Tea is an indispensable part of the daily diet of most people, a traditional accompaniment to gatherings with a girlfriend and a classic end to a large feast. Let's take a look at the main questions related to this wonderful drink:

  • What to cook?
  • How to submit?
  • Where to store?

Brewing tea

The first thing you do when making tea is boil the water. There are interesting patterns electric kettles, combined with a teapot: a separate lid with a strainer, that is, tea is brewed right inside the teapot. A big bonus - in such miracle teapots, you can choose the brewing temperature and maintain it so that the tea does not cool down.

If you are the owner ordinary teapot, separately you will need a teapot. They can be a beautiful ceramic teapot in oriental style or a larger model made of transparent glass to watch the process. The strainer inside is a handy addition to separate the tea leaves. Choosing teapot, be guided by your tastes, the style of the kitchen, where it will be located, and the size.

French presses aren't just for coffee. A very handy teapot that separates the tea leaves from the drink itself.

If you really drink tea often and on a grand scale, in Russian, then why not buy a samovar? Besides classic models There are also electric ones.

If you need to brew just one cup, and tea from a bag is not your choice, individual teapots will help. Their huge variety: from unremarkable to bright and original.

We're setting the table

Tea drinking is an ancient ritual. And, of course, there are certain rules for serving tea on the table. The first thing to think about is the tablecloth. For bright painted dishes it is better to choose a calm tone, for an elegant service - a light, lace tablecloth. If your tea party is in oriental style, napkins for dishes and mats are suitable, and in Russian - a bright tablecloth with embroidery.

Use for serving tea pairs cup + saucer. It is very beautiful if they are from the same set as the teapot or are combined with it in style. Place a teaspoon on each saucer.

If you're serving dessert with tea, make sure everyone has a dessert plate and separate cutlery in addition to their cup and saucer. If sweets and jam go with tea, you can do without a separate plate, but you need an outlet, a saucer for bones and one more spoon.

An important and beautiful accessory is a milk jug to drink tea in English. And not forget the sugar bowl! Sugar in chunks, sprinkled to the top and complemented by beautiful tongs, looks prettier and creates less mess than granulated sugar.

Tea storage

To taste qualities teas remained at their best, it should be stored in a dark, cool place and in sealed packaging to avoid contact with air and foreign odors. It is convenient to store tea in bags in special tea organizer boxes.

As an organizer, you can use a whole drawer with dividers.

For loose tea, jars made of tin, porcelain or glass are suitable. Definitely with a tight lid!

Transparent containers should be kept closed in a cabinet to protect from light. Stickers will help to label them according to varieties and aromas and create a uniform style. Instead of stickers, you can use pieces of packaging with the name.

Have a delicious tea party!

Photos: madeheart.com, notonthehighstreet.com, museum-design.ru, claireabellemakes.com, galleryhip.com

When I asked my friends and colleagues to tell and show their systems for storing aromatic herbs and spices, many at the same time sent pictures of their tea and coffee stocks. So the idea was born to write a review article about the storage of tea and coffee - how it is organized by the most ordinary people.

In general, it is very interesting to conduct such surveys - at first it seems that each person has a unique storage system that suits his image and lifestyle. But, the more respondents, the more often there are repetitions.
And again it so happened that almost all respondents were divided into several categories:

  • Ascetics with a minimum tea and coffee supply - one can of instant coffee, loose or bagged tea in a small amount.
  • Connoisseurs of a certain drink - several types of their favorite tea or coffee, shelves for items of the morning fragrant ritual, special machines and special teapots.
  • just lovers delicious drinks- with a million jars and boxes of loose and bagged tea; here you can find black, green or herbal coffee beans, ground, ordinary instant coffee, cocoa and marshmallows for it, several types of sugar and syrups.
  • Creative personalities with non-standard solutions storage.

Shall we take a peek into other people's lockers?

1. The very minimum!
A can of coffee and a pack of tea. I was sure it wouldn't! But, as it turned out, many families live like this and do not suffer at all.
Basically, these are busy people - in the morning you need to quickly get up, eat oatmeal, pour a cup of "vigor" into yourself and run to save the world!
My single friends and girlfriends also fell into this category - they are just bored of “chasing teas” without company, so some necessary minimum tea or coffee is always in stock (suddenly someone will look at the light), but they themselves prefer to drink such drinks in a cafe or at a party.
And here you can also include those who do not like tea or coffee at all, but keep a strategic reserve at home so that they have something to drink a tasty treat while watching the series.
To summarize very strongly, then all these people do not have a favorite brand of coffee or tea, when the pack ends, supermarkets come to the rescue with current discounts and promotions for this product. Simple and convenient!

Olya: “With tea and coffee, everything is very simple - next to the teapot and teapot is a can of both. We do not have tea/coffee-mana, in the morning we quickly have breakfast on the run, we do not drink in the evening. No more supplies, not even sugar - my husband and I are on a diet.
More Olya: "V drawer closet has a separate place for a basket with tea bags. In general, we drink tea very little and keep this “reserve” just in case, replenish it with some kind of “promotional” tea. And in the morning we quickly brew coffee and go to work!”
Inna: “I drive tea mainly at work, at home I have a couple of boxes in case of an emergency. I can offer both tea and coffee to suddenly arriving guests, however, I immediately warn you - I don’t have any special frills.
Marina: “I didn’t work out with tea and coffee - I don’t like to drink tea alone. Therefore, I have the bare minimum, I buy some tea platter. But you know that I love when everything is beautiful! I ordered a special tea box and put the bags there - it seems to be nice to put on the table, and it doesn’t hurt my eyes in the cabinet. In general, I like to visit for tea!”

2. Real pros.
Oooh, it's not so easy to drink such people with 3in1 coffee or cheap tea bags.
These are true lovers of “their” drink - someone has a collection of the necessary items for the morning ritual, others can talk for hours about the difference in the taste of tea if it is brewed with boiling water or water heated to 75 degrees Celsius (no more, no less!) .
Among my friends there are real connoisseurs of Chinese green tea - if someone of your friends goes to China, then a couple of bags of a certain type of drink turn out to be 100 times better than magnets or overseas fruits. And it is very dangerous to unknowingly do a “good” deed and give some kind of tea paraphernalia to such pros - at least you will get to an hour-long lecture about tea.
It is no less “difficult” with coffee lovers, especially with lovers of capsule coffee - with a high probability they will simply ask for water at a party and talk passionately about the difference between real coffee and “instant powder”.
Favorite, proven and the best varieties of tea and coffee - that's what you will find here on the shelves.

Alyona: “The subject of my special love is a shelf for tea and coffee. On the lower tier are IKEA jars of different varieties tea and cocoa, on the top - a geyser coffee maker, a jar of ground coffee, a strainer and a favorite cup. If I want to make myself a drink, I have everything at hand. I went to this method of storage for a long time - a device for brewing tea or coffee was in different places kitchens, lately it has been infuriating to rush around the kitchen and collect all this. But now it's all together and I'm happy."
Irina: “I can’t call myself a connoisseur, but certain brands of tea and coffee have firmly taken root in our house, even friends know about our taste preferences and often bring a delicious treat if they see a promotion for these products in the store. special love - Brown sugar. I confess - I don’t offer it to guests, I drink coffee with him alone!
Svetlana: “I have a minimum of tea and coffee, but everything is matched to our family taste - there is even a separate shelf in the kitchen closet. For several years we have chosen our favorite varieties of tea and now we always buy them. And it really infuriates me when, out of ignorance, one of my acquaintances gives me some kind of tea, and then I don’t know what to do with it. I take it to work, everyone will drink there!
Dima: “After my wife and I went on a gastro tour to China on tea plantations, I “disappeared”. In general, I didn’t understand this bitter tasteless water from green tea before, but it turns out that this tea can be tasty - sometimes sweet, sometimes refreshing, sometimes spicy. Now, if you do not stop me, I will write you a story about tea for several pages. I was so carried away by this that a shelf with all sorts of bags, boxes and jars of green tea. These are my favorite teas, and the “collection” is a kind of pride, and it’s just beautiful and show off! And all the rest of the tea and coffee stocks went to the trash can. Yes, I will not drink these brewed "brooms" in bags at a party))) "
Oksana: “And once we tried capsule coffee at a party, and I liked it so much that the next day my husband and I went to the store for a coffee machine. Now in the morning (well, just when you want) we pamper ourselves fragrant drink. I also really like the scattering of coffee capsules next to the coffee maker - you can dig around there and choose a taste according to your mood. There is also tea at home somewhere, but we rarely drink it.”
Anton: “Well, I’m not such a maniac lover of green tea as Dimka, and I don’t lower half my salary for century-old aged varieties, but I have already decided on my favorite tastes, started several cans and drive teas to TV shows in the evenings. My wife has some herbs for brewing. In general, real tea is very expensive. And delicious!”

3. How many delicious things!
This is the largest category of coffee and tea lovers. Cabinets and shelves are crammed with a variety of jars and packs - here you can find both black and green tea, different dried herbs, tea bags with the aroma of chocolate, banana or cognac, souvenir jars, small bags with tea and coffee blends ...
It is pleasant to visit such people - when it comes to a cake, they will definitely ask you what tea or coffee to prepare for you and with a high probability they will please you.
I myself belong to this group of people - I can’t choose which drink I like more, and I can never get past a new unusual taste.
More recently, I was ready to drink one cup of tea after another - the new flavor of "Earl Gray" with mint seemed so appetizing to me, and now I'm crazy about "lemon tiramisu" - even without sugar with unsweetened dryers it's delicious!
Yesterday I was not too lazy to boil cocoa and pour marshmallows into it (there was a promotion for both products in the supermarket), and today I am experimenting with ground coffee, adding black pepper and cloves there (a friend wrote that it was delicious, delicious!).
Whole box kitchen set and a huge tray near the teapot - ready mixes and mono-flavors, dried leaves and berries, coffee spices, loose tea and tea bags, something personally collected, something brought by friends from travels. Think enough? No, if I meet a new tea in the store, I will definitely buy it!

And I'm not the only one, there are many of us! Here are the stocks my friends showed me:

Tanya: “Oh, how many cans I have! Everything is stored in a cabinet to the left of the stove. We brew tea with a large variety of herbs, so everything takes up a whole floor. Herbs are stored in glass jars, the tea itself is stored in tin boxes (they once bought the same tea in India, and now it is a memory). Sometimes I want to get the same container, but now it’s convenient to navigate in these different-sized cans.”
Allah: “We store tea and coffee in a cupboard on an open shelf in the same boxes and bags that we bought, and the one that we use in this moment, stands on the countertop next to the kettle. Sometimes a golyak happens - there is nothing to choose from, but sometimes there is nowhere to stick a new pack.
Elena: “I keep tea and coffee on a separate shelf. I buy loose black and pour it into a ceramic jar for storage - beautiful and airtight. There is also a mint in the jar. Packaged teas are stored in their “native” boxes, but I try not to accumulate stocks of such tea – I love large-leaf classics.”
Olya: “I seem to have a small supply - just one basket with all sorts of jars, bags and containers, but my friends assure me that I always have plenty to choose from. I collect herbs and fragrant leaves myself in the country and dry land, and I also love all kinds of pharmaceutical preparations such as chamomile or linden blossom, I can even pour Provencal herbs into tea.
Anna: “We have a separate place in the closet and different tea in jars. The husband is responsible for tea and he always knows which jar contains which tea, and I determine by smell and brew at random.
Marina: “I can’t get past a tea shop, so I filled everything around with small bags of tea mixes. I also love fruit teas and I constantly beg my friends for tea that I have not tried yet - I have already accumulated a decent collection. Well, a couple of cans of ordinary black and green loose - for unpretentious guests.
Anya: “My husband and I shared a narrow cupboard in the kitchen - 2 upper shelves for his teas, and my lower one - all sorts of herbs and coffee. But it always seems to me that it’s not enough and I need to buy something else. ”
Irina: “Oh, I have a whole tea cabinet - here are various loose teas, and tea bags, and herbs - from a pharmacy, personal collections, there are a lot of tea blends, all sorts of flavorings and syrups, even lemon juice.”
Tatyana: “We love tea, but now we have run out of tea, we urgently need to go to the store to replenish supplies. There are basic teas - black and green (they are in metal cans). Based on them, we combine and improvise different variants flavors of the drink - mix with herbs or other teas. There are several more jars of different honey and large stock thyme."

4. Non-standard approach
But the very storage of tea can be beautiful! If you are tired of endless jars and boxes, if you want not only to save space in the locker, but also to organize a tea corner in certain style Here are the ideas my friends gave me:

Evgenia: “I have organized a tea island - next to the teapot there is a sugar bowl and a “tea house”. This box was ordered specifically to store tea, hand painted! I like it so much, I admire it every time I go to make tea for myself. I keep here only the teabags that we drink now - when it runs out, I report the bags (I keep them on a shelf in the closet). In general, there are few tea supplies - I don’t like loose tea, but we buy tea bags according to our mood. ”
Oksana: "I have tea house- I ordered on the Internet from one craftswoman. It’s ideal for tea bags, but if the tea is “pyramid”, you have to keep it in the factory box in the cupboard, or not buy it.”
Luda: “I have some kind of organizer screwed on the side wall of the cabinet, I don’t even know what it was originally intended for, I adapted it for tea bags. Where to get one - I won’t tell you, we live on rented apartment and this thing we got from the previous tenants. But how convenient - the whole collection is in plain sight, while the kettle boils, I choose the taste of my tea.
Lera: “I am a hardened coffee addict, I have coffee everywhere - in beans, in powder, in capsules. Bags of coffee are in the linen closet for aromatization, I use the coffee cake after brewing as a scrub, and I use old beans (which are no longer so fragrant) to decorate everything that comes to hand.
Natalia: “I was terribly tired of the endless boxes in the kitchen cabinet. It happens that a couple of bags remain there, and this box takes up a lot of space. Somehow I came up with an organizer from a cookie box - the dividers are cardboard boxes from tea boxes, I try to cut it out with the name of the tea so that it is convenient to choose. And on top there is a tight lid, tea does not get damp, does not lose flavor and is stored in the dark. I think we need to get another box, this one is getting too small.

5. What other options?
If you are now seriously thinking about organizing the storage of your tea and coffee stocks, then the easiest option is to order convenient jars, boxes and boxes from China. It's cheap enough, and you can see if this storage system is right for you.
If you delve into the proposals with passion, you can find interesting solutions.

A more expensive option: pay attention to the organizers that can be found in stores with utensils for restaurants and cafes. Such boxes (TeaStand) come in different shapes, sizes and attachment methods.

Or you can make a real tea and coffee mix - put all kinds of bags and capsules in a large jar or vase. The more it has different colors and shapes - the more interesting, and now the jar is no longer just a storage container, but a real piece of furniture!

And a variety of bags can be an element of decor - a piece of cardboard, clothespins painted with paints, tea platters and a piece of rope or ribbon, 20 minutes of free time and a wreath is ready. It will be doubly interesting to make it with children to decorate a birthday or other children's holiday.

What general tips exist for storing tea and coffee?

  1. No matter how strange this advice may sound, it is better to drink tea and coffee than to store it, because what less term storage, the better the taste properties.
  2. Tea does not tolerate moisture (may start to rot), but also excessive dryness is also destructive (it "burns out"). Coffee beans keep better than ground coffee, but neither of them likes dampness and too dry environment.
  3. All tea and coffee blends also do not tolerate cold and heat. Optimum temperature storage - room temperature, or slightly lower (17-20 degrees), and some varieties of green tea are generally recommended to be stored in the refrigerator.
  4. Neither tea nor coffee like extraneous odors and easily absorb them. The packaging must be airtight, and at the same time with a small amount of air, so that mixtures and powders do not begin to sag and cake. But you can’t store these drinks in an open container either - the whole aroma (and this essential oils) will quickly disappear.
  5. It is best to store tea and coffee in tin cans with loose lids (it is in such jars that good loose leaf tea is sold), wooden boxes are in second place, and all kinds of ceramic and glass containers are in third.
  6. Even with right conditions storage, both tea and coffee, after a couple of years, lose their taste and aroma, then these stocks can be safely thrown away.

Do you have a favorite type of tea or coffee? How did you organize the storage of your favorite drink? Is it just a shelf in a closet with factory packaging or a collection of special jars?
Perhaps there are some storage tips or some inventions, feel free to share!
Happy tea drinking and delicious coffee breaks!

The kitchen in the modern sense is not just a place for cooking, but multifunctional room. Acting as a dining room and living room, it has become a place with rather high requirements for interior design. And if the budget does not always allow you to fork out for a stylish and expensive kitchen set, high-end appliances, then such a seemingly secondary element as kitchen accessories can significantly improve the situation.

Useful appliances for kitchen needs can perform not only an auxiliary function, but also decorate the room. If you make a certain rating of such items, you get a pretty decent list:

  • Pull-out shelves- a classic of the genre that does not lose its relevance. Much more functional than lockers, the most the best way- three shelves, but if you are going to store larger things (pots, jars), you can get by with two shelves.
  • Shelves under the dining table for storage of services. The option is good if dinner table not so big, and there are no small children in the house who can knock over the dishes. beautiful shelves under the bottom of the table is a good place for dishes that you don’t want to hide far away.
  • Shelving. This applies more to furniture, but they are still perceived as useful and interesting accessories. Many people prefer designer things, but even the most modest inexpensive wooden shelving able to make the kitchen cozier. It contains plates, bulk containers, daily necessities and not the most useful, but beautiful little things.

  • Low bunk shelf. Fixed below kitchen cabinets, it's more convenient: everything you need at arm's length. A good place for spices, sugar, flour. By the way, about lockers and doors, but are these doors really needed? Often these are just unnecessary devices. Interesting open shelves are more convenient and easier.
  • Pull-out cabinet under the windowsill. If the window sill is wide enough, you can place a cabinet under it, which acts as a storage place, but can be pulled out. So there will be another additional work surface, which is often not enough.

All these, of course, are tricks in the kitchen that cannot be classified as small. These things can be attributed to furniture, which cannot be said about the following items.

Little tricks in the kitchen

They greatly simplify life, and at the same time give a certain credibility to the kitchen, aesthetics, originality. In a word - small accessories in the kitchen complete its design, while making it more functional.

These things are very convenient - for example, mesh baskets in drawers or cabinets. They can be both designer and the most simple. They are indispensable for dishes, but often care products and household chemicals are stored there.

Roof rails are very popular items in the kitchen today. These are such devices in the form of more often horizontal metal lines, on which you can hang literally everything for the kitchen. Trite, starting from sets for spices, ending with hooks for towels, holders for culinary foil rolls, etc. Useful, beautiful and not bulky, roof rails are especially popular today.

Today you can also find magnetic roof rails. You can attach to them metal objects e.g. knives different size(it is better to choose knives from one manufacturer and from one line - this way the look will be more concise and stylish).

Swivel baskets - interesting fixtures that rotate around its own axis. They are fixed opposite the hinges, inside the locker. Very convenient and very handy will be their use in corner cabinet where access to its subsoil is difficult. With one move, it becomes possible to get everything you need.

Kitchen accessories (video)

Kitchen accessories - decorative items

Kitchen accessories- these are not only useful things, but also decor items.


They are hung on the wall, collected, set the mood and support the tradition. Plates look very interesting on a plain wall rich color(for example, white designer or vintage plates with a sea breeze pattern on the wall).

spice rack

Wooden, rectangular, voluminous, it allows you to collect from 10 to 20 bottles of spices in one place. A real culinary treasury (by the way, such things will be considered a valuable gift).

tea corner

Do not miss the opportunity to arrange the same in your kitchen, especially if there are useful extra meters on the wall. You can place the corner on open shelves. In addition to the standard service, there may be such things as:

  1. Teapots of various stripes;
  2. Souvenir cups;
  3. Fragrant tea bags;
  4. Decorative bottles with various fillings: from colored sand to petals, leaves and berries;
  5. Decorated honey jars;
  6. Painted figurines of tea-drinkers (designer's, from the "folk crafts" series, etc.).

These fun kitchen items look cute, bright, set the mood and make you update the collection, which is always interesting.

Cutting board set

For an ethno-style kitchen, this is the simplest, but never out of fashion accessory. These things are comfort, warmth, a symbol of the hearth and observance of traditions. Plus, ethno-style accessories are made, as a rule, from natural materials.

bread box

Many have already forgotten about such a subject, although it useful qualities don't share anywhere. Designer or the most ordinary, from the store shelf - they can become bright accent on the kitchen.

Such things are inexhaustible, you can add more candles, napkin holders, cutlery holders, towel hooks, ice crushers, graters, garlic cloves, bulk containers, etc. to this list.

Original kitchen accessories (video)


In the kitchen, accessories can play the role of the first violin, this useful helpers that can organize the space. Accessories can shift the focus from something very modest in their direction, emphasize the tastes and interests of the owner, create a mood.

And the price issue is by no means the main thing: the general harmony of small and large things is the real guarantee of well-chosen things for the kitchen.

Examples of kitchen accessories (photo)

It so happened that the kitchen is considered not only a room for eating and cooking, but also a gathering place for the whole family, meetings with friends, celebrations, conversations over a cup of tea, etc. And yet its main purpose is connected with the creation of culinary works.

The photo shows variety of options accessories for the kitchen, different in functionality and style.

In the modern rhythm of life, where most are busy earning money for living and subsistence, various accessories that make life easier for people are very valuable.

In our time, equipping the kitchen with all the necessary appliances is an integral and right decision in kitchen design. Any hostess will be pleased to be in a cozy, relaxing environment with the right mood, and then the work process will turn into pleasure.

With the help of all kinds of kitchen accessories, you can cook with pleasure and creativity, and most importantly with minimal effort. In this process, cooks are always ready to help different sets of dishes, sets of appliances, etc.

Variety of kitchen appliances

To cook something, it is simply impossible to do without the use of sets. kitchen utensils: pots, pans, ladles, knives, etc. Therefore, accessories are so important for every culinary master.

The size of the dishes used should be varied, with different thickness bottom and other characteristics. For example, a cast-iron cauldron for pilaf has a special shape.

The material used for the production of dishes and the quality also distinguish the accessories from each other. good dishes It is very expensive, but you should not save on quality. Since, by purchasing a quality product, you will be happy to use it for quite a long time. For example, a frying pan non-stick coating, on which it is pleasant and convenient to cook, and the dish will not burn and will please the household with an amazing taste.

In addition, quality and safety go hand in hand, which means you can be sure that when removing a pot with hot contents, its handles will not fall off.

The use of sets in the kitchen is very convenient and practical:

A set of porcelain dishes or a cute tea set will make the process of tea drinking more solemn and also decorate the interior, it is important to place it on the shelf of a stylish sideboard or in glass showcase headset.

A set of boards for cutting food will protect the working surface of the table, decorate the interior, besides, for some products you need to use different boards. For example, for meat and for fish, since the latter has a specific taste and smell. For a true culinary master, this is not acceptable.

A set of graters for chopping food in the kitchen is a must. With their help, you can chop vegetables to create dishes or decorate them. From existing flat, multifaceted, multifunctional or professional kits you can choose any to your taste. Some types have special containers for the finished product.

The bread box is also considered a necessary kitchen accessory, as it stores bread. And bread has always been treated and treated in a special way. Bread is the head of everything. Therefore, it is worth treating it with care and continuing to preserve the traditions of our ancestors. In addition, the original bread box will perfectly decorate the design of the entire room.

The bread box made of wood will protect the bread from drying out and mold for a long time, without loss of taste. Modern options made of glass, plastic, stainless steel will be an excellent decor for the kitchen, not inferior in quality to others.

Decor accessories

Today, the choice of stylish accessories for decorating the kitchen is quite wide and diverse. A lot of attention is given to the culinary arts: on television in the form cooking shows, printing houses publish quite a lot of books about cooking and cooking, in everyday life there are many cafes, restaurants, canteens, not counting the various points of sale of fast foods.

In this regard, interest in various spices has increased, and the level of their sales has increased. Accordingly, special containers began to be used for storing spices, which outwardly look stylish and aesthetically pleasing.

Place spices in a conspicuous place: on a shelf, on a table or on hanging shelf on railing. Or, in order to save space, a separate box is allocated for them. Containers are usually made of glass and stainless steel.

Railing accessories also include: containers for storing cereals, salt, sugar, flour, etc., and possibly cups, glasses, etc.

Decorate the kitchen will help:

  • beautiful trays that also have a functional purpose;
  • table mats that will create a businesslike and important atmosphere, like in a restaurant;
  • textile accessories: potholders, towels, napkins that you can make with your own hands.

Sink attachment options

Some elements for ennobling sinks are worth highlighting:

  • dish dryer,
  • stand (holder) for detergents,
  • trash can located under the sink. Available separately standing element or automatic, in which the bucket on the door automatically opens.

Railing in the kitchen is an irreplaceable thing. In addition to hanging individual elements on it, you can also use special devices in the form of shelves or stands. So, detergents are easily placed on a shelf attached to the railing, or installed directly next to the sink.

The choice of kitchen accessories is replete with a variety of options with different functionality and quality of production, which greatly simplifies the workflow of the hostess in the kitchen. Among the companies producing extraordinary and modern models accessories for the kitchen, IKEA can be distinguished.

Mounted accessories

The kitchen is a clean and comfortable place. Every thing has its place. Mounted options accessories are very popular among consumers, due to the economy of space, due to its compactness:

  • a shelf with a trellised base allows you to place a lot of kitchen items that can be easily taken if necessary;
  • magnetic stand for brushes used to clean various items;
  • magnetic knife holder. Very easy to use, you can easily take a knife, and then return it back;
  • bottle holder, a rather original and stylish fixture;
  • bulk dispensers have stylish design and easy to use, because if necessary, by turning the handle with a slight movement, you can get the right amount of product;
  • Magnetic shelf for spices in metal containers, can be made in two tiers, does not allow objects to fall.

An excellent decoration of the interior of the kitchen will be:

  • mortars for spices made of ceramics, wood, glass and other materials;
  • fruit vases: porcelain, bronze, glass or plastic, made in various configurations;
  • sugar bowls, teapots and oilers are simply indispensable for daily use. Made from various materials, painted with patterns or drawings, using colors, they will make a simple tea party more solemn.

Candles, napkin holders, decorative plates or bottles, etc., this list can be endless. What accessories will be in your kitchen is up to you. The main thing is convenience and comfort!

Photo of kitchen accessories

The kitchen is one of the main and significant places in any home, here we have breakfast, lunch, dinner, it is here that all family members most often gather. Family conversations take place here, celebrations take place, and most importantly, the process of cooking culinary masterpieces takes place in this place.

First of all, of course, her knowledge and skills are responsible for the success of the hostess in this activity, but there are additional nuances that help to achieve not only good results, and allow you to do this in short time and with less labor costs, kitchen accessories contribute to this.

Therefore, in modern world increased employment, where time is quite expensive, accessories and equipment that can help a person in activities are especially valued.

Kitchen accessories today are presented in a wide variety not only in terms of functionality, but among them there are quite stylish high-quality products. Today it is very important to provide the kitchen with these things, it will not only contribute to effective work hostess, but also will create a good mood. Since the cooking process will no longer be perceived as work, but on the contrary will be a real pleasure and this will be facilitated stylish accessories.

And the mood of the chef, as you know, greatly affects the final result of his work.

Kitchen accessories will turn cooking into a creative process.

Availability of everything you need in the kitchen modern accessories, can greatly facilitate the work of the hostess in the kitchen. Since for cooking different dishes different utensils, appliances, etc. are required. Sometimes they make up whole sets.

Types and sets of accessories for the kitchen

For a culinary master, kitchen accessories are very important, because without some of them it’s practically impossible to cook anything, the category of mandatory includes sets of kitchen accessories such as pots, pans, spoons, cookers, knives, all this important elements without which the kitchen is simply indispensable. To prepare different dishes, you need sets of dishes that are different in size, bottom thickness and differ in other parameters. Some dishes generally require special kind dishes, for example, to cook a full-fledged Uzbek pilaf, you will definitely need a cast-iron cauldron.

Kitchen accessories

The variety of types of these accessories is simply huge, they, in turn, differ from each other in the material of manufacture and, of course, quality. You should not save on dishes, as it is much more convenient, for example, to cook in a frying pan on which nothing burns. Yes, and high-quality accessories are much safer than cheaper analogues, a good pan will never fall off the handle when you remove the cooked hot soup from the plate.

Metal kitchen accessories

TO kitchen sets you can also include various porcelain dishes, a beautiful tea set that can not only delight you in the process of drinking tea, but it will also be great to decorate the interior of the kitchenif you place it on a shelf in a glass cupboard or in one of the glass modules of the kitchen set.

Tea accessories

Bright accessories for kitchen

A set of cutting boards is simply necessary in the kitchen, firstly, they will protect the decorative parts of your headset from accidental contact with a knife blade, and secondly, for cutting different products different cutting boards are needed, otherwise, when cutting, for example, meat on a board intended for fish, the meat will acquire a specific taste of fish. For connoisseurs of fine taste in the culinary arts, such things are not acceptable.

Kitchen accessories: cutting boards

Beautiful cutting board

Original kitchen accessories

You can’t do without a set of graters in the kitchen, graters are needed again in order to grind on them different vegetables different consistency, which are required for the preparation and decoration of dishes. A wide variety of profile graters, grind products on them different shapes, which will be very useful for decorating a dish. There are also models that facilitate grinding. Various manual juicers deserve great attention, the photo below shows high-quality options.

A beautiful bread box in the kitchen is simply necessary, firstly for the reason that bread has been considered the main product from generation to generation. Therefore, it should be treated with respect and stored properly in a special place intended for it. Secondly, the bread box will perfectly complement the interior of the kitchen.

Wooden accessories for kitchen

For rural and domestic cozy styles it will be important to use wooden breadbaskets, the tree will not only allow you to save bread from drying out and mold for a long time, but also preserve its taste. For more modern styles kitchen design, there are breadbaskets made of other materials, glass, plastic, of stainless steel.

Metal bread box for the kitchen photo

Beautiful accessories for the interior of the kitchen

In addition to everything for the interior of the kitchen, you can pick up additional stylish kitchen accessories. So today, with the great development of culinary arts in our country, a wide variety of spices have appeared in grocery stores. In this connection, containers for spices have become very popular. Most often they have a very beautiful, stylish and aesthetic appearance, so they are often left in a conspicuous place. They are displayed on a special shelf in the headset, the option of placing them on a specially suspended shelf on the railing is also common. Also, in order to save space, a whole box is sometimes assigned to them. They are usually made from glass and stainless steel.

Other kitchen accessories are placed on the same railing, these can be containers for cereals, sugar, salt, etc., and part of the dishes, cups, glasses, glasses, etc. can also be hung.

Decorative kitchen accessories

Decorative accessories include: kitchen items like trays. First of all, of course functional elements, then with the help of them the atmosphere of the kitchen can be very effectively decorated. The painted decorative trays located on the shelf look very nice.

No less effective can decorate the interior of the kitchen decorative serving mats. This element of the interior of the kitchen will bring importance and some formality to its atmosphere, since according to etiquette in restaurants this essential attribute.

Textile kitchen accessories can be made with your own hands, towels, potholders, serving mats.

A separate item, it is worth highlighting kitchen accessories for sinks.

The main thing in this case will be drying for dishes, and a stand or holder for detergents, as well as a trash can located at the bottom of the sink. It can be either freestanding, or it can be automatic - when the door is opened, it slides out by itself and the lid opens itself in the same way.

Detergents are located on a special stand, which is placed directly on the sink or a special shelf is installed on the kitchen railing.

Today, more and more thoughtful and high-quality kitchen accessories are appearing, which makes the process of preparing food in the kitchen easier. Some companies produce very creative and thoughtful models of certain types of accessories. Below we offer you to get acquainted with the beautiful stylish options different purpose.

Kitchen accessories photo in the interior