Everyone likes to breathe fresh air walking in a pine or spruce forest. In such places, you stop feeling tired, recharged with energy and recover much faster. But in the city, everything is completely different. But even in the apartment you can improve the condition of the air, only for this you need a special household ionizer.

what it is?

The air we breathe contains molecules that carry positive and negative charges. They are also called air ions. Availability electric charges in the air - this is for a person a vital necessity. The more of them in the atmosphere, the easier it is to breathe. Accordingly, both health and performance will only improve from this.

Most negative and positive charges are found in coniferous forest. Their number also increases during or after rain, when the air is saturated with oxygen. V natural conditions ions are produced by plants, but in the city their number is significantly reduced. We can say that it is at a critically low level. You can fill the deficit of positively and negatively charged particles in the apartment with the help of a household ionizer. This is a climate device that generates those same air ions, making the air cleaner.


There are several types of ionizers: radioactive, thermionic, radioisotope, photoelectric, hydrodynamic, corona. All of them are aimed at the production of air ions. But only the last kind can be used in living conditions.

Depending on the power of the discharge, ionizers can be used for preventive purposes (in apartments) and medical (in hospitals). What is the difference between them? When using the device at home, the power of the corona discharge should not be very high, which is confirmed by reviews of ionizers, humidifiers, ozonizers. This is the only way to guarantee the safety of its effects on the body. In hospitals for air ionization, the so-called Chizhevsky chandelier is mainly used, the power of which is several times higher.

Ionizers that are used in apartments are bipolar. They saturate the air with negative and positive charges at the same time. Such devices fully comply with the safety standards of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

The benefits and harms of the ionizer for health

What are the advantages of an ionizer? Is this device necessary in the apartment? reviews of which are positive, is a useful climatic device. First of all, it is necessary for the health of the person himself. The benefits are as follows:

  • cleans the air and improves its composition;
  • neutralizes on clothes;
  • precipitates dust from the air, destroys pathogenic microbes and microorganisms;
  • immunity is strengthened, body tone is increased, fatigue is reduced;
  • some diseases are easier to tolerate, recovery comes faster;
  • mood improves;
  • manages to get rid of insomnia.

An ionizer can be not only useful, but also harmful to the body. It all depends on the concentration, because along with negatively and positively charged particles, the device produces ozone. When the body is oversaturated with this gas, nausea, lethargy, and fatigue appear. For safety reasons, it is recommended to turn off the device at night.

Overview of popular ionizers

Household ionizers, as a rule, perform two functions at the same time: they purify and humidify the air. Accordingly, the cost of such a multifunctional device will be higher. The Panasonic F-VXD50R-S model belongs to this type of climate technology. This air ionizer for an apartment, reviews of which are extremely positive, is designed for a room area of ​​​​up to 40 square meters. It provides effective cleansing, moisturizing and thanks to a unique patented technology. The cost of such a device is 28 thousand rubles.

Multifunctional cleaner, Humidifier-ionizer Sharp KC-850E has a smaller area of ​​influence, but otherwise it is in no way inferior to the device presented above. It has electronic control, which allows you to set required parameters odor, humidity and dust levels. The device costs 18 thousand rubles.

Firms Vitek, Air Comfort, Zenet, Boneco also presented their products in the section " Air conditioning equipment". Air ionizer (reviews of which are extremely flattering) from Russian manufacturer Yantar is in no way inferior to its foreign counterparts. It also does an excellent job of purifying the air and enriching it with oxygen.

Air ionizer: which one to choose?

Experts recommend that before buying any model of this climate device, study its characteristics. This is necessary in order to evaluate air ionizers. Reviews, tests, customer reviews will only help. Be sure to consider the following factors:

Air ionizer for an apartment: positive reviews

Everyone wants to live in an apartment where the air is clean and fresh, like in a forest. That is why, in the hope of influencing the atmosphere in the house, people acquire such a device - an air ionizer for an apartment. The reviews below only confirm this:

  • Most ionizers have stylish design They are compact and comfortable.
  • They well ionize, purify and humidify the air.
  • The devices have a high impact radius.

Customers who bought the device say that after turning it on, they feel better, the air becomes cleaner, it is much easier for a person to breathe. In the family, the number of colds in the autumn-winter period has significantly decreased, recovery is faster.

Negative customer feedback

Despite all the advantages, buyers note certain disadvantages from using the device.

The negative air ionizer for an apartment has the following:

  • a lot of dust is deposited around the device;
  • some ionizers make a boring noise, causing irritation;
  • it is necessary to be at a small distance from the device;
  • you need to monitor the duration of work, do not forget to turn it off at night;
  • high price.

Despite this, most buyers are satisfied with the device and consider it a useful purchase for their home.

When choosing such a complex device as a home air ionizer, many people ask themselves the question - how great is the benefit of this device and can it, in the process of work, cause any harm to health? Let's weigh all the "pros" and "cons" and determine whether air ionizers are really good for health, as well as how safe they are.

What is air ionization?

Air ionization - natural process that occurs in nature. Ions (molecules with a negative or positive charge) are present in the air in natural conditions: in the forest, on the sea coast, in the mountains, etc. For human body the optimal content in the air of negative ions is from 600 to 50,000 per cm3, positive - from 400 to 50,000 per cm3. Thus, the presence of both types of ions is important for human health. However, in city apartments, as a rule, there is a “preponderance” towards ions with a positive charge (cations), which are studied in abundance by various household appliances and gadgets. As a result, a person feels inexplicable anxiety, his working capacity decreases and sleep disorders begin, the skin ages prematurely.

How does an ionizer work?

Home air ionizers are divided into two main types:

  • Bipolar ionizers release both negative and positive ions into the air.
  • Unipolar ionizers produce only negative ions (anions).

For areas where it is regularly used various equipment(TVs, computers, etc.), a unipolar ionizer is best suited, because positive ions are already present in the air in large quantities.

Unipolar ionizers are active(with a fan sucking in air), and passive(working on the principle of "ionic wind", without moving parts). Passive ionizers are more popular due to low cost, silent operation and no need to buy consumables.


The ionizer saturates the air with negative ions necessary for human health (or, as they are also called, "aero ions" - oxygen molecules with a negative charge). In a room where the air is saturated not only with positive, but also with negative ions, people feel better, their working capacity increases and immunity is strengthened. This air is easy to breathe, it gives a feeling of freshness.

During the operation of a passive ionizer, ozone is produced in a small amount, which is detrimental to bacteria and fungi. One more useful property ozone - its ability to destroy particles of cigarette smoke.

Negative ions tend to be attracted to airborne particles, causing them to settle. Thus, the ionizer purifies the air in the room from dust, fungal spores, pollen, soot particles, etc.


The ability of the ionizer to purify the air in the room has its own " reverse side". Dust bound by negative ions settles not only on metal plates inside the device (which need to be washed periodically), but also on various surfaces near the ionizer. Therefore, after ionization of the air in the room, it is desirable to carry out wet cleaning to remove settled dust.

Many are frightened by the fact that during the operation of a passive ionizer, ozone is produced, which in high concentrations is dangerous for the human body. However, the amount of ozone that the ionizer produces is several times lower than its maximum allowable concentration. So, even at the maximum operating mode, it creates an ozone concentration of not more than 10 µg/m3, while the MPC of ozone for residential premises is 30 µg/m3. In natural air, ozone is present in an amount of 3-5 µg/m3.

Anxiety is also caused by the possibility of a supersaturation of the air with negative ions. To prevent this from happening, choosing home ionizer You should pay attention to the size of the room for which the ionizer is designed. You should not choose an ionizer designed for rooms larger than the one in which the device is supposed to be used. So, for example, it is designed for a room with a volume of 130 m3. And the maximum concentration of negative ions, which can be achieved with the maximum operating mode, is 40,000 per cm3. That is, when using the specified volume indoors, the concentration of anions in the air will not exceed the optimal value.

In no case should you use the Chizhevsky chandelier at home - this medical device creates a strong electromagnetic field, generates an excessive amount of negative ions and ozone, and dust suspended in the air causes it to “smear” on the walls.

Thus, the benefits of home air ionizers are obvious, and harm can be completely avoided if you choose the device wisely and do wet cleaning in the room in a timely manner.

City dwellers breathe air devoid of freshness and natural purity. In apartments, it is often even worse than street and poses a danger to the health of residents. In an effort to improve the atmosphere in their home, people buy various Appliances- ionizers, air purifiers,.

Manufacturers of ionizers actively advertise their product, but among scientists there is no consensus on the usefulness of its use. Consider what ionizers are, why this device is needed, what is the principle of its operation, whether it benefits or harms the user.

A household ionizer is a device for obtaining useful ions for humans.
The ions present in the atmosphere are called "aeroions". Natural air in mountainous areas, on the sea coast, in pine forest It has a beneficial effect on the body, improves immunity, improves the functioning of the lungs and respiratory organs. It is maximally saturated with negative ions and is successfully used for medicinal purposes.

The use of an ionizer is an attempt to improve the condition of the indoor air and saturate it with negative air ions, which are 10-15 times less than required by sanitary standards. The air we breathe is polluted with microbes, dust, and harmful impurities. In addition, it is “dead”, as it does not have the negative ions necessary for good health.

Air ion deficiency can lead to the development of chronic diseases due to a decrease in immunity.

  • fine house dust;
  • various harmful bacteria;
  • fungi;
  • cigarette smoke;
  • plant pollen;
  • unpleasant odours.

Air ions have neither taste nor smell, so it is difficult to determine their presence in the air. If a peculiar “smell of freshness” is felt during the operation of the ionizer, this indicates the oxides of ozone and nitrogen formed during ionization. These gases have characteristic odors that our senses can easily pick up. The presence of such substances is undesirable, but nevertheless, during the operation of most ionizers, it is not possible to avoid their appearance.

The principle of operation of corona discharge ionizers used in everyday life is based on the formation of ions obtained as a result of a discharge on the electrodes. A high voltage is applied to them - alternating or constant, a discharge is formed and free electrons are generated. Devices of this type are of two types.

In some devices, it is possible to regulate the flow of ion production by changing the voltage on the electrodes; in other devices, it is impossible to influence the amount of ions produced in any way. In order for the ionized air to spread to a certain distance from the devices, blowers are provided in them.

Popular Models

Lamps Chizhevsky

One of the first ionizers is the Chizhevsky chandelier.
The outstanding biophysicist A.L. Chizhevsky invented a medical device for saturating the body with negative air ions, which was called the “Chizhevsky chandelier”. It is mounted on the ceiling and is somewhat shaped like a chandelier. For 10-15 minutes of operation of the device, the air in the room is saturated with healing air ions.

Using the Chizhevsky chandelier gives positive effect at correct application under the supervision of a physician. In the absence of people, the device can be turned on several times a day. Preventive medical procedures - aerotherapy, begin with 20 minutes, gradually gradually increasing the session time.

The room must be ventilated, wet cleaning is done, otherwise room dust will be charged negatively and will settle on the device itself and nearby horizontal surfaces.

Over time, modifications of the device were developed that are more suitable for use in everyday life, for example, Elyon 132 or the Chizhevsky lamp Russian production, many foreign modifications. Unlike the Chizhevsky chandelier, the ionizing electrode is hidden in the body of the device, which is safer.

Such devices are usually portable, compact. Domestic ionizers have detailed instructions with therapeutic and preventive methods to obtain a physiotherapeutic effect at home.


Recently, many models of domestic and foreign devices have appeared that combine two functions - air purification and ionization. "Ovion-S" - the development of the St. Petersburg company CJSC "Pulteks". The manufacturer promises a positive effect from using the device: enriching the air with negative air ions, cleaning it from dust, viruses, bacteria and unpleasant odors.

According to the manufacturer, provides bactericidal properties a small amount of ozone emitted by the ionizer. When conducting a scientific experiment using a device for measuring the emitted ozone, 30 measurements were taken. It has been established that the concentration of ozone in the room where the tests were carried out is several times higher than the norm.

At home it is difficult for an ordinary consumer to check the concentration of ozone and the amount of ions. For measurements, expensive devices are needed - an ozonometer and an air ion counter. So, in order to be sure that the ionizer cleaner will not harm your health, you need to purchase more measuring instruments? In practice, no one does this.

According to GOST, ozone belongs to the class of hazardous substances that require control over the content in the air. It can call:

  • fatigue;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • asthma attacks;
  • skin irritation.

For populated areas, the maximum allowable average daily ozone concentration is 30 µg/m³.

The device, developed on the recommendation of the Moscow Institute of Immunology, is also designed to purify indoor air and normalize the air-ionic composition. The manufacturer guarantees the removal of up to 95% of fine dust from the room and recommends the use of this purifier for the prevention of diseases such as asthma and allergies. According to the information, the amount of ozone emitted in the device is adjusted and the optimal level of ionization is set.

From the reviews of consumers who have tested the ionizer in practice, we learn that the price is affordable; There is a cartridge, so you do not have to change the filter. There are also disadvantages. The most dangerous thing is that too much ozone is released, the smell hurts the head, tickles in the throat, coughing begins.. The filter does not block visible dust. The number of ions is not dosed in any way.

For the device to give nice results you need to read the instructions and follow them. It indicates what area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is designed for the model, which mode of operation to include. It is necessary to regularly clean the plates, perform wet cleaning, ventilate the room more often and then the ionizer cleaner will be beneficial, not harmful.

It is impossible to use a cleaner-ionizer Super-Plus-Turbo with high power in a small room.

Bipolar ionizers

Along with devices that produce negative ions, There are also bipolar ionizers on sale that produce both negative and positive ions. Experts argue about the need to use bipolar ionization. In wildlife, the ratio of positively and negatively charged air ions is in the proportion of 2:3. In everyday life, such a ratio is very difficult to achieve.

In any apartment there are many household appliances which is charging ambient air positive ions. If the same ions are also produced by ionizers, this will poison people's lives. It makes sense to install a bipolar device in a children's room, bedroom - where there is a minimum of equipment.

In a room where there is a computer, TV and other electrical appliances, it is better to place a device that produces only negative ions.

Indications and contraindications for use

As a rule, people who are sick themselves or are concerned about the health of their loved ones think about buying a device.

Who is useful

Scientists have found that medicinal properties have ions negative sign. The effects of positive ions on the body are poorly understood. Under natural conditions therapeutic effect has bipolar ionization, but artificially it is difficult to achieve the desired ratio of positive and negative ions.

The dose of air ions affecting the body is important. An insufficient amount does not have a noticeable effect, too much - causes undesirable consequences. Best effect is achieved when using the device for preventive purposes for people with allergic disorders, with bronchial and nervous diseases.

Indications for use

  • Diseases respiratory tract(laryngitis, bronchitis, runny nose);
  • Bronchial asthma. Improvements are more common in allergic patients;
  • The initial stage of hypertension;
  • Wounds and burns (to accelerate healing);
  • neuroses;
  • Whooping cough in children.

More effective combination of aerotherapy with drug therapy and other methods of treatment.

Who is harmful

The use of an ionizer in everyday life can bring not only benefits, but also harm. It is contraindicated in some categories of people with various diseases.


  1. Bronchial asthma in heart failure.
  2. Hypertension, accompanied by heart disease, renal failure.
  3. Sclerosis and spasms of the vessels of the brain and heart.
  4. General depletion of the body.
  5. Ozen.

When choosing a device, many are afraid of the ozone formed during the ionization process. Experts say that ozone is released from models that work without a fan, using the principle of "ionic wind". Another type of ionizer that produces ozone combines a washing electrostatic filter and ionizing pins in its design. These pins can be seen inside the device after removing the electrostatic filter from it.

Before buying an ionizer, you should decide for what purpose you need it. Based on this, choose a model.

  1. To restore freshness in the room and improve well-being, experts advise buying a conventional ionizer. The device must be designed for a room smaller than yours, then the smell of ozone will not be felt. For especially sensitive people, children, allergy sufferers and asthmatics, it is better to buy a salt lamp, which is a natural mild ionizer that does not emit ozone.
  2. In a room where a lot of smoke, on the contrary, it is better to purchase a device that emits ozone. This gas removes the smell of tobacco and decomposes its smoke. Buy an ionizer that is designed for the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and has an electrostatic filter, because replaceable filters clog easily and have to be changed often.
  3. To remove dust, it is advisable to purchase an effective air cleaner equipped with a Hera filter and a built-in ion generator as an ionizer. It removes dust well and has soft ionization. In order not to change the filters frequently, choose an appliance with a washable electrostatic filter. Indeed, in this case it is possible side effect- the smell of ozone, especially noticeable when working in enhanced mode.
  4. If the noise level is important, then you should know that models that use the principle of "ionic wind" work almost silently and are inexpensive. Their main disadvantage, especially for sensitive people- the smell of ozone. At low speeds, ionizers with a fan can also work quite quietly. High cost air purifier ionizer models mostly have a quiet fan.
  5. Sometimes the reason for the deterioration of health when using the ionizer is too dry air in the room. In such cases, it is better to buy a humidifier with an ionizer.

How to use

The room must be well ventilated. Dustiness should be avoided. It is not recommended to turn on the device in conditions of high humidity.

For normal operation The device must be carefully looked after: wash the electrostatic filter weekly in the shower, vacuum the Nera filter after 1-2 months and change it once a year.

General principle when using an ionizer: how closer location person to the device, especially a short time it should be included.

See interesting information more about air ionizers.

Air ionization, or air ionization, is a method of improving the health characteristics of the air environment in industrial, medical and residential premises by saturating the atmosphere with negative ions - air ions, which are electrically charged gas molecules. It has been established that such a change in air composition has positive influence to many human organ systems. In particular, a stimulating and therapeutic effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, respiratory organs was noted. The influence of air ionization also contributes to the weakening allergic reactions, increasing the rate of wound healing, reducing pain. With the systematic passage of such a wellness procedure, a person experiences an improvement in well-being, a cheerful mood is formed, and working capacity increases. The positive effect of air ionization is also expressed in the disappearance of headaches in humans and the alleviation of a number of diseases. Yes, expressed health effect The impact of ionized air on the human body is observed with insomnia, overwork, asthma, arterial hypertension.

For artificial enrichment of indoor air with ions, special devices are produced - air ionizers. During the use of these technical devices they are usually turned on at night, while leaving an open window in the room.

However, if you do not have the opportunity to visit a rest home or a sanatorium where such a wellness service is provided, this is not a problem. Knowing some features of air ionization in natural environment, you can ensure yourself a regular stay in natural complexes with an increased concentration of ions in the atmosphere. It has been established that a high content of negative ions in the air is observed in mountain areas, in forests, parks, on the sea coast, near waterfalls. Even in areas of large cities with large quantity green spaces the concentration of aeroins is twice as high as in open areas. A pronounced positive effect on the human body will have a strongly ionized air of pine and spruce forest, oak forests, areas with a predominant growth of willow, mountain ash, juniper. That is why health and medical institutions always try to locate on the outskirts of cities or in countryside close to forest areas. Given the ability of many plant species to increase air ionization, they are used for planting greenery in city streets and squares, as well as in industrial and residential buildings.

Thus, the effect of artificial air ionization benefits human health. Staying in rooms with a high concentration of air ions is a unique procedure that can have a restorative effect on many organ systems of our body. Knowledge of the features of the process of ionization of air flowing under conditions natural environment, will allow you to choose places for your vacation, taking into account the level of air ions in the atmosphere.

Human health directly depends on the purity of the air in the rooms in which he happens to be for a long time. However, in a modern metropolis it is impossible to achieve it in vivo. Therefore, the townspeople actively use the air ionizer. The benefits or harms of such a device are ambiguous and not always clear to consumers. Do ionizers need those who care about their body and the well-being of those around them?

What is the secret of air that is easy to breathe? It's all about the balance of air ions. These are the smallest compounds of oxygen atoms that carry a positive or negative charge. In the oxygen of open areas, these particles are found in required quantity, which is why it is easier to breathe in the forest or on the sea. If there are not enough air ions in the air, an increased secretion of hormones begins in a person, which provokes sleep disturbances, increased fatigue, nervousness, etc. What are the residents of the city to do? To solve this problem, we use special device- air ionizer.

What is an ionizer, the principle of its action

Often consumers have a question: what is an ionizer? This is a device that saturates the air with negative air ions of nitrogen and oxygen. The content of the latter in the air living rooms reduced by 10-15%. This is a very high figure. The importance of the presence of negative air ions is that they bind with harmful impurities in the surrounding air and precipitate them. At the same time, positive ones activate the exchange of gases in the human lungs by 10% due to the balance in the work of red blood cells. The latest generation of ionizers are equipped with UV lamps that kill harmful microbes. Some models of devices are modified with flavors.

The benefits of an ionizer

Permanent stay in rooms with ionized air composition:

  • improves performance;
  • stabilizes sleep;
  • treats depression;
  • favorably affects the immune system;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • reduces the effect of toxic plastics (linoleum, plaster) on the human body;
  • neutralizes harmful molecules that accumulate near computers and televisions (the radiation of these devices absorbs negative air ions and depresses the immune and nervous systems);
  • makes many viral pathogens safe.

The harm of using an ionizer in rooms

The use of an air ionizing device, in addition to unconditional benefits, can also cause a number of negative consequences:

  • amplification of static electricity. Due to the operation of the ionizer in overdried rooms without proper moisture, a current is generated due to the contact of air ions with people or metals;
  • excess heavy air ions. Particles, attaching air impurities to themselves, settle on surrounding objects in the form of dust. And, if the room is not ventilated, heavy air ions end up in the lungs;
  • viruses that are in the room with an ionizer will also attach to negatively charged ions. As a result, the risk of infection with them increases;
  • aggravation of depressive states - due to sharp hormonal changes.

Precautionary measures

So, you have decided to purchase an air ionizer. The harm or benefit of using the device will also depend on whether you follow the precautions. And they are:

  • there should be no ozone production in the functions of the ionizer. For this, there is an ozonator, which will be discussed a little later;
  • you need to select an ionizer according to the size of the room so that the radius of action allows you to produce a sufficient amount of ions. For an average apartment, this figure is 400 ions per cubic centimeter;
  • it is better to opt for an active ionizer model - equipped with a fan that enhances the diffusion functions of the device;
  • regularly carry out wet cleaning around the ionizer, as these are places of increased accumulation of dust;
  • you can use the device at a distance of at least 1 m from a person;
  • do not leave the ionizer in working condition for a long time (especially at night): this will lead to oversaturation with air ions and dust accumulation.

When is an ionizer banned?

There are a number of cases when the use of an ionizer is contraindicated:

  • after myocardial infarction;
  • in chronic diseases that affect the nervous system;
  • with pneumonia, pulmonary diseases;
  • if there are people in the room suffering from severe headaches, disruptions in cerebral circulation;
  • with asthma;
  • with rheumatoid arthritis;
  • people with oncological tumors;
  • in the room where he lives infant. It is possible to saturate the air with negative air ions only if the children have reached the age of 3.

How to choose an ionizer?

There are 2 types of devices according to the type of air ions produced: bipolar and unipolar. For large rooms in which there are many people, but not so many technical devices, it is better to use bipolar. Their cost is much higher than unipolar ones. The latter, in turn, are appropriate in rooms with a large amount of equipment. An artificial increase in the concentration of positive ions is useless here.

The harmful properties of the ozonator are associated with an excess of ozone in the room air:

  • fatigue;
  • cutting pain in the eyes;
  • sore throat;
  • migraine accompanied by nausea;
  • depression of the nervous system;
  • lung failure associated with shortness of breath.

After the operation of the ozonizer (within 20-30 minutes), the room must be ventilated.

When purchasing devices that improve indoor air quality, it should be understood that they are both useful and harmful at the same time - it all depends on the conditions of use. As for the ionizer, it is very important right choice models whose characteristics will correspond to residential or public space. In this case, the effect of the action of the ionizer will be the most beneficial for the body.