Kitchen sets white color. White kitchens are very popular, they look stylish and elegant. White kitchens are timeless.The white kitchen turns out to be both bright and light, but at the same time calm and neutral. She carries a charge of pure positive energy and freshness.

Undoubtedly, a white kitchen is a stylish design option. kitchen interior . White color is an ideal background for any shades, which easily gathers all the details into a single harmonious composition. This is the color of purity and nobility, which makes the kitchen unusually attractive and elegant.

White color is universal. With it, you can create an interior in any style - both classic and modern. It all depends on your preferences.

Kitchens in only one white color are quite rare.But in combination with other shades: yellow, red, coffee, black, etc. white color gives the room freshness and brightness, visually enlarges the space, and besides, it unites the interior details into one whole.

Black and white kitchens are recognized as one of the most stylish designers. View design options black and white kitchens and interior design in the photo

If only one white color is used in the interior, then it will quickly get bored and the room will begin to resemble a laboratory or a hospital ward. It is impossible not to agree with this statement, looking at these two photos.

The white kitchen set needs to be carefully looked after, as the color is quite dirty.

In order for the white kitchen to please you long time, you need to diversify the interior with smooth, matte, glossy and embossed materials - in the decoration of the apron (wall panel), in the decoration of the walls of the kitchen, floor and ceiling.

You can combine a white kitchen set with tiles and wallpaper imitating stone, wood, leather, etc., use natural and floral motifs.

To make the room seem warmer, you can dilute the white color with brown. In brown, you can make shelves, countertops, floor color.

On the wallscan apply paintable wallpaper, stick washable wallpaper, lay ceramic tiles or decorative plaster. Wenge-colored tiles will help to make the interior more luxurious. Kitchen apron can be decorated with glass decorative panels, photo printing or mosaic tiles. View design options for aprons (wall panels) for white kitchen

If you do not want to make the room pure white, you can use milky, creamy, creamy and other shades of this color for the walls. You can complement the interior with mother-of-pearl, pearl and silver shades.

Walls of bright colors will also diversify well and bring liveliness to the interior.

You can apply bold contrasting wall combinations and white kitchen from shadows can be painted in bright and warm colors: green, blue, blue, orange, red.

For floor it will be most practical to use a laminate, ceramic tile or porcelain stoneware, the use of a decorative self-leveling floor that is popular today is also relevant.

The highlight of the room can be bright elements furniture, kitchen towels, tablecloth, bright tableware, paintings, curtains and so on.

Design options for a white kitchen can be varied.White kitchen sets are popular in combination with black, red, brown, orange, green. In such kitchens, white should predominate noticeably, and complementary color is used to enliven the kitchen, make it more fun.

White color is the perfect solution for decorating a small kitchen.This shade visually expands the space and gives a feeling of freedom, which is so difficult to achieve in small apartment. The white kitchen becomes light and airy.

Externally, the design of the white kitchen is quite simple.But, despite the apparent simplicity, the white kitchen has charm and charm, has a person to itself and creates a comfortable atmosphere. Therefore, starting the morning in a white kitchen, you will receive a charge of positive energy and good mood.

White kitchen - dilute with color and add zest

Purely white kitchen, no doubt, insanely good, but sometimes it lacks a holiday. This is especially felt cold winter when you want more bright colors in all areas of life. Decorate some tricks and bold bright details will help a white kitchen:

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White color when arranging the kitchen is very often chosen in order to expand the space and lighten it. In this case, it would be appropriate to use light, not massive furniture, you can open shelves. Stands with glass elements will look good in this interior - they will fill the kitchen with light, make it weightless and spacious.

Rules for choosing furniture for a white kitchen

The choice of furniture directly depends on the chosen interior style. It is the furniture that will determine its concept and emphasize the individuality of the owner of the home. If the premises are large, and the owner of an apartment or a private house is not constrained in funds, then best solution will be the choice of furniture from natural wood.


It can be white, the natural shade of wood will also look good (it is ideal for country and rustic styles).

Zholobov Vadim/

For more modern interiors, you can use plastic pieces of furniture with metal chrome elements and glass.

"alexandre zveiger/"

Advice! So that the kitchen does not look too faded and inconspicuous in solid white, it is recommended to place some color accents: use patterned facades, unusual decorative dishes, bright textiles.


How to choose wallpaper for a white kitchen

Since the white color goes well with all existing shades, it will not be difficult to choose wallpaper for a white kitchen. An excellent solution would be to choose wallpaper of the same white color - especially if the room is small and you want to visually expand it a little.

To prevent the walls from looking boring, there may be a barely noticeable ornament in a darker shade (light gray, beige, etc.) on the wallpaper. Combinations of white wallpaper with colored inserts also look great.

Advice! If the ceiling in the kitchen is low, you should use light wallpaper from vertical stripes. In a spacious room, you can safely combine light wallpaper with dark inserts.

We must not forget that the main purpose of the kitchen is cooking. Here, something is constantly boiled and fried on the stove, so greasy or wet splashes can fall on the walls. To keep the kitchen always clean, you need to choose washable wallpapers that are easy to care for.

You should not choose textiles for such a room, paper wallpaper, or acrylic wallpaper with protruding elements. The ideal solution - vinyl wallpapers with smooth glossy surface which, if necessary, can be simply washed with a soft damp cloth. In addition, vinyl wallpaper will easily hide some wall defects underneath.

"Alexei Zatevakhin/"

What floor to equip in a white kitchen

Material selection floor covering for a white kitchen will depend on various factors: the style of the interior, the preferences of the owners, the size of the room. The ideal solution for arranging the floor is ordinary ceramic tiles.- it is easy to care for, has a high visual appeal and is able to serve for a very long time without losing its original characteristics.

Arsel Ozgurdal/

However, it is not at all necessary to be limited only to this material. In a white kitchen, laminate flooring will look great (it can be light or dark, as well as contrasting with the overall color scheme of the room).

Kutlayev Dmitry/

Self-leveling floors have recently become especially popular, which are perfect for creating modern interiors (hi-tech, minimalism).

Advice! In the white kitchen there is no place for carpet, especially the same light colors. It is unlikely that this material will withstand all the processes that take place in the kitchen for a long time.

How to choose curtains for arranging the interior of a white kitchen

When choosing textiles for the kitchen in white, you need to consider some important points. If the room is small and cramped, equipped with one single window, it is better to completely refuse to use curtains.

You can replace them with light weightless light-colored blinds that will reliably protect the kitchen from prying eyes, and at the same time will not steal a single centimeter of precious space.

If the room is spacious enough, and it has several windows, it is quite possible to pick up light beautiful curtains capable of emphasizing the interior. Textiles must be exactly light, almost weightless.

Heavy curtains in the kitchen are completely out of place. Also, instead of curtains, you can use short curtains- they can be white, or red, blue, green, if it is necessary to place color accents. Shades can be bright and saturated, but not dark.

Choosing white kitchen countertops

Designers don't strict rules, which determine the color of the countertop for the white kitchen. When arranging such a room, you can use all your imagination without discarding the most daring options.

Serghei Starus/

If you don’t want to come up with an interior yourself, you can use some ready-made examples- choose a table top neutral shade(beige, white, gray, black, wood). Her drawing can also imitate wood or stone.


For a white kitchen, a countertop in cold stone color - black or gray is perfect.

Stelmakh Oxana/

If the choice fell on a countertop in the shade of natural wood, then it is desirable that it be light, because due to the dark wood, the white forge will lose a significant part of its elegance.


In a small room, it is worth using a countertop made in the same white (light) color as the entire set. This technique will help to make the room more weightless and light. This option is often chosen by women, while bachelors prefer darker and more practical (in their opinion) countertops.

Tracy ben/

A black countertop can be used if the kitchen is spacious. It is best if all furniture and walls are completely white. This design option, combined with a black countertop, looks very elegant and stylish.


As for the material of manufacture, the choice here depends only on the preferences of the owners of the kitchen - the countertop can be made of natural or artificial stone, natural wood, plastic and chipboard. There are many options, so everyone will find their ideal solution.

Choosing an apron for a white kitchen

The choice of the color of the apron will depend, first of all, on what kind of kitchen its owners want to see. For example, if such characteristics as elegance and tranquility are important, then the apron should be chosen the same white or very light (shades of ivory, ecru, beige, milky are perfect).


For contrast, you can use blotches of black tiles. Elements made of natural unpainted wood will also look great.

To add dynamism to the interior of a white kitchen, you can install an apron in rich and bold colors: black, red, orange, green. This option is suitable for interior design in modernist and modern styles.

Dariusz Jarzabek/

The choice of interior style in the design of a white kitchen

Classic style- perhaps the most popular and never loses its relevance. It looks great in white. In addition, this style is very fond of natural materials and expensive finishes (wood, stone, textiles).


The room should be sufficiently spacious and bright. Gilding and carved elements on the back will help emphasize the classic style. wooden furniture. Plastic trim will have to be abandoned.


Minimalism- white color is ideal for decorating this style of interior. The kitchen space can be small, medium or large, it doesn't matter. The main thing is not to overload it with furniture and decorative elements.

Anna Andersson Fotografi/

Synthetic materials are welcome: plastic, glass, chrome. It is better to refuse textiles completely.


Hi-tech style- ideal for people who prefer simplicity and convenience, rather than ostentatious luxury. To create such an interior, you can install a white glossy set with glass inserts in the kitchen.


The use of metal and chrome elements is welcome. You can dilute the background white color with splashes of black, red, purple, orange. There are no textiles in such a kitchen.

The best color combinations in a white kitchen

Black and white kitchen- perhaps this is one of the most stylish options design. This interior looks bold and expensive. In white color, a kitchen set, walls, textiles can be made.

Marko Poplasen/

Some elements of the facades may be black, kitchen apron, floor. The main thing is that it is white that remains dominant, and black only emphasizes its purity and perfection.

"alexandre zveiger/"

This interior design option is more suitable for spacious or medium-sized rooms. In a small kitchen, it will not look so impressive, and will make it even cramped.

"alexandre zveiger/"

Kitchen in gray and white- a very good combination of shades that suits people who prefer elegance and restraint. The advantage of this interior is that it is perfect for arranging kitchens of all sizes - from the smallest to the most spacious.

Dariusz Jarzabek/

V gray color you can make a set, pick up exquisite textiles in this shade, arrange an apron and floor. Walls and facade elements can be completely white. Small color accents will give originality to the interior and make it less boring.

Kitchen in red and white- a great interior design solution that suits modern and self-confident people. It is desirable that the white color be dominant and serve as a background for some elements of the red color.


For example, a combination of a white headset and a red apron will look great. Red may be some pieces of furniture and household appliances- chairs, refrigerator, microwave, etc.

« Dimasik_sh/»

Red curtains, curtains or blinds on the windows will look great. Red can also be decorative dishes and kitchen utensils.

"Ivica Drusany/"

Kitchen in white and green colors- an excellent combination of shades for interior design in the style of "modern", "hi-tech". This combination is also suitable for decoration of the Mediterranean and rustic style.

In the first case, the furniture should be glossy, made of synthetic materials. In the second, preference should be given to natural wood and textiles. Modern interiors suggest the use of bright, even "acidic" green, while in classic options it should be soft, warm and rich (the color of natural grass).

Kitchen in white and brown tones - perfect solution for arrangement classic interior kitchens. With white color, you can combine shades of natural wood. The floor in the room can be wooden (laminate is also suitable), the set is white with brown wooden countertops.

"Yuri Stroykin/"

This version of the interior looks respectable and expensive, it suits people who appreciate comfort, prefer to spend time in a calm and comfortable environment.


Arrangement of a small kitchen in white

White color with all its shades is the ideal solution for arranging a compact kitchen. It helps to visually expand even the most small room filling it with light and air.


To make the kitchen look more spacious, white should dominate it. Walls should be decorated in a white shade, a kitchen set of the same color should be selected, even the floor can be laid from ceramic tiles white, beige or other very light color.

Africa Studio/

So that the room does not resemble a sterile operating room or laboratory, you need to add a few bright colors to it. For example, decorate the windows with blue curtains, arrange an apron in blue tones, install blue chairs and a dining table.

If you don’t like the blue color, you can replace it with light green, yellow, gray, beige. The main thing is not to use too aggressive and bright colors - red, black, purple, blue.

"Tatyana Vyc/"

Following simple rules and following recommendations professional designers, you can independently create the interior of the kitchen of your dreams in snow-white and white. Such a room will always look elegant and expensive, as white shades never go out of style.

If it is not possible to purchase furniture from natural materials, they can be easily replaced by cheaper synthetic counterparts, which are practically not inferior in their external qualities and last as long as natural ones.

The kitchen is one of the main rooms in your home. You shouldn't go here bad mood because the cooking process is milestone, requiring strength from the cook.

It is much easier and faster for the hostess of the house to cope with her duties if the kitchen is decorated in white.

The room will be filled with light and comfort, and it will be a pleasure to cook in it! But from a dark narrow room you will have only one desire - to finish all the work as soon as possible and run away.

white kitchen features

White is the color of the soul, good thoughts, purity and innocence. Designers these days are trying to combine these aspects in one room. Every day, the fashion for white in the kitchen is growing.

This is not surprising, since such a kitchen appears as successful combination elegance and simplicity. So is it possible to decide on the design of the kitchen in white? And even so that it does not resemble a clinic and is cozy? Let's try to understand this issue.

Advantages of a white kitchen interior

You can stay in doubt for a long time about choosing white as the main color for your kitchen. Moreover, many note one very significant drawback of using white in the kitchen - rapid pollution. That is, it will take a lot of time to clean up, since even a small speck will be immediately noticeable to the eye. But if you are a good housewife and carefully monitor the cleanliness in the kitchen, then nothing prevents you from making repairs and choosing white as an accent color.

Let's list Benefits choosing a kitchen interior in white:

  1. Visual expansion of space through the use of light colors. Moreover, the use of white in the interior of the kitchen is perfect for both a small kitchenette in the Khrushchev and large ones.
  2. White reflects natural light, therefore it is observed visual effect increase in free space.
  3. In Feng Shui, white is considered the light of the sun. Harmony is achieved through the use of this color.

Any layout begins with the procedure for distributing existing pieces of furniture and choosing base color. When using white, you can use both a variety of textures and monochrome. But when planning the design of a future white kitchen, it is important to choose a design style. But here you should not have problems, as the choice is great.

White the color will suit hi-tech, scandinavian style, rococo, country and provence. Mixing styles is best avoided.

If you choose absolutely white walls, ceiling, floor, and take the wood of dark and red varieties, then the result will be a truly luxurious, sophisticated kitchen interior, created in white. Thus, a classic kitchen, executed in white, will be scandinavian minimalism, that is, it is better when the ceiling is higher.

A bright accent that attracts attention can be big windows all over the wall. The center of the kitchen in white can be black high tables with heavy wooden bar stools.

You can add more futurism to the room if you add cabinets with glossy plastic surfaces. Various chrome parts will help you in this undertaking, a choice of metallic household appliances, beautiful vases original shape and strange at first glance chandeliers.

A number of buyers, when choosing white as an accent color, ask themselves the question: “Will the room become faceless, empty when choosing a lot of pastel shades in addition to white? Perhaps you will have to answer this question in the affirmative, if you do not add a little color in the form of textiles. For example, towels. Pots with plants, bright and memorable paintings, photographs with cheerful faces will help diversify the interior.

You can try to use as panels wooden planks on the wall or on the floor. Unfortunately, sometimes such elements simultaneously oblige to choose matte surface throughout the rest of the space. But this should not stop there either. Feel free to use various manifestations of geometry. For example, the combination of colors, clear lines, embossed figures.

The spacious, practical kitchen is a hostess's dream. But dreams do not always come true right away, someone has to adapt to small space, improve it, create coziness on a few square meters.

If the task is to change the interior of a small kitchen, we recommend paying attention to the white color. The predominance of white in the interior of a small kitchen will make the space more airy, thanks to it the footage of the room will visually increase.

Light shades in the design of a small kitchen are used not only in the selection kitchen set. Walls, ceilings and floors are painted white.

Not everyone is comfortable in an all-white kitchen, but this is easy to handle by adding 1-2 color accents. An innate sense of proportion is required - you should not overdo it with bright details. The photos presented in the article will help you find the golden mean.

Such an accent can be a dark countertop, a yellow floor, an apron decorated with colored tiles or skinali. We tried to pick up the most interesting interior solutions, for sure you will like some of them and give you an idea. Do not try to completely transfer the design project you like, we recommend showing imagination and using it to make the interior of a small white kitchen even more original and spectacular. And photos of completed design projects will help with this.

Making a small kitchen in white: arguments for and against

Argument against # 1: complex care

According to surveys of clients of the Elita design bureau, the main reason why they are afraid to agree to the interior design of a small kitchen in white is the need to constantly maintain perfect cleanliness. Customers believe that on a light surface, all the flaws are striking - accidental scratches, traces of spilled coffee. A white kitchen requires more attention, a careful choice of means and accustoming your household to the accuracy, you need to teach them to immediately eliminate the consequences of small disasters, and not wait for the mother to arrive.

There are stains that are difficult to remove. And if a white glossy kitchen is purchased, you need to be prepared that you will have to regularly deal with fingerprints, otherwise they will constantly be an eyesore and make you blush when a friend unexpectedly rushes into a glass of tea or, God forbid, comes in with an unscheduled inspection beloved mother-in-law.

Counter argument: the whiteness of the white color is greatly exaggerated. In addition, the white color visually expands the room, which is very important when you have to deal with the arrangement of a small kitchen. dark shades On the contrary, they take away such valuable centimeters. And the time to clean the kitchen in dark colors you won’t be able to save money - dust and spots on the black surface are even more striking to the picky connoisseur of cleanliness.

From the point of view of practicality, it is not the color scheme that is important, but the texture and performance characteristics materials and furniture selected for finishing the kitchen. bright kitchens even in imperfect condition, they look aesthetic and neater than colored and dark kitchens.

A properly planned countertop will help protect the lower cabinets of a white kitchen set from pollution; according to the laws of ergonomics, it should hang over them by 4-5 cm.

Light kitchen facades not as brand as it might seem. Glossy headsets made of light wood or MDF demonstrated themselves very well in operation.

Functional wooden table. But you shouldn’t install a dark countertop for a white kitchen - in the photo this combination may look stylish, but any perfect oversight will intensify, stains, unremoved greasy spots, bread crumbs not removed in time will catch your eye.

The only thing that designers do not advise doing is painting the floor with white paint and laying a laminate in a shade like bleached oak. But this is for reasons of practicality, not aesthetics. Do you want to withstand the interior of a small white kitchen in scandinavian style? Then it is still worthwhile to prefer the finishing material for the floor as light as possible.

Argument against #2: association with the hospital

A kitchen decorated in white may not evoke the most positive memories of a hospital room. In fact, this color is complex, you need to be able to work with it, because if you do not take into account the peculiarities of perception, then the likelihood of getting an unsuccessful interior increases, which will be uncomfortable for a long time.

Look at the photos of white small kitchens and answer your question: what exactly annoys you on them? Which of them is perceived as light, and which one is sterile and boring? If at least something internally annoys you, pure white kitchens are not your option.

Counter argument: associations with the hospital are easy to avoid. To do this, use several shades of white in correct proportion or add a few bright spots to the design of a small white kitchen. This is easy to do with textiles.

Another easy way beat snow-white interior- create a thoughtful variety of soft lighting, it will help balance the white color.

Argument against #3: excessive popularity

You won’t surprise anyone with a white interior now, it’s too popular, so there’s a big risk that the kitchen you want to transform will end up looking like hundreds of others.

By agreeing to the white color, you can get a standard, uninteresting kitchen interior design. As a result, rather big sums will be spent on the repair and purchase of furniture, and the interior will not give the impression of originality, the individuality of the owners will be lost.

Counter argument: even if in everything, including the interior, you are used to emphasizing your originality and independence from fashion trends, you still should not categorically refuse the designer’s proposal to decorate a small kitchen in white.

The white background in the room gives a lot of room for imagination. With it, you can create almost any style - from the timeless classics to the increasingly popular Scandinavian. Lovingly selected textiles will help to change the situation - the transformation of the kitchen with its help is the easiest to implement. As a result, you will get several options for the kitchen - for example, blue and white kitchen or white and pink. And it will take quite a bit for this: curtains, tablecloths, napkins, chair covers, stools or corner sofa, in case you managed to fit it into a small space.

White small kitchen: choosing a style direction

It is believed that white color is preferred for southern countries where there is a lot of sun. And this is actually the case - various shades of white are used for decoration. kitchen facilities in Greece, Portugal, Spain, France (world famous Provencal style). The palette of white is wide, so the interior in which it prevails will never look boring.

But in the North, white has traditionally enjoyed well-deserved love - those who are fond of design trends are probably familiar with the Scandinavian style, now it is experiencing another wave of popularity associated with the desire to get closer to nature.


It is primarily natural. But do not be upset that a kitchen set made of natural wood in a small space will take up too much space. Now there are many materials that successfully imitate wood. And yes, they cost a lot less. Agree that the price is an important factor, especially if you do not plan to stay in an apartment with a small kitchen for a long time.

The classic style looks appropriate in kitchens of any size. But there is a prejudice that in a small kitchen a classic is an unwanted guest. Allegedly classic headsets do not fit well into a small space, and some massiveness inherent in this style visually reduces the kitchen even more. Is it so? Of course, there is some truth in this statement, but it does not apply to white headsets. In addition, now you can easily order furniture according to your size, just keeping the style.

If you want the kitchen to look solid and solemn, then, without hesitation, choose the classic style - the result will surely impress you. See how stylish and elegant a small classic white kitchen looks in the photo.

If you want to maintain a classic style, then it is necessary that the walls be decorated in the same tone. Finishing can be any:

  • plaster;
  • dye;
  • wallpaper;
  • decorative panels.

To avoid the effect of sterility, the shade chosen for the walls should differ from the color scheme of the headset by at least a couple of tones.

If possible, try to fit stucco into the design (you can also imitate it), for example, on the ceiling cornice.

Lighting - necessarily a large chandelier that attracts attention. A plus additional lighting in the form of a sconce and illumination of the working area.

High tech

White color will enliven a small long kitchen. This design option is closest to young people who prefer dynamics. Clear lines grab attention.

An interesting idea is the absence of handles on furniture fronts. All attention in the design should be directed to functionality.


Another style of kitchen design that is gaining popularity among young people. Although it is far from ideal for large space, but if we use small design tricks, this will be possible.

There are many options in the palette of light colors, but white in the interior can be found very often. Let's look at a few general rules, which are applicable if you want such a kitchen, but do not plan to convert the apartment into a studio.

Keep in mind that in fact, according to the rules of the loft genre, it requires a lot of space. But if it is not possible, then you can try to take not everything, but only two or three specific traits for this style. What you need to do is to decorate the wall with wallpaper depicting white or light gray bricks.

Make open, rough shelves out of wood or metal. Remember what the loft suggests high ceiling and therefore should be avoided whenever possible. upper cabinets. Several identical lamps will look spectacular (you can take black or dark blue for greater contrast).

And for the lower part of the headset, it is recommended to use glossy facades with chrome fittings. Be sure to include railing systems in the design of a small kitchen - they will create the right atmosphere and add functionality.


This style, which came from sunny France, gives great opportunities to create an interior in a small kitchen. The main rule is one - it should be cozy in a white kitchen! We especially recommend using Provence in those kitchens whose windows face north. Thanks to this design, the room will immediately become not only lighter, but also warmer - a sunny mood and melodies of the sea breeze will look into the kitchen.

It is not difficult to do this at all - skinali with photo printing will help. Choose something with a Provencal mood - a lavender field, a seascape. To enhance ethnicity, add a few wicker drawers to the interior of a small kitchen. By the way, they are very easy to make with your own hands - boxes made of thick cardboard, suitable in size, paste over with a twine - it will turn out original decor for ridiculous money. You can store anything in such boxes - from pans that you don’t use daily to stocks of bulk products. It is better that the boxes were with tight-fitting lids. Necessarily textiles - in a box or a small flower.

It is advisable not to make all the walls completely white. You can use a light blue tone in the design of the walls. But more interesting solution - accent wall. Cover it with wallpaper that suits the theme, such as lavender bouquets or other wildflowers.


A style that is at the peak of demand. It is great for the design of a small kitchen in white. The most basic thing that distinguishes it is maximum functionality and the ability to experiment with creating an interior. When you get to such a kitchen, you want to exclaim: “How modern!”.

Therefore, in a room decorated in modern style, both students who are just starting an independent life and older people who intuitively gravitate towards the classics feel equally comfortable. This kitchen combines convenience and beauty. For small spaces it is worth choosing modular options. It depends on the layout which configuration to give preference to - angular or linear.

Art Nouveau style is a transitional option from strict classics to laconic and restrained high-tech. The difference from the classics is the permissibility of using glass and metal in the interior. Do not forget that Art Nouveau is "friendly" with steel fittings and accessories. Therefore, feel free to use any steel parts in the design - roof rails will be appropriate.

It is better to choose textiles discreet, plain.

Instead of the usual classic curtains, give preference to blinds, roller blinds or Roman blinds.

Let's try to figure out why Art Nouveau and a small white kitchen became friends.

The clear lines of the kitchen set, characteristic of this style, visually expand the space, and the white color of the furniture and walls enhances this impression.

Get furniture with a glossy surface - it additionally creates the effect of even more spaciousness.

To illuminate a white kitchen small size designers recommend stopping at spotlights located around the perimeter of the room. It is fashionable to use multi-level lighting.

Thanks to such a lighting system, the light will be distributed as softly and naturally as possible. If you prefer a classic chandelier and sconce, then in order to match the Art Nouveau style, they must have clear geometric shapes.

Scandinavian style

Do you want to get a recipe for creating a functional and attractive kitchen design on 5-9 square meters? This will require: white headset, many sunlight, clear geometry and a couple of colored accessories, made in an underlined rustic style. Yes, Scandinavian style, like no other, is ideal for our mini-kitchens located in Khrushchev.

If you are a supporter of simplicity and restraint, do not like to demonstrate ostentatious luxury, then this design, born in the harsh climate of Scandinavia, will inspire you to create a discreet, but cozy and comfortable kitchen space. The motto of the descendants of the Vikings: "White color can not be too much!".

We offer you to see a photo of a small Scandinavian-style kitchen. We are sure that they will inspire you for design ideas, and the square meters at your disposal will be transformed beyond recognition. To create such a dynamic, strict interior in the kitchen, there is no need to involve designers - the main thing is to initially decide on the idea.

The footage of this kitchen is 6 meters, but it looks completely different than the galley in Khrushchev, which is familiar to the Russian eye. They only have the same amount in common. square meters, on which it is impossible to turn around.

The kitchen is almost completely decorated in white. The floor is knocked out of the color scheme (dark large tiles) and a tabletop (brown, with a pronounced wooden texture) and open shelves made of dark wood, varnished. A headset is located along the entire length on the left side. The apron area is decorated with a small white tiles. The kitchen is narrow, besides right side there is a door. To create a complete dining area no place was found. Instead, a coffee corner is organized, behind which you can have a quick bite for 1-2 people.

Pay attention to the window - it does not even have minimalistic curtains or blinds. This is done so that the room is as sunny as possible, there should be no barriers to light.

Another typical scandinavian cuisine. On the presented photos, you can appreciate the skillfully used geometry, thanks to the straight lines of the headset, the room does not seem cramped, although the kitchen footage is a little more than 6 sq.m.

It was possible to place a cozy dining area near the adjacent wall and window.

Here, without problems, two people will be accommodated without crowding. The perfect snow-white finish is diluted with black plastic chairs and a dark homespun carpet.

The window of this small "Scandinavian" is decorated with filament white curtains, which practically do not block the light, but at the same time protect from prying eyes.

Having a white kitchen is a cherished dream for almost any housewife. Practicality, airiness, grace, lightness and brilliance of this color brings it to the top of Olympus among other existing shades. Today, leading manufacturers of kitchen furniture offer many other color options, but most of the buyers still prefer white. Let's try to figure out what caused such great popularity and love for white cuisine, and whether it is worth following the fashion trend.

White kitchen design

White kitchens have a lot of advantages and benefits, the main of which is visual magnification space, which is especially important for rooms with a small area.

There is no such style in the interior where the design of a white kitchen could not fit. In addition, after many years of research conducted by scientists from around the world, it has been proven that the white color has a beneficial effect on the state of mind of a person.

Probably one of the only drawbacks of a white kitchen, especially with a glossy finish, is its soiledness. However, the opinion of users on this matter is divided. Some argue that fingerprints are constantly left on the facades and countertops, others argue in response that there is no such glossy surface that would be devoid of this problem and the color, be it blue or green, does not play any role here.

Another category of citizens declares an overly frequent need to wipe the surface from contamination. Although one may not agree with this, traces of grease and dust on dark surfaces will be even more visible, and there is nothing wrong with the fact that the countertop signals that it is dirty.

White glossy facade for all furniture in the kitchen - a bold decision

A feature of the white color is its ability to refract sun rays, thereby creating a unique atmosphere of comfort and warmth in the house. The white kitchen in the interior will help relieve stress and restore lost strength. For the manufacture of an apron, you can use various Decoration Materials such as: , glass, metal, .

Kitchen in white colors

And yet, why do people like white so much? In addition to the fact that you can easily choose a kitchen for any style of interior, acquiring kitchen furniture, you can also feel the financial component of this issue. After all, white is the base color, and due to the fact that it is unnecessary to color, the price of products will be much lower.

Remember that white is unique, it has great amount different shades (milk, cream, creamy, beige, ivory, etc.), so choosing something suitable for yourself will not be difficult.

To dilute the white color, wood is well suited. There are a lot of execution options, from small sections on the wall to complete finishing of all facades, including furniture and ceiling.

Glossy white kitchen

Despite the fact that the white color itself already attracts attention, the gloss will add even more elegance to the appearance. The excellent color compatibility of the glossy surface with other shades makes given material truly universal.

Very common to meet white glossy kitchen it is possible in such styles as: hi-tech, minimalism, as well as in. By design, glass, polished steel, chrome fittings, a shiny glossy ceiling and smooth are suitable for it.

For small kitchens it is still acceptable to use only white color, but if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is large, designers recommend diversifying color scheme other shades. This can be achieved by combining them in one place, or by dividing the kitchen into different zones having various color versions.

Apron for white kitchen

Since the white color goes well with others, it will not be difficult to choose the right apron for you. The only thing you need to decide on is the material for finishing. The issue should be approached with special care, since it is the material, its texture and quality that will set the overall style of the kitchen.

If you are a fan classical style- will be ceramic optimal solution. Abrasion resistance, moisture resistance, a huge selection of shapes and sizes, allows the material to be quite popular for many years.

There are a lot of varieties of ceramic tiles. Today, manufacturers can offer it to you in the form of brick, stone, mosaic and wood imitation, the only question is the price. For example, tiles, seamless laying technology, will cost much more.

High-quality materials used in the decoration of the kitchen - the key to its long service life

Modern white kitchen

Interior in modern style is the most suitable for energetic, active, free and successful people. If all this is about you, then a modern white kitchen is your choice. A feature of this style is its unique versatility in the use of materials and colors.

Furniture can be made of wood, plastic, glass and other various materials. Modern style also allows you to use different types of fabrics, such as velor, silk and velvet.

When working with white, you need to be careful and think through every detail to the smallest detail. Otherwise, the interior of your snow-white kitchen can turn into a featureless, monotonous and boring picture that does not have a specific style.

Using natural and natural materials, like stone, wood or marble, you can transform the appearance of the interior in the blink of an eye.

"Chat-wall" in the interior of the kitchen is a great design idea

Try to perfectly balance the colors depending on the style you choose. A lack of one or an excess of another tone can significantly harm the interior design. In the event that a mistake has already been made, you can level the defect using bright accessories, which will dilute the overall color.

Wooden kitchen - a classic of the genre

It is important to consider the size of the kitchen. The smaller its area, the more light tones should be present in it. If you want the warmest and cozy atmosphere together with white color, use its derivatives according to the tone spectrum (milky, beige, creamy).

Fascinating white and brown kitchen (photo)

Most people are wary of brown, comparing it to black and any other dark tones that can cause depression. However, it’s more like a fiction in the subconscious of a person, you can’t call it otherwise. Brown is a symbol of reliability, confidence and lasting stability.

For example, it has been proven about its positive effects on a person's condition after suffering stress. And this is not without reason, because brown is the color and symbol of our land, therefore white and brown kitchen the best choice to create a warm and cozy interior.

Fresh white and green kitchen (photo)

Green color - has long been considered a symbol of life, nature, kindness and peace. This color is quite multifaceted and has a huge number of shades, each of which is unique in its own way. If you want your white-and-green kitchen to look impressive and expressive, you should take into account which shades of color can emphasize its beauty and originality.

The combination of green and white in the interior will give the atmosphere freshness and a feeling of incredible cleanliness. This combination is perfect for any interior, regardless of style, but it looks especially great in vintage interiors.

white gloss and green decor- an effective way to decorate any interior

Fiery white-red kitchen (photo)

Red is the brightest and rich color from all existing ones. This living embodiment of power, strength and energy. It is impossible not to see its presence in the interior, even if its presence is minimal. It has been proven that an oversaturation of the red color, which has such a great energy, can make people feel irritable, and also contributes to depression.

In order not to take risks, you can use not pure red, but its various shades, which, like other colors a large number of(crimson, scarlet, wine and others).

The predominant color in the room has always been important, the right color scheme will affect the surrounding atmosphere and mood.

When planning your kitchen, do not be afraid to experiment, select, try and combine, but do not forget that there is a sense of proportion in any business. Good luck to you!