To date, a small living room is not a cause for concern. With the help of some design techniques of visual deception, you can avoid congestion in the interior and create stylish design living room and apartment in general.

In a properly created design of a small living room, it will be possible not only to relax in the family circle, but also to invite guests without fear that there will not be enough space for a large noisy company.

Important! If there is not enough space in your room, you should rationally distribute the space.

Interior Features

It is very important to consider some little things before creating the interior design of a small living room:

Create correct interior, which is based on functional layout, will help due to the optimal configuration of modules, taking into account the area and features of the room layout.

See also photos of living room furniture in a modern style with a wardrobe. The functionality and thoughtfulness of the living room environment is a guarantee of comfort and convenience for life

Techniques for visual expansion of space

If you do not have the opportunity to change the existing area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living room, you should think about how you can expand it visually. It may seem impossible to some, but in reality it is a real science, and if you study it, even a novice designer can create the perfect combination of furniture and other things.

Colors and accents

Many have heard that for a small room you need to select bright hues and small furniture. But surely there are more nuances. Which? For example, in addition to light plain wallpaper you can also use coatings with a pattern or ornament: polka dots, for example. The smaller the circles (peas), the larger the objects around which they are located, and vice versa.

This happens due to the fact that we perceive objects around us by comparing them with other things. Therefore, the wallpaper can be picked up with small patterns, and, of course, the furniture should also be small size: bulky cafes are for spacious and large rooms with high ceilings.

Design of small living rooms photo

You can focus on one item in the room. What for? For example, if you are designing a small living room in a private home, and you have much more freedom of action, it makes sense to focus around the sofa, as in the photo. Surround him with small chairs around.

Design of a small living room in an apartment photo

It is also important provide light to every corner of the room. It is worth avoiding oversaturation not only with furniture, but also with an abundance of flowers. V small room should be preferred beige color, sandy, milky and other shades of white.

Interior design of a small living room photo

You should also not forget about various accessories and decorations when decorating the living room.

All decor items in the form of pillows, curtains, rugs and other things can be made in bright colors and materials should be light and natural.

Shiny and matte fabric will look good.

If you want the accessories to be with drawings, choose small prints on textile elements.

Another point worthy of note is creating the illusion of distance. As mentioned above, the human brain perceives a little differently objects that are further away or made in special colors. It is worth taking advantage of this opportunity and make one wall in a soft pastel color. What you want to bring closer, highlight so that it catches the eye. General view no object in the room should interfere.

Advice! Open the curtains as much as possible or use an option such as blinds, you can also pick up Roman blinds - use all the tricks that will create a feeling of space and freedom in the room.

Thus, the effect of leaving the space of the room beyond the scope of the possible is created.

Horizontal and vertical stripes

Do not forget that the interior design of a small living room can be decorated with various stripes. Visually expand the space horizontal lines, and the vertical ones, in turn, pull it up, visually raising the flows.

Decide which flaw is present in your room: low ceilings or narrow space, and use striped decoration (vertical or horizontal) as needed.

Design of a small living room in Khrushchev photo

You can combine this color with mirrors, but it is important not to overdo it here. You can hang a mirror on one side and use it on the other wall. glossy surfaces. If you need to put a wardrobe in the room, opt for a sliding wardrobe with mirrored doors.

They will also change the visual perception and lamps, as well as 3D paintings. Volumetric three-dimensional images on the walls- new unique way not just decorate the room beautifully, but also further expand it, since it will seem to everyone that another reality begins near the wall on which the photo wallpapers are glued.

Design of a small living room photo 2015 modern ideas

In addition to stripes, it is important to consider the lighting of the room. try add light as much as possible, especially if your room does not face sunny side . This can be done with spot light, as well as with the help of various wall lamps, floor lamps or sconces.

Important! You should not use chandeliers in small living rooms, as they will only reduce the space.

With the help of decorative light, you can decorate the room by providing it with sufficient lighting. To date, a large selection of lighting options is presented, so that you can choose the perfect decoration for a room without any problems.


Before you start choosing furniture, remember that you need to rationally approach the layout of the design of a small living room in an apartment. You must calculate everything in such a way that avoid congestion extra things, take into account the dimensions of the furniture that you plan to purchase. On the market are various options furniture that can perform several functions at once.

Design of a small living room in a private house photo

The main furniture that can stand in a small living room is a table, wardrobe, armchairs and a sofa. The table can be folded out, and when necessary, you can move it apart and turn it into dinner table. The sofa should also fold out.

If you need extra chairs for the home, you should give preference to folding ones that can be hidden behind a closet and taken out as needed.

On the account of what the closet should be, we mentioned above about the closet. The opening doors of an ordinary wardrobe will reduce the space, but the built-in wardrobe will not affect the perception in any way. Armchairs add comfort to the room.

The design of a small living room with a corner sofa will look especially stylish. You can see this option in the photo:

Design of a small living room photo with a corner sofa

Be sure to keep in mind that between the main pieces of furniture should remain free space . If the dimensions of the room allow you to put all the necessary items listed above - purchase them and furnish your room.

In cramped rooms, it is worth giving preference to only the most necessary, for example, placing a small chest of drawers or a cabinet in the room instead of a closet and placing a sofa without chairs.

If you want to combine one room with another, in a small living room you should not do this with the help of dividing partitions. It is best to be based on the arrangement of furniture in the form geometric shapes. It can be a rectangle, a square or a triangle.

Knowing of limits

At self-development design of a small living room do not forget about the sense of proportion. If you want to hang pictures in the room that were painted by you personally, choose one that you love.

Walls should not be fully furnished with furniture or cluttered with other decorative elements. It is better to use just one accent, then the eyes will focus on one thing, and neither you nor your guests will have a feeling of disorder in the living room.

See the selection: original variants to refresh the interior, add novelty to it and dilute it with new bright colors.

We also invite you to see nice pictures angular upholstered furniture for the living room and hall.

See how beautiful the photo wallpapers look in the interior, expanding the space; photo in the gallery at the end of the article at:


As for the styles that might be suitable for a small living room, you can highlight modern and Scandinavian style : they are most in demand for small areas.

You can give preference to the classics, but such a room will not look as pompous as is usually characteristic of such a design.

You can plan the design of the room in the spirit minimalism: the use of this style will be very helpful, but in this case you will have to prepare for the fact that you will have to do with a minimum of furniture in the room (sofa or couch, coffee table and TV).

Create your unique style perhaps by combining some designs in different styles, you can transform your living room in a special way.

Design of a small kitchen combined with a living room photo

Don't focus solely on functionality room and the furniture that is placed in it. Previously, it was customary to relax in the living room, celebrate holidays and receive guests. But due to the small dimensions of the apartment, sometimes it becomes unprofitable to do this. So choose the option that suits you.

In order to see friends, you can meet in a cafe or restaurant. You can also go outside if the weather permits.

The living room should be created according to the individual wishes of the whole family and meet the taste preferences of everyone. At the same time, it must remain neutral.

If you design a small living room exclusively for yourself, you will get very cozy room where you can discuss important family issues or just relax.

The small size of the apartment is not a reason for despair. Now on the Internet there are many unique ideas that can be used to create comfortable conditions relaxation even in a small living room.

The main thing is the desire and ability to use your own imagination. If you correctly distribute the available space, you will surely get a cozy living room.

The living room should be cozy and inviting. The size is not critical, but if the room looks cramped, like a box, there is little comfort in it. Therefore, when working on the interior of a small living room, you need to try to create visual space. The second task is to create the most rational furnishing plan to accommodate everything you need without overloading the space. We hope our tips will help you in solving these problems.

Small living room design: visual expansion

1. Pick the right color. Light room always looks more spacious than the dark one. The smaller the living room, the lighter the walls should be. Otherwise, the closet effect cannot be avoided.

White interiors are in fashion right now. This is a great solution for a very small living room.

Cold colors, especially green, blue and gray, have an expanding effect. It is desirable, of course, to take them as light as possible.

2. Don't hide the floor. Try to furnish the living room so that as much of the floor surface as possible is left in plain sight. For example, instead of deaf chairs, it is better to take models with high legs. Instead of floor cabinets and tables, you can choose suspended structures.

How more area you can see the floor - the more spacious the room looks.

3. Do not close all corners tightly. Do not strive to place as much furniture in the room as possible. Leave at least some of the corners open. If all corners are closed - the room seems smaller than it really is.

4. Use mirrors. This point does not need to be elaborated. Everyone knows that mirrors, reflecting the space, visually increase it.

Try to get away from patterns and find an atypical place for a mirror. For example, place it in a corner, on the front door, above the TV, etc.

You can mirror the entire wall - for example, behind the sofa.

5. Replace some of the blind elements with transparent ones. It can be something large - for example, a wall between the living room and the corridor. Or something small - say, a coffee table, a TV console,.

6. Choose an image with perspective. A painting, poster, photograph or wall murals that take your eyes off into the distance add depth to the room.

The picture should not be too large, otherwise the effect will be the opposite. It is not necessary to glue photo wallpapers on the entire wall - it is better to select only a small part of it. If the sofa is small, then the poster above it should match.

7. Give up high furniture in favor of low. It is better to choose a low wall-length cabinet than a large one-third of the wall cabinet.

Low furniture looks much lighter. The room seems bigger with her.

Design of a small living room: rational furnishing

1. Decide on priorities. Decide what is more important in your living room: big table Or a big sofa?

If you like to arrange feasts in the living room, you should give preference to the largest possible table, and take a smaller sofa. If feasts take place in the kitchen and guests often stay overnight, a reasonable solution would be to purchase a full-fledged folding sofa.

If there are a lot of books in the house, plan the closet by choosing a smaller sofa or refusing an armchair.

Do not try to embrace the immensity and "shove the unpushed". Take only what you really need.

2. Don't get hung up on standard living room solutions. No need to buy big corner sofa. You can consider other options: for example, purchase two small sofas or two. Such prefabricated kits are more flexible, which expands the possibilities for the rational arrangement of furniture.

3. Place storage furniture behind the sofa or in the TV area. There is no need to install separate cabinets, racks, showcases. The sofa is already standing, taking up space. Place storage furniture behind or around it. This will free up other walls and leave empty corners.

This also applies to the TV wall. She's already on TV. So why not complement this area with spacious cabinets and cabinets?

4. Look for functional solutions. So, TV furniture can simultaneously serve as a desktop and bookcase. Coffee table, consisting of two or three components, will be convenient in case guests arrive. The space under the window can be used as an additional seat with storage space. There are many options.

A small living room is not a rare occurrence, especially in the apartments of houses built decades ago. But if earlier this room looked rather banal and boring (it was decorated only with a furniture wall and a sofa), today you can make a cozy, comfortable and stylish room out of the living room. You just need to choose the right interior design.

Quite often, the living room performs several functions at once: it serves as a study, a place for receiving guests, and sometimes also a bedroom. When choosing its style and interior, this should be taken into account. It is hardly appropriate to use the classic style: he “loves” a spacious area and a luxurious wooden furniture which requires a lot of space.

The word "does not fit" can be applied to the style of Provence or country. Their "chip" is a lot of decor items that create comfort - all kinds of vases, photographs and candlesticks. And they are contraindicated for a small area.

But minimalism and modern for a small living room are suitable: they are based on a small number of interior items, so the space will not look cluttered. And the people in the living room will not feel discomfort from crowding. Both styles involve functional furniture that can perform several functions at once - this is a godsend for a small living room.

Color and lighting of a small living room

Small rooms are characterized by a relative ban on many colors. Here they will be inappropriate bright colors- red or yellow, and very light colors - white or grayish - will look boring. Experienced designers advise staying on the golden mean - beige, peach, blue, light green, sandy or olive.

They will give the room calmness and comfort. But if the owners still cannot do without bright color, it can be used on one of the walls - preferably in combination with another shade.

Drawing for wall decoration small room it is also better not to use it - there should not be any geometry or large colors. But you can choose a small pattern that barely shows through on the main (preferably neutral) background. On one of the walls, you can use photo wallpapers - a mountain, river or forest landscape will visually increase the space of the room, and at the same time give it originality and harmony.

Advice: For the ceiling it is better to choose a classic White color, which visually slightly increase the area.

Fashionable today suspended ceiling, especially with the play of color, best left for large room. But the ceiling can be distinguished by small light bulbs around the perimeter, with them the room will look modern.

Advice: Ceiling light bulbs can be combined with beautiful chandelier in the center of the ceiling.

The main thing is to choose a model with a minimum suspension so that the chandelier does not “take up” a lot of space. The option with a chandelier right up to the ceiling is also suitable for modernity - today one large ceiling with hundreds of small light bulbs is in fashion. If you choose the right switch, you will be able to "create" muted, medium and bright light. This is convenient if you use the living room for different purposes.

Apart from ceiling lights in the interior you can also use a wall lamp or a floor lamp. Under them, you can read a book or watch TV, and if you wish, you can even doze off. This technique will divide the room into two different zones in which all household members will be comfortable.

The main rule of a small room is that there should not be a lot of furniture. A massive closet, a large dining table or a wall that has almost gone out of fashion is not appropriate here. Furniture should look light and elegant, and therefore you should pay attention to modular designs. They can be made up of different components: a small and low closet, a chest of drawers, a light bookcase or a bedside table are suitable for the living room.

For gatherings with guests, designers recommend not choosing a table that is too large. But you can choose a folding option, which on ordinary days will not take up much space. Or you can generally limit yourself to a coffee table - buffet tables are in trend today, and it is not necessary to put treats on three square meters.

Advice: It is also worth choosing furniture according to the principle of its versatility.

One and the same item can perform several functions at once: a table can easily “turn” into a nightstand, an ottoman into a coffee table. Even the bed today freely "fits" in a small closet.

Furniture should also be chosen according to the principle of minimalism - laconic forms will look good in a small living room, without a hint of pretentiousness, and therefore it is better not to use curved legs and decorative roses on the cabinet.

From upholstered furniture in such a room, they usually get by with a folding sofa (which can also be used as a place to store things) and an armchair (less often - two). If the shortage of space is felt acutely, the chair can be abandoned, replacing it with a small ottoman, which will be easy to “stick” anywhere.

But the corner sofa of a small living room is contraindicated, it will “eat” several meters at once. You may also need chairs if there are many guests in the room. In order not to look for a separate place for them, it is better to purchase folding ones - they are not only comfortable, but also look stylish.

Cunning tricks of modern design

To make the room not only functional and comfortable, but also modern, you can use some tricks when decorating:

How to create a cozy living room

Even the most expensive wall decoration and the choice of good furniture will not create absolute comfort in the room. Only a strict adherent of minimalism refuses decor items, and they are present in most interiors. You should not litter a small room, but it is advisable to purchase a couple of interesting accessories.

Depending on the preferences of the owners, this can be a candlestick, interesting flower in a vase, one or two beautiful pictures. And you can also buy a couple of bright small pillows for the sofa and even a small electric fireplace. V modern interior it is used more and more often: it does not take up much space and looks very effective. And on a cool evening, you can sit comfortably next to it, watching the blinking magic lights.

Whatever the design, don't be afraid to experiment. Perhaps a beautiful and functional living room will not work right away. But many "mistakes" (with the exception of the choice of furniture) can almost always be corrected, and it is even better to immediately seek help from experienced designer. And then even a small amount square meters perfectly turn the living room into an ideal room for all household members and their guests.

A small living room is not a problem. Even the cramped, at first glance, room can easily be turned into cozy place for evening relaxation in front of the TV, communication with friends and family holidays. Our ideas and tips will help you to ensure comfort, as well as create a relaxed atmosphere!

Interior style for a small living room

The living room is the face of the house and its arrangement should be given Special attention. V beautiful interior It's always nice to relax yourself, as well as invite friends. For visual magnification space of the room, it is advisable to opt for one of the styles described below. They are united by lightness, unloaded details and predominantly light colors in the finish.

Living room in modern style

This style combines functionality and neatness. Clean graphic lines, soothing monochrome colors, cutting-edge materials and the latest in electronics are the perfect environment for busy people. Modern style resembles an office one, but it can always be supplemented with cute home decor, textiles, sofa cushions or indoor plants.

Living room in classic style

The luxurious classic style is characterized by harmony and symmetry. The abundance of white, crystal chandeliers and sconces, mirrors in gilded frames will fill the room with a soft glow.

The main decoration of a small living room in classical style is carved furniture in ivory color or expensive wood polished to a shine.

Stucco molding, relief cornices, arches, columns are necessarily present. The windows are covered with heavy curtains with vertical drapery and jewelry-made tiebacks.

Provence style living room

Charming simplicity of southern France the best solution for a small romantic living room. Distinctive features Provence is lace, floral prints on wallpaper, as well as pastel beige, peach, blue and gray shades. It remains only to get a beautiful service, put a vase with homemade jam and have a tea party!

Loft style living room

The design of a small loft-style living room provides for bare walls, panoramic windows and minimal furniture. Abstract paintings, black and white photographs, metal floor lamps can act as decor.

Living room in the style of minimalism

The name of this direction speaks for itself - a minimum of things, no decorations, only the necessary compact furniture and modern technology.

Of the colors, one is used, in extreme cases - two. Available in white, grey, beige, silver or blue. Accents can be saturated, but always in a calm range.

Living room in Scandinavian style

The Scandinavian style of the interior is a snow-white background with a slight admixture of beige, bright accents, as well as many natural light. This design will create a feeling of freshness in a small living room.

Color is important!

To visually enlarge a small living room, it is necessary to maintain the design in two or three light or neutral colors. Darker ones can be used in flooring, furniture, neat decor. The pattern should be on one thing - if the walls are decorated, then the textiles are plain, and vice versa. Restrained palette, conciseness, lack of flashy details - this is the secret of a room in which nothing will distract or annoy.

white living room

White color is ideal for the background (walls, ceiling), goes well with other colors - gives them contrast. Makes the living room more spacious and brighter.

Living room in gray tones

Neutral grays tones down overly bright objects. For vertical surfaces suitable bleached tone of dry asphalt, silver. Furniture and decor could be darker.

Living room in brown tones

Brown color looks great in the autumn colors - from sand to chocolate. Interspersed with orange, red, burgundy or light green shades are possible.

Living room in blue

Blue color has a calming effect on the human psyche, it cools. white ceiling, blue walls and light furniture- a magical option for interior design of a small living room.

Living room in shades of green

Green color has a good effect on vision and improves well-being. Looks beautiful surrounded by natural elements in shades of wood, stones, water and flowers.

Living room in lilac color

Shades of sunset and lavender fields. small living room in lilac color set in a romantic mood and become a favorite vacation spot for all the inhabitants of the apartment.

Decorating a small living room

To make the living room look spectacular, you should choose high-quality finishes for its decoration, but not necessarily expensive materials. The main criterion in this case is aesthetics.


To cover the floor in a small living room is most often used natural parquet, laminate and carpet.

An extravagant design can also be created using a self-leveling floor, artificial stone, tiles or porcelain stoneware. A glossy or polished surface will visually add height to the room.

If there are small children in the house, it is worth laying carpets - they will soften falls and warm the kids while playing on the floor, and protect expensive finishes from damage.


The side background of a small living room should be light, without noticeable color spots. One-color painting, seamless wallpaper (possible with narrow vertical patterns), brick or masonry, polished stone, plastic panels.

An interesting addition can be panoramic wallpapers with a 3D effect, mirror and glass partitions, art painting.

In the walls of drywall, you can make interesting illuminated niches for placing equipment, an aquarium, a collection of souvenirs or books.


Stretch will look best in a small living room mirror ceiling, two-level plasterboard or combined.

In the economy version, it is enough just to align it and paint it white. From all sorts plastic panels it is worth refusing - squares and stripes will visually reduce the height of the room. The same goes for massive hanging chandeliers.

Decor and textiles

The choice of fabrics will largely depend on general style interior. So, for the classics, satin, silk, velvet textures are ideal; for the loft - translucent white, for Provence and country - in a small flower.

To visually enlarge the space of a small living room, it is recommended to use light and shiny textiles. Curtains should be in harmony with the rest of the finish, partially repeat the patterns on the wallpaper, emphasize the color of the walls or merge with it.

If you attach the cornice to the ceiling, and lower the curtains to the floor, the room will appear higher. good decision for a small-sized hall - curtains throughout the wall, always light and with vertical drapery.

For decoration, large paintings with perspective views, mirrors, modular images, family photos and interesting panels. Vases with flowers or branches, indoor plants will also be appropriate in the living room.

On the open shelves you can place collector's editions of books, figurines and interior candles. In order not to disturb the harmony small space, the decor is desirable to use very sparingly.

Placement of furniture and appliances

The location of the sofa, TV, coffee table, shelves and other important things in a small living room largely depends on its layout. So, in a studio apartment, you will have to combine a recreation area with a dining room, and perhaps also provide for a folding sleeping place; the walk-through living room should somehow be protected, made more comfortable; rectangular room will need to be balanced using geometric techniques.

Small square living room

The symmetrical harmony of the square allows you to beautifully arrange any furniture under the wall or in the center. Using corner structures, the situation can be made diamond-shaped.

Narrow (rectangular) small living room

In such rooms, the door is usually located opposite the window and the effect of the corridor is obtained. You can improve the situation as follows: curtain the window with white curtains with a smooth horizontal drapery, front door make it large and light - this will increase the narrow walls. Free areas must be trimmed with elements like brickwork or arrange racks with elongated shelves.

The wide sides should be mirror-like, glossy, with noticeable vertical lines contrasting color and clear form from floor to ceiling.

Plank flooring should be laid parallel to narrow walls.

It is advisable to choose furniture with high backs - a squat one will “smear” the room.

Small custom-shaped living room

If the living room turned out as a result of complex zoning or the owners decided to equip the attic for this purpose, the problem of non-standard planning arises.

In this case, it is worth ordering corner or semicircular furniture, walls with beveled edges, unusual tables and take care of the access of light to every part of the space.

Lighting in a small living room

Proper location and aesthetic appearance lamps can greatly transform any small room. The living room definitely needs at least one powerful lamp on the ceiling, but you should not hang a bulky chandelier if the actual height of the room is less than 4 meters.

Neat point diodes can be mounted around the perimeter, sconces can be attached to the wall near the sofa (so that, for example, it is convenient to read books), and decor or shelves with favorite things can be illuminated with flexible ribbons. In some design options, stylized lanterns, garlands and luminescent elements will look very nice.

To get rid of the feeling of a ceiling hanging over your head, the light coming from below, vertically from the floor, will help. Reflected in a glossy film, it will make the room look higher.

In Khrushchev, as a rule, one cannot do without redevelopment - in such cases the living room is often combined with the kitchen. This helps to increase the area and turn a familiar room into a modern studio.

Upholstered furniture is better to choose folding - so in case of overnight guests there will be an extra bed.

A free corner of a small living room in Khrushchev should be equipped under workplace: put a computer, a lamp there and attach hanging shelves for books.

Association with other premises

In cramped conditions in a good way increasing the area is to combine the living room with adjacent rooms.

The combination of a small living room and kitchen

This is a very logical option - in the living room they receive friends, relax, and can not do without tea or festive feasts. It is enough just to visually separate the cooking area with a bar counter, and on the other hand put a sofa, TV, wall - and you get a comfortable multifunctional studio.

Everything greater value for people acquires its functionality, in connection with this, ideas about furniture suitable for the interior also change. Over time, living rooms have become more comfortable and closed from prying eyes. With the right approach to small room it is mono to arrange several locations at once, but it is not a fact that the situation will be associated with the interior of a dream: the main task is to correctly distribute the space and create a feeling of free space.

The small space of the room should not be a cause for frustration for you, because in our time there are many ways out of this situation.

Ways to expand space

Make the space appear visually larger

It has been proven that if objects are placed against the background of large circles, they appear larger, and vice versa. Of course, this applies not only to this figure, but to all decor items in general. From this we conclude that furniture, accessories of small sizes will create the impression of spaciousness. It will also make the design of a small living room harmonious and balanced.

The color palette is one of the most common ways to expand the space. You can even name specific colors that will help you with this: light gray, white, beige.

Perspective is the key to success

Of course, we are talking about creating such visual effect. So the brain automatically processes objects that are further away, the space expands. To achieve this effect, you need to use pastel-colored furniture.

To enhance the illusion of perspective, furnish the room in such a way that nothing interferes with the holistic perception of the room.

Horizontal and vertical lines

It has long been proven that horizontal stripes give the effect of height and elongation, and vice versa, horizontal lines seem to give a feeling of stiffness.

For this reason, if you want to feel high ceilings, you should choose the design design in this style. If, on the contrary, you want to visually reduce the height, wide lines are used.

Pick the right furniture

When choosing accessories for a small room, you should remember that you should not clutter up the space, because bulky heavy furniture will only make the space more crowded. In such rooms it is preferable to use only the necessary furniture.

An excellent solution would be the use of furniture - transformers. Such furniture can be used according to the most various purposes, plus is their mobility.

An excellent example of multifunctionality is, for example, folding sofa which can be used as both seat and bed.

Take into account such a thing as shelving: they do not take up much space, all the necessary things are in sight. Another plus is that horizontal shelving visually makes the occupied space smaller.

Provide good lighting in the space

Light rooms always seem visually larger.

On the play of light and shadow, you can achieve good results. With well-placed accents on the shadow, the light can seem more alive and bright.

One of the most used techniques is the use of mirrors. To achieve maximum results, the mirrors can be placed opposite each other. Reflecting light, they visually enlarge the space. Given design solution suitable for a small modern living room, as well as for rooms decorated in more formal styles. You can see an example of an interior with mirrors not in the photo below.

Separate one zone from another

Use Canisse's figure rule: if you place furniture in each corner, the brain will automatically enclose it in a figure. In this way, you special work and the use of fencing can clearly separate one zone from another. This will help save space.

Limit yourself to a few accessories

A heap of scenery can create the impression of a crowded room, chaos and disorder. You should use only the most necessary decorations in your opinion, and discard the rest.

100 photos of the interior of a small living room