To correctly hang two types of wallpaper in the room, you need to take into account the dimensions, lighting and general style. It is important that they match well in color and texture. When selecting wallpaper, you should be extremely careful with tones and halftones, bright and intense colors.

How to choose a color

First of all, pay attention to the size of the living room. In a small room, it is not recommended to use too dark or bright colors; they will visually reduce the space. You can use muted colors of yellow, green, pink, blue.

Consider functionality and style. To create a luxurious classic interior in a large hall, you need deep and rich shades of burgundy, blue, and green. To make the atmosphere cozy and homely, give preference to coatings in warm orange and yellow tones. To create contrast, choose colors that are opposite in the color spectrum: white-black-red, blue-orange, green-violet.

In living rooms with a northern orientation, light windows should be hung, and rooms located on the southern side can be decorated with deep green, blue, lilac wallpaper.

Another important criterion is the illumination of the hall. In well-lit living rooms, dark colors should be chosen. To increase the amount of light in a room, use light and soft colors.

See what correctly selected wallpaper of two colors looks like in the photo.

Combinations of two colors

Combination options include:

  • use of complementary colors;
  • the use of contrasting combinations;
  • gradient palette.

White, gray, milky, pastel, peach in combination with dynamic details will create spectacular accents; these light colors are considered to be background colors.

To create a restrained and calm interior in the hall, select muted shades of colors of the same saturation. If you want to create a spectacular contrast, you can use a combination of intense and muted. It is not advisable to use combinations of two saturated contrasting colors.

You should be careful with combinations of similar colors. If you want to create a gradient effect in the room, make sure that the selected tones complement each other harmoniously.

How to choose the right wallpaper for your living room in two colors, look at the photo.

Color combinations

Warm spectrum

Cold range

Look at the photo to see what the correct selection of wallpaper for a living room in two colors looks like.

Rules for selecting two types

  • Plain colored wallpapers would be a good complement to patterned wallpapers. It is not recommended to glue too large geometry and floral compositions in small rooms;
  • choose embossed wallpaper of the same thickness as the background wallpaper. The texture of the materials should be similar; it is good to stick wallpaper for which the same glue is suitable;
  • It is not recommended to combine two types of patterned coverings; this will make the interior heavier. If you still decide to combine, watch the direction, size of the pattern and the dynamics of the motif. Combinations of uniform stripes and natural floral patterns with curls and barely open buds on the walls in the hall look good;
  • For photo wallpaper, choose plain coverings. When choosing macro photography, consider the dimensions of the room. In small rooms, large-format canvases will hide a lot of space;
  • Wall decoration should harmoniously fit into the overall style of the room and match the selected furniture and accessories.

Look at the photo to see how the two types of wallpaper sticker look in the living room.

How to hang different wallpapers

Among the wall covering options:

  • vertical zoning;
  • horizontal zoning;
  • highlighting an accent wall;
  • finishing of niches and ledges;
  • use of inserts.

Vertical zoning

The principle of vertical pasting is used to visually stretch the ceilings in a room. A mandatory condition is that the wallpaper must be the same texture and width. This method of combination hides unevenness well. Finish options include:

  • pasting the central part of the walls;
  • asymmetrical finish;
  • use of alternating stripes.

Vertical stripes with a floral pattern look impressive; it is better to alternate them with plain coatings. See what the vertical wallpaper of the hall looks like in the photo.

Horizontal zoning

Horizontal finishing is selected when an optical increase in the size of the room is required. With this design of living rooms, you should retreat at least 1 meter from the floor; for rooms with high ceilings, it is allowed to divide the space at a distance of 1.5-2 meters. Wallpaper joints are made using moldings, slats, and paper borders. A good example is shown in the photo.


This option of combining two types of wallpaper is used to cover the wall that attracts the most attention. Using wall panels or modular paintings, you can highlight a specific fragment.

Contrasting shades, relief fabrics, ornaments and designs, as well as photo wallpapers with an interesting plot are used for emphasis. Decorating with animal prints, geometric patterns, plant compositions and printing designs is popular. Niches, partitions, and projections look impressive; they are decorated using shades that contrast with the base color. Take a look at what the two types of wallpaper look like in the living room in the photo.

Canvas inserts

For inserts, choose thick wallpaper, which is pasted onto already painted or pasted walls. You can use fragments with the same plot, but in different color variations. Symmetrical finishing with inserts is suitable for creating luxurious classic interiors. As a rule, they are distinguished by moldings or slats. See what the two types of wallpaper look like in the living room in the photo.

To create a harmonious design, you should take into account the layout of the room, lighting and the orientation of the windows in the living room. Follow the basic rules for selecting and gluing two types of wallpaper and create original and interesting interiors! Create and imagine!

You can learn how to choose the right wallpaper for your living room by watching the video:

You are renovating your apartment, have you reached hall , have prepared the basis, and don’t know what to do next? So wall decoration . And this is where the stupor arises. Do not panic. We will help you choose wallpaper design for the hall , and consider all their nuances use.

Modern wallpaper designs for the living room are varied.

Before choosing products, look into your wallet. You probably made up design project of the hall , indicating all expenses. If not, now is the time do . Calculate your renovation budget to help avoid surprises. Now we know the amount we can spend on wallpaper.

  • Pay attention to quality (make sure there are no defects);
  • Choose wallpaper in accordance with style and the color scheme of the room;
  • If you have children or pets, consider ways to protect yourself walls from their paws and legs.

Consider all your options carefully to avoid regrets.

Maybe the walls just paint it or lay it out with bricks? Since we already chose wallpaper , let's get down to business.

In the room all details must be harmoniously combined. This is the only way you will be able to create beauty and comfort in the room. First of all, decide on the general mood hall . What do you want to create in it, a cozy nest, modern design full of light and colors room , or a quiet place to relax?

Focus on existing details (furniture, accessories, textiles) to choose the design and color of wallpaper for the room.

So, focus on 3 main criteria.

The table shows the most successful options. In addition to the ones proposed, you can use other combinations.

Let's take a closer look at them.

Matching style

The first criterion that we took as a basis is style premises. He plays the main role, because wallpaper must fit harmoniously into the overall picture rooms.

We bring to your attention several style trends.


Style icon - classic. It has remained unchanged for many centuries. Only minor parts undergo changes, but the basic principles remain.

Classics are characterized by calm features and clear lines.

If you want to pick wallpaper with a pattern, here are some tips:

  • The pattern should be discreet;
  • Choose a brown or black base colors with white patterns;
  • Give preference wallpaper with monograms or floral ornaments;
  • Patterns should be soft, rounded (straight, rough lines are unacceptable for classics)

For this style plain textured ones are perfect wallpaper . They have a non-uniform surface, but at the same time they do not have pronounced silhouettes.

In general, classic wallpaper should be of calm colors, monochromatic (a discreet pattern is allowed).

Paper suits the style best wallpaper.


This light, freeing style is used not only in houses along the Cote d'Azur.

Recently, the square footage of city apartments has made it possible to realize any fantasies.

So, choosing wallpaper for Mediterranean current, note the nautical symbols. They may appear in combining different colors and textures of wallpaper , in ornaments. The most common for marine themes is interspersed with details with blue and white stripes. You can pick up wallpaper this color and use them to decorate part of the wall above the sofa.

The main concept of the style: a lot of light and free space.

For this reason, only light colors are used here. wallpaper (dark elements are allowed to create accents), and nautical ones are required.


Modernity knows no boundaries. But it has its own rules. For modern design Characterized by clear lines like in the classics, but they are rougher. And in general, the style is distinguished by its categorical and sharp combinations.

For modernism, you can safely choose wallpapers with geometric shapes, straight lines, and the display of broken silhouettes.

Another tenet of style is the creation of contrast. That's why wallpaper combinations radically opposite colors will fit perfectly.

Black is often used color , which is a symbol of modernity. It harmonizes perfectly (in contrast) with white, turquoise, blue, and yellow. You can use and related compositions: brown, gray, olive.

Art Nouveau is distinguished by a glossy shine; vinyl wallpaper, paper wallpaper with the appropriate coating (for shine) are well suited for it.

Widely used photo wallpaper with urban or geometric drawings . In combination with a stretch ceiling you will get room dreams in modern style.


Sometimes it is not possible to realize the dream of any one style and convey it thoroughly with all the nuances. Then the power comes into force combinations. So, you can decorate the hall according to several trends. Pick up furniture in Provence style, make the ceiling classic, and walls in eco style. There is one golden rule in this process!

To avoid turning your apartment into a “circus”, use similar styles.

Important! When combining styles, select adjacent trends.

In this case the wallpaper play a primary role and set the vector for the rest of the details. Even resorting to combining styles, everything should be harmonious. This means that each detail depends on the other.

Since wallpaper is the main element, decide what style it will belong to.

It is best to choose a calm, neutral background on which you will build the entire composition. rooms . An excellent option are plain paper or non-woven ones. wallpaper.

Matching the color scheme

All aspects must be taken into account. In addition to matching the general style, wallpaper must be harmoniously combined with furniture color and other accessories. Selection colors - this is a whole science. But we will try to explain its main postulates.

Lighting conditions, the size and shape of the room play a decisive role, because color, tone saturation and the pattern of the wall covering can significantly change the perception of the interior.

On the color scheme of the wallpaper influenced by several factors:

  • Room style;
  • Its area;
  • Individual preferences;
  • Ceiling height;
  • Furniture and other details;
  • Lighting.

Let's figure it out. Of course, individual preferences come first - everyone obeys them choice . The style of the room certainly influences. Use combination of yellow-green bright glossy wallpaper with splashes of blue is unacceptable for classics, while Provence or Art Nouveau will fully support this combination.

The area, ceiling height and natural light also influence the choice of wallpaper color.

After all, for a small room it is better to choose light colors. They will visually expand the room and help make a room more spacious. If in room receives sufficient daylight, bright wallpaper Compensate for small space even more profitably. In this case, you should not clutter walls with patterns, photo wallpapers and graffiti. Choose preferably plain or textured wallpaper white or any other light shade.

Use glossy surfaces (if style allows), this will help reflect light and make the room even brighter and larger.

When space gives free rein to your imagination, you have the right decorate the hall both in dark and light colors. Latest will do it is even more spacious, gentle and airy. In the big bright hall both the owner and his guests will feel free and easy. If you want to create comfort in living room dark colors work best for this. For a light, cozy atmosphere, you should choose warm colors from the spectrum. These include all shades brown, beige (all pastel colors), olive.

With such wallpaper you will be able to create a pleasant mood for friendly gatherings or quiet family evenings.

Another factor: color wallpaper must correspond furniture . Doesn't mean they have to be the same, they have to be in harmony. If you have already purchased furniture , then remember its color when choosing wallpaper . If not, you have the opportunity to start from scratch, and choose any color you like.

Using the color of wall coverings and its saturation, you can create various interior effects - for example, highlight functional areas.

Suitable material

Now let’s select what we need for our ventures material . As is known, paper wallpaper previously so widely used are already somewhat fading into the background, due to the fact that more and more new models are appearing. So, many people already know vinyl, non-woven and liquid wallpaper . Let's look at their advantages and disadvantages.

Each type of wallpaper has its own advantages and disadvantages.


Despite the fact that paper wallpaper fade into the background, they are still in great demand. This is justified by their price. Their main positive quality is their low price (compared to other species ). But among the representatives of this group you can also find very expensive models: with velvet inserts, splashes of gold or other precious stones - a person’s imagination is limitless.

A variety of colors and patterns allows you to choose the right design for any interior, be it classic or modern style.

Another plus: they are easy to use use . Glue paper ones wallpaper maybe even a small child (as we often helped our parents with renovations in childhood).This option is suitable for anyone style.

You will find a huge variety of paper wallpapers, and you are sure to find something that suits you.


Long used for kitchens, This kind of wallpaper made its way into the living room . They have shine and are suitable only for modern styles , they also bypass the calmer ones.

Interesting designs are created using polymer fibers.

Another disadvantage: poor breathability. Such the material does not give the walls breathe, which can lead to the formation of mold. It is not used in room with high humidity, and in a corner room (since corners are often exposed here).

Vinyl wallpapers used to decorate a specific place. They are bright, often printed. Here you will find many options that perfectly complement the shiny stretch ceiling.

Vinyl coverings on a non-woven base have a leveling effect and work as an additional heat and sound insulating layer.

It is worth noting that recently there are silk-screen vinyl wallpaper. They're done Using a special technology, it is used to embed silk thread onto the vinyl surface. This option is quite expensive, but it will give hall luxury and nobility.

Silk thread vinyl used as a top layer allows you to create impressive modern wallpaper designs for living rooms.

These two types most often used for decoration walls in the hall . It is worth mentioning the existence of non-woven, liquid and textile wallpaper These are combined types that have a backing as a base and a top layer of thread, paper or vinyl.

A selection of wallpapers for the hall It seems not so difficult, and even exciting.

We hope you will be able to achieve success in repairing and implementing your own ideas.

VIDEO: Wallpaper for the living room 2018: interior ideas.

Wallpaper, the most affordable and easy-to-use material, is most often used to decorate the walls of a living room. But regardless of taste and advantages, you should adhere to several rules for choosing wallpaper so that the end result pleases and does not disappoint you. With our help, you will be able to navigate through a huge assortment of wallpapers, choose the most suitable ones in all respects, and avoid the mistakes that are most often repeated when gluing them.

Types of wallpaper for the hall

  • paper. The most popular in the last century. However, then they were the only ones. Now they are in demand only due to their low cost and huge selection. Can be glued in rooms with low humidity.
  • vinyl. Due to their qualities, they are most often used in the hallway and kitchen. They are rarely used in hall design due to the small assortment and poor breathability. A variety is silk-screen wallpaper, in which silk thread is added to the top vinyl layer.
  • non-woven. The most popular modern wallpapers. Used as independent wallpaper and as a base for painting. An ideal combination of price and quality. Read more about!
  • acrylic. An alternative to paper in price. And at the same time stronger and more moisture resistant.
  • textile. Double layer wallpaper. Natural fabric is placed on top of a paper or non-woven base: linen, cotton, silk. Today there are two types of textile wallpaper - thread and solid fabric. There are several types of textile wallpaper: jute; silk; linen; velor; felt
  • photo wallpaper. The ideal option to make any room individual and inimitable. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, many design problems are solved in the visual editing of space imperfections.
  • metallized. Appeared as protection against electromagnetic radiation. They reliably shield radiation from television, radio devices, cell phones behind the wall, and neutralize radiation from power lines. They consist of two layers - the lower one is paper and the upper one is made of aluminum foil.
  • liquid. Wallpaper of the future. Initially they have a powdery or liquid appearance. They are diluted with water-based paint and applied to the walls with a spray gun or roller. Created on the basis of cotton, cellulose, textiles.

Below is a table of the advantages and disadvantages of each type of wallpaper

Types of wallpaperAdvantagesFlaws
PaperCheap, easy to install, large selection, hides small imperfections in the wallThey wear out quickly, cannot be washed, and fade in the sun.
VinylDurable, embossed, moisture resistant, have very interesting decorative qualitiesExpensive, difficult to glue, airtight, have a specific smell that can be felt for several days after gluing.
Reasonable price, environmentally friendly, breathable, easy to clean, can be painted, hides cracks in the wallSmall assortment, transparent, average sound and thermal insulation
AcrylicEnvironmentally friendly, breathable, practical, washableSmall assortment, afraid of moisture
TextileNatural, good sound and heat insulation, antiseptics, very beautiful, no jointsVery expensive, require professional gluing, dust collectors, strongly absorb odors, dry clean only
Photo wallpaperLarge assortment of images, original, universal. Acceptable priceRequires professional gluing and does not hide wall imperfections
MetallizedHigh level of sound and heat insulation, protection from electromagnetic radiation of television and radio devices, easy to clean, resistant to water and detergentsVery expensive, do not “breathe”, do not tolerate mechanical damage well
Environmentally friendly, high sound insulation, do not fade; no seams or jointsDears, small selection, cannot be washed

Choosing wallpaper based on furniture design

If the furniture is light

The choice of wallpaper in this situation depends on your imagination. You can play with color and texture. Focus on contrasts. Wallpaper with large patterns looks very impressive and original.

The photo above is an example of a room with light furniture.

If the furniture is dark

Wallpaper should be lighter and not flashy. The choice of wallpaper with a large pattern is undesirable. You can add an accent element that matches the color of the furniture.

The photo above is an example of a room with dark furniture.

If the color of the furniture is very rich and bright

The wallpaper should tone it down a bit. If you are a supporter of bright contrasts, use wallpaper that complements the color of the furniture. Then they will strengthen each other.

If the furniture is two-tone

Furniture makers often use two colors in their designs. Such furniture will be matched with a neutral wallpaper color, lighter or matched to the color of the facades. The contrasting color of the furniture body will create an interesting effect, showing only the contours in the merging color of the facades and walls.

If the furniture has more than two colors

In this case, the best option is neutral gray wallpaper, since the emphasis in the room is supposed to be on the furniture itself. It is desirable that the drawing be small and discreet or completely absent.

Choosing wallpaper based on interior styles


The area of ​​the hall does not always allow you to create a classic interior in its textbook sense. And in this case, they come to the rescue, which will become accentuated in the decor and will not make you doubt that we are in the classics. After all, they are distinguished by their bright colors and unusual patterns: monograms, damask, royal lilies and floral patterns.


Warm, pastel shades of wallpaper in the Art Nouveau style fascinate with the plasticity and grace of the lines of their ornaments. The most common themes: plants, waves, swans, wind.


The French style, named after the province, is distinguished by its simplicity and modesty. Wallpaper in Provence style in light, warm shades with a floral pattern reminiscent of antique chintz. Along with the simple composition of all kinds of bouquets and flowers, there is naturalness and similarity to the original. They are characterized by an abundance of sunlight and cheerfulness.


Translated from English, this style means attic. The goal of wallpaper in this style is to create the atmosphere of old walls, contrasting with modern furniture. The presence of an unplastered part of the wall or its successful imitation in wallpaper is mandatory in the room. The wallpaper itself imitates natural plaster.


A style of simplicity and nostalgia for simple village life. And they are not distinguished by the pretentiousness and complexity of the design. Light pastel colors in checks, stripes, discreet geometric patterns or modest flowers.

Japanese style

The preference for everything natural in the Japanese style also determined the material from which the wallpaper was made. This is rice paper, silk. The depicted drawings are always traditional, characteristic only of Japanese culture: fire-breathing dragons, cherry blossoms, cranes or hieroglyphs. The color scheme, like life itself, is calm, peaceful, conducive to peace.

Selecting wallpaper color

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of wallpaper colors for the living room. After all, each color has its own influence on perception and, if chosen incorrectly, it can visually change the space or make staying in the room not very comfortable.

Therefore, before deciding on the color of the wallpaper, please familiarize yourself with each of its meanings:

White is an active, life-affirming color, a symbol of purity and chastity. Invokes peace and tranquility. It is rarely used in its pure form. It has all sorts of shades, warm and cold. In the interior it is used as a neutral color when the emphasis is on furniture.

Black is a complex color, a symbol of power. Infinity symbol. Too much black in a room causes drowsiness. More appropriate in the bedroom than in the living room. It is allowed to combine black with another color for a bold solution and breakdown of space.

Gray is a neutral, universal color, consonant and harmonious with any other. It can be very interesting if you make a mix of several of its shades or textures. Of all the colors, it has perhaps the largest number of shades. Can be a link between several incompatible colors.

Red is the color of energy, impulse. It quickly tires and causes anxiety, palpitations, and increased blood pressure. A very hot color, considered a symbol of passion. The interior is a sign of wealth and luxury. It is recommended to use red and all its spectral shades fragmentarily, as the strongest accent.

Orange is the most dynamic and cheerful. The effect is the same as from red. More suitable for young people.

Purple color is depressive, evokes melancholy, and has a depressing effect on the nervous system. Pure purple is considered the color of loneliness. But this does not mean that you should abandon it in interior design. Shades of purple are wonderfully combined in bold solutions with other colors that are more balanced and life-affirming.

  • yellow – cheerful, optimistic, stimulates vision and the nervous system. A good medicine for predisposition to phobias and low self-esteem.
  • green – calms, relaxes, suggests rest. The most neutral color, most pleasing to the eye. When yellow is added it becomes joyful and life-affirming;
  • blue is a cool, phlegmatic color. Relieves tension and blood pressure levels. The color of peace and tranquility.

The combination of several colors also has its meaning. Combinations that are poorly perceived by the eyes:

  • Blue with white
  • Black with yellow;
  • Black with red;
  • Red with yellow;
  • Orange and white.

Dependence of wallpaper color on the cardinal direction:

  • In rooms oriented to the north, preference is given to warm colors. Warm colors will not only create a feeling of warmth and comfort in the room, but will also visually make the room larger. Cover your living room with yellow, golden, coffee or orange wallpaper, and you will immediately feel that the room has become 5-7 degrees warmer.
  • In southern rooms, where there is already a lot of warmth, it is worth diluting it with cool shades of the color palette. These are all shades of blue and cyan, gray. This rule should be followed in rooms facing east, southeast and southwest. It is also important in such rooms to have non-fading wallpaper.

Visual perception is very important for humans. Sometimes he is guided only by it in order to make an impression, lift his spirits, or improve his performance. People have long noticed that a room with warm and light walls seems warmer even in very cold weather, and in the summer heat it is more pleasant to hide in a room with cool colors. The temperature is the same, but the eyes are cooler.

Each color, like a person, has its own psychotype. There are extrovert colors: yellow, orange. They give their energy. And then there are introverts. Blue and green are a source of potential energy. Only with the right wallpaper color will you feel comfortable in the room.

Sometimes a color that matches the psychotype of the owner of the room enhances its dominant qualities. In a yellow room, a sanguine or choleric person may become more emotional and have trouble concentrating. A melancholic or phlegmatic person in a blue or green room will plunge into depression and despondency. Therefore, sometimes it is worth applying the law of physics that opposite charges attract, and compensate for emotionality with blue calmness, and the tendency to daydreaming with yellow love of life.

Combined wallpaper for the hall

Some interior styles require the mandatory use of combined wallpaper. In the Victorian style, for example, the walls are covered with horizontal stripes of two consonant types of wallpaper, separating them with a border strip.

Combining several types of wallpaper today is a wonderful option to show your individuality and show off your taste. In modern design you can see combinations of not only different colors, but also textures and patterns.

The most successful of them, according to professional designers, are presented in the table:

Sometimes wallpaper is combined to make one wall or part of it an accent wall. And the rest are covered with neutral-colored wallpaper. There are two options here:

  • Accent wallpaper differs from the rest in its rich pattern. The base color is the same;
  • Accent wallpaper contrasts with the rest. In this case, to achieve a stronger effect, you need to use complementary colors. The table below shows pairs of complementary base colors, but derivatives can also be considered complementary:

When using complementary colors, you should be careful, otherwise you can end up with a very saturated interior that quickly tires the eyes. Designers are more likely to use derivatives of primary colors.

The most popular types of wallpaper combinations
Plain wallpaper of the same color, but in different shadesThey add zest to the interior for those who like plain walls and a lack of decor.
Plain wallpaper with patternedUsed if you want to decorate a room with a large panel or if there is a large pattern on the wallpaper. What is unacceptable in small spaces
With various patternsThe most complex type of combination. Usually, two types of wallpaper are taken with different patterns, but the same background color. Most often they use geometry in combination with abstraction, floral patterns with stripes
Wallpapers of different colorsThe main rule is that one color should be neutral.
Horizontal division

The bottom is striped wallpaper, the top is a small pattern;

Bottom – plain or with a small pattern, top – stripes, large pattern;

Bottom – large pattern, top – plain

What wallpaper to choose in Khrushchev

The hall in the Khrushchev-era building serves at least two roles - a guest room and a gathering place for the whole family to spend time together. And therefore it should be as comfortable as possible for household members, and have an appropriate appearance for receiving guests. First of all, so that the room does not seem cramped when there are several people in it, you should choose the right wallpaper for its decoration. There are several rules with which you can visually enlarge a room, add air and space to it:

  • light shades of wallpaper;
  • cold color;
  • small drawing;
  • horizontal stripes expand the room, vertical stripes raise the ceilings;
  • combining several types of wallpaper with accents that break up the space.

Don’t be upset that small Khrushchev-era rooms largely limit the flight of your imagination in terms of their design. As they say - small is the spool, but expensive, from a small hall you can make an ultra-modern room, cozy for the residents of the house and pleasant for guests.

Fashionable wallpaper for the living room in 2017

Let's consider several aspects by which wallpaper fashion is determined:

Color. Typically, the emphasis in the color scheme of a certain year is focused on the color of the eastern calendar. This year is the year of the blue horse, and therefore the color blue should be present to a greater or lesser extent in the wallpaper. It doesn't have to be pure blue. After all, there are colors created on the basis of blue. Green, for example.

Drawing. Drawings with floral patterns are more fashionable than ever.

Texture. A voluminous pattern protruding above the wallpaper canvas. Smooth surfaces are a thing of the past.

Wallpaper with thematic images, photo wallpaper. In addition to ready-made wallpapers with themes suggested by the manufacturer, you can purchase original ones from companies that apply designs to order. Nowadays wallpaper with portraits has become fashionable. These can be famous personalities, just beautiful faces, or an image of one of the successful photographs of family members.

Photo wallpaper

Photo wallpapers quickly won the favor of people. This is thanks to their huge range. In addition, they are relatively inexpensive and easy to glue. All it takes is a little effort and accuracy for a panel with all kinds of images to appear on the wall. In addition, photo wallpapers do a good job of visually expanding the space and correcting it. Today you can order photo wallpapers based on an individual sketch, or photographs.

In addition to the already familiar paper ones, whose life expectancy is not as long as we would like, and the quality of the joints leaves much to be desired, there are non-woven and vinyl photo wallpapers on sale. They are printed on dense material with all kinds of textures: sand, stone, plaster, canvas. To continue the life of photo wallpapers and to avoid rubbing and staining, a special varnish or laminating film is applied to their surface. It is better to leave the film application to a professional. This is quite a difficult job and requires certain skills.

How to hang wallpaper correctly to avoid defects

If your choice fell on paper or non-woven wallpaper, you can hang it yourself by watching the video course.

If you purchased metal or textile wallpaper, it is better to contact a specialist. Gluing them will require certain skills and abilities.

Choosing wallpaper for a living room is always a very exciting and interesting process. You just have to remember that in a roll and on the wall they can look completely different. And therefore, if possible, try to unfold at least two rolls side by side in the store to understand how harmonious the design looks on the canvas, and not on a narrow strip a little more than half a meter wide. If the wallpaper you like seems a little overloaded with patterns, it doesn’t matter. You can always combine them with others that are similar in texture or color. This is even better - no one will have a hall with such a wall design.


When choosing wallpaper for the living room, you must first consider what kind of room you plan to decorate. Lighting conditions, the size and shape of the room play a decisive role, because color, tone saturation and the pattern of the wall covering can significantly change the perception of the interior.

Living room: types of wallpaper

The history of this type of decoration began in China, around the third millennium BC - they began to stick rice paper on the walls. Modern wallpaper for the living room can be either traditional, paper-based, or washable, based on other materials. Based on the base material, they are divided into:

  • Paper;
  • Vinyl;
  • Acrylic;
  • Fiberglass;
  • Metallized;
  • Liquid;
  • Natural (textile, bamboo, leather and others).

Each type of wallpaper has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at them.


Classic wallpaper for the living room is made on a paper basis. They are not moisture resistant - but in the living room this is usually not required. Caring for such coatings is simple - they need to be cleaned from time to time with a vacuum cleaner. A variety of colors and patterns allows you to choose the right design for any interior, be it classic or modern style. Paper can have different textures, colors, be smooth, textured or embossed.


Interesting designs are created using polymer fibers. Vinyl coverings on a non-woven base have a leveling effect and work as an additional heat and sound insulating layer. Wallpaper design for the living room with silk-screen printing is suitable for classic styles. Silk thread vinyl used as a top layer allows you to create impressive modern wallpaper designs for living rooms.


They have a paper base onto which polymer is applied using a dot method. This gives them a certain advantage over vinyl, as it facilitates air exchange. However, they are less resistant to water and their service life is much shorter. The paper base is not capable of masking wall defects, and the design possibilities are very limited, so this type of coating is not widely used.


Wallpaper for living room walls made of fiberglass has its advantages: they are very durable and strong, they “breathe” well, and they can be washed. However, the disadvantages are also obvious: there is only one finishing option - painting, and you can repaint it a limited number of times, since the paint gradually hides the relief, worsening the decorative properties. The high cost and complexity of dismantling also do not contribute to the popularity of this coating.

They can favorably emphasize a design in a high-tech or techno style. Some options are also suitable for classic styles. The basis is non-woven fabric, onto which a thin layer of aluminum foil is applied on top. The foil is embossed or patterned, usually to look like metal: gold, silver, platinum, bronze. The foil has heat-insulating properties, is resistant to moisture, does not fade, and is not subject to wear over time.

The composition of this finishing material includes cellulose as a base, silk fibers, dyes, decorative components (mica, mother-of-pearl, various minerals in crumbs, glitter, gold and silver threads), as well as substances that protect against mold, rot and binders. In appearance they resemble plaster, are supplied dry and diluted with water before use.


Wallpaper can be made of fabric, bamboo or jute fibers, or leather sheets. Coatings made from natural fibers applied to non-woven fabric are also called natural. Real dried plants can be woven into these coverings. The original interior design is not the only advantage of this coating. Natural wallpaper has heat-insulating properties, does not fade, and is environmentally friendly.

Wallpaper color for the living room

Using the color of wall coverings and its saturation, you can create various interior effects - for example, highlight functional areas, “raise” low ceilings, “move apart” walls, “brighten” a room, or, on the contrary, create an intimate atmosphere. This technique is widely used in interior design.

They will give it splendor and add light, especially in cases where the windows face the north side. Gradual, gradient darkening, directed from top to bottom, will create the illusion of high ceilings. The traditional design of living rooms is to decorate the lower part of the walls, which gets dirty more quickly, with dark colors, and the upper part with light tones.

are more often used to highlight one or another part of the wall - for example, in the fireplace area. The color scheme is selected in accordance with the chosen style of room decoration and the personal tastes of the customer, while there are several general rules that must be followed to create a comfortable interior:

  • Too bright and “acidic” tones should be avoided, especially in large areas;
  • In rooms with a lack of natural light, you should not cover the walls with wallpaper in dark, saturated colors;
  • In small living rooms, it is better to use one tone for the walls, and it should be light.

Combining wallpaper in the living room

The room allocated for the living room may have an irregular shape, or the ceilings may be too low. A very large room is also not always good: a person will not feel too comfortable in it. These and some other shortcomings can be corrected by combining wall coverings of different colors, patterns and textures.



Various combinations of wallpaper colors in the living room are used to divide the space into functional zones - a fireplace, a reading area, a TV viewing area and others. The same technique helps to highlight the living room in open layouts.

Wallpaper - a decorative element

Both colors in the living room can be used to create an original wall decor from wallpaper with a pattern or pattern. For example, all the walls are light, and several areas are dark with a pattern; they can be framed using a wooden, metal or plastic strip.

Wallpaper in the living room: photos of interiors

The photos below are examples of the use of modern wallpaper in the interior of a living room.

Photo 1. Gray wallpaper in the living room interior highlights the fireplace and TV area.

Photo 2. Wallpaper in the living room in two colors adds a graphic touch to the interior and divides it into functional areas: fireplace and sofa.

Photo 3. White wallpaper in the living room in combination with dark elements - furniture and flooring - give the interior a graphic look.

Photo 4. Traditional design with light wallpaper with floral patterns.

Photo 5. Decorating the living room with brick-like wallpaper highlights the sofa area in a modern interior design.

Photo 6. The combination of light-colored wallpaper with an unobtrusive pattern and dark furniture in the living room gives the interior expressiveness.

Photo 7. An interesting idea for wallpaper for the living room in eco style design.

Photo 8. Beautiful wallpaper for the living room in pink tones creates a romantic interior.

The interior of the main room of the home requires a special approach to the selection of each element. One of the significant details of the decor is the wallpaper. They are the ones who determine the mood and set the right tone for any design, filling the room with an atmosphere of home comfort.

In order for them to truly create harmony in the interior of the hall, the approach to their selection must be thorough: a number of factors must be taken into account, among which the important features of the room, the composition of the material, its texture, width, method of application, and design techniques. In this article we will look at how to choose wallpaper, and methods of modern cladding with fashionable design techniques.

Features of the room

A hall or living room is a special room in a home. This is a place where the whole family gathers, a room where guests are invited for pleasant communication. This is a festive area in case of family celebrations, a common room for everyone who lives in the house, so the interior of the hall should take into account the interests of everyone. The room should be convenient, comfortable, with a welcoming environment. It doesn’t matter whether it is in a city apartment, a country house or a dacha: harmony is appropriate everywhere.

The living room space is not always sufficient. In most cases, the hall is a small room, sometimes it is even a Khrushchev-style room with far from the best layout. A room may have corners, protrusions, and a broken perspective, which complicates its perception and requires the proper use of cladding.

You can often notice clearly crooked walls with a difference of up to 10 cm. In addition, the room often has a lack of placement of windows and doorways, which can be noticeable.

In some cases, the difficulty lies in the insufficient ceiling height, which creates a oppressive atmosphere, visually reduces the usable area and makes it difficult to choose wallpaper.

However, whatever the characteristics of the room, a complete renovation of the hall with the demolition of load-bearing walls and enlargement of doorways is not always necessary. This can lead to sagging walls and further aggravate the negative perception of space. Often, in order to make the room pleasant to be in, It’s enough to choose the right wallpaper and furniture. Moreover, the basis of the interior is almost always set by the cladding: it indicates what interior items are appropriate in a given room.

The design of the hall, in turn, hints at the theme of other rooms in the house, which can be expressed in the shades of the color palette, the texture of the cladding used and other factors depending on the specific case.

Benefits of cladding

Covering the walls of a hall with wallpaper has a lot of advantages. This material:

  • manufactured using modern technological equipment, due to which it is distinguished by high quality and practical characteristics;
  • changes the aesthetic perception of the hall space, giving it the desired stylistic direction, taking into account the capabilities of a particular room;

  • allows you to play up the shortcomings of the room, distract attention from them or specially emphasize them with a special design technique, turning them into advantages of the room design;
  • is not limited in the theme of the print, which allows you to use wallpaper as an element of space decoration, through which you can add individuality and the desired atmosphere to the room;

  • depending on the type of raw material, its shade and size of the print, it can visually play up the lack of space and lighting, filling the room with space and light;
  • differs in the type of texture, thanks to which it is able to give existing furnishings the desired status;
  • is not limited in shades of the color palette, which allows you to choose the material to match the furniture or additional interior accessories;

  • has a variable width, thanks to which it is always possible to paste the surface with a minimum number of joints, saving material in places where corners, protrusions, and niches are pasted;
  • depending on the thickness and type of structure, it is an alternative to soundproofing walls, reducing annoying extraneous sounds from neighboring apartments;
  • in varieties with a dense structure, it is thermal insulation of walls, which is especially noticeable in the cold season;
  • based on the characteristics of the composition, it is able to mask minor unevenness of the walls, which is convenient and simplifies the process of preparing the base where there is no particular need for it;

  • strengthens the walls, which is especially important in rooms where the walls were previously plaster or whitewashed;
  • through the shade used and the chosen theme of the print, it is able to have a positive impact on household members, bringing the desired mood and temperature into the atmosphere;

  • in many varieties it has additional impregnations, through which it becomes resistant to fire, dirt and humidity, the formation of an environment for the appearance of microorganisms, fungus and mold;
  • depending on the type of material used, the method of applying the pattern, the complexity of the pattern, texture, width and additional effects, the cost differs, which increases the range of buyers and allows everyone to purchase cladding taking into account their own preferences and available budget.


Covering a room with wallpaper has several disadvantages. Wallpaper for the hall:

  • they are not always chosen correctly, so they look out of place, or they interrupt the interior composition, having an abundance of diversity and creating a feeling of disorder;
  • depending on the type of material, they require the correct choice of glue, otherwise they can stick to vertical wall surfaces much less;
  • are not selected solely on external indicators, as they may not be suitable taking into account humidity or the degree of practicality in a particular interior;
  • in most cases, the pattern needs to be adjusted, which increases the consumption of material, leaving residues after work that are not suitable for finishing even small planes;
  • it is difficult to combine with each other if the space of the room is small, or two companions with patterns that do not match each other are chosen as the basis;

  • in some varieties they are not resistant to moisture and water, which spoils the appearance of the pasted surface, leaving streaks after drying, the material coming off the wall, forcing adjustments, or re-pasting the wallpaper completely;
  • do not always have a breathable structure, which in apartments with high humidity leads to the formation of mold and mildew, which have a harmful effect on the body of household members.

Types of wallpaper

Today, the construction market offers a wide range of interior decoration on different bases. Wallpaper is a universal material available to every buyer, which is why they are in great demand along with other cladding. According to the form of release, the best types of these products are divided into three types:

  • rolled, the width of which is 53, 60, 70, 90, 100, 106 cm, the length varies on average up to 10 - 15 m;
  • powder, sold in 1 kg bags for self-dilution and preparation of the material;
  • wet, which is a ready-made facing material that does not need adjustment before work.

There are many wall coverings in the collections of successful brands, but not all of them are worthy of selection as decoration for the walls of the hall. You should immediately exclude from the list fluorescent and holographic varieties, which are inappropriate in the decoration of the hall, regardless of the chosen style. Among other types of wallpaper, it is worth noting several groups that have strengths and weaknesses.


  • simplex - a material consisting of one layer, characterized by a smooth surface;
  • duplex - wallpaper consisting of two or more layers of cellulose, with a more attractive top layer, sometimes coarse-fiber, consisting of compressed wood chips.

Such wallpapers are common due to their low price, they allow you to save on the purchase of material, and are convenient where repairs are done frequently.

Thin types of canvases are quite capricious in pasting, so they often form bubbles when glued to the surface of the walls. Dense varieties are somewhat rough. The joints of these categories become unstuck more often. Paper wallpaper has simple designs, a rustic texture, and a short service life (up to 5 years). They are afraid of moisture, get wet if water gets on the surface, and over time they independently lag behind the walls, even if the base preparation was carried out carefully.


This cladding is considered one of the most popular, distinguished by its premium appearance and the presence of several varieties. The category includes wallpapers:

  • made of foam vinyl;
  • heavy canvases;
  • compact vinyl;
  • silkscreen printing.

The simplest of them are foam varieties; premium wallpapers are those made by hot stamping with a silk structure, through which they create some of the most delicate and sought-after patterns.

Vinyl cladding is excellent for decorating the walls of a hall: wallpaper made on the basis of vinyl or non-woven fabric perfectly masks minor unevenness of the walls.

The category is distinguished by different material thicknesses, excellent performance characteristics and the presence of additional effects, which paper analogues do not have. They have fire-resistant, moisture-resistant and antibacterial impregnation, and can decorate living room walls for up to 15 years without the need for gluing joints. They are simple to use, do not form waves or bubbles, and due to their meter thickness, they allow you to minimize the number of joints between the canvases. The disadvantage of the material is the presence of harmful components that make themselves felt over time(formaldehyde vapors are released into the air).


Non-woven wallpapers are more popular than their vinyl counterparts. In contrast, they are an ecological finish that is harmless to the human body, so they can be safely placed in a key room of the house. They are elastic and thin. This allows you to cover even a curved vertical plane in such a way that there are no gaps between the strips of wallpaper, slightly stretching the material if necessary.

The prints of this cladding are among the best among all varieties, standing out noticeably against the background of other analogues.

The advantages of non-woven wallpaper include the large width of the canvas, resistance to the absorption of various odors, and good air exchange. The material consists of 70% cellulose and 30% chemical additives. Non-woven wallpaper, created by pressing non-woven and cellulose fibers bonded with polymers, does not shrink during pasting.

They look like paper fabric, adhere well to walls made of plasterboard, plywood, porous concrete, and are fire-resistant. These wallpapers do not fade under the sun, last more than 15 years, are more expensive than their vinyl counterparts, and gradually accumulate dust on the surface, so they need to be cleaned.

Glass wallpaper

This roll decoration for the hall is unique in its origin: the wallpaper is literally woven from fiberglass threads, giving them a clear fixation through special impregnations. Fiberglass wallpaper is created from soda, sand, dolomite and lime, combined with paper. Each time the pattern is different: it can resemble a herringbone, a cobweb, diamonds, chaotic lines, or a kind of lace.

These canvases are inherently fire-resistant: manufacturers treat the fiberglass material with a special impregnation.

According to the manufacturers, the material is designed for 20–30 years of service, has different densities, and good vapor permeability: it is not subject to temperature changes and can be painted up to 20 times.

The material is distinguished by high quality and strength, glass wallpaper is durable and looks good on the wall of the hall. However, they cannot be glued with regular glue. If the gluing technology is followed, this cladding will adhere firmly to the walls, especially in areas of maximum operational load: this material is resistant to cleaning and requires cleaning with a damp cloth.

Removing it from the walls is problematic. Fiberglass wallpaper differs from fiberglass; it contains modified starch, which increases adhesion to the wall surface when pasting. They are made on traditional weaving and jacquard looms, which determines the pattern and texture of the material.


This finish is one of the best materials for decorating the walls of a hall. It is predominantly meter-long wallpaper with a premium fabric look. The facing surface is created by gluing textile threads to a paper base, which can be located parallel to each other at the closest possible distance or in the form of an interlacing.

The material can be made with a non-woven backing. The finishing itself has a pleasant tactile sensation; it insulates the walls.

Brands use cotton, silk, wool fibers, canvas, jute and polyester to develop the front surface. Textile wallpapers are excellent sound insulation: they absorb sound better than paper and vinyl counterparts. They are quite capricious in their work: it is unacceptable for the adhesive to get on the woven surface, this spoils its structure. To paste textile wallpaper, you only need to coat the wall with glue; fortunately, the backing allows this. When caring, the material allows for infrequent cleaning of the front surface with a vacuum cleaner or a semi-dry sponge. This wallpaper is durable, lasting up to 15 years.


This hall cladding is bagged wallpaper, which is sold in the form of a powder or a ready-made mixture, due to which the latter are more often called “wet wallpaper.” They are not decorative plaster, as they do not contain sand or gypsum. Liquid wallpaper, which looks like a creamy mass, is divided into colored varieties and paintable analogues. Compared to rolled wallpaper, this cladding is more voluminous, it is thicker, perfectly masks uneven walls, and does not require thorough sanding of the base surface, as this interferes with the strong adhesion of the material to the base.

The material is divided into three types: cellulose, silk, cellulose-silk wallpaper. Of these, the best finishes are textile varieties with silk fibers.

Liquid wallpaper is applied in several ways:

  • using a spray gun;
  • using a construction roller;
  • manually using a spatula, section by section.

Application methods depend on the type of wall decoration. They affect the degree of material consumption, which with conventional cladding takes 1 kg per 3 - 4 square meters. m of working surface. The consumption also depends on the method of preparing the material, which in the case of powder is soaked in warm water and allowed to brew for about 12 hours. There is no need to dilute wet wallpaper; it costs more.

The advantages of the material include a unique appearance, excellent sound insulation of walls, originality of drawings, and the ability to be used on the ceiling. Liquid wallpaper allows the cladding to be adjusted until it has dried. In addition, the material allows the dismantling of a problem area that has become dirty during operation. The disadvantage is that the finished cladding needs to be coated with a special acrylic varnish, otherwise the wallpaper is not resistant to mechanical damage and moisture. It is important to maintain the same layer thickness when applying, otherwise the relief may lose its sense of solidity.

Photo wallpaper

Photo printing is one of the universal techniques for decorating living room walls. Photo wallpaper is a cladding with a full-fledged pattern of different themes. More often this is a specific composition, which can be made in the form of a single panel or composite panels of different sizes.

The size of photo wallpaper can be from 1 m or more, up to the area of ​​an entire wall.

Essentially, photo wallpapers are space zoning tool. They are glued exclusively as wall decoration, so this cladding needs additional wallpaper to smooth out the contrasting pattern. Photo wallpapers are often difficult to paste, especially if the material is thin. When sticking to a vertical surface, they can tear, so the pasting should be as delicate as possible.


Acrylic wallpaper is an analogue of foamed vinyl wall coverings. The difference is the application of a layer of acrylic coating on a paper or non-woven substrate, through which a relief texture is created. The acrylic application method is spot-on: this allows the material to be breathable and makes it suitable for cladding the walls of a hall. These wallpapers are cheaper and thinner than their vinyl counterparts and differ good moisture resistance and wear resistance to mechanical damage, not limited in decorative characteristics, provide for cleaning the surface using damp sponges without the use of abrasives.

The texture of acrylic wallpaper often resembles broad brush strokes or raised dots. In cladding, the material is somewhat more complex than vinyl wallpaper, although they are also glued end-to-end. After applying wallpaper glue to the back surface, you need to allow the glue to soak into the wallpaper, after which the wallpaper needs to be glued to the wall.

Despite its many advantages, the material is not suitable for cladding rooms with high humidity.

For painting

This category includes canvases from a series of paper varieties - duplex, raufazer, glass wallpaper, anaglypta. The uniqueness of such wallpaper is that you don’t need to customize the pattern to cover it. The material consumption is economical, the seams are almost invisible. Painting is carried out with a roller using acrylic, latex or water-based paints. The entire line of paintable wallpapers well masks wall unevenness due to its relief texture. Such wallpapers are multi-layered canvases. Each layer of any material is impregnated with a special substance.

Among paper varieties, coarse-fiber wallpaper with a relief surface created by placing wood chips between two layers of paper is especially popular.

Such materials are easy to work with; they adhere well to the surface of walls and ceilings, leveled with a rubber roller. Non-woven varieties adhere to painting no worse than their paper counterparts. In this case, there is no need to glue the wallpaper itself: it is enough to coat the wall surface to be treated with glue. However, the cladding must be careful so as not to accidentally remove the vinyl coating from the front surface.


Today, wallpaper with a sticky backing has found widespread use in decorating certain vertical planes of the living room. This is not just self-adhesive for updating furniture: a modern approach to unusual cladding allows easily play up the features of rooms with broken perspectives. Due to the variety of structure, they perfectly decorate ledges, niches, restore or simply update living room wall panels, as they provide different types of permissible wall bases.

Self-adhesive wallpaper is a multilayer material that, in addition to the base and adhesive, contains anti-adhesion and protection.

This finish coating is elastic, durable, resistant to water and moisture, not affected by alkaline solutions, and retains the brightness of the original shades for a long time. Having different widths, wallpaper is a tool for combining furnishings into a coherent ensemble by covering small facades in the same design with an accent wall.

They harmless to human health, are perfectly combined with laminated or plastic panels, replace painting and do not require drying after pasting. The disadvantage of cladding is the demonstration of flaws in the unprepared wall surface: pits and bumps will be visible on it. In addition, the cladding process does not involve re-gluing the wallpaper: incorrectly pasted material is removed from the surface and replaced with a new one.

Coating textures

The texture of wallpaper is one of the significant characteristics of wall coverings, through which you can convey status, hint at the special taste of the owners of the house, and demonstrate the ability to create a stylish and fashionable design. It is the type of surface that determines the degree of comfort and premium quality of the interior. It can resemble the structure of paper, be hard, rough, or have a pleasant tactile sensation. The most popular wallpapers are those with the following texture:

  • matte;
  • rough;
  • embossed;
  • deliberately rude;
  • woven.

Some of the most popular design techniques are materials with a plush, velor surface, and a canvas-like structure.

Woven surfaces attract attention; they enhance any interior, regardless of how the walls are decorated, be it zoning or covering all vertical planes.

Color spectrum

The color palette of wallpaper for decorating a room is multifaceted. Today, each color is represented by a variety of tones, through which you can convey the desired atmospheric effect. Often, up to 5 shades of the same color can be used in one pattern to create an effect of depth and volume. Conventionally, the color palette of wallpaper for the living room is divided into several categories:

  • neutral (white, gray, silver, black);
  • natural (shades of beige and brown, including chocolate, coffee, sand, mustard, cocoa with milk and a hint of pinkish tones);
  • pastel (light and delicate, diluted shades of pink, blue, mint, peach, cream, nude, lilac);
  • combined (a mixture of two shades in a soft bleached tone, for example, pinkish-gray, silver-blue, chocolate-gold, peach-orange, coral pink, smoky blue);
  • bright (burgundy, turquoise, brick, green, mint tones).

In addition, paints are divided into:

  • refreshing cool;
  • warm.

A distinctive feature of the shade temperature is the ability to fill a special room in an apartment with the warmth of a home (warm sunny shades) or freshness (mint, sea colors).

It is unacceptable to use dark colors in the room: they can bring negativity into the space of the room, make it visually smaller and hide the degree of illumination of the room. In addition, there are shades that have a bad effect on the psyche of a certain age. For example, it is unacceptable to put purple-blue and black wallpaper on the walls of the living room if there are often elderly household members in it. These tones provoke the appearance of lethargy, which over time causes depression.

This season the emphasis is on the nobility of the shade. The main background and colors can be anything. The main thing is that contrasts should not be flashy. Since design cladding techniques are popular today, one shade of wallpaper will not be enough. Even if you choose a material with an emphasis on the uniqueness of the texture, you can’t do without a little accent.

Stylists emphasize: a combination of contrasting tones is what is needed for a harmonious and fashionable decoration of the hall.

Popular combinations today are the following:

  • sand beige with turquoise;
  • coffee with brown and beige;
  • orange and gray;
  • milky with white;
  • chocolate with beige and olive;
  • silver, gray and white;
  • beige with blue and light brown;
  • mustard with brown and white;
  • white with beige-golden;
  • woody with gray and beige;
  • gray with brick and white;
  • white with gray;
  • shades of cocoa with milk, beige and blue.

Current prints

Much attention is paid to modern finishing of roll coverings. That is why the designs on wallpaper today are noticeably different from their Soviet-era counterparts. Modern patterns are able to convey the desired atmosphere, be an integral part of a fashionable interior composition or its bright accent, through which you can zone the space.

Every successful brand strives to offer customers a wide range of patterns, among which the most popular are:

  • cherry blossoms on trees and branches;
  • lace motifs with curls and leaves;
  • monogram monograms, which are stylized flowers in the shape of a diamond, framed by wicker vines and leaves;
  • floral sketches in the form of artistic painting, abstraction, stylization;
  • all kinds of tree branches and single leaves;
  • geometric shapes piercing the canvases in the form of a silkscreen grid.

Stripes, waves, zigzags fade into the background, giving way to floral patterns. However, they are a good design technique if they are made using the embossing method: during the day they are not so visible, but in the evening the wallpaper shines, revealing the beauty of the pattern through a silk print. Wallpapers like this look stylish and expensive, made in soft tones of the color palette, they will decorate any room.

An interesting design technique is the use of large drawings on the walls of the hall. These can be single flowers, realistic artistic paintings, large portrait paintings or abstraction. This technique is relevant only in spacious rooms as an accentuation of a small section of the wall, otherwise it can give the living room a feeling of misinformation of the area, hinting at the insignificance of human capabilities.

A separate topic is the imitation of rough building materials. Today this finish is at the peak of popularity. The most original prints of this type are imitation of the surface under:

  • ceramic tiles;
  • mosaic;
  • brick;
  • a natural stone;
  • rough plaster.


The construction market offers a wide range of wallpaper from different brands. In conditions of fierce competition, companies attract the attention of buyers with collections with extraordinary colors, samples with a special texture and unique tones, which allows them to decorate the living room walls with beautiful materials, creating a cozy atmosphere. Among successful companies we can note products from Italian, European brands, manufacturers from Ukraine and the Russian Federation. High-quality and stylish wallpapers with a wide range are produced by the following brands:

  • "Slavic wallpaper";
  • Marburg Wallcoverings;
  • Arthouse;
  • Casadeco;
  • Omexco;
  • Rash;
  • Erismann;
  • "Practitioner";
  • "Saratov Wallpaper";
  • "Palette".

With a thorough selection, any of these brands will offer coatings that will allow you to decorate the walls of your living room in a fashionable and tasteful manner.

Combination: pros and cons

The uniqueness of wallpaper lies in the possibility of combining with each other and with other materials. If the material is chosen correctly, this design technique allows you to add individuality to the space of the hall. Combining wallpaper involves covering walls with highlighting an accent area, which more often means using plain wallpaper and a companion with a pattern in the decoration. In this case, the print can be made in different ways:

  • paints;
  • photo printing;
  • embossed;
  • relief.

The technique is used in several cases when it is important:

  • divert attention from the problem area of ​​the room;
  • add organization to the space;
  • soften the motley and bright wallpaper pattern;
  • rid the room of an abundance of darkness;
  • reduce the consumption of material for adjusting the pattern;
  • bring together pieces of furniture that are disparate in style;
  • give the space a special status;
  • rid the room of routine and boredom;
  • demonstrate a stylistic idea.

Combining walls with wallpaper is a great way to show your imagination and unleash your creative potential.

However, the method is not always effective, so it has several disadvantages. With an inept approach to design, it:

  • is not always expressive, as it requires taking into account all factors, including the arrangement of furniture and installation of lighting fixtures;
  • rarely successful in small-sized premises, as it is limited in capabilities;
  • depends on the chosen material, which often does not combine with each other in terms of texture, shade, premium quality;
  • does not always eliminate the layout of a room with a broken perspective from design flaws, sometimes warping the walls;
  • is able to visually reduce the height of the ceiling and split the walls into separate parts, depriving the surface of its solidity.

Sometimes the problem lies in the material itself. When choosing a material, the buyer does not always look at the finish from afar. Up close, small stripes, polka dots, checks and matting look beautiful. But if you look at them, moving away from the canvas at least two meters, the picture will be different. In just a few seconds there will be ripples in your eyes, so such cladding can violate the rule of harmony.

How to avoid mistakes?

In order to avoid mistakes when covering the walls of the hall that could spoil the basis of the style, it is worth taking note of a few rules.


  • inspect the area of ​​the space: if it is small, large prints and bright colors are acceptable (this way you will eliminate the possibility of creating an oppressive atmosphere);
  • when buying paired wallpaper, choose the material at the same time: this makes it easier to choose identical tones in two types of cladding;
  • try to make a purchase during the day in natural light: you will be able to see the real shades of the wallpaper (shopping in the afternoon is more distracted, so it is more difficult to choose exactly what you need);
  • pay attention to the compatibility of the material in texture: exclude the combination of gloss and matte surface, this simplifies the premium combination and makes the cladding disjointed;

  • carefully consider the color and intensity of the pattern, correlating them with the level of illumination of the room and its size: exclude flashy colors and oppressive patterns from the list: they will begin to irritate quite quickly;
  • keep an eye on the width of the material: brands often sell partner wallpaper: this way you can save on purchasing material and cutting;
  • pay attention to this nuance: the wallpaper for combining is not taken equally, less finishing with a pattern is needed;
  • When covering walls with wallpaper with two types of different patterns, select colors so that they do not compete with each other: one companion should soften the other.


The canvases are not always easy to work with. This is partly due with non-compliance with pasting technology:

  • the walls are prepared for gluing in any case, this is a mandatory stage of work, which includes grinding the surface, filling up cracks, pits, getting rid of the surface from bumps and applying a primer in one layer, followed by drying;
  • Thin wallpaper, after applying glue to the back side, should be slightly saturated with the composition: leave it for 10 - 15 minutes, during which time you can apply glue to the wall itself (softened wallpaper will not form bubbles after pressing the material with a special roller);

  • each material has its own adhesive; if you think that it will not cope with fixing specific textured wallpapers, use the proven Moment Extra wallpaper adhesive for structural and textile wallpapers with a reinforced formula, methylcellulose and antibacterial additives;
  • Please note that the wallpaper is glued after the ceiling, this prevents damage to the cladding during the process of decorating the ceiling, and there is no need to tear off the ceiling plinth, if there is one: the upper edge is brought inside the plinth line, or cut off with a stationery knife at the very edge of the joint.


  • if a style with an imitation of rough surfaces is chosen as the basis (for example, masonry under decorative stone, brick), please note: the finishing can only be on several ledges (if any) or one wall, overdoing it is unacceptable, it looks ugly, depriving the interior of individuality and feeling style;
  • never try to combine different styles in the room using the zoning technique: it is impossible to combine incompatible things, it is devoid of taste and will destroy any design idea;
  • you should not decorate the room with wallpaper to match most of the existing interior items: this will make it faceless; it is better to show the uniqueness of the furnishings through a contrasting tone (if the furniture is dark, the wallpaper should be light; with white furniture, pastel shades are preferable);

  • try not to use partner wallpaper in a combination of white and black tones in the interior of the hall: they put pressure on the psyche, if there is a lot of black tone, they deprive the aesthetic perception of joy, hinting at depression and doom;
  • do not ignore the principle of four shades in designing the interior, focusing on the furniture: if there are not enough shades of style, you need wallpaper with a contrasting pattern; if there are an abundance of tones in the color palette, plain wall coverings are appropriate;

  • When using the technique of decorating walls with wallpaper, do not lose sight of the lighting: it is this that can give the wallpaper the desired look or spoil the aesthetic perception.

In addition, keep in mind: no matter how beautiful the design of the approximate design of the living room walls chosen from the photo catalog may be, it must correspond to the specific habits and preferences of the household. Otherwise, you won’t be able to feel cozy and comfortable.

If a specific sketch or photo is taken as a basis, adjust it so that everyone likes the color, texture, and design. Since the living room is a high-traffic area, consider covering the surfaces most susceptible to contamination. Take care of the practicality of the wallpaper, which can be done by using washable varieties.

Combination and design options

Decorating the interior of a hall in modern ways includes several interesting techniques. The design approach is based on the principle of arranging wallpaper between itself and other facing materials, using color, texture and using print elements. The hall is exactly the place where all of them can be used, regardless of the wallpaper material used. A distinctive feature of the layout is moderation in the use of accents, which means wallpaper with a pattern.


One of the complex techniques that involves combining wallpaper by gluing sheets parallel to the floor. This is not a simple alternation of stripes of the same width: it is important to correctly raise the height of the walls by combining two wallpapers with a smooth transition of the pattern, or using the texture of the material with faintly expressed relief stripes.

It is unacceptable to combine small or flashy stripes; playing up the insufficient height should be unnoticeable.


This technique of decorating the space of a hall involves the use of paired wallpaper: sometimes the layout is carried out by covering three walls with plain wallpaper, with the emphasis on the fourth wall. In order for the finish to look monolithic, one of the shades on the two types of wallpaper must be identical. In addition, the background is important: the most harmonious option is with the same base of two types of wallpaper. In other cases, wallpaper is glued using the alternating technique. For example, placing two stripes at the corners of one wall.


A more popular technique for zoning a hall is an option using a small accent. In this case, wallpaper with a print is placed in a certain place, which is not covered by pieces of furniture. The size of the accent is carefully thought out: it can be located in the center of the wall, accentuate a certain angle, protrusion, highlight the multi-level nature of the plane. Often, wallpaper with a print resembles a painting if the accent is framed with a special frame using molding, baguette or ceiling plinth.

Using this technique, you can visually change the space by moving the walls away and giving the room a larger area.

Patchwork technique

This technique involves emphasizing one of the walls of the hall in the spirit of patchwork. To do this, purchase bright and contrasting canvases with a pattern, the shades of which echo each other. Having cut the wallpaper into small squares or rectangles, they are glued to the wall, filling the accent area, or covering the entire wall according to the principle of classic or diagonal tiling. The remaining planes are decorated with plain wallpaper to soften the catchy design.

This technique implies accenting one of the walls of the hall in the spirit of patchwork. To do this, purchase bright and contrasting canvases with a pattern, the shades of which echo each other. Having cut the wallpaper into small squares or rectangles, they are glued to the wall, filling the accent area, or covering the entire wall according to the principle of classic or diagonal tiling. The remaining planes are decorated with plain wallpaper to soften the catchy design.

Highlighting design features

A hall that has a broken perspective can be improved with a design technique of deliberately emphasizing the shortcomings. In this case, it is possible to combine two combination techniques. For example, you can cover a plane with a protrusion using the horizontal technique of gluing wallpaper with an imitation of a wooden board, highlighting the protrusion with wallpaper-painting in approximately identical colors and equally rough style. If there are two protrusions, you can use the symmetry technique by choosing a pattern for the protrusions so that on both sides it looks towards the middle, where the contrasting wallpaper companion will be located.

With other materials

One of the most interesting techniques for combining wallpaper is the principle of combining it with plastic or laminated slats, brick or stone walls. In this case, the pasting depends on the design features of the building materials:

  • if the panels are located at the bottom, the wallpaper is placed vertically from the ceiling to the level of the ledge;
  • when the panels are located on ledges, wallpapering the walls of the hall is carried out between them along the entire height;
  • if the wall has several levels, the wallpaper highlights one of them.

When performing a combination, it is important to rely on the material of the panels: if it does not have a texture, it is plain, you should choose wallpaper with a colorful print (there won’t be a lot of it). Having panels that look like brick or masonry, it is better to complement them with plain coverings. To ensure that the level of materials at the joints does not differ, it is worth using a baguette or molding. When you need to make a panel on a relief surface, you should use plywood or fiberboard, pasting over the fragment and framing it in a frame.

Design with liquid wallpaper

The uniqueness of this material allows you to create different designs on a velvety surface that are resistant to sunlight. In this case, you can use different additives, supplementing the wallpaper mass with them. Among the most popular companions of the mixture, mother-of-pearl, marble chips, mica glitter, colored flock, and glitter are especially in demand. This technique is carried out in three ways:

  • after the finished cladding has dried using dyes;
  • method of using stencils;
  • manually, adjusting each fragment of the pattern.

The difference between the techniques is obvious: creating a pattern in the first case is a classic drawing technique, when you paint on a white canvas with special paints, giving expressiveness to the lines with the help of special felt-tip pens. At the same time, they try to fill the volumetric surface evenly, although this is far from easy and requires a considerable amount of time to completely paint each area.

Templates used to decorate the walls of the hall can be purchased ready-made, or made independently using thick cardboard.

Conventionally, they are divided into several types:

  • plain - templates for decorating a wall with pigment of one color;
  • individual components - stencils for step-by-step drawing of wallpaper (for example, individual leaves, flowers, curls) by overlapping one layer with another;
  • volumetric - templates, the use of which implies the presence of putty with the pattern highlighted above the general level of cladding by 2 - 4 mm;
  • anti-stencils – backlight effect templates, which are forms for painting a wall outside of the stencils (for the background).

Today, the current prints of this decoration, appropriate for decorating the walls of the hall, are:

  • single trees with delicate greenery;
  • fluttering butterflies;
  • simple geometric shapes;
  • large flowers and leaves for stylization;
  • bunches of grapes;
  • various curls connecting two contrasting tones.

The third method of decorating with liquid wallpaper is nothing more than filling each fragment of a pattern previously applied to the wall. The technique is carried out with a spatula while simultaneously trimming the edges of the contrasting area, and filling in nearby areas of the pattern is unacceptable, since in this case the pattern may shift and it is difficult to achieve expressive contours.

To learn how to properly apply liquid wallpaper to a wall, watch the following video.

Decoration in different styles

Today there is no style that cannot be supported by wallpaper. This cladding allows you to decorate the interior of the hall in classic, ethnic and modern design styles. The choice of wallpaper will be determined by the classic characteristics of wallpaper: pattern, color, texture. Let's look at a few relevant modern ideas.


The style implies the use of new technological materials in finishing. Liquid wallpaper in combination with laminated coatings, 3D panels with relief, and leather trim are appropriate here. You can't do without bright contrast: the color of the walls should be different; highlighting any design features of the room through color or artificial lighting is encouraged. Pastel shades are excluded: the style dictates brightness and creativity, but cannot be considered complete without semantic accents and stylization.

Empire style

The palace style, which came into fashion under Napoleon, should represent victory and triumph. It cannot contain paper wallpaper: expensive ones are welcome, including textile wall decoration, artistic painting, and techniques for combining wallpaper according to the panel principle. The decor is of particular importance: the canvases must be pompous, always with gilding, silver or a bronze tint. Wallpaper with silk-screen printing and textured materials in bright colors (burgundy, wine, blue, bronze shades, a combination of white and gold) will ideally fit into the style.

Art Deco

Bohemianism, formed in the era of industrialization, has its differences. The style welcomes bright colors, a combination of abstraction with geometric patterns, the use of modern materials, playing with lighting. The coatings can be glossy or polished (relevant for liquid wallpaper).

Popular colors include all kinds of zigzags and stripes; favorite shades are tones of gray, brown, cream and metallic sheen. Wallpaper with geometric embossing (silk-screen printing) is appropriate here. It is necessary to have three or more tones in the wallpaper print and to combine canvases with tiles.

Among the design techniques, the style is characterized by a combination in the panel style (framing accents in contours and frames).


This style is distinguished by practicality, a certain simplicity, and a minimum of decorative elements. Wallpaper is selected in such a way as to zone the space, giving it an unobtrusive organization, highlighting each area with a special degree of illumination. Neutral shades combined with bright tones are welcome (for example, beige with green, gray with wine). The colors of the style are based on geometric shapes, and the walls are also covered with monochromatic canvases, the color palette of which is yellow, wine, moderate gray tones and, less often, brown, green, and blue shades.


The once eccentric street fashion style is today one of the sought-after design trends of creative individuals who value comfort and decry monotony and boredom. There are no restrictions: wallpaper can be anything: budget, expensive. The main thing is that they should be bright, with a slight touch of vintage. The decor of the hall walls using patchwork technique is welcome: this is exactly what is needed to accentuate boho.

Ideal colors are national prints in rich shades of the color palette. In classic boho, the emphasis is on ethnic patterns and a combination of restraint with bright accents. In an environmental direction Only paper or textile fabrics based on flax and cotton fibers are acceptable.


One of the extraordinary directions, which is an imitation of the setting of the past, gives everyone the opportunity to choose for themselves any time in history. Materials that are full of shine are excluded here; you can use discreet plain wallpaper or paintable varieties. You should not decorate the walls of the hall with canvases with colorful patterns: style implies an abundance of furnishing accessories, so excess print is unacceptable.

In essence, vintage is reminiscent of classicism, with added notes of retro and Provence, but it is tied to a specific era. In addition to plain canvases, prints in the form of stripes, a simple floral pattern, and a texture for decorative plaster are allowed.

If the decor is replete with light colors, the wallpaper should be bright.


A unique combination of prosperity and laconicism is permissible in a spacious, sunny room. In such a living room, wallpaper with imitation brickwork or natural boards is appropriate. Texture of plain or colored wallpaper should be natural, deliberately rough, imitating careless sanding, simplicity and bareness of walls. At the same time, they can be decorated with photo wallpaper, creating the appearance of a bright picture. The shades of the style's color palette are predominantly calm, natural, and warm. When gluing textile wallpaper made from flax, wool or cotton fibers, it is worth considering: they are used to paste over a certain area.


The interior style, which originated in Europe in the mid-18th century, is based on strict geometry, symmetry, and the unity of each design element. He is characterized by harmony, a mix of good taste and respectability. Cheap wallpaper is inappropriate here: we need natural, textile, non-woven varieties with a natural base, liquid wallpaper with imitation marble chips, decorative plaster.

The color of the cladding should be calm, made mainly in shades of beige, milky, olive and brown. Coverings can be monochromatic, contrasting, with prints in the form of vertical stripes, monograms, geometric shapes that penetrate the entire surface of the material, or imitation of tile masonry.


One of the popular styles of decorating a hall, which involves finishing the room giving it a premium status. In a room without internal partitions and with a high ceiling, a wallpaper zoning technique is necessary, clearly delineating the space into specific functional zones. The main emphasis is on the roughness of the wallpaper texture: They can imitate brick or stonework with a distressed appearance, reminiscent of the look of an abandoned industrial site.

It is preferable to choose the color of wallpaper for accent walls: brick, taupe, gray, dark brown. As an accent, you can use a panel with imitation of graffiti or light abstraction.

Often, walls and wallpaper do not need decorative elements: an accent is created with the help of a painting placed against the wall on the floor or stand.


The idea of ​​rustic French style involves a combination of grace and rustic simplicity. Favorite wallpaper shades are delicate cream, milk, caramel, honey, corn tones, as well as soft blue, lilac, light pink, bleached olive and pale green. Fits perfectly into style canvases for painting with imitation of uneven surfaces, cracks and cobwebs.

Discreet beige wallpaper imitating masonry or brick, varieties with floral prints and textures similar to plaster are appropriate here. It is preferable to have a cladding with a pattern that stands out against a light background with a similar color that is three tones brighter.

Which ones to choose?

To make the room look stylish, beautiful and fashionable, you should take into account financial capabilities, the health of household members and the available selection in a particular store. Of course, the best wallpapers are environmentally friendly. Please note: good wallpaper does not have a sour smell. The choice should take into account the nuances of your living room: It’s worth relying on stylish space-expanding modern ideas to make the room seem larger.

You can purchase wallpaper with a 3D effect that changes the visual perception of space if there is a lot of space in the room, few accessories, and the design itself does not strain your eyes. Otherwise, after a couple of days the print will irritate the retina and optic nerve. If there are small children in the house, this technique is undesirable; moreover, it is difficult to choose a color without having experience in purchasing such cladding material.

For a small living room, wallpaper with a small pattern is better. It’s good if the design is not clearly defined: stains, waves, silk-screen printing are the best techniques for decorating a small space. This can also be done through texture: often it is this that will give a better effect than voluminous flowers or a national ornament.

Do not overload the walls of the hall with wallpaper with a grid pattern: such a pattern does not create a welcoming atmosphere. It cannot be located on all walls.

When purchasing, pay attention to the batch of material: all rolls or packages must have an identical number, which will avoid different shades of wallpaper. It would be a good idea to ask for a certificate of quality and compliance with safety standards; it will allow you to find out the conditions for caring for the wallpaper and its approximate service life.

Regarding the wallpaper material, pay attention to non-woven, textile, liquid varieties and glass wallpaper. Make your choice in favor of those that are suitable in terms of wearability and practicality. If necessary, combine materials with each other. This will give the interior uniqueness. The design technique allows for the arrangement of liquid wallpaper and non-woven wallpaper, if one is separated from the other by moldings, a border or a ceiling plinth.

If you plan to zone a guest area, take a closer look at the combination of natural wood tones and white paintable finish: this way you can make the accent more pronounced, if necessary, updating the space of white walls in different tones of beige, blue or cream. Don't choose exclusively feminine or masculine tones: not all household members will be comfortable staying in such a room. If possible, keep rich pinks and blues for the bedroom.

Beautiful examples in the interior

In order for the cladding of the living room walls to be flawless, it is worth taking a closer look at the ideas of professional designers, using a base from a photo catalogue, adjusting it to the available square meters and lighting:

  • You can decorate the walls of the living room with wallpaper simulating parquet in gray-brown tones, laid in zigzags: for a harmonious look, it is enough to paste over two walls next to a wide window, complement the decor with white and purple furniture, bleached flooring, a rug with an ornament to match the bright sofa and a lively greens;

  • you can create a cozy atmosphere in a room with a large window using paired marble wallpaper in turquoise-gray tones and a similar color companion with a 3D effect: so that the interior does not seem dark, it is worth adding a painting with a white background and turquoise sakura, white tulle curtains, light furniture, white floor lamp and table with a mirror top;

  • You can accentuate the living room wall by combining plain light wallpaper and contrast in gray tones with a pattern of sakura branches and birds of paradise, placing a colored pattern on both sides of the doorway of one wall (to add cheerfulness to the atmosphere, you need to add furniture in brown and sand tones, carpeting with ornaments and multi-colored decorative pillows in turquoise, white, soft pink shades);

  • strict wallpaper with a geometric pattern in neutral colors looks great in a modern living room interior: they stand out against the background of a monochromatic decoration of the room, give it coziness, eliminating the excessive laconicism of furnishings, complemented by a shelf with figurines and an unusual painting;

  • horizontal pasting looks great due to its unusual texture and soft striped pattern: delicate beige wallpaper can visually increase the height of the walls, decorating all the walls of the living room and complemented by furniture in brown and mustard tones, monochrome contrasting armchairs and an unusual painting, white curtains and black touches in the form floor lamps, furniture supports;

  • The interior of the hall can be given an eco style by using wallpaper imitating a wooden board, gluing it horizontally, highlighting an accent wall: they will look appropriate with furniture in neutral shades if a table with an imitation of the texture of natural stone is placed as support in the center of the room;

  • if you need to highlight a guest area on a wall with a protrusion, you should cover all the others with light, plain wallpaper, and decorate the accent area with a wall covering in gray-turquoise tones with an abstract pattern that stands out against the background of white modular furniture and a laconic coffee table;

  • to stylishly decorate a room in the spirit of Provence or country, you should choose beige wallpaper with vertical stripes for cladding, two or three tones darker than the main background, covering all the walls with them: with the support of light antique furniture, white decorative saucers and textile pillows in bright contrasts, brown carpeting, they will subtly hint at the special taste of the owners of the home;

  • if monochrome colors are chosen as the basis for the style of the room and rich gray wallpaper with a dark large print is purchased, emphasizing the TV and acoustic system, in addition to white and light gray shades, it is important to add color contrast, diluting the limited design with decorative pillows and a long-pile carpet in sand or beige tones;

  • Vintage style will help you create paired wallpapers in fashionable turquoise tones: one wall can be decorated with canvases with a pattern on a white background, while the fireplace area can be complemented with a monochromatic companion in a rich tone, hanging small white shelves on this surface, adding furniture with light textile upholstery to the decor and supporting the wallpaper with shades to match;

  • If the area of ​​the room is small and has a wall with a fireplace in the form of a ledge, it is worth gluing light wallpaper with a pattern on the far edge on both sides of the ledge, placing furniture in brown and beige tones near the guest area, and hanging a clock above the fireplace.