Whether a sewing machine is needed in the house is a rhetorical question. Another thing, . Competition in the field of household sewing equipment encourages companies to produce machines for literally every "taste": whether for a novice seamstress or for a professional dressmaker. So, if you need a reliable helper for the home, and at the same time you do not plan to make a living by sewing (at least not yet), buy one of the simple models.

Such machines, although they belong to the economy class, perform all the basic operations: a reverse fixing stitch, some decorative stitches, a zigzag overlock stitch, and also use special paws to sew buttonholes and sew in zippers. In addition, modern machines are equipped with lighting and a sleeve platform, thanks to which it is easy to process circular parts (cuffs, trousers, etc.). Almost all leading brands of sewing equipment have several models for a beginner seamstress. Our goal is to introduce you to seven popular cars from different manufacturers.

Let's start with the famous Japanese company Janome. On an electromechanical model Janome JB 1108 you can sew both a crepe de chine blouse and a tweed suit, not to mention a cotton dress, although she only performs 9 operations. Stretch stitches are provided for knitwear, and if you need to darn, embroider a monogram or make an appliqué, then the Janome JB 1108 sewing machine will cope with these tasks. However, its loop is semi-automatic, that is, you will do it not in one go, but in four steps . The kit includes 3 paws (for a buttonhole, a zipper), including a hem. However, Janome wide choose additional presser feet, by purchasing which you minimal cost increase the number of operations performed by the machine.

The next sewing machine is Jaguar Mini U-2 . It really lives up to its name, as it performs 7 sewing operations and weighs only 4 kg, that is, half the size of the previous model. Nevertheless, it “takes” fabrics of different structure and thickness from lace to gabardine. It imitates an overlock stitch, makes a semi-automatic buttonhole, performs a hidden and elastic stitch, and threading the bobbin is quite simple, because the vertical hook is familiar to all of us from school.

The Singer company needs no introduction, its products, despite fierce global competition, continue to be in demand among seamstresses for more than a hundred years. For example, on an inexpensive model Singer 4411 you'll be sewing jersey, polyester, jeans, and even some leathers. Just like the previous machines, the Singer 4411 performs a semi-automatic buttonhole, a blind hem and several finishing seams, in a total of 11 operations. In addition, on the Singer 4411 sewing machine, you can get really creative using the embroidery, quilting, satin stitch, rolled seam feet (all sold separately).

The Japanese company Brother, along with Janome, leads our market for household sewing machines. Model Brother LS 2125 (14 operations) ideal for home needs. A standard set of feet will allow you to sew in a zipper, baste a semi-automatic buttonhole and sew on buttons. Several types of stretch stitches make it possible to sew things from stretchy materials and knitwear, as well as to finish their edges with blind stitches. The Brother LS 2125 machine will especially appeal to those housewives who love to decorate things. Trimming the details of clothing with a straight stitch or zigzag, made with a double needle and threads different colors, looks very impressive. WITH detailed overview this machine can be found.

Sewing machines from the Swiss company Bernina are as popular as Swiss watches. Model Bernina Bernette 12 is different large quantity operations (21) with ease of operation. That is, if you want not only to use it from time to time, but plan to do sewing, albeit not on professional level, Bernina Bernette 12 might be what you need. She imitates an overlock stitch, performs a semi-automatic buttonhole, sews both a veil, and knitwear, and a thick drape. For comfortable sewing and quality stitching, you can raise the presser foot to the desired height depending on the thickness of the fabric. In addition to the three feet common for this class of sewing machines (for buttonholes, zippers and buttons), Bernina additionally produces 10 more. Among them are a foot for blind stitch, quilting, embroidery, etc.

pfaff hobby 1142 - Another reliable sewing machine for a beginner dressmaker. Like previous models, it is equipped with a sleeve platform, lighting, additional paws(for hemming, overcasting, zippers and buttonholes); performs overlock and elastic stitches, several decorative stitches, 22 operations in total. Its main advantage is the presence of an automatic loop. In other words, you do not have to make unnecessary movements, just set up the machine according to the instructions and it will sweep the buttonhole on its own. The Pfaff Hobby 1142 model is good because with it you can not only learn the basics of sewing, but also become a professional dressmaker.

The Taiwanese sewing machine completes our review. Astralux 541 . Some of the 22 stitches performed by this model can be used for different purposes. For example, with two types of overlock seams, you can both process the edge of the cut and make a decorative finish on the garment. A feature of Astralux 541 is the presence of five presser feet in the kit. In addition to the three standard ones, there is an overlock foot and a foot for a blind seam. Moreover, Astralux offers additional accessories: a foot for quilting, gathering, sewing on a cord, embroidering with a satin stitch, as well as a double needle. Thus, the boundaries of sewing creativity, if desired, can be significantly expanded.

Of course, this is not a complete list of sewing machines for a beginner seamstress presented on Russian market household appliances. However, we hope that the described models will also help you decide on the parameters that would meet your needs.

For beginner needlewomen, the desire to sew is usually ahead of any elementary experience. And, given the variety of modern sewing machines, it is not surprising to get confused.

In order to save you from my mistakes of youth and mistakes in general, I will tell you how to choose a sewing machine for home use.

The sewing machine is a relatively young invention that came into use a little over a hundred years ago. And, you know, the absence of an overlock and an electric filling did not at all prevent the couturier of that time from creating masterpieces of sewing craftsmanship.

It is easy to conclude from this: you can sew on any machine, even if it has a very simple mechanism and it was made in the middle of the last century. Another thing is that modern machines will save you nerves with fast and trouble-free operation and will not take up much space.

Yes, yes, you need to start by preparing for the choice of a sewing machine.

What will this training consist of?

  • decide for what purpose you need a machine;
  • decide what fabric you are going to work with;
  • calculate your budget.

When you complete these three points, you will already have information with which you can come to the store and consult. Every day people come to me and cannot really answer the question: “Why do you need a sewing machine?”

But this is a defining moment: if you want to seriously start replenishing your wardrobe or occasionally hemming clothes for children, the quality of the machine, its functionality and, of course, the price will depend on this.

What types of sewing machines are there and how to choose?

  1. Manual cars imply that you will rotate the wheel that sets the machine in motion with one hand, and control the feed of the fabric with the other. The mechanism of such machines is quite simple, and you are in full control of the process. Perhaps this is where the pluses end: basically, such models are already outdated, and in the event of a breakdown, you are unlikely to find spare parts.
  2. Foot cars very similar to manual ones, with the exception that the machine is set in motion by pressing the pedal. The transmission mechanism converts your pressing energy into rotational drive energy. They borrow the main pros and cons from the first type of machines. But among other things, they also take up a lot of space: they usually look like a small chest of drawers.
  3. Electric carsbest option for housewives and beginner needlewomen. They provide a wide range of functions: several types of seams, control of the work and speed of the needle using a pedal, precision in work. Under the body of such a machine, all the same mechanical parts, but they are driven by electricity. The cost of such a machine is usually in the region of 2-5 thousand rubles.
  4. computer machine is the next generation after electromechanical. The difference is that its actions are controlled by a computer board and a special processor. This allows her to keep great amount various seams and even give advice on how to use them: it is truly versatile. The main disadvantages of such models are: high price (2-5 times more than for electric ones) and excessive functionality (in most cases at home you will not use even half of the functions).
  5. Sewing and embroidery devices contain the functions of industrial embroidery machines. They are ten times higher than the cost of conventional machines and allow you to embroider complex patterns. As attractive as these models are, my experience is that they have rarely been useful. There are several reasons for this: they are too expensive, it is very difficult to learn how to use them, it is easier to order embroidery from masters with normal equipment and many years of experience.
  6. I am often asked the question: "How to choose a sewing machine with an overlock." Overlock- This is a sewing machine that is necessary when working on sheathing the edges of fabric. Overlock allows you to cut off excess fabric, process the cut itself, and also stitch the parts together. There are models that will help you work with complex seams, all kinds of stitches, and indeed carry out many other operations.

There are many sewing shops in my city where they will tell you which sewing machine to choose. It is good if you come across an experienced consultant who correctly describes the possible options.

But in practice, very often come across green students who offer everyone the same thing on tracing paper. So that you do not become a hostage to such a situation, I will briefly describe, How should a good sewing machine be judged?

  • shuttle type: can be vertical (installed on inexpensive models) and horizontal (expensive and professional cars);
  • puncture force depends on the power of the machine; inexpensive electric machines often work only with light fabrics;
  • stitch types: computer models usually contain a large bank of loops, and electric ones have only a few options;
  • sewing speed- a characteristic important for experienced craftsmen: if you have just started sewing, try to do everything slowly and efficiently to hone your technique;
  • presser foot pressure: this parameter must have wide range or automatic setting.

TOP-5 most popular brands


This Japanese company has been producing masterpieces in the field of sewing for almost a hundred years. During this time, Janome has become one of the most popular brands of sewing machines.

Janome now produces both entry-level options (Janome 743) and more advanced models (Janome Sewist 521/SE518).

In order to choose a good sewing machine Let's look at them in more detail:


  • wide range of fabrics;
  • the ability to adjust the width of the lines;
  • the ability to change the length of the zigzag;
  • can sew straight stitch, zigzag and elastic zigzag;
  • standard equipment.

Price: from 3.5 thousand rubles.


  • horizontal shuttle;
  • a large number of operations (18);
  • adjusting the pressure of the foot on the fabric;
  • overlock imitation;
  • loops in semi-automatic mode;
  • extended set.

Price: from 10 thousand rubles.


Well-known American brand, distinguished by quality and reliability. The company offers a wide range of sewing tools at the best prices.

If you don't want to overpay for unnecessary functionality and you don't have the experience to understand how to choose good sewing machines, Singer is perfect for you.


  • capable of performing 25 different operations,
  • has 4 interchangeable legs,
  • the presence of a needle threader,
  • modern design
  • the possibility of smooth adjustment of the width and length of the stitch.

Price: from 7 thousand rubles.


  • 8 lines
  • the presence of a sleeve platform,
  • loops in semi-automatic mode,
  • great modern design.

Price: from 6 thousand rubles.


Another good quality Japanese brand. In the common people, he was called the "Japanese zinger." If you don't know which sewing machine to choose for your home and how, choose Juki and you won't go wrong.

Machines of this brand work with all possible fabrics and are made in a variety of configurations. Production is organized in China.


Swiss brand with a factory in Taiwan. Produces good sewing tools with great functionality.

By purchasing a machine from this company, you will get high quality, many types of stitches, adjustable width and length of stitches. In other words, another worthy option.


If you can afford an expensive tool and have a lot of experience, choose german brand pfaff. It focuses on the production of professional cars and produces three main lines of models: Platinum line, Silver line and Golden Line.

The machines of this company are very high quality: they are almost silent and do not require lubrication. Rest assured - the right choice electric machine Pfaff will serve you faithfully for many years to come.

Where are household sewing machines sold?

Every city has special sewing shops, and Sterlitamak is no exception. In addition, the network has a huge number of online stores with online consultants who are ready to help you choose a sewing machine.

Summing up

In this article, I tried to exhaustively answer the question: “How to choose a sewing machine?” Let's recap the main points.

First, decide why you need a sewing machine and how much money you are willing to spend on it. If you are a beginner seamstress and have a limited budget, ideal option will be an electromechanical machine.

Sewing machine for home is better to choose from budget options. If you plan to sew professionally, pick up a machine from one of the professional brands (for example, Pfaff). It will cost you a lot of money, but in return you will get a wide range of functions and the possibility of long-term and hassle-free use.

Mother of two children. I'm leading household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

Handmade things, the so-called "hand made", are gaining more and more popularity in our time. The desire and ability to sew, the abundance of fabrics and materials just asks us to pick up a sewing machine and start creating. But how not to get confused when choosing a sewing machine with such a variety on the market. To make this question more understandable, let's look at what types of sewing machines are, and by what criteria they should be chosen.

There are 4 types of sewing machines: mechanical, electromechanical, electronic, computer.

Mechanical- exclusively manual principle work. In our rating, we will not consider them, since there are very few offers on the market for such machines. You can buy them only in the secondary and flea markets, in antique stores. But if your mothers or grandmothers have a manual sewing machine, then you can safely start learning the basics of sewing on it. A mechanical sewing machine only sews with a straight stitch.

Electromechanical- the principle of their operation is very similar to mechanical sewing machines, but there is an electric drive, which is activated by pressing the pedal. An electromechanical sewing machine can make different seams, sew on buttons, overcast edges. Such a machine is ideal for both beginners (for home use) and experienced dressmakers.

Electronic- also work on an electric drive, but unlike electromechanical sewing machines, they have electronic function switches. The electronic control panel makes it easy to change operations.

Computer- have their own processor and allow you to create a jewelry product. Such machines have hundreds of operations, in addition to sewing, they can also embroider. With them, your options are unlimited.

Another class of sewing equipment can be attributed compact sewing machines. They have a small standard set of operations, but endowed with small dimensions and weight. Such devices are used more often by novice craftswomen or those who rarely engage in sewing.

The main criteria when choosing a sewing machine are: material of parts and body, puncture force, sewing speed, shuttle type, presser foot pressure on fabric, buttonhole type, types of stitches, availability of additional equipment. We offer to study the rating of the best sewing machines, differing in type and price.

Best Inexpensive Electromechanical Sewing Machines

Beginning seamstresses should pay attention to mechanical models with an electric drive. Electromechanical sewing machines have all necessary characteristics for domestic use. In their reviews, users note not only an acceptable cost, but also reliability, as well as a sufficient number of necessary functions. The machines are capable of performing several options for stitches, sewing on buttons, overcasting the edge, so they become irreplaceable assistants housewives.

3 Singers 8280

Verified brand
Country: USA
Average price: 6800 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.0

The third place in our ranking of inexpensive electromechanical sewing machines is the Singer 8280. This machine is the American company Singer, which has been manufacturing sewing machines for over 150 years. The manufacturer has always been focused on the quality and durability of parts. The Singer 8280 is easier to operate than previous models. The number of sewing operations here is 7, but they are basic and enough for sewing fabric products. But the machine has an overlock stitch, this allows you to process the edges of loose fabrics and imitate an overlock. The convenience of the model includes the presence of a sleeve platform, as well as lighting. The backlight makes it easy to work in any light. Most of our grandmothers and mothers had Singer sewing machines, only then they were mechanical. Many modern needlewomen to this day do not change traditions.

Owner reviews

Pros: simple, inexpensive, small.
Cons: no needle threader, a bit noisy.

2 Brother LS-2125

Most popular model
Country: Japan
Average price: 5750 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.0

Brother LS-2125 is a model for home use, it is not for nothing that it is the most popular not only in the line of its manufacturer, but also among all inexpensive electromechanical sewing machines. She won love because she is easy to manage and has everything. necessary functions for standard fabric work. Of course, it will seem simple for pros - craftswomen, but professional cars cost completely different money. And here you get everything you need for a reasonable price.

The loops on the machine are performed in semi-automatic mode, which means that the user must switch the necessary operations himself, but the fabric does not need to be moved. The advantage of the model is the ability to remove part working surface for working with narrow elements of the product. Brother LS-2125 is equipped with: 14 sewing operations; elastic, hidden, elastic hidden stitches; reverse button - the ability to sew a line in the opposite direction; zipper foot. The frame of the machine is made of molded plastic, the strength of which can be judged by positive reviews.

Owner reviews

Pros: simple, good equipment, price
Cons: not found for a beginner

What is the best sewing machine? We will analyze the pros and cons of mechanical, electromechanical, electronic and computer sewing machines.

sewing machine type




Ease of operation



Have a manual drive

Make only a straight line

Limited number of operations



Equipped with an electric motor

Extended list of operations

Variety of stitches, including decorative stitches

Not always high quality lines

Difficulty changing settings

Different results when working with dense and thin fabrics

Electronic and computer

Unlimited transactions

Impeccable quality of lines of any complexity

All processes are automated

Decorative stitches and embroidery

Sewing advisor function

High price

Expensive maintenance and repairs

1 Janome Jem

The most compact
Country: Japan
Average price: 7060 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

First place ranking inexpensive models electromechanical sewing machines are occupied by a Japanese-made Janome Jem machine. The Janome company has almost a century of history and has proven itself among Russian needlewomen. This model is compact (weighs only 5 kg), easy to operate and great for working at home. At the same time, it is perfect not only for beginners, but also for experienced craftswomen. Janome Jem can sew 13 types of stitches, i.e. sewing operations. It is also equipped with the features that a professional dressmaker needs. This is an elastic stitch (used when working with knitted fabrics), a hem foot, a foot for sewing in a zipper, a quilting foot, and turning off the feed mechanism. It is thanks to its price and a wide list of operations and configurations that the Janome Jem sewing machine has earned great popularity and high demand.

Owner reviews

Pros: easy to use, sews from thin to thick fabrics, price
Cons: no shutdown button, only two paws included

Video review

Best Inexpensive Electronic Sewing Machines

The most popular electronic sewing machines are Janome brand models. Janome is a Japanese sewing machine company founded in 1921. Today it takes the 1st place in terms of sales of sewing units. Janome machines are easy to use, high quality and reliable. The company is also engaged in the production of components for sewing machines. Here is the largest number of models: from miniature devices for the home, to sewing machines for professional use.

3 Janome DC 603

Best performance and price
Country: Japan
Average price: 17,480 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

The third place in our rating is occupied by the Janome DC 603 sewing machine. Its price is slightly lower than that of previous models. The number of operations here is greater, there are 60 types of them. Loops are performed automatically in 6 types. good quality Janome DC 603 is the presence of a sewing advisor. The sewing advisor is a program that shows the optimal or current sewing settings on a black and white display. Thanks to this electronic sewing machine, you can perform all types of sewing, from simple to complex, as well as decorative finishes thanks to the "maxi-patterns" function. This model has, if not a large number of reviews, but they are all only positive, and users do not note any shortcomings.

Owner reviews

Pros: huge creative possibilities, large selection of lines, compact, good assembly.
Cons: not found

2 Janome Decor Computer 3050 / Decor Computer 50

Quiet operation
Country: Japan
Average price: 19,710 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

The next two models are very similar in function to the previous one. Janome Decor Computer 3050 / Decor Computer 50 also has a horizontal rotary hook and an automatic buttonhole. It can perform 50 sewing operations. This electronic sewing machine is designed not only for sewing, it will help you with patchwork and quilting. The maxi stitch function will help you create decorative stitches with a width of 3-5 cm. There are 23 types of decorative stitches, thanks to which you can easily decorate children's clothes, tablecloths, blankets and more. If you are not just sewing, but creatively looking at this business, then this purchase is for you!

Owner reviews

Pros: very crisp fine stitching, quiet, lots of decorative stitching
Cons: short cord

1 Janome DC 4030

Best functionality
Country: Japan
Average price: 18,540 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

The first place is taken by Janome DC 4030. This is an electronic machine with a rotary horizontal shuttle. The advantages of this over swinging vertical ones are that it works smoothly and silently, without skipping lines and without vibration. Janome DC 4030 has an automatic loop, the unit will perform a loop without the help of the owner in one go. Janome DC 4030 can be attributed to inexpensive electronic sewing machines, but quite functional and comfortable. No wonder it is the most popular among electronic models, and also has the largest number of positive reviews. The machine is designed so that not only a professional can cope with it, but also a beginner: a convenient display, a built-in needle threader, and a speed control. Apart from a large number a variety of needles and paws, the package includes a hard case that allows you to conveniently store the machine.

Owner reviews

Pros: there is a case with a handle, easy to refuel, sews well.
Cons: No significant deficiencies found.

Useful video review and review of the Janome DC 4030

The best computer sewing machines

A computer-controlled sewing machine is the best thing a needlewoman can have. Computer devices have great potential: sewing a variety of products, embroidery, patchwork, quilting, eye loops and more. Equipped with a rotary and horizontal shuttle. They operate very quietly and without vibration. Like any computer, they are equipped with a display - a monitor that displays all ongoing operations, malfunctions, errors. Accordingly, the prices for such “sewing computers” will be much higher, therefore, such devices are rarely bought for working at home.

3 Toyota OEKAKI50 Renaissance

Price quality
Country: Japan
Average price: 32,900 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

The third place in the ranking is occupied by Toyota OEKAKI50 Renaissance. The machine is not fully computerized, but is a computerized electronic model and does not have the ability to connect to a computer. The number of sewing operations here is 50. The bright and bold design of the machine will inspire any needlewoman to creativity. The increased working surface will allow you to work with large canvases of fabric. The machine can be used by both a professional and a beginner, thanks to the built-in sewing adviser. Toyota OEKAKI50 Renaissance has a special function that allows you to do embroidery and basting. The package includes a rich set of paws. Best value for money in our review!

Owner reviews

Pros: design, quality embroidery
Cons: when switching programs, the needle twitches

2 Janome DC 3600

Best price
Country: Japan
Average price: 27,500 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.0

Another model of a computer sewing machine is the Janome DC 3600. Its price is much lower. It is, of course, a little simpler than the previous model, but it also has many functions and features. It is computer controlled and can be connected to a computer via USB. The functionality of the machine includes 100 sewing operations. The display is black and white showing the current settings. The sewing machine has a memory of 50 cells. The Janome DC 3600 starts with a start/stop button, allowing you to sew without a foot pedal. Includes overcasting foot and zipper foot.

Janome DC 3600 is one of the most affordable computer controlled sewing machines. Second place in our ranking!

Owner reviews

Pros: quiet, takes all fabrics, multifunctional
Cons: slow

1 Brother INNOV-"IS 4000

The best functionality on the market of sewing devices
Country: Japan
Average price: 161,456 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

The first place in the ranking of computer devices is occupied by the Brother INNOV-"IS 4000. Despite the extremely high price, the machine is very popular. Craftswomen who are professionally engaged in the production of clothing, design and other needlework are ready to pay a lot of money for quality, convenience and unlimited possibilities. There are 1500 types of sewing operations alone.The package also includes an embroidery block, a table for expanding the working surface, feet: for quilting, overcasting, for sewing on buttons, for hemming, for sewing in zippers.The ability to connect to a computer makes it possible to download new embroidery patterns. Various accessories are included from a needle threader to a hard case. Brother INNOV-"IS 4000, judging by the reviews, has a high reputation.

The quality of sewing things depends not only on the skills of the master, but also on the capabilities of the sewing machine. Modern machines perform from 2 to 37 types of seams (including straight, zigzag, overlock, knitted, elastic and others), differ in horizontal, vertical or oscillating shuttle arrangement. The purchase of a sewing machine for the home is done for years, therefore, its choice should be approached very consciously.

We have identified the top ten best models 2018 - 2019. Sewing machines that are included in the rating, according to buyers, have a good price-quality ratio and good functionality. So what is the top 10?

10 Kromax VLK Napoli 2400

The machine with electromechanical control, built-in lighting and reverse button - it has everything that makes sewing convenient. In addition, it performs 19 different sewing operations, and processes buttonholes in a semi-automatic mode. Users note clear instructions and smooth operation of the machine. A good set of features for the money, so it deserves 10th place in our ranking of the best sewing machines 2018-2019.


  • Equipped with a needle threader, which greatly simplifies the beginning of work.
  • There is a compartment for basic accessories.
  • Automatic thread winding function.


  • The kit comes with thin needles, so with a rough fabric it can be difficult.
  • Sleeve platform is not provided by the manufacturer.

9 Comfort 14

The sewing machine with a swing type shuttle is equipped with a reverse button and an auxiliary LED backlight. Performs 11 sewing operations, including blind stitch, elastic blind stitch and overlock stitch. Sold with a case, which is very convenient for storing the device. Great option for beginner craftsmen.


  • The machine has a sleeve platform, making it easier to work with small parts.
  • There is a compartment for basic accessories.
  • Small-sized - there is a place for it even in a small apartment.


  • The reverse button has a tight stroke, in order to press it, you need to make an effort.
  • When working with a dense, thick canvas, difficulties may arise.

8 AstraLux M 20

The electromechanical model with the swinging hook carries out 10 sewing operations. Stitch sizes are adjusted by two convenient dials located on the case. Buttonholes are processed semi-automatically. Equipped with a 6-segment rail-conveyor and good lighting. Has a storage case. It is a good choice for home use.


  • There is a sleeve platform.
  • Equipped with a needle threader.
  • Includes foot for sewing in zippers, for sewing on buttons and for quilting.
  • There is a twin needle sewing function for working with knitted fabrics.


  • The number of operations is very modest.
  • There are difficulties with adjusting the thread tension.

7 Brother LS-300

Horizontal shuttle, simple and clear operation, stylish design- these are the key features of this model of a sewing machine. Performs 17 operations and is equipped with a reverse button. Sweeps loops in just 4 steps. Supplied with CD detailed instruction manual, so that even inexperienced users understand how to work with it the first time.


  • Equipped with a sleeve platform.
  • Really high-quality backlight - you can work in dark room without additional lighting.
  • Regulation of power (speed) of work.


  • There is no storage case.
  • There are only two paws included.

January 6, 2015

The model performs 15 sewing operations, including the execution of elastic, blind and overcast stitches. Equipped with an oscillating shuttle, it is easy to operate and sews both thin organza and thicker jeans, faux fur and stretch.


  • The thread is easy to thread.
  • Works quietly and smoothly.
  • Equipped with separate feet for sewing in zippers and buttons.


  • The lift of the presser foot is not large enough to sew very thick fabrics such as coats.
  • The speed is regulated only with the pedal - there is no regulator on the body.

5 Toyota ECO15A

The machine with electromechanical control performs 15 different sewing operations, equipped with a semi-automatic buttonhole processing function. Horizontal shuttle. It is very simple and easy to operate, the main instructions are printed on the body of the product.


  • It is possible to adjust the tension of both the upper and lower threads.
  • There is a double needle sewing function.
  • Equipped with a sleeve platform.


  • The package comes with a soft storage case.

4 Chayka New wave 750

The brand is well known to those who have been fond of sewing for many years. domestic manufacturer, which, moving in step with progress, today offers consumers quite competitive products. The New wave 750 model has a high power consumption (70 W), which allows you to sew even very dense fabric. Performs 23 sewing operations, including overcast and elastic blind stitch.


  • There is a compartment for accessories.
  • On the body are shown step by step instructions for threading the upper thread and winding the bobbin thread.


  • The storage case is only soft.

3 Singer Talent 3321

Electromechanical machine with a large number of operations (21) and an oscillating hook. Everything is thought out in it for high-quality and convenient work - there is a storage compartment, regulation of the width and length of the stitch (including zigzag) is available. Lighting and a niche for storing accessories make the Singer Talent 3321 even more attractive. Perfect for repairing things, and, of course, for tailoring them.


  • Automatic threading function.
  • Works with absolutely any fabrics.
  • Very simple controls.


  • The sewing speed can only be adjusted with the foot pedal.

2 Jaguar RX-270

A model with a discreet design, a swinging hook and a considerable set of operations - there are 23 of them. It performs high-quality external and hidden elastic stitches. Everything seems to be thought out in it for comfortable work.


  • Automatic loop execution mode.
  • Automatic needle threader.


  • There is no backlight off function.
  • Pretty noisy work.

1 Singer Heavy Duty 4411

Machine with electromechanical control. Shuttle type - rotary-horizontal. Performs 11 basic sewing operations, has a reverse button. Also compatible with needles from other brands. The shuttle and its fastening mechanism are made of high-quality plastic, and the frame and the machine are made of metal. Attractive for both beginners and experienced users. Confidently wins in our ratings of the 10 best sewing machines of 2018 - 2019.


  • Twin needle sewing function.
  • Adjustment of stitch parameters.
  • Automatic needle threader.


  • The foot pedal is small.

Solving the problem of how to choose a sewing machine for home use is necessary for both professional seamstresses and needlework lovers who perform simple operations: hemming curtains, trousers, napkins, etc. Based on the tasks, they choose a household appliance.


The most trusted brands are:

  • Janome;
  • Brother;
  • juki;
  • Husqvarna;
  • Pfaff;
  • Singer;
  • Bernina;
  • Jaguar.

Each brand, constantly improving, presents new models. Having decided on the company, further selection of a reliable sewing machine is carried out taking into account an extensive list of criteria.


When deciding how to choose the right reliable sewing machine, they understand their modern varieties.


Traditional machines powered by manual rotation of the flywheel. Perform basic types of lines.


The main difference from traditional manual units is the presence of an electric motor that drives the flywheel. The settings are set manually.

The pluses include robust design, a set of functions sufficient for domestic needs. Attract simple maintenance and repair, affordable price.

Of the minuses - an insufficient variety of decorative seams. Electromechanical devices - the best option for home use if the task of the owner is sewing simple products.


There is no desire to set the desired modes manually - choose an electronic sewing machine. Programs that regulate the level of complexity of the lines are stored in the memory of the control microprocessor. A display is provided for making changes to the sewing parameters.

Pleased with the variety of stitches performed, including simple embroidery, ease of work due to automation of settings. The assortment is so extensive that both a professional and a beginner will find the technique for sewing. The disadvantages include the complexity of repair, sensitivity to voltage drops in the network.

Computer controlled models

When choosing a good sewing technique with an extensive range of functions, pay attention to modern products with computer control. Such sewing machines are capable of performing programmed operations without the participation of an operator.

Modes are set taking into account the characteristics of fabrics, hundreds of operations are performed, a lot of stitches are used. Minus - high cost. For this reason, devices are purchased by entrepreneurs who have opened their own business and put the production of garments on stream.

Sewing and embroidery

Having decided to purchase a sewing and embroidery machine for the home, you should accurately represent the scope of its use. It takes a lot of time to master the art of machine embroidery. Masterpieces will appear if the performer is diligent, has remarkable willpower, knows how to bring what he has begun to the end.


A sewing machine designed to make elastic seams on the hem of knitwear is called a flat-seam or cover stitch. Required to craft garments with stretch fabrics.

Pros and cons of different types of sewing machines


Provides reliable overcasting of cuts. Not all sewing machines are equipped with a similar function, so the overlocker is purchased separately.


This is an improved version of the overlock that allows you to overcast the edges and sew a flat overlock seam on knitted parts.

Selection criteria

When trying to figure out which sewing machine to buy for your home, it is advisable to be guided by other criteria.

  1. A kind of shuttle device.

The horizontal shuttle is typical for professional units. In household models there is a vertical one.

  1. Functionality.

Determined by the number of operations performed.

  1. Equipment.

This indicator depends on the availability of various functions and varies over a wide range.

  1. Skill level.

Sewing beginners who need a reliable machine for sewing simple work, you should not buy an expensive model with a lot of functions. Practice shows that in such a situation most of the options are not used. Experienced craftswomen who make things to order, consciously select advanced sewing machines.

  1. Budget.

Before choosing a sewing machine, focus on the price.

  1. Weight and dimensions.

If it is difficult to equip a place in an apartment where the machine will stand constantly, the weight and dimensions of the unit will play a role. The light and compact model is easier to carry to the desktop, and then put away in a closet or bedside table for storage.

  1. Fabric type.

Work with knitwear, drape or thin textiles is specific.

  1. Variety of lines.

Basic types of lines that must be present on a sewing machine: 1. Zigzag; 2. Straight stitch 2-3mm; 3. Straight stitch 5mm; 4. Straight stitch 1.5mm; 5. Different types zigzags.

Deciding to buy expensive home appliances, it is worth deciding in advance which basic types of lines will be required. Common varieties: straight stitch, blind stitch, overlock stitch, elastic stitch, and zigzag stitch. If you have to sew parts from different fabrics, you need models where up to 20 types of stitches are provided. If decorating products is a priority, you will have to purchase a modern computerized sewing machine with a variety of functions.

  1. Looping.

This function is provided in all sewing machines. Automatically, the operation is performed only on expensive computer-controlled units. This is important if sewing products is put on stream. For rare buttonholes, a semi-automatic method is sufficient.

Overview of popular models

When solving the problem of how to choose a sewing machine for the home, it is advisable to get acquainted with the opinions of people who have appreciated the merits of certain models.


Singer Stylist 7258. Possibly the best electromechanical sewing machine with high performance. Allows you to sew parts, embroider, create quilted products. There are 97 sewing operations in the arsenal. The needle automatically rises when the foot is removed from the pedal.

Janome 2212. A good model for beginner craftswomen. Reliable, durable, easy to operate, with the necessary basic options. Performs 12 stitches and four types of buttonholes. Difficulties are possible when working with thick dense fabrics.

Janome JK 220 S. Provides easy mastering of 23 operations. Allows you to work with any fabrics, including knitwear, silk, upholstery materials, skin. The package includes several paws that allow you to hem products, process slices.

Janome My Excel W 23 U. Due to the large height of the presser foot, it is easy to sew thick fabrics, multi-layered parts, leather, knitwear.

Brother LS-2125. Light weight model (5.2 kg), a great option for a beginner seamstress. Performs 14 sewing operations. Semi-automatic buttonhole stitching.

The most popular brands of electronic sewing machines

Bernina B 350. Performs 85 operations. Suitable for leather and thick fabrics. Equipped with a display for easy adjustment of settings. Side table included.

Brother Comfort 40 E. The model is designed to perform 40 operations. Automatically sews buttonholes in five modes. Measures the size of buttons, sews with double thread. But it is difficult to sew thick fabrics.

Brother SM-340E. Model with smooth running, low noise level. Performs 40 operations, 7 types of loops, figured line, embroidery. The illumination is provided by an LED lamp.

Janome BC 4030. Easily sews details from leather, jersey, dense textiles. It has six types of loops, performs various types of stitches, including decorative ones.

Janome Exact Quilt 60. With up to 15mm of presser foot lift and a puncture force stabilizer, thick fabrics and leathers are easy to work with. 60 operations are offered.

Modern sewing machines with computer control

Astra Lux 7350 Pro. Experienced seamstresses will appreciate the functionality: performing 5 hundred operations, decorating products with decorative sewing, working with any materials, including knitwear. Cons - the device is heavy (11 kg), there is no embroidery unit, the plastic foot pedal is unreliable.

Bernina B 750 QE. Functionality in 330 operations, 11 varieties of loops. There is an option to sew on buttons. You can work without a pedal.

Bernina B 580. 230 sewing operations plus embroidery unit.

Brothers Innov-is NV1800Q. Full size model with 232 stitches. Equipped with an LCD screen, touch control, even the option to create and save exclusive stitches for decorating products.

1. Singer Stylist 7258 2. Bernina B 350 3. Astra Lux 7350 Pro 4. Children's sewing machine

There are children's sewing machines for the home, which have the necessary functionality for beginners. They will help girls to master the basic skills of sewing, to sew simple things.


The price of a sewing machine depends on its functionality. The cost of electromechanical models is 5-12 thousand rubles.

Electronic modifications, depending on the proposed set of options, cost from 12 to 150 thousand rubles.

For computer-controlled models, the price range is from 25-40 thousand rubles to 400 thousand - advanced modifications. The latter are semi-professional and professional for small studios.

Possession of information about the merits various modifications sewing machines will allow you to choose the right model without much difficulty.