"reduced the forecast for sunflower harvest in Russia by 1.1 million tons to 10.4 million tons. According to the center, the revision of the forecast is associated with a noticeably lower yield than previously expected. So, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, by October 4, in the South of Russia, the collection per hectare is lower than last year by 6%, in the Volga region - by 11%, in the Center - by 13%.

“The conditions for the development of sunflower, as well as another late crop - corn, turned out to be imperfect. Probably, the lack of precipitation in August and in some places in July negatively affected the yield, ”the message says. SovEkona". At the same time, the average sunflower yield in the country, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, now corresponds to last year's figure - 18.5 centners per hectare. However, according to " SovEkona”, the comparison with last year can be disorienting. “This is due to the fact that last year the cleaning in Siberia started earlier than usual. The yield in the region is relatively low, which underestimated the average figures for last year,” experts explain. According to their assessment, a decline in production is expected in all major sunflower-producing federal districts, most noticeably in the Volga and Central regions.

(IKAR) maintains the forecast at 11.2 million tons, however, as the leading expert noted IKAR Daniil Khotko, the collection will still be lower than last year's figure. “Based on the balance, we estimate last year's sunflower harvest higher Rosstat(according to official statistics, the sunflower harvest in 2016 was 11 million tons) - at the level of 11.3-11.4 million tons. Therefore, if you look in comparison with last year, this year the gross harvest will be a little less,” said " Agro-investor» Though. Nevertheless, he believes, due to the increase in sown areas, the crop will still not seriously sag. According to Rosstat, this year sunflower crops increased by 398 thousand hectares to 7.9 million hectares. However, now Ministry of Agriculture reduced the area to be harvested by 124 thousand hectares to 7.77 million hectares. First of all, the reduction affected the Voronezh region, where it amounted to 80 thousand hectares, or almost a fifth of all sunflower crops in the region.

As Khotko noted, the harvesting campaign is ahead of last year's pace, with the exception of Siberia, where only 5% of crops were threshed due to weather factors, while last year by this date it was already 22%. “In other regions, cleaning is going on actively: the Krasnodar Territory and the Rostov Region are close to completion, the Volgograd Region has recently started, but the work there is proceeding briskly. The center has also already removed about half, and there are no special problems, ”Khotko commented. According to him, in most major regions, farmers can have time to harvest before the start of winter. “Fears are connected to a greater extent with the Volga region, including the Samara and Saratov regions, where some of the fields were sown later, and for the sunflower to ripen, they need to stand there until the end of October. However, this is a small share of crops, and it will not affect the market,” Khotko is sure.

According to the latest information from the Ministry of Agriculture, by October 4, 2.4 million hectares of sunflower have been threshed in the country, which is 30.7% of its total area for harvesting (in 2016 - 1.9 million hectares). 4.4 million tons were harvested with an average yield of 18.5 c/ha. In 2016, according to Rosstat, the final harvest of sunflower increased by 19% to a record 11 million tons. The agricultural crop yield was 15.1 centners per hectare, also becoming the largest in the history of the country. At the same time, part of the crops went into the winter and the crop was harvested from them in the spring. However, as noted on September 22 at the VI industry business conference Russian Crop Production - 2017/18 organized by Agroinvestor, the head of the company's market analysis department " solar products» Vladimir Zhilin, the safety of the crop, despite the overwintering, remained high. This year, Zhilin predicts sunflower harvest at 11.2 million tons.

My name is Rogozin Ivan. I have lived all my life in the city of Krasnodar. Despite my city life, I just love agriculture, so I connected my life with sunflower cultivation.

The fields of the Krasnodar Territory turned out to be very prolific. Within a few years, the business began to bear good fruit in the form of profit. Gradually, I increased the area under sowing and today I have about 30 hectares of land at my disposal.

The total yield is about 600 centners.
Net profit - from 300 thousand rubles.
The overall profitability is from 270%.
There is also an additional income - the sale of roasted sunflower seeds at a price of 70-90 rubles per kilogram. Income from this direction - from 100 thousand rubles.
Initial costs - from 60 thousand rubles.
Staff - 4 people.

As an introduction

Today, sunflower cultivation is one of the most profitable types of business. This explains the popularity of growing this crop not only in our country, but also in the world.

Even Peter I became a legislator of “fashions” for sunflower, from which butter, soap, margarine and halva were made. A separate conversation is seeds, without which it is difficult to imagine modern life.

What are the business benefits?

The advantage of sunflower is its unpretentiousness. It thrives in dry climates and under the scorching sun. Sunflower cultivation is very popular in Ukraine, Turkey, Russia and even Argentina.

If we take in Russia, then the ideal conditions for business in the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories. The area of ​​land occupied by sunflower is constantly increasing.

It is believed that in a few years about 8 million hectares of land will be occupied by this agricultural crop.

Sunflower is a plant that is resistant to drought and cold. As a result, it is perfectly adapted to our climate. The duration of cultivation is only 80-120 days (it all depends on the type of variety and the chosen technology).

Is business difficult?

The sunflower growing business is very profitable, and the sunflower growing technology is simple and accessible even to a beginner. That is why many farmers prefer to earn on the fruits of this crop. From one hectare of land, you can harvest up to 18-30 centners of the crop.

What should the land be like?

You must clearly understand the features of growing sunflower, as well as the importance of quality soil. In particular, the land must contain all the necessary mineral and organic fertilizers.

You can sow sunflower in the same place no earlier than after 7-8 years. Otherwise, even black soil is quickly depleted and becomes unsuitable for planting agricultural products. Therefore, sunflower plots should alternate.

It is necessary to prepare the soil for planting in the fall. The harrowing process is carried out from the beginning of spring, and after that, pre-sowing cultivation begins.

To protect plants from the negative effects of harrowing, it is worth trimming the surface of the field before planting sunflowers. Sowing can be started when the air temperature reaches 11-13 degrees Celsius.

Sunflower cultivation in Russia will be effective at a planting depth of about 8-10 centimeters. For cultivation, it is better to select clay-type soil, and the site itself should be open to the sun.

Sunflower grows best in areas where winter rye was grown before.

How to care?

Sunflower does not require any special care. All he needs is timely weeding, loosening and water.

If the period is too dry, then it is necessary to water the sunflower at least three times - 20-22 days before flowering, the second time - at the beginning of flowering, and the third time - 10-12 days after the completion of the flowering process.

What sunflower to plant?

The highest quality are hybrid sunflowers. Their advantage is the same size and equal ripening time. In this case, the growing season lasts about 100-110 days.

The nominal amount of seeds to be sown per hectare is about 60,000.

But check the seeds to make sure they are of high quality.

It is easy to determine this - one thousand seeds should have a mass of about 50-60 grams.

In your country house, you can plant a sunflower bear cub for decoration, the cultivation of which does not cause difficulties even for amateur gardeners.

By the way, today decorative sunflower is very fashionable and its cultivation, by the way, is gaining momentum among start-up entrepreneurs.

Another good variety ESAUL. It is characterized by good yield and short stature. At the same time, ripening can be expected within 65-70 days after sowing.

You can use later varieties. It takes about 8 kilograms of seeds and 8-10 hours of time to sow a hectare. The cost of a kilogram of seeds is 80-120 rubles.

How to sow?

Pay special attention to the density of sowing. Here everything will depend on the variety of sunflower and the climate of the region where it is grown. It is believed that in the semi-arid steppes it is best to sow about 40-45 thousand plants per hectare, and in the steppe region their number can be increased to 60 thousand.

So, if you decide to plant sunflower, be sure to study the growing areas in Russia. Sowing is not desirable to stretch over time - it is better to do the work within 1-2 days.

Remember that sunflowers are grown from seeds, so the recommended planting depth must be strictly maintained (about 20 cm).

What is needed from personnel and equipment?

To perform all the work, it is necessary to involve several people (at least 2-3). In addition, just before harvesting, one or two watchmen may be needed.

The salary of a sower and a picker is from 20,000 rubles, and a watchman - from 15,000 rubles.

From the equipment you will need a seeder, a tractor and a truck in which fertilizers and seeds can be transported. You do not need to buy equipment - you can rent it. On average, one hour will cost from 2,000 rubles per hour.

What about fertilizers?

For a full "feed" sunflower should receive about 5 kg of nitrogen per centner. It is worth making an accurate calculation of the required amount of fertilizer. In case of exceeding or lowering the norm, you can completely be left without a crop.

During the period of sunflower growth, it is desirable to pay attention to weed harvesting. If there is a need to use herbicides, then it is enough to make a one-time treatment (but only when the plant height reaches 40 cm).

This will provide the best dropout rate and minimal damage when harvesting.

It should be borne in mind that sunflower can hurt. The most common disease is verticillosis. The probability of its infection is about 40-50%. To avoid damage, seeds must be treated with fungicides.

To increase the yield of sunflower, it is desirable to grow it on irrigation. It will not be superfluous to provide for watering (in this case, additional treatment with herbicides will be required).

The cost of purchasing various formulations and processing - from 2,000 rubles.

Sunflower production

When to harvest?

In order not to make a mistake with the timing, you should have a technological map of sunflower cultivation at hand. As a rule, it is necessary to harvest when 10-13% of plants with yellow heads remain on the field. The rest should be dry and brown in color.

It is desirable to collect sunflower as soon as possible - within 5-7 days. Certain losses should not be ruled out. As practice shows, they can be from 3 to 5% of the total crop.

It is quite possible to achieve a reduction in crop loss if sowing and harvesting is carried out in a timely manner. In this case, it is desirable to collect at a humidity of not more than 20%.

No more than 3% of the sunflower should remain behind the harvester. Every 2-3 hours it is necessary to stop and check the quality of the cleaning process. The task of the combine is separation, threshing, accumulation and cleaning of grain.

Potential of consumers of sunflower oil production in Russia

What is the profitability of the business?

As for the main factor for an entrepreneur - profitability, it will be the higher, the more the territory is sown. From one hectare of land, you can get up to 10 thousand rubles on average.

Thus, the sunflower growing business is a very attractive direction. If measured as a percentage, then in some regions of Russia profitability can reach 200-300%.

Growth of participants in the oil production market according to the data of the 1st quarter of 2014
in relation to the 1st quarter of 2013

Summing up:

The total costs for harvesting and seed processing - from 2000 rubles per hectare.
Starting investments - from 60 thousand rubles.
Net profit per hectare - from 10 thousand rubles.
Fertilizers, processing (costs) - from 2000 rubles.
Staff salaries - from 35 thousand rubles.
Business profitability - 200-300%.
The payback period is one year.

Thus, sunflower cultivation is one of the safest, most profitable and interesting types of business. At the same time, do not forget that it requires certain knowledge and a responsible approach to business from you.

Sunflower seeds are used for the production of vegetable oil, in the confectionery industry (halva, gozinaki, as a filler for sweets, in the preparation of cakes). From 1 hectare of sunflower crops, you can get 3 centners of vegetable oil. The processing of sunflower seeds, in addition to oil, produces other products that are well used for animal feed as feed additives, these are meal (extraction method - 35%) and cake (press method - 33%). To date, of the total number of feed additives, they make up at least 85% produced in Russia.

Plan. sunflower cultivation is one of the most profitable ways to make money. Profitability for many agricultural organizations reaches 200%, and for some - above 300% (in the Oryol and Krasnodar regions).

Sunflower is a spring crop. The growing cycle begins in spring and ends in autumn, lasting only 90-120 days.

Sunflower is best grown in sunny areas, it does not like clay, heavy soil, it grows well in the area where winter rye was grown before it. The site should be prepared in the fall - dug up to a depth of 20 cm and filled with rotted manure - 1-2 buckets per 1 sq. m. Sunflower should be sown when the ground at a seeding depth (7-10 cm) warms up to 10 ° C. Sunflower care is simple: weeding, loosening and watering. In dry years, sunflowers need three waterings: three weeks before flowering, when plants grow very quickly; at the very beginning of flowering; 10 days after mass flowering. You can start harvesting sunflowers, as a rule, 35-40 days after flowering, cutting off the heads with a sickle or knife. Seeds with moisture up to 12% can be left for sowing next year.

The most early-ripening variety is ESAUL (undersized, yield - up to 25 kg of seeds per hundred square meters), ripening already 70 days after germination. Usually used for the production of oil varieties with a later maturation period - up to 100 days.
Intensive cultivation technology will help to obtain a sunflower yield of up to 20 or more centners per 1 ha with an oil content of seeds up to 50%.

For sowing on an area of ​​up to 3 hectares, up to 25 kg of seeds will be required. Sowing seeds on such an area can be carried out by two people in 2-3 days. If it is possible to allocate a large area for sunflower cultivation - 100-200 hectares - you will need special agricultural equipment (tractor, seeder) and about 1.5 tons of seeds.

According to manufacturers, taking into account all the costs of fertilizers, equipment, the purchase of seeds, payment for harvesting and seed processing (up to 2,500 rubles per 1 ha), with a yield of up to 20 centners per 1 ha, you can get a net profit of up to 10 thousand rubles, profitability at this reaches about 270%. Thus, growing sunflower even on an area of ​​up to 100 hectares, you can make a profit of up to 900 thousand rubles.

With 1 kg of roasted seeds, selling them in cups, you will receive up to 70-80 rubles of profit.

Your income will directly depend on the area that you can allocate for sunflower cultivation.

To begin with, you can start growing sunflower in a small area, gradually expanding the plantations. This is a less expensive, but more time-consuming method. In this case, it is better to grow early-ripening varieties with a yield of up to 25 kg of seeds per hundred square meters, and organize the sale of roasted seeds.

With large areas, it is not necessary to immediately purchase the necessary equipment, you can always agree to rent it from large farms. In addition, when cultivating sunflower in large volumes, it makes sense to simultaneously produce vegetable oil and process cake for livestock feed. All equipment can be purchased gradually with the receipt of funds (see the idea "Vegetable oil production").

Hand over the grown sunflower to processing enterprises (vegetable oil producers), sell it through retail outlets in the markets, to stores.

Initial costs: 18 thousand rubles (for 10 hectares).
Income: 100-150 thousand rubles (when sold fried).

Growing Plants - Ideas

Sunflower cultivation technology

Place in crop rotation.

Sunflower is placed in the tilled field of crop rotation after winter cereals and corn for silage, as well as on fields clean of malicious weeds - after barley, spring wheat, oil flax, etc. Sunflower cannot be sown after sugar beet, alfalfa and Sudanese grass, since these crops strongly and deeply dry up the soil. Rapeseed, peas, soybeans, beans have several common diseases with sunflower (sclerotinia, white rot, gray rot, etc.), so sunflower cannot be sown after them. In crop rotation, it can be returned to its former field no earlier than after 8-10 years to prevent the accumulation of broomrape seeds and pathogens of infectious diseases in the soil.


Under plowing, organic, as well as phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied, depending on the level of soil fertility. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied under pre-sowing cultivation and in the form of dressings. With an excess of nitrogen nutrition, plants become less resistant to drought and disease, and the oil content of seeds decreases.

Soil cultivation.

The main requirement for the main tillage is the complete suppression of perennial weeds, good surface evenness, moisture conservation. In fields that are not littered with perennial weeds, an improved plowing system or semi-fallow cultivation is used.

On fields littered with perennial weeds (thistle, thistle, lettuce, bindweed, etc.), layer-by-layer tillage is used. First, the stubble is peeled to a depth of 6...8 cm with disc tools, after the growth of perennial weeds, the soil is cultivated to a depth of 10...12 cm with ploughshares, heavy disc harrows or flat-cutting cultivators. After the re-growth of weeds, the plowing is plowed in September - October to the depth of the arable layer.

In areas prone to wind erosion, a system of flat-cut tillage is used with stubble left on the soil surface: two small tillage, in September - October - loosening to a depth of 20 ... 25 cm. To increase the moisture reserves in the soil, snow retention is carried out in the fields.

In the spring, when the physical ripeness of the soil occurs, harrowing is carried out with the leveling of the fallow and cultivation to a depth of 8 ... 10 cm.

For sowing, seeds of zoned varieties and hybrids are used, large (mass of 1000 seeds is 80 ... 100 g for varieties and at least 50 g for hybrids), the first reproduction, with a germination rate of at least 95%. Modern high-oil varieties and hybrids with thin-skinned seeds have higher heat requirements. They should be sown in well-warmed soil when the temperature at the seed sowing depth (8...10 cm) reaches 10...12°C. In this case, the seeds germinate quickly and amicably, their field germination increases, which ensures more uniform development and maturation of plants, and an increase in yield.

The density of plants, depending on the moisture supply by the beginning of harvesting, should be: in humid forest-steppe regions and adjacent steppe regions 40...50 thousand, in semi-arid steppe 30...40 thousand and in arid steppe 20...30 thousand plants per 1 ha. When cultivating sunflower hybrids, they are recommended to be increased by 10…15%, but not more than 55…60 thousand/ha.

Amendments to the seeding rates are set taking into account the field germination of seeds (it is 10 ... 15% lower than the laboratory one), the death of plants during harrowing of crops by seedlings (8 ... 10%) and the natural waste of plants (up to 5%).

Sunflower sowing is carried out in a dotted way with a row spacing of 70 cm.

The normal sowing depth of seeds of varieties is 6 ... 8 cm, in arid conditions 8 ... 10, on heavy soils in a cool and humid spring 5 ... 6 cm. Seeds of small-seeded hybrids in moist soil are sown to a depth of 4 ... 5 cm.

Crop care. The modern technology of sunflower cultivation completely eliminates manual weeding. Crop care is carried out mainly by mechanical methods (herbicide-free option), if necessary, herbicides are used, which are applied mainly by the tape method simultaneously with sowing.

After sowing, if it is carried out in loose soil and in dry weather, the soil is rolled with ring-spur rollers. For the destruction of weeds, harrowing is carried out before germination and after germination in combination with the processing of row-spacings by cultivators equipped with weeding and powdering devices. Pre-emergence harrowing is carried out across the rows or diagonally 5-6 days after sowing. Harrowing by seedlings is also carried out with medium tooth harrows when 2 ... 3 pairs of true leaves are formed in sunflower during the daytime, when plant turgor decreases. When using soil herbicides, seedling harrowing is not used.

At the first inter-row cultivation, the cutout width is set to 50 cm, at the second - 45 cm, the processing depth is 6 ... 8 and 8 ... 10 cm, respectively.

By applying soil herbicides in the pre-sowing or pre-emergence period, in combination with agricultural practices, crops can be kept clean. On sunflower crops, the following are used: nitran, treflan, gezagard 50. It is economical to apply herbicides by the tape method simultaneously with sowing. In this case, a strip is processed along a row with a width of 30 ... 35 cm, and the hectare dose of the herbicide is halved.

For cutting guide slots simultaneously with sowing, two slot guides are attached to the additional frame of the seeder, following the track of the caterpillar tractor. The depth of the slot is 25 ... 30 cm. During inter-row cultivation, guide knives mounted on the cultivator frame go along these slots, which keeps it from moving to the sides and, therefore, reduces damage to plants. However, the described technique also has disadvantages: additional energy costs are required, sunflower roots are damaged during cultivation, the soil cracks more and moisture loss increases.

In the fight against empty grains of sunflower, good results are provided by additional pollination of crops with the help of bees (at the rate of 1.5 ... 2.0 families per 1 ha of crops).

Sunflower is affected by the following diseases: white, gray, ashy rot, downy mildew, rust, phomosis. White rot appears throughout the growing season, but more intensely during the maturation of the baskets. Gray rot affects seedlings, stems, flowers, and especially often baskets. Ash rot causes general wilting and drying of the whole plant, brittleness of the stem. Downy mildew infects leaves, stems, baskets. The disease manifests itself when 3-4 pairs of leaves are formed, the plants lag behind in growth, the yield decreases.

Pests cause great damage to sunflowers: wireworms, lingering insects, steppe cricket, meadow moth, aphids, plant bugs.

Measures to protect sunflower from diseases and pests include seed treatment and treatment of plants with chemicals.

Cleaned and sorted sunflower seeds 1.5 ... 2.0 months before sowing (but not later than 2 weeks) are treated with disinfectants: TMTD is used against sulfur rot, sclerotinia, 80% s. n. (2 ... 3 kg / t), against downy mildew - apron, 35% s. (4 kg/t) mixed with microelements (zinc sulfate or manganese sulfate - 0.3…0.5 kg/t). When treating seeds, it is advisable to apply pesticides together with the NaCMC film former (0.2 kg/t).

General sunflower protection measures include the following: compliance with crop rotation, meeting the requirements of seed production, dressing seeds, growing 2 ... 3 varieties or hybrids on the farm that differ in the length of the growing season and resistance to broomrape.

Sunflower is a drought-resistant plant, however, it gives the largest yields when irrigated. Even in the main areas of sunflower cultivation, its need for water is satisfied only by 60%, and in arid regions (Volga region) - by 40%. Plants especially suffer from a lack of moisture in the soil during the periods of formation of baskets and flowering - seed filling. It is at this time that it is advisable to irrigate. Autumn water-recharging (1200...2000 m 3 /ha, the soil is soaked to a depth of 2 m) and early vegetation irrigation of sunflower (along furrows or sprinkling) are of great importance.

Irrigation rate depending on soil moisture varies from 600 to 800 m 3 /ha. Vegetative irrigation should be distributed as follows: the first watering with a lack of moisture at the beginning of the formation of heads (2 ... 3rd pair of leaves), the second - in the phase of formation of heads - the beginning of flowering, the third - at the beginning or at the height of flowering.


The signs by which the maturation of sunflower is judged include: yellowing of the back side of the basket, wilting and falling off of reed flowers, color of achenes normal for varieties and hybrids, hardening of the core in them, drying of most leaves.

According to the moisture content of the seeds and the color of the baskets, three degrees of ripeness are distinguished: yellow, brown and full. With yellow ripeness, the leaves and the back side of the baskets acquire a lemon-yellow color, the moisture content of the seeds is 30 ... 40% (biological ripeness); at brown ripeness, the baskets are dark brown, the moisture content of the seeds is 12 ... 14% (economic ripeness); at full ripeness, the moisture content of seeds is 10 ... 12%, the plants are dry, brittle, the achenes crumble.

For sunflower harvesting, combine harvesters are used, which are equipped with choppers to grind and spread the stems across the field. The stems remaining on the vine are cut with heavy disc harrows.

Growing pumpkin for seed as a business with minimal investment

Pumpkin seeds are gaining more and more popularity among profitable farm crops. Europe has long appreciated the benefits of this product and its abundance of healing, gustatory properties. The business idea of ​​growing pumpkin seeds is suitable for large and small plots of cultivated land. In any case, the profitability remains at a high level. Average price 1t. pumpkin seeds in our area is 1000€. Cultivation of some varieties may increase the price of the product (for example, seeds without husks). Pumpkin is an unpretentious plant, its seed material is reliably protected, and the high price is due to the high medicinal and taste properties of the product. The technology of growing pumpkins for seeds does not require large expenses and is within the power of even the smallest farm. If you have a large garden, this business can be organized at home. The demand for pumpkin seeds is growing every year.

Pumpkin seeds were interested all over the world

Pumpkin is an unpretentious plant that is grown all over the world and in all climatic zones. Native Americans started growing pumpkins 3,000 years ago. From America, the seeds were brought to Europe and distributed by trade routes throughout the world. Farmers willingly engaged in the cultivation of the largest vegetable in the world. In the Middle Ages, a small bottle of Styrian pumpkin seed oil was worth the price of a gold ring. Various varieties were bred (more than 200 varieties of pumpkin are known): table and fodder, annual and perennial, medium-fruited, large-fruited and with giant fruits (more than 100 kg titanium variety). The largest pumpkin weighing 922kg. was grown in America for the traditional competition among farmers. The record pumpkin in Japan weighed 458kg. The content of seeds in pumpkin is 1-2% depending on the variety. Pumpkin seeds are in great demand all over the world. They have many healing properties. Various medicines are produced from pumpkin seeds.

Oil squeezed from pumpkin seeds is used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. Raw and roasted pumpkin seeds are used in cooking and for the prevention of the treatment of many diseases. Pumpkin seeds are actively purchased for retail sale in fried form with or without husks, as a tasty and healthy product with a high content of: zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamins.

The most expensive oil is produced from pumpkin seeds

The main export of pumpkin seeds goes to Austria and other European countries. Local manufacturers can be found via the Internet. Thus, you can sell the crop at a price of 2.8€ per 1kg. In a lean year, the price reaches 4 € per 1 kg. In lean years, traders travel around the villages and buy pumpkin seeds from grandmothers for sale abroad. In Austria, a very popular vegetable oil is made from pumpkin seeds. It is used in cooking for cooking delicacies in restaurants. Also, pumpkin seed oil in Austria has gained popularity in the treatment of many diseases and in cosmetology. Pumpkin seed oil is a powerful antioxidant and is used as a rejuvenating agent. The seed material for this business can be used Austrian. These are mainly naked varieties with a high content of linoleic acid and, accordingly, a lower content of oleic acid. Linoleic acid is more valuable than oleic. Pumpkin seed oil, high in linoleic acid, has a spicy flavor (with nutty notes) and a high price. Its intense taste allows just a few drops to change the taste of the cooked dish. The best pumpkin seed oil in the world was produced in Styria (land in Austria). It even developed its own special variety, Styrian butter gourd (Cucurbita pepo styriaca). Styrian butter gourd seeds are dark green or black in color due to their high chlorophyll content. In Austria, Styrian pumpkin seeds are sold for 15€ per 1kg. Consumption during sowing is 4.5 kg per hectare of seeds of this variety. Pumpkin seed oil is one of the most expensive vegetable oils.

The interest of consumers in pumpkin seeds is growing every year

The average purchase price of pumpkin seeds in the domestic market is 1000€ per ton. But first you need to get a harvest. The right variety of plants is the key to the success of any agricultural business. High-yielding seed varieties of pumpkins produce 1.5 tons-2 tons of seeds per hectare (in the presence of irrigated systems, the yield of pumpkin seeds can be more than 2 tons). These varieties include: Bolgarka (Lady's nail), Kherson watermelon, Ukrainian multiple. Seeds of oil-bearing varieties of pumpkins have a higher price, but have a slightly lower yield (600-800 kg per hectare). In our area, the following oily pumpkin varieties are popular, the seeds of which contain a lot of linoleic fatty acid: Muscat Novinka, Polevychka, Valok. But in general, you need to think carefully before choosing a variety. For example, the Bulgarian variety has the lowest price of a seed product. But it gives one of the highest yields. It does not need washing seeds, which also significantly reduces the cost of drying the product. In addition, there are gymnosperm varieties of pumpkins that do not need to be husked, but should be dried delicately. Naturally, pumpkin seeds without husks are easier to interest the buyer and can be sold much more expensive (in retail, fried seeds without husks are 40% more expensive).

There are not many varieties of this type of pumpkin: Golosemyannaya 14, Naked round, Styrian oily. The disadvantages of gymnosperms include: low yields and yields (seeds do not have a protective shell and can quickly rot). To choose the right variety, you need to take into account climatic factors. When choosing cucurbit seed varieties, cost calculations will also help to anticipate the desired profit.

The technology of growing pumpkins for seeds does not require large expenditures

The technology of growing pumpkin seeds requires a small financial investment. Growing pumpkins will incur the following costs:

  1. Plowing and cultivation in soil preparation - 20€ per hectare.
  2. Seed material - 68€ per hectare.
  3. Fertilizers - 47 € per hectare.
  4. Weeding for 2 times 70€ per hectare.
  5. Seed washing 20€ ton. (an important feature of the Bulgarian variety, which does not need washing).
  6. Drying on a drying table with a Bizon heat generator requires no more than 8 € per 1 ton of crop.

As a result, the total costs are 233€. Even in a lean year, a business idea is a very attractive investment. The technology of growing pumpkins for seeds is not complicated, but it has its own characteristics. Soil preparation is standard, but with deep autumn plowing (27-30 cm). Pumpkins need loose, well-draining soil. Under plowing, organic humus (10-15 tons) and mineral fertilizers of the brand - N60, P90, K60 should be applied. In the spring, when the earth at a depth of 10 cm warms up to +12 degrees, sowing should be done according to the scheme indicated in the seed variety. For example, the Bulgarian should be planted with a row spacing of only 0.7 meters, and in the rows it is better to leave the distance the same (scheme 70 X 70 cm.). This scheme requires 7kg/ha. sowing variety Bolgarka. This will allow perpendicular cultivation. Such images often do not even need to be weeded. The appearance of the first gatherings should be expected in the first 7-10 days. Scourges and the first flowers will appear in 20 days. The first ovary begins after 30-40 days, the second 60-70. Full maturation occurs after 120 days. Harvesting with the help of machinery is carried out in 3 stages:

  1. Separation of fruits from plants (manually).
  2. Rolling fruits into rolls (by a tractor with a special blade).
  3. Harvesting pumpkin harvester.

A pumpkin harvester crushes the pumpkin, separating the seeds from the pulp. And the pulp itself scatters right on the field. The use of pulp as a fertilizer increases the fertility of the soil. On small farms, productive seeds can be harvested by hand. There is inexpensive stationary equipment for separating seeds from pulp. Low-budget fields with small crops allow harvesting and manual separation of the seeds from the pulp.

When grown, pumpkin plants themselves are not whimsical to care for. Growing pumpkin does not require special knowledge and technology. The seed material is reliably protected by a thick layer of pulp. When leaving, you just need to remember that the pumpkin loves a lot of sun and moisture. This type of plant does not tolerate even mild frosts (favorable temperature environment +28).

Pumpkin seeds have the most useful and healing properties

Pumpkin seeds contain many rare nutrients: zinc, mangy, vitamin K, phosphorus. Pumpkin seeds are recommended for:

It is important to add that decoctions of ground seeds are recommended to be taken to get rid of insomnia.

Pumpkin seed oil is very useful in the treatment of tuberculosis and bile in the stomach. Useful properties for the treatment of pumpkin seeds due to their unique composition with abundant nutrients.

100 grams of pumpkin seeds contain:
Squirrels 24.6 g
Fats 45.9 g
Carbohydrates 13.5 g
Cellulose 4.3 g
Ash 4.9 g
Water 8.4 g
Vitamin A (beta-carotene) 228 mcg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.2 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.32 mg
Niacin (vitamin B3 or vitamin PP) 1.7 mg
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 0.35 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.23 mg
Folic acid (vitamin B9) 57.5 mcg
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 1.9 mg
Vitamin E (tocopherol) 10.9 mg
Vitamin K (phylloquinone) 51.4 mcg
Trace elements:
Zinc 7.45 mg
Copper 1.39 mg
Iron 14.96 mg
Manganese 3.01 mcg
Selenium 5.6 mcg
Potassium 807 mg
Calcium 43 mg
Magnesium 535 mg
Sodium 18 mg
Phosphorus 1174 mg
100 g of the product contains on average about 541 kcal.

Thanks to pumpkin seeds, the body is supplied with a useful element - Arginine (an acid for the formation of nitric oxide).

Arginine is responsible for the functioning of the heart and the state of blood vessels, the restoration of cellular structures and the structure of muscles. Only 40g. seeds contain the daily rate of Arginine. But frequent husking of seeds can harm tooth enamel.

Pumpkin is recommended as the most useful product for a mono-diet

The pumpkin itself contains many useful substances and properties for the human body. It also contains a lot of zinc, vitamin E. Together with pumpkin, we use medicinal and healthy elements such as selenium and manganese. They help to strengthen the immune system of the human body, useful for fighting viruses and microbes. Just like seeds, pumpkin has an abundant amount of trace elements and vitamins. It is ideal for a mono diet (a diet in which only one food is present in the diet). Mono-diet helps to lose weight and cleanse the body as a whole (we are what we eat). An interesting fact is that carotene (provitamin A) is five times more in pumpkin than in carrots. Carotene improves vision, skin elasticity, improves immunity. In addition, the composition of the largest vegetable in the world includes:

  • all groups of vitamins;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • fluorine.

Regular consumption of pumpkin strengthens teeth and gums due to its high fluoride content. A glass of freshly squeezed pumpkin juice lowers blood cholesterol, improves blood circulation, cleanses the liver and removes radioactive elements and toxins from the human body. It is not recommended to consume pumpkin in large quantities in case of indigestion, as it lies heavily on the stomach and can harm it. Any excess is harmful to nature.

The sunflower is one of the most recognizable plants, not only for its beautiful and vibrant appearance, but also as a source of vegetable oil.

The potential of this crop has not yet been fully disclosed, which makes it possible to develop more and more new varieties that are superior to the older ones in terms of performance.

It is about new hybrids and long-bred varieties that will be discussed.

Variety "Jason"

This sunflower is a hybrid. Released in Serbia. The plant is typically tall for this species, growing up to 160-185 cm in height.

The growing season takes approximately 107-110 days, which makes it possible to classify this variety as early ripe. Jason's basket is medium in size, up to 18-24 cm in diameter, slightly flattened.

Seeds are gray-striped, oils in them are approximately 49.7-50.4%. 1000 seeds weigh about 93 g. Flowering and ripening period in plants of the hybrid variety "Jason" pass evenly.

Direction set as oilseed. The partiality and huskiness of seeds is 99.7% and 21-22%, respectively.

The maximum yield per 1 hectare is approximately 4-4.2 tons of sunflowers. Plants of this variety grow well in conditions of too dense planting, do not crumble, are well resistant to lodging, but can suffer greatly from severe drought and heat.

As for diseases, no dew will harm these sunflowers, but rot of various types can slightly spoil the crop.

Variety "Lux"

This sunflower variety is the result of a careful selection of plants of the Donskoy large-fruited variety. Thanks to such a good "parent", sunflowers of the "Lux" variety not affected by various diseases that affect the so-called confectionery sunflowers.

This variety is highly productive, but its ripeness group is medium. Vegetation is delayed, on average, for 100-105 days, which makes it possible to rank "Lux" among the early varieties.

The yield is very high, on average, 3.2-3.4 tons of sunflowers can be obtained per hectare of the field. This variety is good because it has very large seeds, the weight of 1000 pieces reaches 135-145 g. The kernels are large, they do not adhere too tightly to the walls of the achene.

In height, plants can gain 175-185 cm, and the basket grows up to 25-27 cm in diameter, has a slightly convex shape, and is also lowered down. The oil content is 44.4% and the huskiness is 20%.

Sunflowers of the "Lux" variety are not affected at all by different types of broomrape, rot, verticillosis and fomopsis, but may suffer a little from downy mildew. Also this sunflower is an excellent honey plant. It is characterized by a fairly high resistance to drought, grows well in any soil and climate. For Lux, thickening is detrimental.

Variety "Nutlet"

It was bred as a result of selection of varieties of the confectionery direction "Lakomka" and "SPK". Refers to the early maturing. Suitable for growing in any conditions that are technically suitable for the cultivation of this crop.

Sunflowers of the Oreshek variety are low, on average 160-170 cm, grow in 103-104 days. Seeds are black, covered with longitudinal stripes of dark gray.

The achene is oval-oblong in shape, large in size - 1000 seeds weigh 145-150 grams in the event that the norms of cultivation density were observed.

Plants bloom and ripen together, seeds are tied even in the worst climatic conditions. The percentage of oil in the kernels is 46-50%.

The yield is very high, per hectare accounts for 3.2-3.5 tons of crop. They have genetically innate immunity to broomrape and sunflower moth, almost unaffected by downy mildew and Phomopsis.

Variety "Lakomka"

The “parents” of this variety are biotypes of the “SPK” ​​variety, which underwent a thorough single selection.

"Lakomka" is a large-fruited mid-season variety that matures fairly quickly- in 105-110 days. Flowering and ripening are aligned. The bushes are very high, up to 1.9 m, the basket is lowered, convex in the area where the seeds are attached, of medium diameter.

Yield is good, 31-35 centners per 1 hectare. The purpose of the variety is universal, because due to the good taste these seeds are suitable for the confectionery industry, and due to the high oil content (50%) of their seeds, you can make a by-product.

The yield of oil will be approximately 1.4 tons per hectare. The seeds themselves are large, elongated, 1000 pieces in weight will reach 130 g. The honey plant from Lakomka is excellent.

Also, these plants do not need pesticides during cultivation, as they can grow to impressive sizes in poor conditions. Does not fade in the heat, does not crumble and does not lie down. It is immune to moths, broomrape, powdery mildew.

Variety "Forward"

Hybrid. As a result of selection, it acquired resistance to sclerotinia, races of sunflower broomrape and phomopsis. Almost does not suffer from various types of rot and downy mildew.

Belongs to mid-early varieties. Vegetation takes 104-108 days. At the initial stages, it develops very quickly, does not suffer from a lack of moisture and high temperatures, the stems do not lie down, and the plants themselves ripen very amicably, and the height of the stems throughout the field is almost the same, which makes it easy to harvest.

Plants reach a height of 182-187 cm. The diameter of the basket is 15-20 cm, it is slightly convex in shape, lowered down. The direction of this sunflower hybrid is oilseed, since the percentage of vegetable fat in the kernels reaches 49.3-49.7%.

The husk and shell content of seeds is 21-22% and 99.7%, respectively. The achene itself is striped, dark, the stripes are also dark, of medium size. The weight of 1000 seeds fluctuates around 90 g, 97% of crops germinate. From a hectare you can harvest 43-44 centners of the crop.

Variety "Oliver"

A hybrid of Serbian production with a very short maturation period (90-95 days). The plants themselves are low, 135-145 cm in height, do not branch, with a powerful root system that penetrates to a depth of 1.5-2 m. Baskets are medium in size, thin, due to which they lose water very actively, flat in shape, even in the seed attachment area.

The seeds are medium, wide ovoid, dark, the weight of 1000 pieces is 60-70 grams. The shell layer of seeds is well developed, huskiness is 22-24%.

Oil in the seeds is at least 47-49%, which determines the direction of sunflowers of this variety - oil. The oil yield is 1128 kg per 1 ha. The yield is 23.5 centners per 1 ha, but with good care and proper planting, the figure can reach 45 centners.

As for diseases, neither downy mildew, nor rust, nor sunflower moth will harm the plants of this variety. Also these sunflowers have enough high resistance to drought and heat.

Variety "Rimisol"

Hybrid oilseed sunflower. The growing season is delayed by 106-110 days. Sunflowers of the Rimisol variety are characterized by high nectar productivity, as well as a lack of response to a lack of moisture. With proper care of plants from 1 ha of area, you can get more than 40 centners of the crop, which is a fairly good indicator.

Plants reach a height of 140-160 cm, with a fairly thick stem, a large number of leaves, a well-developed root system that will “get” moisture even from a depth of 1.5-2 m.

The basket at "Rimisol" is 19-22 cm in diameter, tilted down, convex, rather thin. Seeds are black, elongated, the weight of 1000 pieces is, on average, 75 g.

In the initial stages of development, plants grow very quickly. Oil in the kernels contains approximately 46-48%, husk values ​​are kept at the level of 21-23%. Resistance to lodging and shedding is quite high.

Also a plant immune to rust and moths, almost does not suffer from Phomopsis, but requires treatment against all races of broomrape.

Variety "Atilla"

Belongs to super early varieties, matures in 95-100 days. The first shoots can be seen already after 58-60 days after planting.

It has a particularly strong resistance to diseases of various kinds, perfectly takes root in a variety of soils.

The plants themselves are tall (160-165 cm), with a flat, semi-inclined basket, the diameter of which reaches 22-24 cm. The percentage of oil in the seed kernels is 51-52%, and the husk is 20-22%.

Sunflower is grown almost all over the world. His homeland is North America. Sunflower settled in Russia thanks to Peter I. Industrial production of sunflower oil began only in the first half of the 19th century. In addition to sunflower oil, margarine, soap, halva are made from sunflower seeds, and sunflower seeds are a favorite delicacy of many of our compatriots. In addition, rubber and fuel briquettes are produced from sunflower.

Sunflower grows well on black soil in arid climates. The leaders in sunflower cultivation in the world are Russia, Ukraine, Argentina and Turkey. The main sunflower producers in Russia are the Southern, Central and Volga regions. Ideal climatic conditions for this plant exist in the Rostov region, Krasnodar and Stavropol regions. The area under sunflower is steadily increasing, and, according to the calculations of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, by 2020 at least 7.5 million hectares will be occupied by sunflower.

Sunflower cultivation is a profitable business, it is the most profitable oilseed crop in our country. The sunflower harvest per hectare can reach up to 20 centners, but in Russia these figures are lower, since crop rotation and agrotechnical rules for growing this crop are not observed.

A feature of sunflower cultivation is its unusually high need for organic and mineral fertilizers. In the same place, it can be sown only after 6-8 years (although individual hybrids can be returned already for 4-5 years), otherwise the land will quickly become unsuitable for agriculture, which is happening in some regions of the country due to the unscrupulous attitude of agronomists.

It is better to use hybrids as seed because they ripen at the same time and are about the same size. The vegetative period of sunflower lasts from 100 to 120 days, according to the maturation period, 4 groups of hybrids are distinguished: early ripe, mid-early, mid-season and mid-late.
The sowing rate per hectare is 60,000 seeds. The quality of seeds is easy to determine by weight: 1000 seeds should weigh at least 50 grams. The cost of sunflower seeds is from 180 to 250 rubles per kilogram.

The best predecessors of sunflower are silage corn, grain, castor beans. You should not sow after perennial grasses and sugar beets, as they deplete the soil. Soil preparation should begin in the fall: disking and plowing. In early spring, harrowing is carried out, and then pre-sowing cultivation. To ensure minimal damage to plants during subsequent harrowing, it is necessary to level the field surface before planting.

Sunflower can be sown when the temperature reaches 10-12 degrees at a depth of 8-10 cm. If these conditions are met, the seeds will germinate quickly and simultaneously. Early sowing leads to partial loss of germination and long germination.

Planting density depends on climate and variety. For example, in the semi-arid steppe, the norm of adult plants per hectare is 35-45 thousand plants, and in forest-steppe and steppe regions with high humidity - 40-50 thousand. The density of the early hybrid can be increased to 55-60 thousand plants per hectare.

When calculating, the following corrections should be made: field germination is 10-15% lower than the laboratory one; the death of plants during harrowing is 8-10%; natural waste of plants - up to 5%. In this regard, when sowing, the number of seeds is increased by 15-25% if weeds are planned to be destroyed by harrowing, and by 10-15% if herbicides are planned to be used.

Thus, on average, as we noted above, 60 thousand sunflower seeds (4-6 kg) are sown per hectare.

Sowing should be carried out within one or two days at the optimum depth, this will ensure simultaneous emergence and minimal damage during harrowing. For the implementation of sowing work, 2-5 people are involved, a tractor, a seeder and a truck for transporting seeds and fertilizers.

Sunflower should receive 4-4.5 kg of nitrogen per centner of marketable products. In case of excess or lack of fertilizer, crop losses cannot be avoided.

Row spacing should be done regularly throughout the growing season of the sunflower to control weeds. When using herbicides, a single treatment is sufficient when the plants reach a height of 30-40 cm.

The main disease of sunflower is verticillium. Losses due to this disease can reach 50%. To avoid damage, crop rotation should be observed and seeds treated with fungicides should be used.

Irrigated sunflower cultivation contributes to an increase in sunflower yield by 4-5 c/ha and seed quality. But keep in mind that watering will also lead to a significant increase in the number of weeds, and therefore additional treatment with herbicides will be required.

You can start harvesting when 12-15% of plants with yellow and yellow-brown heads remain on the field, and the rest are brown and dry. The cleaning period should last no more than a week.

When harvesting, crop losses cannot be avoided, and their minimization is an important task. Under production conditions, you can lose up to 3 centners of crop per hectare. To reduce losses, you need to start and finish cleaning on time, in favorable weather conditions. Harvesting of sunflower at a moisture content of 18-20% contributes to the reduction of losses, this allows you to win up to 1.5 q/ha. The collected heap must be immediately dried to 12% moisture.
Losses behind the combine should not exceed 3%. Usually, every 2 hours during harvesting, the equipment is stopped and the quality control of cleaning is carried out. The combine performs cutting, threshing, separation, cleaning of grain and accumulation of grain in the bunker, as well as subsequent unloading into vehicles.

The profitability of sunflower cultivation is the higher, the larger the area occupied by the crop. When sowing an area of ​​at least 100 hectares, the cost of growing one hectare will be about 3-3.5 thousand rubles, depending on the size of the rent, favorable weather conditions, the absence or presence of diseases. Profit per hectare with a harvest of 20 centners will be about 6 thousand rubles.