It is believed that a person's eyes are a mirror of his soul, then window and balcony openings are the eyes of your home. And they should be comfortable, durable, beautiful and of high quality.

And then a natural question arises, what to choose, what products will suit your home best, and will plastic or aluminum windows meet all your wishes? What to choose?

Aluminum and plastic profiles for windows

When choosing all options for filling window and balcony openings the question arises which glazing profile is more suitable for you, plastic or aluminum. And in order to answer this rather difficult question, it is worth learning about each of the profiles in more detail.

Metal-plastic windows consist of 3 or 5 chamber profiles with thick outer glass of at least 2.2 - 3 mm and reinforcement inside with metal of at least 1.4 mm. Such structures can significantly improve the noise and heat insulation and quality of products, however, they have a significant weight, which, when glazing balconies, requires strengthening of the supporting structures. Environmental Safety PVC profile products have long been proven in practice. In metal-plastic structures are installed different kind double-glazed windows, from single-chamber to three-chamber. This makes it possible to provide a heat transfer resistance coefficient of more than 1.26 and gives high class noise reduction up to 30 dB.

Products made of aluminum are divided into 2 groups, it is warm aluminum and cold. As a rule, one glass or a single-chamber package with an air chamber of no more than 10 mm is installed in cold aluminum products. Products are easy to install, do not require additional work with supporting base. They can be made in quite large sizes. They protect against wind, moisture and dust, slightly reduce street noise and protect slightly from low temperatures.

There are also frames made of warm aluminum profile. The structures of these frames are multi-layered. Surface aluminum windows non-toxic, profile does not burn, chemical contact active substances on the surface of the aluminum frame does not cause any harm to it. The service life of such structures is approximately 80 years.

window designs

In order to decide on the choice of plastic or aluminum windows for glazing loggias, balconies, you need to figure out what size your room is and what type of opening will provide you with maximum comfort.

So, designs by type of opening are:

Frames that move along guides parallel to each other are called sliding. Their main purpose is to save the working space of your premises. Therefore, if your loggia and balcony are small, then sliding ones are ideal for you. However, this system has a small drawback, the lower guide is poorly protected from moisture getting inside and in the aluminum profile in winter it can freeze, which, when the doors are opened in winter, damages the rollers, and they quickly fail. in sliding plastic systems the water does not freeze.

Tilt and turn mechanisms

Today it is the most popular opening system. The sash can not only be turned to the side, but also tilted to ventilate the room at various adjustable distances. So this system will help you save and working space your balcony when ventilating, and easy to clean when using the swivel opening.

The easiest and most familiar way to open. The hinged sash on the right or left opens to the side by turning. However, if the room is small, then the sash occupies sufficient space on the balcony and it is not recommended to make the second one more than 900 - 1000 mm in order to avoid further sagging and failure of the hinges. In some cases, you can open the sashes outward, but this will make it difficult to clean the windows, especially if this is not the first floor.

fanlight systems

The sashes in such structures recline into the room for ventilation. Most often, this type of opening is used in garages, basements or attics where ventilation is necessary. However, this system is not very convenient for washing. Since in order to fully wash the sash from the outside, it is necessary to remove the scissors from the side and then install them back.

Deaf systems

Simply put, this is a non-opening window design. Its main disadvantage is the inconvenience in washing, and the inability to ventilate the room.

However, it is worth considering one thing that products made of PVC profiles or aluminum structures make, by combining, opening doors and blind spans. To reduce the cost of construction, so the more openings, the more expensive it is. This is how the sash itself, reinforcement in it, and a set of fittings are added, which has a significant impact on the cost of the final product. Combinations are provided in such a way that the room can be well ventilated and conveniently washed.

Where is it better to use plastic and aluminum windows

To determine which windows are better than plastic or aluminum for glazing, consider the main characteristics of these products.

Cold aluminum frames, very light products with a single glass filling of 3-6 mm, which is important when the product will not be installed concrete base, and the parapet. They do not require reinforcement of bearing supports. This design is very durable, perfectly protects you from moisture, wind and dust, saves working space. They are not subject to corrosion, rotting, have a small coefficient of thermal expansion, do not burn. Sliding aluminum systems are quite inexpensive. This great option for glazing loggias, balconies, arbors and cold verandas.

Warm aluminum systems are a 3-layer construction. Inside there is a filling with a polyamide thermal insert, and outside there are aluminum profiles. These are very light, but at the same time quite rigid structures that allow you to install one or double-glazed windows. Their advantage is that they allow the installation of double-glazed windows in them. large areas over 2 m2. However, in terms of heat-insulating and sound-proofing qualities, they are significantly inferior to products made of PVC profile . Therefore, they are most often recommended for the installation of huge stained-glass windows.

PVC profile windows reliably protect the room from cold and noise, as they have a high coefficient of heat transfer resistance and sound insulation of at least class IV. Ideal for glazing windows and doorways.

Pros and cons of PVC windows

As has been repeatedly mentioned above, PVC profile products have excellent noise and heat insulation, are durable, and convenient to use. They do not burn, but with direct fire they begin to melt. However, they have a fairly large weight, and limit the size of the valves. Therefore, when installing on a balcony with a parapet, it is necessary to strengthen supporting structures which will result in additional costs. Yes, and in themselves these products are not cheap, so sometimes this factor is decisive when choosing materials for glazing balconies and loggias.

Pros and cons of sliding aluminum systems

The main advantage of aluminum structures is their lightness and strength, they can be installed on metal parapets without any additional work. They protect against snow, rain, wind and dust. They don't burn. Durable. Optimal cost.

Of the minuses, the profile has a high thermal conductivity, in summer it heats up, in winter it cools quickly, low sound insulation.

Pros and cons of warm aluminum profiles

Wide range of colors (more than 200 RAL colors). Lightweight and rigid structures are not subject to any deformation, and optimal heat and sound insulation. They don't burn. The service life is more than 80 years. This is a great option for glazing huge stained-glass windows. However, they are much higher in cost than PVC windows, but inferior to them in terms of insulating parameters.

Windows aluminum and plastic, which is cheaper?

Based on the fact that in the production of PVC profile products a huge number of expensive components are used, such as fittings, glass (double-glazed windows are installed using 2.3 and even 4 glass), reinforcement inside the profile, the final product made of PVC is much more expensive than aluminum systems. Aluminum sliding systems do not need reinforcement, and as a rule, 1 glass is installed in them. So aluminum construction will be significantly cheaper than PVC profile windows. In Tsvetoslava Windows you can also order cheap plastic windows in Moscow and the Moscow region.

So what is the best place to stay?

So, which is better aluminum or plastic windows?

Based on all of the above, we can draw the following conclusions that it is good to use PVC profile structures for glazing window and door openings of residential premises, houses, cottages and apartments. If you want to glaze a balcony or loggia and get another warm heated room there, then you will need to strengthen bearing structures, insulate, walls, floor and ceiling. However, this will require significant cash. If you do not pursue such goals, but want to protect your premises from precipitation, wind and dust, an aluminum sliding system is perfect. Warm aluminum profile is most often used in construction public buildings(shopping centers, shops, banks and buildings educational institutions etc.) Therefore, you must decide for yourself what is better aluminum or plastic windows in your particular case. And our experts will suggest the most good option that meets your wishes.

You can always order aluminum or plastic windows at Cvestoslav Windows. Our qualified staff will advise on any issues of interest to you or controversial issues, help you make the right choice. We are ready to help you install aluminum or plastic windows in Moscow or any other city in the Moscow region.

Our work

Helpful information

Or rigid window vinyl is much more popular than aluminum for window production. While in Asian countries, the opposite is true: most buyers buy windows with aluminum frames. What is the difference between these two frame types?

Aluminum frames are cheap and easy to install, have their own certain style and properties, they are durable, light and cheap. Aluminum frames are also resistant to various weather conditions. They do not rust; instead, they simply oxidize, acquiring a specific color.

Aluminum windows are superior to PVC windows in terms of durability - they last much longer than plastic windows, which usually have guarantee period service for about 25 years.

However, for some important parameters PVC windows are superior to aluminum ones. The first parameter is thermal resistance. Aluminum windows do not provide a good thermal barrier: in winter they do not keep heat in the house, and in summer they do not prevent heat from entering the house from the outside. Plastic windows, especially with double glazed, are a good insulator. They prevent exit warm air from the room to the atmosphere and the flow of cold air from the atmosphere into the room in winter, and in summer such windows keep cool air in the room, preventing hot air from the street from entering the house. This process is called thermal resistance, thanks to which PVC windows help save money on heating and cooling a room. The poor thermal resistance of aluminum windows makes heating and cooling a home more expensive.

Other important difference between aluminum frame and a PVC frame - this is strength and safety. Aluminum is a lightweight and malleable metal. It bends very easily, and, accordingly, the frame, made of aluminum, also bends easily. Therefore, frames made of aluminum are an unreliable barrier to burglars. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) on steel frame hard and tough, it is difficult to break or bend. Therefore PVC frame combined with double glazing is more challenging task for potential burglars than aluminum window frames.

And finally, another difference between the two types of windows is their recycling. Aluminum is very easy to recycle. During the production of PVC material compounds containing chlorine and compounds derived from petroleum are used. Therefore, when burned, PVC releases dioxins, compounds that are very dangerous for humans. In the future, plastic windows and other PVC products flood landfills, which gradually fill up and often ignite spontaneously, releasing substances that are very dangerous and toxic to living organisms into the atmosphere. Thus, PVC windows cannot be safely disposed of due to the danger to human health and the release of pollutants.

Which windows are better plastic or aluminum? To answer this question, we need to know what useful properties mp windows are characterized, and which are aluminum, to study and compare the shortcomings of both types of structures. The choice also depends on where the windows will be installed and what result the owners of the premises want to have in the end.

Advantages of aluminum windows

    The profiles of such structures are very light and durable due to the properties of aluminum from which they are made. Sheet glass windows have a thickness of only 3-5mm, which also lightens their total weight. Such structures are easy to transport and install. They keep their shape perfectly and do not deform over time.

    The service life of aluminum windows without any signs of corrosion and wear reaches 80 years. Aluminum is resistant to moisture and sudden changes in temperature - from "-" to "+" 50. The profile does not deteriorate from exposure to acids and other aggressive substances.

    Large selection of sizes and designs of aluminum window systems. They are produced in more than 150 colors and in various forms: rectangular, square, triangular, arched and trapezoidal. You can pick them up to almost any exterior multi-storey buildings and private houses. Moreover, during operation, such profiles do not lose appearance, the accumulation of dirt and dust on them is minimal.

    The windows are not fire hazardous, they do not burn, do not melt, do not emit toxic substances under extreme high temperatures, which cannot be said about wooden and plastic bags.

    The high level of sound insulation of aluminum window systems makes living comfortable, even if the object is located close to busy highways.

    The relatively low cost of such windows is a significant argument "for" when choosing double-glazed windows.

Disadvantages of aluminum windows

There is only one drawback of such windows: aluminum quickly "collects" and quickly gives off heat. A room with aluminum double-glazed windows will colder than the room where metal-plastic systems are installed. In the summer, on the contrary, the windows get very hot, provoking stuffiness. At this time of the year, living in a house or apartment with aluminum window systems without air conditioning is extremely uncomfortable.

However, the problem of thermal conductivity of metal profiles has recently been solved. Today, buyers are offered "warm" aluminum windows. Their difference from the "cold" ones is that a polyamide thermal bridge is built into the profile, which does not allow heat to pass through.

These windows are more expensive than standard aluminum windows without insulation. However, when buying "cold" windows, you will have to purchase a powerful heater which may be more costly. In addition, insulated metallic profile has best soundproofing.

Where are aluminum windows commonly used?

Aluminum profiles are now installed on all types of buildings and structures. "Warm" profiles are used for residential premises: private and apartment buildings, especially high-rise ones, since double-glazed windows there should be light. "Cold" profiles are used in non-residential premises: office and shopping malls, warehouses, as well as in the manufacture of stained-glass windows, showcases and awnings.

Advantages of plastic windows

    Plastic windows are characterized by low thermal conductivity. Premises where such double-glazed windows are installed retain optimum temperature for living.

    At correct operation double-glazed windows serve up to 50 years.

    Compared to aluminum windows, such profiles have better sound insulation due to their tightness. They do not let dust and debris from the street.

It is necessary to purchase mp windows only from trusted manufacturers, such as Novikon. Double-glazed windows made in violation of technology often do not demonstrate the necessary tightness and thermal insulation.

    Modern plastic windows are environmentally friendly. Unlike the first samples, they do not use toxic compounds that are harmful to health. Rehau metal-plastic windows from Novikon also do not contain toxic substances, as they are produced in accordance with European requirements for the quality of raw materials.

    They are easy to care for, almost do not collect dust, easy to clean without the use of expensive cleaning products.

    Metal-plastic window systems do not burn; in case of fire, they can only melt.

    Various sizes and colors of windows: from bright colors before wood styling.

Disadvantages of plastic windows

    Such windows are capricious in installation. Inaccurate installation of profiles can negate all the positive properties of double-glazed windows: tightness, heat and sound insulation.

    Metal-plastic double-glazed windows are quite heavy, which is why there are restrictions on their installation. So, for example, you can not put plastic windows on the balcony parapet, if it is not additionally “reinforced”.

    The price of such windows is quite high. Aluminum and wooden double-glazed windows are cheaper.

    If you do not take care of the window fittings, over time it begins to deteriorate. Handles, hinges, locks of window systems must be constantly lubricated. If the manufacturer uses cheap elements, they may completely break down after a short period of operation.

    Tightness, which was noted above as a virtue, to some extent can be considered a disadvantage. The complete absence of air circulation in the room creates stuffiness and has a bad effect on the sanitary parameters of the air. Apartments and houses in which plastic windows are installed must be regularly ventilated.

Where are PVC windows commonly used?

Plastic windows have long "won" the competition from wooden ones. V residential buildings and apartments everywhere there is a replacement of old wooden double-glazed windows for metal-plastic window systems. In the technical passports of "new buildings" plastic windows have long received a permanent "registration". At least, if the houses under construction are not high-rise.

In the "high-rise" great importance acquires the weight of double-glazed windows. Since metal-plastic windows are heavy, they are not always suitable for such structures for technical reasons.

Plastic windows Novikon

Whatever window systems you choose, you should always purchase them from a reliable manufacturer. Especially it concerns plastic windows. Poor quality fittings toxic substances as part of the profile, lack of tightness and thermal insulation - characteristics the fact that the windows were made by "handicraft" manufacturers. Since in this case the products will not be able to perform their functions, their purchase is a waste of money.

In order not to pay twice, as the "stingy" from the saying, you should choose quality windows. You can choose and purchase these at Novikon. To do this, you need to call the numbers indicated on the Novicon website or leave a request for the purchase of the product.


What's better? Plastic or aluminum windows for the loggia and balcony? The debate on this issue has been going on for more than a year, and so far the controversy has not given a final answer. The decision-making process largely depends on the information provided to the buyer, its accuracy and relevance.

If planned building house, its future owner must determine in advance the desired type of window and check the options for compliance, safety and durability. After all, the comfort in the house, the amount of energy consumed depends on the correct choice.

Main differences

Modern market building materials offers the buyer three main options for window structures:

Some years ago wooden windows dominated the market but were gradually replaced by plastic and aluminum structures. Therefore, before choosing, you should carefully understand how plastic windows differ from aluminum ones.

Before deciding whether it is better to glaze a balcony with plastic or aluminum, you should carefully study the main differences between these materials. So, there are 10 main differences:

  1. PVC material has a lower coefficient of thermal conductivity compared to aluminum, respectively, plastic windows retain more heat in room. For the same reason, it is easier to avoid frost with PVC windows.
  2. offer more wide range of color solutions: white, golden oak, dark oak and Irish oak, mahogany, cherry, soft cherry, anthracite gray and others.
  3. can be recycled.
  4. PVC profiles do not change their appearance over the years.
  5. Aluminum is resistant to fire and earthquakes, as well as to large temperature fluctuations.
  6. The strength of aluminum allows you to make complex decisions in terms of structural changes premises.
  7. Aluminum or plastic windows are easy to maintain surface.

uPVC windows have been the most popular for many years, but new technologies have given aluminum frame manufacturers many new opportunities.

Practical Benefits of Aluminum

The strength-to-weight ratio allows the material to take shape in many different configurations with amazing accuracy. If you compare the angles of plastic and aluminum windows, the latter will look more attractive.

Among other advantages of the material:

  • hard surface that protects from the effects of weather conditions;
  • does not require additional space when opening;
  • aesthetics;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • increases the degree of security;
  • meets the highest air quality standards;
  • many architectural specifications;
  • the use of polyamide production technology, which guarantees additional strength and improved thermal insulation.

Traditional have become the main choice for light or heavy commercial buildings such as schools, restaurants and government buildings.

When choosing which windows are better than plastic or aluminum, many still pay more attention to aesthetics. Most great advantage aluminum over PVC windows - exactly aesthetic appeal. Despite the fact that such designs are lightweight, strong and durable, they are also unusually thin and smooth.

When aluminum single-chamber glazing is used for balcony glazing, it is one third cheaper and this is often the decisive argument in choosing on non-insulated balconies.

But when creating or large areas, the aluminum profile is simply perfect solution because it keeps big sizes glasses.

Aluminum lightweight structures are lightweight, which allows you to do. Their appearance goes well with modern buildings and commercial premises. The material is dominant for new construction of residential and commercial properties.

Aluminum windows are more durable: their service life is noticeably longer than that of plastic windows, perhaps the downside is the wear of the rollers

Advantages of PVC

Main advantage this material is the price. By the nature of the cost of raw materials, it is cheaper than aluminum. The production processes involved in the creation of such windows are much less labor intensive, while the production of aluminum products does not use mass methods.

For this reason, the issue of the cost of PVC windows gives them an advantage when it comes to the final price. It is generally accepted that aluminum is a more expensive product. Therefore, choosing, for example, the better to glaze a balcony with plastic or aluminum , question pricing policy far from the last.

Plastic profiles look stylish and modern; they are much warmer and are used everywhere for heated balconies and loggias.

What to choose for a balcony or loggia?

There is also no single answer to the question of which balcony glazing is better than aluminum or plastic. Everyone makes a choice based on their own tastes and preferences. But, choosing the best glazing for balconies, you should first decide on the purpose of the room itself. If its main function is to keep warm or increase thermal insulation, it is better to choose warm windows from aluminum profile. Similar structures are different increased sound insulation. But in terms of cost, they are significantly superior to metal-plastic products.

Sliding aluminum balcony glazing

And yet, which balcony is better plastic or aluminum? You can advise PVC application windows on balconies, loggias, which will subsequently be insulated. Moreover, manufacturers have managed to significantly reduce the cost of structures, and now almost every average resident of the country can afford them.

If the loggia is glazed plastic profile, that is in a warm way, after which high-quality insulation of the structure is carried out, then as a result, the owners of the house receive another full-fledged living space filled with comfort and coziness.

If the main purpose of glazing is only to protect against precipitation, wind, dust, street debris, it is better to opt for aluminum systems. But, choosing plastic or aluminum on the balcony , and giving preference to the latter, it should be understood that in winter period it will be cold here, even after internal insulation.

Glazing a loggia or balcony is a rather complicated and responsible decision. Therefore, it is very important to approach the issue carefully, What is better plastic or aluminum windows. Among the options on the market, you can choose the one suitable for any balcony design, regardless of financial capabilities.

April 18, 2017
Specialization: professional in the field of construction and repair ( full cycle holding finishing works, both internal and external, from sewerage to electrical and finishing work), installation of window structures. Hobbies: see column "SPECIALIZATION AND SKILLS"

Aluminum windows with wood, as well as simple aluminum sliding systems, today partially replace the metal-plastic that we are used to. Let's try to figure out what such windows are, what are their pros and cons, and also see how aluminum frames are mounted correctly.

Overview of aluminum profile structures

3 main varieties

Aluminum windows appeared on the market before metal-plastic ones. The combination of low weight with sufficient strength has allowed manufacturers to use aluminum to make lightweight and reliable frames. Therefore, until the redistributed moment, such products had practically no competitors in their segment.

A noticeable disadvantage of aluminum was its high thermal conductivity. In countries with a fairly mild climate, this did not play a special role, but where temperatures dropped to -15 ° C or more in winter, the issue of energy saving became very acute. That is why aluminum window structures gradually lost ground to both high-quality wooden joinery and PVC products.

Today, aluminum window systems still retain market share. Last but not least, this is ensured by the variety of products.

Types of aluminum windows:

  1. Cold aluminum. Frames and sashes of such windows are made only from solid aluminum profiles. On the one hand, this provides products with a margin of safety, but on the other hand, it leads to an increase in heat loss. Sliding systems with low tightness are most often made of cold aluminum: they protect well from wind and precipitation, but retain heat very moderately.

  1. Warm aluminium. To minimize heat loss through a metal profile, a so-called thermal break is added to it - a plastic insert. Thanks to the presence of this insert, the frame and the sash are warm enough. In addition, in such designs, clamping fittings for aluminum windows are used, which makes it possible to make the sash airtight.

Swing structures made of warm aluminum in terms of heat transfer resistance are almost equivalent to PVC profile windows. But sliding ones are seriously inferior to them: the design of the wings does not allow for clamping around the perimeter.

  1. Aluminium-wood structures- as you might guess from the name, they are made from profiled wooden beams and aluminum. The wooden part is located with inside premises and is responsible for efficient energy saving. The aluminum part can be represented as a single-layer overlay, as well as two-three-chamber profiles. It is located outside and provides mechanical strength and wear resistance of the window.

The production of structures from this material is regulated by a number of normative documents. There will be two main ones:

  • GOST 21519-2003. “Window blocks made of aluminum alloys. Specifications";
  • GOST 25097-2002. “Window blocks are wood-aluminum. Specifications".

Aluminum or metal-plastic?

When analyzing the market, there is enough obvious question: which is better - aluminum or plastic windows - to install in a house or apartment? Here you need to compare:

Advantages of aluminum:

  1. Mechanical strength of aluminum allows you to install such structures where the window will experience high loads(wind and operational). In addition, the dimensions of the frames can be larger - which means that do-it-yourself installation will be easier due to fewer connections.
  2. Small mass. Windows made of aluminum and PVC differ in this parameter, and quite strongly. Weight m2 plastic window With single-chamber double-glazed window can reach 35 kg, while the aluminum sliding will weigh up to 20 kg. If the installation is made in a light building or on a balcony railing, the difference can be critical.

  1. Strength and durability. The wear resistance of aluminum is higher than that of plastic, and even the simplest cold sliding will last much longer than PVC frames.

Cons of aluminum:

  1. High thermal conductivity. First of all, this applies to sliding systems without heat-insulating inserts. However, even warm aluminum is inferior in this indicator. the best examples PVC.
  2. Complicated repair of aluminum windows. If the repair does not consist in adjusting the fittings, then you have to replace parts of the profile, which is quite expensive.

Components for aluminum systems are more expensive, because any breakdown is accompanied by significant financial costs.

But the question of what is cheaper - plastic or aluminum windows - is difficult to answer unambiguously. The cost of a standard cold sliding will be lower than the simplest plastic glazing, but if we talk about a warm profile, then its price is usually at least 25-40% higher. Therefore, it will be up to you to decide which windows are cheaper to install in a given situation!

Mounting technology

Aluminum structures, especially simple sliding systems, can be assembled by hand.

We will need the most common equipment:

  • Perforator with a drill.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Level.
  • Scissors for metal for drainage strips and visors.
  • Mounting plates.
  • Anker.
  • Beams and wedges for installation in the opening.

Mounting technology:

Illustration Stage of work

Opening preparation.

We dismantle the old frames, after which we clean the opening from the remnants of the sealant.

We install on the fence wooden beam, which is leveled and fixed with anchors.

Construction assembly.

We assemble the frame using sealing inserts.

to the top and side surfaces attach mounting plates.

Installation of the frame in the opening.

We install the frame in the opening on the support beam. We fix in the lower part with anchors, and from above and from the sides - with mounting plates.

We connect individual frames to each other using insert profiles.

Installation of additional elements.

We install a drainage bar, a visor and flashings.

From the inside we fix the window sill.

Sash installation.

We put the upper part of the sliding sash into the groove of the frame, lift it up and put the sash on the rails.

We repeat the operations for all sashes.

Hardware installation.

We install and fix movement limiters, latch handles and other details.

strapping sliding system quite simple, because adjustment and replacement of fittings are almost never required.

Swing type structures are somewhat more complicated. So if you have not previously encountered this type of work, you should contact the experts!


Although aluminum windows are inferior to metal-plastic ones in a number of parameters, in some cases it is worth making a choice in their favor. Moreover, to mount a simple aluminum system you can do it yourself: the tips and videos in this article will help, as well as advice that you can get in the comments.

April 18, 2017

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