There are two types of plastic windows in Khrushchev, windows for Khrushchev are divided into: panel and brick. Installing a window in Khrushchev has some features, but the installation process does not cause any difficulties or problems, on the contrary, standard sizes windows in Khrushchev in Moscow and in five-story buildings are a clear advantage, greatly facilitating their replacement.

In such houses, the apartments are small, having standard layout, as well as low ceilings, several rooms, standard small windows of several types in size:

Dimensions standard windows in Khrushchev (WxH):
- double-leaf 1300x1520
- tricuspid 1760x1520
- balcony block in Khrushchev type 1:
door - 780x2270
window - 1300x1520
- balcony block in Khrushchev 2 types:
door - 740x2270
window - 780x1520

Installed plastic windows in Khrushchev will solve the problem of cold in the apartment during the winter. This is achieved due to the increased heat-saving abilities of the double-glazed window: as part of energy-saving glass, a low-emissivity coating is used that reflects infrared radiation spectrum. Plastic windows increase the level of comfort in the room due to another remarkable property - soundproofing. Various noises are always heard from the street, their intensity depends on the area in which the building is located, but in conditions modern world they are everywhere. The complete exclusion of the possibility of their penetration into the apartment is provided by a sealed double-glazed window, clamping and window sealing of the fittings system. Double-glazed windows that have different distance between glasses, as well as glasses with increased sound insulation, are able to delay mid-frequency sound waves, which has a positive effect on the well-being and mood of the apartment owners. The next advantages of plastic windows, in addition to sound and heat insulation, are extremely convenient operation and ease of maintenance, various variations opening, improved optical properties of glass, a variety of fittings and the presence of mosquito nets.
In a brick Khrushchev, windows could be installed on thick layer solution, not on stands. The difficulty lies in the fact that over time, the solution dries up and spills out when the old window is dismantled. It turns out that the dimensions of the window opening are larger than those that were determined when measuring before installing a new double-glazed window. The same can happen if the old window was installed on a beam. For brick buildings wider window sills are needed, which is explained by thick walls.
Installing plastic windows in five-story panel-type buildings is a fairly simple task - window sizes are standardized. Panel quarter used in construction, of the same type, uneven walls do not create any problems with installation, there will be no difficulties with the size of the window.
Replacing windows in Khrushchev is a fundamental factor on which the warmth of your home depends. With high quality balconies and window blocks Deceuninck you can forget about drafts and cold forever. And the achievement of an even more comfortable microclimate in the apartment is facilitated by the insulation of the balcony and the erection of a roof on it, which is also carried out by our specialists.

When creating a building project various appointments and types, sizes of openings for windows are set in strict accordance with the requirements for indoor lighting. This requirement is directly related to the dimensions of the building, its size, location, light characteristics of the ratio window opening and floor space, and so on.

The ratio of the window opening to the area of ​​​​the room is regulated by SNiP P-A862 (“Building Codes and Rules”). Such requirements are not mandatory, but serve as a guideline in the drafting of buildings and their construction.

Window openings according to GOST

According to SNiP, windows must comply with light transmission standards. This factor is significantly influenced by:

  • the number of installed glasses;
  • distance between glasses.

Typical dimensional norms are clearly spelled out in GOST, but do not forget that such window parameters in Khrushchev are optimal, but not the only possible ones. There are no restrictions on the size of windows for residential buildings, since modern technologies allow to make window frames any suitable size for a particular building. Standard dimensions end are calculated according to optimal combination set of parameters, the main among which is light transmission. GOST includes coordinating modular and overall window dimensions, which are most often used when standard design and in the mass construction of residential premises.

The size of windows in residential buildings

window openings in residential buildings do not always correspond to standard sizes. These options may vary depending on:

  • type of residential building;
  • year of construction of the house.

Since it is not always possible to independently calculate the size of windows in Khrushchev, you should contact professional measurers to measure the height and width of the window opening.

Windows in panel houses

Living spaces - panel houses- It is considered to be typical, standard buildings. However, the parameters of the windows in them are also not always the same - the dimensional variation can reach up to 15 centimeters. Accurate calculation of window dimensions in panel house can only be done by taking measurements.

Of course, there are standard window sizes that designers strive for when designing a house:

  • the double-leaf design according to the standards has a length of 130 cm and 140 cm;
  • a three-leaf standard window can be 205 cm or 207 cm wide, and it does not differ in height from a double-leaf window - 140 cm.

Windows in Khrushchev houses

The dimensional characteristics of windows in brick Khrushchevs depend primarily on the width of the window sill. If the window sills are wide, then:

  • a standard double-leaf window has a width of 145 cm and a height of 150 cm;
  • tricuspid window the standard will be 150 cm high and 204 wide.

If the window sills are not wide, then the dimensions, as a rule, will be as follows:

  • 135 cm high and 130 cm wide for double opening windows;
  • 204 cm wide and 135 cm high.

Plastic glazing: selection and characteristics

Most residents of the private sector and apartments complain about the high audibility of street noise and low thermal insulation in apartments. To cope with these problems will help the installation of plastic window structures. Plastic glazing has some features that must be considered:

Dimensions plastic windows can be any modern production able to provide consumers with the desired product. The standard sizes of manufactured windows for Khrushchev, as a rule, are block windows:

  • double-leaf window - 131 cm wide and 152 cm high;
  • balcony opening: 152 cm by 152 cm and balcony door: 227 cm high and 78 cm wide.

External glazing

Windows for external glazing of balconies and loggias are produced in any size. In the case when determining the parameters of the window, the slope of the roof plays a fundamental role. Accordingly, the more gentle the slope of the roof, the higher the window will be. The height of the window should provide maximum illumination of openings and visibility. The width of windows for external glazing should correspond to the width of the balcony.

Balcony glazing from the street side requires preliminary preparation:

  • the balcony slab should be pre-strengthened with concrete screed and reinforcement;
  • the frame of the balcony and the railing need a complete replacement or high-quality strengthening.

Exterior glazing in private homes should be trusted exclusively by professionals, since self-assembly can lead to displacement load-bearing structure and cause deformation of the structure or its collapse.

The size window openings in private houses it is not regulated by anything and is determined solely by the drafter of the project. In this case, the determination of the actual size of the window is carried out only with the help of careful measurement.

CONTRACT NUMBER: 278/24062018
My experience with this company has been quite positive. Normal, good job. The windows were brought and installed on time, I specially set aside a day for this matter, although the guys did it pretty quickly. I can also only speak positively about the windows themselves - the fittings work easily, the sashes open without effort, they don’t blow, they don’t see through ... For which we thank them so much!

Valery Ignatov, Amundsen St., 11k1

CONTRACT NUMBER: 271/20072018
Three days ago they glazed my balcony, I'm happy with everything! But in the process, the understanding came that it was necessary to make the floor and the ceiling, which I refused at the time of the conclusion of the contract. I called the office, and the manager made an addition to the order as quickly as possible. Having installed the balcony, the team left for additional order picking and soon returned. As a result, by the time my wife returned from vacation, the balcony was completed. Thank you, we are very pleased!

Oleg Kopylov, Aviaconstructor Yakovlev str., 72k1

CONTRACT NUMBER: 245/16072018
I will say right away that the company left a positive opinion about itself. It all started with a phone conversation, when they suggested not to focus on expensive windows, but to make a choice in favor of classic version glazing. And our choice fully justified itself. Windows KBE and thick double glazing, frame 7 centimeters, German locking mechanisms. The discounts are excellent, we went to a meeting and gave an extra one as a family of military personnel. The calculation of 60 by 40 is also quite satisfied.

Dobrynin Evgeniy Bolshaya Filevskaya str., 31

CONTRACT NUMBER: 224/02062018
We ordered joint glazing of the balcony and one-room apartment on Turgeneva 6a in our Pushkino in the usual Khrushchev. We are very satisfied with Richmond windows. Not so expensive compared to Rehau, beautiful and practical. It has become much quieter and warmer, the weather is incomprehensible this summer, it was cold at night. Thanks to the manager Masha for choosing economical option for pensioners. The terms are excellent for installation and installation, the guys arrived decent looking, neat, which is not unimportant Russians, they took out the old windows, cleaned up the trash. On the aluminum glazing thanks to the balcony separately for significant discounts, 25000 is really lower than that of your competitors.

Vera Gennadievna Khaustova, Turgeneva st., 6a

CONTRACT NUMBER: 101/14042018
I ordered glazing with an aluminum sliding profile. I am completely satisfied with both the services of the masters and the quality of the structures. Aluminum exceeded all expectations: thin, neat, beautiful, moves smoothly along the rails, without jamming and problems, clearly fixed in closed position. They made and delivered very quickly: a total of 8 days passed from the call to the company to the delivery of the work. Just a quick install. I recommend the company to everyone!

Philip Potanin, Saratovskaya st., 22

Olga Ivanovna, Lyubertsy, st. Krasnogorskaya, 19

Stepan Borisovich, Balaklavskaya st., 15

CONTRACT NUMBER: 79/02032018
After working with this company, I have the most pleasant impressions. Let's start with the fact that we weren't deceived with a discount: manager Andrey calculated the design from Rehau Delight Design, and then made a discount from the total cost of the profile, as promised on the site. The contract went to the office to conclude, and this office produced the most pleasant impression: it is clear that the company is serious, and somehow it was immediately calmer to give a deposit. They made the windows in 4 working days, brought them in, did everything in one day: both the dismantling of the old ones and the installation of new ones. I am completely satisfied with the cooperation with the company, I will recommend it to friends and acquaintances.

Alexey Tikhonov, Mytishchi, st. Flying, 18k2

CONTRACT NUMBER: 110/27022018
I ordered windows for the apartment and balcony glazing, as well as window and door unit to the balcony. All from Rehau Intellio 86. Just a gorgeous profile, and the work is also gorgeous. All designs are assembled to "excellent". It is also worth commending for the efficiency: the windows were delivered 5 working days after the prepayment was made, I did not even expect that structures could be made in such a time frame. Special thanks to the installers Sergey, Anton and Nikolai, who in 1 working day actually glazed the entire apartment, very carefully, thoughtfully and accurately. It's a pleasure to work with such companies!

Nikolai Tishkevich, Dolgoprudny, ac. Lavrentiev, 8

CONTRACT NUMBER: 118/20022018
Thank you for the service, quality, discounts and professionalism. Windows do not sweat, do not blow through. Let's see what happens next, but this moment just super. I keep thinking why in the fall the windows from the developer were not replaced, but only in the spring, after these cold weather. Special thanks to the manager Andrey for the additional discount!

Dodonova Olesya Viktorovna, Novocherkassky Boulevard, 51

CONTRACT NUMBER: 104/11022018
It all started with the fact that for the sake of interest we filled out a form in the “window calculator” on the site. Then they asked us for a phone number - we indicated it. At the same time, they were just thinking about whether to make glazing of the loggia. The manager called back, began to talk about prices, picked up inexpensive materials- in the end, so spontaneously decided to place an order. And we do not regret: now our loggia has become a full-fledged room, which is very warm and comfortable.

Sergey and Oksana Pivliny, st. Kharkovskaya, 4k2

CONTRACT NUMBER: 09/05012018
I made windows in Royal Comfort on the recommendation of friends, they praised the installation specialists very much. Indeed, everything was done very high quality, competently. From dismantling - to slopes and ebbs. Now I myself will know which company to advise if someone asks where you can order windows well. Thanks for the discount card too.

Ivan Semenovich Nesterov, st. Rashchupkina, 8

CONTRACT NUMBER: 03/11112017
Our windows face the roadway, Kantemirovskaya. Because the rumble - day and night, all the time. When contacting Royal Comfort, they immediately said that we want to get rid of noise at any cost, even if you need to install premium windows. As a result, Veka alphaline was installed, and to them - energy-saving double-glazed windows with plastic inserts. The difference is impressive. When you close the window, it's like someone pressed the MUTE button on the remote. Quiet, great. So, even with windows on a noisy highway, you can live in silence!

Peter and Evgenia, st. Kantemirovskaya, 39

CONTRACT NUMBER: 47/12102017
I changed the windows of my parents: it was necessary to insulate the loggia, glaze and install windows in the apartment. The guys from Royal Comfort suggested which profile to choose. I needed it for an average budget, not too expensive, but in order for the windows to be good, in the end they chose Rehau Euro 60. They did everything, set it up, at first my parents approached the “miracle of technology” with caution, then they got used to it and are very satisfied. Thanks!

Alina, Nakhimovsky prospect, 5

CONTRACT NUMBER: 204/20092017
I ordered windows for an apartment in this company on the recommendation of a friend. She installed Rehau windows last year and was satisfied: in winter, the windows performed well. This year I was “ripe” for glazing and also ordered Rehau, and chose the new Geneo profile. The windows are just fantastic - the design is super, I fell in love with these windows at first sight! Let's see how they will be in the winter, but I hope they will not let you down. Royal Comfort, thank you very much for the cool windows!

Nikolai Pavlushkin, Domodedovo, st. Gagarina, 55

CONTRACT NUMBER: 151/19082017
I am very pleased with the cooperation with this company. The windows were made in 3 working days, I was generally surprised when 3 days after the payment was made, they called me. And they did everything great, absolutely no questions arose. For those who will be glazed, I give advice - choose the KBE expert profile with a frame 70 mm thick, cool windows, you will not regret it. Solid, powerful, massive - a fairy tale!

Sergey Vladimirovich, Odesskaya st., 14k1

CONTRACT NUMBER: 11/06092017
I glazed the loggia on a turnkey basis, chose the standard package that is offered at Royal Comfort, with the KBE Gut profile. And she was completely satisfied. Made with high quality, the assembly itself is very solid, all joints, all connections. The craftsmen know their business well, they did everything carefully, they took out the old windows with a minimum of damage, very carefully, they took them out of the apartment. Crews are polite, work quickly, no endless smoke breaks. Special thanks to Maria from the sales department for good advice! They did all the work in a day. I highly recommend you to my friends!

Marina Voitova, Kerchenskaya st., 6k3 17.09.2017 16:43

CONTRACT NUMBER: 127/13082017
Good, well-made glazing of the apartment. I ordered Rehau, from the new Intellio line, a premium series. We are very satisfied with the quality of the glazing and the team. The guys turned out to be very polite and competent, it is clear that they have already glazed hundreds of objects, they know the technology like their own 5 fingers, and they do everything flawlessly. It's a pleasure to work with such professionals!

Stepan, Malaya Yushunskaya st., 12k2

CONTRACT NUMBER: 99/17112016
As you know, one satisfied client is another +3 clients, so I will campaign for this company for all my friends who need windows, and so I decided to write a review. And there is something to praise. Made me complex repair balcony, with the installation of plastic windows, KBE profile. The door and window between the room and the balcony were removed, the wall was left and decorated beautifully, under the shelf. Made the decoration of the entire balcony, lighting. Everything is very high quality, soundly and carefully. It can be seen that the craftsmen have already seen more than one hundred of these windows, and they know well what they are doing. And also very polite. In general, I am delighted with my new balcony, and I advise everyone to decide to install new windows!

I ordered the glazing of the apartment in Royal Comfort: a balcony, a balcony-door block in the room, windows in the rooms. Balcony - renovated turnkey. The master came to measure the very next day, and in the evening. The fact that they go for measurements after 7 pm was very pleasing, because I was able to calmly receive the master after work. We made the windows with lightning speed - already 3 days after placing the order, they called to arrange delivery. They did everything right, and I am very pleased with the quality of the repair on the balcony. Neatly and carefully. The windows were set up as well. Now, when my friends are thinking about where to order windows, I can safely recommend Royal Comfort to them, as the company is really very worthy.

Nikolai, Khimki, st. R. Luxembourg, 5

September 17, 2016
Specialization: master of internal and outdoor decoration(plaster, putty, tile, drywall, lining, laminate and so on). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrical, conventional cladding and balcony extensions. That is, repairs in an apartment or house were done on a turnkey basis with all necessary types works.

Balcony block - standard glazing

In principle, the design of windows in Khrushchev is no different from the design in other types of houses, and most often they are made of metal-plastic. But to replace them, it is important to go through at least three stages, on which the quality of the installation will depend.

So, I'm going to talk about this today.

Installation of plastic windows

Step one - remove the old window

We can say that the size of the windows in brick Khrushchev and the size of the windows in the panel Khrushchev is approximately the same:

  • they are 113-114 cm wide, and 136 cm high, plus a window sill - these figures may fluctuate, since the slopes still cover the frame;
  • if we are talking about a balcony block, then it is also added there - it has about 212 cm in height, and 64 cm in width along with the box;
  • on the ground floor where balcony blocks do not make sense, the windows are much wider - this is about 185 cm, but again, a lot depends on the slopes;

  • in order to install plastic windows in Khrushchev, you first have to remove the wooden ones. And the more carefully you do this, the easier the installation will be;
  • ideally, you can stretch the frame so that only a recess along its width remains - in this case, you can safely take measurements from the old window and make the plastic one the same;
  • I had to meet with the dismantling of unfortunate masters who turn the slopes to such an extent that they then have to be laid with bricks. Old slopes in Khrushchev are usually made of lime-sand mortar and whitewashed with lime;
  • to putty the slopes, you just need to remove the lime with a metal spatula and cover them with a primer. In most cases, beacons are not installed - only perforated corners along the edges, which is why careful dismantling is needed.

When dismantling wooden windows, you will find glass wool, the early instructions provided for such insulation, but you no longer need it. Remove it carefully, and then the gaps will be blown out with mounting foam.

Stage two - installation of a plastic window

Installing a window in the kitchen or in the bedroom, that is, without a balcony block, is done quite easily:

  • the frame is usually attached to the opening with perforated metal hangers;
  • the window is leveled and blown with mounting foam;
  • after that, you simply can not pull it out. And here the price of installation does not matter at all - the foam fixes the frame, and then it is also fixed with slopes (putty or clamps the profile);
    By the way, the most final fastening is putty or plaster - this method of fastening is the most reliable and holds the window very well.
  • first, only the frame is installed - transoms and glass are installed later, when the frame is fully fixed in the slopes;

There is one very important point- blow out the installation with mounting foam, insert all moving parts and only after 6-8 hours you can open them so that the foam does not deform the profile. Even the German WINBAU or REHAU, which is considered the thickest (7-8 cm each), can bend under foam pressure, and your window will turn out to be deformed.

  • glass is inserted into the frame quite easily - the package is pressed with profiles (glazing beads), which are clogged with a rubber hammer;
  • these same glazing beads are simply snapped into place with their own hands, and the corners are cut by the manufacturer, so it will be very easy to insert them, the main thing is not to confuse the order of setting.

I also want to tell you about the installation of such windows in a metal stretcher, which is done on the balcony. The installation method here is somewhat different. In such cases, it is better to clamp the frame with self-tapping screws - it has special holes through which the screw passes. But on the balcony (loggia) there will no longer be slopes and all the gaps with foam are covered with interior decoration.

Stage three - slopes

Slopes are sometimes made of drywall, but I am far from a supporter of such actions. I will explain why - the fact is that the plane needs GKL only if it is "gouged", and I have already talked about this - the old window must be removed carefully. In addition, I mentioned replacing glass wool with foam and you can see it in the photo above.

Before puttying or plastering, all cracks must be sealed, and for this they use mounting foam. However, you should be careful here - the foam works very powerfully like a spacer, so it can even bend the window frame.

This is especially hard under the windowsill - they simply bend into an arc. To prevent this, there are ways and precautions: firstly, you can not blow out a large number of foam, and it is best to do this with a gun. But with the advent of experience, you can work with a conventional spray can.

Usual window profile has 60 mm, although it can be more or less - the most wide profiles, as a rule, the Germans - this is REHAU or WINBAU. By the way, they can also be the thickest.

And the thickness is already the power of the double-glazed window, that is, it can be single, double, triple and even quadruple. Between the glasses there can also be a special mixture in the form of paraffin and glycerin - as the manufacturers assure, it almost completely removes noise and is thermal insulation.

Back to the slopes - they usually overlap the profile by about 20 mm, so you have about 40 mm in sight, which is quite enough. Again I want to repeat - if the old wooden windows were removed carefully, then putty can be done without beacons according to the old parameters. Although it will be necessary (preferably) to use perforated metal corners.

If the slope width is wooden windows it turns out about 24-25 cm. then with plastic it will already be about 34-35 cm, since plastic comes in one layer, and wood - in a double box.

However, appearance this will not change and the design of a one-room Khrushchev with two windows will remain the same, and it can be either a two-room or a three-room apartment.


I also want to say that the visual clarity in the slopes is played by an even outer corner, which is made with a perforated corner, it can hide even small irregularities. If you have any experience or questions on the topic, then leave them in the comments.

September 17, 2016

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The so-called Khrushchev houses are typical multi-apartment buildings that were erected in Moscow and other large cities in the 50-70s of the last century. The main idea of ​​such construction was the speedy resettlement of communal apartments, so the quality of the houses left much to be desired. As a rule, this type of housing was a three or five-story building. Typical five-storey Khrushchev had quite thin walls, which means very low heat savings.

Moscow is gradually being built up, but many old buildings still stand in their place. Undoubtedly, over the years, the window frames in the houses have worn out and need to be replaced. In order to reduce heat loss and improve sound insulation, we recommend installing modern double-glazed windows. Due to the fact that the sizes of windows in panel Khrushchev are typical, you can calculate the cost of replacement in advance.

Typically, the size of the window opening in Khrushchev is from 1500mm to 1450mm for windows with two sashes and 1500 to 2050 for three-leaf windows. Small fluctuations will not make critical changes in cost calculations.

Many owners of apartments in old houses are postponing installation plastic double-glazed windows"until better times". However, does it make sense to wait for the move to multi-storey building unknown how long? After all, all this time you live in a ventilated apartment, waiting for the comfort that will come “someday”.

Moscow was not built right away, but you can improve your living conditions now. Of course I would like to move to new apartment, but is it always possible to realize this desire in a short time?

Fulfill your dreams with our company

Do not despair. If you live in a five-story panel building, we have a special offer for you:

  • The fastest possible installation due to the standard structure of the building. Knowing the size of the windows allows our specialists to plan all work in advance.
  • Low prices due to the presence of our own production.
  • The possibility of preliminary calculation - the size of the window in the five-story panel house "Khrushchev" is known in advance.

Don't put off improving your living conditions. Take advantage of our offer!