Former vice-speaker of the Izhevsk City Duma Vasily Shatalov has been behind bars for almost 2 years (1 year and 10 months). Not officially convicted, only accused of committing crimes. His criminal case is being debated by the courts, and when the final hearing will take place is still unclear. Vasily Shatalov may not live to see him, isn’t that what the investigation is trying to achieve?

The investigation into the “Shatalov case” was completed in September last year. The investigator sent the indictment to the Prosecutor General's Office, which, in turn, forwarded it to the Oktyabrsky Court of Izhevsk. Vasily Shatalov was transferred through Kirov to pre-trial detention center No. 1, in the capital of the neighboring region he became ill, and in critical condition he was taken to the intensive care unit of the Kirov regional hospital. Doctors barely managed to save the life of Shatalov, who by that time had suffered a stroke and two heart attacks.

Despite his serious condition, a preliminary hearing in the case took place on October 26. And it ended with the judge returning the case to the prosecutor's office. Later, his decision was confirmed by the Supreme Court of the Urals, and the criminal case was returned to the investigator. Which had to again bring charges against Vasily Shatalov and his wife Yana Kuznetsova, and this was done, as recorded in the protocols, with violations.

The investigator, bringing a new charge, could not help but know that by that time Vasily Shatalov had been constantly in the “Hospital” of the FKUZ MSCh-18 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation for almost two months, where he was assigned disability group 3. But, despite Shatalov’s condition, charges were brought against him again, after which he was taken to intensive care on a stretcher. Based on the results of an examination of Vasily Shatalov’s health, it turned out that in January 2017 he suffered two more heart attacks.

Now Vasily Shatalov’s health condition is close to critical. In February, he was examined by a council of doctors, who stated that Vasily Shatalov was paralyzed on 85% of the left side of his body, and his arm and leg did not work. He has diabetes mellitus and persistent hypertension, blood pressure ranging from 220/130 to 300/180. People who know what constantly high blood pressure is know that any serious stress in this state can be fatal. Vasily Shatalov has no opportunity to receive treatment; the prison hospital is completely unsuited for this. The further he goes, the greater the chance that he will not live to see the trial.

Isn’t this what the investigation in the “Shatalov case” is trying to achieve? There are no grounds to keep Vasily Shatalov in custody; the investigation, the course of which he allegedly could influence, has been completed, but they do not want to release him. Both the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and the Prosecutor General’s Office are already familiar with this situation; they do not verbally doubt the illegality of Shatalov’s detention, but the investigation is adamant.

On May 2, the court once again extended the arrests of Vasily Shatalov and his wife Yana Kuznetsova, again for three months.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Commissioner for Human Rights Tatyana Moskalkova during a meeting in the Kremlin. Photo: press service of the President of the Russian Federation/TASS

Today, May 5, the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, Tatyana Moskalkova, met with Russian President Vladimir Putin, where she proposed changes to the legislation obliging the court to release seriously ill prisoners from custody.
“I propose to change the law and replace the court’s right to release with the court’s obligation to release if there is a document confirming a serious illness,” Moskalkova said.
The Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation prepared a report in which it is noted that “the court releases less than half of seriously ill people, and people die in prison without waiting for freedom, although they are almost terminally ill.”

I would like to believe that the attention of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin can change the current bad practice of investigative agencies and courts and give seriously ill people the opportunity to be free and receive full medical care.

Roman Kryazhev

Yesterday, Deputy Speaker of the Izhevsk City Duma Vasily Shatalov, accused of fraudulent theft of 22 million rubles, sat on the windowsill of the sixth floor of Nizhny Novgorod Hospital No. 5 for more than six hours, threatening to jump. All this time, investigators and psychologists alternately talked to him. For a long time, none of the leadership of the operational services dared to take responsibility for capturing the accused, until the SOBR arrived. His fighters quickly planned the operation and pulled the man off the windowsill. Vasily Shatalov thanked the Sobrov members and explained to Kommersant that he wanted to jump after a call from a lawyer who spoke about the problems of his wife, who is also involved in a criminal case for fraud.

Yesterday, employees of all operational services of Nizhny Novgorod, from 9.30 am, were on duty under the windows of city hospital No. 5, where a man was sitting on the sixth floor window sill, threatening to throw himself out. As it turned out later, it was the deputy chairman of the Izhevsk City Duma Vasily Shatalov.

On July 16, FSB officers detained him in Izhevsk on suspicion of committing fraud, and then took him under escort for arrest to Nizhny, where the 3rd investigative department of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee is located (for the Volga Federal District). According to investigators, the 46-year-old deputy was involved in the theft of 22 million rubles. from the budget of Izhevsk: he allegedly lobbied for the conclusion of municipal contracts with the children's and youth equestrian school, which was headed by his wife Yana Kuznetsova in 2012–2014. The Investigative Committee believes that the money was stolen under agreements relating to the rental of sports facilities and competitions. “In reality, no competitions with children were held, and the allegedly rented objects were either absent in nature, or, as it turned out, belonged to Kuznetsova herself,” the RF Investigative Committee said in a press release.

In Nizhny, a man had a heart attack and was taken to the intensive care unit of the 5th hospital. As doctors told Kommersant, last week a visiting court hearing was held at the hospital to select a preventive measure for the suspect, but the judge decided that it was impossible to send the heart attack victim to a pre-trial detention center.

Yesterday morning in his room, Vasily Shatalov sat on the windowsill of an open window, threatening to throw himself out. Psychologists and investigators talked with him for hours, convincing him not to jump and gradually leading the deputy’s neighbors out of the hospital room.

As the police officers on duty at the hospital told Kommersant, at first the man sat with his back strongly pushed out and holding the rain ebb with his hand, and he put his feet on a chair in the ward so that he could fall out of the window with one push. However, then he got tired and moved on the windowsill slightly inside the room, removing his feet from the chair. “They would have tied him up a long time ago, but there is no command from anyone! There have been a lot of bosses here since the morning, and everyone is afraid to take responsibility. Everyone is sitting, waiting for the SOBR, although this is not the police’s business at all...” the policeman explained, nodding at the EMERCOM climbers on duty on the roof. Under the windows, a little further away, rescuers with an inflatable awning were bored.

The police special forces soldiers arrived in the Gazelle at 16.40, unloaded with climbing equipment, and right in the parking lot began to plan the operation: one capture group enters the ward, and the second insures the potential suicide outside. “They’ll knock him out, but be gentle with him... Be clear,” the colonel in camouflage admonished the soldiers. Having identified the required window by the air conditioners, two SOBR soldiers lowered themselves on ropes from the roof to the sixth floor. After the colonel’s command “We’re working!” There were swear words and screams in the room. The man in a white T-shirt jerked out, but it was clear that he had already been grabbed and was being dragged inside, and the special forces, hanging on both sides of the open window, flew in after him. “Our people could do it too!” - the officer in the uniform of the Ministry of Emergency Situations jealously told the policeman, complaining that the authorities did not dare.

When the Kommersant correspondent went up to the room, the would-be suicide was talking peacefully with the SOBR soldiers, thanking them for “not crushing them too much,” and the doctor in a dressing gown reproached him that the patient had been “putting the whole hospital on their ears” all day. “I’m such a bastard, I’m sorry,” answered Vasily Shatalov and again turned to the Sobrov members: “In the morning, of course, I would have made it in time. And then the guy left me, I climbed, I looked - I no longer had the strength. I leaned here... This Lesha spoke his teeth to me, and then the guys (Sobrists - Kommersant) galloped up. I couldn't even manage to escape from you. I’m not a man, it turns out...” “This does not prove whether you are a man or not,” answered one of the Sobrov members, nodding towards the open window. “Of course, sit on your butt all day…” another fighter sympathized. When asked by Kommersant what was the reason for such an act, the man said: “Because of his wife, this is a long story...”, adding that a lawyer called him in the morning, they demanded that he testify against himself and his wife and “she should come here.” No need".

At that time, in the corridor there was a meeting between doctors, police officers and investigators on how to remove the patient without being seen by journalists. There were proposals to take him out through the basement, and a wheelchair was brought into the ward. The Izhevsk deputy was loaded into an ambulance through an inconspicuous entrance and, accompanied by police, was taken to a psychiatric hospital.

[, 07/17/2015, “The authorities and the investigation do not comment on the detention of the deputy chairman of the Izhevsk City Duma”: Vasily Anatolyevich Shatalov is known to many Izhevsk residents as the owner and publisher of the Alva TV channel. In the 90s, he was the author and host of the scandalous program “I Can’t Be Silent.” Moreover, already in 1994, he himself went into power - he was elected as a deputy of the City Duma. Thus, he is now one of the longest-living members of this government body. And at the same time, in some circles, his status as “untouchable” was firmly established. No matter what dirty deeds, rumors and gossip his name flashed, Vasily Anatolyevich always came out clean.
For example, in 2013, documents were already seized from that same equestrian school. But the case was never opened.
In addition, the vice speaker and City Duma employees were involved in embezzlement cases in 2011 and 2012. Many remember the high-profile case when investigators accused deputies and city administration employees of holding New Year's corporate parties at the Kino club and the Park Hotel at the expense of the budget. True, the deputies themselves said then that they chipped in for these events and paid for everything themselves. But information from investigators leaked to the media that about 170 thousand rubles were spent on vacation then. Some City Duma employees were fired after this. Nevertheless, investigators closed the case. No sanctions were applied to Shatalov. Sources are talking about a high-ranking intercessor in the Russian State Duma. [...]
The annual income of the Deputy Chairman of the City Duma Vasily Shatalov is 1 million 631.5 thousand rubles. In 2013 there were 1.5 million. He uses an apartment and owns a Nissan Patrol car.
Vasily Shatalov’s wife declared an income of 251 thousand rubles. She owns an apartment and a garage. - Insert]

Yulia Suntsova

The wife of the former vice-speaker of the Izhevsk City Duma, Yana Kuznetsova, will remain under house arrest until the end of July. Her husband and “accomplice” Vasily Shatalov, contrary to rumors, is still in the Nizhny Novgorod pre-trial detention center. Details of what happened to them after their detention last summer became known during breaks in the Ustinovsky District Court.

On Monday, April 25, the Ustinovsky District Court of the capital of Udmurtia once again extended Yana Kuznetsova’s house arrest. At the end of July 2015, both spouses were charged with theft by fraud of 22 million rubles. According to investigators, from 2012 to 2014, Yana Kuznetsova, holding the position of director of the municipal children's and youth equestrian school, allegedly at the direction of her husband, deputy chairman of the Izhevsk City Duma Vasily Shatalov, entered into municipal contracts for the provision of services with those under their control organizations. In reality, according to investigators, the services were provided only on paper, and the couple allegedly cashed the money transferred from the Izhevsk budget and turned it into personal use.

During the reading of the materials attached by the investigator to the petition to extend house arrest, Judge Sergei Turov listed at least 18 criminal cases in which Vasily Shatalov and Yana Kuznetsova are involved. The last of them were initiated quite recently - in March and April of this year.

The correspondent was unable to get a comment from Yana Mikhailovna herself due to the restrictions imposed on her. According to the terms of the house arrest, the accused is prohibited from communicating with everyone except her lawyer and relatives - two daughters living with her at the place where the house arrest is served. Even with a lawyer, she is only allowed to communicate through a personal meeting; they cannot contact each other by phone. Walking is allowed daily, but only from 12 to 14 hours and within a radius of 100 meters from the house. Yana Kuznetsova is prohibited from going beyond these limits, as well as from leaving home at other times. She is not allowed to receive or send postal correspondence, conduct telephone conversations, access the Internet, etc. The provision of any kind of medical care or a trip to the pharmacy must be agreed upon with the investigator.

As could be understood from the remarks of both parties during the court hearing, the main criminal proceedings are being conducted in the Central Office of the Investigative Committee in Nizhny Novgorod. Employees of the Udmurt Investigation Department are included in the investigation team only to carry out some kind of representative functions on site. For this reason, all petitions and complaints of the accused are sent from the capital of Udmurtia to Nizhny Novgorod, and sometimes they have to wait quite a long time for answers.

The decision to seize the criminal case for investigation in the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia, based in Nizhny Novgorod, was issued on July 15, 2015. In his review, Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Lieutenant General Lozutov, indicates that the decision to transfer the criminal case was made “after its study in the Central Office of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, which revealed the complexity of the investigation.”

After such a visa, the vice-speaker of the Izhevsk City Duma was, unexpectedly for many and, obviously, for himself, transported to Nizhny Novgorod. Since then, they saw their wife only once - on the day when Vasily Shatalov threatened to jump out of the window of one of the Nizhny Novgorod hospitals for several hours.

“When Vasily Anatolyevich, an investigator from Nizhny Novgorod, called me and gave the command to urgently go to the place, she said that only I would help them save the situation,” Yana Kuznetsova recalled the circumstances of that day in a conversation with her defense lawyer during a break announced to familiarize herself with the materials to extend the arrest. “When I arrived, my husband told me that he climbed through the open window because he was told that I allegedly died during the arrest. Probably, in general, this is not done, right?..”

Recently, there have been rumors in Izhevsk that Vasily Shatalov was allegedly released from a pre-trial detention center and is under house arrest in a rented apartment in Nizhny Novgorod. This information, as it turned out, was not confirmed. Based on individual remarks that were heard from conversations between Yana Kuznetsova and her lawyer, it turned out that Vasily Shatalov currently continues to be detained in the Nizhny Novgorod pre-trial detention center. Moreover, his life, according to his wife, is under threat. “Vasily Anatolyevich will die soon, I think,” she shared her thoughts with the defender.

From their reasoning, it was possible to find out that the psychiatric examination assigned to the former vice-speaker of the Izhevsk City Duma showed that Vasily Shatalov was completely sane. After being in a psychiatric hospital, Vasily Shatalov spent some time in a medical facility at the Nizhny Novgorod pre-trial detention center. Doctors treated him due to worsening hypertension and diabetes.

“When atrial fibrillation was diagnosed, Vasily Anatolyevich was quickly shaken off so that he would not die on their territory,” Yana Kuznetsova told the defender.

Currently, Shatalov, according to his wife, with an allegedly untrue statement of recovery, continues to be under investigation in the Nizhny Novgorod detention center.

“And I probably would have also been sent to prison, but the children got in the way,” Yana Kuznetsova noted sarcastically, exchanging remarks with her lawyer.

According to Yana Kuznetsova’s defense attorney, Andrei Tronin, before her arrest, his client mainly lived in Votkinsk. There they have a specially equipped room for their disabled daughter with lifts, with all the necessary equipment in the bathroom and other devices to provide the sick child with proper care. After Yana Kuznetsova was placed under house arrest, she had to move with both daughters to Izhevsk - to an ordinary nine-story panel building on the street. Petrova.

“I am currently unemployed. My employment contract expired on February 5, 2016,” Kuznetsova said in court. — I was denied a meeting with the employer on the issue of receiving a payment and returning my work book. Thus, I am no longer a supervisor for some witnesses and cannot put pressure on them. All the documents necessary for the investigation were confiscated from me, I have no funds, and my property was seized.”

The judge, in turn, asked how the accused currently lives, to which she replied that she lives on funds from benefits for her disabled daughter.

“I ask you to soften my preventive measure and change my house arrest to a written undertaking not to leave the place and proper behavior,” Yana Kuznetsova addressed the court. “Allow me to work and fully engage in the upbringing and health of children.”

Read about why, according to Yana Kuznetsova, Vasily Shatalov was actually arrested, and about what is happening today with the family of the former vice-speaker of the Izhevsk City Duma in the next publication of

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As the Investigative Committee of Russia reported on Monday, a criminal case has been opened against the deputy under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud committed by an organized group or on an especially large scale). The people's representative has been charged.

During the investigation, information was received about the involvement of the Deputy Chairman of the Izhevsk City Duma, 46-year-old Vasily Shatalov, in the crimes committed, who, using his position, sought to allocate additional funding to the educational institution for the purpose of embezzling funds, law enforcement officers told Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

According to investigators, from 2012 to 2014, Vasily Shatalov’s wife, Yana Kuznetsova, who worked as the director of an equestrian school, entered into municipal contracts with organizations controlled by the deputy for the rental of sports facilities and holding holidays. In reality, no sporting events were held for children, and the sports equipment that the school allegedly rented from the budget either did not exist at all or belonged to Kuznetsova herself.

Vasily Shatalov was detained on July 16, 2015. In the near future, investigators plan to petition the court for the arrest of the deputy. In addition, a legal assessment will be given to the actions of the wife of the vice-speaker of the city parliament, Yana Kuznetsova.

The investigation of the criminal case is being carried out by investigators of the third investigative department of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in Nizhny Novgorod in cooperation with the department of the FSB of Russia for Udmurtia. Earlier, the head of the republic, Alexander Solovyov, told reporters that Vasily Shatalov’s membership in the United Russia party was suspended, and the chairman of the Izhevsk City Duma, Alexander Ushakov, explained that the issue of removing the deputy from office would be resolved after the court verdict.

Earlier, the republican publication “Den” reported that the head of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for Udmurtia, Vladimir Nikeshkin, authorized investigative actions against the deputy chairman of the Izhevsk City Duma Vasily Shatalov. This turn of events came as a surprise to many, including the deputy himself, who was considered invulnerable due to his scandalous reputation.

However, Shatalov received his first “calls” back in 2013, when FSB officers seized documents from a budget institution.

“The inspection of the municipal equestrian school has been going on for more than two years. The main suspicions boil down to multi-million dollar embezzlement from the budget. Informants talk about the use of a wide variety of methods for withdrawing funds, ranging from fraud with coaches’ salaries, fictitious contracts for repairs, rental of fields, ending with paid classes and competitions for students that actually did not exist. In reality, the trips that took place were ultimately paid for by the parents, notes The Day. Traditionally, some observers have already seen a “political order” in this criminal case. But what actually happened there will be shown by the documentary array seized by the investigation and the court.

On July 16, it became known about the detention of the deputy chairman of the Izhevsk City Duma Vasily Shatalov. At first, representatives of law enforcement agencies and deputies of the city parliament refused to comment on the situation. The “silence mode” continued the next day. Some deputies note that they will talk about detention only after the reaction of law enforcement agencies.

As a source in the Izhevsk administration reports on condition of anonymity, operational measures were carried out due to the fact that the deputy is suspected of fraud in the amount of more than 20 million rubles. We are talking about funds from the city budget.

According to the source, the case involves the MBOU of additional education for children “Children and Youth Equestrian School of Izhevsk,” which is headed by Shatalova’s wife. Allegedly, all contracts and acts of work performed for economic activities for 2014-2015 were confiscated from the school.

The Komsomolskaya Pravda-Izhevsk correspondent tried to contact the school management, but no one picked up the phone.

Now Vasily Shatalov, according to our information, is in the hospital under guard. During the interrogation, the deputy referred to poor health, which is why he was taken to the hospital.

Let us add that this is not the first time that law enforcement agencies have shown interest in Shatalov. In 2013, documents were already seized from the said school.

Also, the vice speaker and city council employees were involved in the embezzlement case. The investigation believed that corporate evenings of deputies and city administration employees, held in December 2011 at the Kino club and the banquet hall of the Park Hotel, were paid for under the guise of off-site meetings. And the New Year's corporate evening in December 2012 in the same banquet hall was paid for under the guise of a gala reception for the head of the city and a New Year's citywide holiday. The amount allegedly spent on vacation was also announced - 168 thousand rubles. However, investigators closed the case. Although some of the employees were subsequently fired. No sanctions were applied to Shatalov. Sources are talking about a high-ranking intercessor in the Russian State Duma.

Vasily Shatalov. Who is he?

Vasily Shatalov is the most important long-liver of the Izhevsk City Duma. He has been a deputy since 1994.

Recently he has taken a critical position towards the republican authorities. At the last session of the City Duma, the politician called Solovyov’s initiative to elect a new Head of Izhevsk from among the deputies a mistake.

A person with such powers, of course, must be elected popularly. People must determine who will make decisions. The City Duma is just a makeweight. This is a big mistake in the law that was adopted by the State Council. I think that during the next convocation we will see the illegitimacy of the head of the city appointed from among the deputies. “It will, of course, go through the roof,” he addressed the deputies.

Alexander Solovyov, at one of the press conferences, answering a question about his attitude towards critics, expressed his opinion regarding Vasily Shatalov.

When the list of candidates from the United Russia party was being prepared, my colleagues, as the secretary of the regional branch of the party, suggested that Shatalov not be included in the list. Remember those good old days when he had the TV show “I Can’t Be Silent.” He is now restoring it. There will be a TV show or a website - I don’t know. He will broadcast. Scold me. I will be his most important “friend”. Well, what can I say... Apparently, you won’t be loved by everyone, I’m not the sun, I won’t warm everyone, - said the head of the republic.

At one time there was a video circulating on the Internet with the participation of the vice-speaker, where Shatalov got into an altercation with the Chairman of the State Council of Udmurtia Vladimir Nevostruev. The video was made on a conference call. The vice speaker of the City Duma accused the regional parliament of exceeding its powers. Let us recall that at the end of 2014, the parliament of Udmurtia adopted a law on the transfer of powers in the field of urban planning from municipalities to republican authorities. Izhevsk and Zavyalovsky district thus lost the right to transfer land for rent or sale. This caused a violent reaction from Shatalov.

In general, we have complaints against the State Council, which, we believe, exceeds its powers in relations with municipal authorities. There is an example when the State Council makes a decision on land in Izhevsk and the Zavyalovsky district that is absolutely illegal. We have an official conclusion about this. Referring to the line in the law on state power “and other powers”, this law failed, said the vice speaker of the city duma.

Let us note that Vasily Shatalov plans to participate in the elections to the Izhevsk City Duma of the new convocation. He is running for election as a self-nominated candidate in the Industrial constituency.


In 2014 Deputy Chairman of the City Duma Vasily Shatalov earned 1 million 631.5 thousand rubles. In 2013 - 1.5 million. He uses an apartment and owns a Nissan Patrol car.

In 2014, Vasily Shatalov’s wife declared an income of 251 thousand rubles. She owns an apartment and a garage.

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