For normal life support in the house or in the country should be constantly running water. Most often, the sources are a well or a well. Preferably a well. Firstly, because, as a rule, rather deep-lying aquifers with cleaner water are achieved. Second, they last longer. Thirdly, their debit (replenishment rate) is much higher. It is also important that it is possible to drill water wells with your own hands. There are several technologies, you just have to choose.

Water near the house is always good

Methods for self-drilling water wells

Wells for water are drilled or clogged - different technologies involve different methods. Do-it-yourself drilling of wells for water is not possible by all methods, but some can really be used.

Auger drilling

With this technology, a well is made using a special drill - auger. This is a steel pipe, with blades welded in a spiral. When rotating, the projectile plunges into the ground. After it goes to its entire depth, it is taken out, the soil remaining on the blades is poured out. The auger is lowered into the well again, having grown the pipe from above, excavation continues. So, over and over again, taking out the projectile and shaking off the soil, they drill a well. Pipes at the ends can be threaded or connected with studs.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is not suitable for all types of soils. Normally soft or medium hard rocks are drilled. If there is a rocky or rocky layer, the work will be inefficient - the auger is powerless here. Blockages will be observed in loose soils, which is also problematic.

Quite powerful installations work according to this technology, but there are even hand-held auger drills. They work very hard, but possible. There is a simple device that makes auger drilling of water wells with your own hands easier - this is a tripod with a collar and a block fixed at the top. With the help of a cable, a winch and a block, it is easier to get a drilling tool, and this must be done often.

Motorized drilling rigs are more convenient, and not necessarily purchased ones. There are some interesting crafts. In any case, this is a frame with a movably fixed motor that drives the drill. An example of such a setup is in the next video. The auger drill is not used for water wells, but the essence of the installation itself and the principle of operation do not change from this.

With small sizes of the auger and rods, which increase the length (up to 1.5 m), this method of drilling water wells can also be used inside the house, cottage, bath. The main thing is that the soils are suitable.

Hydrodrilling (using a pump or a pump)

As the name implies, this method uses water to drill wells. When used independently, most often water is pumped into the pipe. It exits through special holes at the bottom of the drill, flows by gravity through the gap between the outer wall of the pipe and the walls of the well.

In addition to a drill and threaded pipes, this method also requires a pump. Before starting work, two pits are dug near the future well. In the first, the main amount of soil settles, in the second, water enters, devoid of most of the impurities. Little water is needed for the process - it constantly circulates. From the first pit, sediments are periodically removed, usually with a shovel. If necessary, if the water has become too dirty, it can be replaced. It is pumped out using the same pump, only it is not fed into the well, but is drained somewhere to the site. Bay a new batch of water can continue drilling.

After the well has reached the required depth, a casing pipe with a filter at the end is inserted into it. Recently, HDPE or PVC pipe is most often used. It is easier to work with HDPE - it bends well. The filter is holes drilled at the end of the casing. The length of such a filter is about a meter. Then you can wind a stainless steel wire on top, and a fine mesh of the same stainless steel on top.

Shock rope method

One of the easiest to implement ways to make a well on your own is shock-rope. But it is also the slowest, in the absence of mechanization, it requires significant physical effort. On the other hand, it can be considered as a simulator. Moreover, it is very effective - almost all the muscles of the body work.

Do-it-yourself shock-rope drilling of water wells is a universal method that can be used on any type of soil. Only the projectile changes, but the technology and installation remains the same:

The wireline drilling rig can be implemented in different ways. The most common type is a tripod, in the center of which a block is fixed. But the block can also be attached to an L-shaped structure; an electric motor with a gearbox can also be used to facilitate labor.

Tripod - the most common type of installation

The technology of shock-rope drilling itself is very simple: the projectile is lifted, released into free fall. This is repeated many times. With each blow, the well becomes a little deeper. When a section of 50 cm has been passed, the projectile is removed, freed from the ground. And everything repeats again.

To drill faster, you need a heavy projectile. If the pipe walls are thick, the mass can be significant anyway. If necessary, you can make it heavier - fill the upper part of the pipe with lead. Also, to speed up the passage, the lower edge can be sharpened, but this must be done so that the bevel is directed inward. One more thing: pay attention to the slots in the drilling shells. They make it easier to remove the rock. This is especially important when passing dense, viscous clay layers.

A cable for a percussion-rope drilling rig is needed with a diameter of 10-12 mm. If you work by hand, gloves are required. When passing the upper layers, it is easier to use a hand drill, and for easier passage of the upper layers in dry times, you can pour water into the drilled well.

Casing pipe and filter

All the technologies described above for self-drilling water wells have common features. After the well has entered the aquifer (water will appear in large quantities in the rock), they continue to drill for some time, going deep into the aquifer by 1-2 meters. Then the entire drill string is dismantled, and a casing pipe is installed inside the well.

The piping needs to be dealt with. Select the diameter depending on the size of the well you drilled and the type of pump you plan to use. We must carefully consider the choice of material. For some time, asbestos pipes were used for the casing. But they are very harmful - the strongest carcinogen. Do not use galvanized pipes either - zinc is not excreted from the body, it accumulates. And poisoning them has very bad consequences.

There is not so much choice left - pipes made of steel and stainless steel, as well as plastic pipes - HDPE and PVC. Stainless steel is almost ideal, except for the price and complexity of welding. In order for the seam not to rust, welding in an argon environment is necessary, and this is not easy. Although, to some extent, special stainless steels can help.

In recent years, plastic pipes have become increasingly popular. PVC and HDPE are cheap and cheerful, but for their installation, the well must be perfectly level. Another point - plastic does not tolerate loads very well. Therefore, they can be used at a shallow depth - up to 15 meters. In any case, it is not worth installing sewer pipes for a well, it is still better to find water pipes, although they are more expensive: the walls in them are of different thickness, so investments will be justified.

Steel pipes will definitely not collapse and stand for a long time, but they also have a significant drawback: they rust. Nevertheless, of the options described above, it is the metal that is optimal if there are no funds for stainless steel.

In order for water to enter the casing pipe, a filter is made in its lower part, which is immersed in the aquifer. Holes are made in the pipe. There are two options. The first - with a large diameter drill, in four rows in a checkerboard pattern. The second - longitudinal slots are cut with a grinder (size 1.5-2.5 mm).

A wire (3-4 mm in diameter) is wound on top of the pipe, and a mesh with a very small cell is attached on top of it. It is best to use stainless steel. In this case, it will be possible to wash the sediment filter with washing solutions, and the wire and mesh can be welded to the pipe.

If you use any other metal, after a while the filter will fail. Ferrous metal rusts, the rest are destroyed due to electrolytic corrosion.

Abyssinian well or well-needle

This is a type of manual drilling of wells for water and cannot be called drilling - a special rod with a cast cone-shaped tip is driven into the ground, increasing as needed with pipes-rods (one 1-2 meters long), which are connected by thread. This type of wells is called differently, driven, Abyssinian, needle. All this about one method.

The difference from all other methods is that these pipes remain in the ground, it is through them that water will flow. That is, this is a well without casing. It is pierced with the help of these pipes, and then they are used. Therefore, as the rods with which the needle is built up, water pipes with a thick wall are used. Diameter from 25 -32 mm. Since the pipes are clogged forever, their connection must be airtight. Traditionally, to increase reliability, a winding (usually linen) is used, it can be coated with a sealant.

The first element of the Abyssinian well is called the needle. But the tip-peak is far from the only difference between this piece and others. Holes are drilled in almost the entire length of the pipe. This is a water filter. Water will flow through them. So that they are not clogged with rock, a wire is wound in a spiral over the pipe, and a fine mesh is attached to it. In order for the well to serve for a long time, not to clog, it was possible to flush, the wire and mesh must be made of stainless steel. Only in this embodiment, the filter will serve for a long time and without problems. The use of other metals, albeit stainless ones, greatly reduces the life of the well - metals are destroyed due to electrolytic corrosion. Therefore, brass, copper or any other wire or mesh on a steel pipe is not suitable.

The first element of the Abyssinian well is a needle with a spike tip and a filter

One more moment. So that when clogging the mesh and winding is not torn off, they are welded to the pipe. The next point: the diameter of the wide part of the cone should be wider than the diameter of the pipe. When clogging, the cone leaves a hole of a greater width than the winding pipe following them, therefore it will not be torn off.

The technical process of driving a well-needle is extremely simple: they hit the pipe, driving it into the ground. But if you knock something heavy on the top of the pipe, it will deform. Therefore, they make a special device - a headstock and a cone that is screwed onto the top of the pipe. Inside the headstock, the impact surface also has the shape of a cone. The existing cavities inside are filled with lead - to increase the weight. The more the projectile weighs, the faster the pipe will clog, but keep in mind that you need to lift it with your hands and a lot of times.

The woman herself is much larger in diameter than the pipe that will be hammered. So that during its movement there is no play at the bottom, a washer of a suitable diameter is installed (slightly larger than the outer diameter of the pipe). As a result, the headstock moves freely up / down, but without any backlash. The height of the projectile is determined by its size - it is necessary that it does not fly off the clogged pipe. The appearance of the headstock for driving the Abyssinian well and its drawing are located below.

This is not the only device with which wells are clogged. They make a powerful clamp on the pipe, which is fixed according to the clamp principle. Instead of a headstock, a heavy metal ring with two handles is used. How to work with them - see the video.

As you can see, it is possible to break a well for water inside the house or even at the bottom of an old well. Not much space is needed.

How to equip a punched well

Punching/drilling a well is not enough. We still need to raise the water, and this is a completely different story. If you want to make the water supply constant, with normal pressure, so that you can connect household appliances, you will need.

For seasonal water supply in the country, you can get by with a more modest set:

  • vibration pump;
  • check valve, which is installed in front of the pump;
  • water container;
  • watering hose;
  • taps, etc.

Please note that the check valve is installed in front of the pump, and not at the end of the hose submerged into the well. Just like that, this very hose will not break during frosts. Another plus of such a device is that it is easier to dismantle for the winter.

Another tip: the well must be closed with something. In permanent residences, a caisson is made - a concrete or plastic bunker, which is located below the freezing depth. It contains all the equipment. When using water only periodically, the caisson is too expensive. But something needs to close the well. Firstly, some kind of living creature may fall into it, which will not please you in any way. Secondly, "good" neighbors can drop something. A more budgetary way out is to build. An even cheaper option is to dig a pit, beat it with a board, and make a wooden cover. Key point: all this should be locked.

Not all owners of suburban areas are ready to lay out large sums to attract drillers to construct a water well. However, the convenience of using your own water intake is difficult to overestimate. You can save money by building a water source with your own hands. How to make it?

You will learn everything about how manual drilling of wells for water is carried out from the article we have proposed. We will tell you how and how the work is done, what novice drillers will need to implement the idea. Based on our recommendations, you will be able to drill and equip the development without any problems.

For independent craftsmen, we have given and analyzed all the methods of manual drilling, explained in which cases they should be used. We attached schemes of drilling rigs and shells available for self-production, posted photo collections and video instructions.

Own source of water is a great opportunity to provide yourself and your loved ones with clean life-giving water and satisfy household needs. By drilling, it is possible to solve the problem of water supply for several decades to come.

The choice of drilling method and the scope of work on well construction depends on the type of hydraulic structure.

Abyssinian type well

If the water on the site is supposedly located at a depth of 10-15 meters, then it is more profitable and easier to arrange an Abyssinian well. This type of hydraulic structure uses an aquifer located above a water-impermeable clay formation. The aquifer is fed by infiltration of atmospheric precipitation and waters of nearby reservoirs.

A simple well-needle can be drilled even by a novice craftsman who is just mastering basic drilling skills

A relatively shallow narrow well is a string of thick-walled VGP pipes with a diameter of 50 - 80 mm. In the lower, very first link of the column, a special filter is arranged by drilling holes from the walls of the pipe.

The pipes perform the function of the trunk; the Abyssinian needle well does not require additional casing. It is not drilled, but immersed in the ground by driving.

Features of sand wells

With a depth of the aquifer up to 30 - 40 meters, common in loose, incoherent deposits, a sandy one is built. It is called so because it extracts water from water-saturated sands.

The fifty-meter depth of the source is not able to guarantee crystal clear water, and therefore the contents of the well should be checked in the laboratory for the presence of chemical compounds

The aquifer of the well on the sand is located only three to four dozen meters from the surface. And in order to reach it, one does not have to go through hard - rocky and semi-rocky rocks. Therefore, it will not be difficult to manually drill a sand well if you apply one of the methods described below.

Deep artesian well

But when planning to drill an artesian well, you can’t do it on your own. Artesian water is distributed through cracks in impenetrable rocky and semi-rocky rocks at a depth of about 40-200 meters.

The task of drilling a well for limestone can only be handled by professionals who have the necessary knowledge and have at their disposal special equipment for drilling.

To determine the depth of water, they should be guided by the data of hydraulic structures of this kind, drilled not far from the upcoming work site.

Since an artesian well is capable of providing several sections with water at once, it is convenient to order drilling services in a pool. This will significantly save on drilling and arranging a water supply source.

Methods of self-drilling

In order to choose the best one for you personally, you must first study their specifics and understand what tool you need, whether it will be possible to drill with your own hands.

Manual screw method

Drilling with auger is one of the most common and affordable methods. It is effective in the construction of wells, the depth of which does not exceed 40 m.

The auger is a helical rod equipped with a drill bit and angled steel blades.

The essence of the method lies in the fact that the auger, like a corkscrew, is screwed into the ground. As it penetrates into the soil, the helical rod destroys the layers, and its metal blades bring the worked-out earth to the surface.

There are two types of augers used for manual drilling of wells:

  • Rods, cutting blades to which are welded at a right angle.
  • Structures, the blades to which are welded at an angle of 30-60 °.

In work, the designs of the second version are more convenient. Due to the arrangement of the blades at an angle, the crushed soil does not fall into the well, but is completely extracted to the surface.

To facilitate manual labor and speed up the process, small-sized screw installations can be used.

This technique is especially effective if the work is to be done with complex soils, which include rock inclusions.

Small-sized auger installations work on the same principle as a hand drill, but are driven by an electric motor.

You can generally drill a shallow well to take water for watering the garden using a garden drill. True, for casing the walls, pipes will be required, from which the shaft is assembled, and metal pipes-rods required for building.

Core drilling is performed using a special tool in the form of a pipe equipped with a crown. The specificity of drilling and the diameter of the pipe, which does not exceed 160 mm, allows you to work quickly enough. During the day of work, depending on the density of the rock, you can walk up to several tens of meters.

With the help of the mount located in the upper part of the core barrel, one and a half meter rods are built up as the tool is deepened. The build-up is carried out in stages, forming a technological column from a projectile with rods.

The crown is made of durable metal. The edges of the crown are sharpened so that its incisors can easily cope with dense rocks. The shape and size of the crowns used is determined by the physical and mechanical characteristics of the rock.

As the pipe rotates, equipped with a crown, it penetrates into the rock and forms a hole for a well of the corresponding diameter.

When dealing with superhard rocks, a chisel is used first before sinking the pipes. Then, with the help of a crown, a well is drilled, and the cuttings that have clogged into the core barrel are raised to the surface.

With force descending to the drilling site, the tool breaks the rock, and the cutting bailer located in the lower part captures the cuttings and brings them to the surface

The glass is released from the soil captured by it through its bottom, tapping the walls of the projectile with a sledgehammer. The bailer is cleaned through a technological hole located in its upper part.

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. In the selected place, they dig a hole measuring 1x1 meter at a depth of 0.5 meters.
  2. A garden drill is installed in the center of the pit at a right angle. By turning the tool around its axis, it is buried in the ground. As necessary, the screw rod is extended with a pipe, fixing it by means of a bolted connection.
  3. After the appearance of wet sand, the drill is removed. Instead, a specially assembled casing structure is installed in the hole, which is hammered with a sledgehammer.
  4. The rock collapsed during the installation of the casing is removed with a bailer. Each time the projectile penetrates into the rock formation, it captures and holds part of it.
  5. As the casing pipe deepens, it is increased by another segment of the same diameter. The segments are screwed together or welded together in order to obtain a single sealed shaft.
  6. To deepen the casing, gently turn it and listen to the sounds made. The rattle will occur during the friction of coarse-grained sand, rustling - fine-grained, silence - when passing through clay soil.
  7. For drilling loose rocks, such as loose sand, gravel, gravel, a bailer is used. Clay rocks and dense sands pass through glass.
  8. After performing a series of successive blows, the glass or bailer is raised to the surface, removing the soil from it. After that, the cycle of work is repeated.

As in the previous methods, to facilitate the process of manual drilling of a well, a clay mixture or water is poured into the hole, and then removed using a special bucket. If noise occurs during drilling, the well should be filled with water. If the water leaves slowly, the pipe should be further deepened by half a meter, but if it is fast, only by 20-30 cm.

For shallow working, you can easily. This will require a pipe with a diameter of 100-120 mm, a metal earring and an eye for attaching a cable, which must be attached to the top of the pipe.

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Impact-rotational method

The main difference of this method is that the drilling rig performs both percussion and rotational movements in parallel. This approach speeds up the drilling process. This method is especially effective if it is necessary to equip a hydraulic structure, if the geological section in the area is heterogeneous.

The percussion-rotary method also involves the use of a tripod, with which it is much easier to immerse and then retrieve the drill to the surface.

Percussion-rotary and percussion-rope drilling methods are effective when drilling wells in loose soils, the particles of which are not interconnected. Both methods are suitable for drilling and extraction of clay soils: sandy loam, loam.

When driving in loose rocks, due to the insufficient connection of soil particles with each other at the stage of well construction, there is a high probability of shedding of its walls. Therefore, sand wells are necessarily equipped with casing and filters that prevent large inclusions from entering the extracted water.

Step-by-step auger drilling technology

Among all these methods, screw is considered to be the simplest. But it should be borne in mind that it is effective only when drilling loose and clayey soils.

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Preparing the necessary tools

Before drilling a well manually, it is necessary to prepare the tools:

  • drill or small-sized screw installation.
  • drilling rig with winch.
  • set of 3-4 rods.
  • casing.

If it is necessary to equip a well at a depth of more than 8 meters, to facilitate the immersion of the drill and its subsequent removal from the wellbore, the equipment is fixed to.

The drilling rig can be built from wooden beams or metal pipes, assembling a tripod-shaped structure from them

The size of the tripod should be proportional to the height of the drill string section. To create a structure, the bars are laid in the form of a triangle and fixed by means of a bolted or welding connection.

Holes are made in them for inserting a metal pipe, which will serve as a support. The dimensions of the base are determined only by the stability of the structure.

In the upper part of the structure, an additional hole is equipped through which the rod will pass.

To protect the wellbore from destruction and shedding of the walls, a casing string is installed from pipes that have a high bearing capacity for shear and compressive formation loads. For work, pipes made of metal, asbestos cement or polymers are used.

To create a casing, it is convenient to use pipes equipped with a threaded connection on the outer and inner surfaces.

When assembling the structure, segments of such elements can be easily screwed into each other without using additional assembly units.

Making a screw from improvised materials

The material for, in this case, a helical rod, can be a pipe d100mm. For this purpose, it is better to use stainless steel pipes with a wall thickness of at least 5 mm.

The upper part of the structure must have:

  • on the upper end, a screw thread on the outside for connection with a rod;
  • at the lower end - a screw screw with at least two turns.

To facilitate the process of scrolling the drill, a handle 1.5 meters long is welded to the upper cut of the pipe. The transition element between the handle and collapsible rods will be a tee equipped with an internal screw thread.

The cutting blades of the drill are made from strips of sheet metal 2-2.5 mm thick, which are welded to the pipe at an equidistant distance

Rods with a length of 1.5 meters are made from a pipe of the same diameter:

  • the first rod with an external screw thread at the lower end for attaching a drill;
  • all subsequent rods with threads on both ends of the same size.

Couplings must have the same thread parameters. As it is necessary to build up the structure, they are simply screwed to the auger, having previously unscrewed the handle.

Some craftsmen use an ice drill as an auger. The tool knife in this case performs the function of the cutting blades of the auger. Extension rods are made separately.

In order to use the tool as a drill and be able to reach great depths with it, rods are made from pipes d25 mm for extension

Trying to improve the tool, some craftsmen additionally weld reinforced cutters to the factory edges of an impromptu screw.


They dig a hole measuring 150x150 cm. It is necessary in order to ensure the stability of a vertically installed pipe. So that the walls of the recess do not crumble, they are reinforced with board cuts or pieces of chipboard.

A drill is immersed in the recess and, holding the tool by the handle, they begin to gradually screw into the soil in a clockwise direction.

A drill is immersed in the recess and, holding the tool by the handle, they begin to gradually screw into the soil in a clockwise direction. This work is more convenient to do together: the first will scroll the handle of the tool, and the second will press on it from above.

After passing the first meter, they begin to form the trunk of the structure with a diameter of at least 12-15 cm. To do this, a casing pipe is lowered into the recess. The diameter of the pipe should be slightly larger than the size of the drill blades. Further clogging of pipes is carried out in parallel with the deepening of the well.

After the drill is deepened by 1.5-2 meters, it will already be quite difficult to rotate the tool on its own. To facilitate the work will help the use of pipe wrenches and other gripping devices.

After passing every three to four meters, the screw rod should be removed to the surface, and its mouth should be cleaned from the ground.

When the moment comes that the drilling tool, when immersed, will go deep to its full height, it should be “built up”. To do this, a rod is fixed to it by means of a threaded connection or an extension of the “pin-rod”.

At this stage, it is important to ensure the strength of the connection of the elements. To simplify the task of determining the depth traveled, it is desirable to mark extended rods.

During the passage of the layers, they continue to form the casing string, not forgetting to check the verticality of the wellbore. Even minimal curvature can prevent free lowering of the casing. Therefore, if in the course of work the drill starts to beat against the walls of the casing, wooden wedges are driven in between the soil and the casing to correct the verticality of the wellbore.

Work continues until the soil delivered to the surface is wet. This will indicate that the aquifer is already close. To overcome the aquifer, it remains only to go a little deeper.

It is possible, but undesirable, to mount the casing string even after drilling is completed. After installing the casing pipe in the fully drilled wellbore, it will again be necessary to extract the collapsed soil from the well, but it will already be necessary to act with a bailer.

To prevent the growing casing from sinking into the hole until the next segment is attached, it is held with a clamp

For temporary fixation of the casing string installed in the drilled hole, a device in the form of a collar equipped with handles should be used. It will not allow the casing to sink into the working before the next section of the casing pipe is connected.

But it is worth noting that this method is far from the most rational, since it requires a long-term clearing of the face from sludge. When forming the column, do not lower the pipes to the bottom of the well. They should not reach the lowest point of the bottom by about half a meter.

To form a casing string, plastic pipes are introduced sequentially, connecting the elements as they go deeper.

To facilitate the drilling process with an auger, experts recommend flushing with water from time to time. The jet injected by the pump into the cavity of the casing pipe will flush the waste to the surface.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Drilling a well with a shock-rope method:

The subtleties of making a screw with your own hands:

For those who want to know how to competently drill a water well by hand, we have given proven methods in practice. It is necessary to choose the optimal method of drilling, to seriously approach the choice of the necessary equipment, and when drilling, strictly follow the advice of experienced craftsmen.

The result of the efforts made will be a self-equipped source of water supply, providing clean water to all households.

Would you like to tell how you drilled a well in your own area? Have questions or interesting facts about the topic of the article? Please write your comments in the box below.

Before drilling a well with your own hands, you need to find out the depth of the water horizon, the structure of the soil, and calculate the design characteristics of the water supply system. These characteristics are necessary before starting work:

  • a submersible pump of the required power must be placed in the casing string;
  • the hole in the ground should be 50-100 mm wider than the outer diameter of the casing pipes;
  • the number of rods with which the tool is extended should be sufficient for the expected depth of the water reservoir.

Before drilling a well manually, it is necessary to prepare a filter, casing, pump, caisson. If the casing pipes are not lowered at the end of drilling, the walls will begin to crumble, collapse, and re-driving with a bit will be required. With a shortage of rods for building up a working tool, the bit is often left at the bottom. The upper part crumbles, the tool sticks, it becomes necessary to repair the well before the start of operation.

Which tool to choose for self-drilling a well

By choosing a sand well as a source of water intake, the owner of the site provides a 15-25-year resource, reducing the construction budget. The current legislation allows the free use of subsoil at a depth of 20-25 m for the water supply of the cottage, so the installation of a meter is not required. The only drawback of self-construction is the lack of a well passport, which is necessary to confirm the depth of the aquifer.

Before drilling a well in the sand, exploration of the site is necessary. The best option is exploratory drilling or vertical electrical sounding, providing a 100% guarantee of water availability. The second option is cheaper, produced from the surface, takes much less time.

Manufacturers produce several types of drilling kits:

  • auger drill with a set of rods - a set for 7 m depth costs 10-12 thousand rubles, depending on the diameter of the auger (77-160 mm), pipe (20 or 25 mm), number of augers (3 or 4 pcs.);
  • machine for manual drilling - non-volatile equipment that increases the speed of drilling on loam up to 40 m / day;
  • manual rotary drilling installation - a tripod with a manual winch, hole diameter 7.6-20 cm, depth is not limited, depending on the configuration, it costs 30-120 thousand.

All of the listed devices allow in soft rocks. Large boulders, rocky soil are insurmountable obstacles in this case. Screw technology is simpler, less labor intensive, but requires more space. Percussion drilling is cheaper, but more labor intensive.

The cost of mobile drilling rigs with a gasoline, electric drive starts from 80 thousand, which is not economically viable for independent work. In this case, ordering a service from a specialized company will cost less, the contractor will provide a well passport, warranty obligations. The well will last longer, the standards of SanPiN, SNiP will be observed.

Drilling technology

You can make a well manually with the simplest tool, the working part of which resembles a fishing drill. The tip is made of cutters, which are cut with angle grinders, bent in the form of blades. Pieces of a file are welded onto the cutters, cutters with victorious tips to increase the destructive ability of the screw.

The speed of drilling wells increases when using a bailer, which is a piece of thick-walled pipe with a serrated edge, mechanical (grab), pneumatic or piston grip. The excavation technology is as follows:

The auger operation scheme: 1 - well, 2 - flanges, 3 - drilled rock, 4 - bit.

  • a column of rods with a bailer at the end is lifted by a winch using a cable on the winch;
  • falls freely on the face;
  • manually rotated until completely filled with rock;
  • after dipping to the height of the bailer (usually 0.6-0.8 m), the string is removed from the well;
  • soil is removed from the pipe part of the tool;
  • the operation is repeated until the desired depth is reached.

The well should have a flow rate that satisfies the needs of the family, therefore, after reaching the aquifer (perch water or sandy reservoir), it is necessary to deepen the hole by 3-5 m. This will increase the dynamic level and ensure uninterrupted water supply to the system.

It is not possible to make a well yourself in 95% of cases - with a manual method of rock destruction, an assistant is required without fail. Professional crews use flush drilling technology, when the destroyed rock is removed by the pressure of water pumped into the well. A home master usually uses dry drilling technology, so the column, along with the working tool, has to be periodically raised to the surface to clean the drill and bailer.

At the initial stage, the weight of the rods is insignificant; with an increase in the depth of the wells, it is unrealistic to lift the string alone. Work is performed with a partner, ensuring the safety of the process.

Abyssinian technology differs from traditional wells:

  • diameter limited to 33 mm, depth 10 m;
  • the column is driven into the ground (well-needle);
  • only surface pumps are used to lift water.

The well is made of metal thick-walled pipes using a special device according to the following technology:

  • a hand drill to a depth of 0.7-1.2 m is used to make a conductor to set the direction with constant control of the vertical;
  • a pointed tip with a filter (perforated pipe) is installed at the installation site;
  • the first casing pipe is wound on it;
  • a headstock is put on it - a massive part with an internal hole;
  • cables are attached to the headstock on both sides;
  • in the upper part, a bar with rollers for the cable is fixed;
  • a table is rigidly fixed in the middle part of the pipe;
  • the headstock is lifted by cables to the upper level;
  • falls on the table, driving the pipe into the ground;
  • rises periodically upon reaching the ground;
  • after driving in the first pipe, the next one is wound on it;
  • the operation is repeated to the desired depth.

A pipe well has zero maintainability, since it is impossible to remove a casing string clogged into it from the soil.

The resource ends after silting, filter clogging, back blowing usually helps to restore performance 3-5 times. The advantage of the Abyssinian well is the ability to install a water supply source in the basement, basement, technical underground. This ensures the absence of thermal insulation, external plumbing.

Secrets of self-drilling sand wells

Upon reaching the aquifer, flushing of the water intake system is necessary. The technology is called rocking, it occurs in the following sequence:

  • the achievement of the aquifer is controlled by the nature of the soil removed from the working body (drill or bailer);
  • when the water reaches the column of rods with a chisel is pulled to the surface;
  • a pump is lowered into the well, the sediment is pumped out;
  • after the appearance of clean water, the pump is removed from the hole in the ground;
  • the drill / bit is again lowered to the bottom;
  • the tool is raised, lowered to lift heavy sediment;
  • after the third pumping of suspensions, a natural filter (gravel, granite screenings, shungite, crushed stone) is periodically poured into the wellbore.

As a result, the well is backfilled with ore material, sand and clay are removed, which ensures high water quality.

After the drill is deepened by 1.5-2.5 m, it becomes difficult to rotate the tool on its own, therefore, all kinds of gripping devices are used, for example, pipe wrenches with handles extended with pipes.

Wellhead Equipment

To make an autonomous water supply system for a cottage, it is not enough to drill a hole in the ground and install a casing string inside it. To seal the wellbore, to protect the aquifer from melt, rain water, heads are used, which are fastened with studs to the casing string.

To supply water to the house, the pipeline must be buried below the freezing mark. Therefore, the use of a caisson is the best option. The design is a well of 2-2.5 m with a casing in the center, covered with a slab covered with earth.

The industry produces ready-made structures made of polymers with sealed sleeves for casing, cables, external water supply lines. A pit is made at the mouth, the caisson is put on the pipes of the casing, the water main is diverted from the well at a depth of 1.5-1.8 m. The caisson has a diameter of 1-1.5 m, which allows placing a water treatment system inside the chamber, equipment.

A budget option for a caisson is a well made of reinforced concrete rings 1 m in diameter. However, in this case it is difficult to seal the seams between the rings with high quality, surface water can seep into the structure. In addition, factory caissons are equipped with comfortable stairs, hatches, which are decorated in landscape design with replicas of boulders, stumps, animal figures.

To increase the rigidity of polymer structures, before backfilling, concreting of the outer walls with a thickness of 10-20 mm is carried out. To compensate for the heaving forces pushing the caisson to the surface, the tanks are anchored into the ground or to the lower concrete slab.

The economic effect of independent drilling of wells is 50-70%, however, there is no documentation for the source of water intake, warranty obligations. There are risks of producing dry wells, since the sandy horizon is not present everywhere.

A well-maintained well in the country is an almost obligatory condition for a comfortable stay, because centralized water supply outside the city is far from always organized. However, drilling operations are expensive, and the expected result is not guaranteed to the owners of the site. The desire to save money and manage the process encourages many summer residents to start drilling a well on their own. This task is difficult, but quite possible.

Is the water deep in your area?

First you need to decide on the type of well, finding out how deep the aquifer lies in a particular area. There are several possibilities for this:

  • hydrological maps;
  • exploration drilling;
  • polling neighbors.

The first, as well as advice from a hydrological engineer, can be obtained from the relevant departments. Exploration drilling is used only as a last resort, since this pleasure is expensive. Most often, site owners simply ask their neighbors, who are already happy owners of an existing water well or well, about the characteristics of the object.

A little about the types of water wells

According to the results of the assessment of the depth of the aquifer, the owners of the cottage will have to choose from three options:

  • water lies close, at a depth of up to 12 meters -;
  • aquifer not deeper than 50 meters - well "on sand";
  • the water is very deep, up to 200 meters - a well "on limestone".

The occurrence of an aquifer close to the surface is rare. The happy owners of such a site can make a well-needle, the creation of which will take only one day or even several hours. The technology for creating an Abyssinian well is that the soil is pierced, as it were, with a rather thin pipe: only 1-1.5 inches. A cone is installed at the end of the pipe, which facilitates penetration through the thickness of the soil. The suction pump is mounted on top. However, there is little water from the Abyssinian well, so the construction of another source of this type of water may be necessary. The compact forms of the Abyssinian well allow you to drill such a well even in the basement of a house.

The well "on limestone", i.e. artesian, is also not common. This option is good because it allows you to get a large amount of very clean water. But it is almost impossible to successfully drill such a well on your own; you will need to involve a team with professional drilling equipment. In addition, artesian water sources must be licensed by the relevant authorities. Please note that if a layer of artesian water lies under the summer cottage, it makes sense to discuss with the neighbors the joint payment for the services of the brigade, since such a well can easily provide water consumption for several households at the same time.

To create an Abyssinian well, a thin one and a half inch pipe with a filter tip is driven into the ground. Compact dimensions and simple technology make it possible to arrange such a well in the basement of a house or make an additional source of water in a summer cottage

Most often, water lies on the horizon within a fifty-meter depth. Such a well can be performed even by novice drillers with one of the methods developed for such situations. What? Read on.

Which drilling method to choose?

For such large-scale drilling work, you will need a special installation that you can make yourself. The type of installation depends on the chosen drilling method:

  • shock-rope;
  • auger;
  • rotary.

To make a unit capable of creating a narrow well several tens of meters deep, in addition to conventional tools, you will need a drill, a grinder and a welding machine. Inexperienced craftsmen are advised to acquire skills in working with these complex devices. Although the creation of a home-made drilling rig will require a lot of time and effort, the device can be effectively used in the future, for example, when installing a pile foundation. Some craftsmen with such an installation started their own business of arranging water wells in neighboring dachas.

Option # 1 - shock-rope installation

The working tool of this design is a rather heavy cartridge and bailer, mounted on a cable. The cable with the load is suspended vertically on a special frame. The soil is broken with a cartridge and removed with a bailer until the depth of the pit reaches the aquifer. The weight of the cartridge must be at least 80 kg. Nowadays, such devices are practically not used manually, operations are performed using a rotary motor, which raises and lowers the rope with the load.

To create a percussion-rope drilling rig, you will need a bailer and a cartridge with pointed edges, as well as a cable, a frame on which the load will be fixed, and a motor to control the cable

It is recommended to sharpen the lower edge of the cartridge, and also to fix several sharp triangular elements on it in order to increase work efficiency. First, a hole of a suitable diameter is made in the ground using an ordinary garden drill, and then work begins with a cartridge and a bailer. Percussion-rope drilling is quite effective both on light and clay soils.

An interesting version of such an installation is presented in the video:

Option #2 - auger drilling rig

During the operation of this device, the soil is removed using a special drill, which is made from a 100 mm steel pipe. A pair of turns of a screw with a diameter of approximately 200 mm is welded to its lower end. Two inclined steel knives are installed along the edges of the screw. A removable handle is mounted on top, also made from a piece of steel pipe.

To make a drill, several turns of metal with pointed edges are welded to a metal pipe. As the wellbore deepens, the pipe is extended to the required length.

As the structure deepens into the ground, the main pipe is built up using a threaded connection or coupling. The device is fixed with a tripod tower made of wood or metal. To extract a rather heavy pipe from a pit, it is recommended to use a winch with an electric motor.

Here is an example of carrying out auger drilling with simultaneous casing:

Option #3 - rotary drilling rig

This is the most complex, but also the most reliable option for drilling wells. You can only make a frame for such a device yourself, and other elements, such as a drill rod, swivel, paddle drill, motor pump and gear motor, are recommended to be purchased from a reliable manufacturer. With the help of such a rig, drilling with flushing, percussion, rotary drilling, etc. can be carried out. The ability to supply a solution that erodes the soil and facilitates its excavation increases the speed of drilling operations several times.

Work example:

Please note that if one of the neighbors already has experience in independently drilling a well, it makes sense to ask about the possibility of borrowing ready-made drilling equipment.

The procedure for drilling a "sand" well

Like any important business, drilling a well should begin with drawing up a draft diagram. First you need to choose a suitable place for the well. It should be located quite close to the house and as far as possible from sources of potential pollution: a septic tank, places for keeping livestock and poultry, baths, banks of a reservoir, etc. It is necessary to take into account not only existing facilities, but also those that are still planned to be built on the site, since moving the well to a new location will be, to put it mildly, problematic.

Once the plan is in place, it's time to start implementing it. For this you need:

  1. Apply markup for future work.
  2. Dig a hole according to the marking, which will include a drilling tool (bailer, auger, drill, etc.).
  3. Install drilling equipment.
  4. Carry out drilling in accordance with the selected technology.
  5. Lower the filter column into the pit, which is a structure of a filter, a sump and a pipe.
  6. Fill the space between the outer walls of the casing pipe and the soil with sand or gravel.
  7. Seal the top of the pipe and use a pump to pump water into it to flush the filter.
  8. Pump out water from the well using a bailer or screw pump.
  9. After the water has become clear, lower the submersible pump into the well using a safety cable.
  10. Connect a hose or water pipe to the pump.
  11. Install a valve on the pipe that regulates the water supply.
  12. Perform waterproofing of the part of the casing protruding above the surface.
  13. Equip the wellhead with a caisson and weld it to the head.
  14. Lay the water pipes leading to the house in the trenches intended for them.
  15. Perform external sprinkling of the caisson with soil and concrete pavement.

This is a general order of work, depending on the conditions, the necessary changes can be made to it.

A properly equipped caisson prevents the well equipment from getting wet or freezing. Very easy to install industrial models of caissons, made of durable plastic

Overview of popular beginner mistakes

As you know, the soil is heterogeneous and consists of different layers. To successfully drill a well through them, it is recommended to use various drilling methods:

  • sandy horizons are best overcome with a drill-spoon while flushing with drilling fluid or plain water;
  • for drilling hard sand, it is recommended to use a chisel;
  • on quicksand, the most effective is the use;
  • for drilling clay, it is better to use a coil; a bailer or a drill spoon is also suitable;
  • hard rocks are drilled in two stages: first they are hollowed out with a chisel, then excavation is carried out;
  • pebble and gravel layers are also passed through the alternate use of a chisel and a bailer;
  • in most cases, the supply of water to the hole facilitates drilling and speeds it up.

It should be remembered that the dimensions of the hole should be slightly larger than the outer diameter of the casing. When choosing, it is also necessary to take into account that the minimum clearance between the inner wall of the pipe and the pump must be at least 5 mm, optimally - 10 mm.

The fact that the drillers have reached the aquifer is evidenced by the condition of the soil. If wet soil appears from the well, then water is close. Shortly thereafter, the drilling tool will go noticeably easier than before, when the drill enters the aquifer. Work should continue until drilling becomes difficult again, i.e. until a water-resistant layer is reached. Only then can drilling be stopped.

The submersible pump for a country well must be lowered to the correct depth. If the unit is set too high, the water will not flow sufficiently, and if it is set too low, it will quickly become silted up with sand.

It happens that a recently drilled well suddenly ceases to function. This may indicate the low quality of the work performed. Both beginners and professionals often make a number of mistakes while drilling. Here are the most common ones:

  1. Over-drilling, i.e. drilling to excessive depth, as a result of which the pipe "slipped" the aquifer. To remedy the situation, you should either raise the existing pipe to the desired level, or insert a new pipe of smaller diameter inside the pipe, and remove the old one completely or partially.
  2. Incomplete landing of the casing in the pit, as a result of which the required flow rate of the well is not achieved. This is due to the soil that collapsed into the shaft during the excavation of the drilling tool. The soil should be removed with a bailer (washing will not help) and upset the pipe.
  3. Not drilled, i.e., the pipe is down to an insufficient depth. The well is drilled to the correct depth and a new one equipped with a filter is inserted into the existing casing pipe.
  4. The pump is lowered too low, as a result, the well is silted with sand. The pump is removed, the sand is selected with a bailer, the pump is installed correctly.

To install the submersible pump correctly, it must be lowered to a minimum depth. Then slowly immerse, checking the condition of the water every 20-50 cm. When the sand goes - the wrong position is reached, the pump must be raised to the level at which clean water was supplied.

Country houses are increasingly reminiscent of a completely independent system in the field of water supply and sewerage. After all, many happy owners of their own home want to live in comfort even where there are no centralized water supply and waste disposal systems. It is all the more pleasant to have on the site your own source of clean drinking water - a well.

We are accustomed to the fact that well water is understood as artesian water. But in addition to the artesian well, there is also a sand well and the "Abyssinian well". Below is a description of each of these underground water sources in more detail.

This type of drinking spring has been known since ancient times. The depth of the Abyssinian well can be 8-12 m. The Abyssinian has a very simple design:


  1. Such a well can be made inside the house, which will allow it to be used even in winter. If there are power outages in your area, you can install both an electric and a manual pump.
  2. Despite its small size, the Abyssinian well is an excellent source of drinking water for a summer cottage. Indeed, due to the simple design, the Abyssinian can be easily reproduced independently in just 10 hours.
  3. The Abyssinian is called the well conditionally. It is not subject to such an influence of perched water, surface runoff, therefore, often the water in the well has better performance than well water. Especially in microbiology.
  4. At the same time, in terms of mineral composition, the water in the Abyssinian well often outperforms the artesian one. This applies to inorganic iron and hardness salts.
  5. For the arrangement of this well, it is not required to obtain a license and enter it in the register.
  6. If necessary, all the components of the Abyssinian can be dismantled and moved to another place without much effort.
  7. The arrangement of such a well will cost you less than other types of water wells.


But before you make an Abyssinian well on your site, you need to take into account a number of features.

  1. The aquifer must not pass below a depth of eight meters. This is due to the fact that the well is very narrow, so water-lifting equipment can only be installed to it from the outside.
  2. Even if all installation rules are followed, the water in the Abyssinian may undergo a change in composition due to the infiltration of pollutants through a relatively small soil layer. For this reason, potential contaminants should not be allowed near the well.
  3. It is impossible to drill an Abyssinian well in rocks, since a drill cannot cope with them. The best soil option is medium- and coarse-grained sand, in which the well is less prone to silting.

The aquifer of this well is in a sandy layer. Its arrangement is resorted to in the case when the water layer is located at more than a ten-meter depth, a maximum of 50 m.

This is another source of drinking water supply that can be equipped by one's own efforts without significant material costs. The composition of the sand well includes the following elements:

  • bottom filter;
  • submersible pump;
  • casing and at the same time water supply pipe;
  • cap.

A well of this type can produce up to 20 cubic meters of water per day, which may well meet the needs of a small house.


But there are a number of nuances in the installation and operation of a well on sand that must be taken into account.

  1. The chemical composition of water does not always meet sanitary standards, therefore, to use it for drinking purposes, it is necessary to clean it.
  2. The maximum service life of a gerbil is 15 years. It all depends on the soil in which the filter is located: a large fraction is a protection against silting, extending the operating period of the well.
  3. In addition, the gerbil needs constant maintenance. Therefore, if it is not possible to pump it regularly, it is better to abandon this well.
  4. If your neighbors drilled a similar well at the same depth, then the debit of your water source will decrease significantly.
  5. The well filter needs to be washed annually. Sometimes flushing is required every six months.

The wells mentioned above are suitable for small houses. If you are the proud owner of a country house of impressive size, or for other reasons, the gerbil and Abyssinian do not suit you, then the only way out may be drilling and arranging an artesian well.

It is impossible to drill this source on your own; you need to hire professionals whose services are not cheap. But since the flow rate of the well is high, you can chip in on the services of drillers with neighbors.

Artesian water is extracted from a layer passing at a depth of 0.1 km or more. Here it is not subject to contamination by pathogenic microorganisms, oil products, copper, zinc and has a low content of organic matter.

But at the same time, artesian water is often characterized by excesses in hardness and the content of unoxidized inorganic iron and manganese. The water may also have a characteristic odor associated with the presence of hydrogen sulfide in the water. In this regard, artesian water often needs to be subjected to additional purification.

Another significant disadvantage of an artesian is the need to obtain a license for drilling and using a well, as well as strict adherence to sanitary protection belts. The standards for the radius of the latter are unlikely to allow equipping a well in a small area.

Therefore, the best option is to drill one well to serve several houses.

Abyssinian and gerbil do it yourself

Abyssinian well (hand-drilled well)
Abyssinian well (hand-drilled well).

Despite its simplicity, the Abyssinian well is very popular among the owners of country houses. Indeed, often its debit is higher than that of a gerbil, and it is much easier to drill and equip it. But if the aquifer is below the level from which an external pump can raise water, then a sand well can be equipped. Let us consider in more detail the installation of these two types of wells.

Driving an Abyssinian well

Before you start driving the Abyssinian, which is the name of the process of obtaining this source of water, it is necessary to prepare all the elements of this well. They are sold ready-made, but making them yourself is not particularly difficult.

Step 1. From a meter pipe, the diameter of which is an inch, the filter base is made. To do this, holes in the form of a slot are cut out in the walls of the pipe for 80 cm every 20 mm from each other.

Step 2. A wire is wound around the filter pipe and a network of filter weaving is pulled. The latter must be fixed with clamps every 100 mm.

Step 3. A steel cone is installed at the far end of the filter, the base diameter of which is greater than the diameter of the pipe, and the height is 100 mm. The tip can be ordered from a turner, and the cone can be securely fixed to the filter pipe with tin solder.

In the same way, the mesh is additionally fixed.

Step 4. For the body of the well, meter or one and a half meter inch pipes are prepared with threads at both ends for connection.

At the preparatory stage, you can make a headstock - a tool for driving. To do this, a small piece of pipe with a thick wall is taken, a centimeter base is welded to one end of the tube, and handles are welded to the side. The headstock must weigh at least 30 kg.

After the preparatory measures, they begin to drive.

Step 1. In the place chosen for the well, they dig a pit with an area of ​​1 sq.m, and a depth of half a meter.

Step 2. In the pit, they begin to drill with a garden drill, the length of which is gradually increased with the help of half-inch pipes, connected to each other using couplings and bolts.

Step 3. From the moment the sand saturated with moisture appears, they go directly to driving. To do this, the prepared filter is connected with a thread to the first pipe. A sleeve is screwed onto the free end of the pipe with a termination that protects the pipe from impact. They string a grandmother and hit her sharply.

Driving can also be done with a sledgehammer, but in this case, the likelihood of bending the pipe is higher.

Important! Clogging must be combined with sprinkling the pipe with soil and compacting it.

Step 4 During driving, water is constantly poured into the well and tapped. This is necessary in order not to drill past the water layer. Listening is done as follows: every half a meter, the well pipe is turned clockwise and listen to what sound is made. Thus, rustling and rattle indicate the horizon of fine and coarse sand, respectively.

Step 5. As soon as noise appears, add more water and look at the speed at which it seeps into the ground:

  • if slowly, then deepen another half a meter;
  • quickly - you need to go deeper by 30 cm.

When the clogging is completed, proceed to install the pump.

How to make a filter well

The first thing to do before drilling a filter well is to ask nearby neighbors if they have a similar water source. The main thing is to find out from what depth they extract water. If you have to drill more than two dozen meters, you will have to hire a team of professionals or rent special equipment.

In the case of a layer with water at a shallower depth, you can get by with improvised tools.

Having chosen a convenient place, remote from heaps of garbage, cesspools and other pollutants, dig a hole 150x150x150 cm. It is recommended to strengthen its walls with sheets of wood or metal.

Now you need to build a tripod, on which the winch will subsequently be fixed. Below is an instruction on how to build this structure necessary to lift the drill.

Step 1. At the ends of three bars with a twenty-centimeter cross section, holes are cut out for a tube that will connect these tripod supports.

Step 2. The tripod is placed above the drilling site, fixing the supports to protect them from being buried in the ground during operation.

Step 3. Attach a winch to the tripod: electric on top, mechanical on the bottom.

Step 4. A drill is hooked to the winch.

You can start drilling, which is a cycle that repeats until an aquifer is reached, and includes the following steps:

As soon as clean water begins to flow, it is possible to proceed with the arrangement of the well, which includes backfilling the bottom filter, installing casing, pumping equipment, head and caisson.

Thus, you can drill a well in the sand or an Abyssinian well on your own, using improvised equipment. If you need a larger debit of water, you will have to allocate a significant amount of funds and hire an organization whose activities are related to the drilling of artesian wells.

When choosing drillers, it is better to choose a company that has several drilling rigs and does not offer plastic casing. In addition, this firm must have a hydrologist.

Video - Abyssinian well inside the house

Video - Drilling a well in the sand. Do-it-yourself water well