass of water: the fresh one will fall to the bottom, and the spoiled one will remain on top.

As a conclusion

Now you know how to remove the smell from the refrigerator. Folk remedies This will help a lot. But, if desired, you can use store-bought absorbers of unpleasant odors instead: air ionizers, special balls, filters and fragrance sprays. Good luck in your fight!

The smell that appears in the refrigerator can dramatically ruin the mood of any housewife. After all, this place should be perfectly clean. Every refrigerator is associated with whiteness, cleanliness and order. And an unpleasant smell does not fit into this list. But, unfortunately, this can happen even to the most careful and scrupulous housewife. That’s why every family should have its own set of recipes on how to remove smell from the refrigerator.

Causes of unpleasant odor

Despite the fact that the refrigerator is designed to preserve food, cases of spoilage are still common. Various bacteria begin to multiply in food at a tremendous speed, due to which the food begins to smell unpleasant.

Very often, due to electrical failures, the automatic defrosting process starts. And along with the refrigerator, the food that is in the freezer is also defrosted. Here's another source of smell.

In addition to spoiled food, the refrigerator itself can also emit an unpleasant aroma. Or rather, the water that functions in it. And to be even more accurate, it does not function, but stagnates. Check the refrigerator drain. Perhaps it is clogged, and the water that flows down the wall does not go away, but accumulates, and bacteria multiply in it, emitting an odor. Experts recommend flushing the drain at least twice a year. warm water. Read the instructions for your device in detail. There you will certainly find tips on how to do this.

Also, the refrigerator itself may smell unpleasantly like rubber or plastic if it is still new. Before you start using the new equipment, you need to rinse it thoroughly with the same magical solution of water and soda or ammonia.

Sometimes the smell is completely unpleasant. In this case, it is important to find the reason for its appearance.

How to remove odor from the refrigerator

So, “one morning at dawn”, looking into your refrigerator, you noticed some suspicious odor? Get to work.

  • Turn off the power to the machine.
  • Remove everything from the refrigerator, including even all the shelves and drawers.
  • Dissolve a couple of teaspoons of baking soda or ammonia and wash the inside of the unit.
  • You can also use regular cleaning products that are sold in stores for washing. household chemicals.

Advice! Choose your cleaning product carefully. Try to keep it without a pronounced aroma. After all, it can later be absorbed into products that will be stored in the refrigerator.

After you have thoroughly washed the refrigerator and its components (shelves and drawers), wipe it all dry and let it dry. naturally. Just open the doors and let it sit idle for several hours. This will not only stop the unpleasant smell, but also reduce the chance of mold growing.

Sometimes new equipment smells specific

Folk recipes

  • One of the most effective natural odor absorbers is vinegar. Dilute vinegar in water in a 1:1 ratio. Wash the refrigerator and all its removable parts with this solution. After you turn on the unit and return the food to its place, you can also simply put a glass of vinegar solution in the refrigerator for two hours.
  • Ammonia. 1 tablespoon of alcohol diluted in 1 liter of water.
  • Lemon. A solution of lemon juice and water. The effect is the same as the previous methods.

Advice! Wonderful detergent it will work if you mix vodka with lemon juice in the proportion of 1 part lemon juice to 10 parts vodka.

  • Baking soda. Pour some powder into a small container and place it in the refrigerator. But with it you will get rid of the smell, but it will not help with germs. How to remove odor from the refrigerator using soda? Just thoroughly wash the inside of the unit with its solution (1 tablespoon of soda per 1 liter of water).
  • Activated carbon. Crush the tablets and also put this powder in some container in the refrigerator. And for several weeks you can forget about unpleasant aromas.

Advice! Activated carbon that has been left in the refrigerator should not be thrown away. Hold him for a few minutes hot oven and you can use it again as an odor absorber.

To prevent the smell from appearing for a long time, store baking soda or activated carbon in the refrigerator in an open container. Or you can mix both

  • Neutralize the unpleasant odor by cutting raw potatoes in half, citrus peels, rice, and coffee beans. But these products mask odors more than eliminate them.
  • A piece of black bread will prevent the smell from appearing. The bread should be slightly dry. Just place small pieces on the shelves.


  • Odor Gone. This product is produced specifically for meat processing plants. It can remove even the most persistent and unpleasant odor within half a day.
  • Regular dishwashing detergent.
  • There are special wet wipes on sale today for wiping the refrigerator.

Advice! Try not to use powdered products for washing. This may damage the surface. If there is no other way out, then it is better to dissolve the powder in water.

People who are interested in Feng Shui know: the refrigerator and stove are the breadwinners of the family. Don’t let slimy, stale pieces of food cool down, and of course, don’t be lazy to wash the unit at the first sign of contamination

Odor absorbers

These products do not dissolve in water and cannot be used to clean the refrigerator.

  • Universal sorbent-cleaner.
  • Aerosol air fresheners for the refrigerator.
  • Air ionizers that can kill germs by spreading ozone around them. These devices are very compact. The battery charge lasts for 2 months.

A practical and beautiful product that effectively eliminates unpleasant odors

So that the smell never returns

It is best not to fight the unpleasant odor, but simply never encounter it. And this is possible if you follow some simple tips:

  • All products must be in closed. Let it be some kind of closed container (this is best) or a plastic bag.
  • You should clean your refrigerator at least twice a year. But during operation it is necessary to keep it clean, preventing the formation of microbes. Therefore, as soon as something spills or falls apart in the refrigerator, you should immediately wash the shelf or drawer.

Attention! Few people know that liquids stored open contribute to the formation of ice on the walls of the unit.

  • Don't delay defrosting. After all, this is not only the process of clearing frozen ice and the opportunity to thoroughly wash everything, but also an audit of the contents of the refrigerator.
  • If you are going on vacation for a long time, try to leave a minimum of food in the refrigerator.

Advice! Make it a rule to inspect your shelves once a week. You need to look through all the products and throw away those that have spoiled, as well as those that have expired.

You need to store food correctly: use special containers or cover the plates with cling film

We hope that after this you will have no questions about how to clean the smell from your refrigerator. By taking our tips into account, you can not only get rid of the unpleasant aroma in the refrigerator, but also always maintain clean air in it.

Many housewives are racking their brains over how to eliminate the unpleasant smell coming from the refrigerator. The stench can be eliminated using a complex approach: the use of folk and store-bought remedies, and timely prevention.

An unpleasant smell from the refrigerator can ruin the mood of any housewife and make the food inside unsuitable for consumption. The place where food is stored should be associated with cleanliness, order and freshness. That is why every housewife should know how to remove smell from the refrigerator.

Read in this article:

Causes of unpleasant odor

The main purpose of a refrigerator is to preserve food. However, food in the refrigerator often becomes unusable. This happens in the following cases:

  • The product has expired.
  • During power outages, food defrosted and bacteria began to multiply in it.

In addition to spoiled food, the cause of the unpleasant odor may lie in the device itself. When the refrigerator drain becomes clogged, the water flowing down the wall accumulates in one place, stagnates, and the bacteria actively multiplying in it eventually begin to emit a disgusting odor.

In order to understand how to do this, you need to read the instructions for the device.

If the refrigerator is new, an unpleasant odor may come from the materials from which it is made (for example, plastic or rubber). Therefore, before filling new refrigerator products, you need to treat it with a cloth soaked in a soda solution. In the absence of soda, ammonia can be used to prepare this product.

First thing

If you are wondering how to get rid of the smell in your refrigerator, the first thing you need to do is wash the device thoroughly. You can do this in the following way:

  1. Disconnect the device from the power supply.
  2. Remove all food, drawers and shelves inside.
  3. Dilute 2 tsp. soda or ammonia in a small bowl of water. You can also use it to clean your refrigerator. purchased funds. However, make sure that the washing liquid does not have a strong odor. Otherwise, all the food inside will absorb this aroma.
  4. Thoroughly wash the inside of the unit, paying attention Special attention corners and hard-to-reach places.
  5. Dry the refrigerator and all its components. Leave the device open for several hours until it is completely dry. This precaution will rid the device of an unpleasant odor and will guarantee that mold will not appear inside the device.

Fighting old odor

When all methods turn out to be useless, and it seems that it is impossible to remove the persistent smell from the refrigerator, acetic acid comes to the rescue.

Attention! The use of acetic acid is only possible on an old refrigerator. Modern materials, used in production refrigeration chambers, should not be treated with this product under any circumstances!

If, when defrosting an old refrigerator, ichor from meat gets onto the back wall of the device, the cadaverous smell will soon spread throughout the kitchen. Together with the water, the ichor will fall on the fiber and will rot there until you take the unit to service center, where a specialist will clean the drain, disassemble the device and replace the insulation with a new one.

Using traditional methods

Products and substances that every self-respecting housewife has in her home will help you quickly remove odors from the refrigerator. The most common means include:

Wash the refrigerator and all removable components with vinegar diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. After the device has dried, turn it on, place the food on the shelves and place a glass of vinegar solution inside for 2-3 hours.

Dissolve 1 tbsp. alcohol in a liter of water. Use the resulting liquid in the same way as in the previous paragraph.

A good detergent is obtained by mixing lemon juice with water or by mixing lemon juice with vodka in a ratio of 1:10.

Baking soda
To eliminate the smell, place a container filled with baking soda powder inside the refrigerator. If you want to get rid of the root cause rather than the effect, wash the unit with 1 tbsp. soda diluted in a liter of water. Washing the device soda solution It is very effective because it kills bacteria that produce a terrible stench.

Neutralizers for unpleasant odors
After eliminating the smell from the refrigerator, put half a raw potato, a sliced ​​apple, rice, a bunch of fresh parsley, an orange peel or coffee beans inside. These products will prevent unpleasant odors from ruining your life again. In addition to coffee beans, you can use a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Unplug the device, place the drink inside the refrigerator and wait until it cools completely.

A charred piece of black bread placed inside the device will also prevent the appearance of odor.

Use of purchased funds

Professional detergents will help deal with the problem of unpleasant odor. For example, the effect of the well-known composition Odor Gone becomes noticeable after the first day of use. A good effect can be achieved using regular dishwashing detergents, wet wipes for the refrigerator or odor absorbers.

Odor absorbers include:

  • universal sorbents-cleaners;
  • air ionizers;
  • air fresheners in the form of aerosols.

If you decide to use dish detergent, dilute it with water before you wash the unit. After the washing process is completed, treat the device clean water, and then wipe it dry.

Preventive measures

Timely putting things in order in the unit is a simpler task than cleaning a persistent smell in the refrigerator. The following tips will help you prevent the growth of bacteria and the appearance of stench:

  • Store food in closed containers plastic bags and containers. Do not tie the bags too tightly - this will provoke the formation of mold and irreversibly spoil the food. Always cover plates of food with other plates or plastic wrap before placing them in the refrigerator.
  • Wash the device and removable components at least twice a year. Do not allow bacteria to grow, try to keep the refrigerator clean at all times. If you spill or spill something, wash the stained drawer or shelf immediately.
  • Defrost the unit in a timely manner. This will allow you to remove frozen water from the walls of the device, as well as inspect products and throw away those that emit a strange odor or are unusable due to their expiration date.
  • Do not store liquids open. This contributes to the appearance of ice on the walls of the unit.
  • At least once a week, inspect the food inside the refrigerator. This will allow you to promptly identify spoiled food and throw it away, preventing bacteria from growing inside the device.
  • Leave as little food as possible in the refrigerator when going on a business trip or vacation.

We hope that this article helped you decide how to remove the smell from the refrigerator. Using the methods listed above will allow you to forget about the problem of unpleasant odors forever and enjoy the freshness and cleanliness of your refrigerator.

It often happens that an unpleasant odor emanates from the refrigerator. This moment can be especially awkward when guests gather in the kitchen. I really want there to be no unpleasant smell when opening and closing the door. There are many ways to eliminate it, which will be discussed below.

Smell in the refrigerator

The list of reasons why a smell begins to appear from the refrigerator can be endless: spoiled food, spilled milk or kefir, a faulty cooling system. Due to the fact that everything inside is lined with plastic, it can be difficult to get rid of an unpleasant odor, because plastic absorbs everything very well. While glass shelves can be quickly washed, the walls require more careful care.

How to remove odor from the refrigerator

It is not always possible to quickly remove the smell from the refrigerator - it is much easier to deal with its occurrence. Always make sure that spoiled food does not accumulate, store milk carefully, and do not put food away without packaging, especially fish and meat. Today you can buy different containers, bags, jars that will help maintain not only the freshness of products, but also cleanliness. If the chamber begins to smell rotten, then you first need to eliminate the cause, clean the walls (if necessary, you will even have to defrost the freezer), and then ventilate it for several hours.

Odor absorber for refrigerator

An additional means of maintaining cleanliness can be a special odor absorber in the refrigerator. It is an absorbent that will very quickly (literally in a matter of hours) absorb any stench, and you will not feel even a hint of an unpleasant odor. You won't have to clean anything. Such absorbers have a shelf life of no more than a month, but then they should be renewed or replaced with new ones. The asking price is from 100 rubles and above.

If you don’t want to spend money on buying an absorber, then you can try making the product yourself. The absorbent can be rice or activated carbon. They absorb any odor well, but they will have to be changed more often - at least once a week. Place a handful of absorbent in a sock or simply wrap it in a cloth and put it in a corner of the refrigerator. In a few hours the problem will be fixed.

Refrigerator freshener

Recently, refrigerator fresheners have appeared on the market. Such products are found among household products, but they should not be confused with ordinary toilet fresheners. The filter can be attached or installed anywhere and emits the aroma of your choice. If the smell is not very strong, for example, industrial, then such a device will be effective and the chamber will stop smelling.

How to remove odor from a refrigerator

When faced with a problem, do not limit yourself to just an absorber or spray. First, you need to thoroughly wash the refrigerator compartment and sort through the food to find the cause of the stench. An excellent product for cleaning the refrigerator and removing odors is vinegar. It is best to dilute the substance with water and spray it on the walls of the chamber. At first it will smell strongly of acid, but then the unpleasant aroma will disappear. Tip: if you leave the door open for a couple of hours, all unwanted odors can quickly disappear. Vinegar can be replaced with ammonia.

Other chemicals to mention include chlorine and powerful odor eliminators, which are sold in specialized departments. Natural freshener also lemon or juice. It not only gets rid of stench well, but also leaves a pleasant citrus aroma. After washing by ordinary means, you can cut the lemon into slices and arrange them on shelves. This refreshing method can be used not only to eliminate stench, but also simply to maintain freshness in the chamber.

How to remove odor in the refrigerator

Although there are many folk ways, odor elimination in the refrigerator can be done using household chemicals: chlorine solution, ammonia, special exterminators. True, then you will have to store food there, so it is very important to thoroughly wash these products with water, and at the end you can additionally wipe the surfaces with lemon juice. Next, you will learn how to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator using proven folk methods and improvised means.

How to remove bad smell from refrigerator

It is very difficult to get rid of a rotten stench, but unfortunately, this happens: while you were not at home, the electricity went out - the freezer defrosted and began to smell unpleasant. Bad smells in the refrigerator cannot always be easily washed away. Even thorough washing will not help here, only disinfection at home. How to eliminate odor in the refrigerator:

  • First, open the chamber, take out the products and chamber parts: drawers, shelves.
  • If the inside continues to stink, it means the smell has already been absorbed well, so wash everything thoroughly with baking soda.
  • Then do strong solution from vinegar and water - excellent remedy from the smell in the refrigerator.
  • Wipe the walls with a damp cloth, do not close the doors.
  • Repeat the procedure several times until the odor begins to disappear. This may take several days or even weeks.
  • As soon as the freezer stops smelling, you can start using it again.

How to remove fish smell from the refrigerator

The most unpleasant is the smell of fish in the refrigerator. It will not be easy to get rid of it, but you will have to do it, otherwise it will simply be impossible to use the refrigerator. An ordinary fragrance or freshener will not do the job here, nor will an odor absorber from the store. How to remove it from the camera:

  • First of all, the walls and shelves need to be thoroughly washed with all possible natural or chemicals: bleach, salt and vinegar, vodka, lemon juice.
  • Next, fill the clean chamber with food, and use ordinary potatoes instead of an absorber. Just cut the vegetable into slices and arrange on shelves. Such folk method I have never let a housewife down yet.

Smell of mold in the refrigerator

Mold often appears in the refrigerator, especially this problem is familiar to those who store potato tubers or other vegetables and forget about them until the typical smell appears. You can also destroy it. First, clean the inside of the camera. To do this, use any of the tools and recipes listed above. An excellent, inexpensive remedy for the smell of mold in the refrigerator is ordinary bread, which quickly absorbs the unpleasant odor. Knowing how to remove odor from your refrigerator will make it easier to keep it clean.

Video: how to get rid of unpleasant smell in the refrigerator

Unpleasant smell from the refrigerator: causes, prevention and methods of getting rid of it.

Sooner or later, even the cleanest housewives, whose homes are in complete order, ask themselves the question of how to get rid of the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator. A closed space for storing food, each of which has its own smell, is somehow saturated with a whole mixture of aromas, which together no longer seem so appetizing. The situation becomes more complicated if some of the food on the shelf has spoiled. In addition, the problem of smell often arises among owners of either a new or a very old refrigerator. Fortunately, for each of these cases there are proven remedies that will help remove the odor.

To ensure that your odor control campaign is a small, victorious war, and not a long epic worse than the Odyssey or the Iliad, it would be a good idea to start with a little research. Try to figure out where the smelly amber came from.

The main causes of odor in the refrigerator

  1. You have a new refrigerator, its parts are still grinding in, there is a smell of grease, plastic, rubber, etc. This smell should disappear on its own within two weeks. If this does not happen, the refrigerator may be faulty and should be sent to a service center or returned to the seller;
  2. The refrigerator drain is clogged. Perhaps you've had no power at home for a while, the ice has melted, and now the water is standing and rotting in a clogged drain. Find the instructions for the refrigerator and figure out what they are problem areas and how to clean them;
  3. Liquids have spilled or pieces of food have fallen into the refrigerator. For example, milk spilled by a child that has dried at the bottom of the container can easily be ignored long time;
  4. Some of the products have spoiled. This, for example, could be a rotten egg hidden among fresh ones: despite the fact that the shell is intact, the smell still seeps out little by little. Vegetables or fruits may have started to mold;
  5. Products are stored in dirty containers. We are not necessarily talking about poorly washed dishes, although, of course, you also need to monitor their cleanliness. We often bring milk cartons, cans and other packaging dirty from the store. Sometimes milk is sold in packages that are soiled by other packages that have burst during transportation;
  6. You put food in the refrigerator with strong aromas: fish, smoked meats, dishes with garlic and other seasonings;
  7. The refrigerator was unplugged from the network for a long time and stood closed, and it appeared musty smell or even mold;
  8. You old refrigerator, and in his lifetime there were all the stories described above.

Depending on the reasons for the odor, you need to choose methods to combat it. They can be divided into two groups: means to eliminate the cause of odor and means to neutralize or mask it. The latter are best used when eliminating the cause of the problem is very difficult or impossible.

Remedies to help eliminate odors in the refrigerator

First of all, the smelly refrigerator needs to be washed thoroughly. This may need to be done several times. If your diligence does not give the desired result, use anti-odor products.

  1. Vinegar is a proven remedy for combating unpleasant odors in the kitchen and beyond. Mix a 9% solution of acetic acid with water in a 1:1 ratio and wipe the already washed refrigerator. If the smell is very persistent, you can leave a rag soaked in vinegar solution inside the refrigerator compartment;
  2. Baking soda not only fights unpleasant odors, but also kills bacteria and cleanses old greasy spots. Moisten a small amount of soda with water, dip a sponge in it and rub the inside of the refrigerator. Then rinse it several times with a clean cloth, constantly rinsing it in clean water;
  3. Lemon juice has a slight whitening effect and is an aromatic odor and persistent pollution. Squeeze one lemon into a container, add half a liter of water, soak a sponge in the solution and wipe the walls of the refrigerator and shelves. Then rinse everything with clean water;
  4. Lemon juice with vodka - enhanced variation previous method fight odor. Add ten parts water to one part juice. It is not necessary to rinse surfaces after wiping;
  5. Ammonia is one of the most strong means, which also has disinfecting properties. Pour 30 ml of ammonia into 300 ml of water, dampen a rag with the solution and wipe the inside of the refrigerator. After the procedure, ventilate the refrigerator well;
  6. Laundry soap and soda - another proven one folk recipe. Grate 50 g laundry soap, add 1 teaspoon of soda and 500 g of water and stir. Wipe with mixture internal surfaces refrigerator, and then rinse it with warm water;
  7. Dishwashing detergent and cleaning products can be used, but be careful. It is important that they are not aggressive to the materials from which the shelves and walls of the chambers are made. The product should not have a persistent pungent odor, so that you do not have to eat foods that smell of bleach. If possible, find industrial product for cleaning refrigeration chambers of meat processing plants. It is more effective than household chemicals.

Means for masking unpleasant odors inside the refrigerator

If you've cleaned your refrigerator but the smell still remains, try products that absorb odors and mask them.

  1. A mixture of bread, cloves and mint. You will need 100 g of bread, preferably rye, 50 g of mint leaves and five dried clove flowers. Finely chop the bread and mint, mix with cloves. Divide the mixture into plates and place inside the refrigerator. The bread will absorb the odors, and the cloves and mint will serve as natural flavors;
  2. Coffee. A strong unpleasant odor can be removed by ground coffee or dried coffee grounds. Just put the container with them in the refrigerator for several days;
  3. Coal is a good odor absorber. Both wood and activated are suitable. For better effect it needs to be crushed. It is convenient to pour this odor control agent into a container with holes and keep it in the refrigerator all the time. When the coal becomes damp, do not rush to throw it away: it can be dried in the oven and used again;
  4. You can use store-bought fragrances or odor-absorbing containers. Natural ones, as a rule, are based on the use of the means described above.

How to prevent unpleasant odors in the refrigerator

  1. Once a quarter, thoroughly wash the refrigerator, and then ventilate and dry it well;
  2. Once a week, conduct an audit of the shelves, throwing away spoiled products;
  3. Keep all foods tightly closed. If a suitable container with a lid is not available, use cling film, bag or foil.

Tips for caring for your refrigerator and storing food

1) A solution of water and ammonia will add shine to glass shelves and other smooth surfaces in the refrigerator;

2) If your refrigerator is combined with a freezer, never place liquids in open containers in it. They contribute to the formation of ice;

3) Some products cannot be stored nearby. Place as far apart as possible:

  • cheese and vegetables,
  • cheese and smoked meats,
  • fish and salads,
  • bread and fish,
  • fish and grapes,
  • bananas and citrus fruits.

4) To prevent food from immediately defrosting during a temporary power outage, place it in the freezer metal object, copper is best;

5) Do not fill the refrigerator to capacity. There should be room for air circulation between products;

6) Keep it clean back wall refrigerator: dust accumulated there increases energy consumption;

7) Place the refrigerator away from heating appliances. If you have heated floors at home, there should be an unheated place for the refrigerator in the kitchen.