This book by Lev Vozhevatov, an expert in the field of interpersonal relationships, is a short (only 62 pages) collection of structured practical advice on how to be attractive and feminine, and recommendations on what needs to be done so that a worthy man himself takes the initiative to meet and how properly develop further communication with him so that he wants more, as well as a list of places where you are more likely to meet an interesting and worthy man.

This book will help you find out what you need to do to attract a worthy man for dating. I am sure that after reading it you will understand how to move from thoughts and endless hopes to real actions and results.
You will learn:
How to get a decent man to pay attention to you
How to get to know him and communicate correctly during dating
How to move from dating to meeting
Follow the simple steps I write about and see how your life begins to change for the better.

At first I approached this book with some skepticism, especially after reading an impressive amount of literature on the psychology of relationships. Before, I didn’t even know who Lev Vozhevatov was or what he did, but the book pleasantly surprised me!

I was pleased that it was very well structured and contained only practical advice (surprisingly, there really is no so-called “water”). I tried almost all the recommendations in real life, they really work, believe me! To such an extent that sometimes it even begins to seem like what primitive and simple creatures we humans are, if these tips work on almost everyone. Perhaps the whole point is that the author describes his own, specifically male, view of women.

If you are looking for a book that motivates you to change your life, then believe me, this book is not about that. There are no general phrases encouraging action, only practical advice. Thus, this book has turned into one of my several cheat sheets. After yet another piece of advice that really worked, I understand that this book is even a must-read for all women!

Electronic book. You can get it completely free on the website of Lev Vozhevatov himself, who, by the way, has a lot of free, really useful online coaching, in which the advice from the book is discussed in more detail.

Thank you very much for your attention! I hope my review was useful to you.

You might be interested.

How to find and attract a worthy man is a question asked by a fairly large number of not only young girls, but also older women. Many books, manuals, and videos have been published that teach how to behave correctly with men, how to talk, how to look, . One of these manuals is the book by Lev Vozhevatov - “How to find and attract a worthy man”

What is the book “How to attract a worthy man” by Lev Vozhevatov about?

This book contains 62 pages of practical guidance for attracting a man. The author of the manual, Lev Vozhevatov, is a man at the dawn of strength and beauty, who will tell him about men's secrets, which very often many girls and women simply do not know.

The book has 4 chapters. The first chapter talks about why you need to be attractive. The second chapter will tell you about the actions that need to be taken to meet a man. In the third chapter you can learn about the correct development of dialogue when meeting a representative of the stronger sex. And the last chapter, the fourth, tells about places where it is possible to meet a worthy life partner.

Chapter 1. Why you need to be beautiful

Answering this question right away, it must be said that a woman must be attractive in order to fulfill her own destiny on this planet, and this is family life, raising children.

What is the danger of living alone for a girl? And the fact is that today the following situation can take place: an empty, cold apartment and a lonely state will not bring you happiness, even your beloved cat can suddenly no longer bring you that joy, and all because the time has come for serious relationships, a desired man and children running around the apartment. However, in desperation, you should not agree to the first man you meet who showed you signs of attention.

There might be a situation like this:

There is no worthy man around the girl, and even if he suddenly appears on the horizon, you don’t know how to behave with him.

In the second situation, the following outcome is possible - there is a man, but he has bothered you so much that you don’t know what to do. And in this situation, you still stay with him, because there are no more options for you.

Now let’s talk about 3 important signs why a girl needs boyfriends:

Men's courtship increases a woman's self-esteem. After all, in the case when a girl is needed, they cannot live without her, they desire her in every sense, and if there is more than one such suitor, then the girl’s self-esteem certainly increases. In the opposite case, when a girl does not feel needed by anyone, self-esteem drops. This gives rise to complexes that lead to psychological disorders.

Of the 5 men, it is easier to choose the most worthy one. The greater the number of suitors, the higher the girl's level.

Boyfriends contribute to the development of such qualities as femininity.

Chapter 2. What you need to do to make acquaintance with a worthy man

To meet a successful young man, you need to improve yourself according to the following 4 criteria:

  • Appearance
  • Language of the body
  • Tricks to get a man to meet you
  • Communication

As for appearance.

Initially, men pay attention not to luxurious breasts, a beautiful butt and face, but to the image of a woman as a whole. An attractive image for men is an hourglass figure. When buying various clothes in stores, you definitely need to focus on the hourglass image. Clothing must not hide your figure. You should not use various loose T-shirts, dresses, sweaters; on the contrary, it is necessary to correctly emphasize your own advantages in your figure.

Men don't like skinny girls. They like curvy girls, it is not at all necessary that the girl glows like a skeleton.

As for the appearance. There are 3 important rules.

  • A girl should be different from men. What does it mean? This means that you should look feminine, and that means no “masculine” things like loose jeans, sneakers, loose checkered shirts. Women's clothing should be worn: dresses, skirts, sandals, beautiful blouses, high-heeled shoes.
  • The next point is the color of clothes. Men are not attracted to dullness in a woman’s wardrobe. This does not mean that you need to wear poisonous pink, light green, and blue things. The most practical colors are green, blue, yellow, and red.
  • Sexy clothes attract men. You need to choose the most attractive part of your body and highlight it. What elements can attract the male gaze? One of the most interesting things is the belt. It makes it possible to emphasize the waist. With beautiful breasts, you can use a neckline. A variety of blouses with deep necklines, dresses. If you are already 40-50 years old, you should not give up on yourself. You just need to throw away all the gray, shapeless things and put on a beautiful blue trouser suit with a white blouse - this is just one example, there are a huge number of them.

What aspects do men pay attention to in a girl?

  • Face. Of course, men like women who take care of themselves. But! By applying a large amount of decorative cosmetics to your face, you can not only scare away a man, but also harm your facial skin. There is such a principle: when a woman applies makeup, she must highlight only one part of her face: either the eyes or the lips. When both eyes and lips are emphasized, it creates a vulgar look. There is an opinion that only girls of easy virtue wear their makeup this way. Believe me, men have the same opinion. Makeup should be applied as natural as possible. Men for natural beauty.
  • Hair. Long and luxurious hair attracts the attention of men. A woman's hair is her calling card. They must be in well-maintained condition. Every girl is required to use a variety of masks, balms, sprays - everything for the beauty of her hair. It has also long been known that beautiful hair is a great arousal for the male sex. Consequently, the man will want to get to know you. When it comes to hairstyles, there is a wide choice. You can make buns, ponytails, just loose hair, curled hair. In general, everything that distinguishes a girl from a man.
  • Manicure. Don't think that a man won't notice your nails. He will notice. And he doesn’t care what they are: whether they have extensions, whether they are painted, what color the varnish is, what shape the nails are. Men pay attention first of all to whether their nails are well-groomed. Therefore, nails should always be kept clean and tidy.
  • Language of the body

Body language is a very important tool for seducing a man. Mothers should gradually teach this quality to their daughters from early childhood. What is the focus of attention when a man sees a woman? Naturally, on her body, on her movements, on her manners. What have we got lately? The rhythm of life of many women simply drives them along. The daily rush does not make it possible to meet a successful and self-sufficient man. He simply does not have time to notice you with his eyes.

How do all the girls behave nowadays? They fuss, run somewhere, always in a hurry and with a broken head, everyone has things to do, worries, work. In this state, no man, let alone a self-sufficient one, will pay attention to you. But what should be done?

  • Move slowly.
  • Don't fuss.

The rhythm and speed of your movements should be less than the speed of the entire walking crowd. For example, a stream of people moves at a speed of 5 km/h. Then your speed should be 2 km/h. This way the man will have time to notice you and stop his gaze.

You must present yourself beautifully. They sat down beautifully, stood up beautifully. We are not in a hurry to pick up with lightning speed what you dropped. Let the men hurry, and you behave slowly.

Cunning tricks to help attract men's attention.

Many girls, not knowing how to attract a worthy man, go to great lengths. And most cunning girls know about the tricks that men fall for. What tricks can you use? Here are some examples:

Show yourself helpless. All men love to help girls. This improves their self-esteem. For example, you are lost, do not stand with a map in your hands in the confusion, ask the man who attracted you. You can also perform the same trick with heavy bags. Don’t be afraid to thank your assistant widely, this will make the halo over his head shine even more. And the possibility that you will start a conversation becomes much greater.

Every girl and woman should remember that by nature she is much weaker and more helpless than a man, and men are gentlemen and should provide assistance to all women. In particular, open doors in public places and let ladies go first.

  • Communication with a man

Having reached point 4, we already know how to attract a worthy man, we have studied appearance, body language and cunning tricks. But how, after these actions, can you establish good communication with a man so that he becomes interested in a woman?

As soon as you went through all the points, and the man finally approached you, you started a small dialogue, it’s time to turn on your feminine tricks, body language, non-verbalism. Depending on the man and the goals that the woman pursues from him, she can include body language with persistent, unobtrusive and soft actions. You yourself will understand in what situation what to include.

During a dialogue with the opposite sex, 2 channels take part:

  1. conscious speech is ordinary words;
  2. the unconscious channel is body language, movements, gestures that a man unconsciously notes and reacts to.

Chapter 3. Developing a dialogue with a man correctly.

The development of dialogue on the issue of how to attract a man is not the least important. It would seem that all the previous questions have been answered, and the man seems to have paid attention to you, but as soon as the conversation started, or rather the prerequisites for the conversation, the man’s interest somehow faded into the background. How to avoid this?

First of all, you should maintain an interesting topic in a conversation for at least a minute, and preferably 3-4 minutes. During this time, the man will understand, even on a subconscious level, whether he is interested in you and whether he wants to continue the dialogue. In a conversation, use body language, flirt, flirt, arouse in a man a desire to communicate with you. Don’t forget that you need to use your intellect when communicating; you shouldn’t look like a fool in the eyes of a man.

What themes can I use? For example, contact the man you like for help. This could be a request to explain where there is an ATM, bank, or something else nearby. It is not at all necessary that you actually need an ATM, but there is already a topic for conversation. You can ask leading questions. For example, I can’t pay for the Internet or any other issue. Then turn on flirting, coquetry and don’t forget about body language, the man will react to you. If everything doesn’t go very smoothly, don’t insist, maybe the man is not in the mood for dating or he’s just in a bad mood, or maybe he’s even married!

If help is provided, do not forget to thank and widely praise the man, how smart he is and you would never have managed without him. This gives a positive result. In this interval, you can already extend your hand to him and tell him your name, then the conversation will begin on its own.

Chapter 4. In what places can you find and attract a worthy man.

Usually, worthy and promising men are not often found on the street, so there is little chance of meeting them. First of all, for informational purposes, you can ask your friends (if they are promising, of course) about their places of hanging out. Usually such friends communicate within a circle of their own level.

Another option, where worthy men are found, is a variety of expensive trainings, events for any presentations of goods and other services. It is not always possible to get into such a society, since various types of training are not the cheapest, and there may not be money for an entrance ticket. But all sorts of trainings are still interrupted for lunch, you can track everything and find out when they (men) go out for lunch, then you can catch some man with a question, a request for help, etc. And then everything goes according to the plan.

You can also find a man where they shop. This could be a computer store, an expensive alcohol store, or a cigar store. There are a lot of respectable men in such places. You can also visit expensive restaurants, especially all kinds of meat restaurants. Men love meat, as a rule, 80% definitely love meat. Therefore, a little advice for women, cook meat for your men, study delicious recipes for cooking meat, it definitely won’t hurt!

Another place where you can meet a decent man is the place where these men conduct their work activities.

Conclusion of the book “How to find a worthy man” Lev Vozhevatov

There are many nuances in the question “How to find and attract a worthy man,” but the most basic knowledge has been presented here. You need to take care of yourself and develop - these are the most basic requirements. You can’t sit still, otherwise life will fly by without giving you that very worthy and cherished man.

Ready to find out just the bare facts? Then let's go.

On your marks…

But. Before I tell you my bare bones story, I'd like to ask: Do you think it's worth paying for information? After all, information is a very difficult product to evaluate.

  • It's hard to determine whether it's worth the money.
  • It's hard to determine its quality.

I understand this well myself.

Therefore, at the very, very beginning of the naked truth, in order to avoid unnecessary doubts, I want to warn you about my money-back guarantee if you don’t like something.

It doesn’t matter at all what you don’t like: the manner of presenting the material, my joke during the training, or the font in which the manual is written. You have a guarantee. And that's it.

You can withdraw all your money at any time Without explaning the reason. True, there is one nuance here: I will never be able to give you any more important value, since the cooperation will be over.

Where did I get the nerve to teach people?

Firstly, and “in the most important” - I like it. I like teaching. I love showing men that talking to girls is easier than they think or have been told (“it’s so hard.” Sounds familiar, right?)

But! After all, the talk about these mega-difficult acquaintances is not true (they are true only in cases when guys are simply too lazy to work on themselves). So, it’s these myths in my heads about “difficult” that I fight against.

And I like the learning process itself, and most importantly, I LIKE THE RESULTS OF MY STUDENTS. If before the training the student could not yet meet a girl, then afterward he comes to me with a stack of photographs of girls from which he must choose one (by the way, this is a real story).

And the most important thing is that in the future the students get real results without me and without my help. These skills stay with them forever. It’s like riding a bicycle: once you learn it, you certainly can’t unlearn it! Another thing is how to learn it (they also teach it on a bicycle, and there’s no arguing about that). And it is “HOW to become different” that is the main topic of what I like to do.

Secondly I can do it (I can teach it). What did you think? (and that too, what to hide)

Over the past 7 years, I have had a large number of students in coaching and everyone, without exception, was satisfied with the results obtained. I think this is a result that excites...

Third, I want to see successful and strong men next to me. I don’t like loud words: “I want to make the world a better place” and so on... I’m just slowly building a community of people with whom I enjoy and enjoy communicating.

Who am I?

Just in case, I’ll introduce myself - my name is Lev Borisovich Vozhevatov. If you don't already know, I train men to develop charisma, seduce girls and create relationships.

I consider St. Petersburg my home. I spend most of my time in this city, although thanks to my coaching activities I have to travel a lot and I’m incredibly happy about it

In order not to be verbose, briefly about yourself:

  • I train men in charisma, seduction and relationships.
  • I have 2 higher educations, also a candidate of economic sciences (though I don’t know why all this is needed)
  • Some time ago I had experience working in the porn business
  • Prize-winner of St. Petersburg in Thai boxing
  • I don't like getting up early in the morning, people who get up early are just crazy

The style of a strong and charismatic man

My goal- it’s not easy to give students a set of techniques, techniques and tricks. I want radical changes to happen in your life. So that after our work together you really feel a qualitative breakthrough in communicating with girls and in life.

But there is one BIG thing in working with me but this...

Requirements for students

Over 7 years of work, I realized that I don’t want to work with “everyone” (freeloaders, whiners and inadequate people) and I have certain requirements for my students:

  • You must be not satisfied with my current situation(that is, it is important for you: where you will be tomorrow and who you will be there with) It doesn’t matter where you are striving: whether it’s just to add a lot of sex to your life or to find the only girl, or maybe both at once. The main thing is that you really want to achieve this and not in a year or two, but right now.
  • You must be a doer. It is important not just to want, as I spoke about above, but also to do something for it. In such cases, quick results will not keep you waiting.
  • You must understand that turning to a coach or consultant (business or relationship, it doesn’t matter) is a way to achieve what you want tens of times faster. If you understand this, then you will get the maximum benefit from my newsletter, my trainings and master classes.
  • You should have skill to make quick decisions. I love working with men who, if they want something, they simply find the right resources (money, time) and move forward. They don't look for excuses or reasons why not to do something.

And if suddenly (unfortunately) for some reason you do not have any of the above requirements, then most likely we will not suit each other. There are other coaches and consultants who may be able to help you.

I am not the one and only. I am different.

I'm not the only seduction and relationship coach, there are others. I know many of them personally and can recommend some. It would be stupid to consider me better than everyone else. Like everyone else, I have my shortcomings, and I am constantly working on them.

I believe that the main rule of a real man is: not only work to earn money, but also constantly work on yourself. Only in this cocktail do delicious and bright moments of life live!

I teach what I can do myself. There is nothing complicated or impossible about this; on the contrary, it is quite simple when you understand how it works. Anyone can learn this because the technology is simple and effective.

My principles

This is probably where I differ from others.

Results that my students achieved:

  • Find a wife in 2 months. Literally. The task was to find a woman for the family. We worked 4 days a week. First search by criteria. Then selection. A model of charm for this type of woman has also been developed. The result has been achieved.
  • Have sex every weekend with a new girl. A month of work. Establishing a quick acquaintance, working out the correct states on a date and sexual transitions. Despite the student’s lack of an apartment and his young age (19 years), the result was achieved.
  • Develop a network of influential acquaintances ready to help upon request. Preparatory work for the search and initial acquaintance took place for a month. The next 2 weeks are about getting closer to new friends. We worked out the logistics of reaching influential people + the art of the first impression. The result has been achieved.
  • Seduction of club dancers. 3 weeks of daily work. The first week is working out the logistics of dating. The rest of the time is about building the correct behavior when seducing dancers. The result has been achieved.
  • Looking for a girl for a serious relationship. A week of work. Daily meetings with the search for the most suitable type for the type of student. The specificity was that the student did not want to change, but wanted a girl to suit his character. The girl was found on public transport. The result has been achieved.
  • Improving your relationship with your girlfriend. The goal was to strengthen the connection with the girl I loved. The reasons for the disagreements were found, which were subsequently eliminated. A structure for communicating with the type of girl has also been created. The result has been achieved.

My story in video

Below is my video, which contains old photos and my personal development path to who I am now. If interested, see:

On April 18, Lev Vozhevatov, one of the most expensive coaches in the CIS countries, will come to Minsk. His name is associated with pickup technology, with the development of charisma and a strong male personality. But knowing the secrets of many men, Leo is happy to tell both young girls and older women about how to find a good man through their own activity. On the eve of visiting the ONA women's forum, Lev spoke about himself, the quality of modern women and the high price of his trainings.

Leo, is it true that you have a clear division of all women into “princesses” and “handmaids”? How did you come up with such a hierarchy?

Experienced and successful men often use such hierarchies to save their personal time when meeting and communicating with women. We derived this ranking through practical experience. One of my VIP students once accidentally dropped the phrase “Leo, she’s kind of simple to me, like a maid, but I need a princess!” I liked this metaphor, and later I tested the term on my experience and the experience of hundreds of my students. It turned out that this hierarchy is very realistic. Only after that I distributed it everywhere.

It seems that as a man it is easier for you to teach and explain things to men. Is there something “like that” that you can convey to women even in a couple of hours?

Undoubtedly. In a couple of hours (provided that a person is open to new information) you can change your life. This time is enough for me to introduce several of the most important female attitudes on which the level of female attractiveness depends. In addition, in a couple of hours you can give a detailed structure in appearance and reveal the topic of the female role in relationships. And that's the minimum. I repeat, it all depends on the woman’s desire to change and receive new information.

Do people often turn to you to learn how to seduce or create relationships? And why do such different levels (on the one hand, pickup technologies, on the other, deeper ones, or something) find a place in your trainings?

About equally. Young guys want the attention of women, adult men are committed to long-term relationships. I myself advocate the creation of a long-term relationship with the woman I love. I attract young audiences with a pickup theme, so that later in training programs I can gradually introduce into their consciousness the value of family relationships. Such a cunning move to instill family values ​​in young men (laughs).

Is it possible to create meaningful relationships by using or even playing on the behaviors you teach your clients about?

The basis of my approach to teaching women is subtle, smart female initiative. Modern realities in the CIS countries suggest that the principles of waiting for your prince on a white horse have long gone into oblivion. The competition among women is so high that it is at least stupid to hope for a miracle while lying on the stove. This is neither good nor bad. It’s just reality, and we have to accept it. There are few worthy men, there are many interesting women, so in order to start a family with a successful man (and not God knows which one), you need to start showing your initiative and activity. But it is important to do this in a feminine way, because a languid look, after which a man, smitten on the spot, runs to get acquainted - this is also a woman’s initiative. A random question, a neat compliment, a charming smile, a playful gait, a warm conversation - all this is a woman’s initiative, which can be a powerful weapon for attracting and “falling” men in love. My job is to give girls the technology of female initiative, which, in turn, will allow them to create long-term relationships with successful men. In this sense, using my methods and technologies, creating a serious relationship is incredibly easy, despite the tough competition. As they say, it's all about the right approach.

There are very specific numbers on your website: girls seduced by students - 9576, couples created - 987. Judging by this love for specifics, you are a pedantic person. This is true? How often (if at all) do your views on relationships between men and women change?

I like to count my achievements in the professional sphere. It seems to me that any man is pleased to see with his own eyes how the results of his activities grow. As for views, they were formed a long time ago. My first serious relationship changed my perception of women, and since then I have been improving and supplementing the base that I already have.

Why are you the most expensive charisma and relationship coach in the CIS? What do people pay you personally for?

The checks for my individual work came up to 1.5 million rubles. At the moment, this is the highest price for the training niche in the CIS. I am pleased that wealthy men trust me with such an important task as their personal life. They pay me primarily for saving their time, because it costs much more for them. They also pay for the exclusivity of the skills I provide. Since 2000, the image of a coach has developed around my name, who teaches how to create relationships with the best women. And it’s not about appearance, but about the qualities of the women with whom I work. Wealthy men are ready to pay any money for a great wife, so they come to me.

When you are asked about your type of activity (for example, in an unfamiliar city), do you prefer to answer that you are a coach, a seduction consultant, or something else?

I answer that I am a charisma and relationship coach.

Do you consider yourself a successful man in terms of relationships with women?

Yes, definitely.

Blitz survey for Lev Vozhevatov:

If food then- good juicy steak;

If a woman, then- decent;

If you have an hour of free time, then spend on loved ones;

If you run away, then from laziness;

If rest, then active.

Prepared by Olga Nekhlebova

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© Vozhevatov L., 2016

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

Why do you need this book?!

Do you know how to cook borscht?

can you really cook it if asked?

Can you do this while standing in heels?

And while talking on the phone at the same time?

And if not borscht, then scrambled eggs? Will you do it?

I think yes.

And if not, you will learn.

Simply because cooking borscht is a skill. A certain sequence of actions.

Riding a bike is also a skill.

Like walking on a tightrope in Louboutins under a circus big top with a saucepan on your head.

Styling your hair, doing a manicure, bargaining for a discount on a dress, hand-washing a jacket, smiling beautifully or giving an inspiring compliment - these are all skills!

Can you imagine?!

Even walking on two legs is, damn it, also a skill!

By the way, regarding the legs: I always give this example when I see how a person, having barely started doing something, immediately gives up.

Everything is clear, but what does the search for a cool man to create a relationship have to do with it???

And at that!

You are reading this book now because... You, most likely, can’t get to know each other... Well, admit it!

You tried and tried all weekend, but only one man smiled at you? Do you think that this is not yours, and have decided not to bother in the future? How did you learn to walk? Why didn't you quit this business? I know for sure that you (like me and all of us) didn’t succeed the first time, but for some reason you continued to study, although you could tell the whole world and your distraught parents that upright walking is not for you: they say, I will crawl!

Returning to the topic of skills, I note that, turning off the romantic mood for a second and surrendering to logic and analysis, the bottom line is this: meeting and attracting a man is a certain appearance, appropriate body language and tone of voice, a specific state and a clear a sequence of specific actions at the moment of primary communication, both in pre-contact and in direct contact.

And all this is also a skill!


Stop, oh Lord!

What have I done!

It's time to change something!

Millions of women have a beautiful legend in their heads that meeting and creating a relationship with a man is a gift of fate that should come down from above.

I’m sure you’ve read or heard more than once, they say, “Well, why are you in such a hurry, baby, just relax, you don’t need to look for anyone, everything will come by itself, the man will find you, the main thing is, don’t worry!

The moon is not yet in Cancer, your year has not yet come, dear! And then soon there will be a total lunar eclipse - Mars will enter Venus, and then you will meet him! You're a Gemini! No? Ah-ah-ah, Virgo – well, even more so!”

But the years go by, Cancer has already entered the Moon or Mars into Venus several times, you can’t figure them out, but things are still there...

And you are reading these lines now because you have already realized that nothing decent flows under a lying stone.

Yes, yes, in the modern world the saying about fate, which will find something on the stove, does not work!


Well, of course!

If everything happened by itself, then you wouldn’t even pick up this book, let alone read it. But the reality is this: if you do nothing, then men sometimes even appear in life, but, unfortunately, they are not at all the ones with whom you would like to start a family!

Sorry if I guessed wrong!

Mini-conclusion: in order to attract the man of your dreams, you need to do something!

What should I do? Give me advice, a recipe, a magic pill!

I have something for you!

This may sound cynical and nasty, but I have a clear step-by-step plan on how to find, attract and charm the best man in your life, so that you can then create a long and happy relationship!

« How dare he, scoundrel, break down what people write poems about and make films about, what looks like a fairy tale and a sign from above, into points! Vile ghoul, nothing sacred!»

Yes, I know, it’s not very romantic, but it’s fast, effective and practical!

So, everything is quite simple.

I give you the “Plan of Happiness”

And here is a step-by-step plan for your personal happiness!

1. Find out which man is right for you and where to look for him. (It is not necessary to draw a detailed portrait. You need to understand in general terms what type of man you would like to see next to you in order to localize your search and minimize the time spent filtering out unsuitable candidates.)

2. Determine which men you definitely don't want to deal with.

3. Study the materiel - where and in what places men who are attractive to you “live”.

4. Visit these places and see if there are actually interesting specimens there. In fact, you will remove something from the list and leave something else.

5. Work on your appearance, emphasizing the pros and hiding the cons.

6. Study the material on dating techniques and try the simplest method first, at least “social networking”. Are you asking about what “social media” is?! This is a very cool technique, which you will learn about a little later.

7. Start practicing flirting and dating techniques at work, in restaurants and stores. For now, just smiles, phrases in the air, clues.

8. Be the first to start conscious dating and make sure that it is not scary, but very funny. Play and have fun!

9. Leave your contacts and get in touch only with the best men for your taste. Gather a group of top fans from 5-6 options.

10. Go into first date mode. Have one date with all applicants.

11. Eliminate uninteresting options, leave the 3 coolest ones.

12. Have a series of dates with the finalists.

13. Choose one winner and go into relationship mode, putting the rest on a safety pause of a month or two.

14. Strengthen your relationship and enjoy yourself as you continue to grow as a couple.

This is the simplest “plan for happiness”!

The most amazing thing is that this scheme has been “working” for a long time; following it, hundreds of girls have found and are finding amazing men, often with fairly low “starting” data.

This plan is a kind of experimentally developed scheme that is built into a woman and becomes a skill for attracting worthy men into her life.


We return to the beginning of the chapter.

Innate skills partly exist in the form of instincts; we acquire everything else in life itself.

Well, let's get smart and that's enough!

Now you know that if you have “living wage” size breasts, then you can pump them up... ummm... in general, female attractiveness is just a skill!

Understand that when you see a tough guy (meaning charismatic, successful, self-confident), then this is not God’s grace, but his personal plowing over himself, or caring parents were not too lazy to invest energy, time and money in raising their child.

By the way, here’s the first trick – what you should pay attention to on a date with a man!

No, not for travel, not for shoes, and even a beard is better not to study for a long time.

And for what???

Find out how the parents raised the boy, and in general, what kind of people surrounded and surround your potential chosen one.

The plan is not bad, but there are difficulties in the scheme, judging by your slightly puzzled face now!

How to develop communication skills with men?!

What is this book for?

Precisely to develop your dating skills and create a relationship with a successful man.

Again! (Yes, I like to repeat critical topics.)

Any everyday task is a skill. From opening a beer bottle with your eye to twisting a fouetté without taking off your skis.

Remember why you didn’t meet a man recently?

There are many reasons for this. Perhaps you were scared, or you didn’t know what to say, or the styling on your pretty head was so-so that time, or he was in too much of a hurry and you didn’t have time to smile... Whatever! But all these seemingly different situations are united by one and the same feature: the girl did not have dating skills at that moment!

Until today, you have been doing something wrong.

So what is this book for?

You need this book for:

Work on mistakes in attracting and meeting charismatic people;

Increased self-esteem;

Understanding your value;

Study of male psychology;

Formation of dating skills, dating, falling in love (a whole chapter is devoted to this, so get ready to learn something truly secret!);

To quickly find a worthy man, even if you are in specific conditions (if you are over 30, have children, you are at work all day, you are not a top model, but a simple woman seeking happiness);

for, damn it, finding a worthy man in the shortest possible time and creating a happy family with him!

That's what this book is for!

And these are not big words.

After just reading a few chapters, you will feel how your daily life will begin to change!

And the most amazing thing is that you will see with the naked eye how first simply pleasant, then good, and then opulent men will begin to appear in your life!

It will be in reality! No visualizations! Everything will happen in your daily life!

There are exercises in each chapter.

This is the most important part of the book.

They are simple, but require regular implementation.

I repeat: without doing all my exercises, the transformation cannot happen.

Therefore, I urgently ask, pray, order you to do my homework!

They do not require a model appearance or experience as a television announcer, no!

They are created for an ordinary woman who wants happiness.

You need to do the exercises completely and in a good mood. If you are angry, frustrated, aggressive, or forced to open this book, then nothing will work out.

You won't have to change your whole life, meditate all day or become a raw foodist.

Nothing like this!

The exercises will take from a few minutes to two hours a day, and you will see everything with your own lovely eyes!

Therefore, read the book carefully, thoughtfully and promise that you will invite me to the wedding! This is not a joke!

Was I in vain buying a suit and teaching toast??? No way! You'll have to find yourself a cool man and organize a wedding!

By the way, you can just sign, without a dress and guests, I’ll be all for it!

If you are a 19-year-old nymphet with a thirst to improve your vacuum cleaner for pumping out foreign currency reserves from a man’s pocket and other places, then sorry, this is not the place for you.

If you, in principle, have a negative attitude towards men, because these animals are not capable of love, but only eat, sleep and fuck (cattle!), then it is better to close this book and spend your time on something more useful.

Go to the zoo, for example, it’s more interesting there.)))

What do you want?

If you are already an adult girl, you are already a little over 30, or not a little bit, or just over 30, or you were 30 30 years ago, then you are holding the right book in your hands!

If you have already had a bad relationship experience, it doesn’t matter whether it’s marriage or just cohabitation, if you’ve been looking for your loved one for a long time and can’t find it, if you’re tired of first dates and offers to quickly look at the next fish, if you want to level up your suitors, and you just want them to appear, if it’s difficult for you alone and you are not a little girl, but you need support and support in the person of a worthy (this is critical, just pants in the house - this is not the place) and beloved man, then this book for you!

I wrote this book for those girls who want to change something in their lives, but don’t know how!

The word “want” is critical to the success of our whole endeavor.

Trap for a naive girl

The problem with most people who don't get what they want is that they want get something for nothing. That is, to put it simply: people want to buy a BMW at the price of a Lada Kalina, and even at a discount.

And this is always a trap for naive and greedy souls who believe in freebies. And because of this, they either end up with deceivers, or spend their precious life time searching for that same miraculous technique or that same miraculous guru.

For such a person, one trainer, one training, one book, one source of information will always be enough. And all because of the naive hope of saving on your investments and doing everything with the least amount of effort and less expense. While this attempt at saving takes up the most valuable resource – time.

You, my beautiful reader, understand this especially well now! The time in your life is passing when you do not change, but are constantly preparing for changes, regularly postponing that most important decisive step towards your dream.

I know how difficult it is for you right now.

Why am I all around the bush! Damn, this is really hard for you!

And you don't deserve this!

What does waiting lead to?

It would seem, well, there is no man in your life, so what?

Well, it's not fatal, is it?

How to say…

First of all, it's scary...

It's scary to be alone

This is when you seem to be in the company of friends, Friday evening. You are gathered in a nice restaurant, discussing how someone’s work week went, and you are together, but at the same time you are alone. No one to trust. And if there is, then only as a friend.

This is when it's me and them, not us. Why is it so inferior? And because it’s missing...

It's scary to be alone when you have to do everything yourself. When you need to be strong, because there is no one to protect and there is no one with whom you can relax and be a naive fool. And he will ruin everything.

Feeling sorry for yourself is painful. It should not be. Nod if you know what I mean.

Scared to make a mistake

It’s scary to make a mistake again and connect your life with an unworthy man.

What do I mean by "unworthy"? This is when a conversation in a raised voice = “normal conversation.” This is when you are the main one in a couple and you have to solve all the difficulties yourself.

By the way, it’s a funny story: before, when you were alone, you were responsible for yourself, but here you are responsible for yourself and for some grown man.

And he sits on your fragile neck, dangling his legs, and even swears from time to time and expresses dissatisfaction, they say, you are going in the wrong direction. Horrible!

In the case of an unworthy, weak man, you will have to constantly endure, break yourself, drag, get out, etc., etc., instead of being yourself, a woman, with all your natural feminine manifestations.

Scary alone, without children

In the sense of not just getting pregnant with a deputy, but with children out of love, from (see above) a worthy man, so that they grow up in a full-fledged family, because a proudly raised head in the clinic and a confident tone “let me in, I’m a single mother” are now not at all in fashion. And something tells me that a child FOR HIMSELF is the broken fate of an innocent little man. Not the best option, quite sad.

And I must radically change this situation in your life!

That's why I wrote this book!

Rest assured, I will do it. We will do it! Together!

You've been disappointed

Let me suggest that you have, albeit a small, disappointment in men. Well, that is, your heart is not iron! One deceived, another betrayed, the third did something nasty, and as you get older you realize that men are not as darling as they make out in the first days of dating! And I really don’t want to feel how my heart breaks and a lump of unshed tears appears in my throat once again, when I trusted another underprince...

Your eyes should cry only from happiness! Do you hear? This is why you and I need to work hard!

Why develop and strive for something if nothing has worked out so far?!

In our youth, we look at the world through rose-colored glasses, everything seems easy and simple, there is a bold confidence that tomorrow will be better than yesterday. But you, most likely, are no longer 19, and it’s a little more difficult for you than before.

It’s more difficult to meet people, it’s more difficult to choose, it’s more difficult to flirt – everything becomes more difficult with age. And perhaps there are not as many fans as there were during my student years. That's exactly why I wrote this book! I know that sometimes, very, very rarely, although perhaps not so rarely, bad thoughts come to you. More precisely, they don’t come, but seem to fly by, but in such a way that it is impossible not to notice them.

These little thoughts are very simple and painful:

“Why develop and strive for something if nothing has worked out so far” or “Where is the meaning of all my efforts? Or maybe he should go to the bathhouse, it’s all pointless.”

If any of the above applies to you, then you are right now holding in your hands the book that will help you! Because this is not an entertaining read on the way to work. This is a virus that will change your life, and believe me, these changes have already begun!

Come on, these guys!

Look around you right now at the women who surround you.

Yes, yes, right now!

Look out the window or just look around. Or remember them from today.

Look at their faces.

They are preoccupied with their immediate problems.

Where to find money for a new iPhone, how to lose weight before your vacation, what’s going on with a promotion at work.

Yes, everything seems to be correct...

You are different from other women!

And you, too, are constantly preoccupied with something, this is often our daily life. But still you are very different from other women. You are radically different, and I bow my head before you with admiration. You are thinking about your future now. About your happy family future. And that gives you a 100 point head start simply because most adult women are just waiting.

They are waiting for everything to work out on its own. But you're not like that. You understand perfectly well that without a worthy man it will be difficult. What difficulties might await you? I'll give you a hint.

Loneliness is number one.

This is when everything seems to be fine: the apartment, the car, friends, and travel, but you feel with every fiber of your soul that you are alone. Perhaps your parents are nearby, but by and large, you are alone. There is no such person whom you can put your head on your shoulder and just relax. There is no strong person who will sort everything out, help, calm you down and hold you close.

And this feeling is very painful, especially when you are not a little girl. It’s somehow unnatural to be alone, isn’t it?

By her own. You don't answer to anyone. Nobody is waiting. Not worried. You don't belong to anyone. Draw. By her own…

After loneliness comes depression is number two. And then there’s alcohol, drugs, a reckless nocturnal lifestyle, and off we go.

Finding harmony in work or sports. This is number three. And you throw on extra hours or pancakes and start working 3 shifts, but... But this will never fully replace the man next to you.

And in a few years in this mode it will inevitably overtake you disappointment in yourself and your life. This is number four.

Disappointment reveals itself as an extinguished light in the eyes, emptiness in the heart and humility. Did not work out. Not in this life. It didn't work out. Eh...

Therefore, this book is in your hands. It was written precisely so that in the very near future you will feel loved, desired and married. Let me clarify!

She not only beautifully painted the illusion of happiness, but In fact became happy in a relationship with a worthy and loving man. And depending on how thoughtfully and carefully you read this book, you will be able to change your personal life so much. Of course, just reading is not enough, after that you will communicate with men in a new way and create your own happiness with your own hands by doing my exercises. And I will help you with this.

Why me and not Tanya?

I looked at my colleagues just now. I read a couple of forums. I looked through groups on social networks and felt my hair stand on end, even where there were none. Obscurantism, gentlemen! Something similar happened earlier in the men’s training niche. The situation, in general, is clear. Everyone wants money and fame.

This Tanyusha lives in her “one-room apartment” with Barsik, she’s bored... A friend called, cried, saying, the men are gone, I don’t understand what to do. Tanya is no slouch; it was not in vain that she leafed through Carnegie’s book in the store. Tatyana advised her friend to send all her suitors and eat up her grief with free sandwiches in Ikea. They say, food therapy, everything is normal!)

After which the friend calmed down and switched from men to sandwiches at night. At least they refuse less often. And then it dawned on our Tanya: “Fathers! I changed a man's life! Let me become a psychologist! I will conduct trainings!”

“Good day, I’m Tatyana Best, and I will teach you, my dears, how to find yourself a billionaire husband without leaving a minibus or “odnushka” in Kupchino. The most important thing is to subscribe to my channel and like it!”

And there are a lot of such characters on the market now. You won't see anything. And a luck coach, and a guide to the world of fairy tales (and, in fact, the world of fairy tales), and a guide to a happy life, and a money coach, and an unveiling of success, a softener of life, an enhancer of victories, a leavening agent of fatigue... damn, as much as you can, give Validol ...

And what names: Maria Bosh, Vitaly Zozh, Alexa Super, Marina Dal, Vasily Shmal - ah-ah-ah!

Damn it... where do these people come from?! And now all these brethren are pouring information “slop” into their ears for a couple of thousand rubles. As a result, some girls barely get something according to the placebo law (cases are made on them), the remaining 80% give up and swear off joining anything called training. In connection with this hellish hell, I want to tell you how Lev Vozhevatov differs from everyone else. Isn't he a success coach, huh? And where does he get so many happy students from? Maybe he pays them for all these reports?