Question: "How to make repairs in the room?" - not only those who want to save on the services of specialists are asked, but also people who have time and prefer to equip their homes on their own.
Repair and design instructions, as well as the video in this article, will not interfere even with those who have some experience behind them. And even more so, they are necessary for those who will be doing repairs for the first time.

Over time, everything changes: new finishing materials and technologies for performing work appear; old styles are being interpreted and new styles of housing design are emerging.
We'll talk about repairs. living rooms: bedrooms, living rooms, children's rooms - all the more so since they, for lack of extra rooms, are often combined in various versions. In any case, the preparatory work in them is definitely no different.

  • And so, you decided to radically change the interior, but do not know where to start? Of course with preparation! But, before you do it yourself, you need to decide in advance on the concept of interior design, with color solution, calculate the required amount of materials, and, of course, purchase them.
  • After removing the old decorative coatings, in any case, you will face the need to level the surfaces. To one degree or another, this always has to be done, but the complexity of these works depends on the quality of the walls themselves. If a complete renovation is being done in the room, any work begins from the ceiling.
  • You may not even have to clean it if you decide to install a suspended or stretch ceiling. Then you can immediately start cleaning the walls.
    After removing the old wallpaper, examine the existing screed: tap it for voids, use the level to determine if there are any deviations of the plane from the vertical.
  • Almost all types decorative finishes require that the base be even, and if you choose paint or thin paper wallpaper (see), then it must also be smoothly sanded. The most difficult thing in this case is an incredible amount of dust, from which only a respirator saves.
  • But you also need to protect furniture from dust, which usually has nowhere to take out during repairs. You can do the old-fashioned way: clean the walls and ceiling with a spatula, and grind with sandpaper.
    Or you can purchase such a grinding machine, which you see in the photo above. With its help, you can quickly, and, most importantly, without dust, clean the old screed, and then sand the new one.
  • The price of such equipment depends on its power - for private use, you can take the simplest model, and it will cost around 20,000 rubles. For repairs in one room, this may not make sense, but if you have to finish a large apartment or house, it will provide you with an invaluable service.
  • If the condition of the walls is satisfactory, and there are only minor defects, in the form of cracks and marks from the spatula, it is enough to apply a thin layer of putty. On problematic surfaces, the screed will have to be made thicker, and in several stages: first the starting layer, then the finishing one.
    There is another option - to resort to the help of drywall.

Given the cost of materials, as well as the complexity of wet and dry leveling methods, we can safely say that both options will require approximately the same costs. Choose what you can more chances of doing it yourself.
We will not talk about the production technology of these types of work now. Who is interested, look for articles on the topic, watch the video.

Structural and decorative design

Next, we will talk about what actions need to be taken in order to perform this or that type of finish. If you need to insulate the surfaces of walls or ceilings, you will, in any case, have to give preference to drywall for leveling.
In addition, with its help, you can make some design changes, which will give you additional design options.

  • For example: you can make a decorative or working wall niche, as is done in the example below. We see two working niches: in one there is a floor lamp, and in the other - a semi-column with a bas-relief.
    Please note that the entire decoration of this room was made only by painting, moreover, in an unusual color for interiors.
  • It seems to be gloomy, but the designer conceived it in such a way that it would be possible to balance the abundance of colorful accessories. Here is the most original architectural style: patchwork.
    Children especially like this style of interior design, so it is often used in children's rooms.
  • If you master the basics of working with drywall, you will be able to do a lot. In addition to niches, you can resort to other constructive design options.
    You can, for example, install a false ceiling, or divide the room into two zones with a beautiful partition (see).
  • By the way, a room in a one-room apartment combines two functions: a living room and a bedroom, and here the option with a partition can be considered the most successful. You can verify this by looking at the picture above. In this interior, there are all those types of drywall constructions that we just mentioned.
  • The use of this material involves only two types of decorative finishes: painting and roll coatings. However, panels can also be glued on the surface of the GKL: even gypsum, even bamboo.
    These types of finishes can also be performed directly on the wall, if it is load-bearing. These materials are glued to drywall, if, for example, it is an interior partition, or an insulated wall.
  • Since we are talking about panels, we will present you a great example of their use in the design of a living room. In this case, these are bamboo eco-panels with a 3D effect.
    Such cladding is not done throughout the room, but only on one wall. If this is a bedroom, then at the head of the bed, in the living room it can be a TV area or, as in our example, a seating area.
  • Volumetric panels can also be glued to a wall that is not very even - the relief will hide minor surface defects. A wall clad in this way is always an accent element of the interior, so the rest of the walls should be finished neutrally in relation to it.
    By the way, with a three-dimensional effect, there can be not only panels, but also wallpapers.
  • Regardless of which decorative coating will be mounted on a leveled surface, it must be pre-treated with a primer: universal, or specially designed for the type of substrate you are working with. We are talking only about those coatings that need to be glued.
  • Naturally, when the cladding is done, for example, with a board or wooden panels, this is not necessary, since they are mounted on a crate. The possibility of finishing living rooms with such materials should not be forgotten either.
    They are perfectly combined with decorative plaster, frieze, embossed plain wallpaper. Moreover, the tree can be used both for wall cladding and for creating a false ceiling.
  • Consider the option of such a finish on specific example, and start from the ceiling (see). Judging by the fact that spotlights are built into it, this is a suspended structure.
    It differs from a false ceiling only in the size of the indent from the base floor. When filing, the gap between the surfaces is formed only due to the thickness of the rail or profile from which the frame is mounted.

  • V false ceiling the gap must be at least 10-12 cm, otherwise it will be impossible to build a lamp into it. In this example, you see a popular clapboard construction that can fit into almost any architectural style: both old and modern.
    First, a board is mounted on the frame, and then, in the transverse direction, bars are installed, symbolizing the ceiling beams.
  • Just keep in mind that such a design will not look in the interior. If the tree is involved in both the design of the ceiling and the wall cladding, take better plank different sizes and profiles.
    More suitable for walls wide board, which is mounted either horizontally or diagonally. In this case, a rather complicated version of the “herringbone” installation was used.
  • As for the finishing of wood, there are a lot of ways. It is painted and varnished, treated with oil or wax, tinted, artificially aged. The choice of finishing method depends on the concept of the interior as a whole, or the chosen architectural style in particular.
  • The flooring is installed last, after the ceiling and walls are completely finished. The only thing is, if the floor device requires a screed, it is poured before proceeding with the finishing of the walls.

The most harmonious sleeping area such floor coverings as parquet, board, laminate, pile carpet look. Along with coatings mounted in a cement screed, they can also be equipped with a floor heating system, for example, infrared.
The main "highlight" of the interior does not have to be the ceiling, or one wall. This may well be the floor, as you can see by paying attention to the photo above.

After reading this article, you will learn how to do a do-it-yourself room renovation, how to come up with a design, select finishing materials and consistently, step by step, complete all the work.

What are the rooms in modern apartments

The Soviet experience of do-it-yourself room renovation is still close to many of our fellow citizens.

Houses designed 20 years ago have balconies that tightly block windows. In this way, sunlight cannot enter the room at all.

Atmosphere home comfort according to an old Soviet habit, it is created by lining up brown cabinets on one side, and the opposite wall is usually occupied by a row of seats (a sofa and a couple of monster chairs).

View of the cabinets from this angle, indeed, offers the most panoramic. Thus, the missing feeling is given to the room. narrow corridor. Carpets on the walls with psychedelic patterns complement the cozy interior of a typical room in typical apartment. Familiar?

outdated design

When deciding what repairs to make in the room, first of all get rid of the trash, as well as the design ideas of a bygone era. Today in fashion bright rooms, cheerful colors, functional furniture and large spaces.

Where to begin

Decide where to start the renovation. According to all the rules, major repairs in the apartment begin from its farthest corner.

The hallway is the last to be renovated. Why? Because the corridor is the most accessible place in the apartment. Therefore, construction debris, dust and dirt will somehow appear here. It's not so bad if they cover up the old trim you were going to remove anyway. But if the garbage settles on brand new, recently finished walls in the hallway, you will quickly realize your mistake.

Having decided on the place of repair, decide how the outcome of your work should look like. Do you want to make only cosmetic repairs or dream of global interior changes?

On a piece of paper or in a specialized computer program, create a sketch of the future room. Once the “project” has been approved with the family and aligned with the budget, write down the steps you need to take to reach your goals.

Note! Even if you spend money on repairs very economically, at the stage of drawing up a design project, it would still not hurt to use the help professional designers. They will help not only competently change the interior, increase the space, but also choose finishing materials that will perfectly fit into your budget.

Removing wallpaper

Sequence of work


The sequence of repairing a room, like any other room, as a rule, does not differ in variety.

  • Repairs begin with the removal of old coatings from walls and ceilings. If you plan to re-lay the flooring, the dismantling work will also touch the floor.
  • Preparation for dismantling consists in the removal of all furniture. If this is not possible, it is best to cover all surfaces.
  • At this stage, the wallpaper is removed, paint and plaster are removed from the walls and ceiling. Further actions will depend on what kind of decoration of the apartment with your own hands you are going to do.

Wall alignment

  • If the walls are planned to be glued with thick wallpaper, upholstered with wall panels, and the ceiling closed with a tension or hinged structure, you can not waste time on leveling the surfaces. The listed finishing materials will perfectly hide all the flaws.
  • In the event that the repair consists in pasting with thin paper wallpaper, applying a layer of decorative plaster on the walls, a flat surface will be necessary. Excellent result achieved by applying a primer and 2-3 layers of putty to the walls and ceiling.

Note! Before applying each new layer, the putty must be allowed to dry for 24 hours.

  • If the repair involves the installation of electrics, the reinstallation of heating pipes, the installation of an air conditioner, suspended and false ceilings, these works are carried out before the fine finishing of the premises begins.

The last stage - pasting the walls with wallpaper, installation wall panels, applying decorative plaster. Of all of the above, the most affordable price is inherent in wallpaper.

Decoration Materials

When choosing materials, it is worth considering the type of room in which the repair is being carried out. For example, inexpensive paper wallpapers or decorative plaster which is resistant to mechanical damage.

When repairing the hall, purchase more expensive materials, because the living room is the face of the house. Finishing the bathroom requires the presence of heat and moisture resistant materials - tiles, film stretch ceilings.

To repair a room, 16 sq. m can take 6 rolls of wallpaper and 6 packs of wallpaper glue. It is worth considering these figures when purchasing materials in the store.

Thus, repairing a room is a tedious, but solvable task, which (if the whole family puts on it) can be solved in as soon as possible. Of course, it all depends on the dimensions of the room that you are going to renovate.

Summing up

We hope our article was useful to you. In order to more accurately understand the technological and practical issue, our website provides a detailed photo and video instruction in which you will find useful information on this issue.

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Do-it-yourself room renovation | School repair

I am ready to tell everyone (and show in pictures) how you can relatively inexpensively make a good repair yourself. If everything is in order with your hands, it is not difficult.

So, a specific object. Room 15 sq.m. Future bedroom. Rectangle 3x5m, height 2.65m. It hasn't been renovated in a long time. There are no obvious construction defects (walls, ceiling are visually even, the floor is even on the horizon).

Due to the fact that the removal of furniture was gradual, the repair was a little stretched out in time. It all started with the drafting of a future room, an approximate arrangement of furniture and original design ideas. The repair began with the replacement of the old wooden frame with a modern plastic two-chamber window. Made and installed with no problems. The next step was to replace the radiator. The grinder sawed off the old pipes, and in their place put metal-plastic pipes with a new radiator. In the future, the pipes were planned to be sewn up with drywall. The floor, thank God, turned out to be in very good condition, it was decided not to touch it and not to make a screed. After the removal of some of the old furniture, he began to make a frame for drywall from metal profiles. First it was decided to sew outer wall with a window. Ceiling profiles PP 60x27 and guide profiles PPN 27x28 were used, which were used in the future. The main difficulty was in the exact measurements of the installation of drywall from the wall. Pipes interfered, and the already mounted window sill did not allow to increase the distance from the wall. But the level and plumb line did their job here. First, the profile was fixed to the ceiling. According to the plumb line, they marked the place where the profile should be installed on the floor. After that, they screwed the PN onto the walls. Next, they installed the PP vertically and fixed them in several places to the wall using direct hangers. It turned out a finished frame on one wall. Having laid the opening with mineral wool for heat and sound insulation, the wall was sewn up with plasterboard. At the same time, the window slopes were insulated and sewn up, using the same metal frame for this.

After that, they began to make a frame on adjacent walls. We determined the angle from which all measurements are made, with a chopping thread we drew parallel lines on the ceiling and on the floor, along which the PPN guides must subsequently be fixed. Niches were marked on the walls, which should be according to the project. Having fixed the PPN on the floor and on the ceiling, they began to make vertical racks from PP 60x27. The profile was cut off 7-10 mm less than the height of the room, inserted into the PN every 60 cm and attached to the wall in three places after about 70 cm using straight hangers. In places where there are niches, first a PN was attached to the wall along a marked line, cutting and bending it as it should be in place.

At the same time, in the places of future sockets, a wall was ditched under the mounting boxes. The bulk of the sockets and all the switches were planned to be made on a gypsum wall, so the walls had to be ditched in at least two places, under the TV socket and the socket in the niche.

After the main frame was made, low-current wires were thrown - telephone, Ethernet, TV. Weakness went along the top 3-5 cm from the ceiling. Power cable later laid a little lower, about 10 cm from the ceiling.

While construction was going on, the old door was not dismantled. It was removed at the last moment, when all the dirty and dusty work was done, almost before wallpapering. In the meantime, the frame was being erected, Ursa-100 insulation was placed between the guides. At first, he kept on the wall due to the fact that he was held by the frame itself, and subsequently, on top were thrown power wires, which pressed the insulation quite well against the wall, so that it did not fall under its own weight. All power wires were NYM 3x1.5, NYM 3x2.5 and NYM 4x1.5 was used on the feed-through switches. The entire power cable for reinsurance was laid in the corrugation. The electrical circuit was quite complicated and it took a lot of cable. It took about 150 meters of power cable and about 50 meters of low current for a 15 meter room. The power cable was attached to the metal frame from the inside with clips, and between each other with plastic ties. Junction boxes were planned in the corners of the room, one for the socket group, two for lighting.

After some time, all the walls were insulated and all the cable was laid. The frame was covered with drywall. used ordinary drywall(not moisture resistant) 1200x2700mm. Cut off in height, set, fastened with self-tapping screws. On the spot, I marked holes for sockets, switches and drilled them with a crown, immediately installed the mounting boxes and pulled the wires out. I also sawed niches in drywall with an electric jigsaw in place. After I sewed up all the walls, I sewed up the drywall and the sidewalls of the niches. In semicircular niches, the sidewalls were soaked and bent in place.

When the walls were all sewn up with plasterboard, I began to manufacture a multi-level ceiling structure. All the markings were made on the ceiling, the contours of the ceiling, the location of the lamps, and mirrors were drawn. Based on this markup, in the future, the ceiling frame was made. The entire sequence of work can be seen in the photographs. In parallel, electrical junction boxes were assembled, the wires were twisted and welded.

After the ceiling was ready, all the joints were puttied using Fugenfüller, Vetonit KR, sickle and angle-forming paper tape. The curves of the niches and the ceiling were reinforced with plastic flexible corners, which were later puttied. After the filling work, the old door was dismantled, and a new one was installed instead. Before wallpapering, window slopes and niche sides were painted with Delux white washable paint. The ceiling was painted with water-based paint several times.

Wallpapering took one day. After that, for some time, the floor was cleaned in the room, the remaining pieces of drywall were taken out to the trash, and the instrument was partially taken out.

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It was decided to put the German Tarkett laminate on the floor. Thank God, the floor was even and we decided not to even remove the old linoleum and put it directly on top of it using a 2mm underlay. Waterproofing was also not done due to the fact that linoleum itself does not let moisture through. According to the project, the laminate was supposed to lie diagonally, so they laid it. After the floor was done, it remains to finish the little things. Fix the plinth, cut the wallpaper in some places, wash the mirror on the ceiling from adhesive tape, seal the joint between the window and the slope, etc. The room is ready, it remains to wait for the ordered furniture to be delivered.

Naturally, after everything was ready, ideas appeared on how it could be done better, more correctly. You know what not to do. Here also. It was necessary to bring the heating pipes to the radiator differently. The flow of water through the battery goes from bottom to top, but vice versa. Because of this, there is no 100% efficiency in heating the radiator. The second disadvantage during the repair is that, due to laziness, the old wallpaper was not completely torn off. Can get wet under the heater. The third minus is that vapor barrier was not made. And the last flaw is the lack of forced ventilation. Sealed windows do not allow air to pass through and stuffiness is felt in the room. I would like to install a KIV valve in the future. This can be fixed, although it would be easier to think about it at the very beginning of the repair process.

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Do-it-yourself room renovation: where to start?

If you have planned a do-it-yourself room renovation, but don’t know where to start, after reading the materials of our Remontik website, you will solve this problem. Following our advice, the repair work will not drag on for a long time, and the final result will please you.

First of all, you must understand that the renovation of the room needs serious pre-training. The most important point is the preparation of a detailed repair plan, taking into account all the nuances. Consider tips for organizing repairs from professionals:

  • What type of repair to choose: capital or cosmetic.
  • Preparation of interior design and detailed renovation plan.

  • Determine the main steps for renovating a room.

  • Make a list of necessary tools and materials.

  • Plan for upcoming expenses.

  • vacate the room.

  • Where to start repairing a room with your own hands.

Now let's dwell on each of the stages in more detail, attaching photos and videos to them.

What kind of room renovation is needed: major or cosmetic

First of all, you need to decide on the volume and complexity of future repairs. In order for the apartment to be clean and bright, it is enough to carry out a superficial, cosmetic repair: replacing the wallpaper, changing the old linoleum, whitewashing the ceiling, painting the walls, etc.

If you plan to get rid of everything old and boring, decide on a major overhaul with replacement windows, leveling walls, installing new floors, as well as modern ceilings. Your home will be transformed and become beautiful and new.

We do not recommend refusing the help of professionals during major repairs. First of all, it concerns the creation stylish design premises, including redevelopment, as well as the demolition of some partitions and walls.

When planning repairs, starting from your financial capabilities.

Choose an interior design and decide on a renovation plan

At the very beginning, decide on the design and interior of each individual room that you are going to change in your apartment. You can seek help from an experienced designer, which will slightly increase your financial costs for repairs.

For the room where you are going to carry out repairs, you need to complete detailed drawings of all stages of work, in their clear sequence.

We advise you to complete five repair sketches for everyone private rooms. On the first drawing, we recommend displaying the view of the rooms from above, and on the other four - each wall. Complete all drawings detailed description, as well as a plan for the sequential implementation of repairs, which will avoid inaccuracies and simplifications in work.

  • Locations of furniture. Those walls that catch the eye most of all need to be given maximum attention and use the highest quality finishes.

  • Think carefully about where it is better to place chandeliers and lamps so that the light can better illuminate the room.

  • Considering the location of household appliances, mark the places for the outlet. To then competently design the installation of electrical wiring in different rooms.

  • Consider the location of the main decorative elements: mosaics, paintings, brick wall.

In the repair plan, it is necessary to indicate the required finishing option: painting, wallpapering the walls, etc. To divide the room into separate zones we recommend painting one of the walls with a different color to accentuate and visually separate the room. Such moments also need to be reflected in the plan.

How to determine the order of repair of rooms in an apartment

According to the advice of experts, in order to avoid excess dust and dirt during repairs, we advise you to first make repairs in rooms that are far from the front door. The last stage of repair is better to choose walk-through rooms, as well as a corridor through which construction tools and materials will often rush through. In order not to scratch or stain the finish of an already repaired wall, and also not to damage the new floor.

As additional protection of the renovated room, a cellophane film may protrude (it is fixed with outside doors). It provides reliable protection of the premises from construction dust, dirt, plaster, paint and accidental damage.

Repair of a room in an apartment: do it yourself or by specialists

You don't have to do all the repairs yourself. If necessary, repairs or only particularly complex activities can be entrusted to experienced professionals. Firstly, knowledge and experience will allow them to carry out repairs efficiently and quickly. Secondly, you do not have to buy expensive tools with which a screed is poured or tiles are laid out.

Even if the process of installing an interior door seems simple to you, the slightest inaccuracy in this regard is unacceptable. Of course, you can hang and arrange furniture in the kitchen, align the walls and do a little painting yourself. However, entrust more complex repair work to specialists so that later they do not have to be redone, which will significantly increase financial costs.

Make a list of necessary tools and materials

  • After choosing the design of the room, interior and furniture, you need to make a complete list of building materials. Their total cost and quantity directly depends on the repair work, as well as the methods of their implementation. If you have the necessary budget, it is worth buying building materials with a small margin.

  • Prepare a list of decor items: shelves, holders, paintings, mirrors, etc. Start shopping with selected decor items. If the planned decor element is not available, you can quickly change it or develop a new design room renovation plan.

  • Prepare a list of necessary tools for repair. To do this, use the advice of a consultant in the hardware stores in your city or professional repairmen.

Count the expenses

When was it done preparatory work: sketches and repair plans have been drawn up, lists of all tools and materials have been prepared, a decision has been made on the possibility of repairing the room on your own or with the help of repair specialists, you will calculate the average total price of the planned repair.

Do not rush to purchase all the materials on your first visit to the store. In the compiled lists of tools and materials, put down the cost of various stores, which will save on purchases. Be careful when choosing the services of a construction team. Special attention should be paid not only to the cost of repair work, but also to the reviews of our friends about the quality of repair services.

vacate the premises

To ensure reliable protection of furniture from damage, construction dust and dirt, collect it in the central part of the room. After that, cover with plastic wrap. Therefore, free access to the ceiling and walls. We recommend moving expensive equipment and clothes to other rooms.

Do-it-yourself room renovation: where to start and what is the sequence of work

Repair work should start with the most dusty ones: replacing windows, window slopes and installation of new window sills. In this way, you can avoid dust and dirt during painting work, when it is forbidden to open windows to avoid increased humidity and temperature changes. When the slopes, windows and window sills are installed, cover them with hardboard or plastic wrap to prevent accidental contamination and mechanical damage.

Take care of marking places for installing additional sockets, make electrical wiring. At this stage, do not install sockets and do not connect them to the shield.

Using welding work(for example, when replacing batteries), do them simultaneously in different places in the apartment to quickly complete this difficult and dusty stage of work, which sometimes involves breaking down walls.

Before repairing floors, walls, ceilings, it is necessary to carry out their condition with water or laser level. Start by applying the thickest layers of mortar. While they are drying, you can perform other small works without downtime.

Upon completion of such preparatory phase proceed with the repair, performing it in the following sequence: repair of the ceiling, walls, floor. First, work is carried out using putty, plaster, cement mixtures. Then proceed to the installation of the floor, doors and slopes.

Latest renovations:

  • painting or pasting the ceiling;

  • wall painting or wallpapering;

  • flooring installation;

  • installation of thresholds, skirting boards and platbands.

By following the correct order during the repair and having a clear plan of action, you can avoid many mistakes, save time and money. This is one of the main components of a durable and beautiful repair, along with the observance of the technology and the quality of the materials used.

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How to make repairs in the room?

Repair is a rather loose concept. For some, making repairs means completely destroying the entire room and finishing all surfaces from scratch, for others, replacing wallpaper is a repair. Therefore, first you need to decide what you want to do: cosmetic repairs or major repairs, as well as outline the scope of work and their sequence.

A well-planned renovation will take less time and will also save you money. How? This will be discussed further.

How to make repairs in the room with your own hands?

So, a few rules, following which your repair will proceed smoothly and smoothly, without unpleasant surprises and unforeseen complications.

Rule #1. Decide in advance on the design of the room. It is much easier to select materials for repairs when you know exactly what the end result should be. To develop a design, you can use the services of a specialist, or you can do everything yourself. It will not be superfluous to look at thematic magazines or sites. With the help of special computer programs for clarity, you can create a picture of the future room.

Rule #2. Check out what's new in the building materials market. Modern market offers a variety of materials for roughing and finishing surfaces, which can greatly simplify and speed up repairs. It is better to entrust the choice of building materials to experienced builders who are guided in matters of price and quality and can choose exactly what you need.

Rule #3. You need to buy everything you need for repairs in advance. Before you go shopping, you need to determine what you need and in what quantity. In order to calculate the consumption of materials, it is necessary to measure the parameters of the room: its exact area, the length of the walls, the height of the ceiling, the dimensions of window and door openings, etc. This data should be as accurate as possible, so it is better to take measurements several times. Based on the data obtained, it is possible to calculate the consumption of all materials. It is desirable that the amount of materials be determined exactly, otherwise you will either have to overpay for their excess amount, or then buy them in addition.

Buy Construction Materials best of all at wholesale bases, where prices are lower and the assortment is wide enough. It will also be more profitable to purchase all the necessary goods in one place, if, of course, this is possible. Given the discount system, which directly depends on the cost of the purchase, you can count on a significant bonus and free shipping.

When using repair materials that need to be specially ordered or whose quantity is limited, it is necessary to accurately determine their consumption. If there is a shortage of such materials, the repair may be suspended or other materials will have to be used, which will necessarily affect the result.

Rule #4. Before starting repair work, it is imperative to remove all furniture and other interior items from the room. If they are left, they will not only interfere with free movement, but most likely they themselves will become unusable, covered with construction dust, scratches, stains of paint or mortar, etc. Not to mention the fact that in this case it is almost impossible to make a high-quality floor covering. So it’s better to spend a couple of hours removing furniture than throwing it away anyway. To do this, you can use the help of loaders or independently clean the repair area.

Rule #5. Prepare a set of necessary tools in advance so that during the repair you are not distracted by looking for a drill or hammer. The set of tools directly depends on the planned work and the technology for their implementation. Be sure to have rags, solvents, a bucket of water at the ready. Almost no repair can be carried out without scaffolding. At home, they can be replaced by a table of suitable height, which allows the most convenient work on finishing the upper part of the walls and ceiling. Please note that such a table will almost certainly lose its original appearance after repair, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to use it further as furniture in the apartment.

In addition, you need to think about your safety by preparing a respirator, goggles, gloves, etc.

Rule #6. Be sure to completely remove the old finish. This applies to flooring, old wallpaper, peeling plaster, etc. The dismantling of the finish is carried out starting from the floor. Even if you are not going to change the flooring (for example, carpet or laminate), it is better to remove it, otherwise it will not survive until the end of the repair.

As for the walls, they do not have to be cleaned to a brick or concrete base. If they are smooth, freshly puttied, free of cracks and roughness, they can be refinished. Old wallpaper or other finishes must be removed in order to apply a new one. There are usually no problems with wallpaper, but if you are “lucky enough” to deal with old paper wallpapers that have been glued “for centuries”, you will have to make an effort not to damage the wall surface. In this case, the wallpaper is wetted with soapy water, which helps to remove it.

Dismantling the ceiling finish depends on its type. If it is whitewash, it is removed with a special brush. If the ceiling is covered with water-based paint, which has a completely normal appearance, you should not wash it off. In cases where cracks, crumbling plaster, or other serious defects appear on the surface, it must be cleaned to the ground.

If it is planned to replace windows and doors in the room, they must also be dismantled before starting repair work, since this is a rather “dusty” process, and in some cases even requiring partial destruction of the walls. If the windows and doors will be used as before, then after the completion of all work related to dirt and dust, their surface is cleaned, if necessary, polished and painted. This should be done only after a thorough wet cleaning of the apartment in order to small particles dust did not settle on the painted surface. Otherwise, the result will be a rough and sloppy surface. Before installation, a protective film is applied to new windows and doors to protect them from possible damage. It is advisable not to remove it immediately after installation, but leave it until the completion of all repair work. At the same time, it will protect the surface from dust, drops of paint or solution and other substances that can damage it.

Rule #7. Remove construction debris after each stage of repair. For all the time it will accumulate so much that it will simply become impossible to work indoors, so it is advisable to immediately take out everything superfluous, and wash the floor regularly so that dust does not accumulate.

Rule #8. Plan the repair work so that at the beginning there are all the “dirty” processes, leaving behind a lot of debris and dust, and only then fine finishes. Let's consider in more detail the sequence of work.

Where to start renovating a room?

Traditionally, renovations start from the ceiling.. Decide what exactly you want to do with it. If this is leveling the surface with putty, you need to immediately apply it, and then sand it, so that later you don’t have to return to the ceiling finish. It is advisable to remove the resulting dust immediately. The plasterboard ceiling is also mounted, puttied and sanded immediately, but suspended structures, panels or stretch ceilings are installed after finishing the walls, otherwise construction dust may settle on them, and their surface may get dirty or damaged.

In general, in most cases of repair, the ceiling finish comes first, although there are exceptions. For example, when it is planned to finish the ceiling and walls with putty, work is carried out in parallel, after which the ceiling, if necessary, is covered with a fine finish, and then a finishing layer is applied to the walls ( decorative putty, wallpaper, paint, etc.).

After the ceiling comes the turn of the walls. First you need to determine their evenness, the quality of the corners, as well as the condition of the previous rough finish. If the walls were not leveled before, then most likely this will need to be done. Another common problem is uneven corners. Almost all finishes require the most even surface and right angles, since they will not be able to hide wall defects. As a result, even expensive types of finishes will look pitiful on bumpy walls; when using wallpaper, there is a high probability of skewed canvases, inconsistencies in the pattern and the appearance of other defects. Therefore, the preparation of walls for finishing is an obligatory and crucial stage of repair.

The type of finish for the walls is selected depending on the chosen design style. It can be paint, decorative putty, various types of wallpaper, panels. You can start finishing immediately after finishing all work related to dust or other possible contaminants.

It is important to remember that it is the walls that largely determine the appearance of the room and the quality of the repair. Any defect on their surface can spoil the overall impression. Therefore, when working with them, you need to be extremely careful, strictly follow the technology for applying finishing materials, and use only high-quality products.

Recently, the use of various built-in wardrobes, plasterboard shelves, partitions and other functional decorative interior elements has become popular. They allow full use usable area room without cluttering it with heavy pieces of furniture. In addition, they create unique interior and enable the realization of original design solutions. They are usually used to create metal profiles and drywall sheets, which, after installation, are puttied and, if necessary, painted or covered with other finishes, similar to the walls or vice versa, standing out against their background. The installation of such structures should take place parallel to the finishing of the walls. The assembly and fastening of such structures requires certain skills, therefore, to create them, it is better to seek help from specialists. Ignorance of the technology of their assembly can lead to the destruction of structures, damage to materials, and possibly the surface of the walls. So it is better not to take risks and immediately turn to professionals.

Floor repair may include both a simple replacement of the floor covering, and the replacement of its entire structure. In the first case, the floor can be done immediately after finishing the walls, in the second - before finishing. A complete floor replacement involves leveling it by pouring a concrete screed, installing a “warm floor” and other work. In this case, there is a high probability of damage to the wall decoration.

Before starting the repair of the floor, you need to remove all debris and thoroughly wash the surface. Dust, sand, earth, residues of mixtures and other foreign materials must not accumulate, and the coating must not be mounted on them. Foreign particles can subsequently cause premature wear of the floor.

The surface of the floor should be flat, and not only because it is beautiful. It is quite difficult to lay a floor covering on an uneven surface, and over time it can quickly lose its appearance. The flooring itself is mounted after the final completion of all other work. During the repair, the floor is constantly exposed to loads: moving scaffolding and tools, constant walking, bumps, stains from paints and mixtures, layers of dust. If the coating is laid earlier, it will not last even until the repair is completed. The same applies to skirting boards, which are mounted after laying the flooring. Modern models of skirting boards not only fasten without problems, but also have special caps that hide fasteners.

When planning the sequence of repair work, you need to remember that the main thing is not to spoil what has already been done. If you do not follow this principle, you can immediately prepare for a new repair, requiring additional time and money.

where to start, cosmetic, consistency

The issue of repairing a room almost always rests on the budget for future work. Most often, the owners of an apartment or house are faced with a choice - to do a cosmetic renovation of the room with their own hands, without putting it off indefinitely, or to plan a major restructuring with redevelopment and a major design update for an indefinite future. Most masters in such a situation recommend redecorating the room, during which the vast majority of problems with the interior of the room can be solved.

How to approach the organization of repairs in one room

Starting repairs in a room is always inconvenient and even scary, especially if you don’t have enough experience, and of the assistants at hand, there is only a cheat sheet on doing a do-it-yourself room renovation for beginners. But, as a rule, uncertainty and doubts pass when the scope of future work becomes clear and the question is resolved in what sequence to make repairs in the room.

Therefore, the first step is to draw up a master plan for cosmetic repairs, and most importantly, before trying to make repairs in the room, it is necessary to draw up a detailed estimate for the purchased materials and consumables. This required condition, even for repairs in a small room, you will need to make a list of several dozen items.

Where to start repairing the room is not important, you can carry out repair work in the sequence that seems more convenient in these specific conditions. Traditionally, do-it-yourself room repairs begin with the most “dirty” or rough work and end with fine finishing procedures.

A typical list of work or a sequence of repairs in a room is as follows:

  • The old finish is removed from the walls, ceiling and floor. Removing the floor covering gives the largest percentage of dust and dirt, so it is removed first;
  • A rough preparation of the floor is being carried out for further laying of a new floor covering;
  • Wiring is being repaired, lamps, switches are being moved and hung, corrugations are laid out for television and Internet cables;
  • Walls and ceilings are cleaned and plastered. If the plans for redecoration involve changing the wallpaper to a more modern type finishing, you will need to align the walls gypsum plaster;
  • The ceiling surface is leveled in a similar way. For whitewashing or painting with a water-based emulsion, the ceiling is overwritten, plastered with a lime-gypsum mixture and a decorative coating is laid;
  • Decorative wall decoration is being carried out, ceiling plinths are being glued, the lining of interior doors is changing;
  • A new floor covering is laid, skirting boards are installed, lamps are hung, switches are being installed.

Of course, at each stage of repairing a room, a photo, a large amount of debris and dust will be generated. Not only will you have to regularly clean the room and take out rubbish blockages, you will need to try to cover areas with already completed repairs with a protective plastic film to avoid dusting the surface.

What not to include in a room remodel

Master finishers often call redecoration work "for three days", in order to update the interior in a room, more, as a rule, is not required. The list of repair measures does not include the most expensive work:

  • Re-planning of premises with transfer interior partitions;
  • Replacement of the heating system;
  • Installation of expensive multi-tiered suspended ceilings;
  • Balcony glazing and replacement of windows with double-glazed windows;
  • Underfloor heating equipment in the room.

It is clear that all of the listed components of the repair require serious financial costs and the involvement of qualified specialists in the work. It will take more than a day or two to carry out such serious events. In addition, such is the specificity of the repair in the room that, willy-nilly, dust and construction debris spread throughout the apartment. Therefore, the situation is regulated in this way - either cosmetic repairs are made in a single room, or the entire apartment “gets up” for major repairs.

In general, the redecoration plan includes everything that can be done in a couple of days with your own hands for relatively little money.

The main task of cosmetic repair

The main goal of repair work is to refresh the interior of the room, remove minor defects and damage accumulated over the years, which are insanely annoying and interfere with everyday life.

In rare cases, cosmetic repairs are the result of force majeure, for example, the flooding of the room by the neighbors on the floor above or the preparation of the premises for rent. There can be many reasons, but the main thing is still maintaining the premises in a comfortable condition for living.

Properly performed cosmetic repairs make it possible to save on the volume of future overhauls. For example, performing a floor base screed and leveling the walls will at least reduce the time and effort spent on preparing for a major overhaul, of course, provided that the repair of the room with your own hands is done as conscientiously and efficiently as possible. .

The next stage of repair, distribution of costs and loads

One of the most difficult stages of redecoration is fairly considered to be budget planning and material procurement. Especially if you plan to do most of the repair procedures yourself. The reason is simple - amateurs and novice craftsmen have no idea at all how much specific material is required for a particular area of ​​work.

In this case, the problem is solved in two ways:

  • A list of works and an estimate can be shown experienced master, which will help calculate the flow rate by squaring the room;
  • Calculate the consumption based on the typical recommendations of building materials manufacturers, increasing the stock for glue, plaster mixtures, wallpaper, flooring by 10% of the calculated indicators.

In the latter case, the cost of purchasing materials will increase significantly, but in the end, the remains of cement, dry plaster and glue can be used to redecorate other rooms in the apartment. In addition, the presence of a list often helps to get a wholesale discount, so there should not be significant gaps in the budget for a future cosmetic renovation of a room with a competent organization of the purchase.

Preparatory stages of repair in the room

The first, most time-consuming stage has always been and remains the rough peeling of the walls and ceiling. Usually, repairs in a room begin with the removal of furniture and sealing the front door with a protective awning. You can use thick polyethylene film Or an old blanket. An impromptu curtain will protect the rest of the apartment from noise and dust, which, even with very careful work, the use of a vacuum cleaner and wet cleaning of floors, always accumulates in considerable quantities in the room.

Before repair, lamps must be removed, instead of a chandelier, a cartridge with a light bulb is left in the room. If double-glazed windows are installed in the room, then it will be useful to tighten the window opening with foil before repair. It is clear that the floor covering is also covered with a film, it is easier to roll up the laid polyethylene than to wash out the dirt in the room every evening.

Removing old finishes from walls

It takes about a third of the planned time to prepare for cosmetic repairs. During this time, you will need to remove the whitewash and wallpaper from the walls of the room. If there are areas with damaged plaster, it will take another day to knock the plaster off the walls.

Old wallpaper is removed either with one panel or scraped off in small pieces for a long time, it all depends on the glue used. Before removing the wallpaper, the surface is moistened with a spray bottle with a small amount of water. After 20-30 minutes, the tapestries can be removed in patches. For particularly strong adhesives, boiling water and steam are used. In any case, after peeling off the old trellises, you will need to go through with a vacuum cleaner and a stiff brush to remove dust and glue residue.

Stripping and restoration of the ceiling surface

The ceiling is freed from the decorative coating much faster and easier than the walls. If the plans for cosmetic repairs include a sticker of polystyrene plates or laying plastic panels, then it will be enough to remove upper layer whitewashing.

The situation is more complicated if the ceiling in the room is painted with water-based paint or whitewashed with lime. In this case, it will take at least a day to remove the durable layer of the old finish.

The most common option for restoring the ceiling during cosmetic repairs involves leveling the plane of the ceiling. In any room of any apartment, floor slabs lie with a trim of several degrees, which leads to a difference in ceiling height near the opposing walls of the room from 2 to 5 cm.

If the time and budget for cosmetic repairs allow, then it is best to level the ceiling with high-quality gypsum plaster.

To do this, plastic slats are sewn onto the ceiling and the plane is tightened with a plaster mesh. Reiki-lighthouses are glued with alabaster, guided by pre-stretched marking horizontal cords. The mesh is sewn on dowels. The total time required for the final leveling of the ceiling in the room is 5-6 hours of work.

In one working day, you can complete a complete ceiling repair. The next day, you can rub, prime and paint the surface.

Cosmetic repairs to the walls of the room

During cosmetic repairs, the walls are leveled and plastered only in exceptional situations when the situation requires it, for example, the appearance of a large number of cracks or chipping of the plaster. In addition, the total area of ​​​​the walls of the room, as a rule, is three times the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling, which in itself requires a lot of time and materials.

Therefore, during cosmetic repairs, the preparation process is limited to cutting small cracks, followed by puttying and grinding the surface. Sometimes, in order to level the plane of a single wall, especially problematic areas are subjected to grinding with an electric grinder.

In addition, at this stage of the repair work, it is not difficult to change the profile and configuration of the electrical wiring in the room. It is enough to drill channels in the lower part of the walls to the installation site of new electrical sockets, break through the "glasses" for the sockets and install the sockets themselves. Corrugations with wiring laid in channels can be rubbed with gypsum or alabaster mass. All work will take a maximum of 2-3 hours. At the end of the preparation for finishing, the surface is vacuumed and primed.

Rough floor preparation

After the completion of the most time-consuming work with the preparation of the ceiling and walls, you can proceed to cleaning and preparing the floor. If the floors are concrete, with a laminate-based floor covering, then cosmetic repairs may be limited to re-laying laminate boards, with or without replacement of the lining material. Most often, damaged plates are changed in the room, after which the coating is polished using wax mastic.

During cosmetic repairs, linoleum coatings are cut out, the base is cleaned to concrete, primed and covered with a heat-insulating lining based on polyethylene foam.

If the room has wooden floors, then first of all the floorboards themselves are cleaned and repaired, then the joints are clogged and minted, after which the surface is polished and prepared for painting.

Don't forget about debris and dust

Any repair work, even the most simple and superficial, is always accompanied by the formation of a large amount of debris and dust. Before repair, you need to prepare two or three polypropylene bags, in which all the garbage from the room will be collected daily. At the end of the day, after each finishing operation, the walls and floor are cleaned of crumbling crumbs and residues. plaster mortar, and before finishing the walls are vacuumed or wet brushed.

If it is supposed to level the walls of the room with gypsum plaster, then the amount of garbage will increase by five to six times. It will be necessary to think in advance and find a way to collect and remove from the premises 150-200 kg of cement-sand garbage screenings. You cannot send it to the garbage chute or garbage cans; you will need to order a special service for the removal of construction waste.

Fine cosmetic repairs in the room

The first is the finishing of the ceilings. Usually the repaired and sanded surface is primed and painted acrylic paint light tones.

If wallpaper is used in the interior of the room, the ceilings can be decorated with non-woven or vinyl wallpaper to match the future wall decoration. A common practice for decorating lamps and chandeliers is the use of imitation styrofoam moldings and decorative ceiling plinths.

The fine finishing of the walls in the room is considered one of the most responsible and at the same time time-consuming cosmetic operations. Even taking into account the fact that half of the walls in the room will be covered with furniture, a certain part of the walls will still be clearly visible to everyone in the room. If during the cosmetic repairs it was not possible to qualitatively level the surface of the walls, you can hide the flaws only under the wallpaper. Best of all, tapestries on a fabric basis or with a pronounced embossed textured surface. It will take 7-8 hours or a full day to paste over the room.

Repair of doors and floor in a small room

The wooden plank floor of the old layout often has to be hidden under linoleum or laminate. In this case, the surface of the floorboards is polished with a sander, and the joints are sewn together with nails hammered at an angle to the board. At the next stage of the repair, the floor surface is sewn up with OSB boards, after which linoleum or any other type of flooring can be laid in the room.

The situation becomes more complicated if the concrete floors are aligned with the level of the screed throughout the apartment. In this case, any floor covering in the room will lead to the appearance of a threshold, so the laying of laminate or parquet must be planned simultaneously in all rooms.

The final stage is the restoration of interior doors. The hatch and the door itself, if they are in good condition, can not be changed, but restored with cleaning and polishing of the surface. The outer lining of the door frame during the repair is traditionally replaced with a new one. The replacement of doors with a carrier frame is planned for a major overhaul, usually so that the entire apartment or house has doors of the same style and design.


Repair of a room, even in a cosmetic version, requires careful preparation, first of all, in the details of the future interior of the room, the method of decorating walls and floors. Any attempt to postpone the decision to the future, to do it randomly, as it happens, will lead to a significant increase in costs and increase the time required to restore the room by two to three times.

For repairs, you will need various brushes and rollers.

The rooms in our house have a different purpose, and each of us has our own vision of the necessary transformations during the renovation. Therefore, we will consider only one of the options for repairing a room. We will analyze in detail how to make repairs in a room with your own hands to an average resident who knows how to hold power tools in his hands and is ready to learn and work independently.

What do we do

Let's analyze the option of the simplest repair in the room, but with the addition of cabinets with shelves. We will make the ceiling one-level with a glued figure. The walls will be covered with wallpaper, and the floor will be covered with laminate.

Preparation for repair

Wall tiling

First of all, all things must be taken out of the room. Now we need to clean the walls from old wallpaper, paint and lime. If the plaster falls off or "breathes" - it must also be removed from the wall. In any case, those sections that do not stick to the main wall.

Now let's do the floor. Perhaps your room has a flat plank floor, the boards of which are in good condition. In this case, you will have to dismantle only the baseboard. If the boards are bad or bend - tear off such a floor and do not regret it. Perhaps there is linoleum on the floor of the room. Remove it and check the evenness of the screed. For 1 running meter floor should be no more than 1-2 mm difference. If the difference is greater, then you will either have to fill in the screed, or use a floor leveler.

Pay attention to the condition of the interior door. Maybe it is also better to dismantle it together with door frame to install another.


If the window in the room needs to be replaced, then do it now, at this stage of repair.


Wall papering

The room, of course, needs light and power sources, that is, sockets. On the this stage repairing the room, it's time to do the wiring. Determine immediately where the lamps will be located (walls, ceiling) and bring the wires to these places. Provide enough outlets in the right places. Pass all the wires passing through the ceiling into an electrical corrugated hose.

On the wall, if necessary, make strobes for wires. For a room for this purpose, a copper wire with a cross section of 2 square meters is required. mm. Fixtures, sockets and switches install after you paint the ceiling and paste the wallpaper.


If you decide to pour the screed, then fill it so that it is on the same level as the main floor of the apartment. More information about pouring screed can be found here.

Maybe there is a good old screed on the floor, the differences of which do not exceed 2 cm. In this case, use a floor leveler. How to work with the floor leveler can be found on our website.

Putty and slopes

Plumbing installation

We putty the walls with starting putty. Whether you use beacons is up to you and your walls. Perhaps your walls are even, or almost even, which is not so important for wallpaper. It can be said that if 0.5 cm of a slope is observed on 1 m of the wall in one direction or the other, it can be considered suitable for putty under wallpaper. The corner of such a wall can be leveled using the rule, without beacons. However, you can make lighthouse putty. How to do this, you can see here.

Slopes, in addition to the starting putty, will have to be putty again with satengypsum or finishing putty. This can be done when you putty the ceiling and cabinet.

After the initial wall putty, install the door frame. It is better to make an interior door without a threshold - it is more convenient to use.

Plasterboard cabinet

Plasterboard cabinet

You can skip this part of the interior, but for those who want to have additional shelves in the room, we will tell you how to do it.

To mark the cabinet, we need a pencil, a tape measure, a level, a plumb line and a construction square. We will make a bedside table 60 × 60 cm around the outer perimeter. In the corner of the room, on the ceiling, with the help of a building square, we outline the perimeter of the cabinet. Using a plumb line, we transfer these dimensions to the floor. We use UV and CV profiles with a width of 75 mm. We fasten pieces of the UV profile to the ceiling and to the floor from the side of the blank wall of the cabinet.

Now we install four corner profiles CV, moreover, three of them are fastened to the wall, and one, external, is fastened only to the UV profile.

Now we cut the pieces of the CV profile to size and, cutting them in the right places, we make partitions for the shelves. For partitions we use both types of profiles, installing not only side, but also intermediate fasteners. To screw the profiles together, we use small self-tapping screws, called fleas. You will sheathe the frame with plasterboard sheets after you install the ceiling. You can putty and paint the cabinet at the same time as the ceiling.


The results of the repair in the children's room

Now it's time for the ceiling. We mount the frame for a flat ceiling and hang drywall sheets. Ceiling installation instructions can be found here. Before puttying the ceiling, we sheathe the cabinet with shelves with drywall. We putty the ceiling and cabinet. After the putty dries, we paint the ceiling and cabinet. After painting the ceiling, you can install the fixtures that are provided for the ceiling.


The walls are already dry. You can hang wallpaper. Wallpapering instructions can be found on this page. After pasting the wallpaper, you can install sockets, switches and sconces.

laminate and door

We lay the laminate and hang the door. If you find it difficult to install laminate, then read the methods of installing laminate on our website. Don't forget the door frames. Now it remains to fasten the plinth around the perimeter of the room and the repair can be considered completed.

How to make an inexpensive home renovation

T Anything can be a repair tool. For example, replacing a window block with a plastic one. Further on, you will find that everything in the room is interconnected like a garland of monkeys holding each other by the tails.

A new window requires repair of slopes, slopes - replacement of wallpaper. Old skirting boards do not fit the new wallpaper in any way. Then it may turn out that linoleum does not interfere with changing, and the ceiling needs repair after changing the wallpaper. Therefore, repairs are best done in a complex, if not quality repair apartment, then at least a good one room.

However, with the modern abundance of building materials, a decent and inexpensive repair requires only desire, a small set of tools and diligence. And some time to finish reading this article.

Economical room renovation

Preparing to renovate a living room

The task of preparation is to turn the room into a “blank slate” where nothing interferes with further creativity.

First of all, we remove furniture, lamps on the walls and on the ceiling. Instead of a chandelier, we hang a simple cartridge with a powerful lamp.

Let's move on to the old finish. We remove all finish coatings to be replaced: old wallpaper, old floor covering, clean the ceiling from tiles, wallpaper and (or) whitewash.

At the same time, we clean everything that crumbles and can be cleaned without much effort.

If the coating, like an archaeological excavation, has many layers, we remove everything, if possible, up to putty or plaster.

After clearing the main arrays, we carefully remove all kinds of dowels, nails and screws.

Rough work - the basis of quality repairs

We start the repair with rough work, the purpose of which is to repair and prepare the bases for applying finishing coatings:

Good foundation preparation is the key to a quality repair

We cut large cracks, minted them with gypsum putty. We close potholes, holes from dowels, screws, etc. with the same composition.

Plastic plugs - dowels, it is easy to pull out with a self-tapping screw and pliers: insert the screw into the dowel and tighten it with your hand until there is enough force, and then tighten it with a screwdriver a couple more turns. Pull the screw with pliers, the cork will easily come out of the wall.

Removing old outlets

  • turn off the electricity supply;
  • unscrew the cover, remove or loosen the fixing and spacer screws, remove the socket and disconnect the wires;
  • we isolate the ends of the wires, and fill them into socket boxes, fixing them with tape.

We clean the walls from roughness with the help of a fine plaster mesh. Apply a deep penetration primer. It solves three problems at once:

  • increase adhesion;
  • strengthen the top layer of structures;
  • dust off the surface.

Moving on to finishing work in the room

Let's start the fine finish from the ceiling, glue it with white polystyrene foam tiles. This option is economical and simple for an inexperienced repairman. Even without experience, a ceiling of 15-18 m 2 can be pasted over in 6-8 hours.

Unlike painting or wallpaper, tiles do not require high-quality putty or other preparation, but can even be glued onto the floor panel.

We use acrylic glue. Unlike transparent polymer adhesives for foam, its adhesion allows you to work on the principle: "applied, pressed, forgot."

For white tiles, such glue is better, also because they can immediately fix minor flaws like putty.

The next stage of finishing - floors

The simplest solution for finishing the floor is linoleum. For styling and fitting, it requires only a tape measure, a marker, a ruler and a mounting knife. We buy linoleum according to the width of the room and lay it with a solid carpet, without gluing.

We roll out the roll and let the material rest for a couple of days to get rid of irregularities. Then cut to size following simple rule: not sure - don't cut.

If still in doubt, cut off obviously less than necessary. Linoleum is cut easily, and fixing if you cut off the excess is not an easy task.

We cut with an ordinary clerical knife. A wide spatula is suitable as a ruler, and in its absence, a building level.

We cut linoleum

Wall papering

Wallpapering the walls completes the main repair work. We take paper wallpapers, as they are the most inexpensive.

Before starting work, you need to make sure that the planes of the floor and ceiling are parallel to each other. Or their horizontal difference does not exceed 5-7 mm. In this case, you can cut five or six strips from wallpaper rolls at once. We leave one to adjust the pattern of the following canvases, the rest are lubricated and glued.

Gluing wallpaper

If the difference in the distance from floor to ceiling in different angles exceeds a centimeter, more than two strips should not be cut. You can make a mistake, and it turns out that, for example, at the top the sheet is wrapped on the ceiling, and at the bottom it does not reach the plinth.

Lubricate the strip with glue, fold it. First, we transfer the edges to the middle, then in half, and again in half (see Fig. 1). We put it in a pack. After the last sheet has been processed, we turn the pack over so that the first of the greased sheets is on top, and we begin to glue.

We start pasting from any of the corners of the room, preferably from the one closest to the window.

Having pasted the prepared canvases, we cut new ones and repeat all over again.

We do not spare glue for pre-priming the wall. With special care, we coat its upper quarter, and the places where the joints are supposed to be.

Installation of floor and ceiling skirting boards. Completion of work

The installation of floor skirting boards is the only operation that will require a puncher with a drill with a diameter of 6 mm.

It is better to start the installation of plastic floor skirting boards from the same angle where the wallpaper was started from.

For fastening, we use “quick installation” nails 3-4 cm long. We put them back 10-12 cm from the edge of the plinth strip and then approximately every forty centimeters.

Styrofoam ceiling plinths are glued directly on top of the wallpaper. We use the same white acrylic glue. Accurate cutting in corners is difficult for a beginner, even under the miter box, but using glue as a putty can eliminate most of the flaws.

We complete the repair by installing sockets, replacing the switch by returning the chandeliers and lamps to their place.

Repair completed. It remains to wipe the dust and celebrate its end.

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  • The word "renovation" immediately causes negative emotions for many. This feeling is due to the fact that this is a very laborious, lengthy and costly process. Especially if the work is done independently. This article describes in detail how to start repairs in an apartment, depending on its type, what materials to choose and in what sequence to carry out the work so that the repair goes without problems, and the result exceeds all expectations.

    The stages of apartment renovation and the cost of work depends on the condition of the premises, the type of repair and the size of the area covered, i.e. it can be the entire apartment or its individual premises. There is a major, cosmetic and renovation. Each of them has its own clear sequence of actions, the correct implementation of which determines the final result and the duration of the period of operation.

    Overhaul is considered the most ambitious and time-consuming, which will require not only a lot of effort, but also significant financial costs. It involves a complete reconstruction of the apartment with a possible redevelopment, replacement of windows, doors, utilities, ceiling, wall and floor coverings. It usually starts from scratch.

    How to legalize an already done redevelopment of an apartment. How to get permission to redevelop your own home.

    Choice of interior design

    Where to start repairing a room or apartment as a whole? With the choice of style of decoration of the room. Properly selected interior design will help create a comfortable and stylish home. His choice depends on the taste, character and outlook on life of the owner of the apartment. Today, there is a variety of interior styles with distinctive features that should be studied before making repairs in order to be able to successfully bring the chosen direction to life.

    Designers divide all existing style directions into certain groups:

    • classic, which includes Provence, Empire, Baroque, English and antique style;
    • ethnic style covers Japanese, Egyptian, African, Scandinavian and Chinese directions;
    • modern style combines country, modern, classicism and minimalism.

    remains the most popular classic design interior. Characteristic features directions are considered splendor, grandeur, functionality, causing aristocracy and noble grace. All elements of the interior indicate the high status of the owners of the apartment.

    The premises are decorated in discreet pastel colors. The hallmark becomes a massive expensive furniture with carved handmade patterns. An unusual painting rises on the ceiling. Large-sized apartments are often decorated in the classical style, in which you can not save on free space.

    Modern youth prefers to decorate the room in modern style. This is especially justified for apartments with a small area. Here everything should be simple, restrained and concise. The premises contain a minimum amount of furniture, which should be compact, mobile, functional and modern. You can dilute the calm palette of decorative interior decoration with the help of bright elements decor.

    The ethnic direction reflects the owner's predisposition to a certain culture, the main features of which are embodied in interior design. With the help of modern technologies and finishing materials, you can make your dreams come true and create an imitation of your beloved country in your apartment. This direction is chosen by non-standard-minded people with a great love for adventure and travel. You can more clearly see each style in the photo of renovated apartments.

    How to start apartment renovation: the main strategy

    After the design project of the apartment has been developed and the question has been resolved in what sequence to make repairs, you can begin to perform work, which consists of the following stages:

    • preparatory stage;
    • draft work;
    • finishing of the room.

    How to start repairing an apartment with your own hands? From the preparatory stage, which consists in the implementation of a complex of dismantling works. This applies to both new construction and old apartment. Regardless of what kind of repair is planned, cosmetic or major, all surfaces must be cleaned of the old finish. At this time, window blocks are being dismantled, followed by the installation of more quality products. The front door also needs to be replaced. Here you may need to expand or reduce the doorway. Based on the project, partitions are dismantled and erected, doorways are sealed or arranged to install interior doors or create arches.

    Useful advice! Do-it-yourself room repair should begin with the dismantling of interior doors.

    Surface preparation is one of the most important steps in DIY repairs. Where to start the process depends on the state of the foundation. This stage includes cleaning the walls, ceiling and floor from the old coating and eliminating all flaws on the surface of the structures using building materials. It is on the quality of the work at this stage that it will depend on how firmly and accurately the new finishing coating will hold.

    First of all, the ceiling is cleaned of the old coating. Whitewash is washed off with a brush dipped in water. Old putty is removed using a grinder with an iron brush.

    Take off ordinary wallpaper from the walls with a spatula, after wetting them with water. Vinyl wallpapers quite resistant to moisture, so you can remove them with a steam generator or ironing. If such a device is not available, you can use ordinary iron with a steaming function, which is brought to the wall at a distance of 10-15 cm. Under the influence of steam, the wallpaper easily moves away from the wall. You can remove the paint using a grinder with a special nozzle or a building hair dryer. The next step is to remove the old flooring.

    Useful advice! If the project provides for the installation of a hinged or stretch ceiling, the old coating can not be removed. It is enough to treat all problem areas with a strengthening primer and an antiseptic.

    Where to start repairing an apartment with a rough finish in a new building

    Where to start finishing the apartment depends on the state of its structural elements. Usually, the developer performs the necessary minimum of work, strictly not adhering to the technology of their implementation and without using high-quality building materials. Therefore, all elements of the premises need a rough rough finish of the apartment with their own hands or with the help of specialists, which consists in performing the following activities:

    • dismantling of old and construction of new non-bearing structures based on a new layout;
    • window replacement;
    • preparation of holes in the walls for laying new engineering communications according to the developed scheme;
    • wiring electrical wiring;
    • installation of technological communications: water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, air conditioner inter-unit line;
    • leveling of all concrete surfaces;
    • installation of insulation and sound insulation;
    • floor screed.

    After completing the rough repair work in the apartment, the finishing of the premises is carried out. The solution to the question of how to plan repairs at the final stage will depend on the type of finishing material and the way it is laid. For example, if the walls and ceiling are painted or wallpapered, then the finishing work starts from the ceiling, then the walls are lined and the flooring is laid. In case of false ceiling installation work is carried out after finishing the walls.

    If parquet is being installed, then the work is carried out before finishing the walls and ceiling, so as not to damage the surface. Doors can be mounted both before and after finishing the walls. If there is no platband, then the installation of the door leaf is carried out before finishing, in order to be able to seal the joint between the wall and the door frame. In the case of a platband, the gap is filled with foam, and the platband is attached to the wall after finishing the walls.

    After completing all finishing works proceed to the installation of skirting boards, sockets, switches, platbands, lighting and plumbing fixtures. Then a general cleaning is carried out, after which you can proceed to the arrangement of furniture and decor elements. It is in this sequence that repairs are carried out on their own.

    How to start repairs in a rough apartment: installation work

    The list of installation work when performing repairs from scratch includes:

    • erection of non-bearing partitions;
    • replacement of windows and doors;
    • work related to the laying of electrical wiring and other communications.

    The construction of non-bearing interior partitions is carried out on the basis of a previously developed plan. For the installation of structures can be used gas, foam concrete blocks, brick or metal frame with plasterboard finish.

    Concrete blocks create a solid structure that can withstand a significant cantilever load. Therefore, this is the most suitable option if a TV or wall cabinet will hang on the wall. The surface needs base plaster for further decorative finishing.

    Much less often, partitions are erected from building bricks. This is due to the fact that the design occupies a significant part of the free space. Indeed, in order for it to be stable, the thickness of the partition must be at least 170 mm. In addition, this design creates a significant load on the base.

    The most popular option is to create a partition from a metal frame, which is sheathed with drywall. The design has good sound insulation and does not create a significant load on the supporting element of the building.

    Useful advice! V drywall partitions it is necessary to provide for the installation of embedded parts that will withstand the load from possible hinged structures .

    The installation of windows and entrance doors should be entrusted to specialized organizations, the quality of which will determine the nature of the protection of the apartment from the cold and the likelihood of penetration of burglars.

    Features of installation of communications

    How to start do-it-yourself repairs after redevelopment of an apartment? With the implementation of electrical wiring and laying of other engineering communications. First you need to do all the plumbing work. New radiators are being installed, and pipelines are being connected to the common house heating system. Pipework is being carried out to connect faucets, a toilet bowl, a washing machine, a sink, a bathtub, a shower cubicle, a water heater and dishwasher. Before installation, you should clearly know the location and connection features of all devices.

    Hot and cold water pipes can be hidden in wall niches or mounted in plasterboard or plastic boxes. As a material for pipes, it is recommended to use polypropylene, which has high strength and performance characteristics.

    Useful advice! The size of the holes for laying plumbing communications should be twice as large as the diameter of the pipelines, which is associated with a high value of the coefficient of thermal expansion of the material.

    Wiring is usually hidden. All cables and wires are laid in wall strobes, above a suspended or stretch ceiling, or in the floor under a screed.

    Important! When making repairs panel apartments wall chasing for future electrical wiring is carried out only vertically. Horizontal sections are mounted at the junction of the wall and floor or under the ceiling.

    Work must begin with the markup, which is carried out on the basis of the developed plan of the apartment. According to this marking, wall chasing is performed. The size of the holes is determined by the number and thickness of the cables to be laid. In new buildings, all electrical wiring is installed from scratch, starting from the electrical panel. In old apartments, when performing a major overhaul, you can also completely change the electrical cables, or mount its individual sections necessary for connecting electrical appliances based on a new design project.

    At this stage, it is necessary to provide for the laying of cables for the intercom, TV, telephone and Internet, which can also be hidden.

    How does ceiling repair begin in an apartment?

    How to start repairing a rough apartment? All repairs in the apartment are usually carried out from top to bottom. So, you need to start from the ceiling. In new buildings, it is presented in the form of a monolithic concrete slab, the surface of which must be cleaned, plastered, primed and lined with decorative trim. If the repair is carried out in an old apartment, then at the first stage the surface should be cleaned of the old finishing material.

    The further plan of action depends on the chosen design option for the ceiling. If the surface is perfectly flat, then the easiest and cheapest option is to whitewash or paint it. If the base requires preliminary elimination of defects using plastering works, then this option will be very laborious and costly.

    Another budget, but not so laborious option is installation ceiling tiles which even a novice can do. The surface of the base does not need to be pre-levelled. The main thing is to choose the right quality finishing material and glue.

    A more acceptable, but expensive solution is to create a hinged drywall structure, which can be of any shape and have several levels, which determines the cost and time of work. Thanks to this solution, it is possible to obtain free space between the ceiling and the structure for laying and installing spotlights.

    A modern solution today is the creation of a stretch ceiling made of PVC fabric. The result is a perfectly even base of any texture and shade. Installation is carried out in a matter of hours by a specialized team. Before performing work, you must first prepare wall structures. Because the installation process of a stretch ceiling involves the execution of edging from baguettes. In addition, all dirty work must be completed in the room so that dust and possible pollution do not settle on a clean ceiling.

    Finishing of wall structures

    Alignment of walls is an important event, the quality of which depends on the durability and aesthetic appearance future decorative finishes. Usually, when repairing apartments with a rough finish, they encounter fairly even concrete walls that need only light adjustment with plaster mixtures. However, if the walls are made of expanded clay blocks, gas silicate or brick, rather laborious and costly work is required to level them.

    Before proceeding with the alignment of the walls, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface of the old coating. This is a mandatory step for the overhaul of old apartments. All detected cracks or other defects need to be sealed. To do this, problem areas must be embroidered, primed and sealed with cement mortar, putty or sealant. Wide gaps and cracks in the corners can be filled with polyurethane foam.

    Wall alignment can be done in two ways:

    • plastering walls with building mixtures;
    • wall decoration GKL and GVL sheets.

    The first option involves the use of plaster mixtures based on gypsum or cement. If the wall has minor irregularities, visual alignment is performed using building level. If the surface has a significant difference, then it is advisable to carry out the alignment according to the beacons. This is especially important when the walls will be painted. When placing furniture along flat wall eliminates the possibility of cracks.

    Together with the alignment of wall surfaces, it is necessary to finish the door and window openings. To do this, you can use plaster, drywall or plastic panels.

    The second option is preferable when the walls are made of brick or have significant irregularities. The use of plaster is unreasonably costly and time-consuming. GKL or GVK sheets are mounted on a previously installed metal frame. As a result of such a finish, a gap is formed between the wall and the cladding, in which various communications can be hidden. This process is characterized by the absence of dirty work and low labor intensity. The walls do not need further plastering before finishing with decorative material.

    The main disadvantage of this design is its fragility. Therefore, if hanging furniture or appliances will subsequently be located on the surface, you should take care of the embedded parts that are mounted before performing the leveling layer.

    Where does floor repair begin?

    Repair of the floor in the apartment begins with the implementation of the screed, which is used to eliminate significant damage and unevenness of the base relative to the horizon. This happens due to backfilling or pouring the floor. special composition, which forms a perfectly flat surface, necessary for further laying of the floor covering. In addition, the screed serves to strengthen the surface of the concrete slab and increase its strength characteristics. Before its implementation, it is necessary to create a sound and heat insulating layer. For this, expanded clay is often used, which is laid with a thickness of at least 5 cm. Due to the leveling layer, you can raise the floor level or make a technological slope.

    Useful advice! In the bathroom, it is advisable to set a certain slope of the floor for water flow in the event of a flood, which will prevent the entire apartment from being flooded.

    Floor screed can be:

    • concrete;
    • cement-sand;
    • self-levelling;
    • dry;
    • semi-dry.

    The traditional way to correct the floor surface is the use of concrete or cement-sand mortars, which are advisable to use to eliminate significant irregularities and damage to the surface. They are used in the installation of heat and sound insulation.

    The most practical and modern solution is the use of self-levelling compounds, consisting of two mixture options: leveling and leveling. The first is used to eliminate significant irregularities in the base, the second is a finishing layer that creates a flat and smooth surface without defects.

    However, despite the less laborious process when using these compositions, their cost significantly exceeds traditional mixtures. Therefore, it is advisable to use self-leveling compounds when the height difference relative to the horizon does not exceed 4 cm.

    The semi-dry or dry version is used to level the base when the height difference reaches more than 3-5 cm. This good alternative traditional formulations, but the new layer will create much less pressure on concrete slab. Therefore, this method is recommended when repairing apartments in old houses and for laying carpet and laminate.

    Floor screed procedure

    First you need to prepare the base of the floor. To do this, the old floor structure is opened with the dismantling of skirting boards, flooring and the old screed. Next, the surface is cleaned of construction debris and dust. In case of detection of cracks, potholes and chips, it is necessary to carry out repair work using sealing mixtures. To eliminate deep damage, the jointing method is used, which consists in making cuts perpendicular to the crack with a depth of 20 mm and a thickness of 5 mm. Further, all damage must be repaired with concrete mortar.

    Leveling the floor begins with its marking, namely the determination of the lowest and highest points relative to the horizon. A level is indicated on the walls, which indicates the thickness of the future fill layer. Based on the markup, beacons and guides are installed. Pouring the mixture starts from the far corner of the room. The solution is distributed and leveled using a metal rule.

    The concrete screed should dry for three weeks. After 24-30 hours after completion of work, the surface must be moistened once a day.

    Useful advice! To get a solid and high-quality foundation, it is not recommended to violate natural process evaporation of moisture with the help of heating devices and ventilation of the room.

    Similarly, the floor surface is leveled with a semi-dry mortar, which is evenly distributed and compacted with a conventional shovel. After complete drying, the surface must be treated with a wooden grout. The process is carried out until the floor surface is perfectly flat.

    Dry screed involves laying a layer of expanded clay with a fraction of 1-5 mm, on top of which gypsum fiber boards are mounted. They are interconnected using self-tapping screws with smearing the end edges with special glue. This is the easiest way to level the floor, which allows you to get a coating of increased strength. After the floor screed is completed, you can proceed with the installation of the selected floor covering.

    Turnkey apartment renovation. Price per square meter

    Regardless of what kind of renovation is planned in the apartment, you can do it yourself or use the services of professionals. You can also involve specialists to carry out specific types or stages of work in the entire apartment or in a specific room.

    The cost of cosmetic repairs includes the following list of works:

    • dismantling of the old finish from the elements of the room;
    • painting or whitewashing the ceiling;
    • partial alignment of the walls;
    • sticking non-woven or paper wallpaper;
    • laying flooring;
    • partial replacement of electrical and plumbing;
    • laying tiles.

    The cost of such a list of works starts from 2500 rubles / m², which depends on the complexity of the process. Repair will cost 85 thousand rubles, two-room - 110 thousand rubles, three-room - 120 thousand rubles. This is all without taking into account the cost of materials.

    If it is necessary to perform draft work, which includes the installation and dismantling of wall structures, the alignment of all elements of the room and electric installation work, the price of services is on average 3500-4000 rubles / m².

    When it is necessary to perform all turnkey electrical work in a new building, the price of work will be 25 thousand rubles for a one-room apartment, 35 thousand rubles for a two-room apartment, and 45 thousand rubles for a three-room apartment.

    The cost of a turnkey overhaul is an average of 5500 rubles / m². It all depends on the condition of the apartment and the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Many experts offer premium repairs, which include the development of an individual design project. The price of such a repair is about 7500 rubles / m².

    Turnkey apartment renovation price with materials

    The cost of repair work, taking into account materials, depends on many factors: the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment, its current state (new or second-hand housing), the volume and complexity of the stages of work and the quality of the building materials used. You can roughly calculate the cost of repairs using an online calculator, which is located on specialized sites. This takes into account the average cost of repairing an apartment for square meter area. More accurate information can be obtained only after drawing up an estimate in each individual case.

    Yes, cost budget repair apartments in a new building with materials will cost an average of 6-6.5 thousand rubles / m². If more expensive building materials are used to repair an apartment, the price of the work will be about 11-12 thousand rubles / m². Those who want to make their housing exclusive finishing products must prepare at least 20 thousand rubles / m². The repair price of secondary housing will be 10-15% lower, which is determined by the condition of the apartment.

    Also, the cost of repairs with materials is affected by the functional purpose of the premises. So repairing a living room will cost 6,000 rubles / m², a corridor - 6,500 rubles / m², a kitchen - 8,500 rubles / m², a bathroom - 8,000 rubles / m², a loggia or balcony - 5,000 rubles / m².

    When deciding where to start repairs in a house or apartment, it is necessary to study each process in detail. Especially when it comes to do-it-yourself work. If you are not confident in your own abilities, it is better to entrust the execution of all work or a specific stage to professionals who will offer a clear apartment renovation plan. As a result, the work will be performed qualitatively and in a short time.

    Do-it-yourself apartment renovation. Video plot