Qualitative characteristics of the goods

Quality is understood as a set of product properties that determine its suitability to satisfy certain needs in accordance with its purpose.
Property - a certain feature of the product, which manifests itself during its creation, operation or consumption, transportation, storage, repair. Each product has a set of properties inherent only to it, on which its application depends. Among them, of particular importance are the properties that appear in the process of operation or consumption and are called consumer properties.
In addition to consumer properties, depending on the nature of production and use, the quality structure includes the properties of manufacturability, standardization and unification.
Properties are conditionally divided into simple and complex. Complex properties consist of groups of properties, which in turn include subgroups of properties and simple properties. All of the above properties are complex. So, consumer properties include purpose, reliability, ergonomics, aesthetics, etc. In the property of reliability, along with others, a simple property is singled out - reliability, i.e. time to failure. Thus, a simple property is characterized by one feature, such as acidity, fat content, etc.
The properties of goods are characterized by indicators - quantitative characteristics. The indicators of those properties that are part of the quality are called quality indicators, and the indicators of any properties inherent in the product are called parameters.
Quality indicators are classified according to a number of features: depending on the properties characterized, there are indicators of purpose, reliability, technological, etc.; according to the method of expression - in natural units (kg, m, s, points, dimensionless) and cost units; by the number of characterized properties - single and complex.
A single indicator is an indicator that characterizes one simple property, for example, color, shape, mass. A complex indicator is an indicator that characterizes a series simple properties through a complex one (an indicator of the hygienic properties of shoes - a complex property - is determined through simple ones - air, steam, water permeability, etc.), one complex property (TV reliability) or a number of complex properties. Therefore, complex indicators are divided into group, integral and generalized.
A group complex indicator characterizes a group of simple properties or one complex property with one numerical value, for example aesthetic properties goods - a certain number of points.
The integral complex indicator characterizes the ratio of the total beneficial effect from the operation or consumption of products E to the total costs for the creation of SP and the operation or consumption of GE:
And \u003d E / (3C + 3E).
A generalized complex indicator characterizes the entire set of properties by which quality is assessed. For example, a generalized complex indicator includes all consumer properties.

Quantitative characteristics of the goods

The quality of goods must constantly correspond to demand, i.e. optimal amount consumed goods. Quantitative characteristics are fundamental. When determining it, one should distinguish between single copies of goods and their totality - commodity lots.
Single copies - single goods that have integrity and specific consumer properties. Different instances in their variety must have the same properties. Single copies include food and non-food products (for example, an egg, a head of cheese, an apple, a pair of shoes or socks, etc.), as well as a packaging unit, the commodity mass of which is characterized by solidity and integrity (a pack of tea). Single copies do not include packaging units consisting of individual products (packaging of diskettes), since they themselves are a collection of single copies.
At the same time, it is impossible to achieve absolute uniformity, therefore the totality of these copies - a consignment - is heterogeneous.
Goods consignment - a set of single copies of goods of the same type and name, united according to a certain attribute (day of production, availability of a shipping document, etc.). It follows that all goods in a consignment must have the same properties. At the same time, one cannot speak of the sameness, one can only assume the identity of the properties of individual items of goods. Particular differences are already foreseen between them, which are due to the heterogeneity of raw materials and a number of production factors.
This heterogeneity requires fixing the allowable value of the quantitative characteristics of single items of goods and the average value for the consignment as a whole. To do this, use the homogeneity index - the standard deviation of the values ​​of quality indicators, i.e. range - the difference between the maximum and minimum results.
All goods have general quantitative characteristics (mass, length, volume, etc.) and specific quantitative characteristics that relate either to single copies (porosity, viscosity, hardness, etc.) or to batches of goods (bulk weight, flowability) .

Characteristic- is a collection distinctive properties, signs of an object or phenomenon.

Products have four fundamental characteristics: assortment, quality, quantity and cost .

1) Assortment characteristics of goods - a set of distinctive properties and characteristics of goods that determine their functional and (or) social purpose. Such a characteristic includes a group, subgroup, type, variety, name, trademark and establishes the fundamental differences between one type or product name from another.

For example, butter, ghee and vegetable oil fundamentally differ from each other in their functional purpose and nutritional value. These differences are also due to their qualitative characteristics.

2) Qualitative characteristics (quality) of goods a set of intraspecific consumer properties of a product. A qualitative characteristic differs from an assortment one by a greater completeness of consumer properties, among which important place focus on safety and environmental friendliness. The qualitative characteristics of goods is of decisive importance for consumer preferences.

3) Quantitative characteristics of goods it expression of certain properties of the goods using physical quantities and units of their measurement. These characteristics satisfy, for example, the needs of consumers for goods of certain package sizes. So, unacceptable deviations from the established volume or weight of the package serve as the basis for a ban on the sale or markdown of goods. Permissible norms of deviations by mass or volume are regulated by regulatory documents. Dimensional characteristics are also used in assessing quality.

4) Cost characteristics of goods . The cost characteristics of goods are not related to commodity research and are the subject of study of economic disciplines, but the assortment, quality and quantitative characteristics are directly related to the cost.

The direct proportional dependence of the cost with quantitative characteristics is most pronounced, since the price as a measure of value is set most often per unit of measurement of goods.

There is not always a direct relationship between quality and cost, because in a competitive environment, quality is only one of the pricing criteria. This confirms the significant variation in prices for the same goods in different regions and trade organizations. However, it should be emphasized that cheap goods are not always of reduced quality; certain restrictions are placed on prices or trade markups for a number of consumer goods.

The weakest dependence can be traced between cost and assortment characteristics. Goods of the same names can be both cheap and expensive. At the same time, there are a number of traditionally expensive goods of certain assortment groups - these are fine wines, cognacs, meat and fish delicacies, etc.

Use value of goods- it balance between benefits that the consumer receives as a result of the acquisition and use goods, and costs for its purchase and use.

Of no small importance in the manifestation of consumer value are the assortment, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the goods. Thus, food products with different characteristics satisfy the human body's need for energy, biologically valuable substances and organoleptic sensations in different ways.

Use value can be acquired not only by new goods, but also by traditional, previously known goods, due to the discovery of new natural properties. Yes, environmentally clean products food are well-known products with a high level of safety. Thus, the use value of goods acts as a measure of their usefulness and is manifested through the fundamental commodity characteristics.

2. Subject of commodity research activity - this is a person who cognizes the external world (object) and influences it in his practical activities, as well as the bearer of rights and obligations.

Subjects of commodity research activities are divided into 2 types: merchandisers and consumersgoods.

1) Product consumer- this is a citizen who orders, purchases, uses goods for personal needs, without making a profit.

2) Commodity experts- specialists who carry out commodity research activities by virtue of their official duties. Merchandisers must know everything about the product.

Modern vinyl siding is very popular as a finishing material. To date, the siding type of finish has replaced a significant part natural coatings for facades. Installation of siding panels is carried out everywhere. This phenomenon became almost widespread a few years ago. Characteristics and technical specifications such finishing panels are standard and practically do not differ from different manufacturers.

Currently, manufacturing companies are working on improving siding panels, improving not only specifications, but also extending the service life of manufactured finishing materials. Siding panels have different sizes, in addition, they are characterized different thickness, weight, length and width of each element. The disadvantages of such material are almost completely absent.

Material characteristic

High-quality vinyl siding has certain quality characteristics and technical parameters, which may vary slightly depending on the internal standards of the manufacturer.

Panels currently made on the basis of a wide variety of materials and representing a set of standard ones are called siding. Such a finishing material is used for arranging load-bearing frame. Manufacturing companies have been engaged in the production of finishing materials based on polyvinyl chloride for more than forty years.

This relatively cheap finishing system has undergone numerous improvements, resulting in changes in the technical parameters and material characteristics. Found to date wide use multi-layer technology, which is based on the creation of vinyl siding panels from several polymer masses. This technology contributes to finishing material some special characteristics.

Currently, the most common production option is the production of two-layer siding panels. In such panels, the thickness is almost three-quarters represented by the inner layer, which is responsible for the qualitative characteristics of strength, as well as the preservation of geometry, including dimensions. In addition, the length, width, weight and thickness of the panel remain unchanged.

The remaining quarter of the indicators of the total thickness of the material falls on the outer layer, which performs not only a protective function, but also has a high level of decorativeness, which makes it possible to give the structure a very presentable appearance.

Installation of vinyl siding (video)

Advantages and disadvantages

Vinyl siding has huge amount advantages, the main ones of which are represented by the following indicators:

  • panels have good resistance to impacts and other mechanical traumatic effects;
  • panels are characterized by a high coefficient of elasticity, as well as elasticity, which facilitates installation;
  • siding panels do not burn, which provides the building with high level fire safety;
  • panels perfectly resist intense UV radiation and do not fade in the open sun for a long time;
  • panels are waterproof, not afraid of rotting and fungi, the development of which is especially active in wet conditions;
  • vinyl siding is inert to aggressive influences chemical type, and acids and alkalis are not able to cause deformation of the panel;
  • vinyl siding has an internal structure that allows natural air circulation and promotes;
  • presence on the lower edge vinyl siding technological openings prevent accumulation of condensate;
  • vinyl siding belongs to the category of environmentally friendly and non-toxic materials;
  • Vinyl siding has increased resistance to dirt and external coloring pigments.

A feature of modern technological capacities guarantees all the advantages of the material and a wide variety of different color solutions. Vinyl siding can have a smooth texture or be an imitation of various natural materials, including wood, brick and. The advantages of the material, in addition, are affordable cost. The disadvantages of such material are practically absent, and the advantages make it popular.

Popular types

Currently, according to the purpose of operation, several varieties are distinguished.

  • used in the process of arranging a horizontal surface. Such an element may be solid, perforated only in the central part, or completely perforated. Each type of soffit has its own advantages.
  • Plinth vinyl siding panels, which are a short block layer with increased strength and having advantages for finishing the basement. The main advantages are that the width that each finishing layer has is standard, and the thickness is twice the standard parameters. The weight that each layer has is insignificant and does not require strengthening the foundation part.
  • Wall version of vinyl siding, designed for wall decoration. Most often used for vertical mounting. Panel weights are standard.

The most popular installation options for wall siding panels in our country are represented by several types:

  • vertical version of the installation of the material "Ship board", each layer of which has the weight and dimensions declared by the manufacturer;
  • vertical view of the installation of the material "Single herringbone", the layer of which has optimal self-assembly weight and dimensions;
  • vertical version of the installation of the material "Herringbone Double", the dimensions and weight that such a layer possesses are convenient for facade cladding;
  • vertical method of installing the material "Block house", each layer of which has a weight and dimensions declared by the manufacturer;
  • a vertical version of the installation of the “Under the log” material, the layer of which is ideal for simulating a wooden finish.

Each layer of material has a standard and visually clear marking that allows you to quickly and easily select the material. Dimensions, weight and other specifications may vary depending on the manufacturer.

Service life is at least thirty years. All material produced well-known manufacturers, corresponds to GOST. In addition, all additional elements produced for ease of installation also comply with GOST. The advantages of such material are undeniable, and the disadvantages are insignificant.


The technical parameters of vinyl siding are determined by the basic components and their characteristics. All quality and technical parameters, as well as the service life, depend on the presence in the composition:

  • polyvinyl chloride according to GOST - the basis of vinyl siding panels;
  • titanium dioxide according to GOST, which helps to stabilize the structure of materials, fix dyes and protect the siding from adverse external conditions;
  • calcium carbonate according to GOST, which is a structural filler;
  • butadiene according to GOST, which improves wear resistance and extends the service life or operation of the finishing material;
  • modifiers according to GOST, which increase the impact resistance of products;
  • concentrated dyes according to GOST, giving the siding panels the necessary color scheme;
  • lubricant components in accordance with GOST, providing sheet material perfect evenness and smoothness.

Types of components

The standard version of additional elements from different manufacturers varies slightly in size. The main components are presented:

  • starting bar;
  • J-bar;
  • H-shaped profile;
  • finishing bar;
  • platband.

Service life of vinyl siding (video)

Elements for include corners. In addition, elements for siding panels are best purchased original, released by the same manufacturer as the main panels. Installation of such finishing panels and components is carried out in strict accordance with standard instruction, which is developed by manufacturers of finishing materials.