In order to quickly solve the problem with sewer blockage, it is necessary to use an effective tool for cleaning sewer pipes. However, in order to choose it, purchase it and quickly establish the normal process of functioning of the life support systems of a modern home, it is desirable to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow the pipe cleaner works. We will talk about this in our article using the example of the most famous brands.

"Mr. Muscle" - a wonderful tool for the prevention and elimination of light blockages

This tool in the form of a gel and foam is designed to clean the walls of pipes, eliminate blockages (copes with food debris, hair). Another of his actions - an unpleasant smell from the sewer is eliminated due to the destruction of bacteria living in the pipes. According to users, foam copes with problems more effectively than gel.

When using the "Mr. Muscle" product, there are no differences - pour the product into the drain hole, add water, wait and rinse with water. For prevention and in case of light blockages, this remedy is very effective.

If the sewer pipe is clogged, then you should always be very careful and strictly follow the instructions set out in the instructions.

Advice: It is especially important to withstand exactly the time that is recommended for the use of a particular agent, since the action of chemically active substances has a beneficial effect strictly within the specified time, and in the future it can be harmful.

"Bagi Pothan" - effective, but quite dangerous

Cleaning sewer pipes from grease can be effectively carried out with this tool. In addition, it removes hair, limescale, food debris, paper, etc. When working with it, you must:

  • use protective gloves
  • make sure that the product does not get on the skin, clothes and on the surface of the sink, bathtub, walls and floor.

"Pothan" - an effective remedy in granules

When using Potkhan, the following actions are carried out:

  1. Water is removed from the sink, not only from above, but also below the drain (at least 5 cm).
  2. Up to 100 g of the product is poured into the hole.
  3. Wait 3 min.
  4. Pour a glass of hot water.
  5. Hold again for 3 minutes.
  6. This is followed by rinsing with running water, but not cold, but warm.

This sewer pipe cleaner, according to customer reviews, has a very high efficiency, however, its disadvantage is the relatively high cost. When working with it, you need to pay attention to the following:

  1. If you violate the rules for its use, you can easily get a chemical burn.
  2. If, eliminating the blockage, it is decided to use this particular remedy, then care must be taken to turn on forced ventilation or create conditions to enhance natural ventilation.

Is Tiret really the best remedy?

According to the instructions:

  1. It is necessary to pour "Tiret" into the drain hole of the bathtub or sink.
  2. Hold for 5 minutes, in case of complex blockage - up to 30 minutes.
  3. Rinse thoroughly with high pressure water.

Consumers express different opinions about the effectiveness of this tool. Some people really liked his performance. Sometimes it is used, increasing the exposure time to 8-10 hours (all night), however, in this case, everyone will be forced to take on the risk of complications.

"Floop" - effective with strict safety rules

Fluop granular product can be purchased in 2 types - for use with cold and hot water filling. The reaction rate is higher in the second case. The application is carried out in accordance with the instructions in this way:

  1. Pour the powder into the drain hole.
  2. Pour hot or cold water - the contents in the drain begin to hiss.
  3. Wait 3-15 minutes before rinsing with water.
  4. Washed with water in large quantities.

Food residues, fat, collagen fibers, limescale - all this is effectively removed when using Fluop. When working with this drug, it is important to be especially careful, use rubber gloves, avoid cases of contact with skin and clothing, and carefully protect your eyes. Consumers speak well of the Fluop preparation, thanks to which flushing of sewer pipes is carried out quite easily and quickly.

"Mole" - the most popular means

Means of domestic production "Mole" has long been in high demand. If the pipe is clogged, then when using the "Mole" tool, perform the following steps in sequence:

  1. Pour the product (40-120 ml) into the drain hole.
  2. Leave for 2-3 hours (the instructions may indicate a shorter exposure time depending on the active ingredients and their quantity).
  3. Flush pipes with water.

"Mole" effectively eliminates fat and food debris, as well as collagen fibers. In addition, when using it, an unpleasant odor is eliminated. Its use as a prophylactic is very useful.

It is worth noting that "Mole" is produced by different manufacturers. The products differ slightly in the content of active substances and, as a result, require different application times. This does not affect the quality of cleaning, but requires careful reading of the instructions.

For a long time, the Krot sewer pipe cleaner has been considered the most popular among consumers. It is especially important that it is very effective as a prophylactic.

Advice: So that blockages do not create problems, once every six months, any of the above means for cleaning sewer pipes should be used.

Very often, drain and sewer pipes are seriously clogged, so you need to know which means to clean the sewer pipe is best to use. When manual methods are useless, special chemicals come to the rescue, which are designed to spectacular fight with pollution and blockages of varying degrees of complexity. They are divided into three groups: gel-like, powder and liquid.

Choosing the best tool

The household chemicals market is distinguished by the most a variety of products. Among washing and cleaning products, the best remedies for blockages in sewer pipes are not always found. To make sure you make the right choice, you need to know which sewer cleaning products are the best. To purchase safe funds, you need to consider the following parameters:

  • The optimal combination of price and quality.
  • Specifications.
  • Customer feedback on the effectiveness of the product.
  • Degree of safety for a person.

Description of powder products

This is an effective type of remedy for clogged pipes at home, useful in case of severe blockages. Powder is usually expensive, but the price is fully justified by the speed. Of the shortcomings, one can note a large degree of causticity If the product gets on the skin or mucous membranes, severe irritation will occur. In extreme cases, chemical burns may occur.

Feature Orfo Fix

The package contains 600 g of the substance. The product is great for getting rid of odor. Country of origin Germany, the average price is 225 rubles. Rating among users - 4.6. The product is great for loose and small blockages. The main active ingredient is sodium hydroxide, it reaches the site dense cluster and gradually dissolves the solid formation. The powder must not be allowed to come into contact with the skin, because it can cause a strong chemical reaction.

As buyers note in reviews, one package is enough for 30 applications, if the portions are accurately dosed. Its main problem is that severe blockages, despite the seeming actions, are an impossible task. The advantages include:

  • Low cost.
  • Elimination of unpleasant odors.
  • Low consumption.

Among the disadvantages: the tool does not help with severe blockages.

Advantages and disadvantages of Bagi Pothan

The packaging is designed for 600 g. Bagi is great gets rid of blockages, country of origin - Israel, average price 455 rubles, user rating - 4.8. This drain clog remover is very caustic, so it works effectively on the deepest and toughest blockages.

The product is based on surfactants and caustic soda, they create a caustic mixture. In order for the action of the powder to be started, it is necessary to turn on hot water, and in a few minutes the desired result will be achieved. It is not recommended to use this powder very often, for small blockages it is better to use less aggressive products. Advantages:

  • The spout of the packaging is designed in such a way as to exclude the contact of products with human skin as much as possible.
  • There is a lock cover.
  • Economical use.
  • High reactivity, the agent begins to act instantly.

Among the shortcomings are:

  • A very corrosive substance.
  • When using it, wear protective gloves and use eye protection.
  • High price.
  • It has a negative and aggressive effect on pipes.

Chirton Clean Gutters

The package contains 600 g of the active substance. It has the best value for money. This is a foreign-made product that has proven its effectiveness in combating various runoff pollution. The powder contains blue granules, which are composed of caustic soda and sodium nitrate. When the powder comes into contact with water, its effect begins.

As a rule, cleaning time is at least 15 minutes. According to reviews, Chirton is safe for the skin, but you still need to be careful when using it. The powder has a pungent odor that quickly disappears. Based on the quality and price characteristics, "Clean drains" are very bargain. Its advantages:

  • Relatively fast acting.
  • Optimal cost.
  • Does not contain chlorine.
  • Designed for 6 applications, this eliminates the long storage of dangerous powder.

Cons: Chirton can rarely found on store shelves.

liquid funds rating

Liquid cleaning products most in demand to remove blockages. But they lose out in action to powder cleaners, and are not as delicate as gel products. But they are undeniable for the price. They are advisable to use for light blockages, because they will not cope with serious traffic jams.

Mister DEZ

This tool from the Russian manufacturer Eurotek is the most budget option against. The tool has high concentration sodium hypochlorite, this gives it a high rating as an effective tool, but at the same time, Mister DEZ is too soft. If the blockages are small, then the remedy can cope with them in 15 or 20 minutes. The action is similar to the product Mister Muscle.

But if serious traffic jams have formed in the drainpipes, then the cleaning time will be from 3 to 5 hours. The tool has another drawback: its effectiveness and impact directly depends on the amount of liquid. One bottle is enough for two applications, but low cost leveling is a minus. Advantages:

  • Affordable price.
  • Quickly handles minor traffic jams.


  • The time to eliminate a strong blockage is from 3 to 5 hours.
  • High fluid flow.
  • The presence of chlorine in the composition, because of this, Mr. Dez has a persistent odor.

Yplon Drain Cleaner

Packaging with a liquid volume of 1 liter, the product has high level of reliability, country of origin - Belgium, cost - 238 rubles, people's rating - 4.6. The composition of the product from Belgium is based on sodium hydroxide. Yplon will not harm plastics, but it is not recommended for use on ceramics and aluminum.

The time to eliminate traffic jams varies greatly: with a slight stagnation, the remedy will work in half an hour, and if there is a serious traffic jam, the time can increase up to 10 hours. Yplon has a mediocre result, especially against the background competing products. But the product does not have a specific smell, when it comes into contact with the skin, the liquid does not behave aggressively. The advantages of the tool are as follows:

  • Contains no chlorine.
  • Reliable lid with locking cap.
  • Harmless to skin.
  • Possesses the transferred smell which is easily weathered.

The disadvantages include:

  • Cannot be used on aluminum and ceramics.
  • Long-term effect on severe blockages.

Mole: a combination of price and quality

The tool is optimal in terms of price and quality, the country of origin is Russia, the average price is 60 rubles, popularity is 4.7. It is worth noting that this name is used by several Russian manufacturers of cleaning products. Outwardly, the containers have differences, but inside they contain the same composition: modified acetic acid, sodium and potassium hydroxide, surfactants. The liquid is affordable, has a spectacular effect. As a rule, Mole clears the gap after 1.5 or 3 hours. This is quite a good result. Among its advantages:

  • Very low cost.
  • Wide availability, the product can be purchased at all household chemical stores.

Mole's disadvantages are as follows:

  • Long impact.
  • Ugly packaging.
  • Plain cover without additional clamps.

The best gel products

Very often, it is a small degree of harmfulness that plays the most important role in the selection of a chemical preparation. Of all three types, it is the gel-like product that is considered the safest and most gentle for humans. The gel is usually less effective than powder products, but it is more preferable for everyday use.

Deboucher Active Complex

The tool is highly effective. The product is an original complex of cleaning chemical elements, including sodium and potassium hydroxide, as well as active additives and chlorine. The tool is highly effective only for mild blockages. As a rule, the product acts on the cork within an hour. The advantages include:

  • Lid with lock.
  • Nice smell.
  • Greater degree of efficiency.
  • Immunity of the composition to polymers.
  • Low cost.

Among the disadvantages:

  • The product has a very low economy, in order to deal with serious blockages, 0.5 liters of product are required.
  • Its effect is quite long, despite the presence of catalysts.
  • Chlorine content.

Popular Tiret products

This is the most advertised product for fighting blockages. But, as often happens, the amount of advertising does not always match the quality of the product, and Tiret is no exception. It does not differ in the best performance compared to worthy rivals. But publicity is doing its job, and many users consider the gel to be the best means in the fight against blockages in sewers and plastic pipes. The product acts within 15 minutes, has a pleasant smell, and this is where its positive properties end.

Budget Sanfor

This tool for eliminating blockages in pipes can be attributed to serious budget competitors for cleaning products that are actively advertised on television. It is not so flavored, indelicate, but very effective. Consists of sodium hydroxide and hypochlorite, contains surfactants and ADTA salts. Eliminates unpleasant odors from the sewer, disinfects the system, breaks through blockages from 5 to 15 minutes. It has a huge popularity among consumers, Sanfor can be purchased in almost every household chemical store.

Sanoks Pure Stock

This is the best gel for the prevention of traffic jams in the sewer. It contains surfactants, about 30% of them, in second place is sodium hydroxide. Consumers love this tool for its mild effect. The product has a pungent odor, so it is not recommended to inhale it during processing. But in relation to modern pipes, it has a gentle effect. The tool does not cope with strong blockages, it is suitable only for preventive purposes.

Gel Sanoks "Clean Stock" was highly appreciated by consumers, many buyers consider the product to be the best for preventing blockages.

To deal with frivolous blockages, it is better to purchase a Mole, it copes well with traffic jams, but is only suitable for metal pipes. If severe clogging, then you can apply the product Deboucher. If prevention is needed, then it is better to use Sanoks Pure Stock gel.

Attention, only TODAY!

During the operational period, plaque, a greasy film form on the insides of sewer pipes, waste, food particles, and hair accumulate. Which over time leads to a serious blockage. To avoid this, you should proactively clean the sewer pipes. If they are already clogged, you need to look for an effective remedy for sewer pipes in order to resume their functionality.

To date, there are several options for solving clogged sewers. It can be a thermal method - cleaning with hot water. It is not always effective, it helps to cope with minor fat deposits on the walls. The mechanical method consists in the use of special equipment - a plunger, a plumbing cable, a hydrodynamic machine. You can turn to professional plumbers who will quickly and efficiently remove blockages and clean the sewer system.

Chemicals for cleaning sewer pipes also effectively cope with blockages. Today on the market they are presented in a wide range.

The chemical method of cleaning the sewer consists in the use of special preparations that corrode dirt, grease and help to remove them from the pipes. Manufacturers of household chemicals offer drugs that are available in different forms.

  • Loose. The sewer pipe cleaner is packaged in plastic bags with special protection. They usually contain strong ingredients. If you violate safety rules, you can harm your health. The contents of the sachet are used at one time. For prevention, it is recommended to clean the pipes with such preparations once every six months.
  • Liquid for sewer pipes. Funds are available in plastic containers. They are intended for reusable use unlike granular preparations. In most cases, the main active ingredient in the liquid is acid. Also, the composition may include various bleaching and antiseptic substances.

Chemical sewer cleaning

Liquids act faster than bulk preparations, but they are much more expensive. Before you buy a means for cleaning sewer pipes, it is recommended to study its composition and instructions for use.

Classification of chemicals

The chemical method of cleaning the sewer is quite effective if the pipe is not completely clogged. Before buying chemicals, you should decide for what purpose you plan to use it. Blockages in the pipes of the kitchen and bath have a different origin, respectively, and they should be dealt with by different means. The classification of chemicals is carried out according to the main active ingredient. There are alkaline and acid preparations.

Both those and others are produced by different companies, are available in household chemical stores, differ in prices, composition. It should be remembered that the use of such drugs requires precautions, otherwise you may face serious consequences. When buying a drug, ask the seller what kind of remedy, what kind of blockages it copes with, because if you fill in acid instead of alkali, there will be no effect.


The sewer pipe cleaner must be certified and tested. Trust only those manufacturers whose products you have tested yourself, or on the recommendations of friends. It often happens that a beautiful, bright, enticing advertisement is actually about a drug that does not produce the desired effect, but costs an order of magnitude more expensive than unknown drugs.

Acid preparations

Acid preparations cope with blockages of organic origin. They handle toilet paper, hair, and the end products of the home's occupants. Most often, such products are produced in the form of granules, they are used to clean the sewer pipe in the bathroom and toilet. They have these advantages

  • convenient granular form;
  • a sachet is enough for one time;
  • action exceeds all expectations;
  • acceptable price;
  • availability in household chemical stores.

Often, a sewer pipe cleaner does not cope with complex blockages as effectively as we would like. In this case, it makes sense to apply mechanical and chemical methods together. This solution will help to cope where the cable and the chemical alone cannot work. You can do it this way: pour the product inside the pipe, wait until it works, then try to destroy the already weakened blockage with a plunger or plumbing cable.


The sewer in the kitchen is often clogged due to the fact that fatty compounds and soap stains enter it. Fat is especially dangerous for pipes. Accumulating on the inner walls of sewer pipes, it forms an adhesive film, which, as if by a magnet, attracts a variety of waste, coffee grounds, food debris. If you do not pay attention in time to the fact that the water from the sink began to drain slowly, you may encounter the fact that the sewage system will completely fail and it will be impossible to cope without professional help.

The drain in the kitchen is often clogged

Alkali is the best tool for cleaning sewer pipes in the kitchen. It effectively copes with fatty deposits and soap stains. Alkaline preparations corrode greasy deposits, as a result of which solid waste can freely pass through the pipes without causing blockages. Especially often used alkaline preparations for cleaning plastic sewer pipes.

Effective remedies

There are many different effective sewer cleaning chemicals on the market. They are available in different forms, differ in price, have different active ingredients. There are many commercials that say that the advertised product is the best.

But you should not always trust advertising, since you can pay a decent amount, and the effect will be very weak. And vice versa, a drug that is not advertised anywhere, is produced in a modest plastic package, can clean pipes quickly and efficiently.

The effectiveness of one or another chemical preparation can be judged by consumer reviews. This is how you can find out which pipe cleaner to choose.


Means for sewer pipes "Mole" is considered the most common. It is in great demand among consumers, its effectiveness has been proven. "Mole" is produced by different manufacturers. Different preparations contain identical active substances, however, they contain different auxiliary components.

Means Mole

A domestically produced chemical preparation, which is produced in the form of a liquid or gel, actively affects the waste, destroying and removing it. The composition of the tool includes the following components:

  • purified water;
  • water softener;
  • sodium hypochlorite;
  • alkali;
  • acid;
  • nonionic surfactant.

"Mole" for cleaning sewer pipes effectively copes with various blockages. Applying the drug is very simple. First you need to remove the water, if there is any in the sink or bath. Now pour a small amount of the product into the hole. In order for the drug to work, you need to leave it for several hours. After the time has elapsed, flush the sewer pipes with plenty of water.

Cleaning sewer pipes "Krotom" is one of the most effective solutions. A tool that can cope with various types of blockages. It is inexpensive.

"Mister Muscle"

A popular, advertised tool for cleaning sewer pipes from grease and other waste. A chemical is produced in the form of a foam or gel, used to clean the sewer and eliminate unpleasant odors. "Mr. Muscle" contains in its composition antibacterial components that contribute to the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms living in sewer pipes.

"Mister Muscle"

The active ingredient in this product is sodium hydroxide. Before use, you should study the instructions, however, there is nothing complicated.

  1. Pour a glass of the drug into the drain hole, previously cleared of water.
  2. Pour water into the pipe.
  3. We wait until the remedy starts to work.
  4. Flush sewer pipes with clean water.

"Mr. Muscle" is more often used for prevention. It contributes to the corrosion of the fat layer on the walls of the pipes, the elimination of small crusts. The tool does not cope with strong blockages.

Note!"Mr. Muscle" refers to those drugs that do not have any effect on the material from which the sewer pipes are made. It is used to clean sewer pipes made of plastic. This does not mean at all that the product can be left overnight. If safety rules are not followed, the chemical can harm not only the sewer system, but also the health of residents.


An effective sewer cleaner, which is available in granular form in hermetically sealed bags. There is a preparation for use with cold and hot water.

Using the tool is very simple. The contents of the sachet should be poured into the drain hole, pour a glass of boiling water or ordinary cold water. If you hear a characteristic hiss, everything is done correctly. After 15 minutes, a large amount of water should be drained into the sewer.

Using this tool for flushing sewer pipes, you can not only effectively deal with various types of blockages, but also disinfect the sewer system and eliminate unpleasant odors. After applying the drug, a protective film is formed on the inner surface of the pipe, which prevents the re-accumulation of fat. It is recommended to use a remedy for prevention.

Note!"Floop" is an effective tool for cleaning sewer pipes. You need to be very careful with this drug, as its active ingredients can cause serious skin burns. Work should be done with goggles and protective gloves.


A feature of this tool is that it does not have a sharp ammonia odor. Manufacturer - Poland. It does not harm the material from which sewer pipes are made, effectively copes with any blockages.

The drug is available in several forms. The manufacturer recommends using different ones depending on the complexity of the problem. Prevention is excellent for prevention, but Turbo should be used to eliminate complex clogging.

It is said to be the best sewer cleaner. Instructions for use are not very different from other chemicals that are available in liquid form. It is necessary to pour the specified amount of chemical into the pipe, wait a few minutes, rinse the sewer with clean water.

Note! Some users believe that if you pour the product into the pipe and leave it overnight, the effect will be more expressive and persistent. Of course, you can try to do this, but no one can vouch for the result. It is possible that the active components of the drug can adversely affect the structure of the pipe itself.

"Bagi Pothan"

Israeli granular cleaner for plastic and cast iron sewer pipes. The drug is very concentrated, so you need to work with gloves, goggles. Do not allow the product to get on the clothes, shoes or skin of the person who is doing the work. This can lead to serious consequences.

"Bagi Pothan"

The instructions for use indicate the following sequence of work:

  • there should be no liquid in the sink or bath;
  • pour a glass of the product into the drain hole;
  • pour hot water, but not boiling water;
  • leave for three minutes, no more;
  • drain a large amount of water from the tap into the sewer.

The effectiveness of this tool has been proven. It quickly and efficiently removes various types of blockages, fights odor, corrodes toilet paper and hair residues in the pipe. This means for cleaning the sewer is relatively expensive, but the pipes after it remain clean for a long time.

Important! The chemical is potent. In the process of performing work, special care is needed. The first stage opens all the windows and doors in the room, and after the water has been poured, you immediately need to move a decent distance to avoid burns.

Folk remedies for cleaning pipes

There are also folk ways to deal with blockages in the sewer pipe. One of the most popular products is baking soda, known for its cleansing and disinfecting properties. It is completely safe, but does not cope in all cases. By itself, soda does not have the proper effect, but in reaction with water or acetic acid, it is able to flush sewer pipes, eliminate fatty deposits and solid waste.

Cleaning sewer pipes with soda and vinegar is the most popular folk method for dealing with blockages in the sewer system. By the way, baking soda can be used to prevent sewer clogging.

To increase the effectiveness of this folk method of cleaning sewer pipes, you can mix soda with salt, pour this mixture into the drain hole, pour a glass of acetic acid and leave for a while. After 2-3 hours have elapsed, the pipes should be rinsed with hot water.

Note! Before pouring a pipe into the sewer, you should make sure that the material from which they are made is capable of withstanding high temperatures.

The use of chemicals to clean the sewer system is a modern, effective solution. It is important to take precautions and follow the instructions. In order not to face the problem that clogged the sewer pipe at home, you should clean the sewer for the purpose of prevention. The pipe does not immediately become clogged, at first water begins to drain more slowly in it and an unpleasant odor appears. This is exactly the signal that the pipes need to be cleaned.

Choosing an effective means for cleaning sewer pipes should be guided by the features of the pipeline installed in your house or apartment and the specifics of the appearance of a blockage, as well as taking into account its location.

Dry powders and granules are compact, gel-like lubricants are the most economical, as they quickly spread along the walls of the nozzles, fighting deposits.

When choosing a chemical preparation that suits you, be sure to pay attention to which main chemical element is in it - alkali or acid. Also remember that the greater the speed of action of the powder or gel, the higher the level of concentration of the active substance in it. If you want to achieve a quick result, you should choose a chemical that will work within 30 minutes, it will just have a large amount of active substances. If you're in no rush and willing to wait, you should opt for chemicals that clear clogs overnight. They are distinguished by a smaller amount of aggressive substances.

When buying a chemical, be sure to consider its purpose:

  • if there is a “prevention” mark, then this substance is suitable for nozzles with a slight blockage;
  • if your water drain is very blocked and clogged, then choose substances that work in stagnant water.

Features of existing pipeline cleaning chemicals

In order to choose the best sewer cleaner, you need to become more familiar with the features, benefits and applications of the most famous chemicals.

There are many ways to deal with clogging: chemical products based on acids and alkalis, soda ash, a plunger or a plumbing cable. But the main guarantee of cleanliness is cleanliness and timely prevention. For allergy sufferers and asthmatics, products based on live bacterial cultures are suitable. And the best solution for the private sector will be preparations for septic tanks. How to choose a remedy for blockage in pipes and how to use it, we will tell in the course of the article.

Each hostess must have encountered a blockage in the pipes, the situation is very unpleasant. Let's take a couple of minutes to understand the causes of this problem:

  1. Remains of food, skins from vegetables and fruits, bags and other waste fall into the kitchen sink. Everything is aggravated by a large amount of fat washed off into the sink and limescale coating the pipes from the inside. Place a mesh over the drain hole and apply weekly maintenance or pipe cleaners.
  2. Hair and pet hair get into the bathtub drain. The advice is the same: mesh and prevention.
  3. Foreign objects, hygiene products, cat litter, paper get into the toilet bowl and get a blockage. Use the plumbing for its intended purpose.
  4. Incorrect pipe installation. If during the laying of communications the builders did not consider it necessary to observe the correct slope of the pipes, then they will clog regularly. In such a situation, there is only one way out - to redo it.