Aromatherapy with essential oils The best way defeat the buzzing enemy. Unlike chemical repellents, essential oils are an effective and more gentle method of combating mosquitoes, midges, fleas and other insects.

What effect do essential oils have on mosquitoes? There are separate oils, the smell of which is unpleasant for insects, and they react to it by flying away. Aromatic molecules have a safe effect on humans, of course, if not on essential oils. At the same time these small particles repel bloodsuckers. Therefore, protect yourself and your children from mosquitoes in summer days in nature or to protect yourself and others during the night rest, you can use essential oils. The latter are natural in their composition, therefore they are harmless even for small children.

So what are these oils? Insect repellent natural remedies are:

  • rosemary essential oil,
  • tea tree,
  • basilica,
  • palmarosa,
  • lavender,
  • citronella,
  • thyme
  • geranium,
  • litzei,
  • eucalyptus.

Citronella oil is considered one of the most effective means aromatherapy. Mosquitoes will also not be happy with thyme, lavender, clove, geranium and eucalyptus oils, and will not distract you with their persistent buzzing.

Small flies will leave you for a long time if you use sassafras oil, as well as eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint oils.

How to soothe itching after a bite?

Despite the fact that mosquitoes are small insects, their bite is accompanied by mild swelling and itching. These symptoms can be tolerated by adults, but children scratch the site of the bite, thereby introducing another infection. Essential oils not only repel mosquitoes and other pests, but also effectively help relieve redness on the skin and soothe the allergic reaction of the child's skin. These are the esters of lavender and. Tea tree is an excellent antiseptic, while lavender oil safe and soothing effect on delicate skin baby.

It is important to remember what to use in medical purposes you can only use high-quality essential oils, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. To enhance the effect of the aroma on the insect, you can use not one of the above oils, but a healing mixture of two or three oils.

cook aromatic mixture from the following components: take 5 drops of lavender and mint oil, lavender and cedar, clove and tea vegetable oils. Mix thoroughly and use the mixture for its intended purpose.

Ways to use essential oils against insects

Aroma candles. Candles based on aromatic oils can be purchased commercially, as well as made independently. They can be used both indoors and in the yard, in the garden during the day and in the evening. The whole secret lies in the fact that you drip 2-5 drops of the desired oil onto the finished candle and light it. Romantic pastime not disturbed by harmful insects.

Aromatic spray, cooked at home, is also quite effective remedy from mosquitoes. You need 10 ml of alcohol and 10 drops of the selected essential oil. Pour this fragrant mixture into a container with a spray. To protect yourself from insects, spray open areas body and spray on clothing. Now feel free to go on a picnic!

Aroma lamp. If you have on hand aroma lamp you can use her services. It is necessary to pour a few drops into the aroma lamp bowl. Then add there hot water and light a candle.

Wet wipes. If you want your sleep to be serene, create your own protection: mix the essential oil with water, and then soak a towel or cloth with liquid. Put the prepared wet wipe in your bedroom and sleep soundly.

Cosmetic. Against the invasion of mosquitoes, you can prepare a flavored cosmetic product: cream or gel. You only need a few drops of the selected mixture of essential oils and a neutral, odorless cream. The resulting composition can be safely used against mosquitoes.

Mosquito repellant bracelet, of course, suitable for children. To make it, you need an ordinary ribbon, it is possible with wooden beads. With a little imagination, the mother herself can do this on the child's wrist and drop a little citronella oil on the braid.

Using our tips, you will spend an unforgettable vacation in nature and do not even think about annoying insects.

Lavender is a plant unique in its properties and ability to have a beneficial effect on a person. Since ancient times, lavender flowers and oil have been used to relieve stress, migraines, rheumatism and many other diseases. These flowers are also useful in everyday life, for example, lavender protects against mosquitoes and midges.

What is the secret of the power of lavender oil against mosquitoes

The oil is obtained from lavender flowers by steam distillation or extraction. Not every variety is suitable for this, but only narrow-leaved lavender of certain species, which is cultivated in Europe, the USA and even in Russia, for example, in the Crimea.

The smell of lavender is very fresh, floral with light woody notes. It is pleasant to most people, but extremely disliked by insects. Everyone knows about the property of dried lavender to repel moths, it also acts on mosquitoes in the same way. Only when they hear its smell, moreover, as growing in a pot, dried or in the form of oil, they try to fly around the source as far away as possible. The whole secret is in the components of the essential oil, and these are, for example, geraniol, linalool, camphor. All these are odorous substances contained in various flower oils and all of them are unpleasant to mosquitoes. Therefore, even a drop of such oil can, if not kill, but scare away a mosquito.

What you need to know before using lavender oil for the first time

Lavender mosquito repellent oil is one of the most gentle and calming essential oils. Despite the fact that it is quite odorous, it is not aggressive towards the skin, even delicate. Therefore, it is ideal to use lavender oil against mosquitoes for children, even very young ones.

However, like any essential oils, lavender can cause allergies, or individual intolerance can be revealed in its smell. Therefore, before the first use, listen to the aroma and listen to the sensations. If nausea sets in or you just don't like the oil, it's best not to use it. If, with prolonged interaction, migraine, cough, nasal congestion, tachycardia begin, most likely this is also an individual intolerance. Also, don't apply the oil all over your skin at once, try a drop on the back of your hand. If there is no reaction, feel free to use on the whole body.

Despite the softness of the oil, try not to use pure lavender mosquito repellent oil for children on the skin, it is better to mix a couple of drops of oil with baby cream or olive oil. And do not smear your face, as the oil can get into your mouth or eyes and cause poisoning or swelling of the mucous membrane.

Recipes for mosquito control

To protect your skin from bites while walking around the city or in nature, apply lavender oil to the skin, but it is better not to pure form and in combination with other oils. For example, a great natural repellant recipe is to mix 5 drops each of lavender and peppermint oil. You can add the same amount of tea tree oil or cloves to them. These fragrances complement each other and are guaranteed to repel all oncoming mosquitoes. If you don't like the feel of pure oil on your skin, make a spray by mixing 10 drops of lavender and medical alcohol and dissolve this mixture in 100 ml of water, you can thermal. It is a pleasure to spray with such a spray, because it is good for the skin and the aroma is no worse than some perfumes, and even lavender oil will perfectly save you from mosquitoes. By the way, this oil has excellent anti-inflammatory properties and is able to neutralize poisons, that is, lavender helps relieve itching and swelling from existing mosquito bites.

If you need to secure a room from mosquitoes, use aromatherapy devices:

  • Aroma lamp - 5 drops of oil and a small amount of hot water are enough.
  • Aroma diffuser - sprays steam with essential oil dissolved in it, 10 drops of lavender oil are enough for it.
  • Aroma stone is a porous sorbent that absorbs oil and gradually releases odors. Apply just 5-10 drops of lavender oil to protect the room from insects.

With the arrival of the long-awaited summer, the appearance of hordes of blood-sucking insects from which it is impossible to hide anywhere. Many are saved chemicals protection, their benefit is now just huge selection. According to the principle of impact on insects, they are divided into olfactory (or fumigants - volatile substances that work at short distances), contact (anti-bite, acting directly upon contact of an insect with treated skin) and deodorizing (masking - they neutralize odors that attract insects).

But, at the same time, they have a big minus - they can be poisonous not only for insects, but also for the person himself! Even DEET, known to everyone since Soviet times, is not so harmless, especially for children. After all, DEET is based on diethyltoluamide - toxic substance, which is also part of most modern repellents.

I want to talk about an excellent alternative to chemical "repellers" - these are natural essential oils from mosquitoes with pronounced repellent properties.

Indeed, even from ancient times, when fighting insects, they managed with ordinary odorous herbs, for example, yarrow or wormwood, or used essential oils.

You can use essential oils from mosquitoes for the body (as well as chemical ones, in the form of sprays, creams, mixtures, balms - whatever you like), to fumigate the room (aroma lamp) or flavor the space around you (aroma medallion).

So, which of the essential oils are recognized effective repellents? According to some sources, repellent oils include:

basil - against flies, mosquitoes, moths, but attracts slugs
geranium - from aphids
laurel - from weevils
lavender - from mosquitoes, mosquitoes, moths (most universal remedy, incl. and bites!)
lemon - from mosquitoes, moths, ants
peppermint - from flies (more mice and rats!)
patchouli - from moth
eucalyptus - from cockroaches
fennel - from fleas
tea tree - from mosquitoes
thyme (thyme) - from lice (and it does not scare away, but completely relieves! ??)

*Source: L. Gurinovich, T. Puchkova Essential oils, chemistry, technology, analysis and applications. 2005

I would also add EM cloves, which fights mosquitoes, no less effective than lavender. Not for nothing that our mothers and grandmothers used clove cologne everywhere, although it has nothing to do with clove oil!

And now, some recipes for self-manufacturing repellents with essential oils. The duration of the funds is from an hour to an hour and a half, but at the same time they can be used repeatedly.

Mosquito spray with lavender

Essential oil lavender - 2g
Hemp oil - 3g
Cyclomethicone - 45g

Cyclomethicone - low viscosity silicone, used to improve volatile properties and reduce viscosity in various cosmetics Oh. You can buy in cosmetic store and over the Internet.

Prepare in advance a sterile spray bottle in which the resulting mixture will be stored.
Mixing sequence: cyclomethicone, hemp oil(will color our product yellowish green), Lavender EO. Be sure to mix everything well and pour into a bottle.
When sprayed on the skin - cyclomethicone evaporates (without penetrating into the body through skin cells), and the oils are quickly absorbed into the skin, leaving no greasy residue. With the help of this spray, we treat open areas of the skin, avoiding contact with mucous membranes.
Suitable for use by children if there is no allergy.
It repels mosquitoes, flies and ants well.

Mosquito spray with essential oils of geranium and tea tree

Geranium EM - 3g
Tea Tree EM - 3g
Fir hydrolate - 90g

Hydrolate is a product of steam distillation without impurities, having the properties of essential oils, but having more soft impact on human skin. Can be used in pure form.

hydrogenated Castor oil - 4g
Potassium sorbate - 0.2 g (E202 - food preservative)

Slightly heat fir hydrolate and dissolve potassium sorbate in it.
We heat castor oil in a water bath, add esters to it. Pour the mixture into the hydrolat and mix well. Then pour into a sterile spray bottle.
Suitable for use both as a spray and as a skin cream. Absorbs quickly without leaving a sticky or greasy feeling.
Not recommended for use by children.

Mosquito repellent with lavender and mint

Lavender EM - 15 drops
Mint EM - 5 drops
Coconut oil - 44g
Laurel oil - 5g

Melt coconut and laurel oils in a water bath, mix well. Remove from the bath and add essential oils from mosquitoes to the cooled mixture. ready mix pour into a container with a wide mouth (for example, a jar of cream).
If this mosquito repellent cream is stored in a refrigerator or in a room with a temperature of up to 25ºС, then it will be solid, if it is higher, then it will be liquid.
Coconut and laurel oils are extra care behind the skin with a slight protective property from the sun, quickly absorbed, does not leave a greasy residue. And lavender and mint oils, which have strong repellent properties, will also help to cope with the itching from the bite of bloodsucking.

Body Repellent Balm

Tea Tree EM - 5-8 drops
Clove EM - 3-5 drops
Sesame or almond oil - 10ml

Dilute essential oils in the base oil and apply the balm on the body 15 minutes before leaving the house. Reapplying the balm is recommended after 2 hours.

Insect repellent essential oil blends

Repellent emulsion with essential oils

Mix essential oils: 19 drops each lemon and geranium , 25 drops cajuputa, 13 drops cedar. Pour into a spray bottle with water, shake well before use.
Also, this mixture of essential oils can be mixed with carrier oil and applied to the body.

Mix 45 drops of essential oils mint and camphor , or eucalyptus and camphor . Shake EM with water (approximately 0.5 l) and spray windows and curtains with a mixture. You can put bowls with this mixture in a room near the window.

Remember that it is preferable to store mixtures containing essential oils in dark place and glass containers (see details). When applied to the skin, avoid contact with mucous membranes.

To repel insects, you can also use a mixture of essential oils in an aroma lamp.
(see rules for its use).

You can safely sleep with an open window without fear of insects if you light an aroma lamp with essential oil cloves or tea tree for an hour and a half. The number of drops is calculated based on the size of the room (see the instructions for the selected aroma oil).

A few drops of essential oil will also help get rid of mosquitoes all night and ensure a calm and deep sleep. lavender, lemon or basil .

A mixture of equal parts essential oils geranium, mint, eucalyptus and citronella Not only will it scare away annoying mosquitoes, but it will also give freshness to the air in the room, make it easier to breathe in the heat and help you fall asleep faster.

Also good effect in repelling mosquitoes will give a mixture of essential oils geraniums, arborvitae, lavenders and cloves taken in equal proportions.

Essential oils for ticks- thyme, lavender or peppermint, or mixtures thereof - dilute in a small amount base oil and apply not the body pointwise, like perfume.

And now, about other annoying insects

From the moth in the closet - a sachet with dried lavender or a piece of dense fabric soaked with a few drops of lavender essential oil, placed directly among the laundry, will help. Aroma oils of cedar, rosewood, patchouli, peppermint, basil or lemon will also help with moths.

From cockroaches - Eucalyptus essential oil has a deterrent effect.

From flies - EM basil and eucalyptus; mix 4 drops of citronella, lemongrass, mint - use in an aroma lamp or in a spray bottle, after shaking it with water first.

From ants - a mixture of essential oils of lavender and peppermint.

From lice - a few drops of thyme (thyme) EO added to the shampoo used, just before shampooing.

Use all these aroma oils you need to be careful from mosquitoes and their mixture, because some of them may be allergic, and too rich aromas can provoke headache. And of course, do not use oils that are simply unpleasant for you - pick up a scent to your liking. Let the chosen method for repelling insects be not only 100% natural, but also with a pleasant natural smell!

Have a good summer vacation!

410 Igor


Benefits of Using Essential Oils

At the height of the season of energetic life, biting arthropods in pharmacies, supermarkets and other retail outlets can be found huge variety cosmetics designed to protect against bloodsuckers. But all repellents of this kind are based on synthetic substances.

Let's see what repellents are. They are substances that we use in everyday life, the basis can be natural components.

Commonly purchased repellents include:

  • transparent liquid dihexamethylene-carbamide;
  • colorless liquid of oily consistency dibutyl phthalate (phthalic acid ester);
  • clear or yellow liquid benzimine (may be listed as hexamid in the composition);
  • liquid with a syrup density of kyuzol-acetyl 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline;
  • DEET - a lemon-colored liquid with a thick oil (diethyltoluamide);
  • repellent compounds: benzylpiperidine (50%), dimethyl phthalate (48%), ethylcellulose (2%), which is called repellin alpha - a saturated liquid in the form of a yellowish syrup.

If you ask for help in choosing insect repellents, then at retail outlets you will be offered:

  • ointment;
  • lotion;
  • fumigants;
  • cream;
  • mosquito coils;
  • aerosol;
  • emulsion.

Of course, such funds will help to forget about harmful insects, but is it worth neglecting the possibility of an allergy? Moreover, children are not recommended to use such means, although they exist special and more gentle. Do not forget that at the end of the day any product is thoroughly washed off.

Especially preferred are various essential substances, the aroma of which is not tolerated by annoying inhabitants of the forest thickets.

Essential oils have big pluses compared to repellents:

  • completely natural composition;
  • odor not repulsive to humans;
  • efficiency;
  • can be used simultaneously to eliminate insects and for an aroma lamp or romantic evening by candlelight.

Some people think that there is no need to buy synthetic means, which the cosmetic industry is trying to bring closer to natural. It only makes sense to acquire a real essential product and use it wisely.

Effective oils against mosquitoes

Thanks to essential substances, you can cope with many insects, for example:

  • eucalyptus, lavender, geranium, palmarosa - from ticks;
  • tea tree, geranium, lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus - from lice;
  • orange - from fleas;
  • sassafras - from midges and flies;
  • eucalyptus, sasafrass, lavender, peppermint, cedar, citronella - from black flies.

In the case of mosquitoes, the following are effective natural oils(they can be used alone or combined):

  • tea tree oil;
  • thyme;
  • rosemary;
  • citronella;
  • foundry;
  • basil oil;
  • geranium;
  • clove oil;
  • eucalyptus;
  • mint.

Advice! According to many years of observations, citronella oil definitely occupies the first place among natural remedies for fighting and scaring away bloodsuckers.

To achieve the highest result, substances are combined, only you need to do it correctly and reasonably, because some oils cannot be mixed. For example, lavender oil harmonizes with cedar, and clove oil is recommended for use with cedar and lavender. Peppermint works well with lavender. Tea tree oil can be mixed with clove oil (if you add lavender, the smell will become a little softer).

How to use?

Having chosen the right oil, do not think that you need to use it in the house or in nature in one way. Check out the information on how to adapt various mosquito oils at home:

  • How to prepare a spray? Prepare in advance 10 ml. alcohol and 100 ml. water. Pour alcohol into some container and combine it with 8-9 drops of essential oil, pour out water and stir until the components are completely dissolved. Then pour into a sprayer. Such a tool can be applied from a spray bottle to clothes or anointed some parts of the body with a cotton swab dipped in the prepared solution (in moderation). Spray protection will last no more than 2 hours.
  • How to make mosquito repellent cream? You will need 80-100 ml. any baby cream (neutral). In it you need to add from 9 to 11 drops of the selected essential oil. Mix the mass well and transfer to an opaque container with a tight lid.

  • Oily consistency. Many natural remedies are mainly sold in a pharmacy in a form that immediately allows them to be used. They can be smeared on the body or used for an aroma lamp. Repeat the application no more than 3 hours later.
  • Buy a bracelet with segments made of natural wood. This natural material perfectly absorbs smells and keeps them for a long time. Put a few drops of any oil you like on the bracelet. But such bracelets are considered not the most the best protection, because oil vapors are usually unevenly distributed and bites are unlikely to be avoided.

  • Take an ordinary thick candle, set fire to it, wait until the wax melts a little, and drip some essential oil into it. This method is especially effective in apartments. In stores, you can buy ready-made scented candles.

Advice! If you decide to choose mixed version use natural products, then pay attention to the fact that all mixtures include lavender essential oil in order to make it softer and easier for a person to smell. This combination should not harm the child.

Combination recipes various oils according to the formula "5 to 5" (5 drops of each):

  1. Mix lavender essential oil with cedar essential oil;
  2. Add tea tree and clove essential oils to lavender essential oil;
  3. Combine lavender essential oil with clove essential oil and peppermint oil;
  4. Mix lavender essential oil with peppermint oil.

Be careful when using essential oils

Sometimes used natural substances you like can provoke an allergy with serious consequences.

Oils that are dangerous for people with an allergic predisposition:

  • citronella;
  • cloves (when using it, severe shortness of breath may be observed);
  • eucalyptus;
  • lavender (its aroma is considered the safest);
  • rosemary.

Remember: children under 3 years old are not recommended to apply any oil at all to protect against insects. In this case, it is better to use a spray that is simply sprayed in the air or place scented candles near the playing area in an open space.

Essential oils against mosquitoes are very a good remedy from insects to outdoors. miraculous summer time brings many opportunities for recreation, travel, hiking or just walking. Along with the heat come mosquitoes and other insects that give us a lot of trouble. Mosquitoes annoy us on a walk, in an apartment, despite Mosquito nets and other means of protection.

If there are small children in the house, then you can use essential oil for mosquitoes in the same way as vinegar. It will help get rid of annoying flying, improve immunity and improve well-being.

Oils from the list below should be chosen according to your own preferences, having previously studied their main qualities. So, insects are most effectively repelled by extracts of the following plants:

  • Carnation;
  • citronella;
  • lavender;
  • rosemary;
  • geranium;
  • tea tree oil.

Detailed description of properties

Clove oil is obtained from the flowers of the clove plant by grinding. It has an antiseptic, healing effect. It can be used if a bite occurs, with cuts and other skin lesions. Clove oil has a very concentrated smell and volatile substances, which repel midges and mosquitoes. Before trying clove oil for mosquitoes, you need to check if you are allergic to it.

Citronella oil.

Lavender and rosemary oil.

These aroma oils are similar in their properties, but different in aroma. Both oils are used for antiseptic purposes. The scent of lavender is widely used to repel moths and flies.

Geranium is very famous a wide range actions. The most basic qualities are the ability to purify the air, improve sleep and relieve headaches. You can also call geranium oil an antidepressant. It relieves irritation and eliminates unreasonable fear.

Tui oil.

It has a coniferous, camphoric, viscous aroma. It has antibacterial, antimicrobial, wound healing, anti-inflammatory properties. Helps in the treatment of bronchitis and asthma. It is used for inhalation in violation of functions respiratory tract. Used in cosmetic purposes as well as in the treatment skin diseases. It is added to creams, ointments for acne.

Tea tree oil is used both in folk and in traditional medicine. It has a unique composition, is used as an antiviral, antifungal, wound healing and drying agent. In addition, it is the strongest immunomodulator in the autumn-winter period. Due to the volatility of the aroma, tea tree oil is used in the fight against mosquitoes and mosquitoes.

It is worth noting that, despite all the healing qualities, essential oils against mosquitoes can cause allergic reactions from the body. To find the right remedy, you need to conduct a small reaction test. To do this, inhale a little ethereal aroma and drop one drop on inside wrists and follow the reaction of the body.

If there are no abnormalities in the body, such as itching, sneezing, difficulty breathing, then the oil is suitable.

How to use oils correctly

Essential oils against mosquitoes can be used in several ways.

  1. Spray. It is necessary to take water and alcohol in a proportion of 100 per 10 ml, 10 - 15 drops suitable means. After all, pour everything into a spray bottle, stir, spray the room and exposed skin. Can be sprayed onto any surface.
  2. Use of an aroma lamp. To do this, pour 10-15 ml of water into the recess and drop a couple of drops of your favorite oil. Light a candle, put it in a special hole. To prolong the effect, the agent must be periodically added a few drops to the existing mixture.
  3. Like a body cream. Add a few drops of oil to the finished cream without flavors. It can be tea tree oil or another kind you like. Mix, store in the refrigerator. Can be applied before going outside or at bedtime. We get double effect: the skin is saturated with useful and nutrients and protection against insect bites.
  4. You can moisten the aroma sticks in oil, put them on a napkin or insert them into a glass. The spreading fragrance will repel mosquitoes. The radius of action is small, so sticks are best placed nearby.
  5. To the above, you can add a tool such as aromakulon. This is a miniature container with a hole. It is worn as an ornament on a chain or cord. Aromakulon is a universal remedy that is always nearby.

To prevent mosquitoes and midges from entering the room, you can process window frames, doorways, and flower pots prepared mixture. Vegetable and essential oils must be mixed in a proportion of 2 tbsp. spoons for 15 drops. Another recipe for the mixture can be applied to the skin. You will need two tablespoons of any vegetable oil, one tablespoon of aloe vera and 10 - 15 drops of an essential agent.