Just 3-4 decades ago, finishing and repairing ceilings consisted of periodically painting or whitewashing them. Now the modern market of construction and finishing materials offers a lot of interesting solutions that can be used for ceiling cladding. Plastic panels made of polyvinyl chloride have an excellent price-quality ratio. For an affordable price, you can easily update your ceiling covering. The main advantage of this finish is that you can install a ceiling made of plastic panels with your own hands, without resorting to the services of specialists.

If you are too lazy to read, then watch the video on installing PVC panels:

Advantages of plastic panels:

  • strength and durability;
  • moisture resistance and fire safety;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • ease of care;
  • a light weight.

There is no better option for finishing the ceiling in the bathroom, kitchen and toilet.

What is required to install a ceiling made of plastic panels?

Many people are interested in how to make a ceiling from plastic panels. First you need to prepare tools and purchase materials. You need to decide which panels are more suitable for a particular room. It is better to choose light-colored material. There are glossy, matte, wood or marble imitating panels of different sizes on sale.

Necessary materials:

  1. Ceiling panels: plastic. To calculate the quantity, you need to use the following formula: divide the area of ​​the ceiling by the area of ​​one panel (this figure is on the package). In the resulting figure, add about 15% more in reserve.
  2. Profiles. It is necessary to count the number of metal profiles. It is best to draw a diagram of the ceiling on a piece of paper and mark the locations of the profiles. The distance between them should be no more than 60 cm. For installation, you will also need strong metal profiles that are installed around the perimeter of the ceiling.
  3. Self-tapping screws and dowels. The number of screws and dowels is calculated depending on the number of profiles with a margin.
  4. Skirting boards. Finding out the required quantity is simple: the perimeter of the ceiling needs to be divided into three (3 m is the length of one fragment).

The tools you need to prepare are a screwdriver, a knife, a hammer drill (or in the absence of one), metal scissors, a water level, and a tape measure.

Preparing to finish the ceiling with panels

The advantage of finishing the ceiling with panels is that there is no urgent need to dismantle the old covering. If it is in good condition, just outdated or tired, then the sheathing frame can be mounted directly on it. Even if the ceiling is crooked, evenly installed plastic panels can easily hide such a defect. This is where the ceiling decoration with PVC panels compares favorably with, and.

But if the ceiling is in a precarious position, it needs to be cleared of the old coating, which may then suddenly collapse. After thorough cleaning.

Then you can start marking the places where the profiles will be attached, which will go along the perimeter. To ensure that the marking is strictly horizontal, use a level. To draw horizontal lines, it is convenient to use a special twine colored with chalk. It is pressed to the surface strictly according to the marks, pulled back a little and abruptly released. There will be a straight line of colored chalk on the wall.

Frame installation

The frame can be made of plastic, wood or metal:

  1. Plastic sheathing.

A U-shaped plastic profile is attached along the perimeter of the ceiling so that the line outlined in chalk does not protrude beyond its boundaries. In the corners, the profiles are cut with a miter box and a hacksaw. The distance between the fasteners is no more than 30 cm. After this, pull the thread across the ceiling and begin installing the transverse profiles.

  1. Wooden frame.

The sheathing can also be made of wood. But for rooms with high humidity (kitchens, bathrooms, bathrooms) this option is of little use. If you decide to make the sheathing from wood, then the material must be treated with an antiseptic before use to prevent rotting and destruction. To increase fire-resistant characteristics, the material is treated with fire retardants. Wooden beams are attached to the ceiling with dowels and screws. Distance – 55-60 cm.

  1. Metallic profile

Covering the ceiling with plastic panels on metal profiles consists of several stages:

  1. Rigid U-shaped profiles are tightly attached to the wall without creating gaps.
  2. Now they begin installing transverse profiles every 60 cm. They are tightly fixed with self-tapping screws to rigid U-shaped profiles.
  3. Next, L-shaped profiles are attached to rigid profiles along the perimeter of the ceiling.

Wiring for lighting

A suspended ceiling makes it possible to hide all communications and wires, so at this stage communications are carried out or masked. If you need to hide the wires, the panels are installed in such a way that there is at least 2 cm of space between them and the ceiling. The wires must be laid in corrugation.

Installation of PVC panels

It is important not to forget to remove the protective film from the surface of the panels. After this, they begin cutting and installing the panels. The panels are cut with a sharp hacksaw along the length of the ceiling (minus 2-3 mm). The edges are cleaned with fine sandpaper. To make it easier, follow the following sequence during installation:

  • first, one narrow end is inserted into the starting profile around the perimeter;
  • then the panel is bent a little and the second narrow end is installed;
  • after this, carefully push the wide end into the profile (for ease of work, sometimes a small spatula is used);
  • Now the fragment is secured using self-tapping screws.

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There are many materials that can be used to decorate ceilings, but the most practical and easy-to-use option is PVC panels. And they become even more attractive for the reason that it is quite simple to install them yourself, so there is no need to involve a team of builders. Our article will tell you how to attach PVC panels to the ceiling and how to choose them correctly.

PVC panels - what is it?

PVC panels are a finishing material made from polyvinyl chloride, a plastic that does not burn well and is chemically resistant. Now let's look at the design of PVC panels.

PVC panels for ceiling

They consist of two thin sheets of plastic connected to each other by many stiffening ribs. Along the length of the PVC panels, on one side there is a large mounting shelf, and on the other, a small mounting shelf. The first is used to attach the PVC sheet to the ceiling frame, and the second is used to connect the installed sheets to each other.

So why have PVC panels become so popular? Below is a list of the advantages of this finishing material.

Selection of PVC panels

So, you know what this material is, now you need to select PVC panels and purchase them. First you need to decide on the sizes. At the moment, in construction stores you can see plastic panels either in the form of lining or in the form of rectangular slabs with the dimensions shown in the table below.

Table. Standard sizes of PVC panels.

How can you tell if you have good material in front of you? How can you unknowingly avoid purchasing low-quality PVC panels that will crack during installation or lose their color after a couple of years of service?

When going to a hardware store, you should pay attention to the following points. For small rooms, the most suitable are PVC panels of the “lining” type. They should also be given preference if you want to have a ceiling made of plastic, stylized as wooden boards. A for larger premises it is better to take panels or sheets of polyvinyl chloride. As for the thickness, it is mostly the same for all types of PVC sheets and amounts to 10 millimeters.

  1. The stiffening ribs of PVC panels should not be visible from the front side. Also count their number - the more ribs, the stronger and more durable the panel design.
  2. The surface of the material must be perfectly smooth, without any defects, chips or damage.
  3. The mounting and mounting shelves must be flexible enough and not break when trying to bend them.
  4. Try pressing lightly on the PVC panel. If a crack or dent appears on the surface, then you have a low-quality copy, which you should avoid purchasing.
  5. Take some panels and try to put them together. Good material joins smoothly and without gaps.
  6. Pay attention to the appearance of the PVC panels you are purchasing - copies from all packages must be monochromatic and have the same texture. In some situations, PVC sheets from different batches will have slight color differences.

What to look for when purchasing PVC panels: 1. The number of stiffeners: the fewer there are, the more unstable the product.
2. The edges of the plastic tiles must be intact and straight.
3. The surface of the PVC panel should be evenly painted, smooth and without unevenness.
4. The two panels must be properly connected at the joint groove.

In addition to the PVC sheets themselves, you will need to purchase an installation profile. It consists of two “shelves”, one of which is attached to the frame, and the other is connected to plastic panels. Both the starting and finishing PVC sheets are attached to the installation profile. When choosing it, you should pay attention to the thickness of the plastic and whether the profile has any bends or defects.

Don’t forget to also buy a ceiling plinth - it not only serves as a decorative element of the future ceiling, but also closes the gap between the wall and the ceiling made of PVC panels. Typically, such skirting boards are called fillets, are made of plastic and are attached with glue.

As for the appearance of the purchased PVC panels, you must determine it yourself, based on the design project for finishing the room and your own taste. You will be presented with many options for panels of various colors and textures. Here we can recommend using a color compatibility table so that the appearance of the ceiling matches well with the color of the walls and furniture.

Required Tools

Now you need to make a list of tools that will be needed to attach PVC panels to the ceiling. You don't need anything complicated or very expensive; everything listed below can be found at any hardware store.

  1. Hammer– necessary for installing the frame.
  2. Screwdriver. If you wish, you can attach plastic panels to a profile or beam using a hammer drill, but it is very heavy, and it is very inconvenient to use it for such tasks. Therefore, the presence of a screwdriver will significantly facilitate the work and increase the speed of installation of PVC panels. And if you attach them not with self-tapping screws, but with staples, then instead of a screwdriver, take a construction stapler.
  3. To control the accuracy of marking and location of plastic panels you will need square, level and painting thread.
  4. Pencil or marker for drawing lines and marking PVC panels in the order they are laid.
  5. Roulette for measurements.
  6. Electric jigsaw or circular saw – for cutting frame profiles and plastic panels.
  7. Step ladder. Of course, you can always make do with a table or stool, but this is unsafe and inconvenient.
  8. Rubber mallet, which can be useful for adjusting PVC panels to each other during installation.

In addition to tools, you need to purchase material for the frame. This can be either a metal profile (grade UD-27 for the main one and CD-60 for the guide) or a wooden beam. Also, do not forget to purchase fasteners (screws, staples or glue), hammer drills, screwdriver attachments, dowels and hangers for the profile.


It is worth noting that even before visiting a hardware store, it is worth starting preparatory work. The first thing you need to do is create a plan. For this measure the length and width of the room and draw a diagram of the future frame.

Then calculate how many sheets and what sizes you will need to make a suspended ceiling.

Important At the planning stage, it will not be superfluous to mark the lines along which you will cut the profile of the frame and PVC panels. At the same time, you can make notes on them using a pencil and marker, indicating in what order they should be laid.

Remember that good and careful planning is the key to quality work and reliable insurance against various troubles and the need to do everything over again.

Second preparation point - removal of old finishing materials. If the ceiling was previously covered with a thick layer of plaster or paint, then all this must be removed, otherwise heavy pieces of old finishing can damage the frame or the panels themselves.

The last stage of preparatory work is marking the line of the future frame. To do this, use a tape measure to measure the height of all corners of the room. Find the one in which it is the smallest. You should measure 50 millimeters down from it and draw a strictly horizontal line (control it using paint thread and a level). The same line at exactly the same height should be drawn on the opposite wall. The suspended ceiling frame will be installed on them in the future.

Frame installation

Along the lines drawn, holes are marked every 50-100 millimeters, drilled with a hammer drill. After this, dowels are inserted into them. Using holes drilled in the wall using self-tapping screws (for example, a 6x40 mm self-tapping screw), the main frame, made from the UD-27 profile, is attached with a lid to the wall. In this case, do not forget to use a level and ensure that the frame elements are positioned strictly horizontally.

Then, using hangers and the CD-60 profile, guide rails are created to which the PVC panels will be attached. The optimal distance between them is 500 millimeters. The metal profile CD-60 is installed with the cover facing the floor; the ends of the slats should be inserted into the profile of the main frame.

Advice! It is very difficult to correctly mount the frame and install PVC panels alone, so this work should be done together with a partner. It would also be useful to have the help of a person who will give and receive tools, cut and bring plastic panels.

Having finished installing the frame, check it several times for horizontalness and the absence of a difference in height - the future ceiling made of PVC panels should be perfectly flat, and this largely depends on how well the sheathing is installed.

An alternative to a metal profile can be a frame made of wooden beams. This design will cost less, but is susceptible to moisture. The technology for its installation is in many ways similar to that for a metal profile.

  1. We draw two strictly horizontal lines on opposite walls.
  2. We drill holes along them at intervals of 5-15 centimeters.
  3. Insert dowels into the holes.
  4. We fasten the beam of the main frame to the wall using self-tapping screws and the above-mentioned holes.
  5. We mount guides made of wooden beams using hangers.
  6. We attach the guides to the main frame using corners.
  7. We check the entire structure using a level and tape measure.

It is worth noting that for a wooden frame, the most optimal fastener for plastic panels would not be self-tapping screws, which are screwed in with a screwdriver, but staples, which require a construction stapler. Also, metal fasteners can be replaced with “liquid nails” - construction adhesive that can firmly hold the plastic panel and frame together even under relatively heavy loads.

Important! If there is an additional load, such as a large chandelier or a second level of suspended ceilings, the frame must be reinforced. To do this, it is necessary to install more guide rails, reducing the gap between them. This is mandatory not only for a wooden frame, but also for a metal profile structure.

Fastening PVC panels to the ceiling

To begin, mount the installation profile by attaching its large “shelf” to the guide rails using self-tapping screws. It can be installed both around the entire perimeter of the room and in the places where the starting and finishing PVC panels are attached.

Now you need to cut the PVC panels according to the previously developed plan and markings. Many experts advise making the length of the sheet slightly shorter than the width of the room, since polyvinyl chloride can expand even at low temperatures, which means that installation “back to back” can lead to future deformations of the suspended ceiling.

Advice! Also, you should not install PVC panels in a room with low temperatures, especially since under such conditions this material becomes brittle.

If you are planning to make built-in lighting for a suspended ceiling, it’s time to make cutouts for lamps in PVC sheets.

Once the material is completely prepared, you can begin attaching the first (or starting) panel. To do this, you and an assistant need to insert the launch panel into the installation profile from the side of the mounting shelf, and then secure it with self-tapping screws on the rails. At the same time, make sure that they do not go too deep into the PVC, otherwise there will be a risk that the screws will damage the sheet.

Next, carefully “join” the next panel using the mounting shelf with the starting one, and secure it with the fasteners. Thus, the PVC panels are fastened to each other one by one. They should be connected to each other with great care to prevent damage. Also, no gaps or cracks should be left; PVC panels must fit tightly to each other. If necessary, you can make an “adjustment” using gentle blows with a rubber mallet.

Before installing the last PVC panel, measure the remaining uncovered ceiling space with a tape measure.– often the plastic panel does not fit there completely, so it needs to be cut. At the same time, make sure that the cut is as smooth as possible, and there should be no gaps between the finishing PVC panel and the installation profile.

The final stage - glue installation of ceiling plinths. After this, the suspended ceiling made of PVC panels can be considered complete. Then you can install lamps, decorate walls and remove construction waste.

Video - Making a ceiling from PVC panels

As you can see, attaching PVC panels to the ceiling is a fairly simple task that does not require much knowledge and experience in construction from you. Therefore, for self-finishing a room and, in particular, a ceiling, plastic panels are the best possible option.

Finishing with PVC panels looks very attractive in many respects. You can cover all your numerous communications under them and easily mount all types of lamps on the ceilings. The design turns out to be quite decorative in appearance and very light, and the material itself does not suffer from fungus, moisture, or temperature changes. There is no need to do any dirty or dusty work with solutions. In addition, this type of suspended ceiling allows for insulation of the room and installation.

How to make a ceiling from plastic panels yourself?

  1. Our walls are already covered with PVC clapboard, all that remains is to finish the ceiling. First we make a frame from a wooden beam. We install slats around the perimeter of the room, having previously made markings at the selected level.
  2. In such work, when you need to tighten a lot of screws, it is advisable to use a convenient screwdriver.
  3. Next, we attach the transverse slats that strengthen the structure.
  4. We connect the slats together with self-tapping screws, creating a reliable frame. You can also use a metal profile in your work. It does not deform under the influence of condensation and is excellent for rooms with a humid climate, for example, in the bathroom or toilets.
  5. Next, we install the longitudinal slats, to which the decorative panels will later be attached.
  6. Given the small width of our room, two longitudinal slats are enough. Typically, the step between them should be up to 0.5 m to prevent sagging of the facing material.
  7. Using a stapler we attach the starting profile.
  8. There are several types of PVC profiles - outer and inner corners, connecting corners, ceiling skirting boards, F-shaped. You will not always need to purchase all these materials; a lot depends on the type of work being performed. In the case of how to make a suspended ceiling from plastic panels at home, a starting profile is required, and in some cases you have to buy several strips of a connecting profile.
  9. To cover the ceiling with clapboard, we used waste material that was used to decorate the walls. Markings were made, and then the PVC canvas was unraveled into the required sections using a jigsaw.)
  10. Short blanks are inserted into the starting profile easily and effortlessly.
  11. At the next stage, how to make a ceiling in a room with plastic panels, we again needed a stapler. We fix the canvas to the bars with staples. You can use self-tapping screws with press washers after making a hole in the plastic. This fastening is done in the case of a metal frame or for reliability when you need to install long panels.
  12. The biggest problem is usually the installation of the last strip. It almost always has to be cut to a width of 1 mm less than the distance from the edge of the adjacent panel to the wall. Then we insert the workpiece into the profile until it stops and carefully push it back. It is desirable that it connects without gaps in the grooves with the adjacent panel. If the material is slippery and the work is difficult, then use masking tape, which will make it easier to tighten the problematic piece of plastic.
  13. Do not forget to make holes for the wires and in the places where the lamp is attached.
  14. We install the lamps and screw in the light bulbs.
  15. The facing work on the loggia has been completed. We hope that it has become clear to you how to correctly and quickly make a ceiling from inexpensive and high-quality plastic panels.

The method of installing PVC panels described by us is suitable for small spaces and is quite feasible even for unskilled people who have experience with the simplest tools. Often it is this aspect of the issue that most attracts home craftsmen, especially those with financial problems. In this work, you do not need to invite an expensive master; all the main problems can be easily solved on your own. If you study the technology and correctly carry out all the simple calculations, then in a short time the room will receive a new beautiful and practical ceiling, and you will be able to save a lot of money by installing the plastic panels yourself.

Today there are many known methods for finishing ceilings in residential and public buildings. This includes classic whitewashing, wallpapering a given surface, and tension and suspended structures, including multi-level ones. can be slatted (metal and PVC), plasterboard, plastic panels, tiled (Armstrong type), cassette.

Each of the listed types of ceiling structures undoubtedly has its own advantages. If you want to choose the most budget-friendly option, but at the same time practical and with certain aesthetic advantages, you can choose a suspended ceiling made of plastic panels. Such designs are especially popular in bathrooms, kitchens, hallways, loggias, and garages. The article will discuss whether it is made from plastic panels.

Features of PVC panels

Decorative PVC panels are a hollow structure, arranged like a honeycomb, with a large number and, accordingly, air cells inside. The plates are equipped with locks along the edges, which are a ridge on one side and a groove on the other. Thanks to this device, you can easily and efficiently connect them together.

The main advantage of this material is moisture resistance. In addition, plastic panels are hygienic because they do not contain pores on the surface, and therefore mold or mildew cannot grow on them. Housewives really appreciate how easy and simple it is to care for this material: just wipe them occasionally with a cloth moistened with soapy water. That is why making the ceiling in the kitchen with plastic panels is a very attractive option.

Manufacturers guarantee the service life of plastic panels for at least 10 years. In fact, if everything is done correctly, the ceilings will last much longer without loss of quality. Plastic is frost-resistant, can withstand significant temperature changes, is not subject to rotting, and is not afraid of pests.

Advantages of PVC ceiling

If the time has come to renovate your apartment, but you want to get by with little money and effort, and not create a lot of dirt, you should think about how to make a suspended ceiling from plastic panels, because the installation process is quite simple and does not require any special tricks. During operation, if such a need arises, it will be possible to easily replace one or more panels with new ones.

Another advantage is a wide selection of panel colors. They can be matte or glossy, patterned or plain, imitating natural materials: metal, stone, wood and even mirror. There are plastic panels for both ceiling and wall finishing. There is no need to confuse them: the latter are more rigid and weighty, so it is not recommended to pile them on the ceiling.

Plastic panels are a finishing material that has a very affordable cost. Plus, you can save on a team of repairmen: the material is light both in processing and in weight, and the idea of ​​​​how to make a ceiling yourself from plastic panels is very realistic in execution. If you make the structure hinged, then the resulting gap can be used to hide communications, arrange additional noise and heat insulation, and spotlights. In addition, in apartment buildings there are such significant defects in the ceilings - cracks, crevices, level differences - that rather than try to level out this disgrace, it is better to seriously think about how to make ceilings from plastic panels.

Environmental safety of the material

Plastic, of course, is not a natural material, but it is considered absolutely safe for humans. Indeed, PVC has found very wide application in everyday life, industry, and medicine. However, making the ceiling in a room with plastic panels is not the best idea, especially if it is a bedroom. The advantages of this material will be more appropriate in other rooms. For example, you can make it with plastic panels. If you choose glossy light models for this, this can visually expand the dimensions of the bathroom.

Disadvantages of ceilings made of plastic panels

Before you seriously think about how to make ceilings from plastic panels in an apartment, you need to have an idea not only of the advantages, but also of certain disadvantages of this material.

Plastic does not support combustion and goes out, but it smokes and releases toxic substances. It is not for nothing that in public and administrative buildings and premises it is forbidden to use it to decorate escape routes in case of fire. Plastic panels - the material is quite fragile and is easily damaged by impact loads. In principle, such an impact does not threaten the ceiling, but this should be kept in mind during transportation and installation.

Another disadvantage of finishing ceilings with decorative plastic panels is that you cannot build an original structure from this material, and it looks quite rustic. However, if you think through the design wisely and combine various materials during the renovation process, you definitely won’t be ashamed of the result.

The joints between the panels will always be visible, even with the most careful installation. But sometimes this is even welcome: for example, if a material that imitates wood is used. Economical models of plastic panels tend to fade over time, so it is better to choose a higher quality material.

How to make a suspended ceiling from plastic panels: preparatory work

In fact, no special preparatory work is required. It is enough to brush away dust and cobwebs from the ceiling and clean the places where the plaster is peeling off. The deepest cracks can be filled with putty. But there is no need to be particularly zealous: the new ceiling will cover all the defects.

What is really important is to make sure that there is no mold and mildew, and to prime the surface with special antiseptic compounds that prevent their occurrence. For convenience, it is worth emptying the room as much as possible of furniture, removing curtain rods and curtains, and removing carpets. However, there won't be much dust.

Purchase of ceiling panels

Before you find out all the nuances of how to properly make a ceiling from plastic panels and put this knowledge into practice, you need to make a calculation of the amount of materials for the future ceiling. Knowing the area of ​​the room and one plastic panel (this value is indicated on the packaging), it is not difficult to calculate the number of plates by dividing the first number by the second and rounding the resulting value up. It is unwise to purchase materials without a reserve: after all, the panels will have to be cut, or there will be defects, or something may not work out the first time - so it is better to provide for such moments. As a rule, standard plastic panels are 24 cm wide and 3 m long, but other options are possible.

When choosing PVC, you need to pay attention to their quality. The edges must be smooth, without chips, burrs, and the pattern must be applied evenly. A high-quality panel can withstand repeated bending in the same place without cracking. The stiffening ribs should not be visible on the front side of the panel. It is definitely worth checking how easily the two plastic strips fit together and whether there is a gap between them.

Frame materials

In addition to the PVC panels themselves, metal profiles or wooden beams will be needed to arrange the ceiling. From these materials it will be necessary to construct a sheathing to which the ceiling panels will be attached. Profiles or beams are attached both along the perimeter of the room and parallel to one of the walls in increments of 50-60 cm. If you decide to place the panels perpendicular to the window opening so that the joints are not visible, then, therefore, the ceiling strips must be attached along the wall with the window .

The number of guide profiles is easy to calculate: this value will be equal to the perimeter of the room. It's more difficult with ceiling slats. You will have to draw a diagram of the room to scale, on which to draw the required number of parallel lines indicating the frame for the ceiling tiles, and make careful calculations.

You will also need a decorative PVC baguette (collapsible or monolithic): with its help you can close the joints of surfaces. In addition, the ends of the ceiling panels are tucked into the groove of this plinth.

Fasteners and tools

To fasten the frame and plastic ceiling tiles, you will need dowels and screws, the number of which is calculated taking into account the fact that for every half meter of profile or panel one fastening element is needed. Ceiling strips are attached using straight hangers located on average 70 cm from each other, and for this you will also need dowels.

Now about the tool. You must have: a drill, a hammer drill, a screwdriver, a hacksaw, a construction level, a tape measure, a ruler, a pencil and, of course, a stepladder.

Installation of supporting frame

It should be noted that the entire installation process can be divided into two stages: constructing the frame and actually assembling the ceiling. First you need to decide on the size of the gap between the base and suspended ceilings. It depends on what exactly you plan to put in this gap. Perhaps these will be spotlights, and then you will need at least 10 cm. To lay the wiring, 3-5 cm will be enough.

Having determined the lowest corner of the ceiling using a level, a report should be made from this point, eventually drawing a line along the perimeter of the room. This marking will be a guide for attaching the guide profile, which must be drilled very tightly to the wall, without cracks or voids. Keeping in mind that the ceiling frame strips (they use a less rigid profile than the one fixed around the perimeter) will be located perpendicular to the plastic panels, they are installed in increments of 50-60 cm, inserting the ends into the guide profile and fixing them on hangers every 70 see. You can navigate during installation using a fishing line stretched across the room.

In principle, you can build a load-bearing frame from a wooden beam, which is attached directly to the base ceiling, but only if we are not talking about rooms with high humidity. In any case, the wooden elements of the frame should be pre-treated with an antiseptic. Considering that the ceilings in modern apartments are most often uneven, it will not be so easy to align each wooden slat strictly horizontally.

At the stage of mounting the frame, you should think about the electrics and do not forget to install the wiring in the right places. The frame must be strengthened at the location of the lighting fixtures. Next, along the perimeter of the room, a decorative PVC baguette for ceiling panels is attached to the guide profiles: entirely, if the model is monolithic, or its removable strip if the baseboard is dismountable. In this case, its decorative part is installed after the ceiling is assembled.

Installation of PVC panels

When the frame is ready, they begin assembling the ceiling from the wall. First remove the protective film from the ceiling panels. The first plate is inserted into the grooves of the baseboards - both longitudinal and transverse, after which it is secured to the frame using self-tapping screws. The next one is installed in the same way, with the exception that instead of the longitudinal groove of the plinth, the fastening occurs to the adjacent panel. Each subsequent panel is easily snapped into the groove of the previous one, after which it is attached to the sheathing with self-tapping screws. Plastic panels are pre-cut so that their length is 5 mm less than the corresponding size of the room. Holes for lamps in the plates must be made in advance. If the fastening is done on a wooden sheathing, you can use staples instead of screws, but this is not a very reliable option.

When installing the panels, you should be careful and do not bend them in an arc too much to prevent bending. The last panel will most likely have to be pre-cut to the desired width. There is no need to fasten it with self-tapping screws - it will be enough to fasten it into the grooves of the previous panel and this work can be done quickly with a sufficient degree of skill.

There is another way to make ceilings from plastic panels - frameless. In this case, the panels sit on liquid nails directly to the ceiling. But this option requires a perfectly flat base surface, and therefore it is not always acceptable.

Despite the variety of types of suspended ceilings, such as plasterboard, tension or armstrong, ceilings made of plastic panels have not lost their popularity to this day, due to their low cost and ease of installation.

Plastic panels are mainly used for installing plastic ceilings in bathrooms, kitchens, balconies or loggias, gas stations, but also for wall panels and cladding of communication systems, sewer and water pipes, leaving an inspection hatch for monitoring taps and water meters. Using panels for large ceilings is not very advisable, since such a ceiling does not look aesthetically pleasing due to the limited panel length of 3 meters; there are also 6 meter ones, but it is not always possible to bring them into the room. Because of this, it is necessary to add a connecting H-profile, which does not completely match the color of the panels and will stand out strongly against the general background.

Do-it-yourself installation of the panels begins with assembling the frame to which they will be attached; the frame can be made of wood or metal profiles, which are used in the installation of drywall. It is better to use metal profiles, as they are smoother than boards or timber.

Materials for assembling the frame:

  • UD profile;
  • CD profile;
  • pendants;
  • dowel with a diameter of 6 mm;
  • metal self-tapping screws with a 4.2x13 mm “flea” press washer.

Minimum set of tools for installation on a concrete ceiling:

  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • metal scissors;
  • metal hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • water level;
  • Victory drill bit 6 mm.

You may also need an upholstery cord and a 2.5-3 mm drill, a plasterboard crown, a miter box, and silicone.

Step-by-step instructions for installing plastic panels

If there is non-hidden wiring on the ceiling, it must be placed in corrugated pipes to prevent a possible fire.

Before installing the profiles, you need to set marks to which the ceiling will be lowered, taking into account the height of the UD profile of 45 mm and the height of the starting profile of 8-10 mm, this is especially important for balconies, since the final height of the suspended ceiling overhang will block access to the opening of the balcony windows.

Having established the marks, the next step is to move them using a ruler from bottom to top by 8-10 mm, depending on the height of the starting “elka” profile.

After applying the markings, the UD profiles are installed. The profile needs to be leaned against the wall so that its lower part is at the mark, then using a hammer drill equipped with a Pobedit drill, we drill the profile together with the wall to the length of the dowel with a margin of 10 mm. After drilling the first hole, you can hammer in the dowel; this is convenient if you work alone.

The next step is to install the hangers; in order to determine their location, you need to put marks on the UD profile, since later the CD profile is attached to the hangers, the marks are made based on its location. The CD profile is mounted perpendicular to the length of the plastic panels. Having determined the direction of the plastic panels, we make a mark on the UD profile perpendicularly every 50 cm.

Next, we insert the CD profiles, cut to the required length, into the UD profile and screw the suspensions to the ceiling with dowels, then connect the suspension to the CD profile with self-tapping screws; if the profile span is large, then we check it with a level or pull the cord so that the frame is level. At the end we connect UD and CD with self-tapping screws.

If a wooden frame is used, it is advisable to treat it with an antifungal agent.

When the frame is ready, we attach the starting “elku” profile or the “fillet” ceiling plinth or F-profile.

Professionals advise first attaching 3 guide profiles, and gluing the last one after joining all the panels. You can mount 4 “elks” at once, but then, due to poor clamping, a small gap may form between the last and previous panels. The advantage of this method is quick installation without the use of liquid nails.

Depending on your choice, whether it is a starting profile or a fillet, the sequence of further work depends.

If a starting profile is selected, then the first 3 are fastened with self-tapping screws, and the last one with liquid nails, otherwise all 4 with self-tapping screws.

If it is a fillet, then all 4 or more can be secured with liquid nails, and the last one is attached at the end, taking into account that its “tongue” is cut off, see the video for more details.

The same can be applied to the F-profile.

I would like to note that no matter what guide option you choose, it can be fastened in any way convenient for you, with self-tapping screws or liquid nails, staples or wood nails.

Laying the first row

We cut the PVC panel 5 mm smaller than required to facilitate installation.

We insert one edge of the panel into the PVC guide. To bring in the second edge, you need to slightly bend the panel down.

We screw the panel to the profile with a flea screw. On a wooden frame, you can use a regular drywall screw.

Insert the second panel and press down until the lock clicks into place.

Installation of the last plastic panel on the ceiling

There are several ways to secure the last panel:

1. The easiest way is to cut the panel 5-7 mm smaller in width, first insert it into the guide, and then push it in the opposite direction until the lock clicks into place.

2. Glue the last panel to the profiles using liquid nails together with the L or F profile, or in the case of a fillet, first glue the panel, and on it the fillet with the “tongue” cut off. For more details about the last option, see the video.

PVC lamps

We make holes for recessed lamps or ventilation using a plasterboard crown mounted on a screwdriver or drill.

How to make corners?

It is not necessary to cut the corners on the L or F profile; they are not very noticeable. But for fillets you need a miter box and strong nerves if you are a beginner. After finishing the installation, we cover the cracks with silicone, watch the video.

In order not to resort to buying a miter box, you can purchase corners for PVC fillets, they are shown in the photo below.