Those who choose climbing plants for the garden will soon appreciate their merits. In addition to the fact that they grow with great (sometimes, lightning) speed, creepers are decorated with decorative leaves or flowers. The main advantage that climbing plants have is that they do not take up much land. After all, their realm is not a horizontal, but a vertical surface.

What climbing plants for a summer residence to choose?
You can start with annuals. They are supposed to be sown in the spring, and completely removed from the garden in the fall. These creepers will appeal to those who like to update vertical flower beds every year.
1. Ipomoea purpurea

It is an annual vine that stretches up to 8 meters, so next to it you can put arches for climbing plants. Its leaves resemble hearts, and the flowers are gramophones. The size of the inflorescences ranges from 5 to 8 cm. The shade also varies from variety to variety: it can be white or pink, red or purple, plain or with contrasting spots and a border.

These garden vines are unpretentious in care. They don't even need to be replanted every year. From their boxes, seeds fall to the ground in autumn, which successfully winter and germinate next year.

2. Kvamoklit

Another type of morning glory, the garden vines of which are decorated with pinnately dissected leaves with many small flowers. They resemble neat stars of a white or red hue.

Kvamoklit - these are climbing flowers for the garden, which will certainly wrap around all obstacles. Therefore, it is used to create beautiful garden sculptures.

3. Moonflower (Ipomoea moonflowering)

The milky-white gramophones of this plant for the gazebo are opened only in cloudy weather. They can also be admired in the early morning or after sunset. The flowers grow up to 10 cm in diameter.

4. Momordica

It belongs to the list "Climbers for the fence, fast growing." It is used for decorating walls as it grows very high. Momordica belongs to pumpkin, so its main decoration is fruits: oblong and orange with bumpy skin.

5. Winged Thunbergia

Its curly annual vines create a solid carpet of greenery that is adorned with yellow-orange flowers. Moreover, each new bud appears from the sinus of the next leaf. Therefore, it seems that the whole plant is simply strewn with them.

6. Rhodochiton dark red

It is considered one of the most beautiful flowering climbing plants. Its flowers are mini umbels of a purple-red hue. They remain on the shoots until the end of October. It is necessary to sow rhodochiton for seedlings in February.

When you want stability in decorating the garden, perennial loaches come to the rescue, which remain to winter in their place, and next year they only continue to grow further. These plants have different needs that you need to know.

7. Clematis

These perennial climbing plants for the garden decorate the cottage with vines with huge flowers. They are demanding to care, because they do not tolerate excessive soil moisture and direct sunlight. The presence of constant support and calm is a prerequisite for their landing.

It is impossible to leave clematis completely without pruning. Since their whips can eventually move to the roof or pavilion, and sometimes even to the neighboring area. In terms of pruning, these climbing garden plants can vary greatly depending on the variety.

For example, alpine and mountain clematis lay flower buds in the second half of summer. Therefore, you need to cut them carefully, making a slight correction in June. Total removal of shoots is necessary only for the complete rejuvenation of the plant.

Clematis purple blooms once a year: on the shoots of this year. This allows you to cut the vines every year, leaving only twenty centimeter stumps above the ground. Some varieties of clematis bloom twice a year. Therefore, the shoots of these climbing plants are recommended to be shortened by half in the fall.

8. Kampsis grandiflora - excellent climbing plants for the gazebo

Its powerful vine grows every year and becomes thicker. Gradually, it becomes covered with bark. The gazebo or fence will be securely covered with a tent of bright green leaves. On them clusters hang bell-shaped flowers, painted in an orange hue.

These perennial loaches are not whimsical to care for. They only need a shaping pruning. In the central regions of Russia, young shoots can freeze from severe frosts. Therefore, they need to provide shelter for the winter.

9. Schisandra chinensis

In most regions of Russia, it will not grow above 4 meters, although at home it can grow by 15 meters. Its oval leaves fall by autumn. White flowers up to 1.5 cm in diameter exude a pleasant aroma. By the end of the flowering season, they turn pink. This climbing plant for the garden retains its decorative effect in autumn, as bright red racemose polyberries remain on the branches.

Since lemongrass needs a support around which it will wrap itself, it should be taken care of in advance. Care for it consists in controlling the growth of branches. Schisandra chinensis also develops better if you mulch the soil around its roots.

10. Maiden grapes

These perennial climbing plants known to many gardeners for the gazebo remain green all summer. The end of August is a time of transformation: the foliage takes on crimson-pink hues or purple. It should be noted that the fruits are inedible.

In the matter of care, the main thing is that a very strong support for climbing plants is needed - girlish grapes. Therefore, it is desirable to plant it along solid buildings.

In summer, it produces an excessive amount of side shoots. In June, it is recommended to cut all vines. To do this, 2-3 sheets are supposed to retreat from the last brush and cut off. If there are no brushes on the whip at all, then a piece, half a meter long, needs to be removed from it.

Refers to shade-loving plants. These climbing plants are suitable for a fence or the northern wall of a building. Its shoots are covered with many small leaves. Therefore, the entire surface, shrouded in ivy, seems green. You can plant perennials near the gazebo, then they will stick around it all. Because the plant attaches its vines to everything in its path with the help of suction cups.

Ivy is unpretentious in care. It easily tolerates pruning, which is indispensable. Since the plant can penetrate under the roof and damage the roof. In the central regions of Russia, it can freeze from low temperatures. But it recovers quickly.

12. Curly honeysuckle

These perennial climbing garden flowers are used for fence decoration. You can use decorative varieties, such as Honeysuckle or Brown, and edible. Honeysuckle honeysuckle is a climbing, densely branching shrub.

The leaves are elliptical in shape, and clusters of small flowers are located in the axils of the leaves. In addition to the decorative function, in the evening hours, these climbing flowers for the garden will delight you with a delicate aroma.

Caring for a climbing plant consists in the formation of shoots of the desired length and density. That is, when the main vine has reached the maximum that is allotted to it, the top must be cut.

So it will be limited in growth and side shoots will begin to develop, which will add density to the shrub. Young honeysuckle (in the first three years of growth) can freeze in severe frosts. In this regard, it is recommended to cover it for the winter.

13. Kirkazon large-leaved

Also called Kirkazon pipe (Aristolochia macrophylla). Its climbing vines draw attention with decorative leaves. They are very large heart-shaped. All leaves are arranged according to the principle of tiles, so they create beautiful ornaments.

It is difficult to see flowers under this dense foliage. Moreover, they can only last a week, although more often they stay for a month. After flowering, fruit boxes remain on the vines.

Caring for this loach consists of abundant watering, as powerful leaves require a lot of water. Young plants in Russia are recommended to be removed from the support and covered for the winter. You can cut the shoots at any time, it easily tolerates pruning.

14. Common hop

These climbing plants for the garden grow well in partial shade. Therefore, these plants are planted along the fence. By autumn, pale green seedlings appear on the vines, which adorn the composition. Because they stand out decoratively against a darker background of foliage.

Hop care consists of autumn pruning. Since in winter the entire above-ground part of the plant dies off. And in the spring to control the growth of new shoots. If you want lush greenery, then leave them a little more.

Without climbing plants, the garden plot looks sparse, because it is they who create lush comfort and perfectly decorate any part of the territory. Loaches help hide gloomy corners, divide the territory into zones, plant trees and shrubs on walls, pergolas, arbors, fences. Consider the most popular and unpretentious types of vines.

Which loaches are more likely to choose?

The practicality of summer residents lies in the choice of non-capricious plants that grow well, are not afraid of harsh winters and are content with minimal care. The selection criterion is reduced to plants that can quickly grow green mass and tightly braid the support. They prefer flowering creepers and fruit-bearing vines, as well as early ones that begin to bloom with the arrival of spring heat. All liana-like plants are divided into annuals and perennials.

The most common annual loaches for summer cottages

The disadvantage of climbing annuals is the instability to frost and the need for annual sowing. At the same time, they are able to quickly create a green curtain, are decorative and bloom for a long time, as a rule, until the first frost. From a wide variety of species, consider the most popular of them.


It is used for gardening of protections, arbors. For a month shoots grow up to a meter, blooms from June until frost. The inflorescences resemble gramophones, which curl up with the onset of heat. The color depends on the variety: blue, pink, white, purple.


It has an elegant appearance and is valued for its decorative openwork leaves, vaguely reminiscent of pine needles. Miniature buds look like stars of different tones: yellow, pink, white.


It is considered the most spectacular annual liana. It has large bell-shaped inflorescences of lilac, purple, greenish-cream, white. To approximate the timing of flowering, it is grown in seedlings, otherwise budding will begin only in August. When using seedlings, it blooms in July, and pleases with the beauty of the inflorescences for almost four months - until the first frost.

Sweet pea
The most common annual loach with an extensive flowering palette. It is sown in the ground, quickly rises and wraps around the support. It is loved for its decorative effect and fragrant clusters of flowers.

Perennial loaches and creepers

In the presence of extensive and stable landscaping points, it is more reasonable to plant perennial climbing plants. Almost all of them have interestingly intertwining stem-like trunks. Creepers need high-quality support and auxiliary garter of young shoots.


The most popular liana, reaching a height of fifteen meters. Actinidia is a perennial, fruit-bearing, deciduous plant that is resistant to frosty climates. It has several varieties, the most popular among summer residents is the Kolomikta variety, valued for its delicious berries, reminiscent of the taste of overripe kiwi. Blooms in May-June, small inflorescences with a delicate aroma. Berries ripen at the end of summer, in September. Leaves that change color from white to variegated pink give a special decorative effect.

Versatile perennial loach growing up to three meters. It is used in different ways: for landscaping walls, arbors, pergolas. Often planted as an independent design element on lawns. It is famous for its abundant flowering, which lasts all summer. It has many varieties that differ in bud color and aroma.

Lianoid perennial, capable of climbing to any height. The shoots are adapted for self-fixation on uneven surfaces, so there is no need to make a support near the walls of houses, fences, and any buildings. Used as a groundcover. When planted in hanging planters, it transforms into an ampelous flower.

Surprisingly beautiful liana, preferring a warm climate. Valued for its decorative effect during the flowering period, clusters of flowers reach 50 cm. It has many varieties that differ in the palette of buds: white, lilac, pink, purple, etc. Wisteria Macrostachia is grown in the northern regions, this variety is adapted to low temperatures and tolerates up to -40C in winter .

girlish grapes
Unpretentious liana, found everywhere. Creates a dense green curtain on any venue. Thanks to the tendrils on the shoots, it easily climbs to heights of more than 20 meters. In open places, a garter and wire support is required. Girlish grapes winter well at any temperature, grows in the shade and in the sun. Care consists only in pruning the shoots and limiting the spread.


Perennial, pleasing with flowering and beautiful berries. Inflorescences have an interesting appearance similar to fuchsia bells. The fruits are orange, fiery red. There are deciduous and semi-deciduous varieties. It does not grow without support, it can reach a height of six meters. The most common varieties are Honeysuckle Honeysuckle; Brown; Telman.

Garden climbing plants are very popular in landscape design. With their help, you can plant a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden. They are used to decorate the wall of a building or the facade of a building. Thus, you can give a second life to dried trees. Interesting ideas for the garden can be viewed on the photo on the Internet.

All beautiful garden representatives are usually divided into two types - annuals and perennials. The former delight the eye for one season, while others decorate the summer cottage from year to year.

Perennial flowers for the garden

Climbing plants for the garden are also accepted distinguish by their decorative qualities. Some will captivate the hearts of gardeners with their exuberant flowering. Others draw admiring glances to their unusually shaped leaves.

As for the third, they are able to please with sweet fruits after flowering. It is also customary to distinguish the following groups of plants:

  • Those that grow like a carpet on the ground without additional support or creeping.
  • Clinging. These are creepers that have certain antennae. With their help, they are fixed on supports and continue to grow upwards.
  • Climbing. Plants with "airy" roots. There are special suction cups at their ends, so they grow well on rough surfaces.

Perennials also include:

  • clematis;
  • wisteria;
  • honeysuckle
  • ivy;
  • girlish grape.

Of course, this is not the whole list of perennial climbing flowers. Here are collected most popular plants. They require good fixed supports. Often this role is played by an ordinary fence in the country. After some time, the vines turn it into a real hedge.

Types of climbing plants for the garden

climbing rose. Not only professionals, but also amateurs give first place to a prickly, but beautiful plant called a climbing rose. No words are enough to describe her beauty. Climbing roses have a rich color palette, are characterized by abundant long-term flowering and are completely undemanding during care.

During a drought, you can not worry that it will somehow affect them. You can admire their flowers in the garden from late spring to late autumn. This flower is able to transform even a hut beyond recognition.

On numerous photos on the Internet you can see a lot of ideas for a planting site. Each beginner can grow such a flower on their own. To do this, you just need to buy a bush, plant it and water it well. Fertilize the plant several times during one season.

In the autumn, prune the resulting shoots. If the roses are on metal supports, it is better to remove them for the winter. This is necessary in order not to damage the shoots. In a fairly severe winter, prepare a shelter in the garden for a perennial rose.


Another perennial plant is clematis. It is simply impossible to take your eyes off these vines during flowering in the country. If you learn how to properly cut the shoots, the flowering of the plant can last until the very frost.

A large number of flowers cover the shoots, creating a deep blue, purple or white carpet. This is a great idea for decorating gazebos, trellises or fences. All they need is an open sunny place. Curly liana can be easily fixed to a support, forming the required shape.

For this plant need a lot of space so that it has room to grow. Can be planted in the ground near the house. Clematis will curl onto the house, creating a flowery wall. Climatis flowers can be of various sizes from small to large.


For honeysuckle, a shaded place in the garden in the country is suitable. A sweet aroma emanates from small bicolor flowers. It attracts many butterflies. So if you want your yard to be filled with a magical scent, don't forget honeysuckle.

The flower grows very fast. perennial honeysuckle does not require constant care and is not subject to many diseases. In order to get a fragrant flower wall, you just need to direct the shoots in the right direction.


They forgot about this plant, which can weave, and completely undeservedly. Thanks to vitality and unpretentiousness, it will give odds to even the most violently flowering plant. Of course, ivy does not have fragrant flowers, however, it is loved for other virtues.

Ivy - evergreen perennial plant. No matter which place you choose for him, in any case, he will feel good. Its sucker roots attach the stems to any surface. He is able to climb very high, weaving everything in his path.

Ivy has nothing to do with climatic conditions. From year to year he decorates the walls of buildings and hedges. It is worth just mentioning the famous ivy tower in Belgium. This is a confirmation of its popularity in Europe. With its help, loggias, terraces, balconies are planted.

Its only drawback is the constant moisture of the soil and slow growth. Ivy-covered walls are an excellent base for early flowering plants. And how mysterious the gazebo in the center of the garden looks, completely twined with ivy. Why not a secluded place for a romantic date?

girlish grapes

Maiden grapes - universal liana. The plant is a reminder of summer in the cold autumn season. An unusual liana called girlish grapes is distinguished by its palette of rich bright colors.

The beauty of the plant fascinates and at the same time enchants. He does not need special conditions and does not need to monitor his fixation. Its foliage grows rapidly, covering everything with itself and creating beautiful thick carpet.

From early spring to late autumn, the plant continues decorate fences and gazebos. The plant looks great. The only thing you need to watch is the density of the vine. But even this issue is easily solved with a secateurs.

Annual flowers for the garden

Designers prefer to use annual flowers to decorate the garden. This allows each year to invent new landscape design.

As you know, the life of such vines is short, but it lasts from spring to the first frost. Such loach can easily grow up to three meters in height.

These plants include:

  • morning glory;
  • kobeya;
  • sweet pea.

Some housewives prefer ornamental beans. Unlike perennials, these flowers need support, a lot of light. They need regular feeding and serve as a beautiful decoration of the garden.


Photos of planted areas with morning glory amaze the eye. As soon as the spring weather has stabilized, you can safely plant flowers in open ground. With the help of such a creeper, beautiful screens are created on balconies and terraces. climbing ipomoea decorates gazebos and fences.

These plants are suitable for planting in containers. Due to its rapid growth, by the middle of summer it creates a solid carpet. The shape of the flower resembles a small gramophone.

They are blue, magenta or purple colors. Ipomoea does not require care. The only thing is moisture in a very dry summer.


Kobeya is an annual vine, perfect for vertical gardening. The photo shows that numerous flowers resemble a real colorful bell waterfall.

After the flowering period, there is no need to remove the inflorescences, as the petals fly off on their own. This helps keep the plant neat and tidy. As for the seed pods, they look like small cucumbers.

Kobeya can curl well, but she is very demanding. Whimsical to the soil and requires regular top dressing. If you plant it in the country, respectively need constant supervision.

sweet peas

Sweet peas can be grown not only in the garden, but also on the balcony. This does not present any difficulties and even a novice gardener can do it. The aroma of this plant pleases in the summer.

Peas - favorite creeper for decoration balconies and terraces of many hostesses. Flowering continues for 4 months. Polka dots are rich in color palette. Resistance to frost, allows you to plant it in open ground even in the very early spring.

In the photo you can see that polka dots like to curl onto some kind of support, and this is true. This protects the plant from tangled shoots.

A sufficient amount of light and the timely removal of shoots and wilted flowers guarantees the duration of the decorative function of peas. Don't forget it too constantly water, especially in the country.

Support for climbing plants

If you have decided which plant to choose, an annual or a perennial, it's time to prepare for it. good footing. Even the appearance of the future green “rug” depends on it.

The only thing to consider when creating a support is its strength. It must withstand the strongest gusts of wind and even heavy rains. Basic rules for the construction of supports for climbing flowers and plants:

  1. Some climbing vines do not need additional support. They adapt to any conditions. In such cases, it is customary to use brick and stone masonry. These are harmless plants: ivy, parthenocissus, kampsis.
  2. Curly flowers just felt the surface under them immediately begin to gain height. For them, you can choose a thin lattice, mesh, or even ordinary stretched wire. These creepers are sweet peas and wild cucumbers.
  3. Creepers that tend to lean need additional construction. If you do not give them horizontal or vertical supports, they will spread all over the earth. This can be avoided by creating arches. Creepers look great in hanging baskets. These climbing plants include: clematis, honeysuckle and hops.
  4. Climbing roses need to create "worthy" living conditions. They cannot spin on their own. To do this, you will need to create more and additional fasteners.

Both perennial and annual flowers deserve special attention. Curly flowers in the country can make the garden more beautiful.

But they need to be constantly monitored and cared for accordingly. Do not forget about fertilization, watering and pruning. Plants will be grateful for your care and will delight you with abundant flowering and delicate aroma.

The decoration of any garden is deservedly considered elements of vertical gardening, which are created using climbing plants. The variety of types, shapes and sizes allows you to choose lianas for any purpose - whether it is the creation of a shady romantic gazebo, a topiary figure, a flowering zoning screen or decorating the wall of an outbuilding. As a rule, all climbing flowers for the garden are able to fix themselves on a support, and only a small part of them require a garter.

Every year, perennial vines are gaining popularity when used in landscape design. Currently, there are a sufficient number of species and varieties of plants in order to implement design fantasies and ideas in any region, taking into account climatic conditions. Curly garden flowers delight the eye, surprise with their diversity and possibilities.


The most welcome guests in any garden were and remain clematis. Their stunningly beautiful star-shaped flowers, framed by the dark green of the leaves, create mesmerizing pictures. A wide color palette from white to burgundy brown, including all shades of blue, is a distinguishing feature of clematis from other perennial vines.

Clematis will feel good not only on a rigid, but also on a regular grid, as it is able to fix itself with the help of leaf petioles. An obelisk or pyramid is also suitable as a support.


climbing roses

climbing roses

Climbing roses are no less popular with gardeners and landscape designers. Many varieties and types allow you to create true floral masterpieces. Modern varieties, for the most part, are all remontant (re-blooming), which made it possible to enjoy the extravaganza of blooming roses for almost the entire season. This shrub, by and large, is not a climbing plant, and its use in vertical gardening is associated with the ability to expel flowering shoots of great length. Self-climbing roses on a support (details of which can be found) are not fixed and require a girdle garter or fixation of individual lashes.


A beautiful, fast-growing, winter-hardy liana with a delicate fragrance that intensifies in the evening, climbing honeysuckle will brighten up any garden, effectively accentuate style and add charm to the most ordinary site. Many varieties that bloom at different times allow you to create a wave flower summer fairy tale.

The most common types of climbing honeysuckle are:

    • "Tatar"- liana, reaching 3 meters in length, blooms in May-June with white-pink flowers;
    • "Caprifall" can reach 6 m, flowering June-July, creamy yellow flowers with a reddish tint;
    • "Brown"- up to 5 m, blooms from mid-June for three weeks with carrot-red flowers;
    • "Telman"- 4-5 m, flowering from mid-May, very abundant for two weeks with golden yellow flowers;
    • "Serotina"- up to 4 m, the latest flowering, from mid-August covered with purple with a creamy core of surprisingly fragrant clusters of flowers.

Honeysuckle "Caprifall"
Honeysuckle "Brown"
Honeysuckle "Telman"

Highlander baljuan

Very powerful, up to 15 meters, intensively growing liana, in a season it can catch up to 5-7 m of new growth. Flowering is so violent that large (up to 10 cm) wide oval leaves are not visible. White, with a slight pink tint, small flowers are collected in loose pyramidal panicles 15-20 cm. Intensive branching allows the plant to form a huge green mass. It does not give root shoots, it is easily propagated by cuttings during the entire growing season, but it does not tolerate transplantation in adulthood very well. It is used to decorate unsightly outbuildings in the background. Not suitable for pergolas and arches - too powerful and heavy.

Campsis (tekoma, bignonia)

Campsis (tekoma, bignonia)

A tree-like sprawling liana that blooms from mid-summer for two months with bright orange or yellow gramophone flowers. A native of the tropics, campsis wakes up very late in spring, when the soil warms up to 15 degrees, while it is quite cold-resistant. A distinctive feature is the ability to attach to any support with the help of air suction roots. Without much difficulty it is fixed on stone, wooden, slate surfaces. Flowering on the shoots of the current year. Gives abundant root shoots.

petiolate hydrangea

Deciduous tree-like liana, capable of climbing to a height of up to 25 meters along a sheer stone wall with the help of adventitious roots. Glossy dark green, heart-shaped leaves make the petiolate hydrangea chic even when not in bloom. Starting from mid-June, during flowering, the climbing hydrangea is covered with huge loose corymbose inflorescences of small white flowers exuding a delicate aroma. Winter hardiness is quite high, prefers the eastern side and acidic soils. It develops poorly on mesh ventilated supports, preferring walls, blind fences, tree trunks.

Schisandra chinensis

Schisandra chinensis

Dioecious light graceful vine up to 15 meters in length, capable of producing a three-meter annual growth, a truly amazing plant. Not only decorative, but also healing. All above-ground parts have the widest range of applications in medicine. On the supports, lemongrass is fixed by shoots wrapping around it clockwise. Wooden or plastic supports are preferred to prevent freezing on metal in winter, since it is not possible to remove lemongrass from the support. Due to the large length of the shoots, they are mainly used for shading arbors and terraces.

In addition to climbing flowers for the garden, perennial decorative and deciduous vines are popular, the most striking representatives of this species are ivy and are used quite often.

girlish grapes
girlish grapes

girlish grapes

This fast-growing, unpretentious perennial vine does not lose its long-standing popularity with gardeners. Able to grow on any soil, requiring no care other than pruning, the plant is loved and revered in all regions as the best decorator of unsightly buildings and fences. In one season, girlish grapes are able to create a stable dense shadow in the gazebo, on the terrace, cover from the heat and protect the southern and western walls of houses from overheating. Its annual growth can reach 5 m. Large palmate dark green leaves are very decorative throughout the season. It is especially good in autumn, when there are already very few bright colors in the garden, parthenocissus flares with all shades of purple, giving the outgoing summer a solemn look.

Kobe climbing (pictured) in natural conditions is found in tropical parts of South America. Her name is...


An evergreen frost-resistant plant that has the ability to climb the walls of houses, poles and tree trunks without outside help. Adventitious sucker roots cling to any roughness and securely hold the vine in an upright position. The bloom is as inconspicuous as the leaves are - bright green, leathery, varnished, shiny, they form a dense surface, creating the illusion of impenetrability. In the absence of support, ivy spreads beautifully on the ground and covers it with a wonderful carpet.

In addition to shrub vines, perennial herbaceous vines - calistegia and aconite are no less popular and in demand.

Curly aconite

Curly aconite- herbaceous perennial, growing every year anew. The above-ground part does not hibernate. The height of the vine is up to 2 meters, the leaves are glossy, palmately dissected, openwork, the flowers are quite large. Flowering from mid-July. Prefers partial shade and moist fertile soil.

Calistegia terry- perennial, blooming with large pink double flowers. It climbs on any support, the height reaches 3 m. The flowering is very elegant and delicate. It should be remembered that this plant does not tolerate uncontrolled cultivation and needs to limit the root space, as it quickly and aggressively captures neighboring territories.

Curly annuals

Annual creepers are an integral part of landscape design. A distinctive feature of this group of plants is the rapid growth and continuous flowering throughout the season. If necessary, quickly create a decorative composition, make up for the winter losses of perennial vines, temporarily support and shade their young plantings, arrange topiary figures, the use of annual climbing flowers for the garden is often the only possible option. Planted along the fence, they will create a luxurious flowering hedge, drape the trunks of old trees and give the garden a festive look.

Ipomoea- the most common climbing annual with a wide range of colors. Heart-shaped large leaves, bright gramophones of flowers that open every morning and bloom until noon - this is the beauty of morning glory. Propagated by sowing seeds directly into the ground, in a permanent place.

Kobe climbing- exotic beauty, blooming with large purple or white bells up to 7 cm in diameter. Prefers fertile soil, sunny location, demanding watering. Reproduction only by seedlings. Sown in the ground may not have time to bloom in the middle lane.


Undoubtedly, the pride of every owner is a personal plot, decorated and landscaped with climbing flowering plants and bordered by a lace fence, which can surprise everyone with what will seem like a carpet, as if woven from leaves and unusual flowers.

Probably, nature itself provided for the creation of climbing plants for fences, so that they could take their rightful place when decorating a personal plot, contribute to the modification and transformation of the entire territory.

Weaving and climbing plants are one of the important components of landscaping the site, since only they can create lush greenery and flowering in places where you could not plant other plants.

Transparent fence entwined with climbing plants

Multifunctional elements for creating green spaces are plantations that wrap around the fence - both annual and perennial. If you use them, then you immediately solve several design tasks:

Advice. It is advisable to plant fast-growing plants along the fence, arbors and open areas to create such shade and light coolness that is needed in the heat.

By the way, you can take note that climbing plants visually make the territory of the infield larger.
It's time to take a closer look at curly and weaving flowers and plants for the garden with names, descriptions and photos.

Beautifully flowering and climbing perennials

Consider which climbing plants can be planted along the fence or around the gazebo, porch and any fence.


Gardeners believe that in the ranking of popularity and attractiveness among climbing plants - representatives of decorative flora - climbing (or climbing) roses are in the first place. The rich selection of these plants, which nature has awarded with the most unusual shapes and colors, is striking.

A perennial plant that does not require special care can be planted in his summer cottage even by a gardener who has just begun to cultivate various green spaces: you just need to plant a bush in the southern or southwestern part of the exposition, because that is where it is well lit. Then, at regular intervals, fertilize the rose and water it abundantly.

The soil around the roses can be sprinkled with grass, humus, straw, sawdust. Feeding with mineral fertilizers will not damage the plants.

Although roses are unpretentious in their care, with the onset of autumn cold they will attract your attention in order to prune long shoots up to three meters that have grown during the summer season and make additional shelter for them for the winter.

Climbing rose will decorate any fence

Most varieties of climbing roses begin to bloom in the first half of June, giving you and your guests a pleasant impression of the beauty of their flowering for three to four weeks. In other months of the year, your fence will be decorated only with the plant's dense foliage.

Light-loving plants reach the greatest splendor and decorativeness of flowering only in well-lit places.


The many-sided and fabulously beautiful flowers - clematis - are at the same high level of popularity among the owners of personal plots as climbing roses.

Star-like flowers open on shoots in early June and will delight the eye with their unusual flowering until the onset of the autumn period. After flowering ends, clematis seeds appear on the bushes. They are decorative so much that they will continue to decorate the territory until the winter season.

A wide variety of species and varieties contributes to the demand for clematis in their summer cottage. Herbaceous varieties can be planted on the lawn; clematis will look cozy near the reservoir. Semi-shrubs veil low fences, terraces.

Curly varieties will braid vertical surfaces: walls of houses, gazebos, fences, arches, special stands and fixtures - and you will find yourself in a fairy tale. Pergolas, openwork elements of buildings or a grid will serve as a support for clematis.

For comfortable growth, clematis need fertile soil, sun, moisture and protection from the wind. If you create good conditions and properly cut the shoots, then before the onset of the first frost, you can extend the flowering of clematis.

The root system of clematis is covered, protecting it from frost.

In the photo below - an open veranda dotted with clematis flowers.

Among the delightful exotic plants, a number of the best frost-resistant and winter-hardy varieties can be noted. For example, the Ballerina creeper, which was named after the famous 20th-century ballerina Maya Plisetskaya, blooms from May to September, has beautiful white flowers up to 15 centimeters in diameter, and rises to a height of up to three meters along the supports.

Also adapted to cold winters is the Nelly Moser variety. The flowers of this clematis resemble stars in shape and have light pink petals, similar to the flowers of a blooming spring apple tree. They bloom in May and June. But the beauty of their flowering compensates for the fragility. They are planted, as a rule, near the house.

The variety "Nikolai Rubtsov" is also not afraid of a cold climate. It is suitable for those gardeners who love bright colors. The flowers of this plant are purple-pink with a lighter stripe on the petals, reaching 14 centimeters in diameter. Clematis of this variety bloom from July to October.

creeping creepers

Creeping vines are ideal for decorating a fence. They have small suckers - roots, thanks to which they, like "climbers", can climb (crawl) to any height, easily planting trees on a dense fence of three to four meters. This climbing and wrapping ability has evolved in vines to get more light.

In the photo below - actinidia: the plant gradually grows, covering the gray wall:

Creeping vines such as honeysuckle, petiole hydrangea, campsis do not require special care.

You can plant creeping vines along a support, fence or solid fence in spring or autumn, and then watch how a year later strong strong stems of vines quickly conquer the peaks when they climb the fence, like climbers, and as if weaving a carpet of green leaves.

Among the annual climbing plants, it is worth mentioning sweet pea, bindweed, thorn fruit, Mexican ivy, morning glory, visloplodnik and others.


A beautifully flowering shrub liana is a petiolate hydrangea, which winds beautifully along the fence, easily climbs along various supports to a height of eight to twenty meters.

Since the hydrangea has very bright green foliage and an enchanting aroma, this can make it one of the best decorations for any home garden.

Lianoid hydrangea "Miranda" will attract the attention of gardeners. It blooms all three summer months, grows up to five meters.

It has snow-white flowers, and its green leaves are decorated with a light yellow edging. "Miranda" loves shade.

The soil should be moist and loose and have an increased level of acidity.

Oakleaf hydrangea, which is a heat-loving plant, is interesting in its own way. Its leaves are similar to oak leaves, it has beautiful cone-shaped inflorescences with lacy flowers. This type of hydrangea blooms for a long time, and in the autumn season it will delight the inhabitants of the site with its bright crimson color of dense foliage.

With the task of decorating strong fences made of brick, concrete and stone, wisteria will do just fine.


The photo below shows Blue Moon macrostachia wisteria:

The sun-loving liana is decorated with various shades of lilac, snow-white, pink tassels of small flowers and can easily turn a very unattractive fence into a neat fence of your site and hide all the flaws.

In works on aesthetic gardening of home gardens, the following plants are most often used (remember their names!):


The very heat-loving deciduous liana kampsis is known to a large number of gardeners because of its extraordinary orange flowers, which look like small gramophones.

Blooming after about June 15, this liana cheers up the owners with its decorative flowering until the autumn season. She is not afraid of any bad weather: she can withstand low temperatures up to 20 degrees below zero. Kampsis is unpretentious, shade-loving, smoke and gas resistant. Kampsis will grow into a gorgeous vine in a couple of years. The ideal solution for the regions of the Urals and Siberia.

If you are a beginner gardener, then Kampsis is for you!

Important! Keep in mind that campsis grows rapidly and will take places for itself from weaker plants - "neighbors".

If you fertilize and prune in time, this will allow you to keep the plant in its proper decorative form and in a compact form for the entire seasonal period.


A picky plant called honeysuckle will help not only form both free-growing and shearing hedges, decorate fences and various structures, but also help create a good mood, bringing a special aura.

In the photo - an example of an arch decorated with decorative weaving honeysuckle:

The demand for it from gardeners is growing every year. Probably, honeysuckle is the leader in the absence of demanding care, it almost does not get sick. A climbing beautiful plant loves the area illuminated by the sun very much, but it will allow partial shade.

The lower branches of this plant should be in the shade. The soil should also be well warmed. Honeysuckle loves moisture, but does not like wind. If fed with organic fertilizer, she will reward you with her fast growth and gorgeous blooms.

Honeysuckle reaches its peak of beauty during the period when it blooms - in June. Delicate graceful flowers, which are collected in inflorescences, can have the most extraordinary shades, ranging from white and yellow undertones to a stunning symbiosis of pink and orange.

The most attractive for gardeners are the following varieties:

  • "Sirotina"- blooming (from June to September) variety of honeysuckle, having leaves on one side dark green, and on the other - bluish and fragrant flowers dark red with a creamy core;
  • "Honeysuckle Korolkov"- profusely flowering (from May to June) deciduous shrub, reaching a height of three meters, having broadly ovate leaves of a green-blue hue and pink flowers;
  • "Graham Thomas"- a fast-growing and flowering (from June to October) shrub, reaching a height of up to 5 meters and having white or cream flowers that turn yellow after flowering.

Deciduous ornamental climbing plants

girlish grapes

Girlish grapes are a root-climbing vine that does not require the creation of certain conditions for its growth. It is frost-resistant, shade-tolerant, does not get sick.

The main attractive feature of this plant is, of course, its ornamental foliage, painted in autumn in unusually beautiful dark crimson hues, which no other plant has in autumn.

It seems that the artist's brush touched the carved grape leaves. This vine absolutely does not care where to grow and what the soil will be like.

Below is a photo of a decorative grape vine:

Fast-growing grape vines cover all the free space: their branches quickly decorate the walls, growing up to 20 meters, so from spring to autumn, for example, fences braided with its skillful branches with carved leaves will look just wonderful.

Care for girlish grapes will consist only in timely pruning, which will prevent too much growth and thickening of this plant.


Ivy grows very quickly, and its vines can reach up to 20 meters, so it is one of the most popular landscaping elements. Its characteristic and attractive features for gardeners are vitality and unpretentiousness, which not every weaving plant has.

It usually blooms from August to October. Ivy leaves can be greenish white or dark green.

In the photo - a wall covered with ivy: a fast-growing plant helps to quickly hide the shortcomings of the unpresentable appearance of the facade of the house or the lack of external decoration.