Modern plastic windows retain heat very well into the room and prevent cold air from entering the room. All this is achieved thanks to the tight connection of the sash with the frame, which can be adjusted on some frames. Basically, adjusting the connection density consists of switching windows to summer and winter modes. Adjustment of plastic windows for winter and summer is carried out using eccentrics, otherwise known as trunnions. These pins in the form of columns are located along the entire perimeter of the sash. The shape of the pins is round or oval with a hole for some kind of tool. The trunnions have a hole in the form of a hexagon for a hex key, in the form of an asterisk for a screwdriver with an asterisk tip, in the form of a groove for a screwdriver with a flat tip.

Adjustment of plastic windows independently for the winter is done using trunnions

Some trunnions cannot switch plastic windows between winter and summer modes because such trunnions do not have a hole for the tool and it does not rotate. Adjusting plastic windows winter and summer is very easy, but some people manage to mistranslate and, as a result, break the fittings, which can then only be replaced by a specialist. Simply switching plastic windows to winter mode should be done carefully and not hastily, and there is no need to slam the sash when closing it. In winter, windows are adjusted for the winter only if you feel cold air passing between the sash and the frame. If you have done everything like this by switching the windows to winter mode, then when it gets warmer you need to switch to the summer window mode. This must be done because when we switch the windows to winter mode, the sashes press the window seal harder and as a result it will wear out faster and will have to be replaced.

Adjustment of PVC windows winter summer

If you still adjust the winter and summer windows yourself, then you need to do the following. Open the sash and find all the pins on it; they are located not only on the sides but also on the top and bottom of the sash.

How to set windows to winter mode

Usually, where there are trunnions on the sash, there are reverse clamps on the frame in that place and from them you can find out where and how many trunnions you have. The number of trunnions directly depends on the size of the sash; the larger the sash, the more trunnions there are on it. With a wide sill of plastic windows, adjusting the pins located at the bottom of the sash for the winter will be problematic due to the difficulty of reaching them. Depending on the type of hole in the trunnion, take a hexagon, screwdriver or pliers and turn each trunnion 90 degrees in the desired direction. Some trunnions need to be clamped with your fingers and, lifting it, turn it 90 degrees and then releasing it, check that it goes down. The trunnions have three modes: window adjustment: winter, summer and neutral.

How to adjust plastic windows for the winter

When using pins to adjust plastic windows for the winter, you need to turn them so that their thick side with the mark faces towards the room.

How to adjust windows for winter and summer

When installing the trunnions on the sash of plastic windows in summer mode, you need to turn them so that their thick side with the mark faces the street.

How to switch plastic windows to winter mode and to medium mode

When setting the trunnions on the sash to neutral mode, you need to turn them so that their thick side with the mark faces down or up. The trunnions can be rotated in one direction endlessly, but they must be stopped in the correct position, guided by the mark on the trunnion or the thickness of its walls. Having turned all the pins, you need to carefully close the window and turn the handle to the Closed position, while the handle should move harder than before.
You can check the tightness of the sash against the frame as follows: take a white A4 sheet and, closing the sash, place the sheet between the frame and the sash. After closing the window, try to pull out the sheet and it should be difficult to pull out; when pulling out, make sure that the pressure rubber does not come out. This way you can check the sash from different sides.
In some doors that have a folding mechanism, one pin is hidden under this mechanism, and in order to get to it you need to perform some manipulations with the doors.

To switch plastic windows to winter mode using the upper trunnions, clamp the handle lock and tilt the window

First, open the sash and find the handle blocker on it, which is located at the end near the handle. The blocker usually looks like a protruding plate. You need to press this lock and turn the handle to the Recline position, that is, it should look up. After this, take the upper part of the sash near the hinge and tilt it.

How to switch plastic windows to winter mode if there are pins on top

On the folding mechanism, which is located in the area of ​​the upper hinge, you will find one pin, using which you can also adjust the windows for the winter. Turn it to the desired position and then press the upper edge of the sash, which is located near the upper hinge, and holding the lock, turn the handle to the Open position, that is, the handle should be parallel to the window sill. After this, release the lock and close the window.


This video shows how to adjust plastic windows winter and summer.

Plastic windows are very popular.

These are fairly reliable modern designs that can protect against noise and dust and cope well with cold weather.

However, not all plastic windows are the same; they may vary depending on the fittings:

  1. A budget option. These are economical windows; there are no additional modes here, you can only close and open them.
  2. Standard. This class means that it is possible to switch between summer and winter modes.
  3. Specialized plastic windows. In addition to switching the mode, here you can additionally block the system from hacking; this is excellent protection against thieves.

It’s better not to skimp on comfort and buy models with fittings no lower than the standard class. There will not be a big loss in money, but it is much more convenient to use such windows.

Need for adjustment

Modes are necessary so that the plastic structure can adapt to the weather outside the window.

When the cold weather passes, there is no longer any need to keep everything warm and save money on heating.

However, reliable protection from noise and dust is necessary, and in the summer heat it is useful that the windows do not allow hot air to pass through.

The window performs all these necessary functions perfectly even in a state when all connections are relaxed. No gaps are formed, but there is no such tight pressing as in cold weather.

Winter mode means the tightest possible pressure.

Plastic windows do not let cold air in, which helps maintain a comfortable temperature without unnecessary heating costs.

Thanks to the seal and the correct setting of the window, the sashes fit into the frame and do not let anything through. However, this mode can wear out the rubber bands quite quickly, so it is necessary to switch plastic windows at the first opportunity, as soon as it gets warmer and spring fully comes into its own.


First you need to check what mode the window is in.

In the summer one there is a small gap between the doors; a thin sheet of paper can fit into it.

Thanks to this, the fittings do not press the seal too hard and allow the window to last much longer. Such rest is simply necessary even for the most modern and expensive design options.

After winter, switching is quite easy. You need to unscrew the hexagon to the minimum. The eccentric, a special mount for converting rotary motion into translational motion, due to which the seal is loosened, must be located as close to the street as possible in order to loosen the seal.

To do this, you should find a suitable key and simply unscrew it all the way. It is imperative to check that all eccentrics switch to the new position.

It is the summer mode that is the most gentle for plastic windows. You don’t have to worry that noise, dust will pass through it, or that hot air will actively heat the room. The design will perfectly cope with its basic functions without the tightest compression possible.


When the windows were installed by the previous owners of the apartment or house, or the renovation was carried out quite a long time ago, and the residents managed to forget the details about the type of fittings, first of all you need to find out whether the transition is possible.

From the very beginning, you need to carefully examine the side parts of the sash. If there is a hole for a hex key or an asterisk in this place, then tightening and switching to another mode are possible.

The procedure itself is quite easy, you need to turn all the fasteners clockwise and tighten them until they stop.

After such an operation, the windows become as tight as possible.

If beginners have a question about whether they really managed to do everything correctly, it is worth trying to hold a sheet of paper against the window; in winter mode it will be almost impossible to pull it out, the seal will not leave such a wide gap.


Many, even if the design of their plastic windows provides for changing modes, do not use them.

This reduces comfort. In winter, cold can penetrate into this small gap, and it can even blow mercilessly right next to the window. In summer, it is necessary to loosen the compression so that the seal does not deteriorate.

When installing plastic windows, you must carefully study all their capabilities and operating rules. In this case, they will serve for a long time and provide complete comfort. In any season, your home should be warm, cozy and pleasant to be in.

Watch the video in which a specialist explains how to switch plastic windows to summer or winter mode:

Many modern models of plastic windows have an undeniable advantage - the ability to switch to winter and summer mode. This is a very useful function for our latitudes, where temperature changes between seasons are very noticeable. Today we will talk about the features of such windows and how to use them correctly.

Is this function necessary on plastic windows?

With the onset of cold weather, even from the sealed structure of a plastic window you can feel the air blowing. In winter, it is very important to keep the room warm. Therefore, switching the window to winter mode must be done without waiting for frost. But if you do not feel any discomfort or draft from a window in summer mode, then you should not switch it: winter mode can greatly wear out the structure.

Correctly adjusted mode will help you maintain a comfortable indoor climate

In summer, on the contrary, constant ventilation and access of fresh air from outside to the room are required. Switching a plastic window to summer mode ensures the above without letting in dust, dirt and heat from the street, unlike a regular window.

How to determine whether it is possible to change windows to winter/summer

Fittings for PVC windows can be budget, standard or specialized. The cost of such double-glazed windows increases accordingly. When you move into a new building, you will most likely find windows of the first type - budget. Their fittings provide only two positions: open and closed. If you want to install other windows, please note: designs with standard and specialized fittings do not always have the function of switching to winter and summer modes.

Carefully inspect the ends of the window sashes near the locking hardware. In a frame equipped with a winter mode, a trunnion is visible - a protruding mode lever. It can be in the form of a hexagon, asterisk or washer with a horizontal groove for a screwdriver.

An example of a trunnion that allows you to switch the window to winter and summer mode

On some models of trunnion profiles (the eccentric) first extends above the surface, and after adjustment it is pressed back. But on most modern windows, the eccentrics look like small hexagons with a recess for a key, or like convenient ovals.

Standard size windows have 5 eccentrics: three near the handle, at the end of the sashes, and one each near the top edge, top and bottom. These trunnions provide pressure on the sash, preventing it from sagging. The larger the window size, the more eccentrics are located around the perimeter. Proper distribution of the load between the locks ensures maximum tightness in winter and good ventilation in summer.

Hardware conversion technology

This process is quite simple, but do not forget that incorrect translation can damage the fittings and even break them. Therefore, be extremely careful when switching a plastic window to winter mode.

Switching fittings to winter mode

  1. Find all the pins on the window sash. You need to translate each of them.
  2. Take a suitable tool - a screwdriver, hexagon or pliers. Turn each eccentric clockwise to the maximum possible position.
  3. Some types of fittings have a peculiarity: before adjustment, the eccentrics must be pulled towards you (like the winding mechanism in a wristwatch), and after the fittings have been adjusted, they must be pushed back. Specify such features when purchasing a window so that you do not have to call specialists at the wrong time.
  4. Check the result of the work done. To do this, you need to close the window and pay attention to how tightly the handle turns. Since in winter mode the fittings press the sash especially tightly, the window handle should also close tightly.

Note! There is a simple way to check the pressing force of the sash. Place a piece of paper between the frame and the sash before closing the window. Then pull the sheet towards you. If it comes out freely, then the window remains in summer mode. If the paper is stuck tightly and breaks when you try to pull it out, congratulations, the procedure for switching to winter mode was a success!

To switch the window to summer mode, you need to turn the locking pin in the opposite direction, counterclockwise.

Switch your windows to seasonal mode once every six months. However, do not forget that metal plates may require adjustment due to frequent use. To protect your windows from damage, regularly clean the sashes and fittings from dirt and lubricate them according to the instructions.

Proper adjustment of a plastic window will prevent you from freezing in winter

Video: how to switch windows to winter mode

We hope our tips will help you do the job correctly and easily. If you have any questions about this topic, please ask them in the comments. Good luck to you!

Modern window systems, contrary to popular opinion, require constant maintenance. Of course, they do not need to be sealed for the winter or painted every season as is the case with their wooden counterparts.

For full functioning, metal-plastic double-glazed windows need to be switched to a mode appropriate to the time of year. How to independently adjust plastic windows for the winter? And how important is it to do this?

Seasonal Maintenance

The main feature of opening windows is that they do not have vents. For better ventilation of the room, the system provides rotary doors. During the operation of plastic double-glazed windows, you may notice that a draft appears in winter. Don't panic - this is not a manufacturing defect, but simply the seasonal mode is set incorrectly. Switching plastic windows to winter and summer modes is a mandatory maintenance procedure.

The tilt and turn mechanism of the glass unit must be adjusted depending on the season of the year

During long-term use, drafts may also appear. This occurs due to the loosening of the hinge screws of the rotary-locking mechanisms. By independently adjusting the windows for the winter, you can easily save 3-7 thousand rubles on calling specialists.

Leak test

How to prepare plastic windows for winter? With the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to carry out a preventive inspection of the state of normal locking of the sashes in winter mode. Leak tightness can be checked in several ways:

  • Tactile. By running your hand along the frame, you can determine the presence of serious drafts.
  • Fire with a match or lighter. Deviation of the flame from the vertical indicates the presence of blowing.
  • A sheet of paper. They leave him in the closed door and try to pull him out. If the leaf comes out easily, the sash does not close tightly.

If the paper sheet is easy to pull out through the sash, then the window is not airtight

Having identified problem areas, we begin to regulate the system to optimal requirements.

Switching winter/summer modes

When installing double-glazed windows, installers set the initial neutral parameters for locking the sashes. All positions will be adjusted for optimal functionality. However, then it is necessary to adjust the settings - ideally twice a year.

Why is this necessary?

Seasonal adjustment is often forgotten, leaving the sash pressure in a neutral position. As with any violation of operating rules, consequences arise over time:

  • drafts from under the sash even with correct installation adjustments;
  • if the summer mode is set, then in winter this will not provide sufficient pressure on the locking mechanism, which will cause heat loss from the room;
  • if you leave the winter position, then due to the constant strong pressure of the sash on the seal, the latter will quickly become unusable;
  • in the absence of seasonal adjustment, the normal microclimate of the room is disrupted, including an increase in humidity levels (there is a risk of condensation and mold).

Improper operation may lead to the formation of condensation on the glass

To do this, you need to correctly set the winter and summer modes of plastic windows in the sash settings.

Adjustment mechanisms

Before you begin changing the mode, you need to determine the locations where the adjustment devices are located. In most cases, the system provides for the presence of special mechanisms - trunnions, which, depending on their position, determine the degree of pressing of the sash required for the season.

They are located at the ends of a metal-plastic window or door. The number of such mechanisms may vary depending on the size and manufacturer of the glass unit (from two or more).

Possible locations of eccentrics - different manufacturers have them in different places

The trunnions may differ in appearance, but they perform the same adjusting function.

Options for the appearance of eccentrics

At the edge of the eccentric there is a mark, which serves as an indicator of the desired mode. By default, it is set up - this is a neutral position, which needs to be changed in accordance with the season.

Risk indicating the selected mode

How to switch

The process itself is quite simple, you only need one tool - a simple hexagon (usually 4 mm), or less often an asterisk.

You need to set plastic windows to cold season mode before the onset of frost, when the temperature is still plus 5–10°.

Open the glass unit and inspect the ends. Usually there is one eccentric on the side, the second on top.

Mark indicating adjustment mode

Most likely, the regimes will be in a neutral position, and the risks will point upward. Having selected the desired tool, change the position of the marker.

To set a plastic window for the winter, turn the notch on the regulator towards the outside of the room. With the onset of the warm season, the position of the marker should be moved by the mark inside the room. Accordingly, if there are several such regulators, then the modes are transferred by turning all available eccentrics to one position.

You need to constantly switch modes according to the season - this is what will ensure normal functionality, balance of ventilation and sufficient energy saving in your home.

What other adjustment methods are there?

If, when checking the tightness of the lock, cold air still penetrates from above or below the sash, then most likely the problem is that the sash geometry is incorrectly set.

The figure shows the main points where adjustments to the fittings may be required. The window design provides several adjustment options:

  • horizontal and vertical shift;
  • setting the position of the lower corner;
  • degree of pressing against the frame.

Location of adjustment points

How are optimal modes set?

Setting the vertical position

This is done by adjusting the bottom loop. Remove the protective cover. There are two adjustment points here - horizontal and vertical. To raise or lower the sash, adjust the screw located on top of the hinge. To raise it, turn it clockwise, and vice versa if you need to lower the height.

Vertical position adjustment

Horizontal adjustment

To perform this operation, both loops must be configured.

There is a second screw on the side of the lower canopy, designed to change the horizontal position. When it is turned from left to right, the sash moves towards the hinge, and vice versa when turning it back.

Adjusting the lower canopy

Drafts can also form through the upper corner of the window that cannot be locked. To do this, set the pressure on the upper hinge, the adjustment screw of which is located on the side. We twist it and achieve the desired result - evenness and tight fit.

Setting up the top canopy

When changing the horizontal position, it is necessary to leave a gap of several millimeters between the hinge and the sash. Otherwise, if you tighten it too tightly, the ventilation mode will not work.

Changing the degree of sash pressure

The clamping mechanism is another device in the form of a plate located on the frame. It is designed to prevent burglary by pressing the sash from the street side.

Pressure plate ensures tighter closure

When turned clockwise, a tongue extends, which will contribute to a tighter closure.

Adjusting the top corner fit

There is another adjustment screw to press the top corner of the window against the frame. To get to it, you need to open the window in two directions at once. To do this, press the lock on the end of the sash, as shown in the picture.

Locking loop and tongue locks allow the top corner to be pressed against the frame

Pull it all the way, turn the handle to ventilate, and then pull the top edge of the sash towards you. Access to the clamping mechanism is open. One of the plates has space for a hexagon. By turning it, you can adjust the tightness of the upper corner of the sash.

These are the main problems that can appear over a long period of operation, when the operation of the system gradually weakens the initially set modes. But immediately after installation, all these settings are regulated by the installers themselves from the supplier company - they are obliged to ensure the correct operation of the system.

Of course, if you have no experience or it is not clear how to make the adjustment yourself, it is best to contact an installer. They will send their specialist who will perform all the necessary procedures, placing the valves in the desired position.

If the adjustments don't work

A situation may arise when the sashes are adjusted correctly, the plastic windows are switched to the desired season mode and all the mechanisms close well, but problems still arise:

  • draft;
  • condensate;
  • freezing.

Such nuances can arise in several cases:

  1. Defective windows. This happens quite rarely and only when ordering from dubious companies.
  2. Incorrect installation. During installation work, the correct technology must be followed: maintaining the gaps between the frame and the opening, high-quality fastening and mandatory sealing with construction foam.
  3. There is no finishing on the slopes. Polyurethane foam without protection quickly collapses under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and moisture.
  4. Seal wear. Possible due to prolonged or improper use of double-glazed windows.

When a malfunction is identified, it is eliminated. The windows should now function correctly and provide a sufficient seal.

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Winter and summer mode in plastic windows: switching methods, malfunctions and their elimination

The topic of this article is winter-summer mode in plastic windows. Together with the reader, we will understand why this function of window fittings is needed, what problems may arise when using it, and how to eliminate these problems. So, let's go.

What it is

Summer and winter modes on plastic windows differ in the pressing force of the sash and, accordingly, the maximum gap between the opening sash and the frame:

  • In winter mode, the sash is pressed more tightly to the frame;
  • In summer the gap is a couple of millimeters larger.

The pressing force is changed in the simplest and most obvious way - by turning the eccentric rollers, which are responsible for fixing the sash in the closed position.

Why is this necessary?

Remember physics? There is such a term - thermal expansion. It describes the behavior of almost any material when heated: the linear dimensions of an object made from it change upward.

Window profiles are no exception.

When cooled, the size of the object decreases accordingly. For those materials that are used in the manufacture of modern windows, the coefficient of thermal expansion takes the following values:

A little, right? However, when heated to, say, 60 degrees, a modest five to six hundredths of a millimeter per meter will turn into 3 - 3.6 mm.

Thermal expansion - simple and clear.

In terms of the standard thickness of the metal-plastic profile (60 mm), the expansion when heated from winter -30 to summer +30 degrees will be about two tenths of a millimeter.

This seemingly small difference may well mean the presence or absence of a cold draft around the perimeter of the sash - a draft that will lead not only to understandable discomfort, but also to unreasonably large heat losses. Which, for a moment, is what you pay for.

Excuse me, the surprised reader will say, but what about elastic rubber? Doesn't it compensate for the slight change in sash size?

Of course it compensates. However, rubber tends to lose its elasticity over time. Over the course of several years, a constantly compressed rubber profile will acquire the shape and size of the gap between the frame and the sash.

Since the size of the gap changes following seasonal fluctuations in street temperature, after just a couple of years in winter it will begin to seep through the window. Simply because the seal, pressed by the profile that expanded in the summer heat, will no longer completely close the gap in winter. However, it is worth increasing the gap between the profiles during the warm season - and the problem will be completely eliminated.

How to regulate

When installing hardware, its pressure rollers are usually in the neutral position.

How to switch plastic windows to winter mode when cold weather sets in? You just need to rotate all the rollers 90 degrees - so that the larger radius of the oval roller is directed towards the sash.

The mark on the video in winter mode is directed towards the house, in summer mode - towards the street.

How to do this? The instructions depend on the type of fittings. There are two options:

  1. You can rotate the roller yourself, without tools. To do this, it is enough to pull it along the axis in the direction from the sash and rotate it to the desired position;
  2. The roller turns with some effort using a hex key.

A set of hexagons suitable for adjusting windows can be found in any bicycle or car shop.

How to switch windows to winter mode if you don’t have a hexagon on hand?

  • Using a flat-head screwdriver, insert it into the groove of the roller;

Not all hardware kits have a slot for a screwdriver.

  • With pliers. Under their jaws you need to place a thick cloth folded several times or thin rubber (for example, a piece of an old bicycle inner tube) so as not to wrinkle the surface of the roller.

How to switch plastic windows to summer mode when it gets warmer? In the same way, only for the summer, the roller turns with a long radius in the direction from the sash.

A special case

How to switch windows to summer mode if their sashes are equipped only with central locking, without pressure rollers?

The pressing force of the sash can be changed by adjusting the mating part of the lock. To do this, it is equipped with a pair of adjusting screws with hexagon heads located at the top and bottom of the movable bar.

Alas, the benefit of such an adjustment will be rather dubious. Deformation of the profile over time will inevitably lead to the appearance of cracks at the top and bottom of the sash. A window without pressure rollers will never close completely airtight.

Problems and solutions

What problems may arise when switching seasonal window mode?

  • The roller does not turn.

You may be trying to rotate the roller without pulling it out of the lock slot. Try lifting the roller and turning it 90 degrees.

If this is not the problem, lubricate the roller with WD-40. The price of a small (100 ml) aerosol can of this lubricant is about 150 rubles. Thanks to the kerosene contained in WD-40, the lubricant can penetrate any thread in a few minutes and allow it to move out of place.

  • In the winter position the window continues to show through.

It looks like the window seal has served its purpose.

You can purchase a new seal from any company that sells plastic windows and provides their service. To replace it you need:

  1. Pull out the old seal from the grooves of the sash and frame;

  1. Trim it at the corners with a utility knife. In the corners the seal is welded to the profile;
  2. Insert a new seal around the perimeter and frame and press it into the groove until it stops with your hands or a dull steel spatula.

Replacing the seal has one subtlety. The absolute tightness of windows is not always useful: it often leads to the fact that the room completely ceases to be ventilated. To ensure air flow, frames are often equipped with supply valves, but there is a simpler solution.

If you cut a couple of pieces of the seal (bottom on the frame and top on the sash), you will ensure a constant limited flow of fresh air at no additional cost.