Scenario of the literary and musical composition “Song of the Mother’s Heart” of the city model library No. 3 of MAUK “MTsB” of the municipal district of Tuymazinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan.



(CBS of Karabash)

Among the global problems of our time, one of the most pressing is environmental. Water and air pollution, decline in soil fertility, depletion of forest resources, acid rain, reduction in the number of biological species on earth indicate the presence of a clear danger to all living things, which no one can ignore. The task of libraries is to help young readers think about the morality of their behavior in relation to all living things, to nature as a whole and to each other.

The scenario for the environmental evening included the game “Ecological Puzzles”, which will help to understand the seriousness of environmental problems.

In the hall where the environmental evening will take place, a book and illustration exhibition “Mother Nature is Patient” is being staged. A quote for the exhibition could be the words from R. Rozhdestvensky’s poem about nature: “It’s not her beauty that amazes me, it’s her patience that amazes me.”

The phonogram of the song by E. Krylatov and Yu. Entin “Beautiful Far Away” sounds

Presenter 1: Now, dear friends...

Presenter 2: (interrupting) STOP! STOP! STOP!

Presenter 1: (not understanding) Why are you stopping me?

Presenter 2: (calmly) Am I stopping? In no case! I'm helping.

Presenter 1: Nice help! For no apparent reason, shout “STOP!” I even forgot what I wanted to say...

Presenter 2: But I know: “STOP!” - this is the name of our environmental evening.

Presenter 1: Oh, that's it! Original, but, in my opinion, reminiscent of the rules of the road...

Presenter 2: Alas, there are many more violators of the Nature Conservation Law than violators on highways! That's why we decided to give our evening such a definitive name.

Stop to the thieves,

Stop poachers!

To everyone who is nature

Spends without measure.

Stop - the careless ones,

Stop - bureaucrats!

Your duty to her

Grew a hundredfold!..

(the phonogram of the song “Who, if not us” sounds softly)

Friends, in all countries, on all continents, people are thinking about how to save our Earth. The green movement is expanding every day, and the opinions of environmentalists are gaining more and more weight. There is a need to introduce a “moratorium” on any actions that harm wildlife, be it cutting down trees or fishing...

This is a forest, guys, this is a beauty!

Look, oak tree! At lunchtime - a hundred years! Or maybe a thousand!

Come on, let's knock down this oak tree with one blow!

The forest is full of everything, and all for free!

Well, these scientists are hilarious!

Why be shy, because we live by the sea!

Catch, drag, grope with radar!

...We have butchered the planet!

And there is no forest, and there are no fish!

Why bother with this old ball?

There are plenty of planets around and all for free!

Presenter 2: If you look at the Earth from afar, it will seem very small. All the cosmonauts unanimously speak about their main impression: “The Earth is small!” Flights into space have shown that humanity has nowhere to move from Earth; we must value what we have - our “ball”, on which there is, perhaps, a unique miracle for the Universe called “life”.

The soundtrack of the song “Little Blue Ball” plays

Journalist Vasily Peskov found a striking comparison, saying that life on Earth is like a thin peel on a big apple. All living things - trees, grasses, lichens, mushrooms, animals, birds, frogs, fish and people - form the “peel” of life on the “apple” that is hot from the inside. All manifestations of life on Earth are a motley carpet of closely intertwined threads.

Presenter 1: Man in nature - who is he: a king or a slave, a son of mother nature or a spendthrift, a reveler, a competitor or a partner? We find one answer from M.Yu. Lermontov in the Eastern legend “Three Palms”:

In the sandy steppes of Arabian land

Three proud palm trees grew high...

When the fog rushed to the west,

The caravan made its regular journey...

And now everything is wild and empty all around -

Leaves with a rattling key do not whisper..."

Here man is a king, unreasonable and cruel. The other is from Goethe in Faust: This is the flood of the sea,

Sneaking up on the clock

Brings infertility for centuries

Coastal land...

The raging abyss

I wanted to control it with authority.

I'm wasting my strength useless

I would be able to put a limit.

And here man and nature are hostile. The goal is to defeat the hostile forces of nature: to build an earthen rampart to protect against sea tides. Here man is also a king, although already enlightened.

Presenter 2: Improving his dominance, adapting nature to his selfish needs, man at the end of the twentieth century saw trouble in the kingdom he had created on Earth. Natural systems, his “subjects,” wither and die out.

Optimists assume that in the future humanity will live in some kind of artificial nature, and they propose to remake nature or, at least, control it. But this task is clearly beyond the capabilities of humanity: nature contains a gigantic number (about 10 27) of living objects. Managing them would require, according to a number of scientists, no less than 99% of all energy and labor costs of modern civilization.

Over billions of years of evolution, the finest mechanisms for regulating life have been developed, and interfering with them (replacing them with others) at the present stage is dangerous, because All types of plants, animals, microorganisms have amazingly adapted to each other, so much so that without exaggeration we can say: each lives at the expense or with the help of the other and is connected with the environment by a complex system of relationships. Two or three species of animals or plants will disappear - and it is impossible to predict what disturbances will follow.

For example, at the beginning of this century in Canada, all predatory animals in the area where caribou grazed were destroyed. And there were more deer. Then there were a lot of them. And then the number of deer began to decline sharply. And if people had not realized it in time, the caribou would have disappeared completely.

Here's another example. Not long ago, residents of some areas of Western Germany began to suffer from wasps that appeared in large numbers. Wasps stung people as they entered houses. It was not immediately possible to understand what happened. It turned out that the people who exterminated the foxes were to blame. Foxes destroyed wasp nests in the ground. When the foxes disappeared, the wasps multiplied so much that they began to annoy people.

These simple examples suggest that people, not knowing the life of nature, should not “correct” it according to their own understanding. Indeed, in the animal world, balance is largely maintained by predators, destroying sick and weak animals.

Presenter 1: For optimists, man is the king of nature, for pessimists he is a slave. The first believe that preserving virgin nature is not necessary - people can exist in a cultivated environment (parks, gardens, etc.). The latter, on the contrary, are trying to prove that only virgin nature on most of the land will help preserve the human race.

The stages in human interaction with nature have already passed, when he was a slave of nature, and then imagined himself to be a king. He must finally step down from the royal throne.

M. Tsvetaeva considered the culprit of the death of things to be a person who thoughtlessly and recklessly violated the laws of nature, turning wood and iron into boards and nails:

A tree that trusts sound

Brazen axes and tedious saws;

He held out his hand with an apple -

Man - chopped

Mountains discovering ores

Hidden (later "metal"),

The miracle was firmly established!

The man was blowing up.

And here is how this theme sounds in the poems of Igor Severyanin:

About every new fresh stump,

About a branch broken aimlessly

My soul is mortally sad,

And it’s so tragic – it hurts me.

The park is thinning, the wilderness is thinning,

The spruce bushes are thinning...

It was once thicker than the forest,

And in the mirror of autumn puddles

It reflected like a giant...

But they came on two legs

Animals – and through the valleys

The ax carried out its echoing swing.

I hear how, listening to the buzz

Murderous axe,

Park whispers, “Soon I won’t...

But I lived - it was time...”

Presenter 2: It is known that planting trees is one of the most noble deeds. Imagine how many trees could be grown if every resident of our city planted one tree! What if everyone plants 10 trees? Do you know how much one family burns forests in a stove in winter... Take an interest and multiply this figure by the entire city. This is an impressive figure!

(The phonogram of the song “Don’t chop, guys...” performed by the group “Lube”) is played.)

Indeed, every day we take away the riches of nature: we cut down the forest, destroy oxygen, and don’t think about how many years the natural resources will last for us? Is there enough for everyone? Will the day come when forests, gas, oil, and drinking water will be completely consumed by man? Every year, clear-cutting of forests covers an area of ​​2 million hectares. Every year there are up to 28 thousand forest fires in the country (85% caused by humans), during which about 1.5 million hectares of forest are lost. Throughout the country, the areas of mature pine, spruce and, especially, cedar forests are declining. Over the past 30 years, the so-called Tugai forests in Central Asia have been practically destroyed - once impenetrable thickets of trees and shrubs that stretched along all rivers and served as natural reserves for many animals and plants.

And the call of the forest is becoming increasingly dull,

We rarely hear - a strange misfortune

How our souls slowly groan

Becoming drier and more silent.

Presenter 1: Dear friends - homo sapiens! How are you feeling? Nothing? What? Does your heart ache, does your side tingle? Well, this is nothing, tomorrow you will see a doctor, and then you can go for an examination, an x-ray, a cardiogram, tests, this and that... Now think about who will take Nature to see a doctor? Who will listen to her heart? He will ask: “What are you complaining about?” Who? Be silent... Yes, it turns out that Nature is kind of like an orphan. But she is our closest blood relative. And the diseases of nature are instantly transmitted to us. For example, our hometown has long been short of breath due to emissions from a copper smelter. During its existence, the copper smelter emitted more than 12 million tons of solid, gaseous substances and aerosols into the city’s atmosphere, which were dominated by sulfur dioxide (about 90%), oxides of copper, zinc, slag, pyrite tailings located in the city area in the vicinity plant, throughout the Soimanovskaya Valley and the floodplain of the Sak-Elga rivers.

Presenter 2: Sun, air and water are our best friends. That's what the song says. How does our second (after air) earthly friend, water, feel in modern conditions?

...Spring near the road. A living stream gushing from underground. Why has it attracted our attention for a long time, giving rise to a good feeling? You want to stop, squat down and, after rinsing your palms, take a full handful: you don’t want to drink, but you drink anyway, smack your tongue, praise.

Underground springs are a valuable gift of nature. But there are fewer and fewer of them coming to the surface. “Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, they enjoy you without knowing what you are. It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You fill us with joy that cannot be explained by our feelings. With you, the forces to which we have already said goodbye return to us. By your grace, the dry springs of our hearts begin to bubble within us again.” A. de Saint-Exupéry.

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On the last Sunday of November, Mother's Day will be celebrated in Russia. This holiday was established in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 No. 000 “On Mother’s Day.”

Currently, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 No. 000 has approved the Concept of the demographic policy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2025. In this regard, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a statement emphasizing that "holidayMother's Day symbolizes society's attention to the enduringhuman values, confirms the enormous importance of women -mothers in maintaining stability and goodness in today's world."

Many countries around the world celebrate Mother's Day. Unlike March 8th, Mother's Day honors only mothers and pregnant women, and not all women as members of the fair sex.

On this day, it is advisable to hold various events with parents and children in preschool educational institutions.

The main goal is to support the traditions of caring for a woman-mother, to consolidate family foundations, to especially note the importance in our lives of the main, dearest and closest person - Mom.

It is advisable to devote the content of educational work with children and communication with parents to the values ​​of happy parenthood in order to express respect for motherhood as a unique phenomenon in human life.

Building a thematic program of festive events poses the following social and pedagogical tasks:

Focus on the unique role of the mother in the harmonious development and successful socialization of children;

Thematic questioning, testing, express surveys mothers and fathers with the aim of involving adults in discussing the problem of modern parenting: “Mothers through the eyes of fathers”; “Why I respect my wife as the mother of a child”; “What is a modern mother like, in your opinion?” “What does an ideal mother look like?”

Interviews, ethical conversations in order to form ideas in preschool children about the characteristics of people’s behavior depending on gender: interview “Why do fathers and mothers exist”; ethical conversations “Dad and I take care of Mom,” “Mom and I are caring women in the house”; composing stories (including the type of unfinished sentences): “In what ways are men and women similar and how do they differ from each other?”

Exhibition of home toys:“What our mothers and grandmothers played in childhood.”

Sports and leisure activities and entertainment with the participation of children and adults: “Competitions of the brave, dexterous and attentive”, “Hospitable hosts”, “Let’s show our skills in needlework”, “Nice gifts for mothers”, “We know proverbs and sayings about family”.

Visual activities children and adults in kindergarten and at home: “We draw letters of love and gratitude to mothers and grandmothers”; vernissages of children's drawings: “Portrait of my mother”, “My mother is the best” “Let there always be a mother!”, “We need all kinds of mothers”; exhibition of family collages “Mom’s Favorite Pastime”; "Drawing of a family in the form of a house."

Quizzes with children and parents:“Who, where and when celebrates Mother’s Day”?

Musical, poetic and folklore evenings:“Motherhood glorified in literature, music and painting”; “Traditions and rituals of maternal education of past generations.”

Creation and display of thematic videos:"Maternal folklore in family education." Preparation of thematic booklets: “Fidelity to maternal duty”, “So that there is harmony in the house.”

Family competitions:“Photo of mother and child from a family photo album”; “The best scenario for a family holiday” and others.

Honoring mothers: Presentation of certificates and letters of gratitude to mothers who demonstrate parental responsibility and social activity; presenting “awards” to parents for love of children, made by teachers and children. Photopanorama: “The Wisdom of Mothers.”

Stock:“Let there always be a mother”, “Different mothers are important”, “Mothers of many children” and others, taking into account the categories of parents available in kindergarten, including single-parent families. As part of the campaign, greeting cards made by children can be distributed, SMS sent in the form of laconic reminders and incentives, neutral information about the campaign can be posted on the kindergarten website, etc. When choosing means of promoting the ideas of responsible motherhood, it is important to be delicate and tactful, and to respect the boundaries of people’s private lives.

Discussion meetings and debates about the role of the mother in the family: “Feminization of education - pros and cons”; “A genderless personality is nothing more than an abstraction! What is your opinion?"; “On the development of a “knightly” attitude towards women in boys”; “An example of a mother for her daughter” and the like. It is important to pose relevant questions that may be more valuable to meeting participants than the “correct” answers.

Examples of exercises and game tasks for parents during discussion meetings, quizzes and other events:

Assignment in pairs: “Come up with a metaphor that characterizes modern motherhood”;

Collective exercise with cards: “Ranking words and phrases about the role of mother and father in the family.” Progress of the exercise: Parents receive cards with phrases and attach them to demonstration silhouettes, then justify their choices in a general discussion.

An example set of phrases: Protected by work, Shows tolerance, Provides security in life, Shows leniency, Introduces to housework, Uses physical punishment, Abuses assessment, Gives in, Abuses criticism, Shows a temper, Stroke, Kisses, Forgives, Develops femininity, Develops masculinity, Disciplines, Caresses, Develops feelings, Feeds, Provides emotional support, Protects, Controls, Adores, Protects, Cares, Abuses power, Provides physical care, Dominates parenting, Develops responsibility and efficiency, Makes demands, Encourages freedom and independence, Plans for the future, Shows detachment, Subordinates , Takes care of, Plays, Punishes, Develops the body, Develops the mind, Is an example to follow, Provides material support for the family, Shows connivance, Shows weakness, Shows tenderness.

It is advisable to create an object-based play environment in age groups for organizing amateur games of a family and household focus, for example: “The family receives guests”; participation of mothers, fathers and grandparents in play sessions; conducting didactic, verbal, board-printing and folk games.

The proposed forms for celebrating Mother's Day are approximate.

Teaching staff of preschool educational institutions have the right to determine the form and its content independently, based on their own vision of the problem and the existing system of work with the families of pupils.

Lyubov Makarova
Methodological recommendations for celebrating Mother's Day and lesson notes on spiritual and moral education for Mother's Day

Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Nowadays, the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated as Mothers.

At all times, people have been worried about the image Mothers. Therefore, it is no coincidence that artists - painters, icon painters, graphic artists - turned to this image in their work. Even in the works of folk craftsmen, in early types of folk art, one of the common motifs was the female image.

So the main figure in embroidery, painting and wood carving was a woman - this is the cult of the great goddess of all earthly things. This image was called - "Mother - cheese - earth".

Virgin Mary - Mother of Jesus Christ.

The Russian people called her the Mother of God. Madonna is called in Europe. Her image was painted by Russian icon painters and glorified in paintings by great and anonymous painters from all Christian countries. Many Russian icons are dedicated to the Mother of God. One of them - « Our Lady of Vladimir» - considered the patroness of Russia.

On classes and in conversations, children are invited to examine embroidered items depicting a female figure. Attention is drawn to female images of different characters.

You can view reproductions of icons and paintings by artists ( « Our Lady» , V. Vasnetsova, K. Petrova-Vodkina).

Children's attention is drawn to subtle, spiritual traits of the Mother, femininity, sadness, caring for a child, anxiety for the fate of one’s child.

And with all this sadness and sadness, the face Our Lady is wonderful.

Based on the verbal description and the idea, children draw an image of their mother.

Summary of a lesson on spiritual and moral education with

children of senior preschool age

“The Most Holy Theotokos is the protector and patroness of people”

(teacher MBDOU DS OV No. 21 st. Azov municipal district Seversky district

Makarova Lyubov Dmitrievna)

Program tasks:

Promote children's understanding of relationships Mother of Heaven and Mother Earthly through veneration of the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary as a prototype women mothers;

To form in children a caring and respectful attitude towards the dearest person - their mother;

Promote increased cognitive interest;

To form in children emotional responsiveness, a desire to help each other and those who need help;

- bring up respectful and reverent attitude towards all that is holy.

Preliminary work:

Introduce children to the Bible for children, illustrations of icons, lamps;

To familiarize children with the tradition of venerating icons; teach to recognize the Mother of God and Jesus Christ on icons;

Introducing children to concepts "visible world" And "invisible", "world creation";

Learning poems about mom;

Children visiting a circle "Bell" village temple; conversations with a clergyman.

Equipment: photo exhibition "My beloved mother", icon of the Virgin Mary, exhibition women's handicrafts, bell, candles, stereo system, multimedia equipment, slides of icons of the Virgin Mary

In the hall there are photographs of mothers hanging on the wall, and in the center there is an icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Children enter the hall and sit on chairs.

Leading: So many words from family and friends!

But among them the most expensive

A word that hurts my heart "Mother".

Mother - too strict, better "Mother",

We started with him in childhood,

And the older they became,

They still called her mom.

Children, each of us has a mother, the most beloved and dearest.

There is no one closer and dearer on the whole earth.

Dear women! Dear mothers!

All flowers are intended for you today,

With love, warm gratitude

The guys praise your names.

What's the very first word?

What is the brightest word?

What's the most important word?

It is never misspelled.

On the first page it is in the primer,

It is said everywhere with a smile

And every kid talks in the yard...

What is the very first word (addresses the child) Artemka?

What is the brightest word, Ksenia?

What is the most important word, Dasha?

Whisper it quietly, Polina.

Say it loudly, Nikita,

The main word of any child...

Children. Mother!

Dramatizing a song "It's good to be with mom"

music Filippenko sl. Volgina.

Photos of your mothers hang in our hall, in a place of honor, and among them there is an unusual photograph, it’s correct to call it an icon. The face of whose mother is depicted on this icon?

Children, maybe some of you know? (Children's answers).

This icon is called the Most Holy Theotokos, just as every son or daughter of all people is closest to her own mother, so the Most Holy Theotokos is the Mother of Jesus Christ.

Considering the icon of Tenderness (slide 37)

Look how tenderly the Mother of God hugs her Son to Her, with what tender and sad eyes full of great love she looks at Him.

With what meekness and tender sorrow

Most Pure One, looking from the canvas!

The coming hour of inevitable sorrow

As if she had a presentiment...

She holds the baby to her chest

And she admires him, feeling sad about him...

Like a god, he penetrates eternity with his gaze

And carefree like a child!

Today I will tell you about the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

It was a very long time ago. Just like you, she was a child, and they called her Masha - Maria. Maria grew up in a particularly pure family that deeply believed in God. She was very kind, smart, obedient, friendly with everyone. And when she turned three years old, her parents threw a party. They called her friends, dressed them all in their best white clothes, gave them lighted candles, and they went to the temple together.

The lights are burning as if on a great holiday.

And the young maidens all stand in white

Maria's parents lead her to the temple

And according to the vow they will give her to the temple.

A priest met Mary at the temple. From then on, Mary began to live in the temple. Here she prayed and read holy books. Doing handicrafts: spun flax, wool, embroidered with silks. This skill has been passed down from generation to generation, and our mothers also learned this skill and will teach it to you. Look at the beautiful works made by the hands of your mothers.

The presenter draws the children's attention to the exhibition of handicrafts.

Maria was a kind child. She was surrounded by little angels and loved to play with her. Let's play too.

Everyone was amazed by the perfection of Mary’s soul. She was humble in heart, respectful and diligent to everyone. But more than anything else, she loved God and prayed to Him!

And then one day the Archangel Gabriel appeared before her in a wondrous light, sparkling with clothes and wings. He brought her good news:

“Hail Mary! - he told her -

You will Holy Mother

You will give birth to God for people!”

The time has come, and the Divine Child, Jesus Christ, was born to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Now everyone began to call her Mother of God. Listen to this word GOD-BORN.

It was a great event for all people.

Jesus Christ and the Mother of God were depicted in their works by great poets, artists, sculptors, musicians, and icon painters.

Show 1-2 slides with icons: Upbringing(15, Miraculous (54)

Time passed... Jesus grew...

Maria was very kind and affectionate mother. She pitied Her Son, taught while he was small, and then learned from him. And she loved you endlessly, deeply and tenderly, just as your mother loves you.

Church choir performing a song "Mother"(Collection spiritual chants / Composition. Hieromonk Stefan (Kiselev).

After the death of the Son, the Most Holy Theotokos was helped by his disciples; together with them she helped the poor, beggars, wretched, sick, who were in sadness and difficulty. She walked the earth and preached - she told people about God. The Mother of God Mother - Jesus Christ is closest to Him and therefore asked Her Son for all the people in the world.

But all the time, she yearned for the Son, asking in prayers that He would take her to Himself in heaven. But Jesus Christ wanted his mother to live longer on earth, helping people who turned to her for help, praying with all her heart, with all her soul.

...Pray, beg with tears

So that he gives us life

For repentance time

He gave me a little more.

So that your anger is just

Changed to our mercy

Enemies of the soul's salvation

He defeated the sinners in us.

The Mother of God went to her Son in heaven, but did not leave our Fatherland. If one of you or your loved ones is sick, is saddened by something, or has encountered difficulties, then you can turn to the Mother of God with all your heart with a prayer - a request for help. She will definitely help and Jesus Christ, through the prayer of the Mother of God for us, will not leave us in sorrow.

...I didn’t die - I fell asleep,

And you live in eternity,

For all the people in the world

You shed tears in your prayers.

After all, you are our Mother,

Pray for us pray:

Without Your prayer we

You can't save yourself...

Russia became the House of the Mother of God. There are thousands and thousands of icons of the Mother of God in Russia. Many of them became miraculous, healing, and protective.

Show 1-2 slides with icons: Healer (42, Spreader of Loaves (45)

Those praying light a candle in front of the icon of the Mother of God and ask for help. Veneration of an icon is an expression of our love for God, the Mother of God. In Rus' they believed that Mother God especially protects children. Therefore, in every house, her icon hung over the child’s crib, and the children prayed in front of it morning and evening.

(Light the candles and repeat the prayer)

Most Holy Theotokos, Save us!

They walk around the hall and place candles on the table of the Mother of God.

The final word is spoken by Priest Sergius, rector of the village's St. George's Church.

Structurally Classroom hour may consist of three parts:

In the first part event, the class teacher reveals general concepts on the topic “Mother’s name”, “shrine”. Russian mothers have always been distinguished by generosity of soul, devotion, self-sacrifice, love and great patience.

And today they carefully preserve the family hearth, teach children kindness, mutual understanding, and morality.

Mother is a universal concept, it is the living soul of the world, its beginning and its infinity. It is impossible to argue with the fact that this holiday is a holiday of eternity. From generation to generation, for every person, mother is the most important person in life. Becoming a mother, a woman discovers the best qualities in herself: kindness, love, care, patience and self-sacrifice. Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day occupies a special place. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. On this day I would like to say words of gratitude to all Mothers who give their children love, kindness, tenderness and affection.

The class teacher explains the concepts of “maternal love” and “filial duty.” The relationship between these concepts is considered. There is nothing brighter and more selfless than a mother’s love. From the first birthday of her children, she lives by their breath, their tears and smiles. Their children always need them. This is the meaning of mother's life. Like the sun, a mother's love warms her children.

After which we can say that in all centuries, love for mothers has inspired poets and composers to create the greatest works related to the image of the Mother. We all know the name of the most famous mother, Mary the woman who gave the world a savior, little Christ.

Each teacher determines the transition to the second part of the class hour independently, taking into account the age of the students and the emotional mood of the children.

Second (main) part. Against the background of a slide show with photographs of mothers of class students and their names, thus indicating the content of the upcoming conversation, the teacher asks the class a question, how do mothers differ from each other? The conversation leads to the fact that mothers have different names and now the students will each make gifts for their mother. In this part of the class, children engage in creative work. Elementary school and students in grades 5-7 making a craft "Cake with a surprise for mom." Each student in the class makes a craft in the form of a piece of cake, decorates it, writes his mother’s name on it and puts a wish in it (this will be a surprise for mom). After that, all students in the class put together their crafts (pieces of cake) and get a “Cake with a surprise for mom” (instructions for making crafts in the form of a cake, attached, Appendix No. 1).

Students of high school and middle school (grades 8-9) also engage in creative work, do "Calendar of female names." It indicates the names of their mothers, with a brief description of the meaning of the name, its origin, etc., according to the seasons and calendar months. Each class makes its own calendar (Appendix No. 2).

After class, you can organize an exhibition of crafts in the school foyer.

In the third final part The class teacher leads them to the fact that, despite the differences in mothers' names, they all have one thing in common - love for their own children, every mother is a saint for her child. It is common to give mothers flowers, gifts, and unexpected souvenirs, but you should always remember that the main gift is attention and care for the person closest to you. It can also be said that the holiday - Mother's Day in Russia - helps to emphasize the best traditions of Russians' attitude towards motherhood. It is important that it unites all layers of our society. Forces the government and society to pay attention to the problems associated with motherhood in our country.

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