Wolf Messing is a famous clairvoyant and mentalist who was born in Poland and received his magical abilities at school. One day, Wolf (still small) went to the store and saw giant dark figures that told him that he would soon begin to predict his future. After the training ended, he moved to Berlin and began to develop his psychological abilities, which was the reason that he quickly learned to read minds, and after that he became extremely popular. What exist for 2016 for Russia?

It seems strange to many that modern people are interested in the predictions of a magician who has already passed away from this life, but this great man proved that his abilities are really not fiction. There is a well-known story that when Wolff was young, he ran away from home to Berlin, on the streets of which he subsequently lost consciousness. After that, he was sent to the hospital and the doctor, not feeling the pulse of an unknown child, immediately sent the body to the morgue. However, by a happy coincidence, the body was not dismembered, but sent to students at the University for training, where one student discovered that the child had a weak pulse. The professor who led the group took the child to his home for treatment and observation, and found out that the boy simply fell into a lethargic sleep. From that moment on, he started his own business.

Wolf Messing about Russia

The predictor very often spoke about the fate of the USSR, and although it is extremely difficult to find an accurate forecast for 2016 from Wolf Messing somewhere, many of his predictions did come true. For example, he knew for sure that there would be a second one, and Germany would attack Russia, and also indicated the end date of this war - May 8 (although he could not see the year). In addition, he predicted the death of Joseph Stalin, which occurred during the celebration of a great Jewish celebration, and everything happened as he predicted. It is also worth mentioning that although no one mentioned this during the life of a psychic, Stalin implicitly trusted him because the predictor was able, on his behalf, to take out 100 thousand rubles from the bank (quite legally, by presenting a blank sheet of paper to the cashier), as well as go through the numerous guards of the leader and get into his office. After such information, it becomes clear why the leader of the USSR trusted him so much.

Predictions for 2016

It is difficult to say something about Wolf Messing's predictions for 2016 for Russia, because he died back in 1974, but he predicted that Russia would someday become a superpower and earn the respect of all neighboring countries. He also said that a large number of difficulties await the Russian people, but nothing is known about how true this information is, because no confirmation of it was found. Moreover, the prophecies of Wolf Messing for 2016 about Russia or Ukraine, as many psychics believe, in principle, cannot exist, because he did not believe that the USSR would exist for a very long time.

There is information that in the end this predictor said that Russia (or rather, its eastern regions) would be attacked by China in 2015-2016, but no one knows how true this information is, so ordinary people just have to watch the further development of events and believe that everything will be fine.

At all times, people have strived to learn as much as possible about their future, about what events await them. It is worth noting that such information is very interesting and useful, and is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent, because there will always be a couple of inquisitive people who want to know everything. It is for this reason that predictions are in great demand and popularity today.

Wolf messing predictions 2016 is a great opportunity to find out what events await us, the country this new year, as well as a chance to compare this year with the outgoing one and draw a conclusion and analyze some situations.

Wolf Messing is an outstanding person who was famous throughout the world for his ability to read people's thoughts and predict events that came true with a 100% rate. As a rule, Messing could tell about the fate of a person by touching only his hand, and the whole life would rise and open before his eyes, everything that should happen and happen. As a rule, the most important predictions and prophecies came quite suddenly. One of these is the exact prediction of the date of the beginning and end of the war, although at that time no one attached much importance to this. The same applies to information regarding the death of the people's leader Stalin. After all, only one Messing could name the exact date of his death.

What does the world expect in 2016 according to the prediction of Wolf Messing?

At the very beginning, I would like to say that all predictions mainly affect the fate of the three leading powers, the result of whose actions will be the result of the 21st century. It is worth noting that if in this conflict situation everyone acts and follows a reasonable path, trying to achieve peace and harmony, then this will become another vivid example of the fact that from any situation, even the most hopeless one, you can find the best way out that will suit all parties. and everyone will be satisfied. What countries are mentioned in the predictions? Of course, about Russia, America and China. It is these countries and states that stand at a crossroads, and the whole fate depends on how correct the path is chosen. Wolf Messing suggested that these countries would become direct participants in a single conflict, the result of which would be a good lesson for everyone for the future, and would also help change the course of all events in a peaceful direction.

It is worth noting that the predictions of Wolf Messing are not recorded anywhere and are not documented, therefore, perhaps you should not take them so seriously and with all responsibility. Although, who knows where is the truth, and where is just a possible assumption. But everyone will hope for the best, and wish that all conflicts and difficulties encountered on the way are resolved only peacefully, without bringing any disaster to each other.

Wolf Messing is not only a great and mysterious person, but also a mystical personality of the 20th century. The great mystery of this great teacher and healer was that no one could fully understand who he was: a magician, a hypnotist, a healer, an illusionist or a fortune teller. Messeng possessed all these qualities at the same time.

It is also interesting that the "magician" of the last century was recognized as a great mystifier in a country where everyone denied any manifestation of the supernatural and magical. Messing was even recognized by the leader of the Soviet Union, who personally interrogated and checked him. Stalin was convinced that an outstanding healer could heal people with just one touch. The "master" of the USSR personally tracked all the predictions of Wolf Messing and opened up free horizons for him to fearlessly stay in the country.

The mysterious hypnotist could not only study the human soul, but also tell about the future of many states. The soothsayer easily exposed the criminals and predicted significant dates, for example, the date of the end of the Second World War.
Messing believed that a person should not know about his future, so it is quite difficult to divide his predictions into exact stages and dates. But the great teacher predicted the exact date of Joseph Stalin's death.

The leader of the proletariat personally subjected him to many checks. One of these tests was as follows: Volf Grigorievich had to go to the bank and take a certain amount of money, without presenting either a pass or any other documents. Messing not only received the required amount of money, while providing the cashier with an empty sheet of paper, but also passed the guards unnoticed. In the same magical way, the psychic was able to get an appointment with Stalin himself. He passed armed guards and identity checks on every floor. The military did not stop him, because they simply did not notice.

At one time, the great Wolf Messing predicted that 2016 would be a landmark year for China, which would become a superpower this year. The Celestial Empire will begin to conquer the eastern regions of Russia, which will entail difficult times for the Russian Federation. Russia will have to cede part of its possessions to China. However, these facts are not documented. Messing also did not indicate anything about the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The predictor mainly spoke about the fate of the three countries. So, for example, the United States will leave the Olympus of a powerful state, while losing influence and power in the economic and political spheres. From these positions, the United States will move China, which now, as a world leader, is not taken seriously by anyone.

Messing said that 2019 could be the last year for Putin, and next year he risks losing power forever. The predictor warned that 2020 will be full of trials and surprises. The world is in for a global upheaval.

He also predicted the fate of Russia. He said that this state would embrace a time of strife and intrigue. Also, the Russian Federation will receive a new leader, and he, unlike the current president, will have great authority not only among Russians, but also in the world, Dialog.UA reports.

The theme of the world prophet was touched upon repeatedly. Statements by politicians, publications in the media encourage thoughts about the inevitability of this event.

However, Wolf Messing denies the outbreak of war in that year. For the sake of solving problems, he advised states to unite.

Messing predicted that a confrontation between America, Russia and China would begin. America will rise to the occasion, Russia will have a hard time.

The Chinese, according to Messing, will start 2020 with political aggression. Relations between Russia and China may worsen after the Chinese use alleged nuclear weapons against Japan.

None of the famous soothsayers predicted the Apocalypse in the near future. As a result, we can conclude that 2016 will not be the end of the world. Despite this, many of the prophets and astrologers predicted that the inhabitants of the planet would have to endure serious cataclysms, both natural and universal.

The most dangerous threat is the possibility of starting World War III with the use of weapons of mass destruction. Most predictors say that the countries of the Middle East can become a hotbed of clashes. At present, the situation there has reached the level that a global geopolitical conflict is likely to begin.

Nostradamus predicted that in 2016 the inhabitants of the Earth would suffer massively from the effects of destructive rays, which, according to the description, is very similar to radiation from the use of mass weapons. However, as the prophetess Vanga once stated, there will be no war until Syria falls.

Many prophets assured that the fraternal union of Russia and China is capable of changing the course of history and preventing a world conflict. The famous astrologer Pavel Globa, famous for his accurate forecast in 2011 of the civil war in Ukraine and the subsequent collapse of this country, claims a rapid economic revival of the Russian Federation in 2016. Against the backdrop of the global crisis that has arisen in the world, Russia will be able to strengthen itself and increase its global influence, significantly displacing the United States.

As for Europe, the opinions of soothsayers, psychics, and including researchers represented by, for example, James Hensen, relatively agree - in 2016, economic and natural disasters await it, in particular, the flooding of most of the mainland, and, in addition, the collapse of the European Union .

Wolf Grigoryevich Messing, a well-known telepath and hypnotist, who at one time showed unique opportunities on psychological scenes, left entries in his diaries in which he predicted the fate of the United States, Russia and Japan for 2016.

Messing noted in his diary that in the coming year the United States will lose its superpower status, they will be moved from world domination by a country that no one perceives as a serious rival to the States. Presumably, the clairvoyant meant China.

As for Russia, Volf Grigoryevich argued that she would be forced to cede part of the territory to China, while not losing anything in terms of power. Ultimately, according to Messing, Russia will become the most spiritual and influential country in the world. Japan in 2016 will fall super-powerful nuclear strike, Messing predicted, but he did not elaborate on the consequences for the rest of the world.

According to available data from sources, Wolf Grigorievich Messing predicted at one time the day the Great Patriotic War ended - May 8, 1945.