In 70 years - a short period by historical standards - the Vladimir region has given the country and the world so many wonderful personalities that would last for centuries. Who are these celebrities - natives of Vladimir region?


Alexei Batalov has played many star film roles, but the most beloved by the people is the intelligent locksmith Gosha from the Oscar-winning film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” Theater and film actor, director, public figure, People's Artist of the USSR was born on November 20, 1928 into a respected Vladimir family. His grandfather, a descendant of Polish aristocrats, was the chief forest inspector of the province under the tsar, his grandmother was a doctor to whom the whole city wanted to see. Batalov’s mother, theater actress Nina Olshevskaya, came to them to give birth to her son.

Batalov was destined to become a star - eight of his paternal relatives worked at the Moscow Art Theater. In 1954 he began acting in films, working mainly at Lenfilm. The first role was the young worker Alexei Zhurbin in the film “Big Family”. The most famous works are the role of Boris Borozdin in the film “The Cranes Are Flying”, physicist Dmitry Gusev in the film “Nine Days of One Year”, Gurov in “The Lady with a Dog”, Fedya Protasov in “The Living Corpse”, and she played the role of Georgy Ivanovich in the melodrama "Moscow does not believe in tears".

The busy artist rarely visited his hometown, but he always remembered him - the residents of his house on Bolshaya Moskovskaya Street still remember how he easily stopped by in a white Volga at the very peak of his fame.


Russian writer and poet Vladimir Soloukhin was born in the village of Alepino into a peasant family. In 1942 he graduated from engineering school with a degree in mechanical instrumentation. During the Great Patriotic War he served in the Kremlin guard. He first published poems in the Vladimir newspaper Prizyv, then in Komsomolskaya Pravda. In 1951 he graduated from the Literary Institute. M. Gorky to take up literature professionally.

For the sake of the book “Vladimir Country Roads” in 1956, Soloukhin covered 635 kilometers from the Kirzhach River to Vyazniki in 41 days (321 on foot, 227 by car, 17 on horseback, 70 by boat). He believed that good books are born in travel, in meetings with living people. The travel diary gradually turned into a lyrical story about non-capital Russia. The writer lived for 10 days in his native Alepino, about whose residents he wrote a separate book, “A Drop of Dew.”

He was advised to go to the village of Glotovo, Yuryev-Polsky district. It turned out that a wonderfully beautiful wooden church, similar to a ship, had been preserved there. The writer puts forward the idea: “We need to create (for example, in Suzdal) a museum of wooden architecture. Bring there the surviving windmills, churches, the most beautiful huts from everywhere!” And the first exhibit of the new Suzdal museum of wooden architecture was just that little church from Glotov. He died. a metropolitan celebrity, and was buried in his native Alepino.


In 1960 in Moscow, at the first republican exhibition “Soviet Russia”, the founders of the “Vladimir School of Painting” - Kim Britov, Vladimir Yukin and Valery Kokurin - announced themselves for the first time together. Boris Frantsuzov, a native of Kameshkovo, raised the national theme just as powerfully. He is a graphic artist, his genre is etching (a type of engraving, the imprint of which is made from a design carved with jewelry on a metal plate).

In search of a special Vladimir style of painting, patriotic artists relied on the deep traditions of the art of their land. The source of their inspiration was an icon, a Mstera lacquer miniature, a homespun rug, a patchwork blanket, and Vladimir embroidery. The result was a fusion of folk culture, coming from the depths of centuries, and the peaks of the Russian landscape.

The subjects of the works of all four were Vladimir villages, regional towns, bazaars, ancient streets, discreet fields and copses - everything that quiet provincial life is full of, which has retained its bright originality and beauty. Today their works are kept in the Tretyakov Gallery and the Russian Museum, as well as in a number of other domestic and foreign museums and private collections.


People's Artist of Russia Eduard Markin was born in Voronezh, studied in Odessa and Novosibirsk, and became attached to Vladimir. The world-famous choral maestro not long ago even refused to take up the post of rector of one of the Conservatories, so as not to abandon his students-choristers, who today number many hundreds.

Markin’s recognized achievement is the creation of the Choral Music Theater, and then the Center for Choral Music of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus' (1992). Now, under the wing of the professor at Vladimir University, there are several choral groups at once - from boys’ choirs and children’s choirs to mature performers. All of them successfully tour throughout Russia and abroad.


Dozens of favorite songs, which many today consider anonymous folk songs, were written by Vyaznikovite Alexey Fatyanov. As a child, he took a lot from the breathtaking beauty of these places, so you don’t have to look for long for the main sources of Fatyanov’s song and poetic gift - they are in the Vladimir region: “There is a special tenderness / For places dear to us since childhood, / I am for this snowy city / Heart , soul - I’ll give everything!” During the war, he wrote love and humorous songs (he had the right - he fought in a penal battalion, was wounded twice), he knew from himself that soldiers especially needed them: “A soldier dreams of brown eyes...”, “I’ll come back to throw a branch of lilac into your hands - love”, “The blood rushes to the temples - how beautiful she is”, “No one else in the world will replace you forever.”

One hit followed another: “We haven’t been home for a long time”, “Where are you, my garden?”, “Because we are pilots”, “Golden lights”, “Where are you now, fellow soldiers?”, “Sings” accordion over Vologda”, “On your porch”. And also - “I won’t brag, my dear,” “My Chamomile,” “The Road, the Road...”, “Evening at the Roadstead” and “Nightingales” - the favorite song of Marshal Georgy Zhukov. The film “Spring on Zarechnaya Street” with Fatyanov’s song is one of the box office records in the USSR. “On a sunny clearing” - the annual festival in Vyazniki is named after this song, to which all the stars of the country consider it an honor to come.


In 1962, Eldar Ryazanov’s film comedy “The Hussar Ballad” with Rzhevsky - Yuri Yakovlev, and Shurochka - Larisa Golubkina was released and is still being shown with the same enormous success. The author of the wonderful play in verse “Once upon a time” is our fellow countryman, a native of Murom, Alexander Gladkov.

He was born into the family of an engineer, and in his hometown on the Oka River he forever fell in love with the era of the heroes of the novel “War and Peace,” which his mother read to him. Having become a playwright, he himself spoke about this era in the rare genre of “heroic comedy.” It was first played in 1941 - in besieged Leningrad. For years she performed on the theater stages of the country, enjoying enormous popularity, until she was born a second time - on the screen.

Famous people from various fields of culture and sports were born and lived in our region. You don't have to look far for examples:
Vladimirov, Yuri Kuzmich, Zhukovsky, Nikolai Egorovich, Zvorykin, Vladimir Kozmich, Konstantinov, Pyotr Alekseevich, Kostin, Boris Alekseevich, Milovsky, Mikhail Pavlovich, Savarensky, Fedor Petrovich, Smirnov, Stanislav Alekseevich, Soloukhin, Vladimir Alekseevich, Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich, Stoletov, Alexander Grigorievich, Stoletov, Nikolai Grigorievich, Fomin, Nikolai Sergeevich, Shmakov, Pavel Vasilievich, Shumilovsky, Nikolai Nikolaevich.

We call the founders, discoverers, pioneers those scientists who were the first to set foot on previously unknown roads of knowledge. If you look at the lists of scientists who came out of our Vladimir region, you will notice the names of the most prominent founders.
Brilliant discoveries in the field of physics were made by A. G. Stoletov; his works helped our contemporaries come to new amazing discoveries in science and technology. The scientist N. E. Zhukovsky was the founder of modern hydraulic and aircraft mechanics; Vladimir Ilyich Lenin called him “the father of Russian aviation.”
A scientist in a completely different field of knowledge, V. S. Sopikov, a native of Suzdal, is referred to in encyclopedias as “the father of Russian bibliography.” M.P. Lazarev, admiral of the Russian fleet, was the discoverer of a new sixth continent on our planet - Antarctica.
The essay by N. Sofronov talks about three such founders, about three natives of the Vladimir land - D. I. Vinogradov, the founder of porcelain production in Russia, about Academician I. M. Gubkin, the founder of Soviet petroleum geology, and about GT. V. Shmakov, a scientist in the field of television.

How does a person live at 90 years old?

Of course, capital acquired during life. We do not mean the wealth of a stingy knight, but the spiritual sphere of life. In old age, people tend to increasingly turn to the spirit, asking themselves the question: “How did I live my life? Why did I live? Did you live? The answer is harsh and fair, edits the time.

Let us remember N.V. Gogol: “The coming old age is terrible, terrible, and gives nothing back and forth!”

The team of the folk theater "Rodnik" of the Suzdal City House of Culture, while engaged in dramatic art, at the same time strives to create a theater museum, to trace in it the history of the origin and development of theatrical traditions in Suzdal. After all, it is known that even before the revolution, a drama group existed and was popular in a provincial town. They learned that one of its active participants was Vasily Ivanovich Kuzmichev and invited the veteran to the theater living room.

A. A. Lebedeva Street(1912-1941). The tragedy occurred on a cold November night in 1941 in the waters of the Baltic Sea. The submarine "L-2" while carrying out a combat mission was blown up by mines that were torn off a minefield by a storm. An hour after the second explosion, she sank. Among the dead was navigator Lebedev, a native of Suzdal.

“...He left us too young, and this makes our sadness even deeper, our grief even stronger...” wrote the poet Nikolai Tikhonov. “He fulfilled his duty as a poet, submariner, and patriot. And the sea was with him at the last hour..."

“Love for the native land, knowledge of its history is the basis on which only the growth of the spiritual culture of the entire society can take place. Culture is like a plant; it has not only branches, but also roots. It is extremely important that growth begins from the roots.” D.S. Likhachev D.S. Likhachev

Shmakov Pavel Vasilievich Shmakov Pavel Vasilievich Soviet scientist in the field of television and electronics, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR, Hero of Socialist Labor. Has inventions (including a transmitting television tube with image transfer supericonoscope. Major works in the field of fax communications, color and stereoscopic television. Supervised the creation of a holographic TV installation, created an underwater TV system for the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric station. Sayano-Shushenskaya Shushenskaya HPP Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP State Prize of the USSR

Voronin Nikolai Nikolaevich Voronin Nikolai Nikolaevich Architectural historian, archaeologist. Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor. Laureate of the State and Lenin Prizes, honorary citizen of the city of Vladimir. He worked at the Institute of Archeology of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Author of a number of fundamental architectural-archaeological and historical-architectural Studies of the architecture of the Vladimir-Suzdal land, Moscow, Novgorod, Smolensk. (1904–1976)

Tikhonravov Mikhail Klavdievich Tikhonravov Mikhail Klavdievich Soviet designer in the field of rocketry and astronautics, Doctor of Technical Sciences (1958), Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR (1970), Hero of Socialist Labor (1961). After graduating from the Air Force Academy. Zhukovsky (1925) worked at a number of aviation enterprises. Led the creation of the First Soviet rocket with a hybrid fuel engine (1933). He was engaged in the research of liquid-propellant rocket engines, the development of rockets for studying the upper layers of the atmosphere, and increasing the accuracy of firing unguided rockets. ()

Kulikov Ivan Semenovich Kulikov Ivan Semenovich Academician of painting, student of Repin. His works are devoted mainly to the life of working people. Master of everyday life of working people. Master of Portrait. For his diploma work “In a Peasant Hut” he was awarded a gold medal and a trip abroad. In 1938 he took part in the painting of the Yaroslavl station in Moscow. A memorial house museum has been opened in Murom in his memory

Barsukov Alexander Nikolaevich Barsukov Alexander Nikolaevich and an outstanding teacher. Mathematician and outstanding teacher. Editor-in-chief of the magazine "Mathematics and Physics at School", then editor-in-chief of the magazine "Mathematics at School" Author of more than 30 books and articles that had a great influence on the development of methods of teaching mathematics. He wrote the textbook "Algebra", which was used by many generations of children in all schools of the country. ()

Heroes of Kolchugino V.I. Vedeneev Vedeneev V.I. Vedeneev V.I. Vedeneev V.I. Balaluev A.A. Balaluev A.A. Balaluev A.A. Balaluev A.A. Shmelev N.I. Shmelev N.I. Shmelev N.I. Shmelev N.I. Maksimov A.E. Maksimov A.E. Maksimov A.E. Maksimov A.E. Sosin V.P. Sosin V.P. Sosin V.P. Sosin V.P. Rachkov P.A. Rachkov P.A. Rachkov P.A. Rachkov P.A. Ryzhenkov N.A. Ryzhenkov N.A. Ryzhenkov N.A. Ryzhenkov N.A.

Ryzhenkov Nikolay Andreevich Ryzhenkov Nikolay Andreevich Born in the village of Kashino. He graduated from 7th grade and worked at a car plant in Moscow. At the front, since 1944, he was the commander of the anti-tank rifle crew of the 199th Guards Rifle Regiment. Guard junior sergeant distinguished himself in battles on June 24, 1944 during the Crossing of the Western Dvina River in the area of ​​the villages of Bui and Dvorishche, Vitebsk Region. On a captured bridgehead, while repelling an enemy tank counterattack, he was wounded, but remained in service. Having used up the armor-piercing cartridges, he fired from a machine gun, destroying several Nazis. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded on July 22, 1944, and the next day the brave warrior died in battle. Buried in the village of Smolvy (Lithuania)

Sosin Vladimir Petrovich Sosin Vladimir Petrovich Born in Kolchugino. Since 1942, he took part in battles against Nazi Germany. He was a platoon commander of the 1st machine gun company. In the battle for the Vistula bridgehead, in just one day he destroyed 3 machine gun points, shot the enemy gun crew point-blank, destroyed up to 30 enemy machine gunners, captured 7 German soldiers, one officer with the rank of captain and one sergeant. After the war he lived in Arzamas. Died 1981

Rachkov Pavel Akimovich Rachkov Pavel Akimovich Born in the village of Malo-Kuzminskoye, Kolchuginsky district, into a working-class family. In the Soviet Army since Graduated from the military aviation school for pilots. At the front since July Squadron commander of the 955th attack air regiment, captain. By March 1945, he had flown 123 combat missions and inflicted heavy damage on the enemy in manpower and military equipment. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. After the war he continued to serve in the Air Force. Died 1947 while on duty. He was buried in Tallinn, Estonian SSR. Streets in Bavleny and in the city of Yuryev-Polsky, Vladimir Region, are named after the Hero. ()

Gorshunov Sergey Anatolyevich Born in Kolchugino. Having graduated from school 1 and having worked in workshop 4 of the Ordzhonikidze plant, he entered the Vladimir Music School in the conducting and choral department. Graduated from the department of solo folk singing of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins. "Honored Artist of Russia." Author of famous songs recorded for the radio broadcasting fund, born.

Rebrov Valery Ivanovich Rebrov Valery Ivanovich Born in Kolchugino. Honorary citizen of the city, honorary veteran of the S. Ordzhonikidze plant, laureate of the Kolchugin public prize, Kolchugin public prize, permanent member of the Russian Union of Local Lore. He worked at the plant for 45 years, rising from an ordinary designer to the head of the mechanization group. Since 1983, assistant director for personnel, and since 1996, director of the factory museum. He has written and published 10 historical and local history books, many of them are manuals for studying the history of his native land. On his initiative, the 1st May Square in our city was renamed the Square named after. Kolchugin and a bust of the founder of the plant and city was installed.

Vedeneev Valentin Ivanovich Vedeneev Valentin Ivanovich Born in the village of Florishchi, Kolchuginsky district. Before the start of the Second World War, he was a worker at the S. Ordzhonikidze plant. During the Great Patriotic War, the fighter pilot shot down 24 enemy aircraft, for which he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. One of the streets in our city is named after him. SPTU 5 in Kolchugino bears his name

Shmelev Nikolai Ivanovich Born in the village of Bludovo, Kolchuginsky district. After graduating from high school and flying club, in 1940 he studied at the Moscow military aviation school, then worked as an instructor pilot. During the Second World War, he made 902 flights during the Second World War, was shot down 10 times and burned in the air. Awarded 17 orders and medals. He wrote the books: “From Low Heights”, “Fire from the Sky”, etc. ()

Maksimov Alexander Efimovich Maksimov Alexander Efimovich Born in the city of Kolchugino. He fought as a fighter pilot, Guard major. He opened his combat account on February 8, 1942 on the Western Front. The result of the pilot’s combat activity is as follows: 444 combat missions, 52 air battles, 22 enemy aircraft shot down

Shimanaev Ivan Alekseevich Born in the village of Kruglyshevo, Aleksandrovsky district. Honorary citizen of the city of Kolchugino. His career path went from a mechanic to the head of a district, a teacher-historian of vocational school 5. In World War II, he was an artillery officer, awarded the Order of the Red Banner, the Red Star, the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree, and four medals. He made a great contribution to the study of local history and to the study of his native land.

Prokhorov Konstantin Alexandrovich Prokhorov Konstantin Alexandrovich Born in the village of Karavaevo. He worked for some time at the Ordzhonikidze plant. Graduated from the Crimean Art College. Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. "Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR." His paintings were placed in various museums in Simferopol, Sevastopol, in the exhibition funds of Moscow, Kyiv, Slutsk, Artek, etc. The USSR Government transferred 2 paintings by K.A. Prokhorov. as a gift to the Government of India.

Anisimova Tamara Ivanovna Anisimova Tamara Ivanovna Born in the village of Bavleny, into a family of employees. In 1935, she and her family moved to Kolchugino. After school, I entered a technical school for processing non-ferrous metals, after which I went on assignment to Siberia, to the city of Tomsk. But love for my native place made me return. Before entering her well-deserved rest, she worked at the Elektrokabel plant. Since 1997, T.I. Anisimova publishes her own poetry collections. In total, the poetess already has nine books of poetry. Let's list everything: “Love of books. Let's list everything: “Love is the basis”, “From March to March”, “Come to the obelisk”, “My city”, “Songs of the wind”, “Gifts from the gnome”, “Victory’s unquenchable light”, “Heart strings”

Balaluev Alexey Andreevich Balaluev Alexey Andreevich Born in Kolchugino. From 1931 to 1934 he worked at the plant named after S. Ordzhonikidze. After graduating from military pilot school. He forever connected his life with aviation and became a test pilot. From the first to the last days of the Second World War, he bravely fought against the fascist invaders near Leningrad, on the Kursk Bulge, in Germany, and fought with the Japanese samurai. He has 28 enemy aircraft shot down. For services to the Fatherland, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In 1947 he died in the line of duty

Ivan Mikhailovich Gubkin Ivan Mikhailovich Gubkin World-famous geologist, academician Born in the village of Pozdnyakov, Murom district, into the family of a middle peasant who was engaged in fishing on the Volga. In 1910 he graduated from the Mining Institute and began doing research work. In 1911, having examined the area of ​​Maykop and the Taman Peninsula, he discovered a new sleeve-shaped form of oil occurrence. His contribution to the development of Soviet geology is very significant. He created the doctrine of the patterns of distribution and origin of mud volcanoes and established their connection with oil fields. The beginning of oil exploration work in Siberia is also associated with the name of Gubkin. He did a lot to introduce geophysical methods of oil exploration in the USSR

Soloukhin Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin Vladimir Alekseevich Russian writer. The lyrical story “Vladimir Country Roads” (1957) about a modern village. Poems (collection “Argument”, 1972). In the books of essays “Letters from the Russian Museum” (1966), “Pebbles in the Palm” (), “Time to Collect Stones.” opposes the destruction of the national-historical foundations of Russian Culture. The story “Laughter over the left shoulder” (1989). Polemic and journalistic books about V.I. Lenin. ()

Zernov Pavel Mikhailovich Zernov Pavel Mikhailovich Twice Hero of Socialist Labor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR. At the age of 15, Zernov P. M. got a job at the Kolchuginsky plant, first as a delivery boy, and then as a worker. Graduated from the Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School. Honours. In 1937, P.M. Zernov defended his dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. During the war years, P.M. Zernov carried out particularly important tasks of the State Defense Committee. In 1946, he was appointed head of the first domestic center for the creation of atomic weapons (KB-11) with exemption from current work in the ministry. In KB-11 Zernov P.M. ensured the development of technology and the production of the first atomic bomb, took part in its testing, for which he was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor (1949). ()

Scientists and cultural figures Stoletov A.G. Stoletov A.G. Stoletov A.G. Stoletov A.G. Shmakov P.V. Shmakov P.V. Shmakov P.V. Shmakov P.V. Taneev S.I. Taneev S.I. Taneev S.I. Taneev S.I. Levitan Yu.B. Levitan Yu.B. Levitan Yu.B. Levitan Yu.B. Voronin N.N. Voronin N.N. Voronin N.N. Voronin N.N. Tikhonravov M.K. Tikhonravov M.K. Tikhonravov M.K. Tikhonravov M.K.

Prokurorov Alexey Alekseevich Prokurorov Alexey Alekseevich Alexey Prokurorov was born in the village of Mishino, Vladimir region. Lives in Vladimir. Graduate of the Vladimir Pedagogical Institute. Olympic champion in cross-country skiing. Olympic champion (1988) at 30 km, silver medalist in the relay. Participant in the 1992, 1994 and 1998 Olympic Games. World champion 1997 at 30 km. In the national team since 1986. He played for In the national team since 1986. He played for SC RA. Alexey Prokurorov ended his sports career at the stage of the 2002 World Cup in Lillehammer, Norway at the age of 39. In April 2006, he was appointed head coach of the Russian women's cross-country skiing team.

Reztsova Anfisa Anatolyevna Reztsova Anfisa Anatolyevna Born in Born in the village of Yakimets Gus-Khrustalny, Soviet and Russian biathlete and region. Soviet and Russian biathlete and skier, two-time Olympic champion in biathlon, Olympic world champion in cross-country skiing, three-time world champion in cross-country skiing, two-time winner of the Biathlon World Cup. His sports career lasted from 1985 to 2000. Vladimir began training in the sports society “Dynamo”, under the leadership of Leonid Reztsov, who later became her husband.

Korolev Yuri Nikolaevich Korolev Yuri Nikolaevich Honored Master of Sports.. Outstanding gymnast of the 80s. Graduated from VSPI. Since 1972, he trained at the Olympic Reserve Youth Sports School with A.V. Fedotova. In 1980, he became the absolute champion of Europe in artistic gymnastics among juniors. At the World Championships (1981, 1985) he became the absolute champion. Since 1991, he has been working as a coach at the Youth Sports School in Vladimir.

Kolchugin Alexander Grigorievich Kolchugin Alexander Grigorievich Merchant of the first guild, Hereditary Honorary Citizen of Moscow, Elder of the Moscow Merchant Class, Member of the Moscow branch of the Council of Trade and Manufacture, Member of the Moscow Provincial Tax Presence, Knight of the Order of St. Anne II degree, St. Stanislav II degree, three gold medals "For Diligence" to be worn on the Alexander, Anninskaya and Stanislavskaya ribbons, a bronze medal to be worn on the Alexander ribbon, a sign of the Red Cross, a silver medal in memory of the Holy Coronation of the Imperial Majesties, the order of the second degree of Prince Daniel I and a silver medal to be worn on the St. Andrew's ribbon in memory of the Holy Coronation of the Sovereign Emperor. () ()

Andrianov Nikolai Efimovich Andrianov Nikolai Efimovich The famous Soviet gymnast, the most titled participant in the Olympic Games among men in terms of the number of medals (15: 7 gold, 5 silver and 3 bronze) won at three Olympics (1972, 1976, 1980). Honored Master of Sports. Nikolai Andrianov at the Moscow Olympics was honored to take the Olympic oath on behalf of the Athletes. In addition to Olympic medals, he had many awards and other tournaments. World champion in all-around (1978) and twice in rings (1974, 1978). Multiple European champion (). Winner of the 1975 World Cup competition. Multiple champion of the USSR. After finishing his sports career, Nikolai Andrianov worked as a children's coach, and in 2002 he became Director of a sports school in Vladimir

Korsakov Sergei Sergeevich Korsakov Sergei Sergeevich Psychiatrist, graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at Moscow University in 1875 and here, in 1887, received the degree of Doctor of Medicine, presenting a very valuable work as a dissertation: “On alcoholic paralysis. The name of Korsakov became especially famous with the time he first described the disease, called “Korsakov psychosis”: this is the so-called polyneuritic psychosis, consisting of a peculiar mental disorder in combination with inflammation of the peripheral nerves (multiple neuritis). His “Course of Psychiatry” is a very valuable contribution to the scientific and educational medical literature. and magazine articles. The personality of Korsakov, who was a high example. The personality of Korsakov, who was a high example of an unmercenary doctor, and his social activities made his name extremely popular among wide circles of the Moscow population ()

Sobinsky district of the village of Orekhovo - Zhukovsky N.E. Orekhovo village – Zhukovsky N.E. Orekhovo village – Zhukovsky N.E. Orekhovo village – Zhukovsky N.E. Cherkutino village – Speransky M.M. Cherkutino village – Speransky M.M. Cherkutino village – Speransky M.M. Cherkutino village – Speransky M.M. d. Alepino-Soloukhin V. d. Alepino-Soloukhin V. d. Alepino-Soloukhin V. d. Alepino-Soloukhin V.

Speransky Mikhail Mikhailovich Speransky Mikhail Mikhailovich Born into the family of a priest. Russian statesman, count (1839). From 1808 he was the closest advisor to Emperor Alexander I, the author of the plan for liberal reforms, and the initiator of the creation of the State Council (1810). As a result of the intrigues of his opponents, he was exiled, and the Governor-General of Siberia drew up a plan for the administrative reform of Siberia. Since 1826, the de facto head of the 2nd department, led the codification of the Basic State Laws of the Russian Empire (1832). Born into a priest's family. Russian statesman, count (1839). From 1808 he was the closest advisor to Emperor Alexander I, the author of the plan for liberal reforms, and the initiator of the creation of the State Council (1810). As a result of the intrigues of his opponents, he was exiled, and the Governor-General of Siberia drew up a plan for the administrative reform of Siberia. Since 1826, the de facto head of the 2nd department, led the codification of the Basic State Laws of the Russian Empire (1832). ()

Vinogradov Dmitry Ivanovich Vinogradov Dmitry Ivanovich We only know about his appearance that D.I. Vinogradov was tall and had dark brown hair. He was born in Suzdal, in the family of a priest. He graduated from the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy in Moscow, where he met M. Lomonosov. Together with Lomonosov and other worthy students, he was sent to study in St. Petersburg at the Academy of Sciences, and three months later he was sent to Germany to study mining and to Germany to study mining and metallurgy. In a short period of time, he mastered the German language perfectly and translated many scientific works into Russian. He wrote three dissertations in German, now they are stored in the archives of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He created the first Russian porcelain and organized the first porcelain production in Russia using exclusively domestic raw materials. He died at the age of 38, burial place is unknown. ()

Stoletov Nikolai Grigorievich Stoletov Nikolai Grigorievich Born into a merchant family in Vladimir in 1834. Graduated from Moscow University, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. Volunteered in the Crimean War. Being the commander of the Transcaspian detachment, he founded the city of Krasnovodsk in 1869. Russian general who took part in the Russian-Turkish war. He commanded the Bulgarian militia, participating in the defense of Shipka. In 1878 he headed the diplomatic mission in Afghanistan, and later commanded the Army Corps. ()

Stoletov Alexander Grigorievich Stoletov Alexander Grigorievich Born in Vladimir. He graduated from high school with a gold medal. He entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at Moscow University and, after graduation, was left at the department to receive a professorship. He made a huge contribution to the development of Russian physics. He carried out major research in the field of magnetism and photoelectric phenomena. He created a technique for studying the magnetic properties of materials and electric discharge in gases. His studies of the magnetic properties of iron formed the basis for methods for calculating electrical machines. Thanks to this, Stoletov is one of the founders of modern electrical engineering. ()

Taneyev Sergei Ivanovich Taneyev Sergei Ivanovich Russian composer, pianist, teacher, scientist, musical and social activist. Born into a noble family. In 1875 he graduated from the Moscow Conservatory under N.G. Rubinstein (piano) and P.I. Tchaikovsky Performed in concerts as (composition). He performed in concerts as a solo pianist and ensemble player. The first performer of many of Tchaikovsky's piano works, performer of his own compositions. From 1878 to 1905 he worked at the Moscow Conservatory (from 1881 professor), where he taught classes in harmony, instrumentation, piano, composition, polyphony, musical form, as a director.. ()

Kamanin Nikolai Petrovich Kamanin Nikolai Petrovich Soviet pilot and military leader, Hero of the Soviet Union. He took part in the rescue of the Chelyuskinites. He led the cosmonaut corps. General Colonel of Aviation N.P. Kamanin Hero of the Soviet Union. Streets in Moscow and many other cities are named after Kamanin. In the Museum of Military Glory at Melenkovskaya School 1 there is an exhibition dedicated to the Hero; There is a memorial plaque on the building of this school. Nikolai Petrovich is the author of the books: The First Citizen of the Universe. M., 1962; The first citizen of the Universe. M., 1962; Pilots and astronauts. M.: Politizdat, 1971; Pilots and astronauts. M.: Politizdat, 1971; Launches into the sky. M., 1976; Launches into the sky. M., 1976; Create yourself. M., Create yourself. M., ()

Zhukovsky Nikolay Egorovich Zhukovsky Nikolay Egorovich Russian scientist, professor, Russian scientist, professor, founder of modern aerodynamics and hydrodynamics. The father of Russian aviation. Born into the family of a railway engineer. Graduated from Moscow University, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. In 1918, TsAGI was established, and Zhukovsky headed its board. An aviation technical school arose on the basis of courses for pilots and was transformed into the Air Force Engineering Academy. ()

Fatyanov Alexey Ivanovich Fatyanov Alexey Ivanovich Russian Soviet poet, author of many popular in the years. songs (to the music of Blanter, Solovyov-Sedoy, etc.). He is the author of the famous songs: 1) Nightingales 2) Couplet of Kurochkin 3) On your porch 4) If only the accordion could do 5) Spring on Zarechnaya Street In honor of Fatyanov, an annual song festival is held in the city of Vyazniki. ()

Kubasov Valery Nikolaevich Kubasov Valery Nikolaevich Born in the city of Vyazniki. Born in the city of Vyazniki. Pilot-cosmonaut. During his years in the cosmonaut corps he completed three space flights. He was the first in the world to conduct experiments on welding in space. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union. Lives in Moscow, since 1997 works as a scientific consultant at RSC Energia.

Nikitin Sergei Konstantinovich Nikitin Sergei Konstantinovich Russian Soviet writer. Russian Soviet writer. Graduated from the Literary Institute named after. Gorky. Published since 1948. Author of collections of stories and stories “Return” (1952), “Seven Elephants” (1954), “Bonfire in the Wind” (1960), “Falling Star” (1964), “Evening Dawn” (1970), etc., dedicated to the main way of life of the Soviet village. Graduated from the Literary Institute named after. Gorky. Published since 1948. Author of collections of stories and stories “Return” (1952), “Seven Elephants” (1954), “Bonfire in the Wind” (1960), “Falling Star” (1964), “Evening Dawn” (1970), etc., dedicated to the main way of life of the Soviet village. ()

Fomin Nikolay Sergeevich Fomin Nikolay Sergeevich Born in Yuryev-Polsky. He took part in World Wars 1 and 2. Hero of the Soviet Union. Artillery commander. After the war, he continued to serve in senior positions in the USSR Ministry of Defense. ()

Mitkov Mikhail Fotievich Mitkov Mikhail Fotievich Born in the village of Varvarino. Decembrist, Colonel of the Life Guards of the Finnish Regiment, took part in Borodino; took part in the Battle of Borodino; received a gold sword with the inscription “For Bravery.” Member of northern society, spoke out for the need to abolish serfdom. Participant in preparations for the uprising in Moscow. ()

Levitan Yuri Borisovich Levitan Yuri Borisovich Born in Vladimir. announcer of the All-Union Radio (since 1931). During the war years, I read reports from the Sovinform Bureau, orders of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief and the most important government messages. People's Artist of the USSR (1980). He had a low, solemn voice, rare in timbre and expressiveness. ()

Lazarev Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev Mikhail Petrovich Born in Vladimir. Russian naval commander and navigator, admiral (1843). V made 3 voyages around the world, including (commander of the Mirny) in the expedition of F. F. Bellingshausen, which discovered Antarctica. During the defeat of the Turks in the Battle of Navarino in 1827, the commander of the battleship Azov. Since 1833, Commander-in-Chief of the Black Sea Fleet and Black Sea ports. ()

Lazarev Andrey Petrovich Lazarev Andrey Petrovich Vice Admiral, Arctic explorer, circumnavigator, older brother of M.P. Lazarev. In 1819, as a lieutenant, commanding the brig "Novaya Zemlya", he left Arkhangelsk to Novaya Zemlya to inventory it, but walked only along the southern and southwestern coast of the island, did not land anywhere and, citing heavy ice and scurvy, returned to Arkhangelsk . In captain-lieutenant, commanding the sloop "Ladoga", made a circumnavigation of the world, calling at Kamchatka and Russian America; promoted to captain 2nd rank. Vice Admiral, Arctic explorer, circumnavigator, elder brother of M. P. Lazarev. In 1819, as a lieutenant, commanding the brig "Novaya Zemlya", he left Arkhangelsk to Novaya Zemlya to inventory it, but walked only along the southern and southwestern coast of the island, did not land anywhere and, citing heavy ice and scurvy, returned to Arkhangelsk . In captain-lieutenant, commanding the sloop "Ladoga", made a circumnavigation of the world, calling at Kamchatka and Russian America; promoted to captain 2nd rank

- (1882-1918) - member of the congress from the Kovrov district and chairman of the Kovrov organization of the RCP (b).
- (1922-2003) - Soviet and Russian composer, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1984).
- (1779-1822) - academician of painting. Born in the village. Ivanovo, Shuisky district.
- (1823-1886) - Russian publicist, poet. In 1878 he was exiled to the village. Varvarino, Yuryevsky district.
- (1841-1914) - Pokrovsky district leader of the nobility, Vladimir vice-governor, Simbirsk governor.
- (1794-1872) - Doctor of Medicine, Vladimir medical inspector and philanthropist. Born in the village. Vysheslavsky, Suzdal district.
- (1822-1877) - Sudogodsky district leader of the nobility.
- (1885-1966) - Soviet composer and conductor.
- (1777-1849) - actual privy councilor and chamberlain, envoy to Brazil.
- (1867-1942) – poet, symbolist, classic of Silver Age literature. Born in the village. Gumnishchi of Shuisky district.
- (1813–1883) - merchant, the largest gold miner in Eastern Siberia, commercial adviser, actual state councilor, public figure, one of the most significant Siberian philanthropists.
- (1889 -1919) - Russian revolutionary, Bolshevik. Member of the RCP(b) since 1918. Commissioner of the 25th Infantry Division.
- (1842-1896) - state councilor, dissector of the Imperial Moscow University, senior doctor of the Moscow police. Born in Seminova Gora, Vladimir district.
- (1807-1880) - ordinary professor of the Kazan Theological Academy. Born in the Unzhensky churchyard, Melenkovsky district.
- (1864-1945) - nurse, midwife, treasurer of the provincial committee of the RSDLP.
- (1702 -1755) - prince, vice admiral and general-krieg commissar of the Russian fleet, favorite of Princess Ekaterina Ioannovna.
- (1833-1887) - Great Russian composer, scientist chemist.
- (1809-1862) - researcher of the Shuya region. Born in the village. Nizhny Landekhe, Gorokhovetsky district.
- (1893-1973) - local historian, bibliographer.
- (1785-1864) - Russian writer and statesman. Born on the Romanovo estate, Suzdal district.
- (1857-1930) - revolutionary populist, member of the “Land and Freedom” and “Black Redistribution” organizations, member of the Central Committee of the Socialist Revolutionary Party.
- (1895-1955) - employee of the Soviet state security agencies, major general, head of the commandant's office of the OGPU-NKVD-MGB (1926-1953).
- (1784-1808) - Russian poet and translator. Born in Pereslavl-Zalessky.
- (February 23, 1901 - 1975) - proletarian writer and poet, editor of the newspaper "Luch" of the mountains. Muroma.
- (January 1, 1929 - August 6, 1993) - Soviet prose writer.
- (1905-1977) - art critic, architect-restorer, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, honorary citizen of Suzdal.
- (c. 1720–1758) - creator of Russian porcelain.
- (1745-1812). He died and was buried in Vladimir.
- (1828-1883) - professor of the Kyiv Theological Academy, archpriest. Born in the Vasilyevsky churchyard, Murom district.
- (1759-1817) - Russian statesman; Oryol and Vologda governor.
- (1844-1909) - director of the 10th Moscow gymnasium. Born in Suzdal.
- (1836-1912) – dissenter, senator. Born in the village. Rusyn, or Novo-Zaozerye, Kovrov district.
- (1921-2007) - outstanding French ballerina. She belonged to the noble Vladimir nobility.
- (1882-1939) - Russian revolutionary, trade unionist, poet and writer, theorist of the scientific organization of labor and head of the Central Institute of Labor.
- (1820-1890) - founder of Ivanovo-Voznesensk, first Head of the city, philanthropist, local historian, industrialist and public figure. Born in the village. Ivanov.
- (1827-1902) - historian of the Vladimir militia.
- (March 17 (30), 1912, Murom, - April 11, 1976, Moscow) - Russian Soviet playwright and screenwriter.
- (1884-?) - graduate of the Vladimir Theological Seminary, local historian and historian.
- (1871-1939) - organizer of Soviet petroleum geology. Born in the village. Pozdnyakovo, Murom district.
- (1873-1936) – teacher, participated in the development of new curricula in the Russian language, new textbooks and teaching aids.
- (1877-1948) – editor, historian.
- (1861-1919) – head of the provincial museum. Born in the village of Shegodskoye, Yuryevsky district.
- (d. 1815) - historian of the mountains. Vladimir.
- (1758-1848) - director of Vladimir schools, writer.
- (1835-1902) - researcher of Melenkovsky and Murom districts, employee of the Vladimir Provincial Gazette.
- (1822–1892) - researcher in the Vladimir province. Born in the village. Pyatnitsa-Dubenki, Sudogodsky district.
- (1888–1970) - one of the first secretaries of the Vladimir district-city committee of the RCP (b).
- (1701-1766) – rear admiral. He was buried in the Novo-Nikolsky churchyard of Sudogodsky district.
- (1817-1910) – Shuya local historian. Born in the village. Novikakh, Shuisky district.
- (1847-1921) - Russian mechanic, founder of hydro- and aerodynamics.
- (1860-1910) - writer, editor of the almanac "Vladimir Cranberry".
- (1854-1884) - scientist.
- (1817-1886) - archpriest, bachelor of the Moscow Theological Academy.
- (1864-1940) - member of the Vyazniki City Duma, local historian, author of the book “The City of Vyazniki in the Old Time.”
- (1890-1976) - first head of the Vladimir Provincial Museum (1921), head of the Vladimir Museum (1924).
- (1912-?) - General of the Main Intelligence Directorate. A native of the Vladimir province.
- (1818-1864) – Vyaznikovsky artist, in the middle of the 19th century his name was known in Italy.
- (1870-1945) - Kiev governor (1907-09), Minister of Public Education of the Russian Empire (1915-16).
- (1819-1885) - senator, privy councilor, academician.
- (1902 -1939) - Russian Soviet writer.
- (1854-1900) - Russian psychiatrist.
- (1898-1973) - People's Artist of the USSR, Laureate of the Stalin Prize.
- (1845–1923) – owner in the city. Vladimir printing house and bookbinding workshop.
- (1874-1928) - prose writer, poet, journalist, memoirist.
- (1841-1888) - professor at the Imperial Novorossiysk University. Born in Troitsky, Alexandrovsky district.
- (1935-2014) - pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR No. 18.
- (1875-1941) - Russian artist, painter, master of portraits and everyday scenes.
- (1894 – 1967) - Soviet trade unionist, poet.
- (1861-1934) - Russian general, hero of the Russian-Japanese War, commander of the Life Guards of the Grodno Hussar Regiment.
- .
- (1876-1905) - Russian social democrat, one of the participants in the workers’ strike in Ivanovo-Voznesensk in 1905. Born in the village of Saksino, Murom district.
- (1912-1987) - Russian writer, one of the initiators of the creation of the Vladimir branch of the Union of Writers of the USSR.
- (d. 1822) - commandant in Vladimir until 1800, governor of Vyatka.
- (1897-1965) – Vladimir composer, musician.
- (1882-1948) - Bolshevik, Soviet censor, one of the prominent functionaries of ideological censorship of the 1920-1940s, critic, literary critic.
- (1912-1941) - poet-marinist, submarine officer. Born in Suzdal.
- (1893-1972) - translator, poet. Lived in the mountains. Alexandrov.
- (1772-1848) - author of bibliographic works on the activities of the Old Believers. Born in the mountains. Yuryev-Polsky.
- (1871-1935) - Russian historian, archivist.
- (? - 1785) - Russian industrialist from the Maltsov family, founder of the village (later the city) of Gus-Khrustalny.
- (1774-1853) - Russian industrialist from the Maltsov family.
- (1771-1823) - Russian industrialist from the Maltsov family, owner of the Gusev crystal factory.
- (? - 1812) - Russian merchant and industrialist from the Maltsov family.
- (1807-1880) - large manufacturer, writer and diplomat, active privy councilor.
- (1928–1994) - Honored Builder of the RSFSR, Hero of Socialist Labor.
- (1872-1938) – poet.
- (1855-1913) - Nizhny Novgorod mayor. Born in the village. Vashka, Pereslavl district.
- (1830-1891) – city doctor, philanthropist, honorary citizen of Suzdal.
- (1759-1830) – doctor in Suzdal, scientist.
- (1817-1881) - a genius singer.
- (1901-1972) - Soviet artist, participant in the Great Patriotic War; member of the Union of Artists of the USSR (since 1934).
- (1867-1918) – Governor of Kursk and Tambov.
- (1878-1962) - writer from the people, poet, native of the city of Suzdal.
- (1821-1878) - Russian poet, writer and publicist, classic of Russian literature. In 1861 N.A. Nekrasov visits Mstera.
- (1834-1913) - Russian philanthropist, philanthropist, manufacturer, translator, diplomat, owner of glass factories, honorary citizen of the city of Vladimir (1901).
- (1838-1902) – writer, ethnographer, archaeologist. Born in the village. Ivanovo, Shuisky district.
- (1763-1843) – Kovrov district leader of the nobility.
- (1815-1879) - Chairman of the Vladimir Provincial Zemstvo Council. Born in Kovrov.
- (1924-2001) - journalist, historian, local historian.
- - Klyazmogorodets trading people.
- (1852-1908) - founder of the cyclist club in Moscow.
- (1765-1831) - professor and rector of Kharkov University. Born in the village. Osipov, Kovrov district.
- (1786-1847) – writer, poet. Born in the village. Epiphany Pogost, Vyaznikovsky district.
- (c. 1790-1840) – writer. Born in the village. Kuchki, Alexandrovsky district.
- (1858-1941) - military engineer, the last Kovrov district leader of the nobility.
- (1893-1967) - composer, conductor, violinist, pianist, Vyaznikovsky musician, organizer of the first brass band.
- (1765-1841) - professor at the Imperial Moscow University, collegiate adviser. Born in the village. Perelog, Suzdal district.
- (1829-1900) - senior adviser to the Vladimir Provincial Board, acting. O. Vladimir Vice-Governor.
- (1850-1899) - Pokrovsky District Marshal of the Nobility, historian.
- (1863-1944) - Russian photographer, chemist (Mendeleev’s student), inventor.
- (1815-1861) – editor of the newspaper “Vladimir Provincial Gazette”. Born in Suzdal.
- (1858-1891) – doctor. Born in the village. Ustye, Vladimir district.
- (1789-1870) – priest. Born in the village. Chirikovo, Suzdal district.
- (1795-1870) – archpriest of the village. Lezhnevo, dean. Born in the village. Chirikov, Vladimir district.
- (1836-?) – writer. Born in the village. Chirikovo, Suzdal district.
- (1868-1922) - Itinerant artist.
- (1823-1875) - literary figure, compiler of children's books. He came from peasants of the Vladimir province.
- (1816-?) - German musician, music teacher at the Noble boarding school at the Vladimir provincial gymnasium.
- (1886-1918) - painter, graphic artist.
- (1886-1938) - famous shipbuilder, specialist in the field of underwater shipbuilding. A native of the Gorokhovets region.
- (1789-1858) – lieutenant colonel, participant in the Patriotic War of 1812 and foreign campaigns of 1813-1814, lived in Gorokhovets in 1819-1858.
- (1829-1866) - a writer from the people. Born in the village. Ivanovo (future Ivanovo-Voznesensk), Shuisky district.
- (1860-1895) - Russian writer and journalist, who left behind several collections of poems and humorous stories.
- (1746-1816) - Lieutenant General, hero of the assault on Anapa in 1791.
- (1890-1981) - sculptor and teacher.
- (1838-1912) - Russian mechanical engineer, inventor and teacher, founder of the Russian vocational training system.
- (1918-2008) - Russian writer, playwright, publicist, poet, public and political figure.
- (1748-1795) – member of the Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy. Born in the village. Krutze.
- (1900 -1977) - Soviet military leader and Komsomol worker, participant in the Civil War, Honorary Citizen of the city of Vladimir.
- (1765-1818) - bibliographer, compiler of Russian books.
- (1851-1915) - zoologist and archaeologist, manager of state property of the Vladimir and Ryazan provinces, founded the Vladimir Scientific Archival Commission and the Vladimir Society of Natural History Lovers.
- (1854-1919) - historian of Russian literature, archaeologist, archaeographer, bibliographer, doctor.
- (1819-1866) - biographer A.S. Griboedova. Born in Sushchev, Vladimir district.
- (1870-1916) – Russian church historian, professor at the Moscow Theological Academy.
- (1839-1915) - large manufacturer of Pokrovsky district, philanthropist.
- (1806-1868) – author of many famous manuals on the Latin language, “Moscow Cicero”. Born in Omuttse-Pestyansky, Vladimir district.
- (1760-1820) - ordinary professor at the Imperial Moscow University. Born in Alexandrova Sloboda.
- (1860-1904) – lawyer, ethnographer. Born in Borisoglebsky churchyard, Vladimir district.
- (1821-?) - editor of the Vladimir Provincial Gazette. Born in the village of Tuchkovo, Sudogodsky district.
- (1842-1895) - researcher of the Vladimir region. Born in the village of Koptsevo, Aleksandrovsky district.
- (1888-1914) - Russian composer and pianist. Born in Vladimir province.
- (c. 1616-c. 1716) - Russian religious figure, one of the founders of the Khlysty sect, revered by his followers for Christ.
- (d. 1912) - assistant inspector of the Vladimir Theological Seminary. Born in Nevadievsky, Murom district.
- (1815-1871) - Secretary of State of Emperor Alexander II. Born in the village. Goloperov, Pereslavl district.
- (1914-1987) – designer, Vladimir poet, “Honorary Pioneer of the City of Vladimir.”
- (1822 -1879) - ethnographer and statistician, editor of the Vladimir Provincial Gazette. Born in Kovrov.
- (d. 1850) - student of the Vladimir Seminary, Professor of the Vladimir Theological Seminary.
- (1796-1854) - the first Kovrov poet. Born in the village. Lyubets, Kovrov district.
- - Soviet engineer, designer of space and rocket technology, associate of S. P. Korolev.
- (1832-1878) - pioneer inventor, developed the technology for producing phosphorus and began its production for the first time in Russia, founding the Perm Phosphorus Plant.
- (1818-1900) - local historian of Volyn, professor of the Volyn spirit. Seminaries, Master of Theology. Born in in the village. Karacharovo, Murom district.
- (1816-1864) - bibliographer and paleologist.
- (1885-1945) - Russian and Soviet poetess, translator.
- (1792-?) – doctor. Born in the village of Ivankovo, Yuryevsky district.
- (1919-1959) - Soviet Russian poet, author of many popular songs in the 1940-1970s. Born in the village. Maloe Petrino (now within the city of Vyaznikov).
- (1901-1921) - activist of the youth communist movement, one of the founders of the Komsomol, poet. Born in Pokrov.
- (1918-1993) - Russian Soviet singer (lyric-coloratura soprano), People's Artist of the RSFSR (1956).
- (1854-1887) - literary figure. Born in the Veretev churchyard, Kovrov district.
- (1893-1941) - poet.
- (1866-1919) - Russian politician; Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Empire of all four convocations.
- (1875-1949) – naval officer and talented inventor. Born in Vyazniki.
- (1861–1922) – worked in 1890-1891. teacher at a two-year ministerial school in the village of Dubasovo. Brother A.P. Chekhov.
- (1809-1877) - employee of the Vladimir Provincial Gazette. Born in the city of Kovrov.
- (1790-1876) - Adjutant General (1825), member of the Military Council (1838-41), infantry general (1843), Kazan governor (1842-44), senator (1846).
- (d. 1897) - an outstanding zemstvo figure in the Vladimir province.
- (d. 1941) - people's teacher of the village. Zakomelye.
- (1885-1982) - Soviet scientist in the field of television and electronics.
- (1792-?) - Professor at the Imperial Moscow University. Born in the mountains. Pereslavl-Zalessky.
- (1944-2014) - Russian bell ringer.
- (1782-?) – writer, teacher. Born in the village. Podberezye, Vladimir district.


Noble families

Izedinovs, Kablukovs, Kalakutskys, Kalachovs, Kasagovs, Novikovs, .

Natives of Vladimir

- (1765-1814) - Russian poet.
- (1772 -1839) - Russian statesman, reformer and lawmaker.
- (1788-1851) – admiral.
- (1794-1876) - children's writer.
- (1814-1857) - historian, editor of the Vladimir Provincial Gazette.
- (1816-1867) - chemist and technologist.
- (1823-1894) - writer.
- (1828-1889) - academician and senator.
- (1831-1912) - Russian military leader, commander of the Bulgarian militia in the Russian-Turkish war.
- (1839-1896) - physicist, emeritus professor at Moscow University.
- (1845-1899) - Major General, buried at the Prince Vladimir cemetery in Vladimir.
- (1896-1966) - Architect-restorer.
- (1832-1895) - Professor of the Imperial Moscow University, Doctor of Medicine.

Andrey Bogolyubsky

Grand Duke of Vladimir Andrei Bogolyubsky (about 1111-1174) was the son of Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky and the Polovtsian princess, daughter of Khan Aepa Asenevich. Contrary to the will of his father, he left Vyshgorod in 1155 and settled in Vladimir.

From the Vyshgorod convent he took with him an icon of the Mother of God, which later began to be revered as the greatest Russian shrine. On the way to Rostov at night, the Mother of God appeared to the prince in a dream and ordered him to leave the icon in Vladimir. Andrei did so, and on the site of the vision he built the village of Bogolyubovo, which over time became his favorite residence.

After the death of his father (1157) he became Prince of Vladimir, Rostov and Suzdal. Vladimir made the previously insignificant young town the capital city of the Rostov-Suzdal principality.

In 1169, he organized a campaign against the Grand Duke of Kyiv Mstislav II Izyaslavich, creating a coalition of 11 princes, whose troops captured and plundered Kyiv, which became the first case in the practice of civil strife between Russian princes. After a three-day siege, the army broke into Kyiv and for the first time in history took it “on the shield.” Andrei achieved his goal - ancient Kyiv lost its centuries-old seniority.

Mikhail Speransky

A statesman, closest advisor to Alexander I, author of a plan for liberal reforms, initiator of the creation of the State Council, Mikhail Mikhailovich Speransky (1772-1839) showed great promise at a young age, therefore he was enrolled in the Vladimir Diocesan Seminary under the surname Speransky (from the Latin verb spero, sperare - hope, hope).

Having entered the service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Speransky proposed his famous “Plan of State Reforms” and in 1808 was appointed Minister of Justice. However, on the eve of the war with Napoleon, which Speransky resolutely opposed, Alexander I dismissed him from all posts and exiled him to Nizhny Novgorod, and then to Perm.

Later, Speransky turned to Alexander I with a request for pardon and in 1816 he was appointed governor of Penza, and in 1819 - governor-general of Siberia. From that time on, Speransky decisively abandoned his previous liberal views and became an adherent of unlimited autocracy. In 1839 he was elevated to the dignity of count.

Mikhail Lazarev

The famous Russian naval commander and navigator, member of the Geographical Society, Admiral Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev (1788-1851) was born in Vladimir. Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming a sailor, so his parents assigned him to the Naval Corps.

Among the thirty best midshipmen, Lazarev was sent on a voyage, where he established himself as “a young man of keen intelligence and well-behaved behavior.”

He took part in the Patriotic War of 1812, and then went on a round-the-world expedition to the Southern Arctic Ocean. On January 9, 1821, sailors discovered the island of Peter I, and a week later they approached the mountainous coast, called the coast of Alexander I. Thus, Russian sailors were the first in the world to discover Antarctica.

In 1827, the Azov commander Lazarev was appointed chief of staff of the squadron. On October 20, 1827, the famous Battle of Navarino took place, in which the Russian, English and French squadrons took part. The Russians bore the brunt of the battle and played a major role in the defeat of the Turkish-Egyptian fleet. For 18 years, Mikhail Petrovich was the commander of the Black Sea Fleet, which under his leadership became the best in Russia.

Sergey Taneyev

Russian composer, pianist, music scientist, teacher Sergei Ivanovich Taneyev (1856-1915) was born in Vladimir into a noble family. Taneyev anticipated many trends in the musical art of the 20th century. At the age of 10, he entered the Moscow Conservatory, from which he graduated with a gold medal in piano classes by N. G. Rubinstein and composition by P. I. Tchaikovsky. Taneyev was a favorite student and close friend of Pyotr Ilyich, often a performer of his works, as well as their editor and arranger.

In 1885-1888, at the request of Tchaikovsky, Taneyev headed the conservatory. Among Taneyev's students are composers S. V. Rachmaninov, A. N. Scriabin, N. K. Medtner, S. M. Lyapunov, R. M. Gliere, A. T. Grechaninov and many others. Taneyev's compositional heritage is large in scale and diverse in genres; it includes opera, symphony, and original vocal lyrics. After the death of N. G. Rubinstein and P. I. Tchaikovsky, Taneyev turned out to be a central figure in musical life - as a teacher, pianist (soloist and excellent ensemble player), conductor, scientist, musician of enormous outlook, impeccable taste and a man of the highest moral purity.

Vladimir Zvorykin

The great scientist, one of the inventors of modern television, a native of Murom, Vladimir Kozmich Zvorykin (1888-1982), was always distinguished by his amazing mental alertness. Zworykin's research activities began at the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology, in the laboratory of Professor B. Rosing, who at that time was working on the problems of television systems. After graduating with honors from the institute in 1912, Zvorykin went to Paris, where he studied X-rays under the guidance of P. Langevin. In 1918, Vladimir Kozmich went abroad.

In 1931, he created an outstanding invention - the first iconoscope - a transmission tube that made the development of television systems possible.

It is impossible to list all areas of Zvorykin’s creative activity. Back in 1920, he received a Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh and then a Ph.D. from the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, and finally became a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and many other academies and scientific societies. Zvorykin had more than a hundred patents and more than thirty scientific awards.

Karl Thurmer

When a boy was born into a poor Thürmer family in Germany in 1824, hardly anyone could have imagined that two centuries later his name would be remembered and his deeds honored in a completely different country - Russia, which became his second homeland.

The outstanding forestry scientist Karl Franzevich Thürmer (1824-1900) received recognition in the scientific world during his lifetime. In Sudogodsky district, he created an exemplary forestry industry, for which he was awarded an Imperial Certificate of Honor.

Since 1853, Thürmer forever linked his fate with Russia. He began his career in Porechye, at the forest dacha of Count Uvarov in the Moscow region. The owner of local forests, Khrapovitsky, understood that intensive logging, which brings in a lot of income, requires appropriate follow-up measures for reforestation. And then fate gave the count a meeting with Thürmer, who was already famous as a great specialist in artificial forest cultivation. Khrapovitsky invited Thürmer to his place, and his proposal was accepted. The crown of Thürmer's many years of work was the large-scale collection of forest crops he created, which became living evidence of his professional feat for several generations.

Yuri Levitan

Yuri Borisovich Levitan (1914-1983) dreamed of becoming an artist since childhood. He loved poetry, theater, singing, and because of his loud voice he received the nickname “Trumpet”. However, having arrived in Moscow after the 9th grade, he failed the exam at the State Film College (now VGIK). The admissions committee did not like his “curious” Vladimir dialect. But in the same year, Yuri Levitan was accepted into the group of trainees of the All-Union Radio Committee. One day, after several months of internship, Yuri was assigned to read an article from Pravda on the radio. It had to happen that at that moment Stalin was at the receiver.

Hearing Levitan, he immediately dialed the telephone number of the chairman of the USSR Radio Committee and said that the text of his report tomorrow at the 17th Party Congress opening in the morning should be read by the announcer who had just broadcast articles from Pravda. At 12 noon, a sealed package with Stalin’s speech was brought to the studio. Levitan, white with excitement, read the sacred text for five hours without making a single mistake. The next day, the nineteen-year-old boy became the main announcer of the Soviet Union.

In June 1941, it was Levitan who read the message about the beginning of the war and then, throughout all four years, informed the country about the situation at the fronts. Marshal Rokossovsky once said that Levitan’s voice was equivalent to an entire division. And Hitler considered him enemy number one of the Reich (Commander-in-Chief Stalin was listed as number two). 250 thousand marks were promised for Levitan’s head, and a special group was preparing to be sent to Moscow to eliminate the speaker. Levitan was the first among the announcers to be awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

Nikolay Kamanin

Military pilot Nikolai Petrovich Kamanin (1909-1982) became famous in February 1934, when he was appointed commander of a mixed detachment of aircraft to rescue the crew and passengers of the Chelyuskin steamship. On an R-5 plane in difficult weather conditions, Kamanin made a group flight from Olyutorka to Vankarem with a length of about 2,500 km. In 9 flights to the ice floe he took 34 people out of the ice camp, for which he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and the Order of Lenin.

In 1938, Nikolai Petrovich graduated from the N. E. Zhukovsky Air Force Academy and commanded an air brigade. In the first months of the Great Patriotic War, he was involved in the formation and preparation of aviation formations for their dispatch to the front. Since July 1942, Kamanin has been the commander of the 292nd assault aviation division (Kalinin Front), since February 1943 - the commander of the 8th mixed and 5th assault aviation corps (1st and 2nd Ukrainian fronts). Units under his command liberated Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia. In 1956, Kamanin graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff. He commanded the air army, and since 1958 he has been deputy chief of the Air Force General Staff for combat training. Since 1960, he was assistant to the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force for space, and actively participated in the selection and training of the first Soviet cosmonauts. Streets in Moscow, Vladimir and Sevastopol are named after him.

Vladimir Soloukhin

Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin (1924-1997) was born in the village of Alepina, forty miles from Vladimir, on the banks of the small river Vorscha, into a peasant patriarchal family. Rural childhood, primary school in Alepin, seven-year school in the neighboring village of Cherkutin, then Vladimir Mechanical College. He realized his calling in 1946, publishing his first poems in Komsomolskaya Pravda.

After graduating from the Literary Institute. M. Gorky published the first collection of poems “Rain in the Steppe”. The book “Vladimir Country Roads” (1957) attracted serious attention from readers and critics, receiving the most approving responses.

In 1964, the autobiographical novel “Mother-Stepmother” was published. A special place in Soloukhin’s work is occupied by his books “Letters from the Russian Museum” and “Black Boards”. The theme of Russian nature and the spiritual wealth of the people always occupied the writer, so he wrote about the need to preserve and protect them.