In the interior design of private houses and apartments, French-style windows are at the peak of popularity. Of course, for most users, deciding to replace windows, and even such specific ones, is a rather risky and expensive undertaking.

Some are stopped by the cost, others by the need to agree and change load-bearing structures(walls), third - redevelopment, which involves the replacement standard windows into French. Those owners who are just building their houses or moving into new apartments in most cases prefer French windows.

What are french windows?

french window- this is a translucent structure, in which the base of the window block rests on the floor and combines the function of a window and a door. It is the presence of a passage (doors) that distinguishes French windows from panoramic ones. In the philistine lexicon, two concepts were mixed - panoramic and French windows, but there is a difference between them (in a nutshell: panoramic windows are big windows, and the French ones are big doors). Therefore, French-style windows are more correctly called French doors.

French windows can have sliding (sliding apart on the sides) or sash sashes that open outward or inward. The design feature of sash windows is the absence of an impost (a vertical profile between the sashes).

A characteristic feature of French windows is a large height (from the door, window lintel to the floor or from the ceiling to the floor). The width is not of fundamental importance, they look attractive and narrow windows. Although it is believed that the translucent structure should occupy half or 2/3 of the wall.

In fact, the French window is a symbiosis of windows, doors and panoramic windows.

Panoramic French windows-doors (in the classical sense) are installed in houses on the ground floor or in apartments where there is access to a balcony or loggia. In cottages, French windows serve as a door through which you can exit to the courtyard, terrace, patio, winter garden, veranda or pool, pond.

French windows installed on the second floor and above are equipped with a fence in the opening (mounted in front of the door from the outside) and this design is already called -.

Types of French windows

Varieties, brief characteristics and properties, for each item from the table below there will be a detailed description.

Specifications Detailing
1 Structural form - whole;
- sectional.
2 frame design - with impost;
- with shtulp.
3 Functional - portal;
- book (accordion).
4 Opening method - swing;
- parallel-sliding;
- sliding book type (accordion).
5 According to the profile material - wooden;
- aluminum;
- plastic;
- fiberglass.
6 By type of glass - thermopolished glass (float glass);
- tempered glass;
- electrochromic glass;
- triplex.
7 According to the layout (spross) - constructive;
- invoices;
- interglazing.

These characteristics of French windows cause the appearance of different types.

1. In terms of design:

  • whole structures. Distinctive feature in the absence of partitions in the window frame. Massive construction pushes special requirements to fittings and the method of opening windows. Fittings must be able to withstand the weight of heavy tempered glass with a thickness of 6-8 mm. It is advisable for solid structures to choose a sliding method of opening;
  • sectional structures. Partitions that separate panoramic window into parts, give it greater strength, and the whole structure greater rigidity. The maximum number of shutters - 7 pieces. which is due to the peculiarities of fastening the skids for their sliding.

2. In terms of frame design:

Two design options frames with a jumper (impost) and without (shtulp)

with impost

Impost - a vertical lintel against which window sashes lean. The presence of an impost makes the structure stronger, allows you to open one or both doors, put the sash "for ventilation". But, such a frame design contradicts the philosophy of the “French” window, the meaning of which is the absence of an impost.

With shtulp

Shtulpovye shutters in the open state allow you to get panoramic view from a window that does not spoil the vertical lintel. However, such sashes can only be rotary (and not tilt-and-turn). But the very idea of ​​a French window lies precisely in the absence of obstructions for viewing or passage, which makes sash windows more “correct”, i.e. in French style.

3. From a functional point of view:

Portal window

Portal window system- this is a window, one or more wings of which open, performing the function of a door. The portal system of a window differs in the considerable area and reliability. A French portal window is installed at the exit from the house or instead of a balcony block.

Book or accordion

It also performs the function of a door, and the difference lies in the way the door is opened. In this case, the door moves apart - it folds like an accordion, allowing for a wide passage. Folding accordion windows are popular in large areas.

4. According to the opening method:

Hinged windows

Similar to traditional doors. They are preferred when installing French windows in narrow openings where it is not possible to organize a fully functioning sliding window system. The hinged window-door can open inward or outward. For opening the classical handle is used.

Parallel sliding (sliding)

The most reliable and functional, and because of this, the most popular system of windows with parallel sliding opening. The window has sliding sashes that can move around, i.e. drive off to the side parallel to the frame. Latches and latches are used to open and hold the door open.

Sliding sash device options are shown in the diagram:

Sliding type book (accordion)

The accordion window opens as fully as possible, and the sashes are assembled in the so-called "parking space". Restriction for installing windows sliding type is an small area premises.

5. From the standpoint of the material used to make the frame:

Despite the significant size of the glass, and closed window openings, the frame for French windows can be made of any materials. Among those that are used are:

Oak, larch, less often pine are used as raw materials. For production, it is not an array that is applicable, due to the risk of its deformation, but glued laminated timber, as it is more resistant to external factors. Wooden French windows are captivating because they provide constant ventilation in the room, even when closed. However, the tree is demanding in processing and difficult to care for. All this led to a considerable cost of French windows of their wood. It can be said that they are designed for the segment of consumers with an income significantly above the average.

Aluminum french windows

The aluminum profile is in demand due to its lightness and high strength, which is very important for French glazing. Traditionally, aluminum profiles are used for cold glazing, but thanks to the introduction of thermal break technology, warm aluminum windows have appeared.

A thermal break aluminum window profile is a structure that has a thermal insulation layer(thermal bridge or thermal break). Due to the presence of a thermal break, it became possible to make warm glazing using aluminum profile.

Aluminum french windows can have different configuration. Designed for consumers with an income above average. They can be considered an intermediate link between wood and plastic.

Plastic french windows

PVC profile is used for the manufacture of standard window blocks, and for French ones. Plastic is strong enough, easy to process, it can be used to make a frame of any configuration. In a number of materials used for the manufacture of windows, plastic is distinguished by its low cost. To reduce thermal conductivity, plastic profile can have from 3 to 7 chambers. PVC windows are designed for a wide range of consumers.

Glass-composite French windows

They are new to the market. Glass composite windows have proven themselves due to low thermal conductivity, low weight, and strength. The disadvantage is the high cost.

6. By type of glass used:

  • thermopolished glass (float glass);
  • tempered glass;
  • electrochromic glass (smart glass), the degree of transparency is controlled by an electronic system remotely ( expensive technology, from 35 thousand rubles per square);
  • triplex. Glass consists of two parts, between which the film is placed.

Triplex windows are safe. Triplex glass is more resistant to stress, it is difficult to break it, and when broken, it does not shatter into thousands of sharp fragments, but crumbles (or is held by a film) into rounded fragments.

7. According to the layout option (shpros):

A private house with French windows will always be unique due to the variety of layouts that are used in its manufacture.

Decorative layout (bars)- this is a plastic or aluminum grill inserted into the window, which visually divides a large glass into several blocks. Bars on windows are designed to strengthen a wide / high window and decorate it.

Types of bars on windows (layouts):

  • constructive. In this case, the bars divide a large window frame into several parts, each of which has a separate double-glazed window;
  • overhead (Venetian). Attached to glass. Are established outside or inside a double-glazed window. Serve solely for decoration;
  • interglazing. Are established between glasses during production of a double-glazed window. This location makes them undemanding to care for, since they are not exposed to environmental factors.

Pros and cons of French windows

As you can see, there are plenty to choose from. Such a variety of types and types of French windows is due to their merits and demand in the market.

Advantages of French windows:

  • panoramic view;
  • presentable and unusual appearance;
  • visual expansion of the space of the room;
  • maximum daylight(insolation). Installing a French window reduces the cost of electric lighting;
  • good thermal insulation properties;
  • excellent sound insulation (depending on the type of profile and material for its manufacture, the number of glasses in a double-glazed window and their type);
  • decoration of the facade of the house.

Disadvantages of French windows:

  • high price;
  • the need for air conditioning in the summer. During the day, the temperature in the room rises greatly due to the fact that double-glazed windows let in up to 95% of the sun's rays;
  • the complexity of caring for solid glass, which is especially important for residents of high-rise buildings. A French balcony window of a deaf design can only be washed with the involvement of industrial climbers;
  • difficulties with installation in a residential building, especially a multi-storey one (requires redevelopment, which is difficult to perform when installing windows in load-bearing walls);
  • the specifics of the installation of heating devices;
  • psychological discomfort. Some people have difficulty staying in the public eye all the time. Panoramic French glazing is designed to blur the line between the room and the environment.

French window installation options

Thinking through the interior design with the installation of a French window, you can use different ways its installation and finishing. At the same time, the owners of private houses have practically no restrictions, but the owners of apartments in a multi-storey building are limited in installation options.

French windows in the apartment

This option is possible only for owners of new buildings, which originally provided for the possibility of installing French windows. And the owner already independently decides whether to give preference to French glazing or use the traditional one, laying part of the wall with aerated concrete;

French window to the balcony (loggia)

One of the ways to visually expand the space of a living room. However, it should be remembered that the change in the geometry of the doorway entails, and as a result, the transformation of the structure bearing wall, which requires . And not always permission can be obtained. Unauthorized introduction of changes with subsequent legalization is fraught with fines;

French window in Khrushchev

They can be installed if the degree of deterioration of the structure allows and it is possible to make changes to the geometry of the openings. Given the period of construction of Khrushchev, one must also take into account the attractiveness of the surrounding landscape, as well as the likelihood of new buildings being built. In order not to hide the picture outside the window with massive curtains;

French windows in a private house

They give much more room for imagination. In country houses, such windows can take up very large area, sometimes two adjacent walls are subject to glazing. As a rule, such windows overlook the terrace, patio or garden, revealing the surrounding landscape to the residents of the house and allowing the room to continue by visually merging it with the environment;

French window in the kitchen

Allows you to more often enjoy the beautiful view outside the window. Since it is in the kitchen that users spend a significant part of their time without being distracted by appliances.

Heating under French windows

Floor-to-ceiling windows came to us from France, where the climate is much milder than the domestic one. Therefore, even residents of warm southern regions are forced to install heating radiators under French windows.

Ways of heating rooms with French windows:

  • installation of heating radiators on the wall of the room opposite the window. In this case, the heating of the room will be uneven and condensation may appear on the windows. Despite the fact that French windows belong to the warm type of glazing, due to the large area they are a source of heat loss in the house;
  • installation of floor convectors. Ideal Solution when installing heating in rooms with panoramic windows. But, the cost of built-in convectors is very high. In addition, hidden heating systems under the windows are laid at the construction stage, because. installation is carried out in the ceiling (in the floor). Therefore, they are more often used in private homes.
    Key advantage floor convectors is that warm air rises directly from under the window, which creates a kind of thermal curtain and prevents rapid cooling of the room;
  • underfloor heating (water, electric)- at the correct calculation and installation provides uniform heating of the room. Installation is possible both in houses and apartments. The material was prepared for the site

Condensation on French windows

The main problem faced by the owners of "French" (from floor to ceiling) windows is the appearance of condensate. That's what heating is for. But one heating is not enough, you need to provide good ventilation. Preferably supply and exhaust (in modern houses with airtight windows, one hood will not be enough). Due to poor ventilation high humidity which will result in condensation inner surface double-glazed window.

French-style windows can be considered an interior decoration in themselves. However, if desired, they can be tinted, decorated with stained-glass windows, decorated with pleated blinds, roller blinds or ordinary curtains made of light dense materials, most often organza. Sliding screens can be used as protection from prying eyes. The main thing in the design of French windows is to emphasize their elegance.

French windows price

An important aspect of installing French windows is their cost estimate.

The price of windows consists of the following components:

  • glass area. The size of the surface to be glazed has the greatest impact on the final cost of the entire project;
  • equipment;
  • quality of fittings;
  • type of profile and the number of chambers in it (for metal-plastic);
  • the material from which the profile is made;
  • type of sash - solid or sectional;
  • frame color - white, laminated (for metal-plastic and aluminum profiles);
  • opening mechanism;
  • quality of window seals. To check the quality of the seal, you need to squeeze the elastic band and release it after 5-10 seconds. A high-quality seal will instantly return to its original state;
  • the presence and place of installation of the layout (shpros);
  • type of glass and the area of ​​each double-glazed window;
  • frame configuration;
  • brand (REHAU, Kaleva, etc.);
  • the complexity and volume of installation work.

You can calculate the cost of a French window even before calling the measurer; for this, special calculation calculators are designed, which are posted on the pages of manufacturers. Such a preliminary calculation will help to make an estimate of the work and navigate the total costs of the French glazing project.

Approximate prices in the table (PVC profile, height 2700 mm.)

Summing up, it can be noted that French windows - perfect option for a modern private house or apartment. Installing panoramic windows from floor to ceiling is a great way to make your home non-standard, add a touch of French chic to it and maintain a sense of home comfort.

If a beautiful landscape opens from the windows of your apartment, and you like to admire natural beauties for a long time, then installing panoramic French windows will be a logical decision. By introducing French windows to the balcony, you will turn it into cozy place where you can comfortably drink a cup of coffee in the morning or relax after labor day in the evening enjoying the view. A French window instead of a balcony block, in addition to an excellent panoramic view, will provide high level natural light throughout the day and in the adjacent room, which will help save money on electric lighting. In addition, French windows are a modern and very stylish element of architecture, which is an indicator of the prestige of the owners of the apartment. In this article, we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of installing French windows on a balcony, and also show original ideas their design in the photo selection below.

French windows to the balcony - advantages and disadvantages

The term "French window" itself implies a panoramic window construction from floor to ceiling with a minimum number of partitions. This type of panoramic glazing has not lost its popularity over the years, as it is very attractive from an aesthetic point of view and has more advantages than disadvantages.

Today there are three types of French windows:

  • With sliding doors, called "portal"
    Such a window consists of one or more glass sheets that move along special rails.
  • With swing doors
    Often, hinged sashes are used for panoramic windows used as doors to access the balcony.
  • book door
    The French balcony window, made in this format, is suitable only for warm balcony or loggias, since such a design does not have good thermal insulation between the wings. A feature of windows of this type is a certain number of sashes that fold into an "accordion" and open a wide passage.

Type of a particular French window, its dimensions glass panels selected depending on the installation site, as well as the taste preferences of the owners. original variants for the execution of French windows on the balcony, see the photo below in the article.

What are the advantages of French windows:

  • Visual expansion of the space of the balcony and the room combined with it;
  • A significant increase in the natural illumination of the balcony and the room combined with it;
  • No need to finish the outside and inside of the balcony parapet

What are the disadvantages of French windows:

  • The high cost of panoramic window structures;
  • The complexity, and sometimes the impossibility of installing large windows in already built houses or apartments;
  • Increased heat loss in the cold season, as well as overheating on sunny days in summer, due to the high thermal conductivity of glass, will require additional costs for heating and air conditioning;
  • Large window difficult to clean

French window to the loggia: materials used for manufacturing

For the manufacture of modern panoramic windows, only quality materials, since the design of the window must withstand the considerable weight of the glass panels. The most popular materials for making window frame are wood, plastic and aluminum.

Metal-plastic windows

Metal-plastic windows are affordable and require a minimum of maintenance. The disadvantage of French windows made of metal-plastic profile is a short service life.

Wooden windows

French windows made of natural wood, the most expensive in price, but have undeniable advantages. Such windows have a noble appearance and a much longer service life compared to plastic windows. For the manufacture of frames, wood species such as larch, pine or oak are used.

aluminum windows

French windows made of aluminum profiles are comparable in price to wooden windows, they are also characterized by the longest service life. The aluminum window profile can be painted in a large number of colors, and also has different shape which you can choose according to your taste.

What should be the correct installation of the French window

In order for your brand new panoramic window to last a long time and not create problems, it must be installed correctly. It is best if the installation will be carried out by professional window installers who will give a guarantee for their work.

Installation of the French window is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Dismantling the standard balcony block and changing the geometry window opening under a new window;
  • Installation of a window frame in the opening with the installation of window sashes;
  • Alignment and fixing of the structure;
  • Filling joints with mounting foam followed by waterproofing

Updated: August 18, 2017 by: Andrey Zinchenko

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French windows: how to combine aesthetics with warmth and functionality

What is a French window? What functions do French windows perform in the interior of a house or apartment? What frame material is best? And what should be the fittings and double-glazed windows? In my article I will try to answer all these questions from the standpoint of my own experience.

What it is

First, what are French windows.

These are just floor-to-ceiling windows. Often the same name is transferred to panoramic windows on a low parapet or window sill, which, strictly speaking, is not entirely correct.


The advantages of the solution are obvious:

  • Solid glazing dimensions increase illumination housing. Natural lighting is less tiring for the eyes than artificial lighting;
  • The large window allows enjoy the views surroundings (unless, of course, it does not go to the wall of a neighboring house or a garbage dump);
  • French windows are also attracted by the fact that visually expand the premises. The dimensions of the rooms are the main weak point of typical city apartments.

In houses classified as architectural monuments, it is impossible in principle to obtain permission to remake the facade.

  • The radiator installed under the window will also have to be transferred (as a rule, from the cabinet to the wall adjacent to it). Like any other configuration change engineering networks buildings, this again requires agreement with the residents;
  • The price of a French window will be noticeably higher than that of a window standard size- simply because of the much larger area;
  • In general, a panoramic window means and increase in heat loss, which will cause increased heating costs (of course, in the presence of heat meters);

By choosing the right double-glazed window, heat losses can be reduced to a level comparable to losses through a section of the wall corresponding to it in area. How to do this, I will tell later.

  • French windows without a thermal curtain created in front of them will constantly covered with condensate. It will not only impair visibility, but will also collect puddles on the floor, which is unlikely to benefit parquet or laminate. The problem is solved, but at a cost significantly higher than the cost of a standard-sized heating radiator;
  • In summer, a large glass area will mean heat in the room. It will become an overheated greenhouse, the problem of cooling of which will have to be heroically solved with the help of air conditioning, blackout curtains and protective films;
  • The room on the lower floor will turn into an aquarium accessible to any passer-by. To protect yourself from prying eyes, you will have to keep the curtains drawn around the clock, which deprives the installation of panoramic windows of any sense.

Didn't scare?


frames modern windows made from three materials:

  1. Glued wood. Unlike the array, its dimensions are constant regardless of humidity fluctuations;
  2. PVC. It is plastic windows that occupy the largest sector of the respective market;
  3. Aluminum.

Usually, aluminum frames supply panoramic glazing cold balcony. It is unsuitable for warm rooms due to its high thermal conductivity: each section of the frame will be a cold bridge.

The main disadvantage of glued wood is its high cost: a French window to a balcony made of relatively cheap pine will cost the buyer at least 45-50 thousand rubles. Usage noble breeds(oak, ash, beech) can at least double the cost.

The frame material is natural oak.

Soft woods scratch easily. Fortunately, they are also highly maintainable: the surface is easy to restore by puttying and polishing.

In the dry residue - frames made of polyvinyl chloride. At a relatively low cost, they:

  • Have a service life of several decades;
  • Perfectly tolerate temperature fluctuations in the range from -60 to +80 degrees;
  • If necessary, they are quite convincingly stylized under a tree with a decorative film.

Help in choosing

What to look for when ordering French windows?


Both the service life of windows and the convenience of their use depend on its quality and wear resistance. I preferred fittings manufactured by the German company Siegenia; exclusively good feedback I have heard about Maco, Roto and Winkhaus products.

What is bad about inexpensive accessories from little-known manufacturers?

First of all, the quality of the metal. As a rule, the handles turn first: their square cut turns first into a square with smoothed corners, and then into an almost perfect circle. Often, wear on the pressure rollers causes the window to stop closing tightly.

What, besides the name of the manufacturer, should you pay attention to when choosing accessories?

  • For the presence of the notorious pressure rollers at the bottom and top of the opening sash. If the sash is fixed only with the tongue of the central lock, its edges will inevitably move away from the insulation, leaving gaps and increasing heat loss. Drafts in the winter cold are also, I think, useless for the owner of the home;
  • The ability to open the sash in the transom mode, tilting its top towards the room. This will allow you to ventilate the room in rainy or snowy weather, without fear of puddles on the floor;
  • For the presence of microventilation - fixing the sash in a slightly open position by a few millimeters. It allows for air flow.

The fact is that Soviet-built apartments were designed for wooden frames: the gaps in them ensured the inflow fresh air into the rooms, while exhaust ventilation was carried out through the gratings of ventilation ducts in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. The plastic window closes hermetically, so the inflow has to be provided artificially.


The instruction for choosing a profile is similar: it is worth giving preference to eminent manufacturers. The fact is that Rehau and KBE do not save on the thickness of the metal liners, which makes the profiles more rigid. French windows have a large area and experience a significant wind load, so the rigidity of the frame and frame is important.

For panoramic windows in my attic, I preferred the cheaper Chinese Hautec profile. Window with total area at 26 square meters they perfectly tolerate strong winds characteristic of Sevastopol winters, however, when the wind gusts, the frames vibrate noticeably.

Double-glazed windows

The most common are single-chamber (with two glasses) and two-chamber (with three glasses) double-glazed windows. The former are actively used in the warm regions of the country, the latter are in demand in areas with a temperate and cold climate.

In addition, a double-glazed window can be:

  • Energy saving. In this case, one of the glasses (so-called i-glass) is provided with a cathode-applied multi-layer sputtering of silver and titanium oxide. The spraying has a limited permeability to infrared radiation and significantly reduces heat loss due to radiant heat, and also reduces room heating in sunny weather;

Along with the i-glasses produced since the 90s of the last century, there are k-glasses manufactured using the older technology on the market. Their coating is hard and applied to hot glass. It loses to the soft coating of i-glass in terms of translucency (70% versus 90) and reflectivity in the IR spectrum.

  • Noise-proof. Soundproofing is ensured by the installation of glasses different thickness and different gaps between them. Noise-proof double-glazed windows are appropriate in windows overlooking busy streets;
  • Light-protective. Glass, limitedly permeable to light in the visible part of the spectrum, will reduce the insolation of the room to a comfortable level and reduce its heating.

I will give some interesting facts related to energy-saving glass:

  1. The maximum thermal efficiency is ensured by a double-glazed window with two energy-saving glasses. In terms of resistance to heat transfer, it is approximately equal to brickwork 70 centimeters thick;
  2. A two-chamber double-glazed window with one energy-saving glass lags behind it by only 2 - 3 percent;
  3. A single-chamber double-glazed window with one energy-saving glass is 25% more efficient than a double-glazed window with ordinary glasses(at the same time, it is also one and a half times lighter, which means less load on the profile and fittings). It exceeds the usual single-chamber double-glazed window by 45%.

For installation in a private house located in the sunny and warm Crimea, I preferred a compromise between cost and efficiency - single-chamber double-glazed windows with one energy-saving glass.

On the right - the leader among double-glazed windows in terms of thermal efficiency, on the right - its a budget option for warm regions.

Here are the impressions of their three years of operation:

  • In peak winter cold(for a moment, for two days there was a rare cold for Sevastopol of -20 degrees) comfortable +20 in the attic with an area of ​​​​60 square meters supported one inverter air conditioner with a thermal power of 4.1 kW;
  • In cooling mode, its power is 3.6 kW. The air conditioner copes with the cooling of the attic at +35 on the street and the sun illuminating the glazed pediment at an angle close to a straight line;
  • The heating of the floor in the area illuminated through an energy-saving double-glazed window is noticeably less than the heating of the same area illuminated through an open window. balcony door. This indicates effective filtering of thermal radiation.


Is it difficult to install French windows in a house or apartment with your own hands?

Their installation is fundamentally no different from the installation of any other plastic window.

  1. The lower edge of the opening is leveled as far as possible;
  2. Holes for fasteners are drilled in the box in increments of no more than a meter;
  3. The box with the double-glazed windows removed is set according to the level on the supports;
  4. Holes for fasteners are drilled into the walls and into the floor directly through the box;
  1. Then the window is fixed with long screws with plastic dowels and foamed around the perimeter. If necessary, a drip led under the frame is attached outside.

Mounting foam must be puttied. Polyurethane foam is not resistant to ultraviolet radiation and begins to crumble in the light after a few weeks.

Sun protection

The problem of protection against excessive illumination and overheating has already been mentioned by me. How is it solved in the event that the composition of the double-glazed window does not include solar control glass?

  • window sticker solar control film. It is better to glue the film on a double-glazed window taken out of the frame and cleanly washed. Before the sticker, both the glass and the film are abundantly wetted with soapy water, after which it is expelled from the center of the double-glazed window to the edges. This will avoid the formation of air bubbles;
  • An excellent solution for rectangular windows is blinds and fabric roller blinds. Blinds (especially aluminum ones) provide complete protection from the sun. A fabric roller blind allows you to preserve the natural lighting of the room, but reliably protects you from immodest looks from the outside;
  • for windows freeform suitable for sun shades. As a curtain material, I preferred blackout - a dense fabric with minimal light transmission.

Thermal curtain

How to create a thermal curtain before french window?

For this purpose are used:

  • Low (200-350 mm) radiators floor installation. Due to the small heat transfer to the section, they have to be made multi-section. In order for the battery to warm up along its entire length, not lateral connection, and the scheme is "bottom down";

This scheme will make the eyeliner hidden in the floor for most of its length. In addition, a radiator connected from the bottom down does not need to be flushed: sludge is carried out of the lower collector by a stream of water.

  • Floor convectors and fan coil units (this is the name of convectors with forced airflow, which increases heat transfer). The convector can be installed between the floor joists or embedded in a screed;
  • Often, a warm plinth is mounted along the window - a compact convector with a decorative screen. It can be water and electric. The second option means high operating costs, but does not require laying pipes in the floor;

The flow of air heated by the air conditioner eliminates the appearance of condensate on the windows.


I hope that I have succeeded in satisfying the curiosity of the dear reader. To learn more about how French windows look and how they are mounted, the video in this article will help you. Feel free to share your own experience in the comments. Good luck, comrades!

September 20, 2016

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Progress developed rapidly, windows from France also. If you look at what was before and what is now, you can see a significant difference. The current characteristics are already distinguished by large heat capacity, high hardening and so on. Thanks to them, now you can enjoy the warmth in the house and at the same time extraordinary beauty.

It is very easy to improve the appearance of your cozy nest, and at the same time its comfort will increase. In order to solve such a problem, it is necessary to replace doors or windows; windows, of course, will serve as the best way out. V this moment French windows are becoming very popular. Although you won’t find them in every home, they can become a real highlight of the whole home.

French windows, or as they are called in another way window-doors, occupy a large area (from wall to ceiling). This type windows will look amazing in a room where there is access to a garden, an inner little house or just a balcony. External nature will gracefully emphasize home comfort.

Therefore, French windows have become widely used in cottages and private houses, they are an indispensable element of decoration. Amazing landscapes open up to the eye, which stand out favorably. If the room has space, then the decision to put French windows on the balcony will be indispensable. You should also think about installing window-doors, such a solution will look much more successful.

French windows are not only a joint step with fashion, they are originally practicality, convenience and gorgeous view. To emphasize the grace of windows, you can use air curtains or Japanese panels, but if there is no desire, you can leave it as it is. Having put them, the room will be completely transformed, and will make you the owner of a modern cozy home.

French windows in the apartment, old houses and Khrushchev

French windows are beautiful and very fashionable, despite the long history of windows. But is it worth putting them in old houses? Of course, if conditions and means allow, why not. It is worth noting that even if there is a great desire, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons. For example, if a nondescript view opens from the window, then why spoil the atmosphere at home? All the attention of both guests and yours will be drawn to a bad view from the window.

Find out in advance whether they will build any skyscraper opposite, which will completely ruin the whole mood, and the view from the window will depress. After all, in this case, you will have to close the windows with massive curtains, and the windows will simply become useless and will not fulfill their original function - to decorate, emphasize beauty.

But to use French windows as interior doors quite possible. This technique will visually expand the space of the rooms. Light will penetrate much more, and if you still choose lamps of soft colors, they will be wonderfully combined with door-windows. For such windows, it is best to select light curtains without weighting elements.

You can also use French windows between the balcony and the room, but only if the wall is not load-bearing. So watch and think for yourself. It all depends on a personal decision, the decision of the whole family, on tastes and preferences.

In which houses is it better to put French windows?

French windows are best inserted into . In such cases, the beautiful scenery from the window will have a wonderful effect on the mood throughout the house. One has only to imagine "the sun is shining outside the window, water is boiling in the kettle, good book", such windows improve the view of the house. Windows can only be installed when parks or other pleasant landscape are visible outside the window.

If the house has a terrace or garden, do not hesitate to put French windows. Beauty guaranteed! No need to worry that they can break, because they are very durable.

The types of French windows are wide enough. To date, their choice of different colors and textures is huge. For example, ancient old times, such windows are in palaces, and to this day they delight the eye. They are distinguished by their massiveness, but, despite this, they look very beautiful.

Now you can find a large assortment of modern French windows. They can be both massive and light in appearance. You can choose for yourself what you need, absolutely for every taste. Moreover, if something does not suit you, you can order and clarify which elements should be added and which should be removed to fully comply with your desires.

Features of installation of French windows

French windows are also called panoramic windows - these are special, large window-doors that occupy the entire wall from floor to ceiling. Thanks to such designs, the room becomes lighter and visually expands. These windows look very beautiful and fashionable.

French windows are installed mainly in cottages and own houses, preferably in the room from which there is access to the garden or courtyard. When installing such windows, one should take into account one very important point: The area of ​​the glazed space should be no more than 10% of the total area of ​​the room.

French windows can also be installed in apartments if a beautiful landscape opens from the future window and no buildings will be erected in the near future. Usually windows are mounted at the exit to the cylinder. But there are some nuances here: redevelopment is definitely needed, it is possible to glaze a wall only if it is not a carrier. Otherwise, the consequences can be very unpleasant and deplorable.

Fittings for French windows are chosen carefully and with high quality, especially if the windows are not planned to be deaf. The sashes must withstand a sufficiently large load, so reliable special systems are used.

Panoramic windows are not cheap pleasure, but the costs are justified. Thanks to French designs, the room becomes unusually cozy and chic, beautiful views open up, lighting improves, and a fabulous atmosphere is created.

Installation of French windows on a balcony or loggia

At the beginning of the installation, the balcony block should be dismantled, and then the geometry for the future opening should be changed. It is best to invite qualified specialists to install French windows. Only with their work, the windows will last long enough. The sashes will not loosen over time, sound insulation and thermal insulation will not be disturbed, which is very important.

When working, you need to do everything sequentially and not grab onto everything at once. For example: the fastening of the frame in the opening is done separately, as well as the fastening of the wings to it. The frame of the balcony door is inserted into the opening, aligned and only then fixed. Window systems are designed for heavy loads, so it is important to maintain a gap of 10 to 20 mm between the wall opening and the balcony door.

Strong dowels are used to fix the block. Since the fasteners will subsequently have to carry the entire structure, therefore, everything must be done firmly and conscientiously. Around the perimeter of the block, you need to use dowels for fastening more often than with. If the weight ratio on the fasteners is incorrect, frame distortions are possible. To prevent this from happening, adjust the height and tightness of the fit.

The last step will be filling the joints between the wall and the block with mounting foam. It is necessary to remove the remains before the foam solidifies, if removed after, then the thermal insulation will be violated. After filling, the joints must be sealed, waterproofing tapes are suitable for this. Now the window is completely ready for operation.

Heating with installed French windows

The climate in Russia is naturally harsher than in France. Therefore, it is best to think about heating in the summer. At the present time, there are two main ways: underfloor heating, convector heating. Everyone is familiar with underfloor heating, but few are familiar with convector heating.

The principle of convector heating

Its heating principle is quite simple and familiar to everyone, even from school lessons physics. The lower layers of air heat up, become heavier and rise up (principle), thus, the rooms are evenly heated. In particular, with French windows, this happens like this: convectors are simply built into the floor, a heat exchanger has already been installed in its gutter, the top is closed with a decorated grille.

The convector itself has the shape of a rectangle, but if this shape does not suit everyone, everyone has the right to order it to their taste. The same is the case with the color of the lattice. You can select it from huge amount colors, can be matched to furniture upholstery, flooring or even curtains.

With strong noise from the heat exchanger, you can use a damping plate, it is pasted over the supporting surface. Often such plates come in a set, if such a plate was not available, they must be purchased.

Care is very simple, it does not even require monthly cleaning, it is enough just once a year to walk with a damp cloth and clean the gutter with a vacuum cleaner. With careful care of the owner, flawless operation will last for many years.

Questions with documents

Replacing old windows with modern ones, especially French ones, is a wonderful thing, but very troublesome. And these claps are connected not only with the installation of windows, but also with the documents that need to be issued for their installation. To begin with, you need to get the appropriate permission to install French windows in the apartment from the owner of the building.

If the building in which your apartment is located is not a typical building, or it is located in a landmark area of ​​the city, then you need permission from the architect or city architect. With these papers, you need to contact the design organization, which will give you a document confirming the possibility of redevelopment, make a window project, and conclude an agreement on technical supervision.

In addition to the listed permits, there must be a technical passport for an apartment issued by the BTI, a permit from the Ministry of Emergencies, a permit from Rospotrebnadzor, a copy of the certificate of ownership (certified by a notary), a single housing document.

With all this package of documents, as well as with your application, you need to contact the interdepartmental municipal commission. After submitting the necessary papers, the commission will consider your application and issue (or refuse) a building permit.

It cannot be said that French windows are a curiosity that has just appeared in fashionable interiors. This type of glazing is already about two hundred years old, and for the first time it really appeared in France, more precisely, in the southern regions of this country. French glazing came to Russia at the beginning of the last century, some old mansions and villas.

Why French windows are popular today, what are their features and what types of such glazing exist - the answers are in the article.

What is a French window and where is it appropriate

French windows are large glass partitions occupying the entire space from ceiling to floor.

Attention! Although this is not entirely correct, quite often French windows are called structures with low window sills, that is, all large glass.

The sashes of such windows can open inward or outward according to the principle hinged doors, there are also options sliding structures when the glass slides along the guides parallel to the wall, thereby opening the passage. And yet, French windows can be stationary, without the possibility of opening / closing. Often they make an entire wall or even a corner of the house.

In fact, French windows act as a door, because when open they open a passage, freeing up space from ceiling to floor. Most often, they are used as an exit to the street, to the terrace or balcony.

Install structures French type possible in several cases:

  • in private cottages or country houses, panoramic glazing can be used both on the first and higher floors;
  • when the terrace is open, tall windows help create the illusion of unity with nature;
  • v apartment buildings French glazing is used on loggias and balconies, and a panoramic window can replace a partition with a door or be installed instead outer wall Houses.

In principle, panoramic glazing is functional only on the first floor of a country house - here a floor-to-ceiling window serves as an additional exit, a door leading to the street or to a shady terrace.

In apartments, this type of glazing is used only in a decorative sense, decorating walls and balconies with high glass.

Important! Having become interested in panoramic frames, you need to learn about all the nuances of this option.

Features of windows to the floor

French windows, the photos of which really look amazing, attract many fans for a reason: an apartment or a house is simply transformed with this type of glazing.

This effect is connected with the advantages of panoramic windows, and there are many of them:

  1. Huge transparent glass throughout the wall plays the same role as a mirror - it expands the boundaries of space. Therefore, French windows are loved not only by the owners of luxurious cottages, but also by the inhabitants of ordinary Khrushchev houses. A room with floor-to-ceiling glass visually seems larger, especially since a dismantled window sill along with a radiator adds a few more precious centimeters.
  2. Sunlight through the huge glass penetrates much more than through a standard size frame. Therefore, the house becomes not only lighter, but also warmer. V winter time southern panoramic windows may well heat the room, provided that the days are sunny. You can use the light transmission capacity of panoramic windows and vice versa: by installing such glazing with north side houses or apartments, you can significantly brighten the rooms in winter, and open the doors in summer, letting cool air into the house.
  3. From a decorative point of view, clear glass certainly looks better than a stone or concrete wall. But there is one condition: order should reign in a room with panoramic glazing, because all the flaws in design and cleaning will be visible from the outside.

With all the pluses, it should be noted that panoramic glazing is not suitable for everyone. After all, French windows also have disadvantages, for example:

  • the transparency of glass can play a bad role, especially for glazing on the lower floors - all passers-by, as well as residents of neighboring houses, will be able to see everything that happens inside the house with large windows.
  • Installing a panoramic window is justified only if it overlooks a picturesque park, a quiet street, overlooks a lake or forest. When the French window shows the wall of a neighboring house or car parking, its installation, to put it mildly, is unjustified.
  • Do not forget about the large heat loss through the frames and glass. The birthplace of the panoramic window is warm Provence, there are no frosts, snow and fierce winds. In local realities, French windows sweat due to temperature differences, become covered with frost, all this leads to puddles on the floor and damaged laminate. Among other things, a decent part of the heat escapes through the large glass, and only high-quality frames can withstand the load from the wind.
  • It is best to plan the installation of French glazing at the design stage of the house. Otherwise, you will have to break partitions, demolish walls, transfer communications.
  • The cost of French windows is an order of magnitude higher when compared with conventional frames. This is due not only to size, but also to increased strength frames, stronger fittings, special opening systems.
  • Well, and finally, washing large glasses is quite difficult, but you will have to do this not only inside, but also outside the house - otherwise, what's the point in such glazing.

Advice! Going to order a French window, you should think about your privacy, because after installing the glass on the floor, it will be under threat - every person from the street will be able to see what is happening on the other side of the glass.

As you can see, there are many cons. But all the shortcomings of French windows and the problems associated with them fade into the background only when you see photos of houses and apartments with panoramic windows - indeed, this is very impressive!

How to choose French windows

It is possible to level the shortcomings of panoramic glazing if you correctly approach the issue of choosing frame designs, fittings, double-glazed windows, and take care of the maintenance of such windows.

Important! Owners of private houses can at least replace all the walls with glass, but apartment residents must obtain permission for redevelopment. After all, the installation of a panoramic window will entail the destruction of structures (walls, window sills, cabinets), as well as the transfer of radiators.

frame material

As for standard glazing, for panoramic option three types of frames are used:

  • wooden;
  • metal-plastic;
  • aluminum.

Each option has its own characteristics. So, aluminum is usually used only in unheated premises, since the material creates cold bridges, it is not able to retain heat inside the house. But the aluminum profile is very durable, the frame can withstand strong wind loads. In favor aluminum windows says the durability of the material. The installation of such a profile is justified in the southern regions with a mild climate, on unheated balconies or for glazing terraces.

Natural wood frames are an expensive pleasure. You need to know that only glued wood is used for windows, which does not deform from temperature and humidity changes. The advantage of wood is its porosity: the room will be able to "breathe" if wooden frames are installed in it.

It is not without reason that metal-plastic frames have conquered the whole world: they are cheaper than wooden ones, retain heat well, are strong and durable. And yet, there is the possibility of decorating plastic, imitating the same tree, or painting the window in any shade.

Advice! When choosing frames for panoramic glazing, you should give preference well-known manufacturers, because the glass in the floor should ensure safety.


Most of the heat from the house escapes through the glass. To minimize heat loss, many technologies have been invented. The most common of them:

  • two-chamber or three-chamber frames with air gaps between the panes;
  • filling the space between the panes with gas;
  • sputtering on one of the glasses of a special polymer.

It must be understood that a conventional frame with one or even two glasses will not be able to provide the same thermal insulation that brick or cinder block masonry provided. The calculation of heat losses and the search for options to reduce them must be approached very seriously, otherwise the panoramic glazing will simply “weather” all the heat from the house.

French window features

As mentioned above, French windows can swing inward, outward, or move along the guides to the side. There are several more types of opening of such doors: rotation around a vertical or horizontal axis, folding into an "accordion", opening a door like a "portal" and others.

You need to choose the way to open the window, based on the following factors:

  • whether the glazing acts as a door or will it be used only as a window;
  • whether there is a free space for the opened sash;
  • how tight the design will be, whether it can prevent heat loss.

Attention! It is imperative to provide for the possibility of opening at least one of the sashes of the French window, because this is necessary for the ventilation of the house.

One last thing about security

The psychological moment is very important, because the panoramic window on the top floor is a “portal to the abyss”. Not all people can withstand the pressure of emptiness and height, so they begin to cover the windows with curtains, and place vases and pots of flowers on the floor. You need to immediately think, and, perhaps, install a window not on the floor, but still make at least a small window sill.

If there are children in the house, it is better to wait a little with panoramic glazing. A simple double-glazed window will not protect the baby from injuries and falling out. Even when buying heavy-duty glass, you cannot protect it from traces of children's hands - the glass will have to be constantly washed and rubbed.

Advice! Special window radiators will help prevent fogging and icing of glass. They also keep the heat inside the house.

When deciding on panoramic glazing, you should think through everything to the smallest detail, weigh the pros and cons. Yes, it's beautiful and very effective, but illiterate editing, poor quality and a psychological barrier can nullify all efforts and force them to look for ways to solve new problems.