Gas is still used in many residential buildings and apartments as a cheap and practical fuel. However, a gas leak can pose a huge danger to people. Gas is not only a poisonous substance, it can burn and cause an explosion in a closed room. Pure propane does not smell, therefore, in order to recognize the danger in time, a special fragrance is added to it. Care must be taken with the gas stove and gas cylinders, know what to do if a gas leak is detected, where to seek help and how to save those who have been in a room where dangerous gas was present for a long time.

Four important "don'ts" when operating or leaking gas in an apartment

  • Do not repair gas appliances yourself.
  • Don't tie to gas pipes clothesline and do not use it as a ground.
  • Do not fix defects in gas pipes yourself! A tool can strike a fatal spark.
  • Do not leave working gas appliances unattended, especially if children have access to them. More detailed information you can talk about household gas appliances.

If you smell a strong gas odor. What to do in case of a gas leak in the apartment

  • Shut off the gas valve.
  • Ventilate the room (arrange a draft).
  • Call an emergency (you need to call from a room not filled with gas, or even from another apartment) by calling DEZ or 04.

  • Do not light a fire or turn on or off any electrical appliances. The place of gas leakage can be detected only with soap foam - by the presence of bubbles.

Safety precautions for the operation of gas cylinders

During operation liquefied gas in cylinders, it is necessary, in order to avoid leakage, to comply with safety regulations. The explosion of a pressurized gas container can cause great damage and loss of life. Therefore, it is impossible to store a source of propane in the room near thermal device. If it is closer than one meter to the heater, a heat shield must be placed.

No alterations are allowed, even the restoration of the thread on the neck must be entrusted to a specialist who must have the appropriate approval. an individual person or the corresponding gas service of the enterprise should be engaged, about the functions of which you can read. If you smell, it is impossible to operate such a device that passes gas. It is forbidden to repair a gas leak on your own either at home or at the workplace. Disassembly and repair may only be carried out by the manufacturer.

Carrying a propane tank on your shoulder is not allowed. To move it, two people are required and it is advisable to use a stretcher or special carts. For a short distance, you can roll it alone, tilting it slightly to the side. Gas containers can be transported over long distances only on special vehicles. One cylinder for personal use can be transported by eliminating the possibility of gas leakage and having previously put a carrying case on it.

Gas leak in the apartment. What to do if you smell gas in the apartment?

What do we really smell when we think it smells like gas? What to do if a disturbing smell is felt in your apartment? And what to do if there is a leak, but not yours?

Why does gas smell?

Natural gas insidious and dangerous - it leaves no traces and does not smell of anything, but a person found a council for fuel that is convenient for domestic use, and began to odorize such a gas (based on methane) with an odorous impurity in a small concentration - ethyl mercaptan. The concentration is really small, but so well captured by human receptors that each of us, smelling a specific smell, begins to worry or, worse, panic.

What to do if the apartment smells of gas

And there is no need to panic. The first impulse on the part of a person who has smelled the gas will be to look behind gas stove where the pipes are to locate the leak. Experts warn: do not highlight yourself with matches or lighters, otherwise an unpleasant, but removable cause of anxiety can lead to an explosion and turn into a real tragedy. If you feel there is quite a lot of gas in the room, use a wet handkerchief as the simplest protection. Then proceed as follows: carefully close the gas supply valve, open the windows and doors wide open, turn off the electrical panel in the apartment and take the family outside.

If at your home at the time of the gas leak one of the electrical appliances is working (a TV or a computer with a “toy” paused), do not turn them off. Do not use doorbells and, when going to warn neighbors in the stairwell, just knock. if there are any, tell them to put out the cigarettes immediately. If the draft does not help in eliminating the smell and its concentration is still high, close the door to your apartment tightly, call emergency service from a mobile or landline phone in another room (for example, from neighbors), describe the problem and wait for the arrival of specialists on the street (with neighbors, of course).

The gas service is available at the following numbers:

  • 104 - if you are calling from a landline phone;
  • 112 - from any mobile number;
  • 040 - for users of the MTS and Megafon networks;
  • 004 - for users of the Beeline network.

What to do if the smell of gas is not in your apartment

If you smell a distinct smell of gas, but you know for sure that it did not leak in your apartment, notify your neighbors about your concerns. With a strong smell, it is worth evacuating the entire entrance to the street, leaving the access door open. Be sure to notify your home staff to turn off the elevator, otherwise a single accidental spark can cause an explosion and fire.

Minor incidents and prevention

Often, everything is much simpler: they set it up, got carried away with social networks, and water flooded the burner. In this case, it is enough to turn off the gas and ventilate the room well.

To prevent dangerous situations when buying a stove, you can choose one in which the gas supply stops automatically as soon as the fire goes out. And in no case do not try to eliminate real and imaginary defects gas system– This should only be done by qualified personnel.

Natalia Biserova

Gas - chief assistant cook and stoker, it will not be cold and hungry with him. Knowing the safety rules and behavior patterns during emergencies will save you from troubles and help strengthen your "friendship" with the gift sent to us by Mother Nature. Still don't know what to do when you miss gas cock in the kitchen and how to check if there is a leak? Well then, let's get down to business.

You probably know that natural gas comes to our kitchen directly from the bowels of the earth, naturally, bypassing kilometers of pipes. The main combustible component of the gas is methane. It is he who is a threat to human life if he leaves the pipeline. A 5% concentration of this substance in the air is enough, and if you do nothing, ignition or explosion is inevitable. “Why does everything have to end in fire?” - you ask. As a rule, due to ignorance of the rules of behavior in such situations, people do not stop using electrical devices (sometimes they even turn on the light to understand what kind of unpleasant smell comes from the kitchen), or even completely, when the gas tap in the kitchen sometimes poisons, they bring a lit match to the stove in order to understand which burner is broken.

Worth paying attention! Natural gas, you may be surprised, has no smell, no taste or color. Therefore, before pumping it into the pipes leading to consumers, it is odorized - saturated with a substance with a specific, bad smell, which is harmless to humans and helps us to know about gas leakage from the system.

According to the rules for handling gas, the population is prohibited from dismantling or repairing pipes on their own. But what if the gas faucet in the kitchen skips? First, open the doors, windows. Secondly, stop using electrical appliances. Third, call the appropriate service.

What to do if you suspect a gas leak, but you are not sure about it, do you exclude that everything seemed to you? There is a way to check the correctness of such an assumption. Make a soapy solution and apply it to the faucet or areas where you think gas might be leaking. If, however, there is a breakdown, then bubbles should appear, moreover, of a solid size. Doubt? Do the operation again, because calling the emergency service because of baseless suspicions is also bad, isn't it?

It looks like one of the models of the gas valve

Crane repair and lubrication

Naturally, according to the rules, it is better to invite a master, but many men consider themselves sufficiently "savvy" in order to produce repair work on one's own. Well, this can be, especially if the owner of the house has already dealt with the repair of gas pipelines and specialized equipment.

Consider a version of a mini-repair - lubricating a gas valve.

What will be needed to carry out the work?

  • screwdriver;
  • gag (made of wood or in the form of a wet cloth in plastic bag);
  • lubricant (from graphite or grease);
  • the cloth.

Make sure that nothing interferes with you, you should approach the pipe tightly, if necessary, move the stove away

Of course, it is better to shut off the gas supply for the duration of lubrication. But it happens that this is not possible, then try to lubricate the tap without overlapping. Disable Appliances, open the window, put out the fire (candles should not be used either).

Using a screwdriver, unscrew the plug on the tap, remove the spring, and then the cone. Close the hole with a gag. Remove dirt and old grease from the valve, apply a new mixture. Remove the gag (you need to do this very quickly), replace the shutter, spring and plug. Check the tightness in a way already known to you with soapy water. No bubbles? It means that you have successfully completed the job, the crane is lubricated and will work properly. If the leak does not stop, call the gas service immediately.

It's important to know! To the process of connecting any gas appliances admit specialists who have supporting documents for carrying out such work, including a license. During the work, be nearby to come to the master to help if necessary. "Armed" with soap, do not forget to check the quality of work.

The faucet has been replaced, it remains only to paint the pipe

Now you know what to do and how to behave, if the gas valve in the kitchen skips, then your house will always be safe.

The gas boiler is an important component of the autonomous heating mode. Proper operation in the cold season pleases every owner and does not require additional intervention in the work process.

However, there are times when the boiler suddenly goes out or turns off by itself some time after turning on. What to do and how to get rid of the presented problem, this article will tell.

Reasons for stopping work

There may be several reasons, let's consider each separately:

1. long time idle time of the boiler.
As a result, defrosting of the boiler may occur and it will become unusable. As a result - a sharp attenuation, the sounds of the wind blowing out the flame are heard from the combustion chamber.

Due to these factors, an alarm appears on the dashboard, indicating the need for urgent diagnostics apparatus. Modern boilers are quite complex and completely automated system.Therefore, if one of the sensors signals a problem, the unit stops working. It is not necessary to immediately change the boiler or install a new chimney, it is very important to understand the problem and find a way to solve it.

2. Chimney malfunction.
If there are problems in the form of attenuation of the boiler, it is also important to check the serviceability and functioning of the chimney. The first reason may be the formation of ice on the walls of the chimney, which occurs through the deposition of hot steam, followed by the formation of condensate. After a certain period of time, the condensate freezes and becomes a thick layer of ice. After that, the draft decreases and the boiler dies out.
The solution to this problem will also be its insulation in order to minimize the freezing of condensate.

3. Reverse thrust.
Typically, this kind of problem occurs when strong gusts wind. The wind enters the chimney and accordingly blows out the flame of the boiler. Backdraft is the most common cause of blowing and shutting down the boiler.

Note: reverse draft is quite dangerous, as some old type boilers have outdated automatics that do not turn off the boiler, and it continues to accumulate combustion products inside the room.

4. Insufficient chimney lift.
If the height of the chimney is not enough to prevent air from entering the boiler with subsequent attenuation, a good solution for quick ignition is to increase its length, at which the top of the chimney should extend beyond the roof ridge by about 50-60 cm.

5. Pipe burnout.
Insufficient draft is the result of a hole in the pipe into which wind enters, and therefore the chimney begins to function poorly. In this case, it is required complete replacement chimney.

6. Voltage surges.
This reason is independent of external factors and occurs as a result of a voltage drop. When the proper voltage level is restored in many boilers, the flame ignites again, in connection with this, many owners do not even notice this problem.

7. Missing gas pressure.
Very often, the problem of boiler extinction lies in the lack of sufficient gas pressure at the inlet to the boiler, at which the unit thumps and fades. The reason may be a malfunction of the network itself or internal causes, namely:

7.1 Gas meter malfunction. There are times when the boiler mechanism sticks, and it blocks the gas admission. To identify the source of the breakdown, it is necessary to check the operation of the counter mechanism, the readings of which should change.

7.2 Sealing fasteners broken. A gas leak provokes a pressure drop, at which the system automatically operates and the gas apparatus goes out. Reveal this problem possible by the presence of a specific smell in the room.

Note: you can conduct an independent diagnosis and identify the problem using a regular sponge with soapy foam - bubbles will appear at the leak points.

Manipulations used to solve the problem

good decision to prevent wind blowing and turning off the boiler will become or deflectors.

The reason for the extinction of the flame can also be forced ventilation.

In this case, opening front door, after which the gas will ignite again.

Increasing air exchange in individual boiler rooms can be done by equipping ventilation window at the bottom of the door, which is closed with a fine mesh.

Attenuation problems associated with the boiler itself

Malfunctions of various kinds can also occur in the boiler itself and cause the device to turn off or attenuate.

Problems can be expressed by the following signs:

1. Gas-burner does not start or burns very weakly. The origin of the problem may lie in the clogging of the nozzles. If the nozzles do not work satisfactorily, the burner may begin to smoke. you can do it yourself using thin wire or soft brush.

2. The burner goes out after a short period of operation. The source can be contamination of the ionization electrode, gap violations or detachment of the connecting wire, in which the unit howls and makes a hum. This type of damage is completely fixable.

3. Breakaway flame. With this malfunction, it is necessary to adjust the gas pressure in the igniter. Excessive ventilation may also be the cause.

4. Extraneous noise in the device and unreasonable shutdown. This may indicate a breakdown of the internal fan or pump, as well as a failure of the thermostat.

Manufacturers Overview

Gas services, as well as experts in this field, recommend using boilers from the manufacturer Conord. The units are presented in several versions and differ in functional features. Coppers are issued only floor type.

The main difference from other analogues is affordable price and no need for electricity to operate.

Keber boilers are also popular, equipped automatic system safety and regulation, in which accurate gas supply and temperature stabilization are performed.

Gas boilers of the AOGV series are quite in demand and are used to heat rooms that have a water heating system with natural or artificial circulation.

The Termotechnik company presents big choice boilers and offers units of floor, parapet types, gas and solid fuel. Many years of experience ensures excellent quality and guarantees the reliability of products and long term operation.

Eliminating problems associated with blowing out the boiler requires special care and responsibility. It is necessary to check all components of the boiler to determine and eliminate the cause of the malfunction. In case the recommendations presented did not bring results, it is worth calling the masters gas service. remember, that quick deliverance from problems will prevent additional breakdowns and protect not only the entire system, but also the residents of the house.

Watch the video in which the specialist considers one of the most common reasons: why the gas boiler goes out in the wind, what needs to be done, what work should be done to improve the draft in the boiler: