
Calculation of cable cross-section by power, current, length

Calculation of cable cross-section by power, current, length

For correct and safe installation of wiring cables, it is imperative to make a preliminary calculation of the expected power consumption. Failure to comply with the requirements for selecting the cross-section of the cable used for...
Calculation of cable cross-section by power and current: how to correctly calculate wiring

Calculation of cable cross-section by power and current: how to correctly calculate wiring

The choice of cross-sectional area of ​​wires (in other words, thickness) is given much attention in practice and in theory. In this article we will try to understand the concept of “sectional area” and analyze reference data....
Anyone can calculate the wire cross-section

Anyone can calculate the wire cross-section

In the modern technological world, electricity has almost become on the same level of importance as water and air. It is used in almost any area of ​​human activity. There was such a thing as...
Calculation of cable cross-section for electrical wiring depending on power consumption

Calculation of cable cross-section for electrical wiring depending on power consumption

Standard apartment wiring is calculated for the maximum current consumption at a continuous load of 25 amperes (the circuit breaker, which is installed at the input, is also selected for this current strength...
Wire color coding

Wire color coding

Carrying out electrical installation work is a rather complicated task, which is best left to a specialist in this field. However, if it is necessary to purchase cords, wires and various cables for installation...