Care rules

Some rules for the care of indoor plants.Peace indoor plants.

How good home plants will be depends only on the person. If you don't take care of them, they will die. Caring for indoor plants in winter and summer is different. Therefore, in order for the plants to please the eye, it is necessary to follow the rules of care.

1. Need to create temperature regime.

2. Provide light mode.

3. Ensure proper watering.

4. Maintain the required air humidity.

5. Give plants mineral nutrition.

6. Provide peace (caring for indoor plants in winter).

7. Provide access to fresh air.

9. look after appearance.

8. Talk to plants.

1. Temperature

Maximum and minimum temperature that the plant can withstand plant species
Minimum 5-8 deg. C for very hardy plants Aspidistra; grape; Grevillea; gelksin; clivia; laurel; pelargonium; ivy; succulents; chlorophytum; yucca
Minimum 10-13 degrees. C for not very hardy plants Araucaria; asparagus; bromeliads; balsam; begonia; dracaena; coleus; kalanchoe;
monstera; arrowroot; orchids; ferns; palm trees; pilea;
paperomia; reo; streptocarpus; sansevieria; philodendron; hoya; ficus; shefler
Minimum 16 deg. C for delicate plants Aglaonema; anthurium; akalifa; dieffenbachia; dizygoteka; caladium; codiaum; calathea;
The maximum temperature is 23 degrees. WITH Suitable for most indoor plants normal humidity air
The maximum temperature is 28 degrees. WITH Suitable for most indoor plants under conditions of high humidity

Temperature violation danger signals for domestic plants:
1. The leaves of indoor plants begin to curl, darken and fall off - the reason is low temperature air.
2. Begin to fade lower leaves, the edges darken and the leaves at the very bottom of the plant fall off - the reason is the high air temperature.
3. The leaves of plants begin to turn yellow and fall off - the reason is a sharp jump in air temperature. (A sudden jump in temperature over 6 degrees C can even kill the plant).
Only succulents and cacti are not afraid of temperature fluctuations.

2. Light mode.

Window sill where there is no direct sunlight. Anthurium; azalea; asparagus; begonia; bromeliads; grape; dizygoteka; dieffenbachia; zygocactus; monstera; pilea, peperomia; ivy, scindapsus; spathiphyllum; fuchsia; chlorophytum; chefler; cyclamen. The direct sun hits sometimes. Window sill or place near the east or west window of Beloperone; ginura; codiaum; capsicum; cordilina apical; nerter; touchy; poinsettia. Solar window. window sill with south side or close to it. Agapanthus; bougainvillea; bouvardia; hibiscus; heliotrope; hippeastrum; zebrina; coleus; lanthanum; cacti; callistemon; citrus; oleander; pelargonium; passionflower; celosia; the Rose; succulents;
3. Watering mode

4. Air humidity mode for house plants.

Many plants cannot stand dry air. Therefore, there are a number of ways to increase the humidity of the air.
1. Spraying.
2. Grouping - plants are placed in groups. The air humidity in a group of plants is much higher than near a single plant.

3. Use of double pots. The space between the two pots is filled with peat, which increases the humidity.

4. Plants are placed on a tray of pebbles, which also increases the humidity.

5. M mode ineral nutrition.

What to feed. Plants need nitrogen, especially leaves. Phosphates - roots. Flowers need potassium. For this, various fertilizers are used.

- powder and granular have the disadvantage that they are scattered on the surface of the soil and they do not immediately reach the roots, in addition, with the onset of a dormant period, they cannot be completely removed.

- pills and sticks - very convenient way, but the disadvantage is that fertilizers are concentrated in one place.

- liquid fertilizers - the most convenient way to feed.

When to feed. From spring to autumn - regularly. During the dormant period, either completely stop or significantly reduce.

6. Rest mode. Caring for houseplants in winter.

The rest mode is very important for plants - although this is often forgotten. Usually this period falls on the winter. Plant growth slows down, some leaves fall. During this period, it is necessary to significantly reduce or stop watering, to the extent possible, create a lower temperature regime, stop or significantly reduce top dressing. If these conditions are not met, the plant will suffer significantly. The beginning of growth in the spring indicates that the dormant period is over.

7. Mode with fresh air.

The green leaves of plants produce oxygen themselves. However, many of them need an influx of fresh air. Fresh air supply:

- lowers the temperature hot weather;

- lowers relative humidity in places of a large accumulation of plants, which protects against gray rot;

- strengthens the stems and increases resistance to diseases;

— destroys traces of toxic fumes.

Need ventilation: araucaria, balsam, cacti and other succulents, pelargonium, schisanthus, tolmia, fatsia.

Some plants better in summer take out on open air- these are: acacia, pomegranate, laurel, passionflower, tropical cacti, citrus fruits, yucca.

8. Care of appearance m of plants includes:

- Wash mode.

Dust not only spoils appearance plants, but also interferes with normal gas exchange with external environment. Therefore, plants require bathing or washing with a sponge. Young leaves are best just sprayed and rubbed. Cacti and other succulents are dusted with a brush.

polishing mode.

In order for the plant to have a beautiful appearance, it is recommended to polish it. It is best to use ready-made polishing sprays - the instructions always indicate which plants cannot be polished. Polishes are made on the basis of natural wax and other natural substances.

Forming mode.

Shaping involves tying stems to supports to create the most comfortable and attractive plant shape. There are various supports - trellises, tubes with moss, hoops, lattices. They try to tie up new shoots - while they are still small.

- Pinching.

To form a plant, it is sometimes necessary to remove a growing point on the stem.

- Pruning.

To form the crown, the branches of plants are cut off - if possible immediately above the kidney.

- Cleaning.

It is necessary to remove dead leaves, damaged stems and wilted flowers.

9. Try to talk to house plants.

You will give them love and care, and they will give you their beauty.

Houseplants" alt="(!LANG:fialki-ru543-stereo.gif" width="458" height="381 src=">!} Air humidity: does not play a significant role.

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Reo - grassy rhizomatous plant short

fleshy erect stem, from which depart

densely planted to each other leaves linear-lanceolate

forms dark green, red-violet below,

about 30 cm long.


Light: In summer, shade from direct sunlight, light partial shade. Good lighting is needed in winter.

Temperature: In winter, it requires coolness, preferably no higher than 15 ° C, optimum temperature 10-12°C. When kept in winter at temperatures above 20 ° C, regular spraying is required.

Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn, moderate or rare in winter, depending on temperature." width="134" height="129 src=">

Motherland Japan. It is an evergreen perennial herbaceous

plant. She has an underground creeping rhizome, glossy

leaves on long petioles broadly oval or lanceolate

shape, about 50 cm long and 15 cm wide. at the base of the sheet

you can see 1 or 2 reduced sheets covering

petiole. Flowers are small, magenta, appear under the leaves on short stalks.


Light: In summer, shading from direct sunlight, i.e. a bright place, light partial shade. Good lighting is a must in winter.

Temperature: It develops well only in warmth, not lower than 18°C, the optimum temperature is 22-23°C. Does not tolerate drafts.

Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn, more moderate in winter, but the soil should never dry out completely. Spathiphyllum does not tolerate stagnant water in the roots." width="109" height="63"> Bud" href="/text/category/buton/" rel="bookmark">buds ." width="175" height="103">

Motherland - South America. Chlorophytum is one of the most

common indoor plants. This is not surprising: he quickly

grows, it has beautiful curved leaves, and in spring and summer on thin

stems appear first small white flowers, and then tiny rosettes of leaves. They can be separated and rooted. Another reason for the popularity of chlorophytum is its hardiness. Chlorophytum refers tolight-loving plants


Light - bright light

Temperature - In winter, they are kept at a temperature of 10-16C. The plant can tolerate higher temperatures good lighting and high air humidity. In summer, it is recommended to take it out into the open air.

Watering - plentiful, the soil must be constantly moist," alt="(!LANG:401tsvet04.jpg" width="408" height="369">left">!}

Herbaceous plant up to 60 cm tall from the balsam family, originally from

tropics of East Africa. It first appeared in Europe in 1596. among the people

is called the light - for the bright color of flowers blooming large

part of the year. The stems are fragile and juicy, break easily, juice flows out of the fracture.

The leaves are fleshy, ovate, with a lack of moisture quickly sag. flowers

in the axils of the leaves are red, purple-pink, with a long curved spur.


Hardy Moody" width="79" height="77 src=">.gif" width="77" height="81 src="> Direct sunlight Diffused light Penumbra Shade" width="129" height="63"> Watering

Good drying of the soil Light drying of the soil Constantly moist soil Water level in the sump


Light:penumbra. The plant should be shaded from direct sunlight.

Temperature: for abundant flowering the temperature is not lower than 18°C, preferably 20-25°C.

Watering: regular.

Air humidity: The plant tolerates spraying well." width="127" height="124">" width="90" height="97">

perennial herbaceous plant height 25-40 cm, compact form, shiny leaves, large, about 8 cm long, flowers 3-5 cm in diameter, white, pink, yellow, red, non-double, semi-double and double. Motherland - tropical and subtropical regions of America, Africa and Asia.

In 1812, begonia received an interesting Russian name- "Napoleon's ear", since in outline and reddish color of the underside, the leaf of some types of begonia really looks like a large frostbitten ear.


Light: bright scattered.

Temperature: v spring-summer period 23-25°C, in winter most species need a temperature of 12-15°C, but they tolerate wintering well in the warmth of a living space.

Watering: plentiful in spring and summer. In autumn, watering is reduced, in winter it is watered moderately." width="83" height="76 src=">

Ficus does not like change, so it is better to immediately determine for him permanent place and, if possible, do not move, move or disturb. In summer, ficus can be taken out on Fresh air, balcony or terrace. For ficus, a bright place with shading from direct sunlight in summer is suitable.


Light: bright diffused light, tolerates both light partial shade and full shade. But for variegated plants, bright intense light is needed, since the variegated color of the leaves is lost in the shade.

Temperature: spring-summer period prefers moderate within 18-25 ° C, in autumn- winter period temperature long time should not fall below 14-16 ° C, in the event of a prolonged decrease in temperature, the plant becomes ill." width="90" height="97 src="> Air humidity: It is useful to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth." width="86" height="78">

Sansevera is a perennial rhizomatous evergreen herbaceous plant with erect succulent lanceolate leaves. It usually blooms in spring, in April - May, with small white flowers collected in racemose inflorescences. Enough comes from them at night strong aroma vanilla. All species of this genus are extremely unpretentious and very hardy.


Light: scattered, from the midday rays should be shaded.

Temperature: moderate, spring-summer period, the optimum temperature is about 20°C, at temperatures above 24°C, should be high humidity because it does not tolerate high temperatures well.
In the autumn-winter period, the optimum temperature is within 14-15°C.

Beautiful resistant fern, the most hardy among indoor crops ferns. Nephrolepis - fast growing plant. The most common types Nephrolepis sublime with straight leaves up to 60 cm long. The fern is unpretentious and suitable for vertical compositions.


Light - I bright light

Temperature - in the spring-summer period 20-26°C, in winter 16-18°C, the plant is able to tolerate temperatures as low as 12°C.

Watering - the soil should be constantly moist, but excessive watering or, conversely, drying out the earthy coma, can lead to the death of the plant and adversely affect flowering." alt="(!LANG:primula_gor_219.jpg" align="left" width="324" height="431 src=">!} Air humidity - Moderate, the air around the plant is sprayed from time to time. It is necessary to avoid getting moisture on the leaves of the plant.

A herbaceous flowering houseplant with a shortened stem and a rosette of round, hairy leaves with wavy edges. It is grown as a 1-2-year-old plant, since in subsequent years it blooms weaker and loses its decorative effect. Inflorescences - umbrellas of bright pink, white, red or purple flowers - rise as a second tier above the leaves. Primrose blooms from early spring to December.


Light: bright, scattered, can grow in the shade.

Temperature: moderate, in summer 20-25°C (not higher than 25°C), in autumn-winter period 12-15°C, not lower than 5-8°C.

Watering: plentiful in summer winter time watering is reduced, making sure that the substrate does not dry out, but also is not very waterlogged." alt="(!LANG:flower_img_625" align="left" width="373" height="497 src=">!} Air humidity: high.

Curly semi-shrub. Shoots branch profusely, glabrous. The leaves are reduced to tiny (0.5 cm) triangular brown scales. Modified stems (phyllocladia) resembling filiform leaves are collected in bunches of 3-12. Their length is 0.5-1.5 cm, diameter - up to 0.5 mm. They are slightly curved, light green, give an openwork look to the whole plant. Separate shoots are oriented horizontally, forming a kind of finely pinnate leaves. Flowers small, solitary or 2-4, white. Homeland - Eastern and South Africa; grows in subtropical and tropical forests.


Light: bright scattered. Shade the plant from direct sunlight.

Temperature: in the spring-summer period 20-25°C, from October the temperature is reduced to 12-14°C, when the plant begins to produce a peduncle, the temperature is increased to 18-20°C.

Watering: moderate, soft settled water. During dormancy, the plant is not watered or watered only if the plant has begun to shed its leaves.

Air humidity: does not play a significant role.

Clivia orange - grassy perennial. It does not have a stem - the leaves are collected in a basal rosette. The leaves are belt-shaped, dark green in color, up to 60 cm long. Throws out an inflorescence of 10-12 flowers at the end of a tall peduncle in early spring.

GERANIUM (pelargonium)

Light: bright. The plant tolerates direct sunlight.

Temperature: summer - room. In winter, pelargoniums are kept as cool as possible, at a temperature of 8-12 ° C.

Watering: moderate, as pelargoniums do not like waterlogging. In winter, the plants are watered very sparingly.

Air humidity: On hot days, you can spray.

Geranium can be grown on the windowsill, and in the garden or on the balcony. In addition to its beauty, geranium creates a positive aura around itself. It is easy to care for her, she is rarely exposed to diseases, requires moderate watering and not too nutritious earth mixture, drought tolerant, has high vitality. They bloom for a long time with large and colorful inflorescences.


Light: bright. The plant is able to tolerate direct sunlight.

Temperature: during active growth 18-25°C. During dormancy, the plant is best kept in a cool place, at 10-12°C.

Watering: regular during growth. During the dormant period, watering is reduced.

Air humidity: does not play a significant role." width="112" height="99"> .jpg" alt="(!LANG:13800.jpg" align="left" width="322" height="483">!} Watering: Abundant in summer, moderate in winter. Does not tolerate stagnant water in a pot or drying out an earthen coma. Dracaena are suitable for growing hydroponically.

Air humidity: Dracaena are resistant to dry air, regular spraying" width="174" height="95"> left">

Aloe or agave - genus succulent plants family Asphodelaceae, containing about 400 species.
The genus name comes from Arabic, in translation from which it means "bitter".
Plants native to Africa are widely distributed in South Africa, the mountains of tropical Africa, Madagascar and the Arabian Peninsula.


Light: Hibiscus loves a bright, sunny and warm location;

Temperature: Hibiscus is quite thermophilic. In summer they are kept at a temperature of about 20-25 ° C. Winter at 15-20°C, minimum 13°C.

shower", washes dust from the leaves and protects against pests." width="143" height="92"> Air humidity: Spray regularly.

Hibiscus It is a plant of the Malvaceae family. Motherland - Southeast Asia. In culture, the species is common Hibiscus Chinese or Chinese rose . evergreen shrub, at home from 70 to 1.2 m tall. Blooms quite easily good care large, up to 12 cm in diameter flowers. Flowering can be very abundant and long - from spring to autumn, although the flowers do not last long - about two days. Flowers come in different shades - orange, yellow, red, pink or white, as well as different shapes- simple or terry. There are varieties with variegated leaves. For the summer, it is better to take the plant out into the garden, but the place should be protected from the wind and slightly shaded.


Light: Moderate, in winter the optimum temperature is 10-14 ° C, with more high temperature monstera is growing fast.

Ttemperature: The temperature should be above +16 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is lower, the monstera stops growing. In winter, it is advisable not to allow the temperature to drop below +12 degrees. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a balance between humidity and temperature.

Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn, watered in winter so that the soil does not dry out, but is not waterlogged." width="111" height="99 src=">

MONSTERA Homeland - East India and South America. monstera beautiful evergreen pertaining to vines. The plant is not very whimsical and grows rapidly, occupying half a room in 3-4 years.


1. Water your plants room temperature. In addition, the water should stand for several hours. In summer, flowers are watered in the evening, in winter - in the morning.

2. Loosen the surface of the earth in a pot with a stick so that air enters the roots. Be careful not to damage the roots of the plant.

3. Wipe dust from large smooth leaves with a damp cloth or sponge. Plants with small leaves and pubescent leaves are cleaned of dust with a soft brush.

4. Carefully cut dry leaves and twigs from plants. Keep clean flower pots and coasters.


Do not flood plants. The root system needs not only moisture, but also air. Excessively moist soil can lead to the death of the plant.

Provide peace. In winter, plants need to be watered less often, fed less and kept at a lower temperature than during the period of active growth.

Accept the inevitable loss of some species. A number of plants often given as gifts wither after a few weeks. Such decorative flowering plants are designed for temporary use.

Create a humid environment. Due to heating, the air in the room becomes dry during the winter season. Therefore, during this period, you should increase the humidity in the house.

Destroy pests promptly. Indoor plants are not immune from various misfortunes. Timely pest control will save the plant and the nerves of the grower.

Group plants. The combination of plants of the same species or color in groups contributes to better development. The correct grouping is to create similar conditions for keeping and care.

Do a transplant. After a year or two, many plants need to be transplanted into a pot. bigger size.

Choose the right growing conditions. The plant must meet certain conditions. So, a shade-loving plant does not fit a place on sunny windowsill.

Have the necessary care equipment. The grower will need to get a watering can with a long spout, a sprayer, a set of pots, liquid fertilizer, pesticide and other the right tools.

Know the specifics of caring for each plant. A particular plant has its own nuances according to the conditions of detention. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the care of each plant.

Tip 2: Basic Houseplant Care Information

If suddenly you have been visited by the desire to plant greenery in your apartment, but you don’t know where to start, take on board a few simple tips.

How to choose a plant?

It does not matter what plants you decide to decorate the space around you, the main thing is that caring for them does not cause trouble. At good flower the following danger signs are absent:

  • the plant is unevenly leafy;

  • sluggish leaves;

  • there are voids between the wall of the pot and the earthen clod;

  • roots grow through the opening of the pot;

  • all flowers open - no buds;

  • signs of disease or pests;

  • green plaque on the outer walls of the pot and on the surface of the soil.

The importance of the right interior

For most plants, the best backdrop is a simple, unpatterned wall in a light pastel color.

Variegated or flowering plants with numerous pale flowers suitable dark background.

Keep in mind that small leaves are lost against the backdrop of wallpaper with a large pattern.

And don't be afraid to boldly contrast the color and shape of the plant and the background!

Choosing the right conditions

Shadow prefer aglaonema, aspidistra, gelksina, sansevieria, scindapsus.

In partial shade keep aglaonema, aspidistra, dracaena, fern, ivy, sansevieria, scindapsus, dwarf ficus.

Light, but without direct sunlight, place suitable for hibiscus, irezina, cacti, coleus, lantana,.

Occasional direct sun - ideal conditions for zebrina, capsicum, codeum, saintpaulia, nightshade, tradescantia.

On the sunny window put azalea, asparagus, royal begonia, dieffenbachia, monstera, ivy, chlorophytum, cyclamen.

Close to the source central heating put bilbergia, geranium, zebrina, oleander and palm trees, but in a cool place - white perone, gelksina, cacti, clivia, rose, fatsia, chlorophytum, cyclamen.

10 golden rules for a beginner grower

  1. Be sure to get the necessary equipment that will take care of plants easy and enjoyable.

  2. Choose only those plants that you can provide the required care.

  3. Don't flood the flowers!

  4. Do not forget about humidifying the air in the room.

  5. Leave your plants dormant during the winter months.

  6. Learn right.

  7. Before buying a new plant, learn the rules for caring for it.

  8. Group plants: this is how they look and develop better.

  9. If the plant looks unhealthy, take action immediately!

  10. The lifespan of individual plants is short - keep this in mind.

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Tip 3: Rules seed propagation indoor plants

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Symbols Air humidity Relation to light Endurance Watering Hardy Capricious Normal temp. Regular spraying Good drying of the earth Light drying of the earth Constantly wet earth Water level in the pan Direct rays Diffused light Partial shade Shade 18 C

UZUMBARA VIOLE A perennial herbaceous plant with a shortened succulent stem bearing a rosette of leaves. Leaves up to 8 cm long, petiolate, heart-shaped at the base, broadly oval or rounded, with a wavy edge, dark green, reddish strongly pubescent below. The flowers are collected in 2-7 flowering inflorescences, on long axillary peduncles. Corolla dark purple with five lobed two-lipped limb (2 lobes shorter than 3 others). Light: bright. The plant is able to tolerate direct sunlight. Watering: water is poured into the pan every other day in summer, twice a week in winter. 18 C

CLIVIA Orange clivia is a herbaceous perennial plant. It does not have a stem - the leaves are collected in a basal rosette. The leaves are belt-shaped, dark green in color, up to 60 cm long. Throws out an inflorescence from flowers at the end of a tall peduncle in early spring. 18 C

SANSEVIERA (PIKE TAIL) Sansevier is a perennial rhizomatous evergreen herbaceous plant with erect succulent lanceolate leaves. It usually blooms in spring, in April - May, with small white flowers collected in racemose inflorescences. At night, they emit a fairly strong aroma of vanilla. All species of this genus are extremely unpretentious and very hardy. 18 C

CHAMEDOREA Shrubs or low palm trees with thin, straight, often annular bamboo-like trunks, single or several, 12 m high and up to 3 cm in diameter, forming numerous offspring, sometimes curly. The leaves are wide, pointed, often folded, often directed downward from the base (in bushy ones they grow along the entire trunk). The petiole is cylindrical, narrowly grooved, 3075 cm long. Inflorescence axillary or forming below the leaves, simple or paniculate. The flowers are small. Provided proper care behind the plants in the rooms, the chamedoreas grow well.

Begonia tiger perennial herbaceous plant cm high, compact form, shiny leaves, large, about 8 cm long, flowers cm in diameter, white, pink, yellow, red, non-double, semi-double and double. Homeland - tropical and subtropical regions of America, Africa and Asia. In 1812, the begonia received an interesting Russian name - "Napoleon's ear", since the outline and reddish color of the underside of the leaf of some types of begonia really look like a large frostbitten ear. 18 C

Zephyranthes Perennial herbaceous plants. The bulb is ovoid-rounded, ovoid, small, 23.5 cm in diameter, with a short or elongated neck. Leaves linear or belt-shaped, herbaceous. Flowers crocus-shaped, partly stellate, singly on thin shoots, white, reddish, pink, yellow, bicolor. Blooms in spring, summer, winter. 18 C

ASPARAGUS PIRISTIC Climbing subshrub. Shoots branch profusely, glabrous. The leaves are reduced to tiny (0.5 cm) triangular brown scales. Modified stems resembling filiform leaves (phylloclades) are collected in bunches, their length is 0.5-1.5 cm, diameter is up to 0.5 mm. They are slightly curved, light green, give an openwork look to the whole plant. Separate shoots are oriented horizontally, forming a kind of finely pinnate leaves. Flowers small, solitary or 2-4, white. Homeland East and South Africa; grows in subtropical and tropical forests.

FICUS rubbery ficus does not like change, therefore it is better to immediately determine a permanent place for him and, if possible, do not transfer, move or disturb him. In summer, ficus can be taken out to fresh air, a balcony or terrace. For ficus, a bright place with shading from direct sunlight in summer is suitable.

GERANIA (pelargonium) Geranium can be grown on the windowsill, and in the garden or on the balcony. In addition to its beauty, geranium creates a positive aura around itself. It is easy to care for, seldom diseased, requires moderate watering and not too nutritious earth mixture, drought tolerant, and has a high vitality. They bloom for a long time with large and colorful inflorescences. 18 C

NEPHROLEPIS Beautiful resistant fern, the most hardy among indoor ferns. Nephrolepis is a fast growing plant. The most common types of Nephrolepis sublime with straight leaves up to 60 cm long. The fern is unpretentious and suitable for vertical compositions.

BALZAMINE Herbaceous plant up to 60 cm tall from the balsam family, native to the tropics of East Africa. It first appeared in Europe in 1596. In the people it is called a light - for the bright color of flowers blooming most of the year. The stems are fragile and juicy, break easily, juice flows out of the fracture. The leaves are fleshy, ovate, with a lack of moisture quickly sag. The flowers in the axils of the leaves are red, purple-pink, with a long curved spur.

Chlorophytum Homeland - South America. Chlorophytum is one of the most common indoor plants. This is not surprising: it grows quickly, it has beautiful curved leaves, and in spring and summer, small white flowers appear on thin stems, and then tiny rosettes of leaves. They can be separated and rooted. Another reason for the popularity of chlorophytum is its hardiness. Chlorophytum refers to photophilous plants.

SAxifrage This is a herbaceous plant, with leaves collected in a rosette. The leaves are rounded, about 5-7 cm in diameter, with a serrated edge, pubescent on both sides. The color of the leaves is dark green, with light stripes along the veins, the underside of the leaf is lighter interspersed with reddish dots. The saxifrage forms long mustache lashes, at the end of which child rosettes are formed. Forms an inflorescence panicle of small inconspicuous white-pink flowers.

COLEUS A plant from the mint family native to tropical Africa and Asia. It is a bushy plant up to 35 cm tall with quadrangular juicy, almost transparent stems and velvety leaves with rich coloration and serrated edges. In most forms, the leaves are similar to nettles. The main attraction of the plant is the leaves, variegated, with a varied combination of red, yellow, green, Brown, spots and stripes. Coleus blooms, throwing up a panicle with small nondescript flowers. 18 C

Dracaena bordered 18 C This is a perennial plant growing up to 3 m in height, with a thick woody stem, which usually has little branching and is very bare. Leaves up to 50 cm long, about 1-2 cm wide, glossy, narrow-lanceolate. The color of the leaves is predominantly green, but depending on the variety, it may have yellow or red stripes.

SPATIPHILIUM Homeland South America, East Asia, Polynesia. If this herbaceous plant is picked up appropriate place, then it can bloom almost the whole year. In addition, spathiphyllum begins to bloom in quite early age- after 6-7 months. The flowers last quite a long time - more than a month. Therefore, spathiphyllum flowers are also used for cutting for bouquets. Large specimens are grown in tubs.

ASPISTRA Homeland Japan. It is an evergreen perennial herb. She has an underground creeping rhizome, glossy leaves on long petioles of a wide oval or lanceolate shape, about 50 cm long and 15 cm wide. At the base of the leaf one can see 1 or 2 reduced leaves enclosing the petiole. The flowers are small, purple in color, appear under the leaves on short stalks.