After the delivery of the house for new settlers, the issue of repair is acute. As a rule, repairs in a new building begin with finishing the bathroom: laying pipes for sewerage, water supply, and preparing for the installation of a heated towel rail. At this stage, it is necessary to consider what should be the heating device.

Determine the size, shape and material of the heated towel rail

First you need to determine the shape and dimensions of the future heating device. The shape is chosen according to the design, location and budget. Dimensions depend on the diameter of the nozzles (or ball valve), width and height.

Product shape

Even the simplest model will decorate the bathroom, not to mention non-standard solutions.

The most common forms are the usual U-shaped (horseshoe), M-shaped (coil) heated towel rails, as well as the "ladder" type.

Ladder is a type of device with vertical fragments of pipes of larger diameter, connected using horizontal crossbars (pipes of smaller diameter). This form combines functional and aesthetic characteristics.

The stairs have a larger heating area, more things fit on it. Even the simplest model will decorate the bathroom, not to mention non-standard solutions. And yet she has flaws that determine the demand for models of the curved shape "M" and "P":

  • Unlike traditional forms, the ladder is a welded structure: the more seams, the shorter the service life.
  • The price of the simplest and smallest ladder without a shelf is up to 3-4 times higher than the price of other models of the same size. For example, in some regions you can buy a U-shaped device up to 1000 rubles. The coil will cost 2000-3000 rubles, the cost of the ladder will be at least 4500 rubles. Additionally, you will have to buy fittings and a metal-plastic pipe.
  • The decisive factor is the complexity of installation. Ladder installation in progress before finishing work. To eliminate possible leaks, it is best to turn to professionals, but this will require additional costs.

Heating device dimensions

The next step is to measure the product. The width depends on the size of the wall. The diameter of the heated towel rail is easy to measure: taps are marked with nominal diameter in millimeters (DN 32) or in plumbing inches (1 3/4″). The height is defined as the distance between the connecting pipes. The last parameter, however, is valid only for horizontal heaters (coils, horseshoes). The distance between the eyeliners for the "ladder" models will be the width.

What materials are used for the heated towel rail

Almost all domestic manufacturers choose food-grade stainless steel for the manufacture of a heater. It's clear from the name main advantage of steel– resistance to corrosion. This is the only material that can withstand large pressure drops and corrosive impurities of hot water for a long time. Most often, the surface of products made from this steel is polished or painted, made “aged”. Some manufacturers give the pipe a beautiful relief.

There are also heated towel rails made of black steel. However, they are best used in private homes, where there is an autonomous heating system. In apartment buildings with centralized water supply, such a product will quickly fail due to the large amount of impurities that will settle on the inner walls of the radiator.

Which heating method is better: electric, water or combined

Today, on the shelves of stores, eyes run wide from a large selection of heated towel rails: electric, water and combined. How to choose a heated towel rail, let's take a closer look at all types.

Water heaters are in great demand in our country. to the DHW system. The principle of operation of such a device is as follows: water passing through the riser evenly fills and heats the heated towel rail.

Advantages of a water heating device:

  • The cost of the device is lower than electric and combined.
  • Operating cost. The heater consumes water constantly, but this is not reflected in the meter readings.
  • Great heat dissipation.

Disadvantages of a water device:

  • The complexity of the installation of some varieties of heated towel rails. In new buildings with a rough finish, connections with ball valves for simple models "M" and "P" are already installed. And with the installation of the ladder will have to "sweat". In some cases, for example, in old houses, it will be necessary to replace the riser and completely shut off the water. This is possible only with the consent of the management company serving the house, and with its help.
  • If the device is inserted into the heating system, then the bathroom will not be heated during the seasonal shutdown. And this is quite a long time - about 6 months. With hot water it is easier: hot water is turned off for a long time only during pressure testing.
  • Leakage risk. Installation of water heating devices will require compliance with all rules and regulations. The more complex the installation, the higher the risk in the event of a mistake. To do this, it is recommended to contact the services of specialists.

Prices for imported heated towel rails range from 5,000-200,000 rubles, and the price range for domestic counterparts is 700-120,000 rubles.

Electric towel warmer

It is worth considering the purchase of an electrical appliance for the bathroom in the event of prolonged drops in the supply of hot water.

electric radiator- This is a device powered by the mains, inside which heat is transferred by various types of coolants: water, antifreeze or oil. The heating device of such a device is a heating element or a heating cable.

The shape of electrical appliances does not differ from water ones: there are snakes, horseshoes, ladders on sale. The same material is used for manufacturing.

There are separate models of heated towel rails - rotary. This is very convenient, especially in small spaces. According to the location in the bathroom, radiators are wall-mounted and floor-mounted.

The advantage of using such units:

  • Ease of installation. The device can be installed before and after repair. Before finishing the walls, it is installed only if necessary, cover the power cord with tiles. You can install the device yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists.
  • Independence from hot water and heating systems.
  • The possibility of leaks is completely excluded.
  • The presence of a regulator makes it possible to maintain the desired temperature in the bathroom.
  • Mobility. It's easy to reinstall.

Electrical heating appliances have a major drawback, but it is he who is the decisive argument in favor of water devices. This is the price of a heated towel rail and the cost of its operation.

The purchase price depends on the size of the device, design, material, type of heater and power. Prices for imported products start from 5000-7000 rubles. for an ordinary snake and end up about 150,000 rubles. Russian manufacturers have an even wider range: prices range from 2,500 rubles. for a U-shaped model up to 300,000 for a ladder 1m high.

In other words, even the cheapest product costs more water counterparts.

This is not the cheapest clothes dryer. Every month you use it will inevitably show up on your utility bill. True, to save electricity, you can buy a heating device with the function of setting the shutdown and start times.

It is easy to calculate the real cost of operating a heated towel rail. It is enough to know its power and time of use. Let's calculate, for example, the monthly consumption of a 300W 24/7 device. The formula is simple: (300*24*30)/1000=216 kW. Now it remains to multiply the monthly electricity consumption by the kWh rate. In this case, the tariff is 2.49 rubles. Thus, the monthly increase in electricity costs will be 537.84 rubles.

The heat transfer of the electric heater is lower than that of the water heater. But this feature can be considered in different ways: for some it is a disadvantage, but for families with small children it is safety in case of contact with the surface of the radiator.

To connect the device, it is necessary to allocate a separate socket with a high level of protection to it.

Such a device is a hybrid of water and electric devices. It works on the principle of a water radiator, but in cases where there is no hot water in the pipeline, the heating element starts to work. This reduces the cost of operation, but not the price of the device itself.

It is connected to the hot water and heating system, as well as water. And it requires a separate outlet, like an electrical appliance. Thus, the hybrid heater combines all the advantages and disadvantages of other heated towel rails.

What to look for before buying

When everything is thought out and the type of heated towel rail is chosen, all that remains is to go and buy. And now you need to carefully study the products so as not to be mistaken. Where to start checking?

We start with a visual inspection of the product

Tip 1- evaluate the pipe from the inside and outside. If you are holding a quality product in your hands, you can see your reflection on the surface, do not see matte areas, scratches, dents. The welds on it are invisible. Pay special attention to the places where the heated towel rail is bent: if they shine, it means that there was additional polishing after bending the pipe. Look inside the collector - there should not be any plaque. The pipe must be new.

Tip 2– Check the pipe diameter and wall thickness. A good DN32 heated towel rail should have a wall thickness of at least 2 mm. Unscrupulous manufacturers, wanting to save on the weight of the pipe, order a pipe with a wall of 1.5-1.8 mm. It is technically impossible to make a thread on such a pipe, so they make “knurling” at the ends. This can lead to microcracks and rupture threads during connection and water hammer.

Of course, you should not buy a caliper because of this in order to determine the exact size of the wall. But the thickness and diameter of the pipe are indicated in the accompanying documents for the product.

Tip 3- touch the thread. The thread of a good heated towel rail should not have nicks or sharp edges. The same applies to the ends of the pipe. Unfinished ends will cut the gasket and the seal will be compromised.

Tip 4- pay attention to the length of the pipe at the coil, turning it with the thread down. A good heater has a middle part not much smaller than the edges. The opposite indicates the manufacturer's savings and less heat transfer.

Tip 5“Many good products have a manufacturer’s mark. This means that he takes responsibility for the quality of the product.

We proceed to the verification of supporting documents

The set of documents upon purchase includes a passport for the product and a warranty card. Electrical appliances must have a certificate of conformity.

The set of documents upon purchase includes a passport for the product and a warranty card. Electrical appliances must have a certificate of conformity. Water heated towel rails are not subject to mandatory certification. All documents must have blue seal of the manufacturer, or certified copies.

In the passport, check the actual dimensions of the pipe, steel, as well as the working and maximum pressure.

The Russian designation of food stainless steel is 12X18H10T, and the international one is AISI 304.
Checking the maximum pressure of the working medium is an important point, because. indicates the ability of a product to withstand large pressure drops. In the passport, the pressure is designated Ru(Russian) or PN (import).
Finally, the right towel warmer will be the one that fully meets your requirements and bathroom features. And yet, you should not neglect the technical characteristics of the product: when choosing a product, you need to understand all the sad consequences of a wrong choice or installation.

Video instruction

When repairing a bathroom, obsolete equipment is replaced, which includes a heated towel rail connected to a heating or hot water supply system. When choosing a new heating device, it is necessary to evaluate not only its external attractiveness, but also the strength of the material of manufacture. Not every device is able to withstand the operating pressure drops that occur in the heating system of an apartment building. It should be borne in mind that the peak values ​​\u200b\u200bof this indicator can reach up to 10 atmospheres. Therefore, it is so important to know how to choose a heated towel rail and what technical characteristics of the product to pay attention to as a matter of priority. The correct installation of the purchased equipment is also important. Usually, the installation of the device is carried out before the start of finishing work in the room. This is more profitable both in terms of finances and in terms of time spent on installation work. Many problems can be solved more easily using electrical models.

After watching the video, you can understand how to choose the right heated towel rail from the variety of models on the market.

What types of heated towel rails are there?

All heated towel rails on the sanitary equipment market can be divided into three groups.

Water devices

They are initially included in the standard equipment of the bathroom and are a pipe bent in the form of a coil, through which hot water circulates. At the moments when the hot water supply is turned off, the operation of the tubular product for its intended purpose is impossible until the repair work is completed.

If the device is connected to the heating system, then the period of its use coincides with the heating season. This means that the water heated towel rail in this case is idle for more than three months a year. However, life does not stop and residents of apartment buildings have to look for a replacement for this equipment.

Electric towel warmers

These devices can be an excellent alternative to water models. After all, they can be operated offline, regardless of the functioning of other systems. There are also no strict requirements for the installation site of such equipment. Therefore, you can find electric towel warmers not only in bathrooms, but also in kitchens and hallways. For operation of such equipment, only an uninterrupted supply of electricity is necessary. Naturally, the constant use of an electrical appliance will lead to an increase in bills for the consumed kilowatts.

Combined heated towel rails

These units combine the design features of water and electrical appliances, so they can, if necessary, work in one of two modes. However, many buyers are still repelled by the cost of such products.

Important! After evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of each type in relation to the individual characteristics of your apartment, you can understand how to choose a heated towel rail for the bathroom so that it is beautiful, profitable and functional.

The main nuances of choosing a water heated towel rail

As mentioned above, the technical parameters of water models must correspond to the level of operating and pressure pressure characteristic of the house's plumbing system. In accordance with building codes and regulations, as well as the requirements of GOSTs that regulate the installation of water supply and heating systems for apartment buildings, all used water-folding sanitary fittings must be operated at a pressure of up to 6 atmospheres and above. Although theoretically the water pressure in the system should not exceed 4 atmospheres, in practice this value can vary from 2.5 to 7.5 atmospheres, depending on the number of storeys of the building, its location, and the state of utilities.

Note! Before buying a water heated towel rail, you need to find out the pressure indicator in the plumbing system at home, add a few positions for possible water hammer and choose a device based on this information. Remember that all important technical parameters are indicated by the manufacturer in the product passport.

For a country house with autonomous water supply and heating systems, the pressure in which does not exceed 2-3 atmospheres, the choice of a heated towel rail is not so difficult, so you can buy any model.

Why are imported models interesting?

The diameter of pipes of imported equipment differs from the diameter of domestic heated towel rails, which makes the products more elegant and expressive. In addition, the color range of devices from foreign manufacturers is much more diverse. This expands the possibilities of non-standard design of the bathroom interior.

They bribe products imported to the Russian market from other countries in a variety of forms:

    • MP-shaped models;
    • M-shaped;
    • U-shaped;

all kinds of ladders (including those with side connection, with ribs of various types and other configurations).

Imported models of heated towel rails are distinguished by bizarre shapes and various sizes.

When choosing a shape, do not forget about the size. After all, the availability of free space in the room affects which water heated towel rail is better to choose for the bathroom.

Rotary models, which are produced by DM (Germany), Global Ship (Italy), Korin (Finland), LVI (Sweden), Varmos (Norway), especially attract the attention of Russians. Their feature is that the products can be installed perpendicular to the wall, while they can be moved in both directions, because the angle of rotation is 180 degrees. White, gilded, chrome rotary heated towel rails can decorate any room.

Important! The presence of shut-off valves that allow servicing devices, releasing excess pressure and eliminating air pockets is an integral part of imported devices. These measures contribute to uniform heating of the device along its entire length.

German equipment of such well-known brands as Art-Tec, Zehnder, Emco and Arbonia is also popular with Russian buyers. Each consumer decides for himself which company to choose a heated towel rail from the listed brands, the main thing is that the devices withstand operation taking into account Russian conditions and do not fail ahead of time.

The influence of the material of manufacture on the term of work

The quality of water used in Russian water supply systems leaves much to be desired. Models made of stainless steel can withstand the corrosive action of the coolant. The top surface of stainless steel products can be chrome-plated, polished or painted.

Painted heated towel rails are the most affordable, while polished appliances are very expensive. The equipment made of non-ferrous metals (brass, copper, aluminum) is inferior in terms of duration of use.

Advice! Stainless steel products are popular, so they are often faked. In order not to run into defective equipment, it is necessary to carefully examine the quality of the welds, as well as require documentary evidence of the origin of the goods.

Stainless steel towel rails have a long service life

It is advisable to purchase heated towel rails made of ferrous metals for country cottages equipped with individual heating systems. Because when used in apartments of multi-storey buildings, devices made of ferrous metals are corroded by corrosion, clogged with salts and other impurities present in the coolant, and deposited in the form of a solid deposit on the inner surface of the pipes.

It is worth paying attention to the devices manufactured by Zehnder, Arbonia, Kermi in Germany, as well as the Czech company Korado and the Russian enterprise KZTO.

Knowing the material of manufacture of the device, as well as the degree of its resistance to corrosion processes, you can understand which heated towel rail to choose and how long this equipment can approximately last.

Operational safety of electric models

If the possibility of connecting a water appliance is excluded in the room, then which heated towel rail is better to use? Of course, electric. The undeniable advantages of these models include:

  • beauty of design design;
  • no leaks;
  • independence from pressure in the hot water supply system;
  • ease of installation;
  • freedom in choosing the place of installation;
  • heating temperature control;
  • enable / disable if necessary, etc.

However, there is a significant drawback, which is associated with the difficulty of safely connecting any electrical appliance in the bathroom in conditions of high humidity levels. To exclude the possibility of electric shock to a person, installation work must be carried out by a professional electrician using hidden wiring and special sockets built into the wall of the room.

Important! Electricity consumption directly depends on the power of the heating element of the electric heated towel rail, which can vary from 100 to 2000 W. Since modern models turn on and off automatically when the specified parameters are reached, it is possible to save energy resources.

Painted models of heated towel rails make the interior of the room brighter and more unusual.

This equipment is produced by Russian and foreign manufacturers, and which towel warmer is better to choose specifically, each buyer must decide on his own. Domestic models are inferior in design, but also cheaper. Imported devices are distinguished by beauty, functionality and, accordingly, higher cost.

It is advisable to buy the device and order its installation in one place, so that a single company is fully responsible for its operation. Otherwise, the seller may say that the equipment failed due to errors made during installation. The assembly organization, upon presentation of claims, will shift the blame on the seller who, in their opinion, delivered a low-quality product. To exclude such a scenario, you can entrust the representative of the installation organization with the choice of suitable equipment from a technical point of view. The appearance of the heated towel rail is, of course, determined by the owner of the apartment.

How to choose a water heated towel rail in the bathroom?

This question is asked by many people who have started repairs in the apartment.

If you want to know the answers to the most common questions on this topic, then read the article.

More about water heated towel rails

Modern stores offer a huge selection of stylish and functional water-type heated towel rails that have little in common with the bulky models of these devices that were located in every Soviet apartment.

Before you start renovating the bathroom and choose the final style of its interior, you should decide on a budget and find models of heating products that not only appeal to you visually, but are also suitable for installation in your room.

It should be noted that water heated towel rails are in great demand not only because they have a beautiful appearance, but also because they demonstrate greater efficiency in use, especially in comparison with electrical products. However, installing water heated towel rails is more difficult.

Pipes that will perform the declared function can be connected both to the heating system and to the central water supply.

If you choose the first option, then get ready for the fact that the water heated towel rail will be active only in the off-season and in winter.

So, how to choose a water heated towel rail? The main factor that should influence the choice of this device is the material from which it is made.

The most popular material used to create a new generation of water heated towel rails is stainless steel (food grade).

This steel is not afraid of corrosion and does not deform even under high pressure.

A rarer material used to create these products is black steel, protected by a thin layer of polymer coating.

This type of material looks more presentable and unusual, but it is significantly inferior to stainless food steel in terms of reliability and service life.

More expensive, but also more stylish and attractive is considered a material such as copper.

It is important to understand that a water heated towel rail made of copper will cost more than a product with the same visual characteristics made of stainless steel.

Copper has the main advantage for which it is so highly valued: it gives off heat very well.

In some cases, brass is used for the manufacture of heating structures with the function of drying clothes.

This material has a light weight, a beautiful shade and excellent thermal conductivity, but is more susceptible to water pressure.

Secrets of choice

Before heading to the store for a purchase, look through the information about water heated towel rails and be sure to check out the photos of their designs.

Possession of this information will allow you to choose the right model, which is guaranteed not to disappoint during operation.

The design of this product must have a high-quality assembly and strong solder joints.

If the quality of metal welding seams seems unsatisfactory, then refuse to buy a model.

It is better to choose the option that is completely satisfied in all respects. The best way to join seams in modern models of bathroom heaters is laser welding.

Remember that you can also choose completely seamless monolithic models, which are presented in abundance in modern plumbing stores and shopping malls selling household goods.

If you do not know how to choose the size of a tubular product, then contact the store consultants or calculate the maximum allowable size of the installed model using a specialized formula.

If the bathroom space does not allow the installation of a large stylish water heated towel rail, then you can choose small narrow or corner versions of these products, which are distinguished by their compactness.

If you are a happy owner of a luxurious bathroom with a large size, then you can choose any model from the presented ones, without limiting yourself in any way.

If you want to create an exclusive bathroom interior, then look at products that have stylish and unusual shapes.

Before finally choosing a heating product model for your bathroom, evaluate its wall mounting systems and, most importantly, discuss with the store manager how it is connected to the water supply system.

Connection of water heated towel rails can be:

  • diagonal;
  • bottom;
  • side.

The most functional and heat-intensive are water heated towel rails, assuming a diagonal connection scheme.

Products of this type are best placed within a bathroom with a large area.

If the size of the bathroom in the apartment is relatively small, and you do not want to clutter it up with a stylish, modern, but large diagonal connection heated towel rail, then take a closer look at the more compact dimensions of these products with side connection.

If you want to choose a high-quality water heated towel rail for your bathroom, then ask the store's specialists to show you those product models that are equipped with a Mayevsky faucet.

This faucet allows you to bleed air from the pipes of the heated towel rail to prevent air pockets that reduce the quality of the product.

Visual characteristics

Classic water-type heated towel rails, familiar to all residents of the Soviet and post-Soviet space, are made in the shape of the letter "P" or the letter "M" with rounded corners.

Photos of such heated towel rails prove that they organically fit into modest interiors, not burdened by an abundance of details.

If you want to diversify the appearance of your bathroom, then install a water heated towel rail in it, which has additional functionality and is made in the form of "ladders", "lattices" or any fantasy figures.

Photos of such heated towel rails clearly demonstrate that they can be a stylish addition to any cutting-edge bathroom design.

Some modern heated towel rails are equipped with hooks that allow you to place towels and other items on them without dragging them through the pipes.

Other models are equipped with swivel mechanisms that allow you to freely rotate products around their axis.

Products based on swivel mechanisms are more reliable in operation and are able to withstand a large weight of things placed on them.

Products presented in modern stores can be painted in various colors, for example, in bronze, brass, copper, silver, white and even black.

If you buy a water heated towel rail painted in a “non-metallic” color, then be sure to ask the sellers what paint was used to tint the product.

If the heated towel rail is painted using a powder coating of a coloring pigment, then feel free to buy this model, as this coating is very durable and reliably protects the product from external corrosive processes.

After reading this article, you were able to learn about the main specific characteristics of products such as water heated towel rails designed for installation in bathrooms.

Before making a purchase of this product, carefully weigh the pros and cons and do not make rash decisions in order to enjoy the quality of your purchase for many years.

Having decided to make repairs in the bathroom, you should outline the renovation of plumbing, wall tiles, think about replacing the towel dryer with a more modern model of a water or electric type. Heating the air with a warm radiator will protect against mold and remove excess moisture.

Water heated towel rails for the bathroom

Outdated heated towel rails connected to central heating or hot water supply have been replaced by new improved models. The most popular is the heated towel rail for the water bathroom. A variety of models will allow you to choose a copy that meets all the selection criteria, meets the desired technical requirements and appearance.

Stainless steel water heated towel rail

During the purchase, you need to pay attention to the material from which the radiator is made. A reliable option would be a water heated towel rail made of stainless steel. This type of heater will last for many years: the material does not corrode, withstands high pressure. The disadvantage is the financial side of the issue. The price of stainless steel is higher than that of plain iron or copper. The form is made varied, but the classics remain:

  • "ladder";
  • "snake";
  • the letters "M", "P" in a horizontal position.

Copper water heated towel rail

A good analogue of stainless metal will be a copper water heated towel rail. The main technical characteristics are the maximum water pressure up to 3-4 atmospheres, high resistance to moisture. The cost of a copper dryer is lower than that of stainless steel, it is more accessible to a wide range of buyers. The modern design and attractive shape of the construction will add advantages, which will allow you to opt for this option when buying a heated towel rail.

Water heated towel rail with side connection

It is very important that the dryer in the bathroom is reliable in operation. A water heated towel rail with a side connection can provide high-quality work and full heating. The most common installation method is easy to connect. Connecting with a clamp directly to the central heating riser will be able to provide access to hot water without loss. It is better to carry out work with the help of a plumber who, according to all the rules, will attach a heating device in the bathroom in the right place.

Water heated towel rail with bottom connection

A less common water heated towel rail with a bottom connection will solve the problem if the bathroom is small or the heating element itself has a complex design. With this installation option, the integrity of the tiles on the walls is preserved. The connection of the dryer from below can be carried out in two ways - in series or in parallel, but in any case, there must be free access to the place of fastening. It is advisable to use single metal mounting parts to reduce the risk of corrosion.

Water heated towel rail with shelf

By installing a water heated towel rail with a shelf, you can not only increase the comfort of the bathroom, but also save space. Dryer designs that come with a shelf are convenient in everyday life and have justified themselves in practice. The most common model has become a "ladder", in which a protruding part is monolithically mounted at the top, where you can put linen and towels. Sometimes the shelf is attached with hooks. Such a heated towel rail will ideally fit into the interior of even the smallest room.

Rating of water heated towel rails

In the plumbing market, without a basic knowledge of the advantages or disadvantages of different models of bathroom dryers, it is difficult to choose an appliance. A small rating of manufacturers of water heated towel rails can simplify the task. Buyers trust manufacturers such as:

  • Energy Modern;
  • Terminus Astra New Design;
  • Margaroli Vento;
  • Sunerzha Furor;
  • Zehnder Stalox.

How to choose a water heated towel rail

Before replacing the heater, it is better to consult with a plumbing specialist, which type will be more convenient for installation and operation - floor, wall. The choice of a heated towel rail for a bathroom depends on the criteria for the heating method. Connection must be to domestic hot water or seasonal central heating. It is better to choose a model where the number of connecting tubes is minimized: this will reduce the clogging of the internal pipes.

The material from which the heated towel rail is made directly affects the price. When choosing a heating device made of ferrous metal, which is relatively inexpensive, be prepared that in a few years you will have to change it, as corrosion processes will occur. Brass, copper, bronze, stainless steel are more expensive to buy, but justify themselves with both external style and long service life.

Have you decided to renovate your bathroom? Then, in addition to choosing a bath, toilet and other plumbing, you need to buy a heated towel rail. Immediately you will have a question, which heated towel rail is better - water or electric?

The main condition that must be strictly observed when arranging a bathroom is convenience. You should be comfortable showering, washing your face and drying towels. Therefore, you do not need to purchase the first device for drying towels, you need to understand the models and their differences in more detail.

Why do you need a heated towel rail in the bathroom?

Before proceeding with the selection of models, it is necessary to understand what this device is.

We all remember our grandmother's bathroom from childhood, where every centimeter of the area was used for its intended purpose. And the role of the heated towel rail was assigned to a metal zigzag pipe, which was located on the opposite wall from the bath. The pipe was connected to the heating system, so it was warm in the bathroom in winter and drying wet towels was no problem. In the summer, in the absence of centralized heating, the pipe remained cold, so no one dreamed of drying bath items. In this case, we remembered the water heated towel rail.

Recently, in plumbing stores you can find other heated towel rails that do not work from the presence of hot water in the pipe, but from the mains. Therefore, if your apartment has interruptions in hot water supply or heating, then it would be more appropriate to choose the second option.

The purpose of the heated towel rail

The very name of the device suggests that it will be used for its intended purpose, that is, to dry wet bath towels. Many economical owners may object, what would be worse if, say, a crossbar is allocated for a towel, or a rope is stretched over the bathroom? In fact, there are differences. Usually in the bathroom, the humidity level is always higher than, for example, in the kitchen, so the towel will not be able to dry quickly on the line. And if you send voluminous terry towels to dry on a warm coil of a heated towel rail, then it will be possible to dry them in a short time.

In addition, the device serves not only for drying towels, it creates a comfortable temperature in the room. This means that if you just took a shower, then you won’t have to cringe and get covered in “goose bumps”. Also, if you choose a heated towel rail according to all the rules, this will help get rid of condensation on the walls and bathroom mirror.

What are the types

There are two types of heated towel rails:

  • water;
  • electrical.

A water heated towel rail is a structure made of a long curved pipe that must be mounted on the wall in the bathroom. Hot water, passing through the pipe, gives off heat to the room. Thus, maximum heating of the bathroom is ensured, and it is also possible to always use dry towels.

Electric towel warmer has different power and design. Installing such a device is very simple - you do not need to connect it to a heating and water supply system. You just need to attach the unit to the wall and plug it into a power outlet. If you don't want to depend on heating or hot water, then you should opt for electric heated towel rails.

How to choose a heated towel rail

In order to avoid questions about which heated towel rail is better, electric or water, let's take a closer look at each type.

Electric heated towel rails, when compared with water appliances, have a number of advantages. First of all, the unit is mains powered, it is easy to install and operate.


  • no need to obtain permission from the public utility (ZHEKa) for installation work;
  • there is no need to invite a specialist to make a connection to the hot water supply system;
  • the heated towel rail always works and does not depend on heating and the availability of hot water;
  • it is easy to install the device yourself;
  • does not consume a lot of energy.

Many people, having read the positive reviews about the operation of electric heated towel rails, choose this type of heater. In addition to the main advantages, certain types of models may have a built-in thermostat that allows you to independently regulate the temperature and minimize energy costs.

The Energy heated towel rail has such a function:

But before you buy a unit, you need to familiarize yourself with the shortcomings. So, manufacturers note that some models during installation require compliance with the following requirements:

  • when connecting, you need to bring a separate power line;
  • it is necessary to install an additional socket with a high level of protection;
  • lay a ground wire in the bathroom.

Despite these requirements, you can always choose the right heated towel rail for your bathroom.

Which company is better to choose a heated towel rail

The designs of electric heating units can have a different shape: in the form of a ladder, a coil and other design models that will take their rightful place in any interior.

In addition to shapes, heated towel rails can be made from different materials and have different colors.

So, popular models of units are made from:

  • bronze;
  • chromium;
  • metal with silver and gold plating;
  • from stainless steel.

The photo shows a sample of a stainless steel towel warmer:

Electrical appliances are powered by a network of 220 volts, maintain a temperature of sixty-five to seventy degrees.

To fill the internal space of the units, ordinary water, oil or antifreeze can be used as a heat transfer fluid. There is no significant difference - each of the liquids heats up well and retains heat. The only thing that buyers need to pay attention to is the price of heated towel rails, it may differ slightly.

When buyers are wondering which bathroom heated towel rail is better, it would be useful to recall that when buying, you need to pay attention to the power of the unit and the type of heating element device.

If you saw an inexpensive model in the store, then most likely a cable is installed as a heating element inside the armature. This will mean that such a device will not work for a long time.

If a heating element is installed as a heating element, then its durability will depend on the material from which it is made. So, a case made of ferrous metal is considered the cheapest, it will corrode faster than a similar element made of stainless steel.

The presence of a thermostat is welcome, which provides heating of the room. If you decide to purchase a unit with a thermostat, then its cost will be twenty percent higher.

According to the type of attachment, electric heated towel rails are divided into the following types:

  1. Stationary.
  2. Turning.

The first type is different in that it has four installation points. Installation is carried out with special fasteners.

Rotary types of units during operation can be deflected from the wall. The advantages of rotary units are that they can be installed in small areas.

If the goal is not to constantly operate the heated towel rail, then you can purchase a model with a timer to turn on the device for heating when necessary.

Such requirements are met by the Terminus heated towel rail.

It is made of stainless steel, reliable and durable. Will last over thirty years.

Which towel warmers are better: water or electric?

A water appliance for drying towels must be built into the water supply or heating system. Its principle of operation is as follows: hot water passing through the pipes evenly warms up the heated towel rail, providing a comfortable temperature in the bathroom. The advantages of water heated towel rails are that you do not need to consume electricity, which means you can save on energy resources.

Among the minuses, it is worth noting that the unit must be connected to a hot water or heating system. Given that hot water can be turned off, and the heating season lasts six months, then the remaining six months it will not be in demand.

In addition, to install a heated towel rail, you need to do a lot of work and involve specialists.

The photo shows the popular model of the Sunerzha water heated towel rail:

If we compare water and electric heated towel rails, it can be noted that each type of unit has both advantages and disadvantages.

How to choose a heated towel rail, look at the video: