People are interested in the phases of the Moon at different periods of the month for a variety of purposes. Some carry out observations in order to study the Moon and the lunar surface, others perform special religious or even magical rituals on certain days and nights, others use the position of the Moon to calculate successful and unsuccessful days in order to plan important affairs. In many cultures around the world, important traditional holidays are also counted from the phases of the moon. Be that as it may, many want to know when the Full Moon, New Moon will occur, when the Moon will be waxing and when it will be waning. If you are interested in this, then you can find out the necessary dates for the first month of autumn - September 2016.

When is the New Moon in September 2016

The new moon in September will occur on the very first day of the month - the first day. Exact time of the New Moon September 1— 12:03 Moscow time. At this time, the Moon will be in the constellation Virgo.

After the New Moon, the Moon will be in its waxing phase until September 16th. The Full Moon will occur on September 16th. After the Full Moon, the waxing Moon will turn into a waning Moon until the very end of the month. The next new moon will occur on October 1, followed by October 30, November 29, and December 29.

Knowing which days are favorable for building relationships and moving up the career ladder, you can wisely distribute your plans for the next month.

Along with the lunar calendar, which determines successful days based on the energy of the Earth's eternal satellite, you can apply the knowledge of numerologists. If you calculate and learn to use your personal destiny number, luck will enter your life for a long time.

Favorable days in September 2016

September 1st and 2nd: will lay a good foundation early this month. The New Moon falls on the first day, and interaction with the Virgo Zodiac Sign will help you delve deeply into the essence of each matter and take into account even the smallest detail when considering it. Thanks to your growing energy and increased concentration, you can complete all protracted tasks and start new ones. You can also start planning a joint vacation or a major project.

September 6, 7 and 8: lunar energy will be at its peak. And interaction with such constellations as Scorpio and Sagittarius will give you self-confidence and activate your perseverance and determination. Feel free to move towards your goals and make any idea a reality. The energy of the Moon will help you with this. You can also use special conspiracies that will attract the right people to you and good luck in general.

September 14: The moon continues to grow and will be in the constellation Aquarius. This tandem will allow you to engage in self-education, and also activate your mental activity and creative potential. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to prove yourself to your superiors, and also arrange a small surprise for your loved ones.

September 21 and 22: despite the fact that the Moon will enter the initial stage of waning, the energy of the Zodiac Sign Gemini will maintain a positive and creative mood. The time has come for active action, since at the beginning of the month you had the opportunity to think about and calculate everything. Now you need to act without delay, otherwise you may miss your chance.

September 28 and 29: the waning Moon will be in the Virgo Constellation. Returning to a calm pace and the ability to analyze the situation without rushing will help sum up this month. These days you can retire and restore all events. Think about what you liked and what you would do differently. There is no need to scold yourself for mistakes, just draw conclusions and move on. If you think positively and apply the rules of wealth psychology, you can ultimately break out of the vicious circle and move to a higher level.

The most dangerous days in September 2016

16 of September: The Full Moon, which is under the influence of the Zodiac Sign Pisces, will significantly aggravate any negative aspects. The energy of the full moon can either play into your hands or complicate many aspects. Be careful when communicating with new partners and do not rush to transfer matters to other employees. On this day, it is best to take the position of an observer and not beat yourself up about every occasion.

Also, the influence of Pisces can distract you from reality and take you into the world of dreams. This will affect your emotional state, and many situations may be perceived from a completely different angle. Therefore, before you make claims to your significant other about excessive flirting with the opposite sex or suspect her of cheating, make sure that this situation is not a figment of your imagination.

In general, in September there will be quite a few favorable days that will allow you to achieve your goals. Runes that promote the fulfillment of desires and faith in one’s own strength will help enhance the effect. The lunar calendar wishes you a great start to the autumn period, a sunny mood, and don't forget to press the buttons and

01.09.2016 02:06

The list of favorable days will help you find out on which days of this year the energy of the Moon will be at its maximum...

In that lunar calendar for September 2016 year you will find information about the position of the moon, its phases for each day of the month. When are favorable and unfavorable periods?

September 1– at 5:24 the beginning of the 30th lunar day, at 12:05 - new moon and the beginning of the 1st lunar day
Unfavorable day to start new things. It is better to devote it to spiritual cleansing - fast, go to church for confession, and engage in spiritual practices.

September 2– at 6:34 the beginning of the 2nd lunar day
Harmony will accompany you in everything. You are satisfied and calm. Walk more, drink plenty of water, don't overeat. A good day to sign up for a sports section.

September 3– at 7:53 the beginning of the 3rd lunar day
Do things that don't require much attention from you. Today you will feel somewhat relaxed, so put off long-term matters for later.

4 September– at 8:51 the beginning of the 4th lunar day
The day will bring confidence and calm. You can carry out financial transactions without fear, enter into contracts, and make serious purchases. Real estate issues will be resolved well.

September 5– at 9:58 the beginning of the 5th lunar day
Serious matters should not be resolved on this day, as you may not be attentive enough and do everything in a hurry. But you can solve short-lived matters and issues regarding the move.

6 September– at 11:04 the beginning of the 6th lunar day
Emotions will run high today, a good time to make new work contacts or simply find useful acquaintances. Have a good rest in the evening.

September 7– at 12:08 the beginning of the 7th lunar day
Don't be afraid to start new things, you can handle them without much effort. As evening approaches, the likelihood of stress increases, but it will not affect your health. Dedicate the evening to your loved one.

8 September– at 13:10 the beginning of the 8th lunar day
The area of ​​heart affairs will require special attention. It's time to improve your personal life - don't avoid meeting new people, but go on a romantic date in the evening.

9th of September– at 14:10 the beginning of the 9th lunar day
Today you are sentimental and sensitive. It's better to spend time with loved ones. Don't take on important matters; you will make mistakes that will be difficult to correct.

10 September– at 15:02 the beginning of the 10th lunar day
The day will give you vigor and excellent well-being. Things will get complicated. If you are active, the results will exceed expectations. Please check any information carefully.

11 September– at 15:54 the beginning of the 11th lunar day
A favorable time for self-development. Plan a cultural program for the day, and spend the evening doing your favorite activities. A good moment for money transactions.

12-th of September– at 16:38 the beginning of the 12th lunar day
Even difficult tasks will be easy for you. Be alert to new information: it may be incorrect. In the afternoon, pay special attention to your loved ones.

September 13– at 17:15 the beginning of the 13th lunar day
A great day for serious acquisitions. Avoid showdowns: you take everything too personally, so the conversation can end in long-lasting grievances.

September 14– at 17:47 the beginning of the 14th lunar day
An ideal time for money manipulation and solving everyday problems. After lunch, educate yourself. A good time to work with technology.

September 15th– at 18:15 the beginning of the 15th lunar day
The luckiest day of the month. Finally, you will relax after stressful days. Take care of yourself, perform beauty rituals, rejuvenating rituals.

16 of September– at 18:41 the beginning of the 16th lunar day, at 22:08 - full moon
Calm and relaxed day. Don’t grab onto all the things in a row, first finish the ones you’ve already started, otherwise by the evening you will be very dissatisfied with yourself. Dreams are empty today.

September 17– at 19:06 the beginning of the 17th lunar day
Avoid crowded places, as you are irritable and overly demanding. Even meetings with pleasant people can end in misunderstandings and quarrels.

September 18– at 19:32 the beginning of the 18th lunar day
Immerse yourself completely in business. You are very attentive and focused, so feel free to solve issues that have been bothering you for a long time. The time is not suitable for shopping and trading.

September 19– at 20:00 the beginning of the 19th lunar day
You are tense and irritable, so limit your contacts. Spontaneous decisions will be successful and will lead you to success. Don't avoid physical activity.

September 20– at 20:32 the beginning of the 20th lunar day
Favorable day for travel or business trip. Excellent relationships will develop with out-of-town and foreign partners. Go to the library, on a tour, or to a lecture.

September 21– at 21:09 the beginning of the 21st lunar day
Immerse yourself in scientific or research activities. New information will be well absorbed. Businesses started on this day will be successful. Tune in for a prophetic dream.

September 22nd– at 21:54 the beginning of the 22nd lunar day
Engage in self-analysis: now your mind is in complete clarity, thanks to which you can change your view on some things and find more rational solutions to problems.

23 September– at 22:47 the beginning of the 23rd lunar day
Not the best day for new beginnings. Take care of everyday issues, put the household in order. Try to do simple work. Be patient.

September 24– at 23:47 the beginning of the 24th lunar day
A good day to communicate with loved ones, as well as to make new contacts. Unexpected positive changes are possible. A favorable time for self-education.

September 25– 24th lunar day
Don't take on important tasks - do things that have become automatic. Spend the evening in solitude. Exercise or meditate.

September 26– at 0:53 the beginning of the 25th lunar day
You will be slightly unwell all day. You will not be able to focus on specific issues. Put aside the hard work. Favorable time for shopping.

September 27– at 2:02 the beginning of the 26th lunar day
Do primarily physical work: mental work will not be easy. A good time to start traveling or business trips. Avoid alcohol.

September 28– at 3:12 the beginning of the 27th lunar day
You are impulsive and impatient, and tend to make spontaneous decisions. To avoid a stressful situation, it is better to postpone meetings with unpleasant people to another day.

September 29– at 4:22 the beginning of the 28th lunar day
A favorable day for planning. Increased emotionality will prevent you from making rational decisions. The ideas that appear today will be successful.

September 30th– at 5:31 the beginning of the 29th lunar day
Excessive emotionality will be replaced by calmness and tranquility. A favorable time for introspection. You will be able to look at your life from a different angle.

Favorable days: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 23, 24, 26, 27 and 29 September.
Days when you should refrain from making important decisions. Unfavorable days: 9, 17, 19, 23, 25 and 28 September.
days, favorable for active work. You can plan complex and difficult tasks on them: September 6, 7, 10, 12, 18, 21 and 30.

New Moon - September 1 at 12:05.
Full moon
- September 16 at 22:08.
Waxing Crescent: from 1 to 16 September.
Waning moon : from September 17, 2016.

The phases of the Moon influence both the nature around us and every person, even if we do not always notice the obvious. Knowing everything about the state of the Moon, you will be able to manage your future, make only real plans and get rid of mistakes.

Moon phases in September 2016

  • New Moon: September 1;
  • Waxing Moon: from September 2 to 15;
  • Full Moon: September 16;
  • Waning Moon: from September 17 to 30.

Astrologers about the New Moon

The New Moon in September 2016 takes place in the Zodiac Sign Virgo. And this is a favorable combination for any practical matter, for example, in order to fight bad habits, repay debts, strengthen everyday life or carry out repairs. But be careful: a solar eclipse, which astronomers also scheduled for the 1st, threatens to confuse plans and result in unpredictable consequences. To be prepared for anything, you can.

Astrologers about the waxing Moon

According to the lunar calendar, the waxing Moon will be the most favorable time in September 2016. At this time, the energy of summer has not yet given way to the energy of extinction, which often becomes more active in the fall. Until September 15, you can consider the days of summer, despite the weather, since they are charged with the sun and creative energy. During this time, you can easily close gestalts and finish things that you may have been putting off all summer.

The waxing Moon has a particularly good effect on the condition of the hair. Read more about this, especially if you are going not to indulge in autumn depression, but instead change your image along with the hairstyle or color of your curls.

Astrologers about the Full Moon

The full moon in September 2016 will appear in the sky on the 16th. The Moon is in Pisces, and this brings with it uncertainty and the first signs of the autumn blues. Drive him away! Astrologers will tell you how not to make mistakes during the Full Moon, guided by your Zodiac Sign.

Be careful with alcoholic drinks, even if you are not driving and have a meeting with friends planned for today. Strong drinks can also negatively affect the agreement between close friends, and if you are at a corporate event or among unfamiliar people, alcohol can even cause you to make a different impression than you expected.

Astrologers about the waning moon

The waning moon in September is great for taking care of your health and finances. Usually in the second half of September it is customary to stock up for winter, thinking about the first results. For many, this time will bring the well-deserved fruits of your efforts throughout the year.

In order to monitor the condition of the Moon, there is a lunar calendar. It will help you make your life more orderly and meet lucky tickets more often along the way.

September 2016 is the beginning of a new autumn. Read the autumn horoscope for the next three months to find out more about what the future holds for you.

September 1 and 2: The first two days of this month according to the lunar calendar will be very positive and positive for both work and love. Virgo will help you establish relationships with any person. However, a solar eclipse will begin on September 1, so troubles may arise in the evening.

September 3, 4 and 5: Libra and the waxing Moon are far from the best combination, but this does not mean that only disappointment will await you in these three days. Your attitude towards the world will be at the center of everything. As you think, so everything will happen.

September 6 and 7: These two will probably be the most productive for any job. Don't be afraid of loneliness on these 6th and 7th lunar days. It will allow you to concentrate on any problem. Believing in yourself will help you move mountains or win over the one you like.

September 8, 9 and 10: At first Sagittarius will be very kind to us, but on September 9 and 10 it will be more difficult to achieve success in all areas of life. Demand more from yourself than you can, and then you will gain something in any case.

September 11 and 12: the waxing Moon and Capricorn are the ones who will influence us in these two days. This time will be ambiguous, although very positive. A good mood will promote personal growth.

September 13 and 14: on the first day of Aquarius, the Moon will provide strong resistance to it, so astrologers recommend not starting anything new. But on September 14, according to the lunar calendar, a very favorable day will come for any new beginnings and solutions to any pressing problems.

September 15 and 16: September 15 will be an excellent, energetically calm day, perfect for intellectual work. September 16 is the day of the Full Moon in Pisces, as well as a lunar eclipse. The middle of the month is dangerous for those who are accustomed to shifting the solution of their problems onto the shoulders of others. Indifference to solving problems can lead to new failures.

September 17 and 18: Aries and the waning Moon are a bad combination, especially for those who play sports and often take risks. Put aside all such matters.

September 19 and 20: The first day of Taurus's influence will be more negative than positive, since any inaction will lead to failure. But September 20th is a very favorable day for love.

September 21 and 22: favorable days again. This time, Gemini will help in love and other areas of life. Energetically, these days will be some of the strongest in September, so you will need a strong desire to achieve success.

September 23, 24 and 25: in the third quarter of September 23, the Moon and Cancer will be able to find a compromise, but on the 24th and 25th this will not be possible. Cancer will make you impulsive or even rude.

September 26 and 27: Leo is adamant - only the most persistent will receive the prize in the form of good luck. The rest will have to settle for their shattered egos.

September 28 and 29: Virgo returns, helping us to find happiness again. The waning moon will require you to start new things and give up bad habits.

September 30th: The last day of September can hardly be called favorable. Libra is to blame for everything, who want to see more independence in us.

The lunar calendar for September is more positive than negative, since there will be a lot of energetically powerful days. The moon and stars will join forces to make your life more enjoyable. Keep your mood high so as not to lose touch with Fortune. Just go forward and don't forget to press the buttons and

31.08.2016 02:12

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