This question is especially relevant for students of technical universities and those who work in the technical industry. Although, for schoolchildren, the answer to this question is also necessary. In our article we will tell you options on how to make a fraction in Word. Naturally, we will talk about the type of fraction that is written through a horizontal line.

You can make a fraction in Word by inserting a special character. However, the question immediately arises: where to find it, because it is not displayed on the keyboard. This is exactly what we will talk about below.

Making a fraction in a document using symbols

In the Word text editor, there is a set of characters where you can find unusual characters. How to use them to make a fraction in Word?

Inserting a fraction into a document: another way

In a Word document, some fractions (for example, 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4) are automatically replaced by other symbols (?, ?, ?) when entered. But sometimes they remain unchanged. In order for the user to insert a fraction symbol, he must go to the “Insert” tab, then click “Symbol”, and then select the item called “Other Symbols”. Next, the user needs to select the “Set” item, and immediately after select the required fraction. The last step is to click the “Insert” button and then the “Close” button.

How to make a fraction in Word 2007?

This section is for those who prefer to use the 2007 version of the program. So, how can you insert a fraction into a Word document in this case?

Go to the “Insert” tab, which is located on the toolbar at the top of the page. Next, click on the “Formula” button. Immediately after this, a tab called “Designer” should appear on the screen. This is where many formulas are presented, and here you can find the fraction we need.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. Even a novice user of the Word text editor can cope with this task.

Writing a fraction in Word 2010

There is nothing complicated about this either, the main thing is to follow all our instructions. So, first, the user must go to the “Insert” tab, then go to the “Formula” item, select the option you need.

How to add fractions to a document: Word 2003

In order to add a fraction symbol in this version of the program, the user must find an arrow in the menu. It is when you run it that a tab called “Toolbar Options” is displayed. Next, the user clicks on it, and then selects the item that says about adding a button. Next, the user must go to the “Teams” tab. After that, select and look for the “Formula Editor” item. It looks something like this:

Putting a fraction: method No. 2

If the user needs to place a number on top of another character, separating them with a horizontal line, then the functions of the Word text editor can easily do this. What needs to be done for this? The user needs to place the cursor at the place where the fraction is planned to be placed. Next, go to the text editor menu, to the “Insert” section. Then in the “Symbol” section, which allows you to insert into a text document symbols that are not on the keyboard (for example, a trademark, a citation mark, etc.) After that, we find the “Fraction” item and select the simple fraction format we need.

Below are practical tips on how to insert simple and complex text into text using the Word office suite. mathematical formulas.

Amount icon on the panel

Symbols for standard mathematical operations can be found on the tab Insert, toolbar Symbols.

For example, a sign Amounts you will find in this pop-up window.

If you don't find it, open it Other characters and look in the list.

Insert sum, subtraction, multiplication and division

A simple sum formula can also be written using this panel.



Division in three versions at once
Multiply in two variations

You will also find there root, integral, differential and many other useful symbols. Right drop-down list Set opens a list of character groups to insert.

If desired, you can customize the settings autocorrect And keyboard shortcut, to speed up the process of entering the required characters.

Making a complex formula

If you need to insert a complex formula containing fractions, powers, indices or something else, then it is better to resort to another mechanism.

Microsoft Word specifically provides a comprehensive editor. This tool, integrated into a text editor, works with equations as text rather than images, and then, if necessary, any function can be easily edit, which is quite convenient.

The editor window looks like this.

How to write an equation

Let's see how to insert a complex equation in different versions of the Word office suite.

Formula editor in Word 2003

Place the cursor at the desired location in the document to insert and click tab InsertAn object.

In the pop-up window select Microsoft equation 3.0 and click OK.

In the editor window you can select any required signs and symbols to create an equation any complexity, among them: fractions, powers, roots, and so on.

To exit from input mode, click on any empty space outside this window, then continue to type your text.

Inserting formulas in Word 2007, 2010, 2013

In all these versions the principle of finding the editor is similar. On the panel at the top, go to the tab Insert.

There we find Formula or The equation.

We apply the necessary templates and create Formula.

The editor may not be installed. Then you will need to additionally install this component by running the installer in the category Facilities choose " Formula editor».

Making up formulas

For the convenience of working with a large number of mathematical values, we recommend attaching this panel to the main, simple drag and drop using the left mouse button (Word 2003). In older versions, this icon is already located on the panel.

Enter according to the required template. For example, upper And lower indexes are entered this way.

For recruitment fractions this panel is used.

Here, it should be noted that shaded rectangles mean that text is already contained in that part, and empty serve to enter new text.

Fractions can be in two versions; based on your tasks, you can choose both inclined and straight ones.

Window for enclosing expressions in parentheses.

In the same way, individual parts of an expression can be distinguished.

Input Panel greek symbols.

A similar window with capital letters is located to the right of this one.

Using the next panel, you can enter a space, since standard keyboard entry will not work in this case.

Can customize font for naming functions, variables, vectors, text and everything else. To do this we use the menu Style.

In order for the text to be italic, it should be marked with the style “ text».

Sometimes in a text it is necessary to write down a fractional number. If there are no special requirements for registration, then this can be done quite simply using a slash «/» . In other cases, users sometimes show ingenuity, but we will next look at how to make a fraction in Word correctly.

Inserting fractions in Word:
1. On the tab "Insert" on the menu "The equation" select item "Insert New Equation".
2. On the tab “Working with equations / Constructor” select item "Fraction" and set the required type of simple fraction.
3. Enter your values ​​in the appropriate areas of the equation.

By the way, some fractional values ​​written through a slash can be found in symbols, but we are still interested in the option of writing one number under another.

You can write a fraction in Word in the way we need through the menu "The equation" on the tab "Insert", i.e. we will need to write down the formula. Selecting a menu item "The equation" you need to select an option "Insert New Equation".

After the area for writing the equation appears, an additional tab will appear "Working with Equations", in which you should already select the item "Fraction".

On the menu "Fraction" a simple fraction is suitable for us, and after selecting it, it will immediately appear in the area for writing the formula. In this way, it was not possible to place a fraction in Word with empty columns in which you need to enter your values.

Fractional expressions are common in technical, scientific and educational texts. In the simplest cases, you can get by with a regular slash. However, in the case of “multi-story expressions,” you will have to use additional Word capabilities.

You will need

  • Computer, Word


  • Simple fractions can be printed by inserting special characters to represent certain fractions. To do this, select the menu items "Insert-Symbol". In the sign that appears with a set of symbols, select the sign of the desired fraction (if it is there). Unfortunately, the list of available fraction symbols is very limited and is limited in standard fonts to the following values: ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?. The set of ready-made fractions may vary depending on the font selected in the Font field. However, even if a special font provides a large selection of fractions, this does not mean that these symbols will be displayed the same way on another computer.
  • It is convenient to re-enter fractions using the special “Previously Used Symbols” panel.
  • If the above fractions are used very often, then here you can configure hotkey combinations or autocorrect parameters.

  • To type any fraction, type the numerator, followed by a slash (/), followed by the denominator of the fraction. To give such a fraction a more natural look, select the numerator, right-click, select the “Font” line in the context menu that appears, and check the box with the word “superscript”. Perform a similar operation with the denominator of the fraction. Just put a tick in front of the word “subscript”.
  • You can print a fraction by combining vertical offset and decreasing font size. Write the numerator and denominator of the common fraction, separating them with a slash. Now select the numerator and select “Font” in the context (or main) menu. Specify a font size that is about a third smaller than the default one (for example, 8 pt instead of 12 pt). Then go to the “Spacing” tab and in the “Offset” line select the “Up” value. The offset value can be left at its default value. After that, do a similar procedure with the denominator. Only "Offset" needs to be selected "Down".
  • If a fraction sign (horizontal line) is used in complex mathematical expressions, then it is better to print such a line (like the entire expression) using the formula editor. To do this, select the following menu items: “Insert – Object – Microsoft Equation 3.0”. After that, the mathematical formula editor will launch, where you can print any fraction. If the "Microsoft Equation 3.0" object does not appear in the drop-down menu, then this option was not installed when you installed Word. To do this, insert the disk with the Word program of the same version and run the installation program. Check the Microsoft Equation 3.0 box and after installation this feature will become available. In Microsoft Word 2007, the formula editor is already built into the taskbar.
  • There is another way to type a complex fraction in Word. Select the following items: "Insert - Field - Formula - Eq". Now select the fraction icon in the editor that opens.
  • You can print a fraction using a special “symbolic” formula editor. To do this, press the key combination Ctrl+F9. Then, inside the curly braces that appear, type: eq f(1;2) and press F9. The result will be one half, recorded in a classic, “vertical” form. To get the desired fraction, type the numerator instead of one, and type the denominator of the fraction instead of two. By the way, the resulting fraction can be edited in the future using a “regular” formula editor.
  • As a last resort, you can draw the fraction symbol (horizontal line) yourself. To do this, expand the drawing panel, select the line tool and draw a suitable horizontal segment. To “add” the numerator and denominator to the resulting line, in the “text wrapping” option settings you must select “before the text” or “behind the text”.
  • Tip added October 4, 2011 Tip 2: How to print fractions If you are writing a term paper or composing any other document that contains a calculation part, then you can’t escape fractional expressions, which also need to be printed. Let's look at how to do this below.


  • Click once on the “Insert” menu item, then select “Symbol”. This is one of the easiest ways to insert fractions into text. It consists in the following. The set of ready-made symbols includes fractions. Their number, as a rule, is small, but if you need to write ? in the text, and not 1/2, then this option will be the most optimal for you. In addition, the number of fraction characters may depend on the font. For example, for the Times New Roman font there are slightly fewer fractions than for the same Arial. Vary fonts to find the best option when it comes to simple expressions.
  • Click on the “Insert” menu item and select the “Object” sub-item. A window will appear in front of you with a list of possible objects to insert. Choose among them Microsoft Equation 3.0. This app will help you print fractions. And not only fractions, but also complex mathematical expressions containing various trigonometric functions and other elements. Double-click on this object with the left mouse button. A window will appear in front of you containing many symbols.
  • To print a fraction, select the symbol representing a fraction with an empty numerator and denominator. Click on it once with the left mouse button. An additional menu will appear, clarifying the diagram of the fraction itself. There may be several options. Select the one that suits you best and click on it once with the left mouse button.
  • Enter all the required data for the numerator and denominator of the fraction. This will happen directly on the document sheet. The fraction will be inserted as a separate object, which, if necessary, can be moved to any place in the document. You can print multi-story fractions. To do this, place another fraction in the numerator or denominator (as you need), which can be selected in the window of the same application.
  • How to print fractions - printable version


    Simple fractions can be printed by inserting special characters to represent certain fractions. To do this, select the menu items "Insert-Symbol". In the sign that appears with a set of symbols, select the sign of the desired fraction (if it is there). Unfortunately, the list of available fraction symbols is limited in standard fonts to the following values: ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?. The set of ready-made fractions may vary depending on the font selected in the Font field. However, even if one special font provides a large selection of fractions, this does not mean that these symbols will be displayed the same way in another.

    To print any ordinary fraction, type its numerator, then the oblique sign (/), and then the denominator of the fraction. To give such a fraction a more natural look, select the numerator, right-click, select the “Font” line in the context menu that appears, and check the box with the word “superscript”. Perform a similar operation with the denominator of the fraction. Just put a tick in front of the word “subscript”.

    You can print a fraction by combining vertical offset and decreasing font size. Write the numerator and denominator of the common fraction by dividing them with a slash. Now select the numerator and select “Font” in the context (or main) menu. Specify a font size that is about a third smaller than the default one (for example, 8 pt instead of 12 pt). Then go to the “Spacing” tab and in the “Offset” line select the “Up” value. The offset value can be left at its default value. After that, do a similar procedure with the denominator. Only "Offset" needs to be selected "Down".

    If a fraction sign (horizontal line) is used in complex mathematical expressions, then it is better to print such a line (like the entire expression) using the formula editor. To do this, select the following menu items: “Insert – Object – Microsoft Equation 3.0”. After that, the mathematical formula editor will launch, where you can print any fraction. If the "Microsoft Equation 3.0" object does not appear in the drop-down menu, then this option was not installed when you installed Word. To do this, insert the disk with the Word program of the same version and run the installation program. Check the Microsoft Equation 3.0 box and after installation this feature will become available. In Microsoft Word 2007, the formula editor is already built into the taskbar.

    There is another way to type a complex fraction in Word. Select the following items: "Insert - Field - Formula - Eq". Now select the fraction icon in the editor that opens.

    You can print a fraction using a special “symbolic” formula editor. To do this, press the key combination Ctrl+F9. Then, inside the curly braces that appear, type: eq f(1;2) and press F9. The result will be one half, recorded in a classic, “vertical” form. To get the desired fraction, type the numerator instead of one, and type the denominator of the fraction instead of two. By the way, the resulting fraction can be edited in the future using a “regular” formula editor.

    As a last resort, you can draw the fraction symbol (horizontal line) yourself. To do this, expand the drawing panel, select the line tool and draw a suitable horizontal segment. To “add” the numerator and denominator to the resulting line, in the “text wrapping” option settings you must select “before the text” or “behind the text”.


    Entering a fraction can be significantly speeded up if you use a special field: “Sign code”. for example, to get "one second", enter "00BD" (or "00bd") in this field.

    Helpful advice

    All options are designed for Word 2003 (XP). All other versions differ slightly.


    • How does a fraction decrease by a fraction?
    • Making fractions at home

    Probably every person, as a student, wrote an essay at least once in his life. Students who write essays on topics related to calculus have most likely encountered the problem of adding formulas and fractions in a word processor. The Microsoft Office software package contains objects called “Microsoft Equation” that allow you to create a mathematical expression of any complexity.

    You will need

    • Microsoft Office Word 2007 software.


    As a result of these actions, space is now added to the document we are editing to create an additional formula.

    In the main menu, the “Designer” tab opens in front of you. In the “Structures” group, click the “Fraction” item, in which you need to select the desired item from the drop-down list called “Vertical simple fraction”.

    After completing the previous step and adding a special place in the document for creating a formula, it is possible to insert a template for a vertical fraction. To do this, click on the square that is in the numerator of the fraction and add to it the expression that is in the numerator of your first fraction. After all these actions, click on the square that is in the denominator of the fraction, and add to it the expression that is in the denominator of the first fraction.

    After creating the first fraction that has been successfully added to the document, click to the right of it and add a "+" sign.

    Video on the topic

    A fraction is one of the elements of formulas for which there is a Microsoft Equation tool for entering in the Word word processor. Using it, you can enter any complex mathematical or physical formulas, equations and other elements that include special characters.


    To launch the Microsoft Equation tool, you need to go to: “Insert” -> “Object”, in the dialog box that opens, on the first tab from the list you need to select Microsoft Equation and click “Ok” or double-click on the selected item. After launching the editor, a toolbar will open in front of you and an input field will be displayed: a dotted rectangle. The toolbar is divided into sections, each of which contains a set of action symbols or expressions. When you click on one of the sections, a list of tools located in it will expand. From the list that opens, select the desired symbol and click on it. Once selected, the specified symbol will appear in the selected rectangle in the document.

    The section containing elements for writing fractions is located in the second line of the toolbar. When you hover your mouse over it, you will see the tooltip “Patterns of Fractions and Radicals”. Click the section once and expand the list. The drop-down menu has templates for fractions with horizontal and slashes. From the options that appear, you can choose the one that suits your task. Click on the desired option. After clicking, in the input field that opens in the document, a fraction symbol and places for entering the numerator and denominator, framed by a dotted line, will appear. The default cursor is automatically placed in the numerator input field. Enter the numerator. In addition to numbers, you can also enter mathematical symbols, letters or action signs. They can be entered either from the keyboard or from the corresponding sections of the Microsoft Equation toolbar. After the numerator, press the TAB key to move to the denominator. You can also go by clicking in the field to enter the denominator. Once the formula is written, click the mouse pointer anywhere in the document, the toolbar will close, and entering the fraction will be completed. To edit a fraction, double-click on it with the left mouse button.

    If, when you open the “Insert” -> “Object” menu, you do not find the Microsoft Equation tool in the list, you need to install it. Launch the installation disk, disk image, or Word distribution file. In the installer window that appears, select “Add or remove components. Add or remove individual components" and click "Next". In the next window, check the “Advanced application settings” option. Click Next. In the next window, find the “Office Tools” list item and click on the plus sign on the left. In the expanded list, we are interested in the “Formula Editor” item. Click on the icon next to “Equation Editor” and, in the menu that opens, click “Run from my computer.” After that, click “Update” and wait until the required component is installed.

    Fractional numbers are divided into two groups according to their recording form, one of which is called “ordinary” fractions, and the other is called “decimal”. If there are no problems with writing decimal fractions in text documents, then the procedure for placing “two-story” ordinary and mixed fractions (a special case of ordinary) in the text is a little more complicated. If a regular slash (/) is not enough to separate the numerator and denominator, then you can resort to the capabilities of the Microsoft Office Word word processor.


    Go to the “Insert” tab of the word processor menu and click on the “Formula” button placed in the “Characters” command group. Please note that you need to click on the button, and not on the drop-down list label placed close to it (to the right). In this way, the “Formula Builder” is launched and an additional tab with the same name is added to the menu, on which the control elements of this constructor are located. If you nevertheless open the drop-down button “Formula”, then you can launch the designer from it by selecting the line “Insert new formula” at the bottom of the list.

    Click the "Fraction" button - it is placed in the first position in the commands called "Structures" on the "Design" tab. This action brings up a list containing nine options for writing a common fraction. Some of them already have the most commonly used special characters written by default in the numerator and denominator. Select the option that suits you best, and Word will place it in the created frame of the new formula.

    Edit the numerator and denominator of the created fraction. Adjacent to the upper left corner of the frame of the object containing your fraction is a vertical rectangle with three dots - using the mouse, you can move the fraction by dragging the object by this rectangle. If there is a need to change a fraction, just click on it to turn on the “Formula Editor”.

    In the character encoding tables used by the computer, there are signs that represent simple fractions. There are only three of them, and you can insert these symbols in the same way as, for example, a copyright sign. There are several ways to insert, the simplest of them is implemented like this: enter the code of the desired character and press the key combination alt + x. Using code 00BC you can write the fraction ¼, code 00BD puts the fraction ½ in the text, and 00BE - ¾ (all letters in the codes are Latin).

    Video on the topic


    Click once on the “Insert” menu item, then select “Symbol”. This is one of the easiest ways to insert fractions into text. It consists in the following. The set of ready-made symbols includes fractions. Their number, as a rule, is small, but if you need to write ½ in the text rather than 1/2, then this option will be the most optimal for you. In addition, the number of fraction characters may depend on the font. For example, for the Times New Roman font there are slightly fewer fractions than for the same Arial. Vary fonts to find the best option when it comes to simple expressions.